ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 228 / C&RL News discipline is often more difficult than understand­ ing the essential concepts. This course is intended for librarians with little or no mathematical or sta­ tistical training. It will help you to understand ter­ minology, statistical concepts, and basic statistical measures. Don’t let such words as sample and stan­ dard deviation prevent you from understanding the essentials of statistics. Instructor: Tim othy F . Richards, Vanderbilt University. Date: Friday, July 8, 1988, 9:00 a .m .-5 :0 0 p.m. F ee: A CRL members, $95; non-members, $135. C E U Credit: .7. Limited to the first 30 registrants. ACRL honors 1988 award winners The Association of College and Research L i­ braries will honor the recipients of all its 1988 awards at the ALA Annual Conference in New O r­ leans. All the winners were selected by separate award juries. Four of the awards— the Baker & Taylor Academic or Research L ibrarian of the Year, the two Institute for Scientific Information Fellowships, and the K .G . Saur College & R e­ search Libraries awards— will be presented at the close (approximately 5:00 p.m .) of the ACRL Pres­ ident’s Program on Monday, July 11. You are wel­ come to join us there in honoring these outstanding individuals. The deadline for the 1989 awards is December 1, 1988. Information about nominations and applica­ tions for the 1989 awards may be obtained from M ary E lle n D a v is, A C R L P rogram O ffic e r , ACRL/ALA, 50 E . Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780, χ287. Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award Edward Gailon Holley, of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, has been chosen to receive the $3,000 Ac­ ademic or Research Librarian of the Year Award. Holley will receive the award on July 11 at the A C R L President’s Pro­ gram in New Orleans. A CRL President Joanne Euster will present the cash aw ard and c i t a ­ tion, which are donated by the Baker and Taylor Company. In naming Holley to receiv e th e aw a rd , D o n n a M. G o eh n er, chair of the award jury, E d Holleysaid, “Dr. Holley was se­ lected not only for the significant and numerous contributions he has made to the published literature and library educa­ tion programs but also for his leadership role and consulting activities. “ His has been an ex em p lary c a r e e r , and throughout he has served as a role model and men­ tor for academic librarians. Dr. Holley has without question distinguished himself in virtually every major area of our library profession.” Holley, who received his doctorate from the University of Illinois, served as professor and dean at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, from 1972 to 1985. For nine years prior to that he was director of libraries at the University of Houston. A past president of ALA, Holley has also received the prestigious Melvil Dewey Medal and the Joseph W. Lippincott award for notable achievement in li­ brarianship. The citation commends Holley for his outstand­ ing achievements and describes him as a “Renais­ sance librarian— a man of many talents ranging from excellent administrator and inspiring teacher to conscientious researcher and effective speaker and w riter.” The A CRL Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award is presented annually to recognize a member of the library profession who has made an outstanding national or international contribu­ tion to academic or research librarianship and li­ brary development. Recipients of the award since its inception in 1978 have been Keyes D. M etcalf and Robert D. Downs (1978); Henriette D. Avram and Frederick G. Kilgour (1979); Evan I. F arber (1980); Beverly P. Lynch (1981); William Budington (1982); Rich­ ard M. Dougherty (1983); Richard Johnson (1984); Jessie Carney Smith (1985); Margaret Beckman (1986); and Duane Webster (1987). In this game stra tegy is everything T he right strategy means fewer moves, less wasted action. It's no different when you need to perform a thorough literature search. Social SciSearch® is the right strategy to employ for searching the world’s social sciences literature. You'll move directly to a multidisciplinary database indexing every significant item from more than 1,400 journals in the social sciences. Like any superior strategy, our online database offers you options at every turn: in addition to the conventional retrieval techniques, you can search by cited references. And you choose your S o u rc e-S o c ia l SciSearch is available through DIALOG, BRS‚ and DIMDL If you already subscribe to the print Social Sciences Citation In d ex® then you're one move ahead--you're eligible to search at a substantially reduced rate. The smartest move of all? Call us free at 1 - 8 0 0 - 5 2 3 - 1 8 5 7 , and say that you'd like more information on this strategy. We'll show you how Social SciSearch gets you to the other side of the board fast. CHECK! Institute for Scientific Information 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 ‘ Telephone: (215) 386-0100 S -12-5192 230 / C&RL News Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Sarla Murgai, doctoral candidate at the Univer­ sity of Tennessee, Knoxville, has been chosen to re­ ceive the Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship from ACRL. The award, $1,000 and a plaque, is do­ nated by the Institute for Scientific Information, and will be presented at the ACRL President’s Pro­ gram in New Orleans. M urgai’s proposed dissertation is entitled, “Managerial Motivation and Career Aspirations of Library/Information Science Students.” She plans to investigate the managerial achievement motiva­ tions of both male and female library and informa­ tion science students in terms of their educational attainment, experience, age, marital status, mobil­ ity, sex role, professional development, career commitment, affirmative action, and personal achievement. The fellowship is presented annually to a doc­ toral student in the field of academic librarianship whose research indicates originality, creativity, and interest in scholarship. Lazerow Fellowship Carol M. Kelley, head of acquisitions at Texas Tech University, has been chosen to receive the Sa­ muel Lazerow Fellowship for Research in Acquisi­ tions or Technical Services. The award, consisting a plaque and $1,000 donated by the Institute for Scientific Information, will be presented at the ACRL President’s Program in New Orleans. Kelley will examine CD-ROM versions of Books in Print Plus and Ulrich’s Plus to identify informa­ tion not previously available. She will also investi­ gate the application of CD-ROM sources to acqui­ sitions and try to identify other ways to use these sources. Kelley has been at Texas Tech since 1971 and will serve as news editor of CD-ROM Librarian, beginning with the April 1988 issue. In 1983 she re­ ceived a Title II grant to serve as director of the West Texas Union List project. Kelley holds an MLS from the University of Illinois. K.G. Saur C ù R L Article Award “Librarians and Faculty Members: Coping with Pressures to Publish,” an article in the November 1987 issue of College & Research Libraries, has re­ ceived the first K .G . Saur Award for Best College & Research Libraries Article. The winning article compares the experiences of librarians and mem­ bers of teaching faculties in attempting to meet in­ stitutional pressures to research and publish. The authors are Robert Boice, director of the Center for Faculty Development at California State University, Long Beach; Jordan M. Sce- panski, university librarian, California State Uni­ versity, Long Beach; and Wayne Wilson, library director at Chapman College, Orange, California. Committee members said the winning article had the “greatest potential use to ACRL member­ ship in terms of its relevance, methodology, crea­ tivity, and timeliness.” The $500 award, donated by the publishing company, K .G . Saur, will be presented at the ACRL President’s Program in New Orleans on July 11. Articles for College & Research Libraries may be submitted to Charles Martell, Editor, C& RL, The Library, 2000 Jed Smith Drive, California State University, Sacramento, CA 95819. Miriam Dudley BI Librarian of the Year Sharon A. Hogan, director of libraries at Louisi­ ana State University, Baton Rouge, has been named the Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruc­ tion L ib ra ria n of the Y ear by A C R L . T he aw ard , $ 1 ,0 0 0 and a plaque, is donated by Mountainside Publish­ ing, Ann Arbor, on be­ half of its publication, Research Strategies, and is administered by the ACRL Bibliographic In­ struction Section. It will be presented at the BIS program on “Teaching C D -R O M ,” Sunday, Sharon A. Hogan July 10, at ALA Annual Conference in New Or­ leans. “Sharon’s vision for bibliographic instruction early on helped shape the direction and teaching methods now promoted by practicing librarians and educators on an international level,” said Betsy Baker, chair of the Dudley Award Committee. Ho­ gan’s work has “forged a strong link between prac­ ticing librarians and library educators, which has moved bibliographic instruction to the core of li­ brary service.” Hogan has been director of libraries at LSU since 1984. In 1987 she received a Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Michigan School of Information and Library Science, and this year she begins a term on the ALA Executive Board. She is a past president of ACRL, serves on the Executive Committee of the Research Libraries Group Board of Governors, and is currently president of the OCLC User’s Council. Previous recipients of the Dudley award have been Thomas Kirk (1984), Carolyn Kirkendall (1985), Virginia Tiefel (1986), and Evan F arber (1987). Exhibition Catalogue Awards The Katherine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab “American Book Prices Current” Exhibition Cata­ logue Awards have been announced by ACRL’s April 1988 / 231 Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. This is the third year the awards have been given. First-place winners in the three divisions— expensive, moderate, and inexpensive— and the in­ stitutions submitting the catalogues were as fol­ lows: “The