ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 52/ C&RL News Public S e rvices Librarian B olog n a, Italy The Bologna Center of the Paul H. Nltze School ot Advanced International Studies, located In Bologna, Italy, seeks a Public Services Librarian The Center, the only full­ time graduate school of international relations in Europe, offers an interdisciplinary program of studies in international economics, politics and contemporary history and has a library of over 75.000 volumes and 1.000 periodicals and serials. Reporting to the Head Librarian, supervises all public service areas, including circulation/ reserve desk, reference services and Inter­ library loans. Trains staff and users in use of lib ra ry a u to m a tio n /In te rn e t resources. Explores and promotes use of new informa­ tion technologies Supervises IFTE and 10 student assistants. Requirements: MLS or equivalent. 2 years of professional experience in an academic library, strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively with col­ leagues and users in a rapidly changing multi­ c u ltu ra l e n v iro n m e n t. Know ledge of Internet/on-line database searching essential Bilingual English/Italian desired A competitive salary and benefits package is offered Please subm it le tte r of interest, resume and salary requirement to The Paul H. Nltze School of Advanced International Stu dies, J o h n * H opkins U n iversity, D irector of Human R esources, 1740 Massachusetts Ave, N.W., Washington, DC 20036. Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer & educator. Encourages applica­ tions from people of color and women S45 T h e P a u l H N il/ e S c h o o l o t A d v a n c e d In te r n a t io n a l S t u d ie s THES IACFDLISAESD D e a d lin e s : Orders fo r regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication o f the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.95 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.95 for others, Late job notices are $ 19.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $22.95 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $355 to $675 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G u id e lin e s : F o ra d s th a t list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fac­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. I n te r n e t: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approxi­ mately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News \s published. To reach C&RL N ew sN etlocate the University of Illinois at Chicago in the menu of all servers maintained on gopher at the University of Minnesota, Alternatively, connect your favorite gopher client directly to host '' 70". Select “The Library11 from the menu and then select “C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu, C o n ta c t: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RLNewsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312)280-2513;fax: (312) 280-7663or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: P olicy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications o r placement services com ply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants fo r employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to com ply with this policy. P O S IT IO N S O P E N C O O R D IN A T O R O F C O L L E C T IO N M A N A G E M E N T . Austin C o lle g e in vites applications for a fu ll-tim e p e rm a n e n t librarian position beg in ­ ning July 1, 1 9 9 6 . Responsibilities include oversig h t of the acq u isi­ tions a n d p rocessing of m ono g rap h s, p eriodicals, a n d g o vern m en t docum ents. Position sh a re s responsibilities w ith the other librarians fo r b ib lio g rap h ic instruction, co lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t, liaiso n with ac a d e m ic d ep a rtm e n ts , an d re feren ce d esk service, including so m e e ve n in g s an d w e e k e n d s . Q ualifications: R eq u ired : M L S from a n ALA - a ccred ited program , strong service orien tatio n , an d ex c e lle n t oral and written co m m u n icatio n skills; d esirab le: T w o y e a rs of e x p e rie n c e in relevan t a re a . C o m p e n s a tio n : $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 m inim um sa la ry a n d an attra c ­ tive b enefits p a c k a g e . C a n d id a te s should sen d le tte r o f application outlining p h ilosophy of library s ervice a t a liberal arts college, under­ g ra d u a te an d g ra d u a te transcripts, th re e letters of re fe re n c e a n d a re s u m e to: D avid J ordan, V P A A , A u s tin C o lle g e , 9 0 0 N. G ra n d Ave., S h erm an , T X 7 5 0 9 0 -4 4 4 0 . R e v ie w of applications to begin J a n u a ry 2 2 , 199 6 . Applications will b e a c c e p te d until th e position is filled. E O E /A A C O O R D IN A T O R O F P U B L IC S E R V IC E S . A ustin C o lle g e invites applications for a full-tim e p e rm a n e n t librarian position b eginning July 1, 1 9 9 6 . R esponsibilities in clude coordination of re fe re n c e service, oversight of circulation, interlibrary lo an , a n d d o cu m en t delivery. Position sh a re s responsibilities w ith th e o th e r librarians for biblio­ g ra p h ic instruction, collection dev e lo p m e n t, liaison with a c a d e m ic d e p artm en ts, an d re fe re n c e de s k service, including s o m e e ven in g s and w e e ken d s. Q ualifications: R eq u ired : M L S from an A L A -a c c re d ­ ited program , strong service orientation, an d ex c e lle n t oral a n d written co m m u n icatio n skills; d esirable: T w o y e a rs of ex p e rie n c e in relevan t a re a . C o m p e n s a tio n : $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 m in im u m s a la ry a n d a n attractive benefits p a ckag e. C an d id a te s should sen d le tte r o f application outlin­ ing philosophy of library s ervice a t a liberal a rts co lleg e, un d erg rad u ­ a te and g ra d u a te transcripts, th re e letters of re fe re n c e a n d a resu m e to: David Jordan, V P A A , A u s tin C o lle g e , 9 0 0 N . G ran d A ve., Sh erm an , T X 7 5 0 9 0 -4 4 4 0 R e v ie w of a p plications to begin J a n u a ry 2 2 , 199 6 . A pplications will b e a c c e p te d until th e position is filled. E O E /A A E N G IN E E R IN G /P H Y S IC A L S C IE N C E S L IB R A R IA N . A ssistant Li­ brarian I to V ( $ 2 9 , 5 3 2 - $ 3 8 , 1 0 8 ). A p p o in tm en t ra nk an d s a la ry b ased o n q u a lific a tio n s a n d e x p e rie n c e . T h e E n g in e e rin g /P h y s ic a l Sci- January 1996/53 HEAD OF THE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARY (Search Extended) University of Akron The University of Akron Libraries seek an individual with enthusiasm and vision for the position of Head of the Science and Technology (S&T) Library. The University of Akron (UA) is the third-largest state- assisted university in Ohio. It offers 26,000 day and evening students more than 230 associate, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs and 14 doctoral degree programs. UA libraries is an active participant in OhioLINK, a statewide information network linking the libraries of 41 state colleges, universities, and research schools. This 12-month, tenure-track faculty position reports to the Dean of the University Libraries. This individual will provide strong leadership and direction for the S&T Library, located in the Auburn Science & Engineering Center, and supporting the science disciplines of biology, chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, nursing, physics, and polymer science. JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Include coordination and management of the activities of three professional librarians and two support staff; responsibility for administrative and operating procedures in the S&T Library; collection development in the science library reference area with input from the other subject bibliographers and may perform collection development in appropriate science and engineering fields if needed; providing reference services and research assistance to the library’s clientele; preparing the departmental budget and as a member of the Department Heads Advisory Group participating in university libraries planning and policy making; representing the needs and interests of the S&T Library to the university libraries administration; participatingin faculty committees, university governance, and in local, state, and national organizations. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited master’s degree; a minimum of two years in a science, technical, or medical library setting. At least five years of progressively responsible professional experience with demonstrated library management and/or supervisory skills, preferably in an academic setting. Experi­ ence in collection development and management, preferably with emphasis in a scientific subject area. Strong organizational ability; excellent interpersonal, oral, and written communication skills, with evidence of flexibility and the ability to foster a strong team environment. Evidence of a commitment to responsive library service and an understanding of the scientific research process in a university setting. An ability to communicate effectively with faculty, students, and staff of diverse cultural backgrounds. Demon­ strated knowledge of computer systems and electronic databases. DESIRED: A bachelor’s degree in a science or technology field and/or a second advanced degree, preferably in a subject-related discipline. Knowledge of issues and trends in information services and collection management in the science and technology area. Professional growth as demonstrated by publications, committee work, presentations, professional memberships, and awards. Experience in a large academic library. Subject expertise in one or more of the following areas; chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, physics, or polymer science. Initial salary will be between $35,000 and $45,000, with faculty rank assigned commensurate with experience. Benefits include 22 annual vacation days, excellent health and retirement plans, and tuition remission for self and immediate family. Please send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Delm us E. W illiam s Dean, University Libraries University of Akron Akron, OH 44325-1709 Review of applications will begin on February 1,1996, and will continue until the position is filled. The University o f Akron is an equal education a nd em ployment institution. ences Librarian develops and provides specialized inform ation ser­ vices to s ci/tech facu lty, a cad em ic researchers, staff, and students; is responsible fo r collection developm ent and m anagem ent in as­ signed subjects, fo r cultivating and m aintaining strong w orking rela­ tionships with faculty, and fo r d eveloping and providing instructional services and m odules in engineering and oth e r physical science disciplines. Shares in providing reference desk service (10– 15 hours per week), instruction, and database search services a t the Physical Sciences Library. Explores and prom otes applications of new infor­ mation technologies fo r engineering inform ation services. Partici­ p ates as a team m em ber in the operation of the Physical Sciences Library and in librarywide responsibilities. Reports to the Head o f the Physical S cie nce s Library. Q u a lifica tio n s in clu de a gra du ate degree in librarianship from an A LA-accredited institution o r its equivalent. 