ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries In this issue: Letter to ACRL EBSS Members 31 Additional ACRL Nominees for Offices, 1976/77 . . . . 32 Organizations Endorsing the Statement on Faculty Status 33 News From the Chapters . 34 News From the Field . . . . 35 P e o p l e ..........................................47 Classified Advertising 50 ISSN 0010-0870 COLLEGE & RESEARCH ew L s IBRARIES NO. 2 • FEBRUARY 1976 n Letter to ACRL EBSS Members Dear colleague in the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section: An appropriate celebration of the bicenten­ nial year, it seems to me, would be to form “committees of correspondence” to begin the process of liberating ourselves, as education and/or behavioral science librarians, from our professional problems by, at least, trying to articulate what some of our problems/opportu­ nities are. In other words, I hereby invite as many of you as possible to become my “pen pals” for 1976. I want to receive a simple, spontaneous letter from you, soon, setting forth some of your concerns about our specialized field of librarianship. I have been disturbed, over the years, that there is so little participation of the membership at large in section activity. Now that I am myself the chairperson for a year, I feel a responsibility to see if we can change that. How does one go about productively in­ volving as many as possible in an ALA group? At the risk of suggesting too definitely what you might think about, here are some areas of concern that occur to me: 1. Information on education/psychology libraries and librarianship: What statis­ tical and other factual information exists, or should exist, on North American edu­ cation / psychology / psychiatry libraries? What about state-of-the-art papers? Practitioner’s handbooks? 2. Materials selection: W hat distinctive problems do we, as education and be­ havioral science specialists, have in the selection process? How adequate is our review literature? What about written selection policies for our fields? 3. Classification systems: How do we as education and/or psychology specialists see LC, Dewey and other classification systems? 4. Subject heading systems: Similarly, how do we, as specialists working with li­ brary users, see the LC, ERIC, Ed Index and other subject heading/descriptor systems? 5. Bibliographical and other reference works: What gaps exist in the biblio­ graphical control of our field? 6. User studies: W hat studies have been, or should be, made of how psychologists and/or educators communicate, including their patterns of use of recorded infor­ mation in their fields? 7. Bibliographical instruction: Isn’t there a special responsibility to educate the edu­ cators, and future educators, in the use of education materials? What about liai­ son with teacher education organiza­ tions? 8. Standards for education libraries: Should standards or guidelines for our special­ ization be formulated and promulgated, perhaps at the initiative of our section? 9. Curriculum materials: Isn’t this one of the most difficult, yet least studied, areas in all of academic librarianship? What can we do to change this? The time is ripe. 10. Behavioral sciences: What do you mean, “behavioral sciences,” anyway? Psychology N ew s issu e ( B ) o f C o lleg e & R esearch Libraries, vol. 37, no. 1 32 and what other fields? W hat are the distinctive problems of this field of li­ brary specialization? As you can see, I have concentrated on edu­ cation/psychology librarianship in higher ed­ ucation and research institutions. I have as­ sumed that our section is not in business to deal with school librarianship since AASL serves that purpose. Nor is our section primarily con­ cerned with education for librarianship since L E D exists for that. Learning resource center librarianship in two-year colleges is somewhat closer to the emphasis of our section; however, the Community and Junior College Section of ACRL and the Audiovisual Section of ISAD adequately cover this interest. I must hasten to add, however, that, although I particularly want to hear from librarians specializing in ed­ ucation/curriculum materials or psychology/ psychiatry in higher education or research in­ stitutions, I will be pleased to get responses from other librarians as well. Two groups able to make especially valuable contributions to the discussion are ex-education/psychology librari­ ans now in other career lines, and social science librarians who include education or psychology among their areas of responsibility. W hat do I intend to do with the letters once you have written to me? First, I