ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 542 / C&RL News ■ July!August 1998 C L A S S I F I E D Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices are $20.50 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $24.95 for others. Organizations submit­ ting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $395 to $745 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. Guidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude dis­ criminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax; (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail; jhelbig@ Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regard­ less of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life-style, or national origin.” By adver­ tising through ALA services, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLD USED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi­ neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more inform a­ tion please contact: C ollier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Pow ell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland. OR 97209; phone: (8 0 0 ) 2 2 5 -6 9 1 1 ; fa x : (5 0 3 ) 2 2 8 -0 5 0 5 ; e -m a il to : k irs te n @ technical.pow . POSITIONS OPEN A SSISTAN T LIBRARIAN FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Knox College, a private liberal arts college in western Illinois, seeks a professional librarian to fill the position of assistant librarian for public services. The assistant librarian for public services directs all circulation processes through the definition and im plem entation of circulation policies; manages all serials-related processes and all external docum ent delivery and ILL services; supervises 2.1 FTE support staff in addition to student staff; and serves as a m em ber of the reference and library instruction team. The assistant librarian will work with the circulation, reserve book room, and serials modules of an Ameritech Horizon system. We seek a service-oriented candidate with an ALA-accred- ited MLS able to continuously refine and coordinate docum ent delivery, circulation, reserve, and serials services reinforcing and furthering Knox’s academ ic mission. The successful candidate will dem onstrate fam iliarity with OCLC and integrated library system s along with strong leadership, com m unication, and team skills, and be able to work a flexible schedule including some evening and weekend hours. Knox C ollege’s Seym our Library (http://w w w em ploys a staff of 13 FTE and houses 275,000 volum es in an inviting early-20th century central library and in science and music branch libraries. Please send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Jeffrey Douglas, Director of the Library, Box K- 127, Knox College, Galesburg, IL 61401. Review of applications will begin im m ediately and will continue until the position is filled. Initial interviews at ALA may be arranged. In keeping with its 160-year com m itm ent to equal rights, Knox College particularly welcom es applications from m embers of underrepresented groups. Knox C ol­ lege does not discrim inate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, sexual orientation or affectional preference, age, marital status, disability, or other irrelevant factors in admission, financial aid, em ploym ent, athletics, or any of its educational policies and programs. CATALO G ING ASSO CIATE LIBRARIAN, ORIG INAL C A TA LO G ­ ING. University of Michigan. This professional position reports to the Head, Original Cataloging, and serves in three modes: (1) Performs professional-level cataloging of m onographic materials with the ex­ pertise required of such a function. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will specialize in access to and description of electronic materials, as well as cataloging of paper-based materials. (2) W orking with the Digital Library Production Services (DLPS), perform s full cataloging, provides text encoding initiative headers, and catalogs electronic texts, created under the auspices of the DLPS. Successful candidate will become expert with MARC and Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), as well as the crosswalks between the two. Will also assist in the developm ent of structural m etadata needed to accom pany locally created texts. (3) Serves as one of several functional liaisons be- C&RL News ■ July/August 7 998 / 543 DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN New York University Libraries U.S. government documents librarian and subject specialist in U.S. politics and public administra­ tion. Administer, plan, promote, evaluate U.S. depository collection; supervise staff; manage electronic government resources; provide busi­ ness/social science/documents reference and user education; select print and electronic media; work closely with faculty and students. Requires accredited MLS; two years government documents experience in academic, public, or special library; knowledge of trends in govern­ ment information; experience with print and elec­ tronic library resources and services, electronic information retrieval, Internet and other electronic resources, and user education. Excellent com­ munication skills; strong service orientation. Su­ pervisory experience, graduate study in relevant field preferred. Faculty status, attractive benefits package. Sal­ ary commensurate with experience and back­ ground; minimum $36,000. Send resume and letter of application, including addresses and telephone numbers of three refer­ ences, to: Janet Koztowski, Director Human Resources New York University Libraries 70 Washington Square South New York, NY 10012 Preliminary interviews will be held at ALA. Re­ sumes accepted until position is filled, but no later than August 31,1998. NYU encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. tween the Monograph Cataloging Division and the DLPS. The suc­ cessful candidate is expected to serve as an integrating agent, engaging both units and their staff in discussions to determine the extent of cooperation needed between Monograph Cataloging and DLPS, as well as notify Monograph Cataloging of matters of mutual interest in a timely manner. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accred¡ted MLS. W orking knowledge of at least two non-English western Euro­ pean languages. Minimum three years professional cataloging expe­ rience. Previous professional-level electronic cataloging experience is essential, particularly with the following: TEI, SGML, OCLC. Dem­ onstrated strong com munication and problem-solving skills. Demon­ strated ability to make decisions and exercise good judgment. Dem­ onstrated ability to work effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: Previous supervisory or training experi­ ence and a knowledge of NOTIS and NACO are desirable. Rank, salary, and leave: Rank of Associate Librarian. Final salary depen­ dent on years of previous relevant professional experience. Minimum salary: $33,000; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended benefits. To apply: Send cover letter and copy of resume to: Lucy Cohen, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application deadline: Applications received by A u­ gust 15, 1998, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN North Carolina Wesleyan College NCWC is seeking a librarian to manage the library’s serials collection and to help guide the library in its mission of service to the community. Responsibilities include managing serials col­ lections; providing support fo r technology includ­ ing the library’s automation system and web site; providing reference assistance and bibliographic instruction to the college community, at both on­ campus and off-campus sites; assisting in col­ lection development; and participating in staffing the library during evening and weekend hours. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA accredited Library School. Knowledge of computers, in­ cluding Microsoft Windows and Office and web- based design using FrontPage98. Demonstrated excellent oral and written communication skills. Demonstrated excellent interpersonal communi­ cation and problem-solving skills. Desirable: 1 to 3 years of academic library experience in reference and/or serials management. Second Masters degree in a field appropriate for a liberal arts college. Experience in off-campus library services. North Carolina Wesleyan College is a dynamic, growing, liberal arts institution dedicated to en­ gaging students of any age who want to succeed in life and work, and to develop those intellectual and social skills, and personal qualities of mind and heart, that will enable them to be responsible, productive, contributing, healthy, and fulfilled members of a diverse and free society in relation to their families, workplaces, communities, na­ tion and world. NCWC has approximately 740 traditional students on campus and 1300 adult students in Raleigh, NC, and Goldsboro. The student body, both on campus and off is highly diverse. A desire to work with both traditional and working adult students is important. Initial application should include: a letter of application, a resume, original transcripts show­ ing academic work in higher education and de­ grees received, and three letters of recommen­ dation addressing academic qualification and effective teaching experience. Review of appli­ cations will begin on July 1, and will continue until a suitable candidate is identified. The position is available immediately. Applications should be sent to: Darrell Whitley Director of Human Resources North Carolina Wesleyan College 3400 N. Wesleyan Blvd. Rocky Mount, NC 27804 http :// EOE/AA 544 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN Lafayette College Lafayette College seeks an innovative systems librarian to help plan, develop, and support an ambitious information technology program. The successful candidate will manage the library’s integrated automation system (Innovative Inter­ faces, Inc.), install library PCs and servers (both hardware and software), build interfaces for net­ worked databases and services, assist library staff with desktop applications, serve as liaison with computing services, collaborate on digitiza­ tion initiatives, work with the library’s Educa­ tional Technology Team to promote the effective use of technology in teaching and learning, serve at the reference desk, and participate in the library’s general instruction program. Lafayette College is a distinguished undergradu­ ate institution with challenging, broad-based cur­ ricula in the liberal arts, sciences, and engineer­ ing. With endowment per student ranked among the top 2 percent of all U.S. colleges and univer­ sities, it offers a small-college environment with large-college resources. The library strongly en­ courages and supports professional develop­ ment, individual initiative, and innovative ap­ p ro a c h e s to user s e rv ic e s . For m ore information about the library’s electronic re­ sources and educational technology program,see QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent in education and experience; demon­ strated expertise with information technology, including integrated library systems, computer networks, and client-server and Web environ­ ments; experience with HTML, SGML, PERL, CGI, Java, electronic authoring tools, and dis­ play media; working knowledge of graphics and imaging technologies; familiarity with Internet architecture and technologies involved in run­ ning a Web site; excellent analytical, interper­ sonal, and communication skills; ability to work cooperatively with people within and outside the library. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience; excellent benefits, including college tuition support for children. Women and minori­ ties are encouraged to apply. Qualified individu­ als should send a letter of application addressing qualifications for the position, resume, and the names of three references to: Chair, Library Search Committee c/o Library Director’s Office Skillman Library Lafayette College Easton, PA 18042 Review of applications will begin July 20,1998, and continue until the position is filled. Lafayette is an equal opportunity employer. COLLECTION COORDINATORS. LSU Libraries. Three new C ollec­ tion Coordinators (Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, tenure-track positions) in Humanities, Science/Technology, and Social Science are open due to reorganization of collection developm ent adm inistra­ tion in the LSU Libraries. These coordinators will work with the Head, Collection Development, to help to reshape collection operations. Coordinators will work to develop and promote traditional and innova­ tive collection services within the library and on campus. C oordina­ tors will supervise other library subject selectors, who have 40 per cent collection developm ent responsibilities, The coordinators will report to the collection developm ent head for 80 percent of assigned duties and to the head of Reference Services for the remaining 20 percent. Responsibilities include: collecting in and managing subject collections in all formats; supervising, training, and mentoring liai­ sons, outreach and instruction activities; coordinating developm ent of W orld-W ide-W eb based resources for research guides; facilitating com m unication with the cam pus com m unity about library services and collection issues; allocating and managing funds in relevant disciplines; planning, implementing, evaluating projects to improve m anagem ent of approval plans, journal costs, and budgets; providing general and subject-specific reference and instruction (20 percent). Q ualifications: Required: MLS degree from an ALA accredited univer­ sity. Five to seven years experience in positions of increasing responsibility at an academ ic or research library; degree or substan­ tive experience in relevant subjects: Science/Technology Collection Coordinator— life sciences, physical sciences, agriculture, etc., for Ref. #001755; Social Sciences Collection Coordinator— history, so­ ciology, geography, anthropology, education, political science, psy­ chology, business-related courses, mass com m unication, or journal­ ism, for Ref. #005307; Humanities Collection Coordinator— English and/or American Literature, linguistics, foreign languages, speech, theater, music, architecture, design, religion, philosophy, art, for Ref. #000841. Each position requires experience with print and electronic Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda­ tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini- mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $31,273 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $24,533 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $32,600 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $26,400 Rhode Island $29,800 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $22,000 Texas $28,000 Vermont $26,464 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 *R a the r than establish one statew ide salary m inim um , som e state asso cia tio n s have ad opted a form ula based on such varia bles as com