54/C&RL News Broad know ledge o f sci/tech to p ics and fam ilia rity with engin eering literature. Excellent and d em onstrated g rasp o f inform ation n eeds of scientists and engineers and o f the application o f inform ation te ch ­ nologies, including an u nd erstan ding o f cu rre nt d evelopm ents and trends. Fam iliarity w ith electronic inform ation resources, including tho se a vailable on the Internet, and basic com puting skills. S uperior oral and w ritten co m m unication skills a nd in terpersonal skills; e xcel­ lent a nalytical and o rg anizational skills. A b ility to w o rk effectively with co lle ag u es and library users in a rapidly changing, com plex, and m u lticu ltu ra l e nviron m e n t. D e m o nstra ted in itia tive a nd fle xib ility. T e a c h in g a b ility. S tron g co m m itm e n t to p u b lic s e rvice a s w e ll as a bility to perform w o rk requiring attention to detail. D esirable: A ca ­ d em ic b ackground in e ngineering/physical scie nce s a nd /or e xperi­ ence in providing a ccess to sci/tech in form ation in an academ ic research e nvironm ent, and w ell-de velop ed com puting skills. The Physical Scie nce s L ibrary is a branch library serving the inform ation needs in th e dis cip lin es of e ng ineering, chem istry, geology and physics. T he staff consists o f fo u r librarians and 8.5 FTE staff. The co llection co m p rise s o ve r 300 ,00 0 volum es, including 4 ,600 currently received serials. App lica n ts should send letter, resum e, and the nam es, a d d re sse s, and te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e re feren ces (including cu rre n t su pervisor) to: S a n d ra A. V e lla , A c a d e m ic P e r­ s o n n e l C o o rd in a to r, S h ie ld s L ib ra ry , U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , D a vis, C A 9 5 6 1 6 -5 2 9 2 ; p h o n e : (9 1 6) 7 52 -1 1 3 8 ; fa x: (9 1 6 ) 7 52 - 6 8 9 9 . T h is p o s itio n is c o v e re d by a c o lle c tiv e b a rg a in in g a g re e ­ m e n t. A pp lica tio ns received by F ebruary 2, 1996 will be assured consideration. The U niversity o f C alifo rn ia is an equal opportun ity/ affirm ative action em ployer. HEAD, CA T A LO GIN G D EPA R TM EN T. F urm an U nive rsity Library seeks an in dividual to s upervise the C ataloging D epartm ent (twp FTE Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Profes­ sional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended fo r governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Sur­ vey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Resources. Connecticut Delaware Illinois Indiana Iowa Louisiana Maine Massachusetts New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Texas Vermont West Virginia Wisconsin $31,273 $22,500+ $27,400# varies* $24,533 $22,000 varies* $27,554* $30,128 varies* $24,367+ $25,198+ $23,700* $28,000 varies* $20,000 $26,000 $23,846 $22,000 $25,830 * R a the r than e sta b lish one sta te w id e sa lary m inim um , som e state a s s o cia tio n s h ave a do p te d a fo rm u la b ase d on such v a ri­ a b le s as co m p a ra b le s a la rie s fo r p u b lic sch o o l te a c h e rs in each co m m u n ity o r the g ra d e le vel o f a p ro fe ssio n a l lib ra ria n post. In th e se ca ses, you m ay w ish to co n ta c t th e state a s so cia tio n fo r m inim um s a la ry in form atio n . +S a la ry m inim um s fo r public librarians only. #Option fo r local form ula. January 1996/55 U o fL UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN The University o f Louisville invites applications and nominations for the position o f University Librarian. Tracing its roots to 1798, the University o f Louisville is a Carnegie Research II, state-supported, urban institution with more than 21,0000 students, 1200 full­ time faculty, and a new university president. Louisville has an attractive cultural life and is consistently rated as one o f the most livable cities in the U.S. The University Libraries is an academic unit composed o f a central library, a health sciences library, a science and engineering library, a music library, an art library, and a university archives. The unit employees 43 librarians and archivists and 88 staff and contains more than 1,100,000 volumes. The libraries have taken a leadership role in promoting information liter­ acy for faculty, students and staff and in integrating new information technologies into aca­ demic information services for the University. The libraries have recently published A New Vision for the University Libraries and are working with a consultant to design a new, more flexible organizational structure that is in harmony with the goals and objectives o f the New Vision. For ad d ition al in fo rm a tio n about the U n iversity L ibraries, visit the w eb site at The University Librarian has the status o f a dean, reports to the Provost and serves as a mem­ ber o f the President’s Executive Cabinet. The Librarian provides vision and leadership for library and information services. R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : The University Librarian provides administrative leadership for the libraries and is responsible for their operational management. The Librarian is accountable for a budget o f more than $10 million, provides general direction for overall library programs and services, oversees the application o f information technologies in support o f library ser­ vices, coordinates strategic planning for the libraries, promotes strong academic and commu­ nity relationships, and provides direction for the libraries’ development program. Q U A L I F I C A T IO N S : Candidates must present appropriate advanced degree(s) and a record o f progressively responsible administrative experience in an academic library or a similar envi­ ronment. Candidates must also demonstrate a clear understanding o f the evolving role o f the academic research library and evidence o f strong and innovative leadership skills. Candidates must have excellent communication skills and be able to establish and maintain effective rela­ tionships with administrators, faculty, staff, students and the university's extended community. H I G H L Y D E S IR A B L E Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S : successful experience in integrating new information technologies into library services, substantial experience with fiscal management and fund raising, and a record o f appropriate scholarship and professional achievement. Applications from minorities and women are encouraged. The University o f Louisville is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, committed to cultural diversity. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience and qualifications. Review o f applica­ tions will begin on January 18, 1996. The position is available July 1, 1996. Send letter o f nomination or application, curriculum vitae and the names, addresses, and tele­ phone numbers o f at least five references to: D ia n e N ic h o ls , C h a ir, U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ria n Search C o m m itte e , O ffic e o f th e U n iv e rs ity P ro v o s t, 2 0 1 G raw em eyer H a ll, U n iv e rs ity o f L o u is v ille , L o u is v ille , K Y 4 0 2 9 2 . e -m a il: d m n ic h o l@ u lk y v m .lo u is v ille .e d u support staff), m anage the co py cataloging p rocess fo r m onographic items, and a ssum e re sp o n s ib ility fo r o rig in a l and co m p le x co p y cataloging o f m onographs and oth e r m edia, including maps, scores, sound recordings, and vid eo recordings. Required: ALA-accredited m a ster’s d eg re e; kn ow led g e o f te ch n ica l lib ra ry o p e ra tio n s w ith special e m p h a sis on p rin cip le s o f c a ta lo g in g using A A C R 2, LC classification, and LCSH; a bility to supervise subordinates and to com m unicate library policies and procedures clearly and tactfully; dem onstrated analytical and p roblem -solving ability; o ne y e a r directly related experience. Desired: Second m a ster’s o r o th e r advanced degree; e xperience using an online b ibliographic utility, such as OCLC; a nd fam ilia rity w ith an in te g ra te d o nline lib ra ry system , such as INNOPAC. Salary negotiable, but not less than $28,000 fo r 12 months, d epending upon education and experience. Send letter of inquiry to: A nn Bryant, Adm inistrative Secretary, Jam es B. Duke Library, Furm an University, G reenville, SC 29613; (803) 294-2191; e-mail: bryant_ an n/furm an@ furm T o receive full co nsid e r­ ation, a pplications should be com plete by January 31 ‚ 1996. A A/EOE. IN FO RM A TIO N M A N A G EM EN T SYSTEM S C O O R D IN A T OR . Dana M edical L ibrary seeks an Inform ation M anagem ent S ystem s C o ordi­ n ato r to p rovide tech n olo g y su pp ort fo r m edical inform atics in the Acad e m ic Medical C enter, the University o f Verm ont, and the state. Additional responsibilities include teaching, reference service, re­ se arch, p ro fe ssio n a l se rvice , a nd d e p a rtm e n ta l liaison a ctivitie s. Required: A LA -accredited MLS; tw o ye ars cu rre nt e xperience in com p ute r technology w ith netw orking focus, o r com parable education and training; w illingness to w o rk on a collegial level w ith o th e r faculty; dem onstrated com m unication skills. Preferred: Medical library e xpe ­ rience, h ea lth scie n ce s backg ro un d . W e a ctive ly se e k a pp lica n ts from diverse cultural and eth nic backgrounds. Faculty status, e xcel­ lent benefits. A pply w ith nam es and phone num bers o f three refer­ e nces to: Search, D ana Medical Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. EOE/AA. LIBRA RY IN STR U C T IO N C O O R D IN A T O R /R EFE R E N C E LIB R A R ­ IAN. Colum bia College C hicago Library is seeking an e nergetic and 56/C&RL News DEAN OF LIBRARIES Colorado State University is seeking a creative and forward-looking Dean of Libraries with an understand­ ing of scholarly process and instructional needs of faculty, staff, and students and with the ability to provide strong leadership in a shared decision-making environment. The university, a major land grant institution and a Carnegie I comprehensive research university, consists of eight academic colleges, a graduate school, and a professional veterinary medicine program, with an enrollment of about 22,000 students and a faculty and staff of approximately 1,400. The Dean of Libraries, the chief administrative officer for the libraries, is a member of the Deans’ Council; is responsible for five facilities with aggregate holdings of over two million volumes; a staff of approximately 40 professional librarians with faculty rank in the university and approximately 100 support personnel; and a budget of over $8.5 million. The libraries hold membership in the Association of Research Libraries, OCLC, CARL Alliance, and the Greater Midwest Research Libraries Consortium and support the 36 Ph.D. programs at Colorado State University. The libraries are in the midst of a building expansion totaling $20 million and are migrating to INNOPAC. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: 1. MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution is required. An advanced degree beyond the MLS degree is preferred. 2. At least five years of progressively responsible administrative academic or research library experience required, including budget and personnel management. 