ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries January 1992 / 63 • P E O P LE• Profiles An ne M . B uck, a fo rm e r d ire c to r o f th e library netw o rk a t B ellcore, has b e e n a p p o in te d university lib rarian a t th e N ew Jersey In stitu te o f Technology. B uck has w o rk e d as a g ro u p s u p e r v is o r a n d re fe re n c e librarian a t th e Technical L ibrary a t Bell L a b o ra to ries, a n d was d ire c to r o f th e D u n b a r Pu b lic L ibrary in W est Virginia. She has ta u g h t at R utgers U niversity an d a t th e U niversity o f W is­ consin-M adison. T h e a u ­ th o r o f n u m e ro u s p u b li­ cations, B uck is listed in W h o ’s W h o o f A m erica n A n n e M. B uckW o m e n — 19 9 1 -9 2 , an d she received th e Bellcore T rib u te to W o m e n a n d In d u stry A w ard in 1989. She e a rn e d h e r bach elo r’s d e g re e in geology a t W ellesley C ollege a n d h e r M LS a t th e U niversity o f K entucky. People in the news T erry B ird w h istell, university archivist an d d ire c to r o f th e U niversity o f K entucky’s o ral history p rogram , has b e e n n a m e d p re s id e n t o f th e national O ral H istory Association, a society o f students, scholars, local historians, a n d o th e r individuals co n ­ c e rn e d w ith th e application o f p rofessional stan ­ d ards to th e collection, preserv atio n , d issem ina­ tion, a n d u se o f o ral testim ony. B irdw histell was in stalled as p re s id e n t a t th e association’s annual m e e tin g in O ctober. M e r e d it h B utler, d ire c to r o f U niversity Li­ b ra rie s a n d d e an o f library faculty a t th e U niversity a t Albany, S tate U niversity o f N ew York, has b e e n a p p o in te d by th e N e w York S tate B o ard o f R egents to th e R eg en ts Advisory C o uncil o n Libraries. T h e n in e -m e m b e r council advises th e R egents o n state policy reg ard in g th e N ew York S tate Library, lib raiy d e v elo p m en t, legislation, an d library aid program s. B laise C ro n in, d e a n o f th e School o f L ibrary a n d In fo rm atio n Science a t In d ia n a University, Bloom ington, has b e e n e lected vice-president (US A) o f th e Association fo r In fo rm atio n M an agem ent (AsLib), a L o n d o n -b ased g ro u p w ith alm ost 2,000 c o rp o ra te m e m b e rs w orldw ide. Su l H . L e e , d e an o f U niversity L ibraries a t th e U niversity o f O klahom a, N o rm an , has b e e n e lected to th e B o ard o f D ire c to rs o f th e A ssociation o f R esearch L ib raries (ARL). L e e was e le c te d w ith tw o o th ers a t A RL’s 119th m e m b e rsh ip m e e tin g in W ashington, D .C . a n d will serve a th re e -y e a r te rm . R o bert D . T homas, c o o rd in a to r o f th e L e a rn ­ ing R eso u rce C e n t e r a t Sauk Valley C o m m u n ity C ollege, Dixon, Illinois, has b e e n e le c te d c h airp e r­ son o f R egion 20 o f th e Illinois E d u c a tio n Associa- tion-N E A . H e is th e first IE A h ig h e r e d u catio n m e m b e r e le c te d to such a position w h ich has th e d u al responsibility o f m em b ersh ip on th e IE A Board o f D irecto rs. T hom as is a m e m b e r o f th e Illinois L ib rary Association, th e A m erican L ibrary T ru ste e Association, a n d ALA. H e is vice-ch airp erso n o f th e B o ard o f th e D ixon Pu b lic Libraiy. Appointments (A p p o in tm en t n o tices a re tak en from library n ew sletters, le tte rs from p e rso n n el offices a n d a p ­ p o in tees, a n d o th e r sources. T o e n su re th a t yo u r a p p o in tm e n t appears, w rite to th e E d ito r, C & R L N ews, 50 E. H u ro n , C hicago, IL 60611-2795.) N ubi Ach ebo has b e e n a p p o in te d c o m p u te r- b a se d in stru c tio n lib rarian a t Iow a S tate U niversity o f Science a n d T echnology, Ames. 6 4 / C&RL News M arty Adamson has b e e n p ro m o te d to assistant d ire c to r for system s a n d technology a t th e U niver­ sity o f Texas S outhw estern M edical C e n te r a t D al­ las Library. M ary B e th Allen has b e e n ap p o in ted applied life studies librarian a t th e U niversity o f Illinois at U rbana-C ham paign. Kari J . Anderson has b e e n a p p o in te d n atural sciences re fe re n c e/u se r e d u catio n lib rarian in th e N atu ral Sciences Library at th e U niversity o f W ash­ ington, Seattle. P h il ip H . Arny has b e en a p p o in ted T eaching L earn in g C e n te r coordinator, H e alth Sciences Li­ brary an d In form ation C en ter, U niversity o f W ash­ ington, Seattle. J anis M . B andelin is now h e ad o f p u b lic ser­ vices a t M erce r University's M ain Library, M acon, G