ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries January 1986 / 81 countries, as well as comparative studies on peas­ antry, social change, and empire. News Note ♦ The Francis Bacon Library, Claremont, C ali­ fornia, will hold the 1986 Bacon Birthday C elebra­ tion on January 22. Sponsored by the library in co­ operation with the Claremont Graduate School, the Bacon Celebration is now in its thirteenth year. Henry Gibbins, Claremont Graduate School, will speak on “Some Perspectives on the New Atlantis, ” at 4:00 p.m . in the Founders Room, Hannold L i­ brary. After the talk a reception to toast the 425th anniversary of Bacon’s birth will be held at The Francis Bacon Library, where rare books and man­ uscripts will be displayed. For further informa­ tion, phone (714) 624-6305. ■ ■ P E O P L E Profiles D a v id A. B a l d w i n has been appointed associate director of libraries for public services at the Uni­ versity of Wyoming, effective September 3. He was formerly cur­ riculum lib ra ria n and assistant to the univer­ sity lib ra ria n at Boise State University, a post he held since 1977. Prior to his work at Boise he was m edia consu ltant for th e G ra n t W ood Area Education Agency in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for eight years. Baldwin received his MLS from the School of David A. BaldwinL ib ra ry and In fo rm a ­ tion Science at the Uni­ versity of Iowa in 1974. He has had extensive expe­ rience in the management of educational media and curriculum materials and with library micro­ computer applications. D e n n i s R e y n o l d s is now executive director of CAPCON, a library network headquartered in Washington, D .C ., that provides O C LC and other tehcnology-related services to libraries in the Dis­ trict of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. After receiving his MLS from the University of Chicago, Reynolds was appointed reader services librarian at Knox College in 1977. He joined the staff of the Bibliographical Center for Research in 1979, where he successively held the positions of Systems Specialist in the Resource Sharing Divi­ sion, head of the O C LC Services Department, and manager of the Bibliographic Systems and Services Program. Reynolds is the author of Library Automation: Issues and Applications, published earlier this year by the R .R . Bowker Co. He currently chairs the A C RL Continuing Education Courses Advisory Committee. C a t h e r i n e W . C h e n has been named director of libraries for the Northwood Institute, Midland, Michigan. Head librarian for the college’s Midland Information exchange on planning and evaluation The LAMA/LOMS Planning and Evaluation of Library Services (PELS) Com m ittee will sponsor an open meeting at the ALA Midwinter Conference to provide an opportunity for li­ brarians interested in the planning and evalua­ tion of library services to exchange ideas in an informal setting. Members of committees with a similar focus in other ALA divisions are par­ ticularly welcome to attend. The Committee wants to hear from librari­ ans who are interested in and knowledgeable about: various types of planning processes; ex­ isting methodologies for evaluation; ways of measuring library effectiveness; preparing the library staff for planning and evaluation activi­ ties. The open meeting is scheduled for Sunday, January 19, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. For more information, contact Meredith Butler, Univer­ sity Library 108, State University of New York at Albany, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222; (518) 442-3565. I 82 / C &R L News campus since 1974, her new responsibilities in­ clude operations of the lib ra ries on the other campuses in Florida and Texas. Chen holds both a master’s and Ph.D. de­ gree from the University of M innesota. B efore coming to Northwood in 1971, Chen was an in­ structor at the Univer­ sity of Minnesota and a Catherine Chenlecturer for the Univer­ sity of Michigan. Originally from Taiw an, Chen has designed courses and edited textbooks at the National T ai­ wan University, and assisted in the compilation of an English-Chinese dictionary. M a r g u e r i t e R e y F l o r e n t has been named di­ rector of the Xavier University of Louisiana L i­ brary, New Orleans. She had served as acting di­ rector of the same library in 1983-84, and started her career as a cataloger there in the mid-1960s. Florent’s most recent position was with the U .S. A gricultural R e­ search Service’s South­ ern Regional Research Center in New Orleans. She has also held various positions with the Loy­ ola Law L ib ra ry Marguerite Rey Floren(1 9 7 7 -1 9 8 3 ), the Bell A erospace T extron Technical Library (1974-1976), the University of New Orleans (1 9 7 3 -1 9 7 4 ), Tulane University (1971-1973), the Baltimore County Public Library (1968-1970), and the New Orleans Public Library (1965-1968). She holds a bachelor’s degree in