3. A record of scholarly and professional achievement that would qualify the individual for tenure at the level of professor. 4. Substantive leadership in integrating emerging information technology into the library environment. 5. Ability to interact effectively with all segments of the academic community, donors to Colorado State University, peer institutions, and to serve the needs of Colorado, the nation, and the world. 6. Excellent leadership, interpersonal, and analytical skills. Effective written and oral skills. 7. Commitment to and experience in achieving diversity goals and objectives. 8. Experience in managing effective organizational change preferred. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application, a current resume, a statement of leadership philosophy and related qualifications, along with the names, addresses, phone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of five references, to: John C. Raich, Chair Search C om m ittee for Dean of Libraries College of Natural Sciences Colorado State University Ft. Collins, CO 80523 Telephone: (970) 491-6864 Complete applications must be postmarked by March 1 ‚ 1996. However, the search may be extended if a suitable candidate is not identified. The university expects to extend an offer for this position by July 1, 1996, and fill the position shortly thereafter. The Colorado Open Records Act permits the university to treat applications as confidential to a limited extent. Applicants must make a written request for confidentiality to receive this protection. However, despite such a request, applications and other records submitted by or on behalf of finalists must be made available by the university for public inspection upon demand. “Finalists” are persons who are selected for interviews. Colorado State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer and com plies with a ll federal and Colorado laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding affirmative action requirements. The Office o f Equal Opportunity is located in room 21 Spruce Hall. In order to assist Colorado State University in m eeting its affirmative action responsibilities, ethnic minorities, women, a nd other protected class members are encouraged to apply a nd to so identify themselves. January 1996/57 LIBRARY INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN/ REFERENCE LIBRARIAN The Madden Library of the California State University, Fresno The Madden Library of the California State University, Fresno, is seeking a creative, energetic, and knowledgeable librarian with experience in library instruction, familiarity with new techniques and trends in library instruction, familiarity with library technology, and a willingness and aptitude in dealing with faculty and students. Position reports to the Head of Reference. JOB TITLE: Library Instruction Librarian/Reference Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Planning, implementing, and evaluating the library’s instructional program. Teach­ ing group sessions; coordinating all library instruction activities; scheduling instructional activities; developing and preparing library teaching aids. Working collegially with teaching faculty on library instruction programs; reaching out to teaching faculty to expand the library instruction program; developing new library instruction applications of technology, Working at the reference desk (including some evening and weekend hours) and other reference department activities as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school (or equivalent). At least three years professional experience in academic library instruction post-MLS. Professional experience in an aca­ demic library reference service. Thorough knowledge of, and experience in using, printed and electronic reference resources and online services. Strong oral and written communication skills. Ability to work productively, cooperatively, and collegially. Demonstrated ability to meet the university’s requirements for promotion and tenure. SALARY: Minimum $41,184. To ensure full consideration, submit a letter of application by February 9,1996, to: William Heinlen Chair, Library Instruction Librarian Search Committee California State University, Fresno Henry Madden Library 5200 N. Barton Fresno, CA 93740-0034 CSUF is an EO/AA employer. creative individual to assume responsibility fo r leading an established, successful bibliographic instruction program employing both tradi­ tional methods and new technologies. Responsibilities: The success­ ful candidate will direct the library instruction program and coordinate the delivery of instructional services to the college community by working closely with other librarians and the faculty. The Coordinator plans, implements, promotes, conducts, and evaluates library instruc­ tional programs. In addition, participates in collection developm ent and faculty liaison activities, and provides general reference desk coverage and associated reference services. Includes some evening hours. Qualifications: Requires ALA-accredited MLS; three or more years of reference experience in an academic library; significant experience with bibliographic instruction, including supervisory expe­ rience; exceptional interpersonal, oral, and written communications skills; knowledge of printed and electronic information resources, including the Internet; and a commitm ent to service. Environment: Columbia College is an urban, open-admissions institution of over 7,700 undergraduate and graduate students, emphasizing arts and com m unications in a liberal education setting. The library has a staff of 31 (13 librarians) and participates in ILLINET Online, a statewide, automated system for circulation, public access, and resource shar­ ing. Salary and benefits: C om m ensurate with qualifications and experience. Comprehensive benefits package including tuition remis­ sion. Applications: Send letter o f application, resume, and names and addresses of three references (no phone calls o r walk-ins please) to: Library Search, Columbia College Library, 600 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60605. M/F/D/V EOE. LIBRARIAN, OFF-CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES. Central Michigan University. Provides reference assistance, library user education, and local library referral services to Central Michigan University College of Extended Learning students, faculty, administrators, and staff in­ volved with graduate-level credit courses. Serves the western regions of the U.S., Canada, Hawaii, as well as an emerging number of international sites including Mexico. Travel to these locations is required to provide onsite bibliographic instruction. Marketing of the off-campus library program is a key elem ent of the position. The individual in this position also serves as the Planner/Coordinator of the CMU Off-Campus Library Services Conference, an international, biennial meeting. Minimum qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school and two years of professional experience in a public services setting beyond the date of degree granting. Knowl­ edge and experience in using print as well as electronic resources for literature searching, including CD-ROMs, online databases, and the Internet. Demonstrated experience in planning and delivery of library user instruction; evidence o f excellent written and oral communica­ tion, strong interpersonal skills; flexibility and desire to work in a demanding, rapidly changing technological environment; willingness to travel by airplane and work a flexible schedule are required. Preferred qualifications: Reference experience with social sciences, administration, and/or health services literature; conference/meeting planning background; and experience with microcomputing. Oral and written Spanish language proficiency helpful fo r international site visits and student reference assistance. Salary commensurate with qualifications, minimum $33,000. Position is a 12-month appointment based in Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. Excellent fringe benefits. Submit letter of application addressing qualifications for the position, resume, and names, titles, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Chairperson, Selection Committee, 207 Park Library, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Ml 48859. Position is available January 8, 1996. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Review of candidates’ files will begin in mid-January 1996. Central Michigan University (AA/EO institution) encourages diversity and resolves to provide equal opportunity regardless of race, 58/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES State University of New York College at Cortland SUNY College at Cortland seeks a creative and dynamic leader with excellent interpersonal skills to administer the college library in a time of transformation. Reporting to the Associate Vice President for Information Resources, the Director of Libraries is part of a management team responsible for a comprehensive program of information and technology services to the college. The Director administers all aspects of a user-oriented library of 375,000 volumes, with staff of 12 librarians and 24 support personnel, committed to teaching students to identify, locate, and evaluate information in traditional and electronic forms. The Director must have a vision for a service-oriented, forward-looking library and must be an effective advocate for the library; understand and introduce new technologies; and communicate effectively with faculty, staff, and administration to assure that the library plays an integral role in the curriculum. The Director must understand the library’s role in a comprehensive liberal arts institution and the impact of new technologies on higher education and information resources. The library is automated in a clustered environment with other SUNY libraries and shares access to a network of CD-ROM databases. The library, which includes a Teaching Materials Center and an Electronic Media Center is a partial government depository. SUNY Cortland, located in picturesque central New York about 25 miles from Syracuse and Ithaca, is a liberal arts college with an enrollment of 6,000 that has a strong commitment to undergraduate instruction and selected master's programs. Additional information about SUNY Cortland can be found on the WWW: QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS and additional completed advanced degree required. Demon­ strated leadership abilities, strong oral and written communication skills, and experience with new technologies required. Academic library experience with a minimum of five years progressively respon­ sible management experience in libraries required. Successful experience working with library strategic planning, budget development, public relations; record of leadership in a collaborative collegial environ­ ment; demonstrated commitment to fostering the professional development of others; the ability to serve as an advocate and spokesperson for the library’s educational mission; and a record of active professional participation also required. A statement of the role of the academic library in the college community now and in the future is required in the application packet. Minimum salary: $55,000. The preferred starting date for the position