ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 209 News from the Sections S L A V IC A N D EA ST E U R O P E A N S E C T IO N Representatives of the Slavic and East Euro­ pean Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries and the Subject Cataloging Division of the Library of Congress are discuss­ ing possible improvements in the LC Classifi­ cation System as it relates to the handling of materials on Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. In order to provide specific recom­ mendations, an ad hoc committee has been established in the Slavic and East European Section. The committee will draft recommen­ dations on the classification presented to the Library of Congress after the ALA Conference in Las Vegas. The chairman of the ad hoc committee is Ivan L. Kaldor, dean, State Uni­ versity College, School of Library Science, Geneseo, New York. ■ ■ People PROFILES On July 1, 1973 Page Ackerman assumed the position of university librarian at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. Ms. Ackerman has worked in the UCLA libraries for over twen­ ty-four years, begin­ ning as a reference librarian and most re­ cently as the associate university librarian from 1965 through 1972. During the lat­ ter time she was re­ sponsible for a major and successful reor­ ganization of the ad­ ministrative and staff structure in the Paee Ackerman UCLA libraries. Ms. Ackerman has been very active profes­ sionally and is associated with a plethora of initialisms including ALA, AMA, AAUP, ACRL, and CLA, as well as Phi Beta Kappa. She is currently a member of the ALA Council, and the ALA Committee on Organization. Her writ­ ings reflect an interest in library education, ad­ ministration, and the woman professional. She concurrently holds the title of professor of library service at the UCLA School of Li­ brary Service. She will be teaching a course in personnel administration next spring. Ms. Ackerman joins only three other women as directors of ARL libraries. D r. Stuart Forth has been named dean of university libraries of the Pennsylvania State University. He began his new duties on July 1, 1973. Dr. Forth had been director of libraries at the University of Kentucky since 1965. He had the additional duty of acting vice-president for student affairs from 1968 to 1970. He was a member of the graduate faculty, teaching courses in library administration. Also while at Kentucky, Dr. Forth served as chairman of the university libraries section of ACRL as well as chairman of the Academic Status Committee. He has been secretary of the Kentucky chapter of AAUP and a member of the board of direc­ tors of the Central Kentucky Civil Liberties Union. Dr. Forth served at the University of Kansas from 1959 to 1965, first as head of the under­ graduate library and then as associate and act­ ing director of libraries. Prior to that he worked at the Seattle Public Library and Oregon State University. A native of Manistee, Michigan, he received bachelor of arts and master of arts in library science degrees from the University of Michigan. His doctor of philosophy degree in American history was awarded by the Universi­ ty of Washington. He has published papers both in history and library science and admin­ istration. A P P O IN T M E N T S George Alland—systems librarian—Har­ vard College library, Cambridge, Massachu­ setts. H ugh Amory—rare book cataloger—Har­ vard College library, Cambridge, Massachu­ setts. W illiam V. Arsdale—assistant reference librarian—University of South F lorida, Tam­ pa. Julius P. Barclay—curator of rare books— University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Candace Bogar—assistant librarian, Archi­ tecture and Design Library—University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Claire Brown—librarian, Manpower and Industrial Relations Library—Harvard Uni­ versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 210 Robert L. Burk—head of the circulation department, Swem Library—College of W il­ liam and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. Clara-Mae Chittum—serials acquisitions librarian—Massachusetts Institute of Tech­ nology, Cambridge. Heather Cole—reference librarian—Har­ vard College library, Cambridge, Massachu­ setts. B o n it a C o r ia l e —c a ta lo g e r , Graduate School of Design Library—H arvard Univer­ sity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Bonnie Dede—senior associate rare book cataloger—University of Michigan library, Ann Arbor. Gale Eckerson—head of cataloging—T rin­ ity College library, Hartford, Connecticut. Mary J. Engh—assistant biological sciences librarian, instructor—Oklahoma State Uni­ versity, Stillwater. Michael R. Garriel—assistant head serials and government publications department— University of California, Santa Barbara. Laura Gasaway—law librarian, Bates Col­ lege of Law—University of Houston, Texas. Roger K. Hanson—director of libraries— University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Alfred Hodina—head, Sciences–Engineer- ing Library—University of California, San­ ta Barbara. Celia Hukins—assistant serials librarian and instructor in library science—Purdue Uni­ versity, West Lafayette, Indiana. (Correction) E llen S. Johnson—catalog librarian—Uni­ versity of Kansas, Lawrence. E stelle Karlin—cataloger, Observatory Li­ brary—Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas­ sachusetts. Ted Kneebone—associate professor of li­ brary instructional services—Sangamon State University, Springfield, Illinois. Joel M. Lee—assistant librarian (technical services)—Lake F orest College, Illinois. Henry Llull—science librarian—Univer­ sity of South Carolina, Columbia. Alan P. McCurry—assistant to the librarian (circulation)—Lake F orest College, Illinois. Mary V. McDowell—acquisitions librarian —I ndiana University, South Bend. Arthur H. Miller, Jr.—librarian—Lake Forest College, Illinois. Robin K. Mills—assistant law librarian— University of South Carolina, Columbia. Mary L. Moore—assistant professor of li- brarianship—University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. Mary A. Neel—assistant science librarian— University of South Carolina, Columbia. Molly Ostwald—head, catalog coordina­ tion department, Bird Library—Syracuse Uni­ versity, New York. Martha Padawer—fine arts cataloger— Harvard College library, Cambridge, Mas­ sachusetts. Mark Piel—library director—Upsala Col­ lege, East Orange, New Jersey. Patricia Rice—humanities bibliographer, Bird Library—Syracuse University, New York. Lynne Schmelz-Keil—reference librarian for the social sciences—Dana Library, New­ ark. F rank Schneider—director of library ser­ vices—California State University, San Francisco. Richard Stone—acquisitions librarian, Mu­ sic Library—Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sharon Sullivan—systems librarian—Har­ vard College library, Cambridge, Massachu­ setts. Johanna Tallman—director of libraries— California Institute of Technology, Pasa­ dena. Pamela Tucker—assistant reference librar­ ian—University of South F lorida, Tampa. Philip C. Wei—director of the library— Mary Baldwin College, Staunton, Virginia. Anthony M. Weiner—assistant reference li­ brarian—University of South F lorida, Tam­ pa. W. W. Wicker—director of library and learning resources—University of Houston, Clear Lake City, Texas. James K. Zink—director of libraries—Uni­ versity of Oklahoma, Norman. R E T IR E M E N T S Martha L. Biggs, director of Lake F orest College libraries, Illinois, has recently retired. She assumed her post in 1943 after having served as associate librarian since 1937. Miss Biggs served as chairman of the ALA-ACRL College Libraries Section in 1957-58 and in 1965-66. D r. Gordon W. Gray is now on retirement leave after serving forty-one years on the staff of the City College library, New York. Archer Jackson recently retired as head of Technical Processes at Trinity College li­ brary, Hartford, Connecticut. L ucille J. Strauss, librarian, and head, Chemistry and Physics Branch of the Pennsyl­ vania State University libraries at the Uni­ versity Park, retired July 12, 1973. D E A T H S Members of the library staff at the Univer­ sity of California, Berkeley were distressed at the death of D orothy L. Smith, associate librarian in the Documents Department, who died suddenly on June 19 at the age of 34. ■ ■