parable salaries for public school teachers in each com m unity or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to con tact the state a sso cia ­ tion fo r m inim um salary inform ation. +Salary m inim um s for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. C&RL News ■ July/'August 1998 / 545 ASSISTANT HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT Northeastern University Northeastern University Libraries invites applications from and nominations of individuals with the enthusiasm, leadership skills, and energy to participate in the operational management, technological coordination, and continuous improvement of an acquisitions department which encompasses acquisi­ tions, serials control, binding, receipt of government depository materials, and current periodicals. The successful candidate will demonstrate an understanding of library acquisitions practice and procedures, familiarity with the technology needs of the modern technical services operation, knowledge of current trends in the provision of information in an academic environment, experience with vendor/publisher relations, and strong supervisory skills. Manage the daily operations of the Acquisitions Department and assist in the administration of the libraries’ acquisitions programs, including the order and receipt of monographs, serials, and government documents, binding, gifts in kind, and current periodicals. Participate in the planning, implementation, and documentation of goals, policies, workflow and procedures; oversee fund accounting; monitor compli­ ance with U.S. government depository program; facilitate communication with other library departments regarding interdepartmental initiatives and acquisitions procedures. Hire, train, evaluate, and supervise 13 FTE staff. Identify requirements and opportunities for staff development. Oversee management, utilization, documentation, testing of, and training on the libraries’ acquisitions system and all other technology-based tools for acquisitions and processing control. Plan and produce management reports; monitor and maintain ongoing relationships with vendors and publishers; participate in negotiating contracts and agreements, implement and monitor contracts for technical services operations, and evaluate vendor performance. Northeastern, a Carnegie Research II institution, is student-focused and dedicated to a cooperative education-experiential learning model. The library holds membership in OCLC/Nelinet, the Coalition for Networked Information, the Boston Library Consortium, and the Boston Regional Library System, and is a Commission on Preservation and Access sponsor. CARL Systems and Tandem computers are the current platforms for the catalog and for circulation and technical services. Visit our Website for more information: QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree. Two or more years of progressively responsible experience in library serials and nonserials acquisitions, including supervisory responsibility, preferably in an academic environment. Experience with acquisitions information technology, including but not limited to: Integrated library systems, vendor interfaces, standards, online and Internet resources, and networked systems. Excellent communication, interpersonal, supervisory, planning, analytical, and organizational skills. Demonstrated ability to set priorities and to evaluate operations. Creative, self­ motivated, and serviceoriented. High energy and ability to thrive in a rapidly changing environment. Knowledge of the book trade and of trends and issues in publishing, scholarly communication, higher education, library and related-industry standards, and information technology. Knowledge of a foreign language desirable. Commitment to professional growth and staff development. Must have experience in, or a demonstrated commitment to, achieving and working with a diverse staff and student population. SALARY: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Excellent benefits package. Review of applications will begin August 15,1998, and continue until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Janet B. Belanger Head, Acquisitions Department Northeastern University Libraries 260 Snell Library 360 Huntington Ave. Boston, MA 02115 Northeastern University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer, and especially welcomes applications from minorities, women, and persons with disabilities. information resources; strong computer skills. Knowledge of major databases in subject field, electronic journals, scholarly literature, and publishing trends. Evidence of excellent communication and presentation skills. Demonstrable service orientation and under­ standing of library services in a research university. Ability to work colleg¡ally with all levels of users and staff and to fulfill faculty requirements for promotion and tenure. Some evening and weekend duty may be required. Preferred (or desirable): Professional or preprofessional collection development experience. Advanced de­ gree in an appropriate subject area. Ability to create and maintain World Wide Web resources. Grant writing skills. Evidence of research or creative achievement, Salary and rank: Negotiable, commensu­ rate with qualifications and experience; $35,000 minimum. To apply: Send letter of application and resume, with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Caroline Wire, Collection Coordinators Search Committee, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana 546 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 CURATOR OF RARE BOOKS, DIVISION OF RARE AND MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS Cornell University Library The Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections includes 300,000 printed books, more than 80 million manuscripts, and another million photographs, paintings, prints, and other visual media. The collection chronicles such fields as medieval and Renaissance studies, the Reformation, eighteenth-century France and England, American history, Anglo-American literature, Icelandic history and culture, and the history of science. With a staff of 25, the division plays an active teaching role at Cornell and promotes the use of its collections through a variety of programs, including instruction, tours, exhibitions, and networked access to collections. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the general direction of the Associate University Librarian for Special Collections, the Curator of Rare Books will participate in an integrated special collections program, contribute to the overall goals of a major research library, and play a dynamic role in the rare book profession. He/she will exercise principal responsibility for the development of the division’s historical and literary book holdings. He/she will contribute to public service, collection management, and public affairs activities, representing the Division in professional organizations, and to faculty, staff, students, and alumni. QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: Graduate degree in library/information science or humanities; excel­ lent written and oral communication and interpersonal skills; and progressively responsible experience in special collections management (six plus years). PREFERRED: Extensive knowledge of the antiquarian book trade; competency in western European languages; experience in donor relations and fundraising; a strong record of professional publication; and proficiency with computers, networks, and digital access techniques and issues. SALARY: Salary commensurate with qualifications. Closing Date: July 15,1998, but applications will be accepted until position is filled. APPLY TO: Susan Markowitz, Director Library Human Resources 201 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5301 Please send cover letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references Cornell University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer strongly committed to diversity. We value qualified candidates who can bring to our community a variety of backgrounds and experiences. State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Preference given to applications received by July 15, 1998. COLLECTION D EVELO PM ENT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (JAPA ­ NESE). Colum bia University. C. V. Starr East Asian Library. This position has primary responsibility for collection m anagem ent and reference services for the Japanese research and instructional col­ lection, which contains over 235,000 volumes. Collection m anage­ m ent responsibilities include selecting and deselecting material according to curricular and research needs of faculty and students; participation in making and evaluating collection developm ent poli­ cies; im plem enting preservation and conservation policies; caring for rare books; and planning for future collection developm ent programs in conjunction with system wide policies, external networks, and consortia. The position also has prim ary reference service and bibliographic instruction responsibilities for Japanese studies. Q uali­ fications are: An accredited MLS or m aster’s degree in East Asian studies; fluency in oral and written Japanese and good com m unica­ tions skills in English; up-to-date knowledge of traditional Japanese subject areas and recent developm ents in the social sciences; fam iliarity with reference tools and new bibliographic techniques; knowledge of RLIN and other online systems; knowledge of Internet resources and use; excellent organizational and interpersonal skills; and ability to work effectively with faculty and students. Salary ranges (which will increase July 1, 1998) are currently: Librarian I, $34,500- $43,125; Librarian II, $36,500-$49,275; Librarian III, $39,500-$59,250. Excellent benefits include assistance with university housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Jane Hunt, Recruitment Manager, Box 18 Butler Library, Colum bia University, 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Applications will be accepted until position is filled; applications received by August 31, 1998, will receive priority consideration. An affirm ative action, equal opportu­ nity employer. EAST ASIAN CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The University Library Sys­ tem, University of Pittsburgh is seeking candidates for the following full-tim e position: East Asian Catalog Librarian, East Asian Library. Under the general direction of the Head, East Asian Library, the East Asian Catalog Librarian is responsible for coordinating operations of the East Asian cataloging team, including original and copy catalog­ ing, database m aintenance for East Asian records, and the training and supervision of the staff of the East Asian cataloging team. Manages, plans, and monitors the workflow; performs original and copy cataloging of Chinese-language materials in all formats; coordi­ nates cataloging in other East Asian languages, such as Japanese and Korean. Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equiva­ lent); strong com m itm ent to service; excellent ability to read, write, and speak Chinese; strong interpersonal and com m unication skills in English; knowledge of East Asian studies as an academ ic discipline; knowledge of AACR2, LCRI, LC classification, LCSH, and USMARC formats; fam iliarity with OCLC or RLIN CJK system; knowledge of electronic databases and Internet resources; strong com puter skills desirable: Knowledge of Japanese or Korean; second m aster’s C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 547 ACQUISITIONS COORDINATOR University of Wisconsin- Madison General Library System PVL #29592 The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Gen­ eral Library System (GLS) is accepting appli­ cations for the position of Acquisitions Coor­ dinator, Central Technical Services (CTS) Division. This is a full-time academic staff appointment. Minimum salary: $42,000. DEGREE AND AREA O F SPECIALIZATION: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accred- ited program: minimum of five years’ acquisi­ tions experience in a research or academic library; excellent skills in oral and written communication; strong service orientation and problem-solving abilities; excellent grasp of the domestic and foreign book and serials trade; significant experience in fiscal man­ agement; familiarity with bibliographic control issues; experience with bibliographic utilities and integrated library management systems; excellent analytical and organizational skills. PRINCIPAL DUTIES: Serves as the primary technical services contact with library ven­ dors; is responsible for final resolution of problems regarding all aspects of acquisi­ tions; works with subject specialists on pro­ files for approval plans, blanket orders, and other agreements established with vendors or consortia; represents the division on vari­ ous committees; works with the Associate Director for Collection Development and Pres­ ervation in monitoring the collection budget; and assists in the examination and evaluation of license agreements for electronic re­ sources. Letter of application, vita, and the names, addresses, fax numbers, and telephone num­ bers of three references should be sent to: Sandra Guthrie Personnel Director 365 Memorial Library 728 State St. Madison, Wl 53706-1494 Phone: (608) 262-1890 Applications must be postmarked by July 24, 1998. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants and nomi­ nees must be released upon request. Final­ ists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality. An Equal Opportunity and affirmative action employer committed to a diverse workforce. BUSINESS LIBRARIAN I. D. Weeks Library University of South Dakota POSITION: Faculty rank, tenure-track, 12- month appointment, I.D. Weeks Library, Uni­ versity of South Dakota. Seeking an indi­ vidual who will work in a centralized refer­ ence area, and serves as business informa­ tion expert fo r the library. Position is primarily responsible for planning services and library resource development fo r the School of Busi­ ness. Position is also responsible for coordi­ nating the selection and acquisition of and access to federal and state government docu­ ments. Position requires close cooperation with the cataloging and acquisition depart­ ments. Additional responsibilities include working regularly scheduled hours at the reference desk and providing online refer­ ence assistance. Individuals applying should have an interest in working with faculty and have a strong commitment to public service. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; un­ dergraduate degree in a business-related field; knowledge and interest in educating library users; ability to work effectively with colleagues and diverse clientele; effective written and oral skills; knowledge of online searching; knowledge of microcomputer ap­ plications for word processing. Additional desirable qualifications: (1) second master’s degree in a business-related field (will be required fo r tenure and promotion); (2) expe­ rience working with government documents; (3) reference experience either in an aca­ demic or public library. SALARY: Entry-level position; minimum of $26,000. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Submit letter of application, resume, and the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Imre Meszaros Director of Libraries I. D. Weeks Library University of South Dakota 414 E. Clark St. Vermillion, SD 57069-2390 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Review of appli­ cations will begin August 1, 1998, and will continue until position is filled. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 548 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 SYSTEMS COORDINATOR The University of Akron Libraries The University of Akron Libraries invites applications for the position of Systems Coordinator to manage and maintain daily operations of library systems and to guide the continued integration of information technology into the library’s operations and services. Playing an integral role in the development of innovative technological applications in library service and reporting to the Dean of University Libraries, the Systems Coordinator serves as an ex-officio member of the Department Heads Advisory Group and chairs a library automation group comprised of representatives from four libraries: Bierce Library, the Auburn Science Library, the C. Blake McDowell Law Center Library, and the Wayne College library. POSITION DESCRIPTION: Plans, consults with, and advises the heads of library departments in the application of computers and library systems to their departmental operations. Ensures effective integration of information transfers, processing, storage, and access across a complex platform and database environment. Ensures database integrity and security and enforces database standards. Maintains and reviews the library’s Webpage. Monitors system growth and requirements, suggests systems enhancements and extensions based on problem analysis and resolution, coordi­ nates the testing of enhancements and new releases, and oversees their final installation and implemen­ tation. Collects system data and reports appropriate statistical data, including collection analysis and usage. Plans and coordinates the development and operation of the Innovative Interfaces system, and is the official liaison with that vendor; Communicates information and system changes to library staff, and prepares and distributes appropriate documentation. Coordinates staff training and continuing education. Serves as principal library liaison with vendors, automation groups, and OhioLINK, the statewide consortium. Communicates productively with Computer and systems personnel on campus, regional, and statewide levels, REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS. At least three years significant, relevant library experience. Extensive knowledge of MARC records and bibliographic utilities. Demonstrated user- centered service philosophy. Proven ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with both technical and nontechnical people. Thorough knowledge of basic principles of library operations, processes, and trends. Proven ability to communicate pleasantly and effectively. Ability to present ideas clearly and concisely in written and oral form. Ability to meet faculty retention, tenure and promotion requirements. PREFERRED: Experience working with library systems in an academic library; experience with Innovative Interfaces, Inc., systems and with OCLC; experience with approval plan, MARCIVE, and patron record transfer standards and protocols. This is a 12-month, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor. Vacation is accrued at the rate of 22 days per year; excellent benefits package. The University of Akron is a publicly assisted metropolitan university with an enrollment of 24,000. It offers more than 200 undergraduate majors, 68 master’s and 17 doctoral and four professional programs in ten degree-granting colleges. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and names, address, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three current references to: Delmus Williams, Dean University Libraries The University of Akron Bierce Library Akron, OH 44325-1701 APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 15,1998. SALARY RANGE: $35,000-$40,000, commensurate with appropriate experience. degree in a subject related to East Asian studies; previous profes­ sional experience in an academ ic or research library; previous super­ visory experience. Full position announcem ent available at: http:// w w w .p itt.e d u /~ g e n tz/e a ctl.h tm l. Salary; $30,000. C om prehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days/year, BC/BS, TIAA/ CREF, and tuition assistance. To apply: Subm it letter of application and resume with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: W illiam Gentz, Personnel Librarian, 271 Hillman Li­ brary, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Applications received by July 30, 1998, will receive prim ary consideration; please specify position desired. For more information on the University Library System, visit our web site at: http://w w w The University Library System is an AA/EO E aggressively com m itted to increasing diversity in our workplace and strongly encourages appli­ cations from candidates who can contribute in this area. EUROPEAN STUDIES COLLECTION SPECIALIST, HUM ANITIES TEAM. University of Michigan. The European Studies Collection Specialist provides subject-specific service and collection support for cam pus scholars and students with information needs related to the C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 549 Harvard University invites nominations and applications for two key positions. The Harvard College Library, the central collection o f the Faculty or Arts and Sciences, has a combined annual budget in excess of $54 m illion, and consists of: W idener (the main research library for most o f the humanities and social sciences); H oughton (rare books and manuscripts); Lam ont and Hilles (undergraduate collections); Cabot Science; Harvard-Yenching (East Asian col­ lections) Music; Fine Arts; K um m el (geological sciences); Littauer (economics and government); and Tozzer (anthropology). In addition, the College Library works in close collaboration with numerous departmental, research, and institute libraries. The College Library is in the midst o f a major planning effort for the renovations to the stack area o f the Widener Library; will soon be embarking on the replacement o f the online library information system, H O L L IS ; and is actively engaged in digital initiatives across the University. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN OF HARVARD COLLEGE FOR RESEARCH AND INSTRUCTION The Associate Librarian for Research and Instruction shares in the overall administration o f the Harvard College Library with primary responsibility for leadership and administration o f its research and instructional programs. Reporting to the Librarian o f Harvard College, this Associate Librarian is a member o f the Library's senior management team and will work closely with the Associate Librarian for Planning and Administration and the Associate Librarian for Collections. Q u a lific a tio n s: Substantial and progressively responsible experience in exercising leadership and m anagem ent in an academic/research library. Broad knowledge and understanding o f public services and a user-centered vision for the future. Ability to manage the dynamic process o f change in large, complex and diverse environments; an understanding o f the evolving role o f the academic research library and ability to articulate how emerging electronic technologies can be applied to the instruc­ tional and research mission o f the Library; outstanding interpersonal and com m unication skills; proven ability to plan effectively and a record o f prom oting cooperative and collaborative efforts among library units; strong budget management; demonstrated analytical and problem solving skills. Graduate degree in library science or an equivalent com bination of education and/or expe­ rience. A n advanced degree in an academic discipline or record o f research and scholarship. RICHARD F. FRENCH LIBRARIAN OF THE EDA KUHN LOEB MUSIC LIBRARY The Librarian has prim ary responsibility for collection development and management; reference, access, and preservation programs; strategic planning; budget and h u m a n resources management; and im plem entation o f inform ation technologies. Reports to the R oy E. Larsen Librarian o f Harvard College, serves as a m em ber o f the management group o f the College Library, participates in fund-raising programs. Q ualifications: Dem onstrated ability to provide strong leadership, vision, and strategic direction in complex organizations; demonstrated understanding o f the library and inform ation resources that support research and scholarship in the areas served by the M usic Library; knowledge o f the broad range o f issues involved w ith the integration o f inform ation technolo­ gy; knowledge o f preservation issues. Excellent com m unication skills; ability to work in a highly collaborative environm ent and to contribute to cooperative initiatives w ith in and beyond the Library. Advanced degree in music; library degree from an A L A accredited institution or an equivalent com bination o f education and/or experience; knowledge o f at least one Western European language, G erm an highly desirable; a record o f scholarly research and achievement. C om plete position announcem ents available upon request. Harvard University offers a competitive program o f benefits. A ppointm ent salary dependent on qualifications. The review o f applications for both positions will begin im m ediately and continue until each position is filled. Interested parties are invited to subm it a letter o f application addressing position qualifications, resume, and the names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers o f three references to: Hazel C. Stamps Senior H um an Resources Program Administrator Harvard College Library Harvard University W idener 181 Cambridge, MA 0 2138 H A R V A R D U N IV E R S IT Y U P H O L D S A C O M M I T M E N T T O A F F IR M A T IV E A C T IO N A N D E Q U A L E M P L O Y M E N T O P P O R T U N IT Y 550 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 HEAD OF CATALOGING The Folger Shakespeare Library The Folger Shakespeare Library invites applications for the position of Head of Cataloging. RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Head of Technical Services, the Head of Cataloging is responsible for managing the daily operations of the Cataloging Department, supervising, training, and evaluating two Rare Book Catalogers and two Modern Book Catalogers, assisting in setting policy, and providing efficient and timely access to the library’s collections. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Good reading knowledge of at least one modern foreign language, and familiarity with Latin. At least four years progressively responsible experience in a research library cataloging department, including experience in training and supervision. Online cataloging experience with a variety of materials, including at least one of the following: Early printed books, manuscripts, archival material, art, or nonbook material. Knowledge of the MARC format, AACR2, LC subject headings and classification, DCRB or APPM, and a strong commitment to national cataloging standards. Significant experience with a bibliographic utility, prefer­ ably RLIN, and with a local online library system. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills. Ability to initiate, plan, and carry out projects, both independently and as a member of a team. Flexibility, excellent oral and written communications, interpersonal, and organizational skills. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Previous experience in the cataloging of early printed books strongly desired. Experience with NACO and with automated name and subject authority control. Record of participation in professional activities. Subject masters or equivalent in an arts and humanities field. ENVIRONMENT: The Folger is the largest nongovernmental nonprofit organization on Capitol Hill. The library has one of the largest collections of STC (1475-1640) and Wing (1641 -1700) books in the world and one of the world’s finest collections of 15th- through 18th-century rare books and manuscripts from Great Britain and the Continent. The Folger Library’s OPAC is Voyager, a multitiered client-server-based relational database from Endeavor Information Systems. BENEFITS: Administered by Amherst College, the Folger offers a competitive benefits package, including: A standard week of 35 hours; 11 holidays, and 24 vacation days per year; 100 per cent of the employee’s medical premium paid by the Folger; TIAA/CREF. Salary range of $35,000-$40,000, negotiable depending upon qualifications and experience. For more information, please look at our World Wide Web site: TO APPLY: Send letter of application and resume, with the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Folger Shakespeare Library Attn: Manager Human Resources 201 East Capitol Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003-1094 No phone calls or e-mail please. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The Folger Shakespeare Library is an equal opportunity employer. languages, cultures, or histories of western Europe. The University of Michigan has established top-ranked academ ic programs in many of these areas, and the library m aintains outstanding international collections in support of such scholarship. The rich print collections are increasingly bolstered by one of the w orld’s forem ost digital text collections, with literary, philosophical, and historical corpora in English, German, and the Romance languages of Europe. W orking in conjunction with the Humanities Team — and other library staff as appropriate— the successful candidate will develop library programs and services to advance cam pus scholarship related to the history and cultural traditions of Europe. The Specialist will provide in-depth reference service to students and researchers from cam pus depart­ ments with a focus on the history, languages, and cultures of western Europe. In addition to assum ing direct responsibility for collection developm ent in European history, the Specialist will coordinate the efforts of colleagues selecting belles letters and literary criticism in the Romance Languages as well as support efforts to acquire social- sc¡ence resources related to western Europe. The university library is com m itted to supporting collaborative working arrangem ents that conjoin subject, language, area, and form at specialties to produce the best possible outcom es for users. Qualifications: Required: ALA- accredited MLS and two years research library experience; or rel­ evant m aster's degree and minimum of five years research library or research archive work experience. Significant graduate study in an aspect of western European studies; or five years research library work experience with collection and service responsibility for western European studies. Reading knowledge of two or more western European languages (preference for French, Spanish, Italian, or German). Dem onstrated collection development, reference, and in­ structional skills, including excellent oral and written com m unication skills. Familiarity with m ajor European book vendors, current biblio­ graphic tools in print and digital form, and core reference resources in the humanities and social sciences. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with culturally diverse faculty, students, and staff. Desired: Knowledge of HTML and experience in the developm ent of WWW resources. Familiarity with structured electronic text and the use of textual analysis system s for the study of history and political philoso­ phy. Ph.D. in history or an allied field with a focus on some aspect of western European studies. Knowledge of print and electronic tools and strategies for accessing archival resources in the United States and Europe. Rank, salary, and leave: Rank of Associate Librarian. Final salary dependent on years of previous relevant professional experience. Minimum salary: $33,000; 24 working days of vacation a year; 15 days of sick leave a year with provisions for extended C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 551 CURATOR OF THE GIVENS COLLECTION OF AFRICAN- AMERICAN LITERATURE AND LIFE University of Minnesota Libraries OVERVIEW OF UNIT: The Archie Givens Sr. Collection of African-American Literature and Life contains over 8,000 books, as well as pamphlets, manuscripts, letters, and ephemera of African-American literature, spanning the late 18th century to the present. The Givens Collection has a distinguished record in loans to exhibits, in outreach to students and the general public, and in video productions. Recently the Collection has become the focus of a major digitizing program, through a joint initiative with IBM. DESCRIPTION: The Curator reports to the Head of Special Collections and will be responsible for collection development, for providing research and consultative services, for preparing guides and finding aids, for preparing exhibits, and for participation in fundraising for the Givens Collection. The Curator will have a special opportunity to apply digital technologies to make the collection accessible via the Internet and World Wide Web. Through these and other activities, the Curator will have the opportunity to lead the Givens Collection in furthering its mission of scholarship and community outreach. QUALIFICATIONS: Master's degree in library science from an ALA accredited institution or foreign equivalent: course work/background in African-American literature or history; two years professional experience, preferably in a research library; excellent communication skills (written and oral); experience with electronic resources, especially the WWW and digital technology. APPOINTMENT/SALARY: This is a full-time, 12-month academic/professional position, with probationary appointment at the rank of Assistant or Associate Librarian. The appointee is expected to fulfill require­ ments for continuous appointment, including a demonstrated record of professional contribution and accomplishment, within six years. Salary is $32,000+, depending on qualifications. Generous benefits. Send a letter of application discussing how your background and experience fulfill each required qualification of the position (also address preferred qualifications as appropriate), a current resume, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of three references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting Libraries Human Resources Officer University Libraries 499 Wilson Library 309 19th Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414 Application must be postmarked by August 24,1998. Please identify application with the number UL 77. Questions about the position may be directed to: Carol Urness, Chair, Givens Collection Search Committee, University of Minnesota, 462 Wilson Library, 3 0 9 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455-0414; phone: (612) 624-6895; e-mail: c-urne The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. benefits. To apply: Send cover letter and copy of resume to: Lucy Cohen, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application deadline: Applica­ tions received by August 15, 1998, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscrim¡natory, affirmative action employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN. The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts. The Bard Graduate Center seeks a Head Librarian to support its master's and Ph.D. programs in the study of the decorative arts. The position will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the center’s library, including: Collection development and acqui­ sitions, cataloging, electronic resource development, reference and bibliographic instruction services. Position supervises two profes­ sional staff members and several work-study students. The success­ ful candidate will be actively involved in the center's research pro­ gram. MLS required, with strong preference for additional advanced degree in a related field, such as art or design history, or the history of material culture. Three to five years of previous professional experience with staff management, budget development, and re­ source management. Please forward cover letter, CV and three references to: Theresa Vanyo, Bard Graduate Center, 18 W. 86th St., New York, NY 10024. AA/EOE. HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES. Position in the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College responsible for the supervision of the Circulation/ Interlibrary Loan Department. Duties will encompass participating in providing reference and online information assistance; and participat­ ing in the library’s liaison, orientation, and instruction programs. Minimum of five years post-MLS experience in public services, with demonstrated progressive supervisory responsibility, required. Must demonstrate a positive service attitude and be able to inspire it in other staff. Knowledge of online library databases and the WWW required; ability to plan and implement systems using current technol­ ogy required; III and OCLC experience preferred. Must be able to work effectively with other staff and users of the library. Interested candi­ dates should submit a letter of interest, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Office of the Librarian of the College, Box 2256, Amherst College, Amherst, MA 01002-5000. A review of resumes will begin August 1, 1998, and the position will remain open until filled. Amherst College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and encourages women, minorities, and disabled persons to apply. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. St. Petersburg Junior Col­ lege is seeking a professional librarian to work directly with students and faculty in identifying their information needs, and assisting them 552 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE SUNY Geneseo The State University of New York at Geneseo is a public, nationally recognized, liberal arts college situated in the Finger Lakes region. The college libraries seek candidates for the following positions: ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR SUNY Geneseo is seeking a highly motivated, experienced, and innovative administrator to coordinate implementation, management, and assessment of public services and staff development within rapidly evolving academic libraries. RESPONSIBILITIES: Work closely with director, branch library manager, and public service department heads; continue major commitment to forge closer relationships between the libraries and academic departments; expand library instruction program and coordinate beginning effort to provide remote reference services to faculty and students. Assist director to secure government grants, private foundation support, and industry partnerships. Candidates must possess strong dedication to service excellence, and proven supervisory skills in areas such as reference, library instruction, circulation/reserve, ILL/document delivery, and staff development. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum three years successful experience in public services; well-developed skills in project management, personnel supervision, and oral/written communication. Strong preferences: Demonstrated effective integration of information technologies within public services; evidence of creativity, initiative, and commitment to the academic library as ateaching institution. SALARY RANGE: $50,000-$55,000, depending upon experience. 12-month administrative position. Good benefits package. INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY (IT) LIBRARIAN The SUNY Geneseo College Libraries have an opening for an energetic and innovative Instructional Technology Librarian to work within the rapidly evolving, highly service-oriented campus libraries. Responsibilities will include integrating computer applications and technologies within the libraries’ teaching/learning program and environment. RESPONSIBILITIES: This librarian will support other instructional librarians in the development of new teaching methods, the creation of digital learning materials, and the use of presentation software and Web-based tutorials. IT Librarian will also work to integrate the libraries' instructional program with activities in its electronic reference area (45 workstations) and teaching lab (22 workstations), including supervision of student technical assistants who help users in these areas. IT Librarian will assist in the development and management of college libraries’ electronic information resources, such as the libraries’ Web site, local Web-based resources, electronic reserves, and digital- imaging projects. Position also calls for participation in an extensive library instruction program and providing periodic reference desk coverage. Limited weekend hours required. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS, excellent interpersonal and communication skills, working knowledge of HTML. Highly desired: Demonstrated expertise in developing instructional Web pages, experience with computer-assisted instruction and multimedia technologies. Familiarity with TCP/IP, Windows 95/NT, and UNIX desired. Previous employment providing reference and library instruction in an academic library, and a demonstrated commitment to excellence in providing responsive and creative user services preferred. RANK: Senior Assistant Librarian. Salary range: $31,000-$36,000, depending upon experience. 12-month contract, tenure-track position with attractive benefits package. Initial appointment is two years. This is a faculty position with attendant expectations for professional competence, service, and scholarship. Persons interested in either position should submit letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and phone numbers of three professional references to: Ed Rivenburgh Director of College Libraries SUNY Geneseo 1 College Circle Geneseo, NY 14454 Additional information regarding the college libraries is available at Review of applications will begin July 20,1998, and continue until filled. AA/EOE. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. C&RL News ■ July/.August 1998 / 553 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLE Temple University CHIEF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT OFFICER This is an administrative-level position, performing in a staff capacity role, and reporting to the University Librarian (and/or Deputy University Librarian). Provides leadership in development and management of the university libraries collections and access to information resources in all media and formats to meet the current and future teaching, research, and service needs of the university. Plans, implements, monitors, and reviews activities of subject specialists in light of evolving technologies, professional practice, and university academic programs. Formulates collection development and information access strategies, and coordi­ nates attendant policies and activities librarieswide. Coordinates outreach activities relating to library collections and information access to academic programs and departments. Prepares budget plans and monitors expenditures for information resources. Contributes to the formulation of librarieswide policies and procedures and to the definition of goals and priorities. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree or its equivalent required. An advanced degree in an academic discipline is strongly preferred. Demonstrated knowledge of and extensive experience with academic and research library collection development. Successful management of collection budgets and programs. Understanding of the changing nature of scholarly inquiry and the increasing interdisciplinary nature of such. Understanding of the evolving role of the academic research library and how information technology affects academic access and ownership issues. Demonstrated ability to plan effectively. Excellent skills in analysis, including qualitative and quantitative collection analysis techniques, and oral and written communication. Knowledge of information technology and electronic resources. Knowledge of trends in higher education, including both research and curricular development. A record of promoting cooperative and collaborative efforts in a rapidly changing environment. Evidence of professional develop­ ment and professional or scholarly contributions. Experience with donor relations and fundraising. HEAD, ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE LIBRARIES Provides leadership in development and management of the Engineering/Architecture and Science departmental libraries (Biology, Chemistry, Mathematical Sciences, and Physics). Plans, implements, monitors, and reviews all activities of the department in light of evolving information technologies, professional practice, and university academic programs. Oversees outreach activities relating to Engineer­ ing and Science Libraries’ services to cognizant academic programs/departments, Coordinates policies and activities of the department with those of other university libraries (UL) units and with established UL objectives. Contributes to the formulation of librarieswide policies and procedures and to the definition of goals and priorities. Staff includes two librarians, five support staff, plus student assistants. Position reports to Deputy University Librarian/University Librarian. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree or its equivalent required. An undergraduate/advanced degree in a physical science or engineering academic discipline is strongly preferred. A minimum of five years of professional-level experience, including several years in a supervisory or management role. Demonstrated knowledge of library services and programs, including substantive experience in several of the following areas: Access, reference, collection management, and/or library instruction. Successful management of staff, budgets, and single or multiunit library program(s). Understanding of the evolving role of the academic research library and how information technology affects information access and library service issues. Demonstrated ability to plan and implement effectively. Excellent skills in analysis, including qualitative and quantitative collection analysis techniques, and oral and written communication. Knowledge of trends in academic research libraries and higher education. A record of promoting cooperative and collaborative efforts in a rapidly changing environment. Evidence of professional development and professional or scholarly contributions. Experience with library development. COMPENSATION: Minimum $45,000; higher commensurate with qualifications and experience. Generous benefits package includes health, dental, and life insurance; tuition remission; and TIAA/CREF retirement plans. TO APPLY: Send letter of application addressing qualifications, resume, and names of at least three references to: Chair, Search Committee Administrative Services Department Paley Library (017-00) Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: July 31,1998. An AA/EO employer. 554 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 REFERENCE AND SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA LIBRARIAN The University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a Reference and Social Science Data Librarian who will work under the direction of the Head of Reference, Van Pelt Library, to provide reference and instructional services to the University of Pennsylvania community and act as liaison to particular social science departments in the School of Arts and Sciences. This position has particular responsibility for social science data products in reference. The Penn Library has a collection of over 4.5 million volumes, 33,500 print journal subscriptions, 1,800 electronic journals, and over 100 networked databases. During the past ye a r the library introduced a new integrated library system. Penn is a fully networked campus and is aggressively experimenting with and adopting new technology in research and teaching. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: Select, organize, and support the departments' many social science data resources including census data on CD-ROM. Provide a high level of support for these products, such as documentation, workstation access, customized data extracts, and Web products. Train staff. Work in close coordination with the Director of Collection Development and the Social Sciences Bibliographer to provide collection management and development services for selected SAS departments and programs. Meet with the chair and faculty of these departments and work to insure that they and their students know of library services and resources. Create and maintain Web resources for specific social science areas. Prepare and offer course-related instruction for classes in a range of disciplines. Provide direct assistance to users at the reference desk, on the phone, and via e-mail. Coordinate U.S. documents resources in microform and in electronic form. Oversee organization of and access to depository documents received in microform as well as those on CD-ROM or on the web. Work with staff in Information Processing Center to monitor receipt and OPAC access to these resources. Participate in librarywide task forces and committees. QUALIFICATIONS: The successful candidate will possess an MLS from ALA-accredited library school or equivalent in experience, training, and practice. In addition, the position requires: A strong subject background in the social sciences; excellent oral and written communication skills; a commitment to service and familiarity with technology. The candidate will also: Have an ability to work both independently and collegially; collaborate effectively and demonstrate initiative; and have good teaching skills and interper­ sonal skills. Appointment as Librarian B requires at least one to three years of professional library experience. Salary range $28,600-$42,900. TO APPLY: Submit a cover letter, resume, and three references to: Rubin I. Fisher Library Human Resources Administrator University of Pennsylvania Library 3420 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19104-6206 Applications received by July 31,1998, will receive first consideration. AA/EOE. in locating, retrieving, and evaluating traditional and electronic re­ sources. Will assist in developm ent of services for distance learning students and in providing instruction in information com petency. M aster’s degree in library science or library and information science from an ALA-accredited program required. Candidates must have in- depth knowledge of electronic and traditional reference resources and trends; experience in online searching and W eb pages and developm ent and m anagement, and excellent com m unication skills required. To apply: Request an em ploym ent application by e-mail: franqueiroh@ em, fax: (813) 341-3223, o r phone: (813) 341-3311, and return it with a cover letter and resume by July 10, 1998, to: Human Resources, St. Petersburg Junior College, 8580 66th St. N., Pinellas Park, FL 33781. EOE. IN F O R M A T IO N T E C H N O L O G IE S /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . Earlham College seeks candidates for full-tim e position responsible for the libraries’ com puter technology, including m anagem ent of electronic access services (online services and oversight of library’s web site) and CD-ROMs. Shares responsibilities for reference/biblio­ graphic instruction services with four other librarians, including evening and weekend assignm ents. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school is required. W orking knowledge of IBM -PC/W indows-com pat- ¡ble hardware, software, peripherals, operating systems, and HTML required. D em onstrated ability to w ork well independently and collaboratively with others in a rapidly changing and demanding environment. Position available beginning August 15, 1998, starting date negotiable. Review of applications will begin July 6, 1998, and continue until position is filled. Send resume and the names, ad­ dresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Thom as G. Kirk, Jr., College Librarian, Earlham College, Richmond, IN 47374. Earlham College is affiliated with the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) and is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. Applications from African Americans, other racial/ethnic minorities, women, and people sym pathetic to Q uaker values, including social justice, simplicity, and consensus decision making are encouraged. More information about Earlham, its libraries and this position is available at http://w w w .earlham .edu/~libr. INFO RM ATION TECHNO LO G Y SPECIALIST/LIBRARIAN. Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick Libraries. We seek a dynam ic C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 555 DEAN OF THE LIBRARY (Search Readvertised) Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Dean of the Library, Monmouth University, West Long Branch. New Jersey. Monmouth University is a private, comprehensive, student-centered institution offering 22 undergraduate and 16 graduate degree programs with more than 4,377 FTE students, and 276 FTE faculty. It is located in the central New Jersey shore area, approximately one mile from the Atlantic Ocean, one hour from New York City, and two hours from metropolitan Philadelphia, The Guggenheim Memorial Library’s holdings include 251,000 books and bound periodicals, 1,200 periodical subscriptions, and numerous electronic resources with full-text databases, The library has an integrated online GEAC/ LIBS PLUS system in a fully networked environment. The Dean coordinates activities of eight faculty librarians and 15.5 FTE support staff. The position is a renewable administrative three-year appointment at Associate or Full Professor rank. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, Ph.D. preferred. Progressively responsible management experience in an academic library and a strong track record (minimum three years) as a top library administrator. Exceptional organizational and analytical skills. Clear vision of the evolving role of the academic library in digital environment and evolving integration of technology into curriculum and teaching. Direct experience with library automation, the latest computer telecommunications technologies and their applications to both library and educational functions and services. Demonstrated ability to communicate and interact effectively with faculty, administration, and students in a scholarly environment. A Commitment to user instruction and the educational mission of the academic library. Active and productive involvement in professional activities. Experience in fund raising and grant writing. Responsibilities: Reports to the Provost and is responsible for the overall library administration and planning. As member of Academic Affairs Planning Group, promotes use of information resources and technology in the curriculum and teaching. Advises Provost and Associate V.P. of Instructional Technol­ ogy Services on emerging instructional technology resources. Serves as the major liaison and advocate for the library. Provides dynamic leadership in the planning and implementation of a proposed new addition to the library and a major renovation of the existing facility. Mentors the librarians and support staff in professional development, tenure, and promotion activities. Serves as ex-officio member of the Board of the Library Association, a long-established friends group that has provided the monetary support for library automation and an endowment for materials. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to: Chair, Search Committee c/o Provost’s Office Monmouth University Ceder Ave. West Long Branch, NJ 07764 Review of applications will continue until position is filled. Monmouth University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. librarian with knowledge and experience in information technologies relevant to an academic environment to work in a team setting in the development of innovative projects and sen/ices for students and faculty. Serves as a resource person for the Scholarly Com m unica­ tion Center (SCC); provides leadership and training in utilization of electronic tools such as authorware and computer-based instruction, HTML tools, expert systems, and digital library initiatives. Experience in Windows NT, and NT server, UNIX, CD-ROM technologies, and Internet protocols experience is desirable. ALA-accredited MLS required for a tenure-track appointment with minimum salary of $40,944, dependent upon experience and qualifications. The URL for the complete position profile may be found at http://scc01 SCCHOME/. Candidates applying no later than July 31, 1998, will receive first consideration. Submit resume, cover letter, and names of three referees to: Sandra Troy (APP 125), Libraries Personnel Officer, Rutgers University Libraries, 169 College Ave., New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163; fax: (732) 932-7637; e-mail: stroy@ Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, is committed to affirm a­ tive action and equal opportunity. MATHEMATICS LIBRARIAN. The University of Notre Dame Librar­ ies is seeking an innovative, service-oriented, patron-focused indi­ vidual to lead the Mathematics Library into the next century. Respon­ sibilities: The Mathematics Librarian delivers responsive, innovative information services that are tailored to the needs of the university community working in mathematics. Serves as the reference, collec­ tion development, and information specialist for mathematics. Super­ vises the Branch Library Supervisor. Builds, maintains, and improves the services that the Mathematics Library offers via the Web as patron use patterns and computer technology change. Assists Physical Sciences Librarian with planning, implementing, and maintaining Web services for the sciences. Reports to the Physical Sciences Librarian. Qualifications: ALA-accredited master’s degree; signifi­ cant academic background in mathematics; extensive knowledge of the application of new technologies and/or mark-up languages to the design and delivery of instructional programs and Web-based ser­ vices. Commitment to mastering new technologies and to providing proactive service to actual and potential users of mathematics information. Creativity, initiative, and a willingness to reach beyond the boundaries of the traditional library are highly valued. Supervisory experience is desired. Environment: The library enjoys the enthusias­ tic support of 40 faculty, 38 graduate and 133 undergraduate students in the Mathematics Department. The Mathematics Library will be moving to a different building during the fiscal year 1999/2000. This http://scc01 556 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 provides an opportunity to help shape library service by participating in the renovation of an existing site and in the move of the library to that site. Salary and rank are open, based on qualifications and experience; minimum for entry level is $32,000. Librarians at Notre Dame are non-tenure-track mem bers of the university faculty and have an excellent benefits package, including tuition remission for dependents. To apply, please send a letter, resume, and contact information for references to: Sherry Veith, Human Resources Rep­ resentative, University of Notre Dame, 221 Hesburgh Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556. Applications accepted until position is filled. The University of Notre Dame is an affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer; women and m inorities are encouraged to apply. P ER IO DICA LS/SPEC IA L CO LLECTIO NS LIBRARIAN. Cornette Library, W est Texas A&M University. Reports to Assistant University Librarian. Duties: Manages operation of Periodicals/Special C ollec­ tions Unit. Builds, maintains, and evaluates library’s serials collec­ tion, archives, and special collections. Provides reference service and group instruction in accessing library’s collections and using printed and electronic indexes and Internet resources. Supervises two full-tim e paraprofess¡onals. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS earned before appointm ent. Pre- or post-MLS experience providing reference service or library instruction, preferably in an academ ic library. Good verbal and written com m unication skills. Experience with m icrocom puters, printed and electronic indexes, Internet re­ sources, and an autom ated library system (preferably DRA). Periodi­ cals, special collections, or archives experience preferred. Interest in regional history a plus. Salary/benefits: $28,000 for 12 months. Em ployer contribution to insurance and retirement. Choice of pension or 403(b). Cornette library: Am ple work space distinguishes 150,000 square foot building housing 360,000 volumes, 1,850 periodicals, and 650,000 governm ent docum ents. Founding m em ber of multitype Harrington Library Consortium, which provides autom ated system (DRA) to over 40 academ ic, public, school, and special libraries in 25 county service area. General information: W TAMU is located 15 miles south of Am arillo in Canyon, Texas, offering choice of sm all-town or city living, both inexpensive. Near Palo Duro Canyon. Only four hours from m ountains of northern New Mexico. University has approxi­ mately 6,500 students, and offers 54 undergraduate and 30 graduate degree programs. Application deadline: Review of applications will begin August 3, 1998. Mail detailed letter of application, relating your education, experience, and career goals to the requisites of this position, and resume, including names of three references, with phone numbers, to: JoAnn Lowrance, Director, Personnel Services, W est Texas A&M University, W TAMU Box 60999, Canyon, TX 79016-0001. W TAM U is an AA/EEO employer. REFERENCE/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University Li­ brary System, University of Pittsburgh is seeking candidates for the following full-tim e position: R eference/Public Services Librarian, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs/Econom ics Li­ brary. Entry-level position to provide in-depth and ready reference service, library instruction and public services in a heavily used, dynam ic library. W orks effectively as a m em ber of a small and busy team. Reports to Head, G SPIA/Econom ics Library. Scheduled hours: 12:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday (fall, spring, and sum m er terms). Supervises GSPIA/ Econom ics Library operations after 5:00 p.m. During the interim breaks will be scheduled regular business hours (8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). Required: ALA-accredited MLS (or recognized equivalent). Dem onstrated knowledge of library information services, em erging electronic inform ation services, and their applications to libraries. Effective organizational, interpersonal, com m unication, and presen­ tation skills. Experience in an academ ic library (or course work in academ ic librarianship) desirable. Full position announcem ent avail­ able at: http://w w w l. Salary; $30,000. C om ­ prehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days/year, BC/ BS, TIAA/CREF, and tuition assistance. To apply: Subm it letter of application and resume with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: W illiam Gentz, Personnel Librarian, 271 Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260. Applications received by July 30, 1998, will receive prim ary consid­ eration; please specify position desired. For more inform ation on the U n iv e r s ity L ib ra ry S y s te m , v is it o u r w e b s ite a t: h tt p :// w w w The University Library System is an AA/EOE aggressively com m itted to increasing diversity in our workplace and strongly encourages applications from candidates who can contrib­ ute in this area. SPECIAL CO LLECTIO NS PROCESSING D EPARTM ENT HEAD. Assistant or Associate Librarian Rank. The LSU Libraries’ Special C ollections division seeks an experienced and energetic profes­ sional for the position of Head of the Special C ollections Processing Departm ent (Assistant or Associate Librarian rank). Position reports to the A ssistant Dean of Libraries for Special Collections. The DEAN OF LIBRARIES N o m in a tio n s and applications are invited for the position o f D ean o f Libraries at N ew York University. The D ean has overall responsibility for the D iv is io n o f Libraries, a system o f libraries, special and archival collections, m edia and digital resources as w ell as the U n iv e rsity ’s A rchives and U niversity Press w hich serve the educational and scholarly needs o f N Y U ’s fourteen schools and colleges. The N Y U library system ranks 22nd am o n g the nation's largest research libraries w ith a total collection o f 4 m illio n volum es and includes the U niversity's m ain library-the E lm er H olm es Bobst Library and Study Center. The Dean also serves as the adm inistrator for the Research Library A ssociation o f South M anhattan. The Dean reports to the S enior Vice President and is a m em ber o f the D e an s’ C o u n c il. The Dean should possess an understanding o f the critical role o f the library in a large, dynam ic research university and demonstrate a clear understanding o f the e v o lv in g nature o f scholarly c o m m u n ic a tio n and publishing. Candidates should have a vision o f library services in the 21st century, the skills to advocate for and com m unicate that vision, and the ability to plan, direct and promote those services. Im portant qualifications include a demonstrated ability to work collegially w ith faculty, students and staff to realize the full potential o f the D iv isio n o f Libraries in achieving the U niversity’s academ ic goals. Candidates should have a record o f co m m itm e nt that encompasses the continued developm ent o f the library's traditional collections as well as the application o f new technologies in support o f scholarship, teaching, and learning. They should have a record o f significant achievem ent in areas relevant to the adm inistration o f a m ajor research library organization. The successful candidate should possess an advanced degree in library science and an earned doctorate and have a record o f scholarship appropriate to a p p o in tm e n t w ith tenure at the equivalent rank o f Professor. A pplications should include a current resume, including names, addresses, and phone num bers o f at least four professional references and should be sent no later than August 31, 1998 to Lucinda Covert-Vail, Chair, Dean of Libraries Search Committee, New York University, 25 West 4th Street, Room 329, New York, NY 10012. N Y U encourages applications from women and members of minority groups. C&RL News ■ July/A ugust 1998 / 557 DIRECTOR, MEMBER SERVICES Association of College and Research Libraries A Division of the American Library Association The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is seeking a Director, Member Services, to work at the middle-management level in support of activities and projects of the association. GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: Developing, planning, marketing, and managing ACRL’s membership promotion and retention plan, and ACRL’s annual conference programs; providing support and guidance to members of ACRL serving in elected and appointed capacities in chapters, sections, discussion groups, and committees; marketing and managing ACRL’s member services and activities; provision of advisory services to members and nonmembers concerning academic librarianship; manages the ACRL chronological calendar and other responsibilities assigned. THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATE WILL BE ABLE TO: Work effectively with the ACRL members and governing groups; develop and maintain effective working relationships within a professional associa­ tion setting; possess strong oral, written communication, and creative thinking skills; and work well under pressure but with the flexibility to organize work schedules to accommodate competing priorities. REQUIREMENTS: MLS from a program accredited by the American Library Association; a minimum of five years library experience; experience in association management or volunteer work with nonprofit organizations is desirable. STARTING SALARY RANGE: $41,000 - $45,000; appointment will be based on successful candidate’s experience and qualifications. Excellent benefit package includes low-cost medical and dental insur­ ance. CLOSING DATE: August 1,1998. Applications, which should include a cover letter, resume, and the names of three references, should be sent to: American Library Association Human Resources 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 The American Library Association is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Applications are invited from women, ethnic minorities, veterans, and handicapable individuals. departm ent is responsible for m anuscripts processing, including physical processing, creation of finding aids and MARC records; processing of books, serials (including the ongoing w ork of the Louisiana N ew spaper Project), and other published m aterials, includ­ ing new acquisitions, transfers, and state depository docum ents; collaborating with off-site technical services staff to provide cata log­ ing for books, serials, and other published m aterials for Special Collections. For more com plete description of duties, write to address below or call (504) 388-2217. Also available at: http://lib.LS U .edu/lib/ jobs/index.htm l. Required qualifications: M aster’s degree from a university with an A LA -accredited library school; experience with manuscripts processing and cataloging; knowledge of processing and cataloging of books, serials, and other published materials; supervisory experience; a minim um of three years of progressively responsible experience in a special collections library or archives; evidence of excellent written and oral com m unication skills; and ability to fulfill prom otion and tenure requirem ents, as evidenced by professional activities and publications. This is a tenure-track faculty position, and incum bent will be expected to fulfill university require­ ments for prom otion and tenure. Preferred qualifications: Degree in history or another appropriate subject area; experience working with NOTIS software; experience with digitizing projects and knowledge of HTML and SGML; reading knowledge of French and/or Spanish. Salary com m ensurate with qualifications and experience; $35,000 minimum. Appointm ent at rank of Assistant or Associate Librarian. Review of applications will begin August 3 1 ,1 9 9 8 , and continue until the position is filled. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone and fax num bers of three refer­ ences to: Caroline W ire, Office of Dean of Libraries, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. TEC H N IC A L S ER V IC E S /A U TO M A TE D S YSTEM S LIBRARIAN. St. C lair County C om m unity College is accepting applications for a Technical S ervices/Autom ated S ystem s Librarian. Q ualifications: M aster’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution required; tech ni­ cal services experience including OCLC, MARC form ats, AACR2; dem onstrated experience with autom ated library system s, m icro­ com puters, networks, and software; strong problem -solving, organi­ zational, interpersonal, and written and oral com m unications skills; service-oriented attitude; dem onstrated leadership qualities. Re­ sponsible for the overall developm ent and m aintenance of the Learn­ ing Resources C enter’s print, audiovisual, and electronic resources; m anagem ent of the library’s autom ated library system. Reference and bibliographic instruction duties. Apply with application, resume, unofficial transcripts, and letters of reference by July 2 7 ,1 9 9 8 ; review of applications will begin August 1, 1998. Approxim ate start date: A ugust 20, 1998. Requests for applications or inquiries and com ­ pleted applications should be directed to: O ffice of Instructional Personnel, St. Clair County C om m unity College, 323 Erie St., P.O. Box 5015, Port Huron, Ml 48061-5015; Phone: (810) 989-5543; fax: (810) 984-4730. St. Clair C ounty C om m unity College is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action institution. 558 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY National Technical Institute for the Deaf Electronic Resource Librarian Applications are now being accepted for a full-time, 12 month, staff position for Electronic Resource Librarian at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), a college of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The Electronic Resource Librarian provides and coordinates traditional and electronic library services within NTID; collaborates with university and college colleagues in assessing information technological needs, monitoring information technological trends, assisting in the evaluation, selection, and promotion of electronic resources; provides direct ready reference for NTID faculty, staff, and students, and external audiences; acts as an intermediary between patrons and varying primary sources of information in the field of deafness; and consults with faculty and staff on the integration of library resources into courses and curriculum offered by NTID, including on-line and distance learning efforts. Required: ALA-accredited Masters in Library Science or Masters in Information Technology with experience in academic library environment. Two to four years experience in the support of Library systems with emphasis on electronic resources, reference, and library instruction, and supervisory experience. Preferred Skills: Knowledge of hardware and software used in electronic publishing and retrieval, including HTML, and web development tools. Communication and interpersonal skills, analytical and organizational skills, ability to work both independently and in cooperation with colleagues and patrons, ability to adjust to changing work conditions and emerging technologies. American Sign Language communication skills and knowledge of deaf culture. Ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the college’s cultural diversity, pluralism, and individual differences strongly preferred. People who are deaf or hard of hearing, with a disability, and/or members of a minority group are encouraged to apply. Position open until filled. Please reference #0484 when applying. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Rochester Institute of Technology Department of Human Resources Pamela Christopher Human Resources Administrator Eastman Bldg 8 Lomb Memorial Dr Rochester, NY 14623-5604 EOE/AA Late Job Listings RARE BOOK CATALOGING POSITION. The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for one temporary cataloging position. The library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the colonial period, 1493 to ca. 1830. This is a two-year, grant-funded position to catalog colonial Portuguese-language works. Qualifications: ALA-accred­ ited MLS degree or equivalent; two to three years of professional rare book cataloging experience using AACR2r, Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books, LCSH, and MARC formats; familiarity with the RLIN cataloging system; reading knowledge of Portu­ guese. Salary range: $30,200-$33,000, based on experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names and addresses of three references to: Department of Human Resources, Brown University, Box 1879, Providence, RI 02912. REFERENCE/INSTRUCTION LIBRARIAN. The Reference/Instruction Librarian develops, promotes and offers various user education programs in a variety of formats, C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 559 including course-related and library-sponsored instruction sessions, tours, and writ­ ten instruction guides. Assists with expanding the outreach program with faculty. Provides quality reference service one evening per week. Experience with various computer systems. Other responsibilities assigned. Qualifications: MLS degree re­ quired. Minimum of three years academic library experience preferred. Experience with various computer systems, Internet, and World Wide Web. Sincere interest in information literacy. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume, by August 1, 1998, to: Worchester Polytechnic Institute, Reference/Instruction Librarian Search Committee, Human Resources, Dept. CRL, 100 Institute Rd., Worcester, MA 01609-2280. You may fax your information to (508) 831-5715 or e-mail: No phone calls please. To enrich education through diver­ sity, WPI is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. DIRECTOR OF COLLECTION SERVICES. Wright State University Libraries, Dayton, Ohio. Wright State University seeks an experienced and energetic librarian to provide leadership and vision in the development and management of collections for the University Libraries (Paul Laurence Dunbar Library, Fordham Health Sciences Library, Music Library). Responsibilities: dministers Collection Development, Acqui­ sitions, Bibliographic Control, Current Periodicals Service Desk, and Media Collec­ tion. Administers $2.7 million collections/access budget. Reports to the Associate Provost for Libraries and serves on the senior management council of four directors. Directly supervises two department heads and has overall responsibility for the work of two FT librarians, 13 FT and three PT support staff, several PT librarian subject team leaders and selectors, and student assistants. Responsible for policies and planning related to the development and evaluation of collections. Has overall respon­ sibility for assuring faculty input into collection decisions. Actively guides and participates in cooperative collection efforts through statewide OhioLINK involve­ ment and locally with seven affiliated hospital libraries. Serves as a member of the Libraries’ Development team, identifies grant opportunities and participates in Friends of the Libraries activities. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree. At least five years of increasingly responsible professional experience in collection development or combination of acquisitions/collection development in college/university libraries. Demonstrated effectiveness in developing collections, administering budgets, and managing professional and support staff. Experience with print, audiovisual, and electronic resources and knowledge of digital library applications. Proven ability to promote cooperation and collaboration among library units. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills. Experience in vendor contract negotiations. Experience with integrated library systems. Thor­ ough knowledge of technical services activities and trends. Strong record of leadership and achievement in the profession. Preferred: Technicalservices expe­ rience highly desirable, especially at the administrative level. Consortial experi­ ence in resource sharing and cooperative collection development. Additional advanced degree in a subject field. Record of grant proposal success. Environment: Wright State University is a charter member of OhioLINK, an advanced statewide information system. The University Libraries provide a scholarly information network, LIBNET (, that integrates local, OhioLINK, and Internet resources. Wright State University, located 10 miles east of Dayton, Ohio, enrolls over 16,000 students and offers more than 100 under­ graduate and 40 graduate/professional programs. With nearly a million people, the Dayton area offers diversity and a wide range of cultural and recreational activities. Salary: $46,300 (minimum). Benefits include 22 vacation days/year, 10 holidays, health and dental plan, state retirement system, tuition remission plan, and paid life and disability insurance. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and names of three current references to: Chris Watson, 126 Dunbar Library, Wright State University Libraries, Dayton, OH 45435 or e-mail: First consideration will be given to applications received by July 17, 1998. Wright State University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and affirmative action, and specifically encourages applications from members of under-represented groups. 560 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. (Search Readvertised). Southern Connecti­ cut State University. The Position: Southern Connecticut State University invites applications for the position of Director of Library Services. Under the direction of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director provides leadership for the efficient and effective administration of all aspects of library services and operations. The Director is responsible for formulating policies and plans, and for monitoring and evaluating their implementation in the following areas: support for the academic curriculum; staff organization and development; physical plant; fiscal planning and management; development of external sources of funding for the library; bibliographi­ cal instruction; collection development; relations with faculty, students, administra­ tors, alumni and the external community; cooperation with other libraries; and the application of current technologies to all appropriate functions of the library. Qualifi­ cations: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA accredited institution. Doctorate preferred. Six years of service in academic library administration with experiences in policy and planning, staff supervision, budgeting and library technolo­ gies. Ability to establish collegial working relations with library personnel, students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and the external community within a collective bargaining environment. Development experience a plus. These qualifications may be waived for individuals with appropriate alternative experiences. The University: SCSU is a comprehensive metropolitan public university. Located in historic New Haven, Southern affords access to cultural and educational advantages in one of the highly-rated living areas of the nation. Enrolling some 12,000 students, SCSU is one of four campuses of the Connecticut State University system. SCSU offers 48 under­ graduate programs and 40 graduate programs at the master’s and sixth year profes­ sional level. The Process: Screening of candidates will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Current annual salary range for this SUOAF-AFSCME union position is $64,558-91,700. Range will increase on July 3,1998. Please see ~personnel/su_tblcontents.html for a copy of the current SUOAF-AFSCME contract. Applications should include a resume and a letter which includes a detailed description of your qualifications and experience for the position. Please also provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least five references. Send applications to: Edward C. Harris, Dean, School of Communication, Information and Library Science, Southern Connecticut State University, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515-1355. SCSU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Master's degree in Library Science, three years experi­ ence, familiar with library automation systems, $31,296-$34,426, Florida Keys Community College, (305) 296-9081. EOE/M/F/D/V. Structure Bookmarks 542 / C&RL News ■ July!August 1998 542 / C&RL News ■ July!August 1998 CLASSIFIED Career opportunities from across the country Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $8.75 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $10.75 for others. Late job notices the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions.Internet: C&RL News classified ads are accessible on the World Wide Web at Ads will be placed approximately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published.Contact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 -2795; (312) 280-2513; fax; (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e BOOKS BOUGHT AND SOLDUSED SCI-TECH BOOKS PURCHASED. Physics, math, all engi­neering, electricity, and electronics, skilled trades, antiquarian tech. Sorry, no serials or life sciences. Quality older editions, duplicates, unneeded gifts, superseded titles always sought. Ex library OK. No quantities too great; will travel when appropriate. For more informa­tion please contact: Collier Brown or Kirsten Berg at Powell’s Technical Bookstore, 33 NW Park Ave., Portland. OR 97209; phone: (800) 225-6911; fax: (503) professional-level cataloging of monographic materials with the ex­pertise required of such a function. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will specialize in access to and description of electronic materials, as well as cataloging of paper-based materials. (2) Working with the Digital Library Production Services (DLPS), performs full cataloging, provides text encoding initiative headers, and catalogs electronic texts, created under the auspices of the DLPS. Successful candidate will become expe C&RL News ■ July/August 7 998 / 543 DOCUMENTS LIBRARIANNew York University LibrariesU.S. government documents librarian and subject specialist in U.S. politics and public administra­tion. Administer, plan, promote, evaluate U.S. depository collection; supervise staff; manage electronic government resources; provide busi­ness/social science/documents reference and user education; select print and electronic media; work closely with faculty and students.Requires accredited MLS; two years government documents experience in academic, public, or s ASSISTANT LIBRARIANNorth Carolina Wesleyan CollegeNCWC is seeking a librarian to manage the library’s serials collection and to help guide the library in its mission of service to the community. Responsibilities include managing serials col­lections; providing support for technology includ­ing the library’s automation system and web site; providing reference assistance and bibliographic instruction to the college community, at both on­campus and off-campus sites; assisting in col­lection development; and pa 544 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 SYSTEMS LIBRARIANLafayette CollegeLafayette College seeks an innovative systems librarian to help plan, develop, and support an ambitious information technology program. The successful candidate will manage the library’s integrated automation system (Innovative Inter­faces, Inc.), install library PCs and servers (both hardware and software), build interfaces for net­worked databases and services, assist library staff with desktop applications, serve as liaison with computing services, collaborate on digitiz COLLECTION COORDINATORS. LSU Libraries. Three new Collec­tion Coordinators (Assistant or Associate Librarian rank, tenure-track positions) in Humanities, Science/Technology, and Social Science are open due to reorganization of collection development administra­tion in the LSU Libraries. These coordinators will work with the Head, Collection Development, to help to reshape collection operations. Coordinators will work to develop and promote traditional and innova­tive collection services within the library a C&RL News ■ July/'August 1998 / 545 ASSISTANT HEAD, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENTNortheastern UniversityNortheastern University Libraries invites applications from and nominations of individuals with the enthusiasm, leadership skills, and energy to participate in the operational management, technological coordination, and continuous improvement of an acquisitions department which encompasses acquisi­tions, serials control, binding, receipt of government depository materials, and current periodicals. The successful candidate will demonstrate an unde information resources; strong computer skills. Knowledge of major databases in subject field, electronic journals, scholarly literature, and publishing trends. Evidence of excellent communication and presentation skills. Demonstrable service orientation and under­standing of library services in a research university. Ability to work colleg¡ally with all levels of users and staff and to fulfill faculty requirements for promotion and tenure. Some evening and weekend duty may be required. Preferred (or desirab preprofessional collection development experience. Advanced de­gree in an appropriate subject area. Ability to create and maintain World Wide Web resources. Grant writing skills. Evidence of research or creative achievement, Salary and rank: Negotiable, commensu­rate with qualifications and experience; $35,000 minimum. To apply: Send letter of application and resume, with names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references, to: Caroline Wire, Collection Coordinators Search Committee, 295 Middleton Libra 546 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 CURATOR OF RARE BOOKS, DIVISION OF RARE AND MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONSCornell University LibraryThe Division of Rare and Manuscript Collections includes 300,000 printed books, more than 80 million manuscripts, and another million photographs, paintings, prints, and other visual media. The collection chronicles such fields as medieval and Renaissance studies, the Reformation, eighteenth-century France and England, American history, Anglo-American literature, Icelandic history and culture, and the history of scie State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Preference given to applications received by July 15, 1998.COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (JAPA­NESE). Columbia University. C. V. Starr East Asian Library. This position has primary responsibility for collection management and reference services for the Japanese research and instructional col­lection, which contains over 235,000 volumes. Collection manage­ment responsibilities include selecting and deselecting material according to curricular and research tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume, listing names, addresses and phone numbers of three references, to: Jane Hunt, Recruitment Manager, Box 18 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 W. 114th St., New York, NY 10027. Applications will be accepted until position is filled; applications received by August 31, 1998, will receive priority consideration. An affirmative action, equal opportu­nity employer.EAST ASIAN CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The University Library Sys­tem, University of Pittsburgh is se C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 547 ACQUISITIONS COORDINATORUniversity of Wisconsin- MadisonGeneral Library System PVL #29592The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Gen­eral Library System (GLS) is accepting appli­cations for the position of Acquisitions Coor­dinator, Central Technical Services (CTS) Division. This is a full-time academic staff appointment. Minimum salary: $42,000.DEGREE AND AREA OF SPECIALIZATION: Required: MLS degree from an ALA-accred- ited program: minimum of five years’ acquisi­tions experience in a research or academic lib BUSINESS LIBRARIANI. D. Weeks Library University of South DakotaPOSITION: Faculty rank, tenure-track, 