is August 1 ‚ 1996, or earlier if mutually acceptable. Review of applications will begin mid-February, 1996, and will continue until the position is filled. Interested candidates should submit letter, resume, a statement of the library’s role, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of five references to: Paula N. Warnken Associate Vice President for Inform ation Resources P.O. Box 2000 SUNY College at Cortland Cortland, NY 13045 Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. SU NY Cortland is an AA/EEO employer and does not discriminate in employment o r the provision o f services on the basis o f disability. sex, d isab ility, sexual o rientation, o r o th e r irreleva nt crite ria . CM U is a state institution with an enrollm ent of approxim ately 16,000 on- cam pus students and an off-cam pus student body of about 12,000. PHYSICAL SCIEN CES LIBRARIAN. California State University, Long Beach. Provides a full range o f professional services to students and instructional faculty in a highly automated general reference environm ent: instruction, collection developm ent, refer­ e nce/consultation. Appointm ent will be made a t the Senior Assistant o r A ssociate Librarian rank ($38,016–$ 78,588). A detailed position description and application materials are available from the Univer­ sity Library & Learning Resources Adm inistrative Office, (310) 985- 7839. An equal opportunity, affirmative action, title IX employer. PSYCH OLOGY/PHILOSOPHY REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Illinois State University’s M ilner Library seeks creative, energetic librarian for its Education/Psychology/Teaching M aterials Division. Full-tim e, 12- m onth, te n u re -tra ck positio n . R e spo n sib ilitie s include traditional, online (including Internet), and CD-ROM reference service in the division, with special em phasis on psychology, as well as education and philosophy; collection developm ent and m aintenance of psychol­ ogy, philosophy, and religion-related collections: bibliographic in­ struction; facu lty liaison; a dm inistratio n ; and participa tio n in library and u n ive rsity g overnance. Q ua lifica tio ns: ALA-a ccre dite d MLS; knowledge of psychology, philosophy, and religion materials; appro­ priate reference and classroom skills; library instruction and collection developm ent experience relating to psychology; at least five years academ ic library experience; supervisory or adm inistrative grounding and experience with electronic databases highly desirable. A second advanced degree is required fo r tenure o r appointm ent beyond the rank o f instructor. Library faculty must dem onstrate a record of scholarly achievem ent and service fo r tenure and promotion. Univer­ sity and library: Illinois State U n ive rsity has 2 0,000 stud e nts, is located in the medium -sized urban area o f Normal/Bloomington. January 1996/59 HEAD OF COPY CATALOGING UNIT University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill AVAILABLE: February 1, 1996. DESCRIPTION: The Academic Libraries at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill seek an energetic and creative individual to provide leadership for the Copy Cataloging Unit within the Catalog Department, including training, supervision, and evaluation of all staff members assigned to the unit. The unit includes 11.5 paraprofessionals plus part-time student employees. The unit head also participates in departmental planning and management which includes procedure development and policy making, and coordinates the unit’s work with that of other units throughout the library. New monographs are cataloged using records found in the OCLC database. Library of Congress classification and subject headings are used. The libraries use the DRA system to provide bibliographic access to the collections. The individual in this position should combine the technical knowledge and experience described with the ability to evaluate procedures and policies in light of technological changes and services available. The goal must be to enhance services to users by placing the greatest possible number of new books on library shelves as efficiently and quickly as possible. This provides an opportunity to create an ideal combination of traditional and innovative methods to reach that goal through creative use of today’s technology and effective leadership and motivational skills. THE UNIVERSITY AND THE LIBRARIES: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the country’s oldest state university. It has an enrollment of some 24,000 students, employs more than 2,200 faculty, and offers the Ph.D. in 62 fields. The Academic Libraries hold over 3.7 million volumes and 3.2 million microforms. The library is a member of SOLINET, the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN), and is a NACO participant. The TRLN libraries, including the Health Sciences and Law libraries at Chapel Hill plus the libraries at Duke University, North Carolina Central University, and North Carolina State University, have combined collections of over ten million volumes. The Triangle region is rated among the most desirable areas in North America to live and work. The location of Chapel Hill permits visits to mountains o r seashore, Washington or Atlanta, even on weekends. In addition, activities for people of all ages and areas of interest abound within fifty miles of the campus. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS with at least three years of increasingly responsible professional experience in cataloging utilizing a bibliographic utility, including at least one year of supervisory experience. Knowledge of MARC format, AACR2, LC classification, and LC subject headings. Strong communication and interpersonal skills. Preferred: Experience with OCLC and Data Research Associates bibliographic access system; knowledge of one or more western European languages. SALARY AND BENEFITS: 12-month academic librarian appointment with a minimum annual salary of $33,000. Standard state benefits of annual leave, sick leave, and state or TIAA/CREF retirement plan. DEADLINE FOR APPLICATION: For priority consideration, applications should be received by January 2,1996. Applications will continue to be considered until the position is filled. TO APPLY: Send a letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current, professional references to: Barbara A. DeLon Library Personnel Officer CB# 3900, Davis Library University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890 Art equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. D o ctorate s are o ffe re d in S chool P sycho lo gy, as w e ll as th re e in the C ollege o f E ducation. M ilner L ibrary has a staff o f 110, including 34 p ro fe s s io n a ls , o v e r 1.3 m illio n v o lu m e s , a n d a m a te ria ls b u d g e t o f $ 2 m illio n . It is o rg a n iz e d in to fiv e b ro a d s u b je c t d iv is io n s on s ix flo o r s . T h e d iv is io n its e lf h o u s e s e d u c a tio n , lib ra ry scie nce , p h ysica l e du catio n , re cre atio n , d ance, p sych o l­ ogy, re lig io n, and p h ilo so p h y m a terials, as w e ll as a 7 0,0 00 - volum e m u ltim e d ia K -12 T e a ch in g M a te ria ls C e n te r and an e x te n ­ sive te s t co lle ctio n . S alary: $ 3 0 ,0 0 0 – $ 40 ,0 0 0 range; n eg otia b le d e p en d in g on e d u ca tio n and e x pe rie n ce. R ank: A ssista n t o r A sso c ia te Pro fe sso r. P re fe rred b e g in ning date: M ay 1, 1996, o r e a rlie r. A p p lica tio n d e a d lin e : F e brua ry 1 5 ,1 9 9 6 . T o a pp ly: Submit le tte r of application, resum e, and nam es o f a t le ast three references to: P sychology Search Com m ittee, Attn: C heryl Elzy, M ilner Library, Illinois State University, C am pus Box 8900, N orm al, IL 61790- 8900. EOE/AA e m p loye r e ncouraging diversity. 60/C&RL News CURRICULUM/JUVENILE LIBRARIAN AND EDUCATION BIBLIOGRAPHER California State University, Fresno California State University is seeking an energetic, creative librarian with a background and interest in the field of library resources and services for education to be the head of its Curriculum/Juvenile Library and provider of collection development and liaison services to the School of Education. Position reports to the Associate University Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: Supervision of the juvenile literature and pre-K– 12 curriculum library, including collection development; preparation of bibliographies, reading lists, etc.; supervision of a Library Assistant III; library instruction (tours, lectures, etc.). Liaison (especially in the field of education collection development) with the faculty of the School of Education. Library instruction (in coordination with the Library Instruction Librarian) in the field of education. Ten hours of general reference (desk) work each week. This may involve weekend and evening hours. Liaison with the Curator of the Arne Nixon Center for the Study of Children’s Literature. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school (or equivalent). At least three years professional experience in an academic library (preferably in an education-related field). Knowledge of general printed and electronic reference resources and online services; the needs of pre-K to 12 teacher training programs; trends and issues in educational research. Demonstrated interest in, and knowledge of, children’s literature. Strong communication skills. Ability to work productively, cooperatively, and collegially. Demonstrated ability to meet the university’s requirements for promotion and tenure. SALARY: Minimum $41,184. To ensure full consideration, submit a letter of application by February 9,1996, to: Bertina Richter Chair, Curriculum /Juvenile Librarian Search Com m ittee California State University, Fresno Henry Madden Library 5200 N. Barton Fresno, CA 93740-0034 CSUF is an EO/AA employer. R E FERENCE/ELECTR ON IC RESOU RCES LIBRA RIAN. Pacific University is seeking an e nergetic reference librarian with experience in an academ ic library. As a m em ber o f the self-directed Library Managem ent Team , the candidate will work with all mem bers o f the library staff in guiding the continued integration of new information technologies into the library’s strong public service mission. Respon­ sibilities: Provides general reference and electronic resource guid­ ance in a networked environm ent; devises, im plements, and evalu­ ates an aggressive program of user education fo r students and faculty; provides collection m anagem ent and serves as a liaison fo r academ ic departm ents in the hum anities; represents the library to academ ic groups and consortia. As a member o f the Library M anagem ent Team, candidate will be jo in tly responsible fo r adm inistering the library. Q ualifications: Required: An MLS from an A LA-accredited institution; dem onstrated reference and teaching experience; evidence of strong com m unication and interpersonal skills; current knowledge o f emerg­ ing inform ation technologies and the ir impact on library users; lead­ ership abilities; and a com m itm ent to participatory management. Successful candidate will have initiative, a creative approach to problem solving, and fle xibility in a dapting to the constantly changing inform ation e n viron m e n t o f a sm all a cadem ic library. Preferred: Collection m anagem ent in the humanities, experience in team m an­ agement. Full-tim e 12-month faculty rank position. Faculty rank and salary w ill be depen d en t on q u a lifica tio ns and p rio r e xperience ($30,000 per y e a r m inim um ). C om petitive benefits package including full tuition remission fo r dependents/spouse. Pacific University, founded in 1849, is a small liberal arts university with selective graduate program s in the health sciences. Forest G rove is a small tow n at the western edge of the Portland metro area, an hour’s drive from the Oregon coast. A pplications with co ver letter, three references, and a critical review o f a favorite W W W site may be sent to: Sue Kopp, Search C om m ittee Chair, Harvey W. Scott Memorial Library, Pacific University, 2043 College W ay, Forest Grove, OR 97116; e-mail: Review o f applications w ill begin in February, 1996, with a projected starting date of Ju ly 1 ‚ 1996. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Dawes M emorial Library, Marietta College, seeks an experienced and e nergetic librarian to join its adm inistrative team. Marietta College, a nationally recognized liberal arts institution, is located in a historic southeastern O hio River tow n. This position affords the opportunity to w ork in a team environ­ ment where creativity and new program initiatives are encouraged. The person in this position is responsible fo r providing reference services (evening and weekend rotation), developing the reference collection, and directing and evaluating the instruction program, which involves teaching and designing instructional materials. This person supervises three FTE support staff in reference, instruction, and access sen/ices and reports to the College Librarian. Dawes Library m aintains a collection o f 250,000+ volum es and nonprint materials and recently im plem ented an Innovative Interfaces Inc. integrated library system . Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. Two years experience in academ ic reference services preferred. Must have knowledge o f a variety o f print and electronic resources (online catalog, CD-ROMS, online databases). Demonstrated ability to teach, with effective com m unication, organizational, and interpersonal skills essential. Minim um salary of $27,000 fo r 12 m onths, w ith com pensa­ tion dependent on education and experience. Tenure-track position carries faculty rank and 20 vacation days plus benefits package. R eview of applications begins February 20, 1996. Preferred starting date is Ju ly 1 ‚ 1996. Please send a current resume and nam es o f three references to: S andra B. Neyman, College Librarian, Dawes Library, Marietta College, Marietta, OH 45750. Marietta College is an equal opportunity and affirm ative action educator and employer. Women and m inorities a re encouraged to apply. January 1996/61 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND AT COLLEGE PARK The University of Maryland at College Park seeks to fill the position of Director of Libraries and invites applications from and nominations of individuals with library or other information-related administrative experience. The University of Maryland at College Park, the state’s land grant university and the flagship campus of the state system, is a Carnegie Class I research institution offering a full range of graduate and undergraduate programs. The university is proud of its success in attracting a diverse faculty and student body, and it welcomes and encourages applications from women and minority candidates. The Director of Libraries reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost and is expected to provide vision and leadership for a campus complex of seven libraries (Theodore McKeldin, Architecture, Art, Chemistry, Engineering and Physical Sciences, Undergraduate, and Music). The libraries, with an annual budget of approximately $14.2 million, employ 210 permanent staff, and include holdings of more than 2.5 million volumes and 26,000 current serials. The successful candidate will be charged with managing the transition from a predominantly print to an expanded electronic environment; building, preserving, and providing access to the general collections that support the campus’ academic priorities; providing education and assistance to the academic community in the use of library services; enhancing access to special collections of important research materials; improving and expanding the libraries’ physical facilities; and spearheading the drive for improved funding for campus libraries. The Director also plays a central role in the intellectual life of the campus, participating fully in discussions with faculty and students on a wide range of subjects, and extending and strengthening the broad connections between the libraries and the larger academic community. As Director of the largest library in the University of Maryland system, the Director occupies a critical place in the statewide library system. The library plays a central role in OCLC and is a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the Research Libraries Group, and the Center for Research Libraries. The Director also shapes relationships with the National Archives (on the campus) and other nearby prominent libraries (e.g., the Library of Congress, the National Library of Medicine, the National Agricultural Library, the Folger Shakespeare Library). Applicants should present appropriate advanced degree(s) and a distinguished record. In addition, candidates will be expected to show evidence of the potential for problem solving, creative leadership, and managerial vision consonant with the direction of an enterprise of this magnitude and complexity. The salary will be competitive and will be commensurate with qualifications. The desired date of appointment is July 1 ‚ 1996. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled. For best consideration, applications should be received by February 1,1996. Nominations or letters of application explaining interest in and qualifications fo r the position, a curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references should be sent to: Ira Berlin, Chair Library D irector Search C om m ittee College of Arts and Hum anities 1102 Francis Scott Key Hall University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 R EFERENCE/IN TER LIB RARY LOAN LIBRA RIAN. Hillsdale Col­ lege. Duties: Provision o f full range o f traditional as well a s e lectronic reference services. M anages all aspects o f in terlibrary loan services. Q u a lifica tio ns in clu de A L A -a ccre dite d M LS, e xpe rie n ce in sm all liberal arts college preferred, interest o r e xperience in archival m an­ agement desirable. Salary negotiable based upon experience and qualifications, with m inim um o f $ 25,000 fo r 12-month contract. Posi­ tion a vailab le now. A p p lica tio n s a ccep ted until p ositio n is filled. Submit application letter and nam es of three references to: Dan Joldersm a, Library Director, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Ml 49242. The M ossey Library has ju st com pleted a m ajor building expansion and has recently installed an Innovative autom ated library system. Hillsdale College is a small liberal arts college located in south-central Michigan, dedicated to the pursuit of the traditional liberal arts w ithin a Judeo-Christian context. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . C a rn eg ie M ellon U n ive rsity Libraries seek a creative, innovative librarian fo r the H unt Library Information Center. T he Hunt Library serves the College of H um anities & Social Sciences, the College o f Fine Arts, the G raduate School of Industrial Adm inistration, and the H. John Heinz III School o f Public P olicy and Managem ent. M ajor responsibility is to p rovide liaison and collection developm ent services fo r the psychology departm ent; also respon­ sible fo r philosophy departm ent, gender and ethnic studies collection, and shares responsibility fo r linguistics. M ust be able to work com fort­ ably in a com puter-intensive e nvironm ent on a variety o f com puter platform s (i.e., Mac, DOS, W indow s, and UNIX) and be able to apply new inform ation technologies in reference services. Responsibilities: Include re feren ce d e sk 14 h ours p e r w e ek (rota ting nights and w eekends), faculty liaison, collection developm ent, provision o f sub­ je ct resource inform ation on the W W W , and participation in library 62/C&RL News U R REFER E ENCE LIBRAR N I V E G R S I I S IAN T Y The Regis University libraries seek a colleague for their proactive team of service-oriented reference librarians. Responsibilities include reference assistance, bibliographic instruction for both undergraduate and graduate programs, online searching, and contributions to the development of electronic resources on RegisNet, the university network. Also serves as a bibliographer in several subject areas. Participates in the university governance bodies. Some evening and weekend hours. QUALIFICATIONS: Thorough knowledge of print and electronic resources, including the Internet, in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences; ability to relate to a diverse clientele; solid teaching skills; strong commitment to quality service and teamwork; effective communication skills; and ability to thrive in an institution with rapid growth in new programs and teaching sites. Must show potential for contributing to librarianship through professional organization and/or learned society leadership and publications, and possess an ALA-accredited MLS. A second graduate degree is desirable. Expertise in business resources and/or government documents would be helpful. The appointment is to an entry-level, ranked, tenure-track faculty position. Regis supports professional development through subsidies for professional travel and a flexible sabbatical program. Minimum salary range: $26,400–$28,100. Competitive benefits package, including relocation subsidy. The appointment is for July 1, 1996. Denver offers the amenities of the Rocky Mountains, a semi-arid climate, a favorable consumer economy, including affordable housing, and the nation’s best bookstore. Regis University is a Jesuit institution committed to value-centered education. It comprises three major academic units: Regis College, for traditional undergraduates; the School for Professional Studies, which offers bachelor’s degree completion and master’s degree programs in various delivery formats designed for working adults; and the School for Health Care Professions, with programs in both traditional and nontraditional delivery formats. The libraries serve some 1,100 campus-based undergraduates and over 8,000 part-time adult students on 12 campuses and teaching sites. Regis is a member of the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries. A $5 million fund drive is nearing completion that will renovate and expand the main library. Submit letter of application, current resume, and three references (including phone numbers, fax numbers, and/or e-mail) to: Mary Lou McNatt Dayton Memorial Library Regis University 3333 Regis Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 Screening will begin December 1,1995, and continue until an appointment is made. On-campus interviews will begin in February, 1996. Regis University is firm ly committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. outreach and instruction programs. Serves