ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 514 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 East Asian studies Sites to help meet the growing demand for information by Ching Chang, Sheau-yueh J. Chao, and Belinda Chiang Ed. Note: D u e to s p a c e constraints, the fu ll version o f this article— with m a n y a d d i ­ tio n a l v a lu a b le sch olarly resources, in clu d ­ ing electron ic m ailing lists, scholarly co n fer­ ences, a n d e-journals— is a v a ila b le on the Web a t http://w w wń /c& rln ew 2 .htm l. There is a wealth of information on East Asian studies available on the Internet. Dur­ ing the past two decades, there have been significant changes among East Asian coun­ tries. The econom ic growth of Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea; the technological development o f Japan; the political move­ ments in China; and the recent takeover of Hong Kong by the Chinese government all brought attention to this part o f the world. Therefore, the demand for information on these countries has increased. In addition to regular printed and media sources, the Internet presents a variety of resources on East Asian countries and more are added daily. In view o f the vast scope of the East Asian countries and the fast prolif­ eration of good sites, this article offers only a sampling o f valuable Internet resources as starting points for further exploration. We cite resources for the following major countries: China, Hong Kong, Japan, Macau, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, and Ti­ bet. Based on the interdisciplinary nature, special emphasis has been given to com pre­ hensive sites on countries/regions that have been the focus o f recent academic study and research. Non-English sites were not included due to space constraint. Most o f the sites selected contain links to other noteworthy sites. G atew a y system s/M eta indexes: G en era l resou rces • East Asia WWW Virtual Library. Ed­ ited by Fabrizo Pregadio of the Universita di Venezia, this most com prehensive and co n ­ stantly updated site is an excellent place to begin for users conducting research on East Asian countries and regions. Access: http:// The site covers: C h in a. A ccess: http://www. at/Sinologie/netguide.htm. H o n g K o n g . A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / w w w . J a p a n . A ccess: JGUIDE. M acau. A ccess: macau/main/menu_e.html. N o r th K o r e a . A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / w w w . S o u th K o r e a . A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / w w w . d u ke. edu/~myhan/b_SK. html. T a iw a n . A c c e s s : h t tp :/ / p e a c o c k . tw/taiwan-wwwvl.htm l. Tibet. A ccess: WWWVL-TibetanStudies.html. About the authors Ching Chang is associate librarian fo r collection development, acquisitions and serials librarian a t M edgar Evers College a t the City University o f N ew York, e-mail:; Sheau-yueh J. Chao is assistant head o f technical services a t Baruch College a t the City U niversity o f N e w York, e-m ail: jhccbb@; a n d Belinda Chiang is head o f b ibliographic access services a t Queens College a t the City University o f N ew York, e-mail: http://www http://www http://www http://www http://peacock C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 515 • Asia In fo rm a tio n P ro je ct— H elsinki S ch o o l o f E co n o m ics and B usiness Ad­ m in istratio n Library. This project provides references, news items, and directories o f or­ ganizations in the East and Southeast Asian countries for researchers in business and e co ­ nomics. The site contains links to business and other important information in China, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Ko­ rea Republic. A ccess: libwww/asian/. • Asia P a cific M a n a g e m e n t F o ru m . This forum provides updated inform ation about Asian business management with man­ agement tips, travel tips, discussions, news, articles, and columns for managers, profes­ sionals, and researchers. The site provides rated reviews o f Asian business sites. A ccess: http:// w w w .m cb .c o .uk/apmforum. • AsianNet. This site provides com pre­ hensive information on Asian business, trade, and products and offers links to individual countries. A ccess: • Asiaville H om e. This site offers links to resources in business and trade, news, arts and culture, travel and shopping, education, and connections to multiple search engines. A ccess: http :// m . • A s s o c ia tio n f o r A sian Studies. T he h o m ep ag e o f the lead ing so ciety in Asian studies, this site provides inform ation on p u b licatio n s, m eetings, sem inars, grants, fellow ship s, etc. for sch olars and resea rch ­ ers o f Asian studies. T