history from Xavier University of Louisiana and an MLS from Catholic University. She currently serves on the Louisiana Library Association Literary Award Committee and the Board of Directors of the Articles on copyright Lomond Publications has announced the im­ minent revision of a third edition of the late George P. Bush’s Technology and Copyright, and is requesting reprints or references to arti­ cles or monographs that should be included in this annotated bibliography. For further information, contact Lowell H. Hattery, Publisher, Lomond Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 88, Mt. Airy, MD 21771. t Friends of the Archives of Louisiana. D o r o t h y G r e g o r has been appointed univer­ ity librarian at the University of California, San iego, effective August 19. Prior to her arrival at C SD , G regor was hief of the Shared Cat­ loging Division, Proc­ ssing Services, at the ibrary of Congress. Be­ ore holding the LC ost, G regor’s library areer included many ears at the various cam­ uses of the University f California. Her posi­ ions with UC have in­ luded associate univer­ ity lib ra ria n for Dorothy Gregorechnical services at the n iversity’s Berkeley ampus (1980-84), head of the serials department, lso at Berkeley (1976-80), and reference librarian t the university’s Medical Center Library in San rancisco (1968-69). Gregor’s professional activities have included eaching positions in the areas of library technical ervices and bibliography of the health sciences, as s D U c a e L f p c y p o t c s t u c a a F t s January 1986 / 83 well as numerous publications. In addition, Gre­ gor has been chair of the Panel Subcommittee of the Library and Information Technology Associa­ tion (LITA ) Conference Program Committee (1983), and chair of the ALA Committee on Repre­ sentation in Machine-Readable Form of Biblio­ graphic Information (1981-82). Gregor holds an MLS from the University of Texas at Austin and an undergraduate degree from the University of Hawaii. She participated in the Senior Fellows Program at the Graduate School of Library and Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, and holds a certificate in library management from the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Cali­ fornia, Berkeley. B a r b a r a v o n W a h l d e has been named director of university libraries at the State University of New York at Buffalo, effective January 15. Her most recent position has been as associate direc­ tor for technical services at the University of Michigan. Prior to her 1980 ap­ pointment there, von Wahlde served as staff development coordina­ tor at Yale University. She has also held techni­ cal services positions at the University of West Florida, the University of Southern Mississippi, Barbara von Wahlde and the University of Maine. Von Wahlde obtained both her undergraduate Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) K u r t A d a m so n has been appointed senior refer­ ence librarian at the Underwood Law Library of Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. J ea n P . A l t s c h u l e r has been appointed manag­ ing librarian for bibliographic services at the George Washington University Law Library, Washington, D.C. P a u l A n d e r s o n has been promoted to director of the Division of Archives and History of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. E v e l y n A p t e r b a c h has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing, New York. degree in education and her MLS at Indiana Uni­ versity. In 1974-75 she interned at the University of Tennessee with Richard W. Boss as a Council on Library Resources management intern, and in 1983-84 she took part in the ARL/OMS Consultant Training Program. Currently a member of the ALA Resources and Technical Services Division’s Legislative Commit­ tee, she has also served on ACRL’s Continuing Ed­ ucation Committee and the Staff Development Of­ ficers of Large Academic Libraries Discussion Group. J e r o m e Y a v a r k o v s k y has been named director of the New York State Library, Albany. He comes to the State Library from Adelphi University, where he has served as dean of libraries since 1983. At Adelphi he managed the implemen­ tation of online services and coordinated the move of major collec­ tions and service compo­ nents into a building ex­ tension. Yavarkovsky was as­ sistant university librar­ ian for planning at Co­ lumbia University from Jerome Yavarkovsky1977 to 1983. Earlier at Columbia, he was chief of the Library Systems Office and had other sys­ tems analysis responsibility. He currently is a columnist and member of the Editorial Board of Money Management fo r L i­ braries, and is the author of several papers in the field of library management. N a n c y A m o u r has been appointed coordinator of online services at California State University, Chico. C a r o l L e v i t t A x e l r o d has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at