ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 0 / C&RL News Slavic and Eastern European Section (SEES) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: L een a Siegelbaum , G erm anic/Slavic B ibliographer, M ichigan State U niversity Libraries, E ast Lansing, M I 48824-1048. Member-at-Large: T atian a G o e rn e r, Slavic C ataloger, S tanford U niversity L ibraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004; R u th W allach, R eference/Slavic B ibliographer, U niversity o f S o u th ern California, D o heny R eferen ce C en ter, Los Angeles, C A 90089. University Libraries Section (ULS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: N o re e n S. A lldredge, D e a n o f L ib raries, M o n tan a S tate U niversity, B ozem an, M T 59717; Jo h n W. Collins III, L ib rar­ ian, G u tm an Library, H arv ard G ra d u a te School o f E ducation, 6 Appian Way, C am bridge, MA 02138. Member-at-Large: Sarah E. H ow , C o rn ell U niversity Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301; K ent H . H endrickson, D e an o f Libraries, U niversity o f N ebraska-L incoln, 106 Love L ibrary, L incoln, N E 68588-0410; Member-at-Large: H iram L. Davis, D ire c to r o f Libraries, M ichigan State University, E ast L an­ sing, M I 48824-1048; B everlee A. F ren ch , Assistant U niversity Librarian— Sciences, U niversity o f Cali­ fornia-D avis, Shields Library, Davis, CA 95616. W estern European Specialists Section (WESS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: R ichard H acken, E u ­ ro p e a n Stu d ies B ibliographer, B righam Young University, Provo, U T 84602; Jam es H . Spohrer, L ibrarian for th e G erm an ic C ollections, University o f C alifornia-B erkeley, 390 D oe Library, Berkeley, CA 94720. Secretary: Thom as M. Izbicki, R esource Ser­ vices L ibrarian for E u ro p ea n an d B yzantine H is­ to ry an d Philosophy, M ilton S. E isen h o w er Library, Johns H opkins University, B altim ore, M D 21218; C harles G. S petland, R eferen ce Librarian/Bibliog- ra p h e r, U niversity o f M innesota, M inneapolis, M N 55455. Member-at-Large: C raig Likness, H um anities L ib rarian /H ead B ibliographer, T rinity University, San A ntonio, TX 12033; C ath arin e M. E. Halls, Librarian 11, N ew York Public Library, R oom 315, 4 2 n d S tree t an d F ifth A venue, N ew York, NY 10018. Women’s Studies Section (WSS) Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Betty J. Glass, In stru c­ tional Services L ibrarian, U niversity o f Nevada- R eno, M ain Library/322, R eno, NV 89557-0044; P au lin e D. M anaka, Social Sciences Librarian, U niversity o f C alifornia, G en eral Library, Irvine, CA 92713. S e c r e ta r y : N ancy M. Stanley, H ead , A cquisi­ tions Receiving, P e n n State University Libraries, E 5 0 6 P a tte e Library, U niversity Park, PA 16802; K ristine J. A nderson, B ibliographer an d R eference L ib ra ria n , P u rd u e U n iversity, H S S E Library, S tew art C en ter, W est Lafayette, IN 47906. M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e : M ila C . Su, Senior Assis­ ta n t L ibrarian— R eference, R o b ert E . E ich e Li­ brary, P e n n State Altoona C am pus, Ivyside Park, Altoona, PA 16601-3760; R ita M. Pellen, A ssistant D ire c to r fo r Public Services, F lo rid a A tlantic U ni­ versity, S.E. W im berly Library, P.O. Box 3092, B oca R aton, F L 33431. ■ ■ Letters (C & R L News welcomes y o u r signed, ty p e d com ­ m e n t o n recent content in o u r pages o r on m a tters o f general interest to the academ ic o r research library profession. Letters b e yo n d 250 w ords w ill n o t be accepted o r m a y be ed ited to f i t space. L etters should be addressed to: The E ditor, C & R L News, 50 E. H u ro n Street, Chicago, I L 60611; fa x : (312) 280- 7663.) War is not exciting T o th e Editor: I am w riting to express m y d isgust a n d outrage o v e r a notice on page 656 o f th e N o v em b er issue o f th e m agazine, regarding “W ar in th e G ulf.” “R ecapitulates th e exciting d ra m a ”???????? My god. W h ere are your m inds? T h e re w ere 100,000 Iraq i m en killed in th a t war. A re c e n t U .N . re p o rt states th a t large n u m b ers o f Iraq i c h ild ren are still dying from m alnutrition an d fo u led drinking w a ter d u e to A m erican bom bing, a n d Kuwaiti civilians w e re killed on th e ro a d to B asra by A m erican bom bs. I n th e p ast I have h a d an article pub lish ed in C & R L News. In February, w hen m y m em b ersh ip is du e, I will n o t b e renew ing my subscription/m em - bership. I w ould fu rth er castigate th e ALA for a b andon­ ing its principles on intellectual freedom . ALA d e fen d s band, pornography—it d id n ’t have the courage to speak o u t against go v ern m en t cen so r­ ship b efo re, during, a n d a fte r th e G u lf W ar.— Kate Bradley, Bellevue C o m m u n ity College, Bellevue, W ashington