ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 74 / C& RL News guarding the integrity and continuity o f library re­ sources and services. An institu tion w hich co n ­ tracts with other institutions to provide its students with library services must dem onstrate th at its stu­ dents are using these services. Copies of the proposed C riteria f o r A ccred ita­ tion w ere distributed to Presidents and/or other representatives o f m em ber institutions at the m eet­ ing of the Commission Colleges on D ecem ber 13. L ibrarians m ay review the criteria by asking their presidents for a copy. L ibrarians are also encour­ aged to send d ata on effectiveness measures to the Commission offices for incorporation into the re­ source m anual m entioned in the footnote on Sec­ tion I I I . I cannot stress too strongly the im portance o f sharing w ith the Commission staff recom m en­ dations on questions w hich should be asked in self- studies and by visiting teams. W h ile recognizing th at the state of the art o f effectiveness measure­ m ent is not well developed, librarians must make a v a ila b le to our SA C S colleagu es in fo rm a tio n about the strongest research tools we now have on educational outcomes. T h e M anual will be of c riti­ cal im portance in the interpretation o f the C riteria and this is our chance to have a hand in the prepa­ ration o f th at im portant document. Suggestions, com m ents, o r recom m endations should be sent as soon as possible to E lb ie C onard, Assistant Executive D irecto r, Commission on C ol­ le g e s , S o u th e rn A s s o c ia tio n o f C o lle g e s and Schools, 795 Peachtree Street, N .E ., A tlanta, GA 30 3 6 5 . ■ ■ Highlights of the Midwinter Meetings of the ACRL Board of Directors T h e Board of D irectors o f the Association of C o l­ lege and Research Libraries m et tw ice during the ALA M idw inter M eeting: on Saturday, Jan u ary 8, 1983, and W ednesday, Jan uary 12, 1983. Chapters T h e board approved the recom m endation o f the Chapters Council th a t $ 3 .5 0 per m em ber be allo­ cated for direct chap ter support. College & Research Libraries T h e board voted to reappoint C. Jam es Schm idt editor of C &R L for an additional year until Ju ne 2 0 , 1984, allow ing for a six-month period in which a new editor will act in an apprentice cap acity to the current editor. C om m ittees T h e board approved the dissolution of the Ad Hoc Copyright Com m ittee and the creation of a standing Copyright Com m ittee. A revised charge for the Legislation C om m ittee was also approved. T h e board amended the A C R L Bylaws to pro­ hibit mem bers o f standing com m ittees from serv­ ing m ore than four consecutive years. Discussion Groups T h e board referred a petition for the form ation of a College L ibrarians Discussion Group to the College Libraries Section’s Executive Com m ittee to see w hether the needs o f such a group could be m et w ithin the section. T h e board approved the form ation o f a W o m ­ en’s Studies Discussion Group, and approved the dissolution o f the Audio-Visual Discussion Group and the transfer of its activities into the Audio- Visual C om m ittee. Executive D irector T h e board approved adoption o f a procedure for an annual review o f the executive director to begin with an executive session at the F a ll 1983 Executive C om m ittee meeting. Jones/Howard Award T h e board approved A C R L co-sponsorship with other ALA divisions of a proposal subm itted for the J . Morris Jones and Bailey K. Howard ALA Goal Aw ard to en h ance divisional leadership w ithin ALA. T h e program would run from April 1983 to Ju ne 1986. Legislation T h e board approved the request of the Legisla­ tion C om m ittee to endorse the reauthorization of the L ib ra ry Services and Reconstruction Act with th e r e c o m m e n d a tio n th a t S e c tio n 3 0 4 ( c ) b e changed to state that nothing in Section 304 shall prohibit the reim bursem ent for resource sharing activities on the part o f participating libraries. Membership T h e board requested the A C R L M em bership C om m ittee to exam ine the feasibility of offering ACRL/ALA memberships renew able on th eir an­ niversary date rather than at the end of a fixed m embership year. T h e C om m ittee will explore the option with the ALA M embership C om m ittee and report back to the board. National Conferences T h e board requested access to d ata on papers subm itted for A C R L national conferences, includ­ ing the num ber o f intents to subm it, the actual num ber o f papers subm itted, the p ercentage o f pa­ pers accepted, and the percentage o f papers re­ jected at a later stage o f review. ■ ■ March 1983 / 75 A