the Pepperdine University Law Library, Malibu, California. P h i l i p C. B a n t in has been appointed university archivist at the University of California at Los An­ geles. G e e t a l i B asu has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. K a y B e a u d r i e has been named cataloger and terminal operator supervisor at Marquette Univer­ sity, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. J a c q u e l i n e B e l l o w s has been appointed librar­ ian of the Francis Bacon Foundation, an affiliate of Claremont Colleges, Claremont, California. R o b e r t A . B e r k has been named director of the Medical Library at the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine, Springfield. 84 / C &R L News C h r is t ia n B oisso n n a s has been appointed sys­ tems librarian at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. B e t h B o j a c k has been appointed reference li­ brarian at De Paul University, Loop Campus, Chi­ cago. J u d i t h B o n ig has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. D a r y l A . B o o n e has been appointed cataloger at the Harvard University College Library. Sa l l y B o w d o in is the new social science and ed­ ucation cataloger at Brooklyn College Library, New York. H o p e E . B r e e z e has been promoted to head of technical services at the Duke University Law L i­ brary, Durham, North Carolina. C h a r l o t t e D . B r o w n is now director of the Professional Resource Center in the School of Busi­ ness Administration at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. T e r e s a B r o w n has joined the staff of the Refer­ ence Department at the University of Maryland, College Park. A n n e C a i g e r is the new head of the Manuscript Section of the Department of Special Collections at the University of California, Los Angeles. C a r o l i n e S. C a r l t o n has been appointed head of the Harrye B. Lyons Design Library at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. A nna C h e r r y has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the William Mitchell College of Law Li­ brary, St. Paul, Minnesota. V ic t o r i a C l a y t o n has been appointed educa­ tion librarian at Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing. J . W e s l e y C o c h r a n has been appointed law li­ brarian at the University of Mississippi, University. J i l l Y o u n g C o e l h o has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the Harvard University College Library. M e r l e L . C o l g l a z i e r has been appointed tech­ nical services librarian at Virginia Union Univer­ sity, Richmond. J o h n W i l l i a m C o l l i n s I I I has been appointed librarian at the Monroe C. Gutman Library at Harvard University. J a n i c e C o n t in i is the new online training and services coordinator of the Pacific Southwest Re­ gional Medical Library Service at the University of California, Los Angeles. C o l l e e n C o s g r o v e has been appointed LC cat­ aloger at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. J o s e p h C r o t t s is now head of access services and coordinator of the Maps Collection at California State University, Chico. C l a u d i a D a n s b y has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of Missouri, Kan­ sas City. E l e a n o r H . D e L a s h m it t has been appointed associate librarian for research at George Washing­ ton University Law Library, Washington. M a r y P . D i l l o n has been appointed associate director for database creation and facilities plan­ ning at the University of Miami School of Medi­ cine, Coral Gables, Florida. N o o r F . D in has been appointed Urdu Lan­ guage Specialist at the Harvard University College Library. G l a d y s D r a t c h has been appointed circulation and collection development librarian at the Gut­ man Library at Harvard University. P a u l a F . E b b i t has been appointed head of pub­ lic services in the Museum of Comparative Zoology Library at Harvard University. S h i r l e y E d w a r d s has been appointed head of the Indexing Branch at the National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland. E l i z a b e t h E . E g g l e s t o n has been appointed cataloger at the Harvard University Medical Li­ brary. G . E d w a r d E vans has been appointed librarian at the Tozzer Library at Harvard University. J o n q u i l D . F e l d m a n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Harvard University Medical Library. D a l e P . F l e c k e r has been appointed associate director for planning and systems at the Harvard University Library. J a n e t E . F l e t c h e r has been appointed cata­ loger in the Union Catalog Services Office at the Harvard University Library. D o n n a G ia m pa has been appointed medical ref­ erence librarian at the George Washington Univer­ sity Medical Center, Washington. D a v id S. G in n