ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 458 / C &RL News •P EOPL E• Profiles J e n n i f e r C a r g i l l has been appointed dean o f libraries at Louisiana State University effective July 1,1991. She has been associate university librarian at F o n d re n Library, Rice University (Hous­ ton, Texas) since 1988. Prior to that she was as­ sociate director o f librar­ ies for information ac­ cess and systems, Texas Tech University, 1986- 88; head o f acquisitions, M iam i U n iversity o f Ohio, 1974-84; science librarian, Miami Univer­ sity o f Ohio, 1972-74; and held several posi­ Jennifer Cargill tions in technical and pu blic services at the University o f Houston, 1967-72. Cargill received her MLS from Louisiana State University in 1967 and her M.Ed. (emphasis on higher education ad­ ministration) from Miami in 1975. She is a member o f the 1991 UCLA Senior Fellows Program. In 1990 she received the Outstanding Alumna Award from the LSU School o f Library and Information Science. Cargill is an active member o f ALA, a member o f the Society for Scholarly Publishing, and has published numerous articles, book chap­ ters, and several books. C a r o l C h a m b e r l a i n has been appointed chief o f the University Libraries’ acquisitions depart­ ment at Penn State, University Park. As chief o f ac­ quisitions, Chamberlain is responsible for directing the department’s acquisition o f monographs, seri­ als, and other library resources for the Libraries at all Penn State locations. Chamberlain began her career at Penn State in 1981 as an acquisitions librarian and served as serials librarian from 1978 to 1981 at Syra­ cuse University. She is actively involved in na­ tional and state library associations and has sev­ eral publications in the areas o f acquisitions and library autom ation. C ham berlain holds a B.A. in English and an M LS from the State University o f New York Carol Chamberlain at Albany. D a m o n D . H i c k e y has been named director o f the library at the College o f Wooster effective July 1, 1991. H e leaves his post at Guilford College in Greensboro, N.C., as associate library director and curator o f the Friends (quaker) Historical C ol­ le c tio n . F o r m e rly a Presbyterian minister, Hickey held pastorates in Texas and Oklahoma before he entered the library profession. He was acting curator o f rare books at Duke Uni­ versity from 1973 to 1974. H e jo in e d the Guilford staff as ch ief o f library public services in Damon D. Hickey1975. H e also served as assistant library direc­ tory for public services and as acting library direc­ tor on two occasions. Hickey received a bachelor’s degree in philosophy from Rice University in 1965, a master’s o f divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary in 1968, master’s degrees in library sci­ ence from the University o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1975 and in history from the Univer- July/August 1991 / 459 sity o f North Carolina at Greensboro in 1982, and a doctorate in history from the University o f South Carolina in 1989. J o h n R . K a i s e r has been appointed chief o f the Commonwealth Education System (CES) Librar­ ies at Penn State, University Park, responsible for library services at 17 Penn State locations. Kaiser began his career at Penn State in 1964 as an acquisitions librarian. Preceding his recent ap­ pointment, he served as coordinator for collec­ tion development for 14 years. He is serving as vice-chair/chair-elect o f A CRL’s Western Euro­ pean Specialists Section. H e receiv ed an MLS John R. Kaiserfrom Columbia Univer­ sity, New York, and a masters degree in French-Romance Languages and Literature from Penn State. P e t e k L y m a n , associate dean for library tech­ nology at the University o f Southern California’s University Library, has been named USC’s univer­ sity librarian and dean o f the university libraries. While serving as associ­ ate dean for library tech­ nology, Lyman was also executive d ir e cto r o f USC’s Center for Schol­ arly Technology, a re­ search and development group jointly sponsored by the University Librar­ ies and University C om ­ puting Services. The c e n te r co n d u cts r e ­ search on the uses o f in­ formation technology in Peter Lymanhigher education and d ev elop s softw are to find, manage, and analyze resources for instruction and research. Lyman came to USC in 1987 as founding director o f the center and was appointed associate dean for library technology in 1989. Lyman is a member o f the technical advisory board o f the Commission on Preservation and Access, a