C R L M embers R un fo r A L A C ouncil T h e fo llo w in g m em b ers of th e A ssociation of C ollege and R esearch L ib raries have been nom i­ nated as candidates for A LA councilor in the spring 1 983 elections. M em bers are encouraged to vote for these candidates to increase A C R L ’s voice in the a f­ fairs o f the A m erican L ib ra ry Association. G eorge M . B ailey , associate d irector o f libraries, C larem o n t Colleges, C larem o n t, C alifo rn ia. B a rb a ra B ry an , university lib ra ria n , Nyseluis L ib ra ry , Fa irfield U niversity, F a irfie ld , C o n n ecti­ cut. M ary Louise C o b b , coordin ator o f p u blic ser­ vices, M aine S ta te L ib r a ry , Augusta. H arold H .J. E rick son, director o f lib ra ry devel­ opm ent, University o f N evada, L a s Vegas. Susan L . H eath , reference and collection devel­ opm ent lib ra ria n , N icolet C ollege, L e a rn in g R e­ sources C en ter, R h in elan der, W isconsin. K aren L . H o m ey, assistant university lib rarian for te ch n ical services, N orthw estern University, Evan ston , Illinois. Philip E . L e in b a c h , university lib ra ria n , T u lan e U niversity, New O rleans. M yra M acon, associate professor, University of Mississippi, G ra d u a te School o f L ib ra ry and In fo r­ m ation Scien ce, U niversity, Mississippi. H an nah V . M cC auley , lib ra ry d irecto r, O hio U niversity, L a n caster. Stefan Moses, executive d irecto r, C a lifo rn ia L i ­ brary A ssociation, Sacram en to . M ichael H. R an d a ll, assistant head, serials de­ p artm en t, U niversity R esearch L ib ra ry , University o f C a lifo rn ia , Los Angeles. A. R o b ert R ogers, dean, School o f L ib ra ry Sci­ ence, K ent S ta te U niversity, K e n t, O hio. Ada M. Seltzer, assistant directo r of p u blic ser­ vices, M ed ical C en ter L ib r a ry , U niversity o f South F lo rid a , T a m p a . C a rla J . Sto ffle, assistant ch an cello r for ed uca­ tional services, U niversity o f W isconsin-Parkside, Kenosha. A llen B . V ea n er, university lib ra ria n , University o f C a lifo rn ia , Sa n ta B a rb a ra . ■ ■ N atio n al In v ita tio n a l C onference on Independent S cholarship M ich ael D. K athm an D irector o f L ib ra ries C o lleg e o f Saint B en edict Saint John's University T h e Independent Scholarship P ro ject with sup­ port from the Fund for the Im provem ent o f Post­ secondary E d u ca tio n , th e Northw est Area F o u n ­ d atio n , and Sp ring H ill C en ter sponsored a three- day N ational In v itatio n al C on feren ce on Indepen­ dent Scholarship in early Novem ber a t the Spring Hill C on feren ce C en ter in W a y z a ta , M innesota. I attended as the A C R L representative. T h e conference dealt w ith the p light o f those do­ ing serious intellectu al work w ithout university a f­ filiatio n , people for w hom scholarship is a jo y , not necessarily a jo b . In add ition, at a tim e when re­ cen t graduates o f advanced degree program s ca n ­ not find facu lty positions, the num ber o f indepen­ d e n t s c h o la r s is g r o w in g . I f th e i n s titu tio n s associated w ith scholarship do not re a ct in a posi­ tive, helpful m anner our cultu re m ay well suffer. T his becom es clearer w hen one considers n otable scholars who are not thought o f as fa cu lty , e .g ., Ar­ thur Koestler, Bu ckm inster F u lle r, I .F . Stone, E ric H o ffe r, B a r b a r a T u c h m a n , E . F . S c h u m a c h e r , Paul G ood m an , and R achel Carson. T h e goals o f th e conference w ere to: 1) review findings regarding the needs, activities, and p rob­ lems o f independent scholars and their org aniza­ tio n s; 2) suggest fea sib le in itia tiv es by d iffere n t kinds o f organizations to im prove the c lim a te for such w ork; 3) identify fu rth er needed research; and 4) fo rm u late conclusions and recom m endations for widespread dissem ination, discussion and action . A report on th e conference was published in the In d ep en d en t S cholarship N ew sletter in D ecem b er (R onald G ross, ed itor; T h e Independent Sch o la r­ ship P ro je c t, 17 M y rtle D riv e , G re a t N eck, NY 11021). This report includes recom m endations to: 1) independent scholars and their o rganizations, 2) hum anities councils and foundations, 3) learned societies, 4) lib raries, 5) academ e, and 6) scholarly jou rn als and publishers. W h a t I w ant to address here are the th irteen sp ecific recom m endations to libraries. T hese recom m endations w ere m ade by and approved by the p articip an ts. T h ey do not nec­ essarily reflect the views of the librarian s present, alth ough in som e, th e in flu en ce o f lib ra ria n s is clear.