h e site also offers links to study program s and oth er asp ects o f A sian s tu d ie s . A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / w w w . • The Best o f Asia an d th e Pacific. The site provides an annotated list o f recent award-winning sites on East Asian studies. It also contains links to individual Asian cou n­ try sites, featuring topics o f business, history, scien ce, technology, health, environm ent, culture, religion, entertainment, and many other interesting areas. A ccess: http://www. • CEAS WWW R eso u rces. Provided by the Council on East Asian Studies o f Yale University, this site offers comprehensive cov­ erage of Yale resources and links to other East Asian studies Internet resources. A ccess: h t t p :/ / w w w .c i s .y a l e .e d u / c e a s / w w w resources.html. • C o u n c il o n E a s t A sia n L ib r a r ie s (CEAL). This hom epage provides access to the library catalogs o f CEAL m em ber librar­ ies and offers excellent subject guides to art, history, literature, poetry, and many other aspects o f individual East Asian countries. A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / d a r k w in g .u o r e g o n .e d u / ~felsing/ceal/welcome.html. • Duke’s East Asian Collection. This site introduces the East Asian collection o f the Perkins Library of Duke University and con­ tains links to East Asian studies’ Web sites; Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Asian Ameri­ can studies programs; and student organiza­ tions. A ccess: eac/eac.html. • E a st a n d S o u th e a s t A sia: Net R e­ so u rce s. Maintained by Robert Y. Eng o f the University o f Redlands, this site provides an annotated list of Internet resources on East and Southeast Asian regions with particular emphasis on political, cultural, and histori­ cal aspects. A ccess: Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/. • E ast A sian In stitu te— I n te r n e t Re­ s o u rc e s (C olu m b ia U n iv ersity ). This site offers information on East Asian studies re­ sources in the Columbia University Librar­ ies and other libraries in the United States, com prehensive lists o f Web sites, and cou n ­ try resource directories. A ccess: http://www. netlinks.htm l. • E a st A sian L ib ra rie s C o o p e ra tiv e W orld Wide Web. This project was spon­ sored by Ohio State University, the Japan- U.S. Friendship Commission, the U.S. Depart­ ment o f Education, and Sun Microsystems. It su pp orts resea rch on East Asian studies through the collaboration and development o f unique electronic collections by librarians, scholars, and researchers in the field. A ccess: • E a st A sian L ib ra ry (U n iv e rs ity o f M innesota). This site introduces its co llec­ tions and resources and contains links to Web sites divided by countries and regions, librar­ ies and collections, and Asian studies ce n ­ ters and p rogram s. A cc ess: h ttp :/ / ealib. • E ast A sian R eso u rces o n th e Web. This hom epage o f the University o f Illinois at Urbana-Cham paign offers links to East Asian resources in the libraries, educational institutions, online new spapers, and data­ http://www http://www http://www http://ealib 516 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 b a s e s . A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w .lib rary .u iu c. edu:80/asx/links.htm. • East Asian Studies. Maintained by Bob Kieft, this site contains information on East Asian studies, including country resource di­ rectories, indexes for East Asian journals and books, and a list of East Asian organizations. Access: http://w w w .haverford. edu/library/ reference/rkieft/eas.html. • East Asian Studies Center. The East A sian C e n te r o f In d ia n a U n iv e rsity at Bloomington provides resources on China, Japan, and Korea for teachers and students at all le v e ls . A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w .e a sc. • E a s t A sian S tu d ies I n t e r n e t R e­ so u rces. Maintained by the East Asian Li­ brary o f UCLA, this comprehensive site co n ­ tains in fo rm a tio n on art, b u sin e ss and economy, philosophy and religions, politics and international relations, and lists o f pro­ fessional associations and acad em ic pro­ grams. Certain sites require special language softw are to view . Access: http://www2. l i b r a r y .u c l a .e d u / l i b r a r i e s / e a s t a s i a n / e_asia.htm. A ccess to J a p a n e s e Studies In te rn e t R eso u rces: libraries/eastasian/japan.htm. Access to K o rean Studies In te rn e t Re­ s o u rc e s : braries/eastasian/korea.htm. A cce ss to C h in e se Studies I n te r n e t R esources: http:// www2 bra ries/eastasian/china.htm. • East Asian Studies Page (W ashing­ to n University, Seattle). This Web