national panel on the preservation o f library mate­ rials. He is also a member o f the selection panel in library and information science for the Fulbright Scholars program and leads the committee on noncommercial publishing for the Coalition on Network Information. Formerly, Lyman was pro­ fessor o f political science and assistant director o f academic computing at Michigan State University. He has also been a visiting professor in the political science department and research associate in the Center for Information Technology at Stanford University (1982-83) and a visiting professor in the sociology department at the University o f Califor­ nia, Santa Cruz (1976-77). Lyman holds a Ph.D. in political science from Stanford University, an M.A. from the University o f California, Berkeley, and a B.A. in philosophy from Stanford University. B r o o k e E . S h e l d o n will becom e dean o f the Graduate School o f Library and Information Sci­ ence at the University o f Texas at Austin. Sheldon has resigned her post as dean o f the School o f Library and Information Studies at Texas W om en’s University, where she served from 1977 through 1990. H a r v e y V a r n e t has been appointed Governors State University’s (University Park, 111.) first chief information services officer. In addition to main­ taining responsibility for the University Library, Varnet will also now manage all campus com ­ puting (administrative and a ca dem ic), te le ­ com m u nications, and institutional research. Vamet’s appointment as CISO was effective May 1, 1991, and he now re­ ports d irectly to the president. H e has served as GSU’s library director since August 1985, com ­ ing to GSU from two Harvey Varnetyears o f service at the recently opened Sultan Qaboos University in the Sultanate o f Oman. Pre­ viously, Varnet held positions in both Kentucky and Massachusetts, as well as a one-year Fulbright- Hays Fellowship for teaching in Nigeria. He re­ ceived a B.A. in English from Southeastern Massa­ chusetts University, an M.Ed. from Bridgewater State College, Massachusetts, and both a master’s and a doctorate from Simmons College, Boston. J e n n i f e r A. Y o u n g e r has accepted the appoint­ ment o f assistant director for technical services, University Libraries, Ohio State University, C o­ lumbus. She was formerly the assistant directory o f central technical services, general library system, University o f Wisconsin-Madison. Active in avari- ety o f professional associations, she has chaired the Council o f Regional Groups and acted as a mem­ ber-at-large o f the Cataloging and Classification Section, Executive Committee, the Association o f Library C ollection s and Technical Services. 460 / C &RL News Younger has also headed the Special Interest Group o f Classification Research o f the American Society for Information Science, and is currently serving as chair-elect o f A LA’s Technical Serv­ ices Directors o f Large Research Libraries Dis­ cussion Group. She has also served as the Wis­ consin delegate to the O C L C Users C ouncil since 1988, and recently completed a term as a member o f the Council’s Executive Com mittee. Jennifer A. YoungerShe received both a mas­ ter’s degree in library science and a doctorate in library and information studies from the University o f Wisconsin-Madison. People in the News S h a r o n C r i s w e l l , director o f the Business In­ formation Center at Southern Methodist Univer­ sity’s Edwin L. Cox School o f Business, recently was honored as Librarian o f the Year for 1991 by the Texas Libraiy Association. The award is pre­ sented by the Austin-based TLA to a member who has provided outstanding service to the library profession. Criswell has been director o f the BIC at the School o f Business since 1986, and previously served as head o f acquisitions at SMU’s Fondren Library. She holds an MLS from Rutgers and re­ ceived an MBA from SMU’s Cox School in 1988. R i c h a r d D e G e n n a r o , Harvard College librar­ ian and this year’s winner o f the Academic and Re­ search Librarian o f the Year Award, and former Michigan State University librarian R i c h a r d E . C h a p i n were awarded honorary degrees from Wabash College (Crawfordsville, Indiana) during Richard E. Chapin, Robert Wedgeworth, and Richard De Gennaro at the rededication o f the Lilly Library, Wabash College. the rededication ceremony o f the college’s Lilly Li­ brary on April 5, 1991. Wabash College’s library has recently undergone renovation and expansion. Participating in the ceremony were Wabash C ol­ lege librarian Larry Frye and Robert Wedgeworth, dean