has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Miami School of Medi­ cine, Coral Gables. C a r o l G o d t has been appointed reference li­ brarian, Division of Inform ation Services, at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, Missouri. B e t t y G l a s s has been appointed serials cata­ loger at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. A l i c e G o r m l e y is now serials librarian at Mar­ quette University, Milwaukee. E l a i n e G r a h a m has been appointed associate di­ rector of the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service at the University of California, Los Angeles. M a r y B es s H a l f o r d has been appointed assis­ tant humanities bibliographer at Tulane Univer­ sity, New Orleans, Louisiana. M a r g a r e t H a m b r ic k has been appointed infor­ mation services librarian and bibliographer at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. E i l e e n H a r d y has been appointed acquisitions librarian at Wellesley College, Massachusetts. J o n H . H a r r is o n has been appointed coordina­ tor of documents and technical services at Michi­ gan State University, East Lansing. D ia n e K . H a r v e y is now collection development librarian for the Hopkins-Nanjing Project at the School of Advanced International Studies, Johns January 1986 / 85 Hopkins University, Washington, D.C. M i c h a e l J . H ig g in s has been appointed cata­ loger at New York Law School Library, New York. D o r is M. H in so n has been appointed cataloger at the Duke University Law Library, Durham. H e i d i L . H o e r m a n has been appointed director of technical services at Montana State University Libraries, Bozeman. J o a n S. H o w l a n d has been appointed assistant director of the Law Library at the University of California, Berkeley. M a r y C o l in H y d e r has been appointed instruc­ tor and online search analyst at the Quillen- Dishner College of Medicine Library at East Ten­ nessee State University, Johnson City. E l i z a b e t h I c e n h o w e r has been appointed cata­ loger at the Biomedical Library of the University of California, Los Angeles. L a u r e l J iz b a has been appointed head of origi­ nal cataloging at Michigan State University, East Lansing. G o d l i n d J o h n so n has been appointed informa­ tion services librarian/bibliographer at the Van­ derbilt University Science Library, Nashville. F l o r a J o n e s has been appointed head of general reference services at the University of Maryland, College Park. W i l l i a m J o n e s is now head of special resources and coordinator of special collections at California State University, Chico. B e r n i c e J o n e s - T r e n t has been appointed head f reference at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, irginia. C l a i r e B . J o s e p h has been appointed chief med­ cal librarian at the New York College of Osteo­ athic Medicine at the New York Institute of Tech­ ology, Old Westbury. L a w r e n c e R . K e a t i n g I I has been appointed erials Departm ent head at the University of ouston-University Park Libraries, Texas. C y n t h ia K e p l e y has been appointed public ser­ ices librarian in the Government Publications De­ artment at Indiana University, Bloomington. E r ic A . K i d w e l l has been appointed periodi­ als/reference librarian at Huntingdon College, ontgomery, Alabama. S u s a n K i e f e r has been named director of the amline University Law Library, St. Paul, Minne­ ota. G a y T o l t l K in m a n has been named director of aw libraries for the University of La Verne, La erne, California. D o n n a K o e p p has been appointed head of the ap Library at the University of Kansas, Law­ ence. J a m e s M. K y e d has been appointed assistant di­ ector for public services at the Georgia Institute of echnology Library, Atlanta, Georgia. L e e A nn L a n n o m has been appointed reference ibrarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk. o V i p n S H v p c M H s l V M r r T l 86 / C &R L News J o h n L a w r e n c e has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the interlibrary loan section of the Refer­ ence Department at the University of California, Los Angeles. R u t h E . L e w i s has been appointed biology li­ brarian at Washington University, St. Louis, Mis­ souri. L a u r e l J . L i g h t has been appointed manu­ scripts cataloger at the Houghton Rare Books and Manuscripts Library at Harvard University. C l a r a P r i o l e a u M c L e o d has been appointed science/engineering librarian at Washington Uni­ versity, St. Louis. N a n c y M a c o m b e r has been appointed govern­ ment documents and reference librarian at Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing. E l a in e R usso M a r t in has been appointed chief of facilities and instructional media systems at the George Washington University Medical Center, Washington. D o r ia n E . M a r t y n has been appointed head