on university libraries com­ mittees and councils as appointed or elected. For continuing reappoint­ ment, all librarians are expected to dem onstrate continued professional development. ALA-accredited MLS, effective reference, instructional, and bibliographic skills, experience using com puter system s (including LMS, CD-ROM, LAN, and Internet), dem onstrated e xcellent interper­ sonal and com m unications skills, and ability to work well in individual as well as team situations are required. Minim um one ye ar academ ic library reference experience and background in a relevant subject area (psychology, social sciences, or statistics) required; advanced degree in relevant subject area preferred. Salary negotiable from $24,700 minim um, depending upon qualifications and experience. Standard u niversity library benefits. Review of credentials w ill begin February 1 ‚ 1996, and w ill continue until position is filled. Send letter o f application, resume, and the names of three references to: Carnegie Mellon University Libraries, Head of Adm inistrative Services, 4909 Frew St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. CM U is an AA/EEO employer. Applica­ tio ns o f m inorities and women are particularly encouraged. RESEARCH AND INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. Florida Institute of Technology. The Evans Library’s Research and Instruction team is well e sta b lish ed and p ositio n ed to pro vide a ccess to and instruction in a wide range of resources. A highly motivated, energetic profes­ sional is required to assist in the integration o f the Internet and other electronic resources into the library’s user education program. Re­ sponsibilities w ill include reference service (with some night and w eekend hours), o n line searching, bibliog ra p hic in struction, and collection developm ent. This is a faculty position with a 12-month January 1996/63 SERIALS/AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN MARSHALL UNIVERSITY The James E. Morrow Library of Marshall University announces a search for a Serials/Automation Librarian. RESPONSIBILITIES: A redesigned position reporting to the Head of Technical Services. One of the primary duties of the Serials/Automation Librarian is systems and PC support for the Technical Services Department. This entails liaison to VTLS, development of subsystems, support of technical services applications, support of PC applications, installations, and training. The incumbent will be expected to assist in formulating goals and priorities in the Serials Unit, and will be responsible for implementing and monitoring serials procedures and workflow; this will include collection development, serials control, and bibliographic control, it will also include responsibility for general serials functions such as overseeing the daily operation and compiling studies and reports. This position will undertake the development of electronic serials applications at the Morrow Library and provide direct public service. It will work with Technical and Public Services, Library Administration, Library Systems, and the university community in resolving problems of technical services subsystems support, department PC applications, and serials access. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; three years of applicable experi­ ence, to include technical services modules of a major library system application and PC-based general and library applications hardware and software; demonstrated knowledge of electronic serials applications; experience in or demonstrated knowledge of serials management. Highly desirable: Experience with VTLS technical services applications; experience with OCLC; good communication skills; public service skills; some supervisory experience helpful. Appointment at Assistant Professor/Librarian ($23,797 minimum) or Associate Professor/Librarian ($31,122) level, depending on qualifications; 12-month, non-tenure-track library faculty position; 24 days annual leave, standard benefits. Marshall University, one of West Virginia’s two state universities, is committed to high-quality undergraduate and graduate education. Applications received by February 1 5 , 1996, will receive first consideration. Send application letter stating an interest in the position and addressing qualifications, resume, and three professional references to: Josephine Fidler, Director of Libraries Jam es E. Morrow Library Marshall University 400 Hal Greer Blvd. Huntington, W V 25755-2060 EEO/AA employer. contract. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution, two years of library experience, teaching experience, Internet, HTML, and Dialog searching. Experience with U.S. governm ent d ocum ents and Netscape is desirable. Salary: $25,500. Send letter of application, resume, official transcripts, and list o f three references by February 1 ‚ 1996 to: Deborah A nderson, Research and Instruction, Florida Tech Evans Library, 150 W. University Blvd., Melbourne, FL 32901. Florida Tech is an equal opportunity employer. RESEARCH SUPPO RT AND LIAISON LIBRARIANS. (Two posi­ tions). We seek individuals with the ability to plan, deliver, facilitate, and assess research services and instruction provided to students, faculty, and staff. R e spo n sib ilitie s in clude p roviding expe rt a ssis­ tance in designing research strategies and gathering information; collaborating with faculty to integrate information com petencies into the curriculum; optim izing opportunities for assess to information through collection building and docum ent delivery based on knowl­ edge o f a cad em ic p rogram s. W o rking in a m atrix m anagem ent environment with a growing student body and evolving curriculum, librarians exercise a high level o f independent and collaborative decision making as the y develop and deliver services, direct projects, and assess impact. Expectations include active contribution to ca m ­ pus and university com m ittees and to the library profession. Reports to the Dean of the Library. Required qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS. Strong interpersonal and com m unication skills, including col­ laborative and individual problem-solving and decision-m aking abil­ ity. Demonstrated mastery of: Teaching and the ability to structure learning experiences; planning, im plementing, and assessing projects o r programs; electronic information retrieval system s and m icrocom­ puter applications, especially in a reference and research environ­ ment. Substantial, relevant experience o r educational degree(s) in 1) business o r 2) the social sciences. Record of professional contribu­ tions, service, and professional experience appropriate to level of appointm ent. Desired qualifications: Knowledge of collection devel­ opm ent and information access principles and practices fo r a variety of form ats; understanding of academ ic institutions and higher educa­ tion issues; knowledge of legal resources; record o f professional activity. For business position, knowledge of global business. For the social sciences position, knowledge of local-global, m ulticultural or gender issues. To apply: Submit letter of application addressing background and experience relevant to qualifications fo r the position; resume; and names, addresses, and telephone num bers o f four current professional references to: Carol Hammond, Research Sup­ port and Liaison Librarians Search Committee, Arizona State Univer­ sity W est Library, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. Dead­ line fo r applications: February 15, 1996, o r first day o f every month thereafter until position is filled. Salary: Com m ensurate with experi­ ence and level of appointm ent; $30 ,00 0 m inim um fo r Assistan t 64 / C&RL News Librarian. G eneral Information about ASU W est: ASU W est, a com po­ nent of Arizona State University’s m ulticam pus vision, offers junior, senior, and graduate-level research-based courses in the arts and sciences, business, education, engineering, hum an services, nurs­ ing, and w om en’s studies. The cam pus is com m itted to advancing educational, econom ic, cultural, and social developm ent of the com ­ munity. Located in the northwest Phoenix m etropolitan area, ASU W e st serves 5,000 students, with an expected growth to 10,000 students, a t its beautiful new cam pus. The library utilizes electronic system s and resources extensively and spends in excess o f $1 million annually fo r collections and access. ASU W is an EO/AA employer. SOC IA L SCIEN CES AND GO VER N M EN T DOCUM ENTS LIBRA R­ IAN. Skidm ore College, a highly selective liberal arts college in S aratoga Springs, New York, is seeking an individual to serve as Social Sciences/Governm ent Docum ents Librarian. Responsibilities: Providing general reference to the S kidm ore com m unity and special­ ized c o nsu ltin g to social sciences facu lty and stud e nts; deve lo ping and p ro viding lib ra ry in stru ction p ro gra m s fo r d e p artm en ts in the so cial scie nce s; c o lle ction d e ve lo pm en t in th e so cial sciences; managing the federal, New Y ork State, and m aps d ocum ent d eposi­ torie s, w ith re sp on sib ility fo r c o lle ction deve lo pm en t, sta ff training, and prom otion o f governm ent docum ents. W ork schedule includes one evening per w eek and tw o weekends per sem ester on the reference desk. A ppointm ent: T h is is a ten-m onth faculty position with appointm ent a t the assistant o r a ssociate rank. All library faculty are expected to develop a record o f professional growth and accom plish­ m ent and service to the institution. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree in library o r inform ation science; experience in and strong com m itm ent to public service; fam iliarity w ith a wide range of print and electronic resources in the social sciences; course w o rk or experience in governm ent documents; excellent oral and written com m unication and interpersonal skills; com m itm ent to professional involvem ent; creativity and a good sense o f hum or. Preferred: A ddi­ tional work at the graduate level in one of the social sciences and/or in lib ra ry scie nce ; fam ilia rity w ith S ocial S cience d ata a na lysis techniques and /or software; fam iliarity with the Lexis/Nexis system. Skidmore C ollege, w hich is com m itted to the library’s central place in the liberal arts education, recently com pleted an extensive expansion and renovation to its library. The new library is both intelligently designed and technologically advanced, with o ve r 400 d ata connec­ tions. The library provides access to lA C ’s C entral 2000, networked SilverPlatter databases, Lexis/Nexis, FirstSearch, and is in the pro­ cess o f building its digital library infrastructure, now that the physical one is com plete. Please subm it yo ur resume, co ver letter, and the nam es o f three references to: Peggy Seiden, College Librarian, S kidm ore College, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866. SUBJEC T S PECIALIST FOR ANTHROPOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, FO LK LO R E AND W O M E N ’S STU D IE S. A ssista n t o r A ssociate Librarian. The Indiana U niversity Libraries com prise one o f the leading academ ic research library system s in North America, providing strong collections, quality service and instructional programs, and leader­ ship in the application o f information technologies. The