o f the Library School at Columbia University, a Wabash College trustee and member o f its class o f 1959. W e r n e r G u n d e r s h e i m e r , director o f the Fol­ ger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., was elected to a three-year term as president o f the In d e p e n d e n t R esearch Library A ssociation (IRLA) at a recent meeting o f the association at the Massachusetts Historical Society. A Renaissance historian, Gundersheimer has been director o f the Folger Library since 1984. IRLA member libraries house collections o f national or international sig­ nificance that are capable o f supporting sustained research and attracting scholars from all over the world. Members include the Folger Shakespeare Library; the Huntington Library, San Marino, California; the Newberry Library, Chicago; the N ew York Public Library; and the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York. M a r g a r e t F . M a x w e l l , a professor in the Graduate Library School at the University o f Ari­ zona, is the recipient o f the Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Marga­ ret Mann citation. The award is for achievement by a cataloger or classifier through publication, par­ ticipation in professional cataloging associations, introduction o f new techniques or teaching. Maxwell’s winning publications are Handbook fo r AACR2 and Handbook fo r AACR2,1988 Revision, both published by ALA. K a t h a r i n e F. P a n t z e r , research bibliographer in the Houghton Library, Harvard University, has been awarded a 1991-92 Guggenheim Fellowship for her research proposal, “Probing some o f the mysteries o f printing in English 1523-1558.” A c­ cording to Pantzer, “The period in question is one o f crucial importance in the intellectual and cul­ tural history o f England. William Tyndale trans­ lated the New Testament into English, and he and John Frith, George Joy, William Tracy, and many others, most o f whom ultimately suffered martyr­ dom, engaged in writing and publishing works o f religious controversy, largely from the comparative safety o f the continent.” P e g g y S u l l i v a n , director o f University Librar­ ies and professor in the Department o f Library and Information Studies at Northern Illinois University is the recipient o f the Joseph W. Lippincott Award. The award o f $1,000 and a citation donated by Joseph Lippincott Jr. and awarded by the ALA July/August 1991 / 461 Awards Committee, is for distinguished service to the library profession. Sullivan’s most recent publi­ cations include Carl H. Milam and ALA (H.W. Wilson, 1976) and Bold Planners and Wise Drafts­ men [A centennial history o f library trustees in The American Library Association] (1990). Sullivan served as ALA president from 1980-81. A n i t a T a l a r , reference librarian at the McLaughlin Library o f Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey, received the 1990 Distinguished Service Award from the College and University Section o f the New Jersey Library Asso­ ciation. The award originated in the late 1970s and is presented yearly to an individual who “by his or her outstanding contributions has directly en­ riched the librarianship o f higher education in New Jersey.” Talar won the award for her tireless leader­ ship role on many CUS committees. She was the founder and first chairperson o f the section’s Re­ search Committee and she edited the Directory o f Library Instruction Programs in New Jersey. R o b e r t a T i p t o n , business librarian at the John Cotton Dana Library, Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey, won the 1990 Research Award from the College and University Section o f the New Jer­ sey Library Association. The award is presented yearly for the best piece o f published research written by a New Jersey Librarian. Tipton won the award for “ U.S. Users o f Foreign Company Infor­ mation: Patterns o f Use and Gaps in Knowledge” which appeared in National Online Meeting, 11th ed. (New York: Learned Information, 1990). R o b e r t W e d g e w o r t h , dean o f the School o f Library Service, Columbia University, has been se­ lected to receive the 1991 Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University o f Illinois Library School Association. The award recognizes alumni o f the Graduate School o f Library and Information Science who have made an outstanding contribu­ tion to the field, to the University o f Illinois Library School Association, or to the school. Wedgeworth was chosen for his efforts throughout his career to elevate the perceptions o f the profession. His broad interests include political, economic, and social influences on libraries; international rela­ tions, and foreign book trade. Dean o f the Colum­ bia University School o f Library Service since 1985, he guided the school through its centennial, including a major symposium held at Columbia in 1987 looking at the roles o f libraries, librarians, and teaching faculty in library education. He has re­ cently written in Wilson Library Bulletin, “ Some thoughts on the perils o f library education: Real and perceived” (January 1991). Prior to serving at Columbia, he was executive director o f ALA from 1972 to 1985. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) J o h n A b b o t t was appointed associate head o f the Collection Management Department, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. E r i c A l b r i g h t has joined the staff o f the Gaiter Health Sciences Library, Northwestern Univer­ sity, Chicago, Illinois, as a reference librarian. T e r r y L . A l l i s o n is now collections librarian at the new 20th campus o f the California State Uni­ versity, San Marcos. C a r o l y n A r g e n t a t i is the new head o f the Natural Resources Library at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. N a n c y B a k e r , former assistant director o f pub­ lic services for the University o f Washington Li­ braries, is now university librarian, Washington State University, Pullman. G a y l e B a l l is now map cataloger for the A.W. Kuchler Vegetation Map Collection at Miami Uni­ versity Libraries, Oxford, Ohio. P h i l i p C. B a n t i n has been appointed head o f archives and manuscripts at the John J. Bums Library at Boston College, Chestnut Hill, Massa­ chusetts. S a n d r a B e e h l e r has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at Cornell University Law Library, Ithaca, New York. H e a t h e r B l e n k i n s o p p has been appointed as­ sistant head o f technical services for Mercy College Libraries, Westchester County and the Bronx, New York. J a n i c e B r a d l e y , previously head o f access serv­ ices at Arizona State University, is now Head o f Extended Campus Library Services o f Washington State University, Pullman. L e s l i e B r e t a l l has been appointed librarian, public and technical services, at the Instructional Resource Center, College o f the Canyons, Santa Clarita, California. J a c k L . C a l b e r t has been appointed social sci­ ences bibliographer in the Howard-Tilton Memo­ rial Library, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana. D a n i e l G . C a n n C a s c i a t o has been appointed catalog librarian at the University o f Oregon Li­ brary, Eugene. M i n - C h i h C h o u is the new head o f the East Asia Library at the University o f Washington, Seattle. A n a M a r i a C o b o s has been appointed humani­ ties and general reference librarian in the Green 462 / C &RL News Library, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California. M o t i l e B . C u n h λ , formerly director o f the Uni­ versity o f Brasilia library system, has been named dean o f the faculty o f social science studies o f the same university. M a r k D i m u n a t i o n is the new director o f the Rare Books Department, Cornell University Li­ braries, Ithaca, New York. T h o m a s D o w l i n g was named natural sciences computer-based services/reference librarian at the University o f Washington, Seattle. E l e a n o r S. E l d e r is the new head o f the Sci­ ence and Engineering Division in the Howard-Til- ton Memorial Library, Tulane University, New Or­ leans, Louisiana. J e n n y F i e r r o has been appointed humanities collection development librarian, Brown Univer­ sity Library, Providence, Rhode Island. P e t e r G i o r d a n o is now supervising the govern­ ment documents collection at Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts. A m y W . G r a h a m has recently been appointed assistant techn ical/reference librarian o f the Swarthmore College Library, Swarthmore, Penn­ sylvania. K a r e n G r e i g has been appointed reference librarian in the Engineering Library at Stanford University. G i l l i a n S . G r e m m e l s has accepted the position o f library director at Monmouth College, M on­ mouth, Illinois. A l b e r t o H e r n a n d e z is now art and music li­ brarian at the University o f Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. T e r r i - L e i g h H i n k l e is now acquisitions librar­ ian in the Technical Services Department at the University o f New Hampshire Library, Durham. S u s a n H o c k e r has been appointed head science librarian in