of the Learning Resources Center at the University of Miami School of Medicine, Coral Gables. D o u g l a s C. M o r in g has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of Oklahoma Law Center Library, Norman. C a t h e r i n e M u r r a y - R u s t has been appointed training librarian in the Systems Office at Cornell University, Ithaca. K a t h e r i n e N a c h o d has been appointed govern­ ment documents librarian at Tulane University, New Orleans. V ir g in ia N o r d s t r o m has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Education Library of Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing. N a n c y N o r r is has been appointed art and the­ ater arts cataloger in the Technical Services De­ partment at the University of California, Los An­ geles. P a t r ic ia N u z z a c i has been appointed reference librarian at the University of Maryland, College Park. C h a r l o t t e P a l m e r has been appointed head of technical services at the Rosary College Library, River Forest, Illinois. B a r b a r a P e a s e is now head of General Refer­ ence at California State University, Chico. J e a n M a r ie P e e t has been appointed serials cat­ aloging librarian at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia. M a r k P la is s has been appointed head of refer­ ence services at Rush University Library, Chicago. B a r ba r a P r e e c e has been appointed special col­ lections cataloger at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. R o y R ada has been named head of the MeSH section at the National Library of Medicine, Be- thesda, Maryland. Sh a r i S. R e g e n has been appointed special col­ lections librarian at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University. A n d ra s R i e d l m a y e r h a s b e e n a p p o in te d b i b l i ­ ographer in Islamic art and architecture in the Fine Arts Library at Harvard University. W a r r e n R o sm a r in has been appointed assistant librarian for public services at the University of Mi­ ami Law Library, Coral Gables, Florida. H a l in a R usak has been appointed head of the Rutgers Art Library, New Brunswick, New Jersey. T h e r e s a R yan has been appointed ORION user services librarian at the University of California, Los Angeles. M a r io n N. Sa b e l l a has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Harvard University Medical Library. M a n u e l Sa n u d o has been appointed education librarian at Queens College, City University of New York, Flushing. M a r t h a Sc h e e l has joined the staff of the cata­ log maintenance department at the University of Maryland, College Park. M a d e l a i n e Sc h m i t t has been appointed cata­ loger and science bibliographer at the University of Wisconsin, Platteville. J a n e t Si n d e r has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Duke University Law Library, Dur­ ham, North Carolina. K a r e n Sm it h has been appointed head of circu­ lation at the George Washington University Medi­ cal Center, Washington, D.C. T i m o t h y S m i t h has been appointed instruc­ tional librarian at Ohio University, Athens. H e l e n H . Sp a l d in g has been appointed associ­ ate director of libraries at the University of Mis­ souri, Kansas City. L o u is e Sp e a r has been appointed director of the Ethnomusicology Archives at the University of California, Los Angeles. C e c i l i a St a f f o r d has been appointed reference librarian at Tulane University, New Orleans. D iana St e p h e n s has been appointed online spe­ cialist for the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service at the University of Calfornia, Los Angeles. M a r c ia St e p h e n s has been appointed director of library services at Northwestern College of Chiro­ practic, Minneapolis, Minnesota. R o g e r E. St o d d a r d has been appointed curator of rare books at the Harvard University College Li­ brary. R o b e r t a St u d w e l l has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the University of Miami Law Li­ brary, Coral Gables. W i l l i a m E . S u d d u t h I I I has been appointed documents librarian and cataloger at Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts. M a r k Su l l i v a n has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the Boston College Law School Library, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. M i c h a e l Su l l i v a n has been appointed head of the Physical Sciences and Technology Libraries at the University of California, Los Angeles. Susan T a r a ba has been appointed catalog librar­ ian at Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. university makes information acces “ s Many ib o f l ou e r i n i ­ n “ I a t’s i m b por i ta g nt to w refine a ou y r holdings coming students continually,” Tribit explains. “Right now are apprehen­ we’re looking at new titles to accommodate sive about using a growing emphasis on business and com­ microforms, puter