university com m unity includes approxim ately 96,000 students and 4,000 faculty on eight campuses. The libraries on the B loom ington cam pus house a collection o f over five million cataloged volum es and extensive other collections. The Subject and Area Librarians Council of the Bloomington libraries is a unit o f ten librarians w ho co ver m ost of the disciplines included in the research collections and provide faculty, students, and others with services relating to those disciplines. Responsibilities: U nder d irection of head o f the Subject and Area Librarians Council, responsible fo r developm ent o f collections in anthropology, sociol­ ogy, folklore and w om en’s studies, w orking closely with faculties of these departm ents to identify needs and establish priorities; provide direct reference service in these fields (including instruction in use of com puter-based too ls and resources) to students, faculty, and others, including mail and phone reference service; w orks with other library units to acquire m aterials and provide service; w orks with others to develop a virtual inform ation pathway fo r social science researchers; oversees the Human Resources A rea Files and supervises indexing project o f the folklore volum e (volum e five) o f the MLA Bibliography; pa rticip a te s in m e e ting s and a ctivitie s o f the Sub je ct and Area Librarians C ouncil and of the Research C ollections and Services D epartm ent o f which it is a component. Q ualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS; graduate degree in appropriate field; academ ic library January 1996/65 ACADEMIC RESIDENT LIBRARIAN PROGRAM 1996/1997 University of Illinois Library (U-C) Urbana, Illinois 61801 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The library of the University of Illinois (U-C) seeks candidates for its Academic Resident Librarian Program to serve one-year post graduate appointments in the university library system. Appointments may be renewed for a second year. The program offers a beginning professional experience in an academic research library, supplemented with lectures, workshops, and library visits. The University of Illinois Library offers special opportunities to librarians planning a career in academic libarianship. It has a decentralized system of 45 college and departmental libraries organized in nine subject divisions. All librarians are faculty and must meet university requirements for promotion and tenure, including research, publication, and service. The library of the University of Illinois has holdings of more than eight million volumes, with strengths in many areas, ranging from hard sciences to the humanities. The library was selected in 1994 by the National Science Foundation as one of six sites for research on the digital library of the future. Academic Resident Librarians will be assigned to a library or unit and given work assignments appropriate for an introductory academic library experience. Placements are available throughout the subject divisions, central public services, and technical services. Residents also work as a group on project assignments and participate in library committee or task force work. A travel allowance is provided for participation in scholarly and professional associations. The university library has a strong tradition of research and scholarship, and each resident is expected to develop and complete one project suitable for publication. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must be recent MLS graduates from an ALA-accredited library school, with a graduate date of spring 1995 or later. Applicants must demonstrate interest in a career in academic librarianship and the promise of substantive scholarly activity. Applicants must demonstrate creativity and innovation in a work experience, and give evidence of the ability to persevere with a project or task to completion. Excellent oral and written communication skills and the ability to work effectively with all levels of staff and with a variety of library users are required. Knowledge of or experience with electronic information technology and CD-ROM, online, and Internet electronic resources is desirable. SALARY/APPOINTMENT: Three to five Academic Resident Librarians will be selected, with appoint­ ment as Visiting Assistant Professor of Library Administration and an annual salary of $28,000. Appointments begin August 21, 1996. APPLICATION/DEADLINE: Send letter of application and complete resume with the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of five references, by February 29,1996, to: A. G. Dries University of Illinois Library (U-C) 1408 W. Gregory Dr. Urbana, IL 61801 Telephone: (217) 333-5494 AA/EEO employer. experience in collection developm ent and/or public services; fam iliar­ ity with electronic library resources and tools; understanding of nature of scholarly research, scholarly publishing and complexities of large and rapidly changing research library environment; interest in devel­ oping innovative services; reading knowledge o f French and/or G er­ man; excellent written and oral communications skills; good interper­ sonal skills and ability to work as part of a team. Bibliographic knowledge of additional west European languages desirable; some leaching experience desirable. Salary negotiable and competitive, dependent upon experience and qualifications, with minim um salaries of: Assistant Librarian – $27,996; Associate Librarian – $34,011. Conditions and benefits: Librarians hold tenure-track appointments within a system of ranks analogous to and modeled on those of the teaching faculty. They participate in a system of faculty governance which includes the Bloomington Faculty Council and the University Faculty Council. W ithin the university they serve on university com­ mittees and task forces. They are eligible fo r sabbatical and other research leaves. Benefits include university health care plan, TIAA/ CREF retirement/annuity plan, group life insurance, and liberal vacation and sick leave. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of four references to: Search and Screen Committee, c/o Marilyn Shaver, Personnel Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library C-201, Bloomington, IN 47405; telephone: (812) 855-8196. Available: Immediately. Application re­ vie w s begin February 1, 1996, and continue until position is filled. EEO/AAE. U NIVERSITY LIBRARIAN. Seattle Pacific University. Position: Uni­ versity Librarian and Director o f Learning Resources; rank open. Position available Ju ly 1996. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accred- 66 / C&RL News RARE BOOK AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN W e s t e r n M ic h ig a n U n iv e r s it y Rare Book and Special Collections Librarian for a collection of approximately 8,000 volumes and 100 manuscripts. Main special collections are medieval manuscripts in monastic spirituality and history and first editions of American Women’s poets. Others are: miniature books, historical children’s literature, and Nazi German newspapers, books and photographs. RESPONSIBILITIES: Manages the overall development of the Rare Book and Special Collections Department, including public/technical services, bibliographic access, space, security, collection devel­ opment, and preservation. Serves as liaison to the Medieval Studies Institute and Institute for Cistercian Studies. Coordinates exhibits, fund-raising efforts, and promotion of the collections. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, or Ph.D. in related discipline of medieval studies, history, theology, or philosophy. Reading knowledge of Latin, minimum three years of progressively responsible professional experience in rare book/special collections in an academic or research library. Evidence of administrative abilities; excellent written and oral communication skills; knowledge of bibliographic description and control applied to history of book/printing, and ability to evaluate relevant new technologies. Desirable: Reading knowledge of German and French or Spanish. COMPENSATION: Minimum of $40,000 plus liberal benefits fo r fiscal year, tenure-track faculty position. TO APPLY: Send letter, resume, and name of three references to: Regina E. Buckner Director, O perational Services W aldo Library W estern M ichigan University Kalam azoo, Ml 49008 Applications received by January 31 ‚ 1996, will receive first consideration. Review will continue until the position is filled. WMU is a dynamic and growing Carnegie Doctoral I University with 22 doctoral programs and enrollment of 26,537 students, 24% at the graduate level. Six colleges employ 749 faculty members. Located less than three hours from Chicago and Detroit, Kalamazoo offers rich cultural and recreational activities and is situated in the fastest growing part of the state. WMU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer and encourages qualified women a nd m embers o f m inority groups to a pp ly ited institution and subject-m atter m aster's required; earned doctorate preferred; strong adm inistrative experience; excellent interpersonal and com m unication skills; understanding o f current inform ation tech ­ nology; significant participation in professional o rganizations. W e are looking fo r a le ad e r w ho w ill assist in the developm ent of a learning- and technology-based approach to learning resources, and e ffec­ tively partn e r with leaders in C om puter Inform ation Services and M edia S ervices. Responsibilities: Adm inistration of university library; supervision o f staff; budget, building, and collection developm ent and managem ent; m onitoring and fostering professional growth in staff. W ork closely with C om p ute r Inform ation S ervices and Media Ser­ vices. SPU has ju st com pleted a state-of-the-art, 6 2,000 square-foot, four-level library. C om pensation: 11-m onth appointm ent, with com ­ pensation based on faculty rank, qualifications, and experience. Benefits include health, dental, disability, and life insurance as well as retirem ent programs. A moving allow ance is provided. Application deadline: Applications should be com pleted no later than F ebruary 15, 1996. Th e application includes an official SPU application form , a faith sta te m e n t o f a pp ro xim a te ly one p age, and su p p orting docum ents. T h e university reserves the right to fill the position before the deadline or to extend the d eadline a s circum stances may warrant. All inquiries and requests fo r applications should be addressed to: M ary La Tourelle, A ssistant to the Provost, S eattle Pacific University, Se­ attle, W A 98119; telephone: (206) 281 -2474; e-mail: m lato Seattle Pacific University serves m ore than 3 ,400 u ndergraduate and graduate students in both liberal arts and professional studies. The university’s Christian com m itm ents are both evangelical and W esleyan, with faculty and students representing a broad range of faith traditions. T h e u n ive rsity se e ks a pp lica n ts w ho a re e nth u sia stica lly co m m itte d to its Christian m ission. The university is located in a cosm opolitan u rban c e n te r w ith rich cu ltu ra l d ive rsity a nd is co m m itte d to b uilding an e xcellent and diverse teaching faculty. W om en and people of color are e specially e ncouraged to apply. For m ore inform ation about SPU a ccess o ur hom e page a t http://w w w U