eorgia. P enny B e il e has b e e n n a m ed re fe re n c e librar- ia n /b ib lio g rap h e rin th e H um anities/Social Science D e p a rtm e n t o f King Library at M iam i University, Oxford, Ohio. L isa B iblo has b e e n n a m e d p reservation infor­ m ation librarian at th e H arvard U niversity Library, C am bridge, M assachusetts. Yild iz B arlas B inkley has b e e n a p p o in ted d ire c to r o f libraries an d m ed ia cen ters a t T en n essee State University‘s Brown D an iel Library, Nashville. W illiam K . B lack has b e e n n a m e d develop­ m e n t a n d p rojects officer for th e Iow a State U niver­ sity L ibrary, Ames. J ody C aldwell is now h e ad o f re fe re n c e at D rew University, M adison, N ew Jersey. Adrien n e C annon has b e e n a p p o in te d re fe r­ en ce specialist in special collections a t th e U niver­ sity o f Virginia‘s A lderm an Library, Charlottesville. T imothy C arr has b e e n n am e d librarian a t the Sm ithsonian Institution‘s Anacostia M useum , W ash­ ington, D.C . P aul C authen has b e en a p p o in te d m usic cata- lo g er a t th e C ollege-C onservatory o f M usic Library a t th e U niversity o f C incinnati, O hio. Sun-Yeong C h o is now visiting assistant lib rar­ ian in th e E ast Asia Library, U niversity o f C alifor­ nia, Los Angeles. U lrike D iet er le has b e en a p p o in te d re feren ce c o o rd in a to r a t th e U n iv e rs ity o f W isc o n sin - Platteville. Sherry D odson is now clinical librarian at th e U niversity o f W ashington H e alth Sciences L ibrary a n d In form ation C en ter, Seattle. R aeann D ossett has b e e n a p p o in te d d o cu ­ m en ts lib rarian /fed eral technology specialist in th e D o c u m en ts Library a t th e U niversity o f Illinois, U rbana. Sherre H . D ryden has b e e n n a m e d assistant d ire c to r for p u b lic services a t th e C en tra l an d Science Libraries o f V anderbilt U niversity, N ash­ ville, T ennessee. D iana E w ell has b e e n n a m ed bibliographic in stru ctio n librarian at th e Iris H o lt M cE w en Li­ brary, E lo n C ollege, N o rth Carolina. Kathy F ahey has b e e n a p p o in ted science librar­ ian a t M orris L ibrary, S o u thern Illinois University, C arbondale. Xiu-H ua F ang is now visiting associate librarian in th e E ast Asian Library, U niversity o f California, Los Angeles. M . Anne F ox is now agriculture/international program s librarian at O regon State U niversity Li­ braries, Corvallis. Sally A. F ry has b e e n ap p o in ted h e a d o f th e V eterinary M edical L ib ra ry a t Iow a S tate U niver­ sity, Ames. J eannie L . G ex has b e e n n a m e d re fe re n c e/ in stru ctio n librarian a t th e U n d erg rad u ate Library, S tate U niversity o f N ew York a t Buffalo. J ean M . G nat has b e e n n a m ed associate d ire c ­ to r o f U niversity L ibraries at In d ian a U niversity- P u rd u e University, Indianapolis. C arolyn G o t tn e id has b e e n n a m e d science section h e a d in th e C atalog D e p a rtm e n t o f th e U niversity o f C alifornia-Irvine Library. C arolyn H amilton has b e en selected as cata- lo g er for th e Sm ithsonian In stitu tio n L ib raries‘ O riginal C ataloging a n d Indexing D e p artm e n t, W ashington, D.C . M ary E . H elms has b e e n n a m e d associate d ire c ­ to r for tech n ical services at th e M cG oogan L ibrary o f M edicine, U niversity o f N ebraska M edical C e n ­ te r, O m aha. C ynthia H enderso n has b e e n a p p o in ted spe­ cial collections/collection dev elo p m en t librarian at th e Iow a S tate U niversity Library, Ames. R oxanna D . H errick has b e e n n a m e d h e a d o f th e P reservation U nit in th e W ashington University Libraries, St. Louis, Missouri. R obert H inton has jo in e d th e Public Services D e p a rtm e n t a t th e In d ian a U niversity Libraries, Bloom ington, as a re fe re n c e librarian. Andrea H orne has jo in e d th e U niversity Li­ b rary Services a t V irginia C om m onw ealth U niver­ sity, R ichm ond, as a m edical re fe re n c e librarian. M ary E llen H uls has b e e n n a m e d h e ad o f re fe re n c e a t th e C ollege o f St. C ath erin e, St. Paul, M innesota. M aymanat J afari has b e e n a p p o in ted to a re fe r­ e n ce position in th e Public Services D e p a rtm e n t at th e In d ian a U niversity Libraries, Bloom ington. G eorge J ohnston has b e e n a p p o in ted classics catalo g er a t th e U niversity Libraries o f th e U niver­ sity o f C incinnati, O hio. Ann Koopman has b e e n n a m e d re fe re n c e lib rar­ ian in th e Scien ce/E n g in eerin g Library a t In d ian a University, Bloom ington. B o nnie M