the Brill Science Library, Miami Uni­ versity, Oxford, Ohio. T h o m a s A . K a r e l has been promoted to associ­ ate director for public services at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. R o b i n K i b l e r now serves as a technical services librarian at Williams College, Williamstown, Mas­ sachusetts. B e a t r i c e K o v a c s has been promoted to associ­ ate professor with permanent tenure in the Depart­ ment o f Library and Information Studies, Univer­ sity o f North Carolina at Greensboro. S a n d r a K r o u p a is the book arts librarian o f the Special Collections and Preservation Division in the new Allen Library, University o f Washington, Seattle. V i c t o r i a K u l s i c is now archivist, American Mathematical Society Records Management and Archives Project, at Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island. M a r t i n K u r t h has joined the Kennedy Library faculty at Eastern Washington University in Cheeny, Washington, as head serials librarian. C a r l L e e has been appointed assistant director for automated systems, Michigan State University Library, East Lansing. Y a n L i has been appointed reference librarian at the University o f Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls. C l a i r e L o c k e has been appointed engineering/ science reference librarian at the North Carolina University Library, Raleigh. T i m M c A d a m is the new head o f acquisitions at the University o f California, Irvine. J u d y M a t t h e w s is the first physics-astronomy librarian at Michigan State University, East Lansing. J o h n M a x s t a d t is now public services librarian at Lamar University-Orange, Texas. C . M a r t i n M i l l e r has been named head o f the Walter Havighurst Special Collections and Ar­ chives, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. M e l i s s a M i t c h e l l is acting reference librarian for Humanitites/Social Sciences at Washington State University, Pullman. T o m M o o t h a r t has been appointed sciences and technology librarian (physical sciences) at Colorado State University Libraries, Fort Collins. L a u r a A . N e a l has joined the Scarborough Library staff as a reference librarian at Sheperd College, Sheperdstown, West Virginia. S y l v i a N i c h o l a s is now reference librarian at the Northwestern University Gaiter Health Sci­ ences Library, Chicago, Illinois. V i r g i n i a N o r d s t r o m is now head librarian o f the Curriculum Resource Center, Bowling Green State University, Ohio. J a n i n e O r r has been appointed as a reference librarian at the School o f Medicine, Indiana Uni­ versity, Indianapolis. N a n c y P o e h l m a n n was appointed principal cataloger, University o f Washington, Seattle. G e o r g e P o r t e r has been appointed engineer­ ing reference librarian and coordinator o f online searching at North Carolina University, Raleigh. F . O r i o n P o z o assumed the position o f collec­ tion manager for engineering and physical sci­ ences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh. M a r g a r e t R o g e r s is now manuscript cataloger for the NEH-funded Manuscript Cataloging Proj­ ect at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. M a r t y R o s e n is the new music cataloger at the Music Library and Sound Recordings Archives, Bowling Green State University, Ohio. D e b b i S c h a u b m a n joins the staff at Michigan State University Libraries, East Lansing. P a u l a S h a c k l e f o r d joined the North Carolina State University Libraries, Raleigh, in the newly created position o f business and finance officer. G r e t t a S i e g e l is a newly appointed librarian at Washington State University, Vancouver. July/August 1991 / 463 R o b e r t A . S i e v e r has been promoted to associ­ ate director for technical services at Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pennsylvania. K a t h l e e n M o r e t γ o S p e n c e r has been pro­ moted to associate vice president for academic resources at Franklin and Marshall College, Lan­ caster, Pennsylvania. Retirements E m i l i e B a b i n - W e i r , head o f catalog mainte­ nance, University o f California, Irvine, where she has served since August I, 1966. B o b C r i t t e n d e n , associate librarian in refer­ ence, University o f California, Santa Barbara. P a t C r o n s h a w , librarian, University o f Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara. L i e s e l o t t e F a j a r d o , associate librarian, refer­ ence, University o f California, Santa Barbara. L e o n G a b r i e l i a n , associate librarian, Catalog­ ing Department, University o f California, Los An­ geles, after 29 years. D a v i d G u t t m a n , associate librarian, reference, University o f California, Santa Barbara. P a t r i c i a H a l l , associate librarian, Cataloging Department, University o f California, Los Ange­ les, after 29 years. H a r r i s H a u g e , library director, Monmouth College, after 28 years. A n n H i n c k l e y , librarian, URL Reference D e­ partment, University o f California, Los Angeles, after 27 years. A l H o d i n a , librarian, SEL, University o f Cali­ fornia, Santa Barbara. C h a r l e s B . M a u r e r , director o f libraries, Deni­ son University, Granville, Ohio, after 20 years o f service. He served as the OHIONET delegate to the OCLC Users Council from 1978 to 1983. In 1988 he was awarded the Academic Library Asso­ ciation o f Ohio’s Distinguished Service Award. I d a M u e l l n e r , associate librarian, Cataloging Department, University o f California, Los Ange­ les, after 22 years. J o a n O r m o n d r o y d retired from the Cornell University Library after 19 years, the last 10 as head o f reference and bibliographic instruction at the Uris (Undergraduate) Library. She pioneered the development o f bibliographical instruction pro­ grams and her traveling workshops on teaching techniques for librarians have been presented throughout the United States. In 1990 she received the Miriam Dudley Award for Bibliographic In­ struction in recognition o f her contributions to this discipline. W a l l y P e g r a m , librarian, Physics Library, Uni­ versity o f California, Los Angeles, after 19 */2 years. A . R a y B o w l a n d , librarian o f Reese Libraiy, Augusta College, retired June 30, 1991 after 30 years at Augusta College and 40 years as a librarian. He is a past president o f the Georgia Library Association. S t e v e n S c h u l t h e i s , associate librarian, catalog­ ing, University o f California, Santa Barbara. O s c a r S im s, social sciences bibliographer, Uni­ versity o f California, Los Angeles, after 20 years. H e n r y T a i , librarian, Cataloging Department, University o f California, Santa Barbara. B u t h T r ä g e r , librarian, Cataloging Depart­ ment, University o f California, Los Angeles, after 25 ½years. V i r g i n i a W e i s e r , librarian, SEL, University o f California, Santa Barbara. Deaths • M a r y B a r r e t t , flrst director o f the D. Le­ onard Corgan Library, King's College, Wilkes- Barre Pennsylvania, 1949—1977 and director emeri­ tus, 1978-1991, died in Wikes-Barre on April 8, 1991. After her retirement, she was assistant to the president o f King’s College, 1977-1987. Prior to her appointment at King’s, she organ­ ized and administered the U.S. Army Libraries at Fort Monmouth and Fort Hancock during World War II. She also served as librarian at the College o f St. Elizabeth, Convent Station, New Jersey. Barrett was responsible for the growth and development o f the Corgan Library from its original quarters on one floor o f the Administration Building to the present, modem, functional three-story building completed in 1969. An active member o f both ALA and the Pennsyl­ vania Library Association, she received the Penn­ sylvania Library Association Certificate o f Merit, the Pope Pius XII Medal for Outstanding Librari­ anship from Marywood College, Scranton, Penn­ sylvania, and the Distinguished Service Citation for organization and administration o f army libraries at Forts Monmouth and Hancock. Barrett was listed in Who’s Who in Library Service. • D o r o t h y C o l i i n g s , 79, died peacefully at her home in Somers, New York, on March 6,1991. She had retired from the position o f head, Depart­ ment o f Library Studies, University o f the West Indies, in 1974. She established the school and was its flrst professor. As appointed UNESCO Expert, she had the responsibility o f administering the UNESCO project which funded the school for its first five years. She had previously been chief, Edu- 464 / C& RL News cational Liaison Section, Office o f Public Informa­ tion, United Nations Headquarters, New York, for 15 years, which followed three years in Egypt with UN ESC O ’s Regional Arab States Fundamental Education Centre. She held a Ph.D. from the Uni­ versity o f Chicago and an M ‚A. in Library Service from Columbia University. Following her retire­ ment, she developed and helped to fund two an­ nual prizes and a scholarship for the Department o f Library Studies, University o f the West Indies. A Dorothy Collings Memorial Fund will be estab­ lished for the UWI Department o f Library