page of the East Asia Library of Washington Univer­ sity provides comprehensive information on East Asian studies. Access: http://weber.u . • H a rv a rd -Y e n c h in g L ib ra ry H om e Page. This Web page provides a guide to its resources and links to Harvard Web sites and other East Asian resources. Access: http:// w w w - h c l .h a r v a r d . e d u / h y l / h y l h o m e . html#Various. • Library o f C ongress/C ountry Studies/ Area Handbook Series. The homepage of the Library of Congress/Country Studies con­ tains area studies of over 80 countries, includ­ ing major East Asian countries such as China, Japan, South Korea, and North Korea. Access: • M ario’s C y b ersp ace Station. Main­ tained by Mario Profaca, this comprehensive Web site offers online worldwide news with colorful images sorted by countries and ter­ ritories. There are many interesting topics, such as war, organized crime, and intelli­ gence. It also provides links to a wide range o f topics on individual countries. Access: h t t p :/ / w w w .c r o n e t .c o m / ~ m p r o f a c a / mainfree.html. C h in a : A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w .c ro n e t . com/~mprofaca/ne ws024.html. H o n g K o n g : A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w . Ja p a n : Access: ~mprofaca/news0 6 6 .h tml. S o u th K o r e a : A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w . T a iw a n : A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w .cro n et. com/~mprofaca/news 11 6 .html. • R e s o u rc e s o f E a st A sian Stu dies (U niversity o f Pittsburgh). Maintained by Ming-Kuen Lin and Agnes Wen, this site pro­ vides electronic resources on East Asian coun­ tries, Asian studies programs, and online li­ brary catalogs o f the East Asian collections in the academ ic institutions in the United States. Access: other.htm. • U n iversity o f K ansas East L ib rary H om e Page. Managed by Professor Vickie Fu Doll from the University o f Kansas, this site contains links to East Asian bibliogra­ phies/guides and comprehensive East Asian studies Internet resources. Access: http:// • W orld Factbook. The World Factbook site covers statistical facts and figures on top­ ics o f population, econom y, defense, and government. Individual nations’ maps and flags are included. Access: http://www.odci. gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html. • Y ahoo! This is a popular search en ­ gine, which contains links to Internet re­ sources on Asian countries. Access: http:// w w w /Regional/Regions/Asia/ Countries. Ind ivid ual cou ntries China • C hina Education and R esearch Net­ w o rk (CERNET). CERNET is China’s first global education and research computer net­ work, which connects the major academic http://www.library.uiuc http://www http://www.easc http://www2 http://weber.ii http://www.cronet http://www http://www http://www.cronet http://www.odci C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 517 and research institutions in China. It main­ tains a China hom epage with information on n ew s, e d u c a tio n , re s e a rc h , e tc. A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w .cern et.ed u .cn / . • C h in a— DW InfoServer. Maintained by David Wen, this site provides links to Web pages on Chinese history, philosophy, busi­ ness, travel, and entertainment. It also co n ­ tains a list o f Chinese news groups. Access: http://www. b wen/china.html. • C hina-H om e Page. Maintained by the Institute o f High Energy Physics (IHEP) in Beijing, this hom epage offers scientific, tech­ nical, and business information about China. A ccess: h ttp :/ / so la r.rtd .u tk .ed u ./ ~c h in a/ china.html. • C h in a In te rn e t H om e Page. This site provides government, business, and travel inform ation in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. The major topics include geography, topography, climate, people, language, p o­ litical structure, statistical data, and regional d e v e lo p m e n t p la n s . A ccess: http:// /index.htm . • C h in a T he Beautiful— C h in ese Art an d L iteratu re. Maintained by Ming L. Pei, this hom epage contains resources on Chi­ nese art, culture, language, and philosophy in its China and Chinese Reading Rooms and lists discussion groups and professional as­ sociations. Access: http://ww w.chinapage. org/china.html. • C hina Today. Maintained by InfoPacific Developm ent, China Infohighway Commu­ nications Company, and Beijing Rightway Consulting Company, this site covers a wide variety o f information on China with the fol­ lowing major topics: art, science, business, the military, politics, sports, travel, and tour­ ism. Access: • C hina-W indow H om e Page. This En­ glish/Chinese bilingual site provides links to more