acE wan has jo in e d th e U niversity L ib raries at P e n n State U niversity as coo rd in ato r for c ollection d ev elopm ent. January 1992 / 65 O livia M. A. Madison has been named assistant director for public services at Iowa State University Library, Ames. Susan A. Massey has been appointed manu­ scripts cataloger at the Historic New Orleans Col­ lection, Louisiana. F rancis O. M attson has been appointed cura­ tor of the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of English and American Literature at the New York Public Library. Sara Ann M emmott has been named reference librarian/bibliographer at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. Priscilla Neill has been named assistant uni­ versity librarian for personnel at the University Libraries of the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Garet Nelson has been appointed public ser­ vices librarian at Lyndon State College, Lyndonville, Vermont. D arlene Patrick has bee named acquisitions librarian at Northeastern Illinois University Li­ brary, Chicago. Margaret J ean Reese has been named head of information services in the Education Library at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. J udith R eike has been named special projects librarian at the Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, Grand Forks. Anne R euland has been appointed head of reference at the Central Library, Vanderbilt Uni­ versity, Nashville, Tennessee. C harles R eynolds has joined the University Library Services at Virginia Commonwealth Uni­ versity, Richmond, as a reference librarian. Margaret F . R iley is now head of circulation at the George C. Gordon Library, W orcester Poly­ technic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts. J ames M. R osinia has been named information services director at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill‘s C enter for Early Adolescence. T hyra Russell has been named order librarian at Morris Library, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. Marilyn Russell-Bogle has been appointed fine arts librarian at the University o f Minnesota, Duluth. Thomas Schneiter has been named assistant librarian and assistant head of the Access Services Departm ent in the Main Library at Indiana Univer­ sity, Bloomington. M ary Lou Stark has been named assistant head of the Braille Development Section at the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handi capped, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. Nancy T rask is the new information services librarian at the University o f Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Library. P hyllis Van O rden has joined the Library Science Program faculty at Wayne State University, ­ Detroit, Michigan. Carol Sue W hitehouse has been appointed administrative conservator at the Newberry Li­ brary, Chicago. Retirements R obert E ckert, librarian in the URL Acquisi­ tions D epartm ent at the University of California- Los Angeles, has retired after more than 34 years of service. Anthony H all, librarian in the Bibliographers Group at the University of California-Los Angeles, has retired after more than 31 years of service. Ralph J ohnson, librarian in the URL Cataloging D epartm ent at the University of California-Los Angeles, has retired after more than 31 years of service. Mary Ryan, librarian in the Bibliographers Group at the University of California-Los Angeles, has retired after more than 38 years of service. Bruce E. Thomas, head reader services librar­ ian for 28 years at Lock Haven University of Penn­ sylvania, retired in late December. Thomas also served as chairman of the Library Department. During his tenure the Stevenson Library moved into a new building and brought its card catalog online. M ary E llen Thomas retired in October after more than 25 years as a reference librarian with University Library Services at Virginia Common­ wealth University, Richmond. Stanley Yates retired from the Iowa State Uni­ versity (ISU) Library on October 31, 1991. He joined ISU in 1969 as head of the newly formed D epartm ent of Special Collections. During his tenure in that role he built manuscript collections in agriculture and veterinary medicine, and estab­ lished the American Archives of the Factual Film. Deaths D orcas M. Bishop, form er librarian of the Harvard University Graduate School of Education who retired in 1967, died in Concord, New Hamp­ shire, in September. Bom in 1900, Bishop began work in the Harvard Libraries in 1918 in the Wid­ ener Library Catalog Department. She transferred to the Education Library in 1922, where she was librarian until her retirem ent 55 years later. ■ ■