science.” simply from Over the years, Don Tribit and the lack o f personal Ganser Library staff have looked to Univer­ experience. So sity Microfilms International (UMI) for assis­ we established a tance in developing their serials program. library orienta­ tion program that includes a hands-on introduction to microforms. It calms the students’ initial apprehension and encourages them to use microforms as a source o f information.” Donald K. Tribit, Periodicals Librarian at Ganser Library, Millersville University of Pennsylvania, is a believer in serials manage­ ment with microforms. The library’s serials in microform program, under his direction for 23 years, is set up for maximum student use. The microform area is self-service, with staff assistance available, so students have both the access and the support they need to become comfortable using microforms. Don T rib it’s program has paid off. The 6,000 students at Millersville University, a More than 1,500 o f the library’s current multipurpose institution located near Lan­ periodical subscriptions in microform are caster in south-central Pennsylvania, see supplied by UMI—and Tribit credits the microforms as an integral part o f their quality o f the subscription program with research. “Our students use microforms improving the accessibility o f information with the same frequency as paper issues of to the library community. periodicals,” says Tribit. “Once they under­ Serials management with microforms stand that with microforms we can offer is a success at Millersville University of much better access to information—a com­ Pennsylvania—and at hundreds o f libraries plete run o f T h e N ew York T im es, for in all kinds o f institutions. Let UMI help instance—they treat microforms as a real make information more accessible in your advantage.” library with a comprehensive serials in Serials holdings at Ganser Library microform program. Call or write: include 1,800 current sub­ scriptions in microform. University As the University expands Microfilms and changes its focus to meet student needs, new International S e r ia ls P u b l i s h i n g titles in microform are 3 0 0 N o r t h Z e e b R oad added, with the faculty’s A n n A r b o r , M ic h ig a n 4 8 1 0 6 blessing. 1 - 8 0 0 -5 2 1 -3 0 4 4 How a library at a small 88 / C &R L News A n n e D . T h a c h e r has been appointed assistant librarian for studies in landscape architecture at Harvard University’s Dumbarton Oaks Research Library, Washington. R o b e r t E . T h u r s t o n is now audiovisual sci­ ences librarian at Rosary College, River Forest, Il­ linois. L in d a W a t s o n has been appointed director of information services at the Houston Academy of Medicine’s Texas Medical Center Library, Hous­ ton, Texas. B e r n i c e O . W e is s has been appointed cataloger at the Harvard University Medical Library. T h o m a s W e i s s i n g e r has been appointed librar­ ian at the Africana Studies and Research Center L i­ brary at Cornell University, Ithaca. T h o m a s L . W i l l i a m s has been appointed associ­ ate director for education and information services at the University of Miami School of Medicine L i­ brary, Miami. C l i f f o r d S. W u n d e r l i c h has been appointed cataloger at the Andover-Harvard Theological L i brary, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Retirements M ir ia m E . B r i g h t , head of the Serials Unit at Michigan State University, East Lansing, retired on November 1 after 22 years of service. W i n i f r e d C a m p b e l l , cataloger at the Andover- Harvard Theological Library, retired last summer. E r ik a C h a d b o u r n , curator of manuscripts an ­ d archives in the Harvard University Law School Li­ brary, retired in September after 19 years of ser­ vice. J o s e D . C o u t i n , librarian and professor of law at Antioch School of Law, Washington, D .C ., retired August 31. D a v id W. H e r o n , head of readers’ services in the Western Languages Collections of the Hoover In­ stitution Library at Stanford University, retired in December. Heron is university librarian emeritus of the University of California at Santa Cruz and former director of libraries at the University of Kansas and the University of Nevada. His profes­ sional affiliations have included membership on the Executive Board of the American Library Asso­ ciation and on the Board of Directors of the Associ­ ation of Research Libraries. He had been at the Hoover Institution since 1980. B a r b a r a H o s t e t l e r , head of technical services at the University of California at Berkeley Library, retired June 1. C e l i a L e y t e - V i d a l , catalog librarian at the Duke University Library, Durham, N .C ., retired December 31 after 19 years of service. J e s u s L e y t e - V i d a l , manuscript cataloger and li­ brarian for Ibero and Latin American Materials at the Duke University Library, retired December 31 