than 20 Chinese city and regions. It includes subjects on business and econom y, government, news and events, education and science, traditional m edicine, and entertain­ m ent. A ccess: http://china-w indow .com / window.html. • C hinaLinks fo r H yp erC h in a U sers. Designed by Sinologie Software, this site pro­ vides learning resources in the following ar­ eas: Chinese language, art, music, entertain­ ment, travel, computing, and many others. It features sites o f popular interest each month. A c c e s s : h t t p :/ / w w w .s i n o l o g i c .c o m / C hinaL inks.htm l. • C hin ap ages. A bilingual site that of­ fers links to online paintings, company guide, governm ent inform ation, and culture and electronic information. Access: http://3whz.zj. • T he co m p le te re f e re n c e to C h in a / C h in ese re la te d Web sites. Managed by Weiqing Huang, this source contains over 1,000 links to other China/Chinese-related Web sites. The site is updated daily. It is the most com prehensive Web site on the subject area. Access: • Finding News ab out C h in a. This site provides links to resou rces regarding the social, political, and econom ic developments in C h in a, H ong K o n g , M acau , T aiw an , Singapore, and Tibet. Links o f popular inter­ est include stocks and busin ess data and w orld new s and rep orts. Access: http:// • M arjorie C h a n ’s C hinaLinks. Main­ tained by Professor Marjorie Chan o f Ohio State University, this site offers annotated links to more than 200 Web sites on Chinese studies. Topics include Asian book publish­ ers, cu ltu re , la n g u a g e , e le c tr o n ic te x ts, netnews, Web radio/TV, software, linguistics, and electronic conferences. Access: http:// • S o u rces: C h in ese B izEco. Provided by Stephen Morgan, this site offers access to the statistical, econom ic, and business infor­ mation related to China. It also has links to the business information in Hong Kong, Tai­ w a n , and M acau . A ccess: h ttp :/ / w w w . e c o m .u n im e lb .e d u .a u / b d c h w w w / ch in a / cbe002.htm . Hong Kong • H ong K ong H om e Page. Provided by H ong K ong G o v e rn m e n t E c o n o m ic and Trade Office in San Francisco, this site offers com prehensive, current information about Hong Kong in business and econom y, gov­ ernment, news items and official speeches, infrastructures, and travel and tourism. A c­ cess: h ttp :/ / w w w .h o n g k o n g .o r g / h tm / open.htm . • H o n g K o n g -In te rn e t. This site has links to the country’s business, education, culture, and travel information and contains a Usenet to facilitate group discussions. A c­ http://www http://www.chinapage http://3whz.zj http://www 518 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 cess: http :/ / w w w /xroad / xrhknet.html. • Hong Kong R eference. This Web page p ro v id es e le c tr o n ic re fe re n c e s to H ong Kong’s news items, facts and maps, history and documents, government agencies, re­ search organizations, and travel reports. A c­ cess: • H ong K ong WWW. This site contains a comprehensive overview of Hong Kong, its current events and news, statistics, orga­ nization, business, education institutions, sports and entertainm ent. A ccess: http:// • In d ex (H ong K ong). Maintained by the government o f Hong Kong, this site pro­ vides an official gateway to general informa­ tion about Hong Kong and contains links to Hong Kong’s chief executives, government and official organizations, topical informa­ tion, news updates, statistics, notice boards, and oth er ov erseas links. A ccess: http:// Japan • Bridge to Ja p a n . Maintained by Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, the site contains comprehensive links to Japanese information r e s o u r c e s . A c c e s s : h ttp :/ / w w w .d a iw a - • Gateway Ja p a n . Maintained by Gate- way-Japan, a leading electronic resource for accessing information about Japan, this site covers sections on Jap an ese business, gov­ ernment, travel, and culture. It also provides links to other Asian information sources re­ lated to Japan. Access: http://www.gateway- • In fo r u m H o m e p a g e . Provided by Center for Global Communication, Interna­ tional University of Japan, this page offers information on various aspects o f Japan stud­ ies, including social science, public policy, and corporate activities. A ccess: http://ifrm. glocom .a c .jp/ifrm/hp.html. • J-L in k s M eta-Ind ex. Maintained by Island Telecommunications Corporation, this site offers com prehensive links to Japan-re­ lated information, including business and economy, education, science and technology, governm ent, society and culture, health, new s, and entertainm en t. A ccess: http:// w w w /j-linksl.htm