expect to learn something as chairperson about the concerns of my colleagues. Also, I hope in this way to learn of those members of the section who would like to be more actively involved. Per­ haps, depending on the kinds and number of responses, letters could be xeroxed and dis­ tributed to all correspondents or to circles of people with interests in common, or round robins might be formed. Finally, your letters will provide topics of grass roots interest for the Annual Conference in Chicago. On Sunday afternoon we are plan­ ning to try out discussion circles of members interested in education and behavioral science librarianship. Maybe we should call them “juntos” in memory of one of the founding fathers of American libraries, Benjamin Frank­ lin, and to introduce a bicentennial note. We are likely to ask some of you to co-lead small discussion groups on areas of interest to you, or act as recorders and reporters. Like most of you nowadays, I am overbur­ dened with work both in my job and in other professional commitments. Nevertheless, I hope you will make the burden even more over­ whelming by responding to this, an effort to make a tour of duty as chairperson of your sec­ tion interactive. Wayne Gossage, Library Director Bank Street College of Education 610 W . 112 St. New York, NY 10025 ■ ■ A DDITION A L ACRL NOM INEES FOR OFFICES, 1976/77 ASIAN AN D AFRICAN SECTION Vice-C hairman / Chairman-Elect Robert Edmund Booth, Director, Wayne State University Division of Library Science, Detroit, M I 48202 John A. Eilts, Near Eastern Bibliographer, University of Michigan Library, Ann Arbor, M I 48104 Secretary Mohammed M. Aman, Chairman, Depart­ ment of Library Science, St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY 11432 Josephine R. Fang, Professor, School of Li­ brary Science, Simmons College, Boston, MA 02115 Member-at-Large Rosalie C. Amer, Technical Services Librari­ an, Cosumnes River College Library, Sacramen­ to, CA 95823 David G. Donovan, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Notre Dame Me­ morial Library, Notre Dame, IN 46556 COM M UNITY AN D JU N IO R CO LLE G E LIBRARIES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect J. Daniel Vann III, Chief Librarian and Pro­ fessor, Staten Island Community College, 715 Ocean Terrace, Staten Island, NY 10301 ■■ N e w s ite m s fo r in c lu sio n in C & R L N e w s sh o u ld be se n t t o M a r y Frances C o llin s , A s s is t a n t D ir e c to r o f L ib r a r ie s fo r T e ch n ica l Se rvice s, U n ive rsity L ib r a r y U L B -3 5 A , S t a t e U n iv e rsity o f N e w Y o r k a t A lb a n y , 1400 W a s h in g t o n A v e ., A lb a n y , N Y 12222. A d v e r ­ t is in g ( in c lu d in g c la s s ifie d a d s ) sh o u ld b e se nt to Le o n a Swiech, A d v e r t is in g O ffic e , A m e r ic a n L i­ b ra ry A s s o c ia t io n , 50 E. H u ro n St., C h i c a g o , IL 60611. P ro d u c tio n a n d c ir c u la tio n m a tte rs a re h a n ­ d le d b y A L A C e n t r a l P ro d u c tio n U nit, a t the a b o v e ad d re ss. N e w s e d ito r: M a r y Frances C o llin s, A ssist a n t D i­ re cto r o f L ib r a r ie s fo r T e ch n ica l Se rv ice s, State U n ive rsity of N e w Y o r k a t A lb a n y , A lb a n y . A s ­ so c ia te N e w s e d ito r: A n n e D o w lin g , A s s is t a n t L i ­ b ra r ia n , A c q u is it io n s D e p a rtm e n t, L ib rary, S ta te U n iv e rsity o f N e w Y o r k a t A lb a n y . E d ito r: R ic h ­ a r d D . Jo hnso n, M iln e Library, S ta te U n ive rsity C o lle g e , O n e o n ta , N e w Y o r k 13820. President, A C R L : Lo u ise G ile s. Exe cutive Se cre tary, A C R L : B e v e rly P. Lynch. C o l l e g e & R e se arch L ib r a r ie s is p u b lis h e d b y the A s s o c ia t io n o f C o ll e g e a n d R e search Lib rarie s, a d iv is io n o f the A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y A sso c ia t io n , 17 tim e s ye arly— 6 b im o n th ly jo u rn al issues a n d I I m o n th ly ( c o m b in in g J u ly - A u g u s t) N e w s issues— a t 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, M O 65251. S u b sc rip tio n , $15.00 a year, o r t o m e m b e rs o f the d iv is io n , $7.50, in c lu d e d in du e s. S e c o n d -c la ss p o s t a g e p a id a t Fulton, M isso u r i 65251. © A m e r ic a n L ib r a r y A s s o c ia t io n 1976. A l l m a te ria l in this io u rn a l su b je c t t o c o p y r ig h t b y the A m e r i ­ c an L ib r a r y A s s o c ia t io n m ay b e p h o t o c o p ie d fo r th e n o n c o m m e rc ia l p u r p o se o f sc ie n tific o r e d u c a ­ t io n a l a d v a n c e m e n t.