after 19 years of service. Deaths H a r o l d B l o o m q u i s t , former librarian at Har- In 1896, the biggest gold rush in history took place. They called it the Klondike. Now a second even bigger GOLD RUSH is on. Don’t miss it at Booths 325 & 326. January 1986 / 89 vard University’s Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, died April 20 after a long illness. E l i H a r e i d e , former bibliographer at the Na­ tional Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Maryland, died recently in Oslo, Norway. She had retired from the library in 1970. M a r g a r e t K a h n , former head of the Reference Department at the University of California, Ir­ vine, died October 7. She had retired in 1979 after 13 years of service, and had also held positions at the University of California, Berkeley, Eastern Illi­ nois University, and Ohio State University. P h y l l i s R u b i n t o n , former chief librarian of the Payne W hitney C linic at New York Hospital- Cornell Medical College, died August 26. She had headed the library for 10 years before retiring in May, and had previously been head librarian at the New York Psychoanalytic In stitu te. W hile at Payne Whitney she founded a mental health re­ sources library for clinic patients, one of the first of its kind in the country, and was co-editor of Core Readings in Psychiatry: An Annotated Guide to the Literature, published in 1984. She was past chair of the Mental Health Section of the Medical L i­ brary Association. M i l d r e d E . W a l t e r , medical librarian at the Edward G. Miner Library at the University of Rochester, New York, died August 29. She had re­ tired, in 1963 after 34 years of service. ■ ■ * Archives in Appalachia: A Directory provides descriptions of 181 repositories in south central Ap­ palachia (North and South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, and West V ir­ ginia) that hold historical records documenting the political, social, cultural, and economic history of the region. Each entry has information on the type of material held, subject areas covered, geographi­ cal area, and the inclusive dates and size of the holdings. Also included are indexes by type of ma­ terial and subject, a map showing the counties cov­ ered by the directory, and a list of agencies which do not currently collect manuscript materials but which plan to do so in the future. The directory was compiled by the Appalachian Consortium as part of a project funded by the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Copies are available for $2 from the Appalachian Consor­ tium, University Hall, Appalachian State Univer­ sity, Boone, NC 28606. * Associations in Action: The Washington, D.C. Higher Education Community, by Harland G. Bio­ land (116 pages, 1985), has been published as Re­ port Number 2 of the ASH E-ERIC Higher Educa­ tion R ep ort series. T h e rep ort analyzes the structure of the higher education associations in Washington and focuses primarily on the Ameri­ can Council on Education (ACE), the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), the Association of American Universi­ ties (AAU), the American Association of Commu­ nity and Junior Colleges (AACJC), the Association of American Colleges (AAC), and the National As­ sociation of State Universities and Land-G rant PUBLICA Col T leges I (NASULGC). Copies are available for $7.50 from th O e Association NS for the Study of Higher Education, One Dupont Circle, Suite 630, Wash­ ington, DC 20036. ISBN 0884-0040. ASHE’s Report Number 1 is Flexibility in Aca­ dem ic Staffing: Effective Policies and Practices, by Kenneth P. Mortimer, Marque Bagshaw, and An­ drew T. Masland. The report describes a number of strategies that might be used to survive realloca­ tions or reductions in personnel. The cost is the same as the report described above. ISBN 0 ­ 913317-20-9. * Cataloging Microcomputer Files: A Manual o f Interpretation fo r AACR2, by Sue A. Dodd and Ann M. Sandberg-Fox (296 pages, September 1985), describes elements of cataloging as they ap­ ply to software, identifies problems associated with describing software, and discusses the hardware and software components of a microcomputer sys­ tem and their relevance to the catalog record. The final chapter includes 12 examples illustrating problems commonly encountered while cataloging software, with step-by-step instructions. A glossary included. The cost is $37.50. Contact ALA Pub­ lishing Services, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. ISBN 0-8389-0401-7. ♦ The Directory o f Financial Aids f o r Minorities, by Gail A. Schlachter (345 pages, 1986-87 ed.), is a substantial revision of the previous biennial vol­ ume and provides current information for librari­ ans, students, counselors, and researchers on the unique resources available to these special needs groups. Over 50 % of the original entries have been substantively updated and the number of entries