Studies. Contributions maybe sent to the Principal, Univer­ sity o f the West Indies, Mona Campus, Kingston 7, Jamaica. The donations will be published and re­ ported to her attorney and friend Mary Davidson, Bank o f New York, 530 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, N ew York, NY 10036. • J e n n e t t e H i t c h c o c k passed away on O c­ tober 10,1990, at the age o f 80, in Hamden, C on­ necticut, just outside New Haven. She was chief o f the Stanford University Libraries Catalog Depart­ ment from 1958 until 1973, when she retired and was given the status o f ch ief librarian emerita. Hitchcock was born in Connecticut, graduated (pre-med) from Smith College in 1931, earned her graduate library degree from the University o f Chicago in 1938, and then served Yale as cataloger and, for six years, was head o f subject cataloging before coming to Stanford. She led the Stanford Catalog Department in more than doubling size and productivity during her tenure. During the mid-1960s, the Meyer M e­ morial Library was built, its collection formed, and a computer-produced book catalog was created for it, which was ready for use when the library opened in 1966. BALLOTS (now RLIN ) was initiated the following year. Hitchcock was particularly active in RTSD (now ALCTS), chairing the Cataloging and Classification Section from 1964-65. • M i r i a m H o r n b a c k , secretariat to the Ex­ ecutive Board o f ALA, died Monday, April 1, at age 64. She had worked nearly 50 years for the associa­ tion, starting as a junior secretary in June 1944. ALA President Richard M. Dougherty said, “Those o f us who have had the privilege o f serving as president and the privilege o f working with her are acutely aware o f her many, many contributions. There was no one more committed to the associa­ tion than Miriam. She gave us much more than we gave her.” A native o f Chicago, Hornback graduated from Lakeview High School in 1943 and attended the Stenotype School o f Chicago. She said she had intended to be a court reporter but was discour­ aged by her father who didn’t want her hearing “all the sordid things that happened in court.” Hornback became secretary to the executive di­ rector o f ALA in 1952 and was named secretariat to the ALA Council, Executive Board, and member­ ship in 1969. She began working for the association when it was located in the M cCormick Mansion (since razed) and the staff numbered 66. Today, the association occupies five floors o f two buildings at 40 and 50 E. Huron St., and the staff totals more than 250. As Executive Board secretariat, H ornback worked with 47 presidents and seven executive directors. Known for her love o f her “ALA family,” her church— St. Peter’s Episcopal— and her cats, she was also known to have averted many an em­ barrassing moment and administrative boondoggle through her extensive knowledge o f ALA opera­ tions. Hornback had recently announced her intention to retire in January 1992. The ALA governing council had passed a special resolution honoring her for 45 years o f service in June 1989. Last year members o f the Executive Board made personal contributions to send her on a vacation to Alaska where she was hosted by board member Ann K. Symons o f Juneau. ALA Executive Director Linda F. Crismond an­ nounced that a memorial fund is being established. Contributions may be sent to: Miriam Lindsay Hornback Memorial Fund, ALA, Executive O f­ fice, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. • E s t h e r J o h n s o n , 67, died on March 16, 1991 ‚ after a long struggle with cancer. Johnson was head o f the Forestry Library, University o f Califor­ nia, Berkeley, from 1958 until 1985, when she retired. She served as assistant librarian there from 1952 until she becam e head. The California Alumni Foresters granted her a lifetime member­ ship in 1978, and she was awarded with a special Friend o f Forestry certificate at its annual banquet in 1984. • D o m i n i c k M o r m i n o , 39, assistant cus­ tomer services officer o f the Library o f Congress Cataloging Distribution Service, died suddenly March 12. During the past five years, Mormino spearheaded development o f the three Library o f Congress C D -R O M products: CDMARC Subjects, Names, and Bibliographic. He was widely known to visitors o f the LC exhibit booth at conferences and conventions. A scholarship fund has been estab­ lished by the Library o f Congress Professional Association. • A l e c R o s s , head o f the Acquisitions D e ­ partment at the University o f Kansas Libraries in Lawrence, from 1953 to 1956, passed away in August 1990. ■ ■