ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries January 1996/41 Preservation News J a n e H e d b e rg NEH re s tru c tu re s On December 4 the National Endowment for the Humani­ ties (NEH) restructured to ac­ commodate an almost 40% reduction in its 1996 budget. The Endowment now will fo­ cus on four areas: support­ ing original scholarship; pre­ serving the American cultural heritage; providing learning opportunities for the nation’s teachers; and engaging the American public in the hu­ manities. The D ivision o f Preservation and Access remains to administer one program with one funding cycle (applica­ tion deadline July 1 , 1996). It will focus on three areas: preservation and access (which will in­ clude support for education and training, re­ gional field service programs, and research and demonstration projects); stabilization and docu­ mentation o f material culture collections; and the U.S. newspaper program. For more information, contact the NEH Pub­ lic Information Office, 1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W ., R oom 402, W ashington, DC 20506; phone: ( 202) 606- 8400; e-mail: AH IP p u b lis h e s im a g in g p a m p h le t The Getty Art History Information Program (A H IP) has produced and is distributing Intro­ duction to Imaging: Issues in Constructing an Image Database, by Howard Besser and Jenni­ fer Trant. This 48-page primer on the process o f transforming images into a useful digital da­ tabase covers basic definitions and techniques, the challenges presented by an evolving tech­ nology, and includes color illustrations, glos­ sary, and bibliography. An augmented, updated version is available on the W orld W ide W eb at http://www.ahip. Print copies are available for $7.95, plus $3.00 ship­ ping and handling, from the Getty Trust Publi­ cations Distribution Ctr., (800) 223-3431. For more information contact AHIP, 401 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100, Santa Monica, CA 90401; (310) 395-1025; e-mail: RLG p u b lis h e s im a g in g p ro c e e d in g s The Research Libraries Group has published RLG Digital Image Access Project, the proceed­ ings o f a symposium held in P alo Alto, California, March 31– April 1,1995 The symposium was designed to bring some o f the partici­ pants in two related digital imaging projects together with other experts in imag­ ing to review what had been learned and identify areas for future work. The two projects resulted in digital conversion o f 9,000 photos o f urban landscapes. Edited by Patricia McClung, the publication contains texts o f the presentations, summaries o f the resulting discussion, and a report on the Digital Image Technology Project, all o f which underscore the complexity o f suc­ cessful digital imaging, which requires intel­ lectual control and retrieval software, as well as technically sophisticated images. Copies are available for $20, plus $8 ship­ ping and handling, from Distribution Services Center, Research Libraries Group, Inc., 1200 Villa St., Mountain View, CA 94041-1100. (C op­ ies are distributed to RLG members automati­ cally.) For more information, contact Jennifer Hartzell at: (415) 691-2207; fax: (415) 964-0943; e-mail: A b b e y p u b lis h e s p e rm a n e n t p a p e r lis t Abbey Publications has produced a second edition o f North American Permanent Papers; 423 currently available papers meet U.S. stan­ dards for permanence, with 235 o f those con­ taining recycled fiber. Many o f the recycled pa­ pers are composed o f a mix o f new fiber and post-consumer waste, but a small percentage are composed o f 100% recycled fiber. This new edition also has updated chapters on paper per­ manence, testing, and standards. Copies are available for $19.50 from Abbey Publications, 7105 G eneva Dr., Austin, TX 78723; phone: (512) 929-3992; fax: (512) 929- 3995. ■ Jane Hedberg prepares this column f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation and Access. Submissions may be made to: Jane Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181; fa x: (617) 283-3640; e-mail: JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU. http://www.ahip mailto:JHEDBERG@WELLESLEY.EDU