ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 24 / CirRL News Washington Hotline Carol C. Henderson ALA Washington Office (202) 547-4440; (ALA0025) Congress adjourned the first session o f the 102nd Congress just before Thanksgiving. Among the items receiving last-minute approval were the following: NREN. Legislation to establish the National Research and Education Network is on its way to the W hite House at this writing, and the President is expected to sign it. On November 20 and 22, the House and Senate each passed a final House-Senate compromise version o f S. 272, the High-Performance Computing Act first introduced by Sen. Albert Gore Jr. (D-TN). Several last-minute hurdles had to be overcome and the inevitable compromises were made. Nevertheless, the bill’s provisions regarding libraries and education remain essentially intact. Funding. Congress increased funding for Higher Education Act library programs 66.6 percent for fiscal year 1992, despite a zero budget request for these programs by President Bush. The HEA II-B library fellowship program was increased by $5 million, a level o f funding not matched for more than 20 years. The HEA section 607 program for acquisition of periodicals published outside the United States (under the HEA title VI international education program) received first-time funding of $500,000. This funding for section 607 was just in time; the Senate bill to reauthorize the entire Higher Education A ct omitted authorizations for unfunded programs, but will restore a separate $1 million authorization for section 607 when the bill reaches the Senate floor next year. (The House version, also scheduled for floor action next year, would authorize $8.5 million for section 607.) The HEA II-D college library technology program was increased by $2.5 million. However, House-Senate conferees agreed to Senate language which earmarks the II-D increase for a biotechnology information education demonstration project at Iowa State University in the home state o f Tom Harkin (D-IA), Senate subcommittee chairman. The original bill containing funding for education and library programs was vetoed by President Bush over one provision which would have restricted use of funds to promulgate regulations barring employees o f federally funded health clinics from discussing abortion with their patients. A new bill with identical funding levels but without the abortion counseling provision was developed, passed, and signed after the House failed by 12 votes to override the veto. Final funding levels for FY 1992 for selected programs o f interest to C&RL News readers are shown in the table on the next page. January 1992 / 25 FIN A L FU N D IN G LEVELS FO R FISCAL YEAR 1992 PR O G R A M FY 91 FU N D IN G FY 92 FU N D IN G G PO SuDocs $25,745,000 $26,327,000 H E A II-B lib. training 651,000 5,000,000 II-B lib. research 325,000 325,000 II-C research libraries 5,855 ,0 0 0 5,855,000 II-D college lib. tech. 3,904,000 6,404,000 IV -C college w ork study 594,681,000 615,000,000 VI international educ. 2 8,669,000 34,000,000 V I-A , Sec. 607 foreign jrls. 0 500,000 Library o f Congress 305,071,000 322,228,000 LSCA I public library services 83,898,000 83,898,000 II pub. lib. construction 19,218,000 16,718,000 III interlibrary cooperation 19,908,000 19,908,000 V for. lang, m trls. pub. libs. 976,000 976,000 V I library literacy 8,163,000 8,163,000 N ational A gricultural Library 16,798,000 17,715,000 N ational A rchives 126,969,000 146,143,000 Natl. Ctr. for Educ. Statistics 6 3,524,000 7 7,213,000 N CLIS 732,000 831,000 Natl. E ndow m ent for H um anities 170,005,000 175,955,000 Natl. H istorical Pubs. & R ecords Com. 5,250,000 5,400,000 N ational Library o f M edicine & M L A A 91,408,000 100,303,000 Postal revenue forgone subsidy 4 7 2 ,592,000 4 7 0 ,000,000 (W H C L IS cord. fr o m page 22) W hen I attended the first group m eeting on “Access to G overnm ent Inform ation in th e E lec­ tronic Age,” I took along a copy o f the W H C L ISII recom m endations. It tu rn e d o u t that th e m em ­ bers w ere thrilled to have language already w ritten upon which w e could draw for resolutions. In p a rtic u la r, W H C L IS II R eco m m en d atio n No: ACC04-1, which calls for Congress to am end the Freedom o f Inform ation Act, was used as a proto­ type for one o f th e F irst A m endm ent Congress resolutions. T he resolution on am ending th e F reedom of Inform ation Act calls for a national conference to draft strategies for addressing th e complex pro b ­ lems o f electronic access to governm ent inform a­ tion at all levels. Library associations, including ALA, will b e invited to participate in the national conference, and th e W H C L ISII recom m endations will undoubtedly b e useful once again. O th e r W H C L ISII recom m endations th at w ere useful in o u r discussions include those regarding open access to governm ent inform ation regardless o f form at (N IP03-1) and inappropriate classifica­ tion o f public inform ation (NIP03-4). I was somewhat surprised by the praise heaped on librarians by almost everyone I m et. T he lawyers and journalists voiced sincere appreciation for the resources and services they find in libraries, as well as for th e librarians they encounter. I h eard many com m ents about w hat great lobbyists librarians are, and how w e can get th e ear o f politicians w hen others cannot. I t seems librarians have a reputation for being politically neutral and prim arily con­ cern ed w ith the public interest and ethical issues such as unrestricted access to public information, privacy protection for library users, fundam ental principles o f th e F reedom o f Inform ation Act, and intellectual freedom. O ne law professor from the University o f Florida said som e o f his profession’s causes would have b een lost over the past four years if it had n o t been for th e support o f librarians. I hope o th e r ALA and ACRL m em bers will find similar opportunities to utilize W H C L ISII recom ­ m endations. Only through prom oting th e recom ­ m endations and m aintaining the netw ork o f those interested in public policy as it relates to library issues can the work o f W H C L ISII continue to be effective. ■ ■