12- month appointment, I.D. Weeks Library, Uni­versity of South Dakota. Seeking an indi­vidual who will work in a centralized refer­ence area, and serves as business informa­tion expert for the library. Position is primarily responsible for planning services and library resource development for the School of Busi­ness. Position is also responsible for coordi­nating the selection and acquisition of and acces 548 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 SYSTEMS COORDINATORThe University of Akron LibrariesThe University of Akron Libraries invites applications for the position of Systems Coordinator to manage and maintain daily operations of library systems and to guide the continued integration of information technology into the library’s operations and services. Playing an integral role in the development of innovative technological applications in library service and reporting to the Dean of University Libraries, the Systems Coordinator serves as an ex-of APPLICATION DEADLINE: August 15,1998.SALARY RANGE: $35,000-$40,000, commensurate with appropriate experience. degree in a subject related to East Asian studies; previous profes­sional experience in an academic or research library; previous super­visory experience. Full position announcement available at: http:// Salary; $30,000. Comprehensive benefits package including 23 vacation days/year, BC/BS, TIAA/ CREF, and tuition assistance. To apply: Submit letter of application and resume with the names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references to: William Gentz, Personnel Libraria specify position desired. For more information on the University Library System, visit our web site at: The University Library System is an AA/EOE aggressively committed to increasing diversity in our workplace and strongly encourages appli­cations from candidates who can contribute in this area.EUROPEAN STUDIES COLLECTION SPECIALIST, HUMANITIES TEAM. University of Michigan. The European Studies Collection Specialist provides subject-specific service and collection support for c C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 549 Harvard University invites nominations and applications for two key positions.The Harvard College Library, the central collection of the Faculty or Arts and Sciences, has a combined annual budget in excess of $54 million, and consists of: Widener (the main research library for most of the humanities and social sciences); Houghton (rare books and manuscripts); Lamont and Hilles (undergraduate collections); Cabot Science; Harvard-Yenching (East Asian col­lections) Music; Fine Arts; Kummel (geological sciences 550 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 HEAD OF CATALOGINGThe Folger Shakespeare LibraryThe Folger Shakespeare Library invites applications for the position of Head of Cataloging.RESPONSIBILITIES: Under the direction of the Head of Technical Services, the Head of Cataloging is responsible for managing the daily operations of the Cataloging Department, supervising, training, and evaluating two Rare Book Catalogers and two Modern Book Catalogers, assisting in setting policy, and providing efficient and timely access to the library’s collections.REQ languages, cultures, or histories of western Europe. The University of Michigan has established top-ranked academic programs in many of these areas, and the library maintains outstanding international collections in support of such scholarship. The rich print collections are increasingly bolstered by one of the world’s foremost digital text collections, with literary, philosophical, and historical corpora in English, German, and the Romance languages of Europe. Working in conjunction with the Humanities Tea evant master's degree and minimum of five years research library or research archive work experience. Significant graduate study in an aspect of western European studies; or five years research library work experience with collection and service responsibility for western European studies. Reading knowledge of two or more western European languages (preference for French, Spanish, Italian, or German). Demonstrated collection development, reference, and in­structional skills, including excellent oral and wri C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 551 CURATOR OF THE GIVENS COLLECTION OF AFRICAN- AMERICAN LITERATURE AND LIFEUniversity of Minnesota LibrariesOVERVIEW OF UNIT: The Archie Givens Sr. Collection of African-American Literature and Life contains over 8,000 books, as well as pamphlets, manuscripts, letters, and ephemera of African-American literature, spanning the late 18th century to the present. The Givens Collection has a distinguished record in loans to exhibits, in outreach to students and the general public, and in video productions. Recentl benefits. To apply: Send cover letter and copy of resume to: Lucy Cohen, Library Human Resources, 404 Hatcher North, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. Application deadline: Applica­tions received by August 15, 1998, will be given first consideration. The University of Michigan is a nondiscrim¡natory, affirmative action employer.HEAD LIBRARIAN. The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts. The Bard Graduate Center seeks a Head Librarian to support its master's and Ph.D. program HEAD OF ACCESS SERVICES. Position in the Robert Frost Library at Amherst College responsible for the supervision of the Circulation/ Interlibrary Loan Department. Duties will encompass participating in providing reference and online information assistance; and participat­ing in the library’s liaison, orientation, and instruction programs. Minimum of five years post-MLS experience in public services, with demonstrated progressive supervisory responsibility, required. Must demonstrate a positive service attit 552 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLESUNY GeneseoThe State University of New York at Geneseo is a public, nationally recognized, liberal arts college situated in the Finger Lakes region. The college libraries seek candidates for the following positions:ASSOCIATE DIRECTORSUNY Geneseo is seeking a highly motivated, experienced, and innovative administrator to coordinate implementation, management, and assessment of public services and staff development within rapidly evolving academic libraries.RESPONSIBILITIES: Work close C&RL News ■ July/.August 1998 / 553 TWO POSITIONS AVAILABLETemple UniversityCHIEF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT OFFICERThis is an administrative-level position, performing in a staff capacity role, and reporting to the University Librarian (and/or Deputy University Librarian). Provides leadership in development and management of the university libraries collections and access to information resources in all media and formats to meet the current and future teaching, research, and service needs of the university. Plans, implements, monitors, and revie 554 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 REFERENCE AND SOCIAL SCIENCE DATA LIBRARIANThe University of Pennsylvania Library is seeking a Reference and Social Science Data Librarian who will work under the direction of the Head of Reference, Van Pelt Library, to provide reference and instructional services to the University of Pennsylvania community and act as liaison to particular social science departments in the School of Arts and Sciences. This position has particular responsibility for social science data products in reference.The Penn Library in locating, retrieving, and evaluating traditional and electronic re­sources. Will assist in development of services for distance learning students and in providing instruction in information competency. Master’s degree in library science or library and information science from an ALA-accredited program required. Candidates must have in- depth knowledge of electronic and traditional reference resources and trends; experience in online searching and Web pages and development and management, and excellent co and weekend assignments. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school is required. Working knowledge of IBM-PC/Windows-compat- ¡ble hardware, software, peripherals, operating systems, and HTML required. Demonstrated ability to work well independently and collaboratively with others in a rapidly changing and demanding environment. Position available beginning August 15, 1998, starting date negotiable. Review of applications will begin July 6, 1998, and continue until position is filled. Send resume and the name C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 555 DEAN OF THE LIBRARY(Search Readvertised)Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New JerseyApplications and nominations are invited for the position of Dean of the Library, Monmouth University, West Long Branch. New Jersey. Monmouth University is a private, comprehensive, student-centered institution offering 22 undergraduate and 16 graduate degree programs with more than 4,377 FTE students, and 276 FTE faculty. It is located in the central New Jersey shore area, approximately one mile from the Atlantic Ocean librarian with knowledge and experience in information technologies relevant to an academic environment to work in a team setting in the development of innovative projects and sen/ices for students and faculty. Serves as a resource person for the Scholarly Communica­tion Center (SCC); provides leadership and training in utilization of electronic tools such as authorware and computer-based instruction, HTML tools, expert systems, and digital library initiatives. Experience in Windows NT, and NT server, UNIX, vidual to lead the Mathematics Library into the next century. Respon­sibilities: The Mathematics Librarian delivers responsive, innovative information services that are tailored to the needs of the university community working in mathematics. Serves as the reference, collec­tion development, and information specialist for mathematics. Super­vises the Branch Library Supervisor. Builds, maintains, and improves the services that the Mathematics Library offers via the Web as patron use patterns and computer tec 556 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 provides an opportunity to help shape library service by participating in the renovation of an existing site and in the move of the library to that site. Salary and rank are open, based on qualifications and experience; minimum for entry level is $32,000. Librarians at Notre Dame are non-tenure-track members of the university faculty and have an excellent benefits package, including tuition remission for dependents. To apply, please send a letter, resume, and contact information for references to: Sherry Ve DEAN OF LIBRARIESNominations and applications are invited for the position of Dean of Libraries at New York University. The Dean has overall responsibility for the Division of Libraries, a system of libraries, special and archival collections, media and digital resources as well as the University’s Archives and University Press which serve the educational and scholarly needs of NYU’s fourteen schools and colleges. The NYU library system ranks 22nd among the nation's largest research libraries with a total c C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 557 DIRECTOR, MEMBER SERVICESAssociation of College and Research Libraries A Division of the American Library AssociationThe Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is seeking a Director, Member Services, to work at the middle-management level in support of activities and projects of the association.GENERAL RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE: Developing, planning, marketing, and managing ACRL’s membership promotion and retention plan, and ACRL’s annual c department is responsible for manuscripts processing, including physical processing, creation of finding aids and MARC records; processing of books, serials (including the ongoing work of the Louisiana Newspaper Project), and other published materials, includ­ing new acquisitions, transfers, and state depository documents; collaborating with off-site technical services staff to provide catalog­ing for books, serials, and other published materials for Special Collections. For more complete description of dut the position is filled. To apply, send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone and fax numbers of three refer­ences to: Caroline Wire, Office of Dean of Libraries, 295 Middleton Library, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803.TECHNICAL SERVICES/AUTOMATED SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. St. Clair County Community College is accepting applications for a Technical Services/Automated Systems Librarian. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution required; techni­c 558 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 ROCHESTER INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYNational Technical Institute for the Deaf Electronic Resource LibrarianApplications are now being accepted for a full-time, 12 month, staff position for Electronic Resource Librarian at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf (NTID), a college of Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT).The Electronic Resource Librarian provides and coordinates traditional and electronic library services within NTID; collaborates with university and college colleagues in assessing infor Human Resources AdministratorEastman Bldg8 Lomb Memorial DrRochester, NY 14623-5604EOE/AA Late Job ListingsRARE BOOK CATALOGING POSITION. The John Carter Brown Library at Brown University is seeking candidates for one temporary cataloging position. The library specializes in the collection of printed materials pertaining to the Americas, North and South, during the colonial period, 1493 to ca. 1830. This is a two-year, grant-funded position to catalog colonial Portuguese-language works. Qualifications: ALA-accred­ited MLS degree or equivalent; two to three years of professional rare book catalog C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 / 559 including course-related and library-sponsored instruction sessions, tours, and writ­ten instruction guides. Assists with expanding the outreach program with faculty. Provides quality reference service one evening per week. Experience with various computer systems. Other responsibilities assigned. Qualifications: MLS degree re­quired. Minimum of three years academic library experience preferred. Experience with various computer systems, Internet, and World Wide Web. Sincere interest in information literacy. 560 / C&RL News ■ July/August 1998 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES. (Search Readvertised). Southern Connecti­cut State University. The Position: Southern Connecticut State University invites applications for the position of Director of Library Services. Under the direction of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Director provides leadership for the efficient and effective administration of all aspects of library services and operations. The Director is responsible for formulating policies and plans, and for monitoring and evaluating the