l. • J a p a n E x te rn a l Trade O rganization H om epage (JETRO). JETRO is a Japanese, government-related organization dedicated to promoting trade and econom ic relations betw een Japan and other nations. The site provides nearly 400 market reports and is one of the best online resources for trade inform ation about Ja p a n . A ccess: http:// • J a p a n In fo rm atio n N etw ork (JIN). Sponsored by the Ministry o f Foreign Affairs o f Japan, JIN contains a group o f Web sites introducing the society, culture, and many o th e r a s p e c ts o f Ja p a n . A c c e s s : http:// • J a p a n L in k s. M a in ta in e d by M. Kanzaki, this site contains a selected list of links to statistical and analytical information about Jap an . A ccess: lıttp://w w w .kanzaki. com/jinfo/jlink.html. • Ja p a n Web Guide. Maintained by For­ est Linton, this comprehensive site has over 500 Web sites covering topics on music, cul­ ture, sports, travel, and government and or­ ganization . A ccess: jguide/noframes2.html. • J a p a n W in d o w H o m e P a g e . This source is the product of a collaboration b e­ tween Stanford University and Nippon Tele­ graph and Telephone Corporation. It includes sections on the Jap an ese government, sci­ ence and technology, business, living and travel in Japan, and Japanese news items. A ccess: http://www • Ja p a n e se In fo rm atio n . Maintained by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT), this bilingual English/Japanese online almanac contains information on Japanese geography, culture, customs, travel, governm ent, and links to other related Web sites and news groups. Access: • MegaList o f J a p a n e s e T op ics. The Megalist provides a collection o f Web sites on Japanese newspapers and magazines, lan­ guage, art, culture, religion, food, and travel and tourism . A ccess: ~ceicher/japan.html. • M ich ael D o n n e lly ’s I n t e r n e t R e­ so u rce s o n Ja p a n . Maintained by Professor Donnelly o f the University o f Toronto, this Web page includes directories for Japanese government information, political sciences, technology, companies, research institutes, news, and electronic journals. Access: http:// http://www.daiwa- http://www.gateway- http://ifrm http://www.kanzaki C&RL News ■ July/A ugust 1998 / 519 • The M inistry o f F o reig n Affairs o f J a p a n . This official Web site o f the Ministry o f Foreign Affairs contains extensive infor­ mation on Ja p a n ’s relations with the world. It includes Jap an ese Embassy information, policy statements on major issues, transcripts o f speeches, press conferences, etc. A ccess: • Ruka’s H om e Page (Guide to J a p a ­ n e s e I n f o r m a t i o n R e s o u r c e s o n th e In te rn e t). Maintained by Ruka Takshashi, this page is a collection o f links to all sorts of Ja p a n inform ation, including news items, econom y, history, politics, science and tech­ n o lo g y , and sp o rts. A ccess: http://w w w . b ek k o am at/index.html. • U.S.—J a p a n Links R e so u rce s. Pro­ vided by Japan-American Society in Seattle, Washington, this page offers highlights o f Jap an ese information in science and tech ­ nology, education and research, government and business, culture and language, organi­ z a tio n s , and U se n e t n ew s g ro u p s and Listservs. A ccess: resources.html. • United States In fo rm atio n Service, Tokyo, J a p a n . Maintained by the United States Information Service Japan, this site of­ fers links to information on current issues, A m e ric a n C e n te r R e f e r e n c e S e r v ic e , U.S.-Japan exchanges, and U.S. government offices in Jap an . A ccess: http://www.usia. gov/posts/tokyo. Korea (N orth and South) • A b o u t K o r e a ( K o r e a n E m b a s s y , W ashington, D. C.). Provided by the Ko­ rean Information Center and the Embassy o f the Republic o f Korea, this Web page fea­ tures information on official speeches and events, geography, politics, econom y, cul­ ture, foreign relations, and the military. The site contains weekly and monthly news on North Korea and links to Korean-related Web sites. Access: http://Korea. em b .w ashington. d • A ccess K o rea. Provided by the Korea Society, this site provides online information and education guides and links to geogra­ phy and travel, culture and society, history, news, trade and business, and other Korean studies Internet resources. A ccess: http:// 2 0 6 .1 .1 6 6 .207/Home.html. • G atew ay to K o re a . M aintained by Network Korea, the site covers news, travel, business, art and entertainment, companies, research opportunities, universities, govern­ ment and business organizations, and Usenet d isc u ssio n g ro u p s. A c c e ss : http://w w w . • In te rn e t R eso u rces o n K o