Larder Invaded: Reflections on Three Centuries of Philadelphia Food and Drink” and “35 Receipts from ‘The Larder Invaded,’ ” submit­ ted by the Library Company of Philadelphia and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, tied with “Time: The Greatest Innovator” from the Folger Shakespeare Library (first division); “Marianne Moore: Vision into Verse,” entered by the Rosen­ bach Museum and Library (second division); and “The Virgin and the W itch ,” submitted by the Harvard Law School Library (third division). “The originality and diversity of the winners is a reflection of the wide variety of subjects treated by the 44 catalogues submitted by libraries in the United States and C anada,” according to Sally Leach, award committee chair. “The Larder In ­ vaded” (first division) and its companion book of recipes are an appropriately sprightly and thor­ ough documentation of the culinary history of Philadelphia— a feast for both the eyes and the in­ tellect. The Folger Shakespeare Library’s publication treats the theme of Western man’s changing per­ ception of time from an abundant, cyclical flow in the Middle Ages to a scarce and precious commod­ ity during the Renaissance. The Folger’s impressive holdings in science and technology are superbly complemented by early timepieces lent by the Time Museum, Rockford, Illinois. “Marianne Moore: Vision into Verse” (second division) successfully illustrates through photo­ graphs, clippings and m em orabilia, the poet’s penchant for incorporating everyday occurrences and even objects into her poems. Harvard Law School’s “The Virgin and the W itch” succeeds handsomely in combining features of both an exhi­ bition catalogue and a poster. For its visual impact, originality and well-presented materials, the com­ mittee chose it for an award (third division). Additional catalogues were singled out for hon­ orable mention: “Max Ernst: Beyond Surrealism— A Retrospective of the Artist’s Books and Prints,” New York Public Library (first division); “The 1986 Festival of Cartoon Art,” Ohio State Univer­ sity Libraries, and “Mormon Imprints in Great B ritain and the Em pire 1836- 1 8 5 7 ,” Brigham Young University (second division); “Five Views of an Age,” University of Missouri-Columbia, and “Three Fine-Press Printers,” University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana (third division). Printed citations will be presented to the award winners at the RBMS program on July 10 at the ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans. The di­ visions were based upon unit costs for producing the exhibition catalogues. Catalogues published between September 1, 1986, and August 31, 1987, were eligible for this year’s competition. All cata­ logue entries for September 1, 1987, through Au­ gust 31 ‚ 1988, must be submitted by September 30, 1988. Criteria for granting the awards includes excel­ lence in originality, informational content, visual impact and appropriateness of design, success with intended audience and accuracy of detail. For fur­ ther inform ation, contact Sally L each , C hair, RBMS Committee for Awards for Exhibition Cata­ logues, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Cen­ ter, P.O. Box 7219, Austin, TX 78713-7219; (512) 471-9115. W isconsin C learinghouse for L ib ra ry In stru c tio n a l M aterials A Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Library In­ structional Materials has been established at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Library and Information Science. The Clear­ inghouse is funded by a grant from A CRL through its Wisconsin Chapter, with additional funding from the UWM School of Library and Information Science. The Clearinghouse is modeled on the na­ tional clearinghouse, L O E X , as well as regional clearinghouses currently in operation. The ob­ jectives of the Wisconsin Clearinghouse are: to gather material produced and used by aca­ demic libraries in Wisconsin and to make this material available to other academic libraries in Wisconsin; to supplement the services of LO E X at a more modest fee for those libraries that are not members of L O E X , as well as LO E X member libraries; and to enhance and encourage greater communication among bib­ liographic instruction librarians throughout the state. The program is similar to other pro­ grams established around the country, and is patterned after LO EX . As part of the efforts of the Ad Hoc Commit­ tee on BI to obtain materials from as many Wis­ consin academic libraries as possible, there will be an exhibit in the registration area at the WAAL Conference in La Crosse, April 27-29, 1988. WAAL members have been asked to bring their BI materials to the Conference and leave them at the table. These materials will be included in the Clearinghouse collection. The Clearinghouse is developing a database on BI in Wisconsin and will be publishing a catalog to facilitate the exchange of BI materials. For further information on the programs and activities of the Clearinghouse, contact: Mary Jo Aman, Reference Department, UWM L i­ brary, P.O . Box 604, Milwaukee, W I 53201; (414) 229-4659.