N IVERSITY LIBRA RIAN AND VIC E PROVOST FOR LIBRARY A FFA IR S. Duke University in vites applications and nom inations for the position o f University Librarian and Vice P rovost fo r Library Affairs. D uke University libraries hold 4 .4 million volum es, 19,200 linear feet o f m anuscripts and archives, and 1.5 million public docum ents, and receive 3 3,405 current serials. These holdings are com plem ented by m odern electronic cataloging, circulation, research, and online ser­ vices. The libraries have a professional and support staff o f 279 and an annual budget o f $20.5 million. The incum bent leads the Perkins Library System , the central research and teaching library netw ork of the u nive rsity. T h is system in clu de s the m ain Perkins L ibrary and eight branch libraries. The University Librarian and Vice Provost fo r Library Affairs is responsible fo r adm inistering all a reas o f the Perkins Library System , including staffing, operations and system s, services, policies, collections/access, technology, budget, fund-raising, and space a llo catio n and p lan n in g. Th e U n ive rsity L ibrarian is also responsible fo r providing leadership on library issues to the cam pus, to the Triangle R esearch Libraries Network, and to local, regional, and n ational a gencies concerned w ith library m atters. A m em ber o f the a cad em ic a d m inistratio n , the U n ive rsity L ibrarian re p o rts to the P rovost and m eets regularly w ith the Provost and his staff, the Deans Council, and, exofficio, the Library Council, a faculty com m ittee that advises the Provost on library affairs. (The com plete position d escrip­ January 1996/67 CHIEF LIBRARIAN AND CHAIR OF LIBRARY DEPT. The City College (CCNY), one of the principal senior colleges of The City University of New York (CUNY), has both a College of Liberal Arts and Science and professional schools, numerous master’s and resident Ph.D. programs, as well as research centers and institutes in the sciences and engineering; a research-active faculty with over 600 full-time members and a remarkably diverse, non-traditional student body numbering more than 14,000. The Chief Librarian reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and is respon­ sible for administration and leadership of the largest library in the City University system, with a collection of over one million volumes and full-time staff of over 40, including 23 professionals with faculty status. Responsibilities include developing strategies to enhance collections and services; participating in the College-wide Review Committees deliberations on academic matters; resource and personnel management; implementation of latest technological advances in library service, including the NOTIS integrated library system and CD-ROM based Local Area Networks; fostering cooperative programs with other institutions; and securing funds from federal, local, and private sources. Candidates must hold (a) a Doctoral degree in Library/Information Science or (b) a Master’s degree in Library/Information Science and a doctoral or second master's degree. Degree in Library/Information Science must be from an ALA accredited institute. Appointment to carry facul­ ty status and the rank of Professor. Candidates must demonstrate high-level administrative expe­ rience and a commitment to academic excellence and educational opportunity. A collegial style of management that encourages on-going staff development is desired. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Salary range: $48,414-$79,277 with an additional REM of $7,670. Search to continue until position is filled. For fullest consideration, appli­ cants should submit an updated CV and the names of at least three references before February 29, 1996, to: Chair, Chief Librarian Search Committee, Office of the Provost, A-210, CITY COLLEGE OF NEW YORK Convent Avenue at 138th Street New York, NY 10031 The City College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and men of all ethnic and racial backgrounds. The College provides reasonable accom mo­ dations to individuals with disabilities upon request. tion fo r th e U n ive rsity L ibrarian and V ice P rovost fo r L ibrary A ffa irs may be found o nline a t http://w w w l.) Duke University prefers tha t applicants fo r the position have a Ph.D. in an academic discipline and an advanced degree in library o r inform ation science: a strong record o f library adm inistration and leadership; an understanding o f and com m itm ent to the role o f electronic data and emerging technologies in the future of research libraries; a dem on­ strated ability to w o rk collegially with faculty, students, staff, and supporters in p rom oting th e in terests o f the lib ra ry and a chie vin g its full potential in su pp ort o f the university's mission: and a capacity for leadership in representing the vital role of the library in university life and in p rom oting the in terests o f Duke University and its library in th e national and international communities. Applications and nominations received before February 1 ‚ 1996, will be ensured of consideration by the search committee; the search w ill remain open until a successful candidate is found. They should be sent to: Librarian Search Committee, Office of the Provost, Box 90005, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 Duke U niversity is an affirmative action, equal opportunity e m ployer L ate J o b L is tin g s CURATOR, LOUISIANA AND LOWER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY COLLECTIONS. The LSU Libraries’ Special Collections division seeks an experienced and energetic professional for the position of Curator of the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Collections and Team Leader for Collection Development and Collection Management. The position reports to the Assistant Dean for Special Collections. Responsibilities: Acquisition of manuscript collections and donor relations; supervisor of seven FTE in manuscripts processing, congressional papers, and image resources (microfilming, photographic production, and the Electronic Imaging Laboratory); reference desk assignments; development and implementation of procedures and policies for collec­ tion development and management; grant writing and project management; and assisting in the overall management of Special Collections. Required qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school; experience with donor rela­ tions; experience with manuscripts processing, acquisition of manuscript and photo­ graph collections; knowledge of Louisiana and southern history; supervisory experi­ ence; five years of progressively responsible experience in special collections library or archives; and evidence of professional activities and publications. Preferred qualifica­ tions: Second master’s degree in an appropriate subject area; knowledge of electronic imaging, microfilming, photographic processes, and congressional papers; archival 68/C&RL News certification; and experience with fund-raising and grant writing. This is a tenure- track faculty position and the successful applicant will be expected to fulfill the university requirements for promotion and tenure. Salary minimum $35,000. Review of applications will begin March 1, 1996, and continue until the position is filled. To apply send a letter of application; a resume; and the names, addresses, and telephone and fax numbers of three references to: Jennifer Cargill, Dean of Libraries, L o u is ia n a S ta te U n iv e r s ity , Baton Rouge, LA 70803. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /B IB L IO G R A P H E R . Carnegie Mellon University Li­ braries seek a creative, innovative librarian with primary responsibility to provide liaison and collection development services for the H. John Heinz III School of Public Policy and Management which offers graduate programs to educate managers and analysts for government, and nonprofit organizations. Also responsible for liaison and collection development for the College of Humanities & Social Sciences (H&SS) departments of Social and Decision Sciences and Statistics. Principal contact for the ICPSR data sets. This position is in the Hunt Library Information Center, serving the College of H&SS, the Graduate School of Industrial Administration (GSIA), and the Heinz School. Must be able to work comfortably in a computer-intensive environment on a variety of client platforms (i.e., Mac, DOS, Windows, and UNIX) and be able to apply new information technologies in reference services. Responsibilities include reference desk 14 hours per week (rotating nights and weekends), faculty liaison, collection development, provision of subject resource information on the WWW, and participation in library outreach and instruction programs. Serves on University Libraries committees and councils as appointed or elected. Librarians have special faculty status and for continuing reappointment are expected to demonstrate contin­ ued professional development. MLS (ALA-accredited), effective reference, instruc­ tional, and bibliographic skills, experience using computer systems (including LMS, CD-ROM, LAN, and Internet), demonstrated excellent interpersonal and communica­ tions skills, and ability to work well in individual as well as team situations are required. Minimum one year academic library reference experience and background in a relevant subject area (social sciences, political science, economics, public policy or management) required; advanced degree in relevant subject area preferred. Salary negotiable from $24,700 minimum, depending upon qualifications and experience. Standard university library benefits. Review of credentials will begin February 1, 1996, and will continue until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: C a rn e g ie M e llo n U n iv e r s it y Libraries, Head of Administrative Services, 4909 Frew St., Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890. CMU is an AA/ EEO employer. Applications of minorities and women are particularly encouraged. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N C O O R D IN A T O R /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R ­ IA N . Design/instruction of required library course. CAI or multimedia experience, ALA-accredited MLS, two years bibliographic instruction/reference experience re­ quired. 12-month tenure-track. Letters of interest, resume, and names and phone numbers of three current references, postmarked by February 15, 1996, to: Minna Sellers, Chair BI Committee, Reed Library, F o r t L e w is C o lle g e , 1000 Rim Drive, Durango, CO 81301. Job description will be sent. E-mail inquiries (no resumes): Fort Lewis is an AA/EEO employer. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N /O U T R E A C H /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . (New position, contingent on funding.) Promote services and instruction. ALA-accred­ ited MLS and one year outreach or bibliographic instruction/reference experience required. 12-month tenure-track. Letters of interest, resume, and names and phone numbers of three current references postmarked by February 15, 1996, to: M in n a Sellers, Chair BI Committee, Reed Library, F o r t L e w is C o lle g e , 1000 Rim Dr., Durango, CO 81301. Job description will be sent. E-mail inquiries (no resumes): Fort Lewis is an AA/EEO employer. Minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.