ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ July/A ugust 1998 / 507 C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s The Mansfield protocol for laptop computer circulation How a library can provide its own technical support by M o nty L. McAdoo and Joan Tease T he circu la tio n o f lap to p co m p u ters within our library presents a number of challenges and opportunities to both students and staff.1 For students, perhaps the biggest advantage is the nearly 500 network ports, which enable them to connect to the cam ­ pus network from virtually any seat in the library. For staff, deploying laptop comput­ ers allowed us greater flexibility in allocat­ ing valuable study and other space, which would otherwise have been dedicated to per­ manent, standalone computer workstations. Since becom ing available (O ctober 1996), our 50 units have circulated over 30,000 times to a student population of just 2,900. With such usage, the biggest challenge to staff continues to be providing fast yet consistent m aintenance and record-keeping. Initially, we had no formalized plan for broken equip­ ment, had not hired additional staff, nor had we created an inventory o f spare parts. We naively assumed that it would be relatively problem-free— like circulating books or other items in our collection. However, almost immediately, we began e x p e rie n cin g the unanticipated . B eca u se there was no perceived “o w n ersh ip ,” we noticed users w eren’t being particularly care­ ful with how they handled the laptops. We also didn’t anticipate the volume o f use. The resultant damage and user aggravation com ­ pelled us to develop a stringent set o f proce­ dures for monitoring the wear and tear on our machines. The following information can be used regardless o f the model o f laptop you decide to employ, and we hope it helps you avoid som e o f the pitfalls as you ven­ ture into this new territory. Personnel One o f the first issues to emerge was staff­ ing. At first, we only assigned one full-time library media technician to monitor and re­ pair the laptops. But this person was not available during the evening hours nor on weekends. Combined with the sheer volume o f usage, it was so o n app aren t that we needed more help in a hurry. Rather than hire additional staff persons, we opted to hire students. Although money was certainly a consideration, scheduling flex­ ibility, a relatively large pool to draw upon as needed, and accessibility were even more significant. In hiring, a conscious effort was made to choose individuals with little or no experi­ ence with computers. This has had two ad­ vantages. First, these individuals would com e in with no e x p e cta tio n s. They could be trained to do what we expected them to do. About the authors M o n ty L M cA doo is in stru ctio n a l sen/ices librarian a t M ansfield University; e-m ail: m m cadoo@ w heat.m; Joan Tease is media technician a t M ansfield University; e-mail: jtease@ 508 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 Secondly, many of these individuals were professed “technophobes.” By giving them experience with computers, we have enabled these individuals to overcome their reluc­ tance and gain confidence. In fact, many have actually asked to be taught more about com ­ puters, which, in turn, has helped them be­ come better at anticipating and spotting prob­ lems! Check-in To decrease turnaround time, we installed additional power outlets and network ports. This enables us to process several units at the same time. We also have a separate work area out of public view where the laptops can be properly examined and maintained. Nonetheless, when a laptop is returned, it still must undergo a standard, five-to-ten minute check-in routine. C h e c k -i n consists of three stages. The pri­ mary task is to insure that both the software and h a rd w a re a re functional. With nearly 50 appli­ cations and data­ bases available to choose from, o u r a s s is ta n ts m e re ly “s p o t- ch eck ” the more Joyce Thresher, a senior ele commonly used out a laptop computer from a p p l i c a t i o n s . a sophomore elementary e Should a user re­ port a problem with a particular application or experience a hardware/mechanical prob­ lem with the unit, these are also checked. Once a unit has been checked, it is placed back on the shelf for circulation. But, before doing so, the assistant indicates the date and time on the accompanying circulation card and initials it. In case of a problem, this card can be cross-checked with the information provided in the maintenance logs. Finally, as time permits, the assistants go through and “clean.” This means physically cleaning the touchpad, screen, keyboard, and other parts;, but it also refers to removing unnecessary files from the Temp, Windows, and WordPerfect directories, as well as the network cache. Although the intent is to in­ sure adequate memory for smooth operation, it has the added value of helping to identify more potentially serious problems (e.g., miss­ ing or corrupt files, viruses). Logs Logs are used to record a variety of informa­ tion about each machine. As we started keep­ ing records, we soon found that it was more helpful to monitor what was wrong rather than indicate what was working properly. This not only saves time, but saves paper. Likewise, a series o f well-defined codes for com m on problem s (e .g ., “SC” for “slight cra c k ” in the netw ork plug) stream lines workflow considerably. Our primary log is the one used for check­ in. This log is maintained by the student tech­ nicians and is used to record information about the condi­ tion o f the net­ work and power plugs, die power- p a c k , the n e t­ work card, the case, and other items specific to each machine. If a problem is no­ tic e d , th e s tu ­ dent fixes it. If the student can­ not fix the prob­ lem, he or she entary education major, signs “ta g s ” th e m a­tudent worker Jodie Lambert, ucation major. ch ine— attaches a repair tag that notes the problem, date, and time— and re­ moves it from circulation so that it can be repaired. we also maintain several other logs. Our circulation system, for example, enables us to maintain a “circulation log,” which shows how often each machine actually circulates. A “memory log” monitors the types and sizes of files cleared by date. (We actually used this log to track and ultimately identify a cracker.) A “master log” (maintained by the full-time Media Technician) provides a record of problems with a particular machine, as well as corrective measures taken. It is used to refer back to problems or solutions. (c o n tin u ed on p a g e 513) m s d C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 513 tion styles are faculty (many of whom also set guidelines as editors). Some o f them teach students to create bibliographies or require them as assignments. Yet citations are obvi­ ously a problem for many faculty, as well. I am responsible for maintaining an online faculty bibliography for my institution. It as­ tounds me how many omissions (coauthors, page numbers, issue references) there are in submitted material. The citations, although obviously meant to be in the same style, may not be consistent over a mere six to eight citations. One faculty member was so fond o f abbreviations, he abbreviated the name o f his book, as well. Although as librarians we have no con­ trol over what individual faculty choose to do, or what professional associations want to promote, it does seem to me we should (M ansfield co n tin u ed fr o m p a g e 5 0 8 ) Finally, a “technical support log” details contact with the company regarding a unit or part, including phone calls made or items re­ turned and the company response and repair. This may seem like a lot of unnecessary de­ tail, but the usefulness of such information cannot be overemphasized, particularly in terms of warranty agreements, obtaining parts, etc. Assessing fees We decided from the start that damaged laptops would be treated like other library ma­ terials and established a fine/fee structure ac­ cordingly. However, we also recognized early on that damage was not always the fault of a specific individual, but often accrued from user to user. For example, from the logs we would be aware that the network plug had a slight crack for Users #1—14. We would also know that it finally broke while being used by User #15 and that it was subsequently replaced. If User #16 then returns the laptop and the net­ work plug is broken, we would know that User #16 is responsible. Although we have had charges disputed, the actual damaged piece combined with the detailed record pro­ vided by the assistants’ log soon remove any doubt as to what happened and when. Summary Although maintaining detailed logs may seem to be a very staff- and time-intensive task, the importance of doing so cannot be overem­ stand up for our patrons and lobby for an end to this sort o f headache. We can com ­ plain to vendors who sell us citations that are not “ready for use” and force us to re­ search the citation itself. We can refuse to use unfriendly citation styles in our own publications. We can encourage use o f and training in user-friendly citations in our insti­ tutions and in the nonlibrary publications we are familiar with. While some citation use is the result of preference, most is the result of training, habit, or requirements by others. As I wrote this, I had to help yet another individual figure out som e abbreviations. When I told him what I was in the midst of doing, he sighed “It’s about time. This is crazy.” Making resources easier to find is our business, but sometimes we need to make others aware of how they could help. phasized. Whether it’s to handle a complaint about a fine that’s been assessed, verify war­ ranty eligibility, or determine which machines have had what problems, the logs have more than proved their usefulness. On several oc­ casions, the focus on detail has also enabled the staff to spot problems that might not have been spotted or reported as quickly (e.g., net­ work problems, touchpad driver error). Equally important is the support staff. Al­ though no previous computer experience is required to be selected to work at checking in a laptop, persistent attention to detail is a must. Without it, the whole procedure falls apart. Training staff to look for specific items, as well as recognize the unusual and how to record/describe it, is essential. Looking ahead, w e’re anticipating that many of our existing problems will decrease considerably as incoming students will be given the option o f purchasing their own preconfigured laptop computers. However, we also anticipate that this will create its own unique set of challenges. But, given what we’ve experienced so far, we're confident that we'll be able to effectively meet those challenges when they arise. Notes 1. For a summary of the (dis)advantages of circu­ lating laptop computers, see our article: “Note- book Computers: To buy or not?” American Li­ braries, September 1997: 84.