rea. Main­ tained by Kyungmi Chun, a Korea specialist librarian at Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii, this hom epage provides links to bib­ liographies, handbooks, journals, and news items in business and econom ics, govern­ ment agencies, history, language, politics, Korean studies centers and programs, asso­ ciations, and many other resources. Access: http://w w w 2.haw internet.htm. • K o re a W in d ow . Sp on so red by the Korean Overseas Culture and Information Service, this site provides information about the North and South Korea with topics on Korean culture, society, econom y, and gov­ ernment activities. A ccess: http://www.kods. • N orth an d South K o rea, COE C oun­ try Page. Maintained by Center o f Excel­ lence in Disaster Management and Humani­ tarian Assistance, this site offers disaster and health-related links and sites o f interest. Ac­ c e s s fo r N orth K o re a : h ttp :/ / c o e .ta m c . am e d d .a r m y .m il/ A s ia -p a c ific / co u n try / koreano.htm. Access for South Korea: http:// try/koreaso.htm. M acau • I n t e r n e t & M acau (U n iv e r s ity o f M acau). The site links to Macau Web serv­ ers and sites, including topics o f education, government, business, culture, and tourism. A ccess: html. • M acau Official H om epage. Provided by Macau Government Information Services, this site is available in English, Chinese, and Portuguese and contains information on ge­ ography, history, political and judicial sys­ tems, econom y, tourism, culture, festivities, education, and health. A ccess: http://www. Taiw an • G o v e r n m e n t I n f o r m a tio n O ffice (R ep u b lic o f C h in a ). Maintained by the http://www http://www.usia http://Korea http://www http://www.kods http://coe.tamc http://www 5 2 0 /C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 Government Information Office of Taiwan, this site is available in Chinese, English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, and Russian. It offers current news, culture, his­ tory, government activities, and policy rela­ tions with mainland China. Access: http:// • In fo rm a tio n D iv isio n , Taipei Eco­ n o m ic and Culture Office in N ew York. Maintained by Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in New York, this site provides links to news, current events, government infor­ mation, education, science and technology, finance, trade, tourism, and many others. Ac­ cess: http:// • YamWeb Navigator—The Taiwan In­ dex. Maintained by Frontier Foundation, this index contains comprehensive Internet re­ sources on Taiwan. The topics include arts, sciences, health, education, humanities, soci­ ety and culture, companies, computer and Internet, news and information, government and state, and entertainment and recreation. Access: • Free C hina Review. Founded in 1993, this monthly magazine depicts perspectives and changes in Taiwan. It contains articles, commentaries, review essays, case studies, and book reviews on topics of public inter­ est, such as waste disposal and management, urban planning, national security, photogra­ phy, business, economics, society, and cul­ ture. Access: beat/fcr/0696/index.h tml. • In te r p o e tics. Published triquarterly since summer 1997, this magazine contains poetry, translations, research papers, and re­ view essays. It serves as a forum for poets, translators, and scholars of Asia and the Pa­ cific Rim on Asian and East Asian studies. Access: http://w w w .w - dean/ interpoetics/. • Japan Echo. This bimonthly journal was founded in 1973. It features translations of essays, interviews, and discussions by noted commentators on topics of interest in Japan today. The subjects include Japanese politics, economy, education, science, busi­ ness, security, and defense issues. Access: • Road to East Asia. Founded in 1996, this is a quarterly journal on contemporary East Asian literature, published by students at Founders College, York University. Access: Tib et • Tibet O n lin e R esou rce G athering. Maintained by the international Tibet Sup­ port Group community, this large Web site offers information on all aspects of Tibetan politics and culture. It covers Tibet-related Web sites, Tibet support group directory, news and events, human rights and environ­ mental issues, articles and speeches, Tibetan Buddhism, art, films, books, etc. Access: • Tibetan G overnm ent in th e E xile’s Official Web Site. This official site of the Ti­ betan Government in Exile contains all the major documents issued by the office. It pro­ vides the most current information on the sta­ tus of Tibet, Sino-Tibetan negotiations, Tibetan culture, worldwide parliamentary resolutions on Tibet, Library of Tibetan works, and ar­ chives. Access: