ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries A pril 1988 / 255 Perm anence In stitute, and E astm an Kodak will serve as instructors. P articipants will learn how to identify im age-form ing processes, clean v ari­ ous types of photographs, prevent or h alt image deterioration, preserve photograph album s, and m anage, store, and display photo collections. H ands-on darkroom sessions and dem onstrations are the highlight of a follow-up sem inar on copy­ ing an d d u p licatin g , A ugust 26-28. C o n tact: R IT /T & E Sem inar C enter, O ne Lom b M em o­ ria l riv e , R o c h e ste r, NY 14623; (716) 4 7 5 ­ 2757. ■ ■ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL. headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944 6780 POSITIONS OPEN ARCHITECTURE & ART LIBRARIAN, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign. Faculty position available immediately. Re­ sponsible for administration of Ricker Library of Architecture and Art and for direction of staff. With materials budget of $65,000, Librarian, in cooperation with faculty, develops and maintains research quality collections in all aspects of architecture and art including architec­ tural history, history of art, art education, studio arts, and building sci­ ences. Ensures that reference and instruction, original cataloging, and online services are provided to meet needs of faculty, students and allied personnel in areas served. Maintains strong working rela­ tionship with faculty of schools and departments served, with library administration, Humanities Council, and other related units, and en­ gages in instructional and promotional activities of the Library. (Com­ plete job description provided upon request.) Required qualifica­ tions: MLS from ALA-accredited school or its equivalent. Three or more years professional experience of increasing responsibility in an academic, research or special library. Ability to handle literatures and needs of researchers in fields served. In-depth knowledge of one or more of disciplines served as demonstrated by academic background or professional work experience. Excellent interper­ sonal skills. Ability to provide service to diverse research-oriented cli­ entele as well as undergraduate students and general library users. Knowledge of one or more major Western European languages in addition to English. Evidence of ability to meet university standards of research, publication, and service which demonstrate profes­ sional achievement. Other preferred and desired qualifications. Li­ brarians have faculty rank. Salary; $26,000, Assistant Professor level; $29,000, Associate Professor level, depending on qualifica­ tions and scholarly credentials. Send letter of application and com­ plete resume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of five references to; Allen G. Dries, Library Personnel Manager, Library Personnel Office, 127 Library, University of illinois Library, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801. Phone (217) 333-8169. Ap- plication/nomination deadline May 1, 1988. AA/EEO Employer. A S S IS T A N T CURATO R OF RARE BOOKS AND M A N U ­ SCRiPTS. Report to and assist Curator in management, develop­ ment, processing, preservation, and exhibition of rare book and manuscript collections. Provide assistance to researchers in use of special collections materials and service at general reference desk. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS with special collections or archi­ val and reference training. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of recommendation by 15 April 1988 to: Nancy S. Mac- Kechnie, Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Vassar College Library, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601. AA/EOE. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR TECHNICAL SERVICES. The Uni­ versity of Missouri-Columbia Libraries are seeking excellent appli­ cants for the position of Assistant Director for Technical Services. The person holding this position reports to the Director of Libraries and is responsible for the leadership and management of all technical ser­ vice departments, including Acquisitions, Bibliographic Control, and Preservation and Physical Processing. Principal responsibilities in­ clude participation in overall library planning, budget preparation, and the formulation of library policies; development and implemen­ tation of plans and policies for Technical Services in consultation with divisional staff; coordination of automated processes in the division; preparation of annual and special reports; representation of the de­ partment on the Library Council and on other committees and groups; assumption of any special responsibilities and duties that are assigned by the Director of Libraries; coordination of divisional staff training and development. Requires Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school and five years of progressively more responsible professional experience in technical services. A second master’s or doctorate is preferred. Demonstrated successful super­ visory experience and thorough knowledge of automated systems. Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively with various levels of university personnel and to manage an acquisitions budget of $2.4 million. Minimum Salary: $39,000 for 12 months with usual ben­ efits. Available: July 1, 1988. Send letter of application, names of three references and resume to: Pat Burbridge, Personnel Coordina­ tor, 104 Ellis Library, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65201. To ensure consideration, applications should be re­ ceived by May 31,1988. However, recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. The University of Missouri-Columbia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and hires only U.S. citi­ zens and lawfully authorized alien workers. ASSISTANT HEAD OF ACQUISITIONS (Search reopened) Uni­ versity of Georgia Libraries. Recent graduates may have the oppor­ tunity to participate in an intensive professional development pro­ gram. Duties: The Assistant Head of Acquisitions is responsible to the Head of the Acquisitions Department for the planning, coordina­ tion, implementation, and management of the workflow of the Mono­ graphic Receiving Section and the Serials Receiving Section, a total of 13 support staff. The Acquisitions Department is responsible for acquiring all materials (except current periodicals and government documents) in all formats for the Main and Science Libraries, labora­ tory collections, and off-campus research facilities. The Acquisitions Department has a staff of 2 librarians and 15 support staff. It adds 256 / C &RL News app ro xim ate ly 59,000 print items and over 160,000 m icroform s an­ nually. All w ork is done on MARVEL, the in-house autom ated sys­ tem. The Assistant Head interacts with staff within the Technical Ser­ vices Division as well as staff in all areas of the Libraries as necessary and a pp ro priate to the w ork of the Departm ent. Some evening w ork m ay be required. Qualifications: A L A -accre dited MLS; two years ex­ perience in either m onog rap hs or serials acquisitions in an a cad em ic library or a large research library, with preference for serials acquisi­ tions experience; successful supervisory experience; know le dge of the book trade; know le dge of autom ated library systems, especially as they relate to acquisitions or serials; effective oral and written co m ­ m unication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective w orking relationships; reading know le dge of one m odern European lan­ gua g e desired; strong interest in a cad em ic librarianship desired. Salary: Salary com m ensurate with qualifications but no less than $19,500. A p plication Procedure: Send letter of application by May 23, 1988, in clud ing resume and names of three references to: Flor­ ence E. King, Personnel Librarian, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable a p p li­ cants are found. An Equal O pportunity, Affirm ative A ction Institution. A S S IS T A N T H E A L T H S C IE N C E S L IB R A R IA N FOR RE- SOURCES AND REFERENCE SERVICES, C olum bia University U nder the general direction of the Director, the Assistant Health Sci­ ences Librarian for Resources and Reference Services adm inisters the Health Sciences L ib ra ry ’s educational, inform ation, and extra­ mural services and its resource deve lop m en t and preservation p ro ­ gram s (including a materials bu d g e t of over $800,000). Coordinates and directs the activities of 17 staff in the follow ing units: Reference (including ILL), M edia & M icrocom puters, Special Collections, and Collection Developm ent. As part of C o lu m b ia ’s Integrated A ca­ d em ic Inform ation M anagem ent Systems (IAIMS) program is re­ sponsible for deve lop ing and im plem enting new services and has the opp ortun ity to collaborate on m edical inform atics projects. Par­ ticipates in planning and adm inistration of the entire HSL. The Health Sciences Library serves the Schools of M edicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health, the Presbyterian Hospital, and other affiliated health care, instruction, and research program s in the Colum bia- Presbyterian M edical Center. The library has a full tim e staff of over 50, a collection of app ro xim ate ly 420,000 volumes, a large m edia center and m icrocom puter lab, and a com prehen sive special collec­ tions section. Qualifications: A L A -accre dited MLS; m inim um 5 -7 years relevant experience in increasingly responsible positions; evi­ dence of planning and m anagem ent skills; dem onstrated ability to direct staff and develop new services; leadership potential; excellent written and oral com m unication skills; fam iliarity with inform ation technologies and large a cad em ic health institutions. Salary ranges are: Librarian II: $ 3 0 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 1 ,175; Librarian III: $ 3 3 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 8 ,5 7 5 ; Librarian IV: $ 3 7 ,5 0 0 -$ 5 2 ,5 0 0 . (A ppointm ent at Librarian IV is for in­ dividuals dem onstrating exceptional experience and achievem ent.) Excellent benefits, in cluding assistance with University housing and tuition exem ption for self and family. Send resume, listing three refer­ ences, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 1 14th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is M ay 3 1 ,1 9 8 8 . An Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportu nity Em ployer. ASSISTANT HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN, with Faculty Rank and Tenure Track. Responsible for carrying out p ub lic service assign­ m ents under the direction of the Head, Hum anities Division; provide reference desk service durin g the day, evenings and Sunday after­ noons on a rotating basis; perform online searches; fulfill collection m anag em e nt functions a cco rd in g to subject assignm ent and in liai­ son with a pp ro priate faculty; participate in b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction program s. Participate in im plem entation of an autom ated system. Serve on library com m ittees as requested by the University Libra r­ ian. M aster’s degree from A L A -accre dited library school; b a ch e lo r’s or m aste r’s degree in a discipline in the hum anities preferred. G ood fringe benefits; 22 days vacation and 8 holidays. Salary: $18,000 m inim um , for 12 months. Salary and rank d e p e n d e n t upon qualifica­ tions and experience. For full consideration, applications should be received by May 1 ‚ 1988; applications will continue to be considered until position is filled. Send letter, resum e and names of three refer­ ences to: Edw ard R. Johnson, University Librarian, 204 Edm on Low Library, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078-0375. AA/EO Employer. a u t h o r i t i e s l i b r a r i a n / m o n o g r a p h i c c a t a l o g e r . O versees a u th o rity co n tro l o p e ra tio n s, in c lu d in g input, m a in te ­ nance, training, and liaison with all contribu tors to an online union authority file. Participates in design and m anagem ent of NOTIS au­ thority control systems and procedures. Performs original and some com ple x co p y cataloging and classification of m onog rap hs using DDC, LCSH, AACR2, using NOTIS, for inclusion on RLIN. C o ntrib­ utes eligible name and series authority records to the Library of C on­ gress through NACO. Q ualifications: MLS from A L A -accredited pro­ g ra m ; w o rk in g k n o w le d g e o f 2 m o d e rn fo re ig n la n g u a g e s , preferably in clud ing Germ an, Spanish, or another Romance lan­ guage; 3 years cataloging using an autom ated system, including original cataloging and authority work; fam iliarity with the MARC b ib ­ liograph ic and authorities formats. Some supervisory experience de­ sirable. Salary Range: $22,Q 00-$26,000. Send letter of application and resume, in clud ing names and com ple te addresses of three ref­ erences, by M ay 15, 1988, to: D ebra Dom anico, Library Personnel M anager, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60201. AA/EEO. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, San Diego State University Library. Responsibilities: Serve at busy General Reference desk, in­ clu din g rotating evening and w eekend duty. Participate in the full range of public services activities: com puter searching, library in­ struction, and preparation of library guides. Assum e shared respon­ sibility for book selection in business. Participate in com m ittee w ork and perform other duties as assigned. Q ualifications: MLS or equ iva ­ lent from A L A -accredited school. Relevant experience in an aca­ dem ic or research library desirable. Business expertise required. A b a ch e lo r’s or m aster’s deg re e in business desirable. Must be able to w ork effectively with students, faculty and library colleagues. Must be com m itted to provid in g high quality reference service. Full-time, tenure-track, faculty position. Rank of Senior Assistant Librarian or April 1988 / 257 Associate Librarian. Salary range is $ 3 1 ,6 8 0 -$ 5 5 ,5 4 8 . R e a p p o in t­ ment, prom otion, and tenure require e vid e n ce of contin uin g profes­ sional developm ent. Desired starting date July 1 ‚ 1988. A p p lica tio n date: The Search C om m ittee will begin screening a p p lica tio n s on May 9. A p plications will be taken until the position is filled but should be received as early as possible to ensure full consideration. Please subm it letter of app lica tio n with resum e and nam es of at least three references to: G erald D. Palsson, Assistant U niversity Librarian for Adm inistrative Services, Ref: BUS, San Diego S tate University Li­ brary, San Diego, CA 92182-0511. SDSU is an affirm ative action, equal opp ortun ity, Title IX em ployer. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. R esponsible for all catalo gin g (print and non-print), ca rd catalog m aintenance, and ca ta lo g in g interface with a co m p u te rize d circulation system. Required: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS; ability to perform original ca talo gin g; e xp e rie n ce in using OCLC, AACR2, DDC, and LCSH in an a ca d e m ic setting; m inim um one evening of reference duty. T w elve-m onth a p p oin tm ent; faculty rank, with 23 days vacation; m edical and insurance benefits. Salary de p e n d e n t on qua lifications and expe rie n ce with a $ 20 ,00 0 m ini­ mum. Position available July 1 ‚ 1988. Send resum e and references to: Lynn A. Brock, D ire ctor of Libra ry Services, Centennial Library, Cedarville College, P.O. Box 601, Cedarville, OH 45314. C e d a r­ ville C o llege is an a ccre d ite d , Baptist liberal arts institution with a fu n ­ dam ental theological position in d o ctrine and patterns of co n d u ct. Equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. U n d e r the general d irectio n of the Head of B ib lio g ra p h ic Control, to catalog library m aterials, prim arily non-book material. A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS required. C a taloging e x p e ­ rience with O CLC desired but not required. E xp erience with NOTIS helpful. Annual salary $ 1 9 ,2 5 0 + d e p e n d in g upo n expe rience; ex­ cellent frin g e benefits. A va ila ble July 1, 1988. Send resum e, tra n ­ scripts (u n d e rg ra d u a te and graduate), p lacem ent papers, and two (2) separate letters of re co m m e n d a tio n to: G eorge N . Hartje, D irector of Libraries, Pickier M em orial Library, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, M O 63501-0828 . Deadline April 30, 1988. EOE. CHAIR, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS DEPARTM ENT, University of Florida Libraries. Responsibilities: D evelops and m anages the S pe­ cial C ollections D e partm ent (15.5 FTE, in clu d in g 6 librarians), c o m ­ prising University Archives, Baldw in Libra ry (c h ild re n ’s literature), Belknap C ollection (perform ing arts), Florida History Library, Rare Books and M anuscrip ts C ollection; oversees the adm inistration of the Latin A m e rica n C ollection. Required: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS; c o m ­ pleted g ra d u a te d e g re e in a hum anities or social sciences field; five ye a rs’ a ca d e m ic or research library e xpe rience in c lu d in g substantial e xpe rience d e v e lo p in g special collections; d e m on strate d su ccess­ ful m a n a g e m e n t of a m ajor library unit; excellent co m u n ica tio n and interpersonal skills; re a d in g kn o w le d g e of a W estern E u rop ean lan­ guage. Preferred: substantial e xpe rience m anag ing special c o lle c ­ tions; k n o w le d g e of special collection processing fu n ctio n s in clu d in g fam iliarity with a u tom ated library app lications and preservation p ro c ­ esses; strong p u b lic service com m itm ent; reading k n o w le d g e of classical la nguages. M inim um salary is $ 37,000 for 12 m onths. B en­ efits: Tenure tra ck a p p o in tm e n t with faculty status, 22 d a y s ’ va ca ­ tion, TIAA/C REF or o ther retirem ent options, no state or local in com e tax. Send letter of a pp lication, resume, and names, addresses, and pho ne num be rs of three professional references by M ay 2 ,1 9 8 8 , to: Lynn B adger, Libra ry Personnel Officer, 211 Libra ry West, Univer­ sity of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611. AA/EOE. C IRCULATIO N DEPARTM ENT CHAIRPERSON. M anag es the circulation/reserves desk, m icrofo rm s/m edia and c o p y center, and stacks. S upervises 2 0 + FTE plus students. R esponsible for the o p ­ eration of a m ulticam pu s, online circulation control system. A ctive in­ volvem e nt in planning fo r conversion to an in teg ra ted library system. Q ualifications: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS. Supervisory e xp e rie n ce a nd in­ terest in library system s applications. Superior planning, p ro b le m ­ solving, interpersonal co m m u n ica tio n and w ritin g skills, c o m b in e d with flexibility, initiative, and energy. M inim um of 2 y e a rs ’ expe rie n ce in circulation or other access services highly desirable. Salary and benefits: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 + d e p e n d in g on qualifications, tenure-track, s u p ­ portive en viro n m e n t for scholarship and service. TIAA/CREF, 24 d a y s ’ annual leave. Send letter of application, resum e, and 3 refer­ ences before Ju n e 1 ‚ 1988, to: Ja n ice S. Boyer, University Library, University of Nebraska at O m aha, O m aha, NE 681 82 0237 AA, EOE. CONSERVATION LIBRARIAN. Participates in the de ve lo p m e n t a n d im plem entation of preservation activities, including: preserva­ tion e du cation of staff and users, m o n itorin g of environm ental c o n d i­ tions of the collections, assisting with daily problem -solving required in preservation, review of m aterials with b ibliograph ers, and co n se r­ vation of materials. Perform s b ib lio g ra p h ic searching, creates and m a in ta in s re c o rd s . Q u a lific a tio n s : M LS d e g re e fro m an A L A - a ccre d ite d library school and e xp e rie n ce in library preservation are required; e du cation in library preservation and e xp e rie n ce in an a ca ­ d e m ic library are desirable. M inim um salary: $19,15 2. A letter of a p ­ plication, resume, and three letters of reference shou ld be sent to: Personnel Office, W ashington University, C a m p u s Box 1184, One B rookings Drive, St. Louis, MO 63130. A p p lica tio n deadline, April 30, 1988. E m ploym e nt eligibility verification is require d upon em plo ym e nt. W ashington U niversity is an equal o p p ortun ity, affirm a­ tive action em ployer. CONSERVATOR, Boston C ollege. Responsible for d e sig n in g and im plem enting a com p re h e n sive p rogram of b o o k and p a p e r co n se r­ vation fo r the Burns Libra ry of Rare Books and Special C ollections at Boston C ollege, a repository of over 6 0 ,000 volum es and 100,000 m a nuscrip ts with special strengths in Jesuitana, British C atholic au ­ thors, Irish culture and Boston History. The C o nservator will adm in is­ ter to the physical needs of the collection, using a new and fully e q u ip p e d conservation laboratory. This position will also assist the Burns Librarian in long term preservation p lanning and be a re­ source person for the University Libraries in general preservation p lanning and training. The Burns Libra ry also has a hand press room that will pro vid e an o p p o rtu n ity to do occasional w o rk in the area of specialized printing. Q ualifications: A m inim um of 3 years experi- ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN FOR PERSONNEL Harvard College Library (search reopened) The Harvard College Library, with a staff of 450 located in 11 separate library units, is seeking an Associate Librarian to provide the leadership for and administration of the Library’s personnel pro­ gram. The Associate Librarian will report directly to the Librarian and serve as a m ember of senior man­ agement. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent; signifi­ cant training, experience and/or education in per­ sonnel/human resource management; appropriate professional library experience in a research li­ brary; knowledge of and experience with library personnel program s; dem onstrated written and verbal com m unication skills; negotiating/conflict resolution skills; ability to work as a m ember of a team while providing administrative leadership for a diverse system of libraries operating within a Fac­ ulty and University structure. Librarian III rank. Salary dependent on qualifica­ tions, from $40,000. Good benefits package. Avail­ able now. Review of applications will continue until Dosition is filled. Resumes to: Library Personnel Office 98 Widener Library Harvard University Cambridge, MA 02138 An Equal O pportu nity, A ffirm ative Action Em ployer. 258 / C &RL News e nce in conse rva tion services a nd a th o ro u g h kn o w le d g e of co n se r­ vation practices in p a p e r conservation and specialized bo o k repair. Som e e xpe rience in preservation planning and training, with e xce l­ lent c o m m u n ica tio n skills. K n o w le d g e of the history of fine printing and a b a c k g ro u n d in chem istry or a related d iscipline is desirable. Salary from $25,50 0, d e p e n d in g on qualifications. Boston C o llege offers its 14,000 students and alm ost 700 faculty the a d va n ta g e s of a stron g liberal arts institution with o u tstanding g ra d u a te and profes­ sional program s, The new O ’ Neill Libra ry pro vid e s an attractive, in­ tensively used, highly autom ated e nviro nm ent for study and le arn­ ing. The Bapst and Burns libraries are new ly renova ted and o p e n e d in 1986. Benefits: W ide range of insurance p ro g ra m s with tuition re­ mission and one m o n th ’s vacation. To apply: Send resum e and nam es of 3 references to: M ary M cM illan, E m ploym e nt M anager, D e partm ent of H um an Resources, Boston C ollege, C hestnut Hill, M A 02167. A p p lica tio n s received by M ay 1 ‚ 1988, will receive p rio r­ ity consideration. Boston C ollege is an equal opp ortun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. CO O RDINATOR OF LIBRARY USER EDUCATIO N. The U niver­ sity of W isconsin-M adison is a cce p tin g app lica tio n s fo r the position of C o o rd in a to r of Libra ry User E ducation fo r the G eneral Libra ry Sys­ tem (GLS). This is an a ca d e m ic staff a p p oin tm ent; benefits include 22 vacation days, sick leave, g ro u p health and life insurance, and a state retirem ent plan. Salary range: $ 2 9 ,1 5 8 -$ 4 3 ,7 3 8 . The UW- M adison ca m p u s serves a student p op ula tion of m ore than 4 3 ,000 with a faculty of over 3,000. The GLS in clud es M em orial Library, the m ain library on cam pus; C o llege Library, the u n d e rg ra d u a te library; and 13 subject-o riented libraries. A cam p u s-w id e com m ittee c o o rd i­ nates library user edu cation p ro g ra m s in GLS and other libraries on cam pus. Q ualifications: M LS from an A L A -a ccre d ite d program ; d e m on strate d written and oral co m m u n ica tio n skills; m inim um of 4 - 5 ye a rs ’ p u b lic service e xp e rie n ce in an a ca d e m ic library, with d e m on strate d le adership and in volve m en t in instructional activities. D irect e xp e rie n ce in in co rp o ra tin g innovative te ch n o lo g ie s in library instruction p ro g ra m s is highly desirable. Responsibilities: C o o rd i­ nates the d e ve lo p m e n t and im plem entation of a plan for library in­ struction for the 15 libraries in the G LS and acts as liaison to the other libraries on cam puss. Assists staff in im p ro vin g tea ch in g skills, p a rtic­ ularly th ro u g h the use of new tech n o lo g y. E n courages particip ation of all GLS professional staff in user program s. C o ord ina tes o n g o in g needs assessm ent and evaluation studies. M aintains a cam pus-w ide cle a rin g h o u se for instructional m aterials. C o o rd in a te s the collection of instruction p ro g ra m statistics for the GLS and p ro vid e s narrative a n d statistical reports re g a rd in g these program s. Plays an active role in build in g better com m u nica tion, interest and s u p p o rt for library in­ struction w ithin the a ca d e m ic com m u nity. The C o o rd in a to r for Li­ b rary User E ducation reports to the A ssistant D ire ctor for Reference and Inform ation Services. A letter of a pp lication, resum e a nd names, add re sses and pho n e num be rs of 3 references w h o can speak spe- ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR The Univers T ity o e f C c on h ne n ctic i u c t L a ibr l a rie S s, a e m r e v mb i e c r o e f t s he A a sso n cia d tion o S f R y es s ea t rc e h m Libra s ries, seeks an experienced librarian with strong leadership skills to administer the Technical Services and Systems Divi­ sion, consisting of Acquisitions, Bibliographic Control, Library Integrated Systems and Preservation de­ partments. The main focus of an Associate Director is the welfare of the library as a whole, within the context of specific divisional or functional responsibilities. The incumbent will report to the Director of University Li­ braries and will be a member of the Administrative Council and the Management Council. You will participate in library-wide administrative processes, including long range planning, resource allocation and the formulation of library goals, policies and priorities. The chosen professional provides strong leadership and reviews and oversees the implementation of systems decisions including both the acquisition and integration of new systems and the enhancement of existing systems. The Associate Direc­ tor will be expected to integrate organizational change with technological development. Qualifications: Candidates must have a graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program in Library and/or Information Science. Additional graduate degree preferred. Substantial managerial and administra­ tive experience in an academ ic or research library with emphasis on technical services are required. Dem­ onstrated com petence in progressively responsible technical services/automation position, preferably in­ cluding participation in the implementation of integrated library systems or online public access catalog, is also desired. Excellent communication skills and knowledge of research library issues/trends a must. Our facilities consist of the main library at the Storrs campus, the Historical Manuscripts and Archives Division, five regional campus libraries and four professional school libraries, holding a collection of over 2 million volumes. The main library employs 110 full time employees, 40 of which are members of the Techni­ cal Services and Systems Division. Anticipated hiring salary is in the mid 5 0 ’s dependent on qualifications. Preliminary screening will begin May 2 0 ,1 9 8 8 . Please send letter of application and resume to: Susan Lee, University of Connecticut, Homer Babbidge Library U-5A, 369 Fairfield Road, Storrs, CT 06268. We are an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F. April 1988 / 259 cifically to the c a n d id a te ’s qualifications for this position should be sent to: Priscilla Neill, Assistant Director for Personnel, 369 M emorial Library, University of W isconsin, 728 State Street, M adison, Wl 53706. A p plication deadline: April 1 8 ,1 9 8 8 . An EEO/AA em ployer. COORDINATOR OF REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIONAL SER­ VICES. Responsible for coordinating, leading, and adm inistering a strong user-oriented reference and instruction program . Will partici­ pate in library m anagem ent and autom ation of reference and in­ structional services. May also include som e collection developm ent. Requirements: A L A -accredited MLS. M inimum 5 years relevant aca ­ dem ic library experience plus 2 years relevant adm inistrative e xpe ri­ ence. M ust have excellent com m unications, interpersonal, and a d ­ m inistrative skills. E xp e rie n ce with e m e rg in g te c h n o lo g y h ig h ly desirable. Social Science b a ckg ro u n d helpful. We are looking for a high deg re e of com petence and enthusiasm. Rank and salary de ­ pending on credentials and experience with m inim um of $28,000. Send application letter, resume, and names of 3 references to: Anne Com m erton, Director of Libraries, State University of New York College, Oswego, NY 13126. Applications will be accep ted until the position is filled, but for m axim um consideration applications should be received by April 20, 1988. The State University of New York is an equal o pp ortun ity em ployer and encourages w om en and minority applicants. DATABASE SERVICES LIBRARIAN, University of M ichigan. Re­ sponsible for su p p o rtin g services relating to biblio g ra p h ic and non- bibliograph ic electronic data within the G raduate Library Reference D epartm ent and other G raduate Library units in clud ing assisting us­ ers and library staff in the acquisition and use of b ib lio g ra p h ic data­ bases and full-text and data files in the hum anities and social sci­ ences and m onitoring the online services b u d g e t for the G raduate Library. As part of the G raduate Library Reference Departm ent, the Database Services Librarian provides a broad range of reference services to students and faculty including: research consultations, faculty liaison, online search services and biblio g ra p h ic instruction. In addition, the librarian serves as a selector for the G raduate L ib ra ry Collection in one or m ore hum anities or social science disciplines with responsibility for collection developm ent, and fund m anage­ m ent and user liaison. The G raduate Library is the prim ary research collection for hum anities and social sciences com prising over 2 .5 million volumes. Required: MLS. M inim um of 2 years relevant experi­ ence, preferably in a research library. Dem onstrated oral and writtern com m unication skills. K now ledge of co m p u te r applications. Famil­ iarity with online inform ation resources, in clud ing b ib lio g ra p h ic and n o n b ib lio g ra p h ic data and text resources. Dem onstrated familiarity with m icrocom puters. Desired: D em onstrated know le dge of and ex­ perience with collection m anagem ent; graduate degree; graduate coursew ork of substantial experience in a pp ro priate a cad em ic disci­ pline; w orking know le dge of one or m ore W estern European Ian­ guages. M inimum salary of $23,000 d e p e n d e n t upon previous rele­ vant experience. A pplications received by April 30, 1988, will be given first consideration. A p p ly to: Lucy Cohen, M anager, L ib ra ry Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher G raduate Library University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. A nondiscrim inatory, affirm a­ tive action em ployer. DIRECTO R OF B IBLIO G RAPHIC SERVICES (A n ticip a te d Va­ cancy). Indiana University of Pennsylvania is seeking a Director of B ibliograph ic Services. This m anagem ent position reports to the As­ sociate Director for Technical Services and Systems and is responsi­ ble for planning and evaluating day-to-day cataloging activities of faculty and supp ort staff in the creation of b ib lio g ra p h ic and item data for the Libraries’ union p ub lic access catalog; for planning, m aintaining, and m aking weekly updates to the database; and for assisting in planning and im plem enting proced ure s for phasing out the card catalog. The IUP Libraries are installing an online union cat­ alog designed by Carlyle Systems, Inc. Salary range for this man­ agem ent classification begins at $23,694; however, the starting sal­ ary will be d e p ende nt upon the qualifications of the successful candidate. Fringe benefits are excellent. An MLS deg re e from a n A L A -accredited library school, a second M aster’s degree, know ­ CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER University of Alabama The University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa, invites applications for the position of Chief Bibliogra­ pher. This position reports to the Associate Dean of Libraries for Collections and Information Services and is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring, coordinating, and evaluating the collection develop­ ment program in an evolving environment. Reference and other librarians (22) are in the process of devel­ oping collection skills, activities, procedures, and policies under the leadership of this position. Qualifications: Required: MLS from a program accredited by ALA; additional graduate degree; relevant experience in a large research library; excellent oral and written communications skills; knowledge of pub­ lishing, book trade, higher education, and budget management; knowledge of issues and trends in biblio­ graphic control, collection assessment and collection management; experience in management of ap­ proval plans; demonstrated skill in planning, organizing, and coordinating work of others; ability to work effectively and productively with faculty, students, and with library personnel at all levels; skill in developing, analyzing, and interpreting relevant statistical data; ability to function effectively in a changing environment; and evidence of professional and/or scholarly activity. Preferred: Working knowledge of one or more for­ eign languages; experience with automated system, particularly in acquisitions; familiarity with RLG Con­ spectus. Twelve month, tenure earning position. Salary and rank depend on qualifications: Assistant or Associate Professor rank, $27,000 minimum salary, which includes an administrative stipend. Send cover letter, re­ sume, and names and addresses of three references to: Sondra Tucker Libraries Personnel Officer The University of Alabama Collection Development Search P.O. Box S Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-9784 by May 8, 1988. The University of Alabama is a Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. 260 / C&RL News edge of AACR2 and Library of Congress Subject Headings, good written, oral, and interpersonal skills, experience with the OCLC cat­ aloging subsystem and autom ated library systems generally, and a m inimum of five years experience are required. Three years experi­ ence in the developm ent and quality control of an online union cata­ log in MARC format, enriched bibliographic records, Dewey Deci­ mal classification system, and experience with m icrocom puting is preferred. Training ability or experience with the implem entation of an autom ated online union catalog is useful as well as experience jn public or access services in an academ ic library. Send cover leter, resume, and nam es/addresses/phone num bers of at least three ref­ erences postm arked no later than April 30, 1988, to: Chair, Director of Bibliographic Services Search Committee, 203 Stapleton Library, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, PA 15705 1096. A ppointm ent effective July 1 ‚ 1988, or as soon as possible thereaf­ ter. IUP is an Affirmative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. M inor­ ities and wom en are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR OF COLLECTION MANAGEMENT. Emory University seeks an experienced, energetic and creative individual to provide leadership in building the collections of the General Libraries. Direc­ tor of CM reports to the Director of Libraries; works closely with staff and faculty on developm ent of collections; participates in overall li­ brary m anagem ent; plans, organizes and monitors com prehensive collection developm ent program with budget in excess of $2 million for all formats; adm inisters dom estic and foreign approval plans; es­ tablishes and com m unicates collection objectives thro ugho ut the system; represents Emory in forum s and in nationwide cooperative collection program s; participates in library developm ent activities. The CM D consists of three bibliographers, 25 part-time librarian se­ lectors, a search unit, and other support staff and students. Qualifica­ tions: ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent; working know ledge of two foreign languages, at least one m odern European; know ledge and appreciation of the broad range of scholarly interests in a major research university; experience as bibliographer and adm inistrator with substantial experience in the m anagem ent of collection devel­ opm ent; budget developm ent and analysis; experience with auto­ mated library systems; strong dem onstrated interpersonal and lead­ ership skills. Additional subject m aster’s preferred. Salary and rank d e p e n d e n t upon qua lifica tio n s and e xpe rience; not less than REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, COORDINATOR OF DATABASE SEARCHING Bucknell University Librarian to coordinate online, including user-directed, database searching, as part of an integrated ref­ erence services program. This position will provide training and updating for library staff, faculty and stu­ dents, and promotion of the service. Additional responsibilities: reference desk assistance (some evenings and weekend assignments), user instruction and collection development. Required: ALA-MLS and training in database searching. Preferred: science background. Minimum salary $19,000. Applications will be ac­ cepted until the position is filled; for maximum consideration please send resume and names of three refer­ ences by April 30, 1988, to Ann de Klerk Director of Library Services Ellen Clarke Bertrand Library Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Applications from m em bers of minority groups are encouraged. HEAD, MONOGRAPHIC SECTION, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT University of Massachusetts Supervise the Monographic Section of the Acquisitions Department of the University Library, with re­ sponsibility for coordinating activities of the bibliographic copy search unit, ordering/receiving/approval plan operations, and MARC search and pre-cataloging control. Handle the more difficult problems in the acquisition and receipt of these new library materials. Must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, a minimum of two years of relevant experience in this or a comparable research library, working knowledge of at least one modern European language, good knowledge of all aspects of acquisitions­ related work with demonstrated successful experience in applying this knowledge, supervisory experi­ ence, bibliographic skills and knowledge of online database searching, and the ability to interact effectively with vendor representatives. Familiarity with automated acquisitions systems is desirable. Salary range is $22,000 to $34,000, commensurate with education and experience. Please send resume and salary history by April 22, 1988, to: Richard F. MacDonald Personnel Manager University of Massachusetts Library Amherst, MA 01003. AA/EOE April 1988 / 261 $37,500 per annum . Com prehensive benefits. Send letter of ap p lica ­ tion, resum e and names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to: Janet T. Paulk, Library Personnel Officer, Robert W. W oodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Review of materials begins M ay 1, 1988, and continues until appointm ent is made. Note: New Director of Libraries will participate in the interview process. Em ory U n iversity is an Equal O p p o rtu n ity , A ffirm ative Action Employer. DIRECTOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES. Emory University seeks an experienced, energetic, and creative individual who can define, plan, organize, direct and expand audiovisual pro ­ gram s in supp ort of teaching, research and adm inistrative functions prim arily for the Arts and Sciences and Business School. The D irec­ tor of ISS reports to the Director of Libraries; works closely with senior library staff and faculty on ISS program s; participates in overall li­ brary m anagem ent; prepares and adm inisters a b ud get which g e n ­ erates income; participates in library developm ent activities related to ISS; and has collection developm ent responsibilities. ISS includes two departm ents (Instructional Support and Production and Presen­ tation) com pose d of audiovisual services, production center, m edia equ ipm ent su p p o rt unit, repair shop, language and m usic labs, re­ serve room, and non-print collection, staffed by 2 professionals, 13 s u p p o rt sta ff a n d 35 s tu d e n t assistan ts. Q u a lific a tio n s : A L A - accredited MLS or m aster’s in educational m edia or instructional technology or their equivalents; know ledge and appreciation of the broad range of instructional m edia in a major research university; ex­ tensive experience in m edia operations; technical expertise in the design, developm ent and use of all m edia formats; broad under­ standing of m edia hardw are systems, non-print collection d e ve lo p ­ ment, com puter applications and their use in the educational pro ­ cess; substantial experience in program planning, im plem entation and m an a g e m e n t; b u d g e t analysis and d e ve lo p m e n t; d e m o n ­ strated interpersonal, adm inistrative and leadership skills; and e xp e ­ rience in an institution of higher education. Salary and rank d e p e n ­ d e n t upo n q u a lifica tio n s and exp e rie n ce : salary not less than $35,000 per annum. C om prehensive benefits. Send letter of ap p lica ­ tion, resume, and names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to: Janet T. Paulk, Library Personnel Officer, Robert W. W oodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Re­ view of materials begins May 1 ‚ 1988, and continues until a pp oin t­ m ent is made. Note: New Director of Libraries will participate in inter­ view process. Em ory University is an Equal O pportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES, The University of M aryland University College. Responsible for providing library services to stu­ dents enrolled in courses on- and off-cam pus and in in dependent study. Creative means of providing services m ust be found without reliance on a traditional library collection. The director functions as liaison with the University of M aryland system and other libraries and develops procedures for facilitating University College user access to information. Qualifications: MLS preferred plus two years’ experi­ ence in library services; experience in adm inistration and b ud get p re p a ra tio n ; k n o w le d g e o f c o m p u te r a p p lic a tio n s . S a la ry: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 0 ,0 0 0 . For Position D e scription, address: D avid C. M ontgom ery, Associate Vice Chancellor, A ca dem ic Affairs, The University of Maryland University College, University Boulevard at Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20742-1600, before April 15, 1988, with final application due April 22. The University of M aryland University College is an Equal O pportunity, Affirm ative Action Em­ ployer. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY. C arlow C ollege seeks applications for the position of Director of Library Services. Successful candidate will possess ALA-MLS, preferably additional subject m aster’s; a m in­ im um of three years’ adm inistrative experience in an academ ic li­ brary; ability to provide leadership in collection building and fu n d ­ ra is in g ; a b ility to m a in ta in s tro n g p ro g ra m o f b ib lio g r a p h ic instruction. Strong com m unication skills, ability to w ork with faculty, LIBRARY DIRECTOR University of Minnesota, Duluth University of Minnesota, Duluth is seeking a dynamic person with strong leadership abilities to head its Library & Learning Resources Service currently housing well over 400,000 volume equivalent and AV re­ sources. Candidates must have demonstrated abilities to handle diverse administrative and technological responsibilities including collection development, information access, automation planning and execution, public and technical services, instructional support, budget, personnel management and long range plan­ ning. Minimum Qualifications: Graduate library degree from an ALA-accredited program and five years suc­ cessful experience in the administration/management of a comprehensive library. An ability to communi­ cate effectively with University officers, faculty, staff, and students. The ability to lead and direct especially in areas of rapidly changing technology. The Director reports directly to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Administration. The position is twelve months, salary above $50,000, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Appointment effective not later than August 1 ‚ 1988. Application materials including resume and three letters of recommendation and evaluation must be received by May 1, 1988. Application, inquiries and nominations should be directed to: Mark A. Luker Acting Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Administration University of Minnesota, Duluth 178 Marshall W. Alworth Hall 10 University Drive Duluth, MN 55812 (218) 726-7587 Internet: mluker@; Bitnet: mluker@umndul. The University of M innesota is an Equal O pportunity Educator and Em ployer and specifically invites and encourages applications from wom en and minorities. 262 / C&R L News adm inistrators and students, and experience with integrated library systems are all essential. Salary: $25,000 m inimum. Submit letter, re­ sume, names of three references to: Sr. G race Ann Geibel, Vice President for A ca dem ic Affairs, Carlow College, 3333 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Applications due April 29, 1988. Affirmative action em ployer. GERMANIC STUDIES BIBLIOGRAPHER, University of California, Los Angeles. Responsible for collection developm ent relating to G erm anic and Northern European studies; collection analysis, initia­ tion of individual orders, m onitoring of approval plans and review of gift material. Assists in m aking preservation decisions for the G er­ m anic collections; may be called upon to participate in variety of teaching, research or other academ ic program s. Qualifications: G raduate study with focus on G erm anic studies or equivalent back­ ground required. Strong German language skills required; working fa cility in Dutch or a S ca ndinavia n la n g u a g e desira ble . Salary: $ 2 9 ,3 7 6 -$ 5 2 ,4 8 8 . To be considered for this position write to: Rita A. Scherei, Director of Adm inistrative Systems and Personnel Services, University Research Library, University of California, Los An­ geles, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575. Include application letter, re­ sume, and three references. C andidates applying by May 31 ‚ 1988, will be given first consideration. In com pliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, all persons hired after N ovem ber 6, 1986, will be required to show proof of their identity and right to work in the United States. UC LA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. Librarians at UCLA are represented by an exclusive bar­ gaining agent, the Am erican Federation of Teachers (AFT). HEAD, CATALOGING SECTION, Michel O rradre Library, Santa Clara University. M anages operations of Catalog Section; super­ vises 4 FTE non-exem pt staff; serves as prim ary Library spokesper­ son on cataloging issues related to library automation; ensures m ain­ te n a n c e of a u th o rity c o n tro l; d o e s lim ite d a m o u n t of o rig in a l c a ta lo g in g . Q u a lifie d c a n d id a te s m u st h a ve M LS fro m ALA - accredited program and 3 - 5 years of relevant experience. Prior cat­ aloging experience with OCLC or RLIN (OCLC preferred), supervi­ s o ry /m a n a g e m e n t e x p e rie n c e , s tro n g in te rp e rs o n a l a n d com m unication skills, and a com m itm ent to staff developm ent are re­ quired. Experience in planning general library autom ation and in cat­ aloging non-print materials is highly desirable. A ppointm ent at rank of Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian, dep e n d in g upon qualifica­ tions. 87/88 salary range $ 2 4 ,9 1 6 -$ 3 9 ,463. A p p ly to: Elizabeth M. Salzer, University Librarian, O rradre Library, Santa Clara Univer­ sity, Santa Clara, CA 95053. A pplication deadline: May 1, 1988. SCU is an AA/EO employer. HEAD, CIRCULATION AND BINDING, University of Illinois Library at Urbana-C ham paign. Regular full-time tenure track position, avail­ able July 1 ‚ 1988. Reports to Director of General Services; responsi­ ble for m anagem ent of three major, highly visible units in University Library: Central Circulation, Bookstacks, and Binding. Primary re­ sponsibilities include: setting goals, m onitoring perform ance, and solving problem s of these units; providing p rom pt and often special­ ized service to patrons and groups; m aintaining strong cooperative relationship with 35 departm ental libraries and reading rooms and with faculty; ensuring m axim um accessibility to Bookstacks collec- LIBRARY DIRECTOR University of South Florida Tampa Campus Library USF invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the Tampa Cam pus Library, avail­ able September 1988. The Director reports to the Associate Vice President for Library and Information Resources in the Office of A cadem ic Affairs. The second largest of the nine universities of the State University System of Florida, USF is a com prehen­ sive, metropolitan university with over 29,000 students and campuses in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Fort Myers, and Lakeland. There is an ALA-accredited School of Library and Information Science. The Tam pa Cam pus Library’s collection com prises over 700,000 volumes, 4,000 periodical titles, a Fed­ eral and State docum ents depository, and special collections and archives. The library participates in OCLC and utilizes the NOTIS integrated library system. The library has a staff of 32 professionals and 73 support staff serving a full-time faculty of 1,500 and student body of over 23,000 graduate and undergradu­ ate students. The library has a strong com m ittm ent to service, providing bibliographic instruction, online bibliographic searches, and research services to the University community. The library is an active partici­ pant in several State and local cooperative networks. USF seeks innovative, energetic leadership to continue the growth of the Tam pa Cam pus Library. The successful candidate must have an ALA-accredited MLS and an additional graduate degree in an a p p ro ­ priate discipline (earned doctorate is desirable). Applicants should have a minimum of five years of progres­ sively responsible administrative experience in academ ic research libraries, as well as a working knowl­ edge of technical and public services. Candidates must demonstrate com petencies in library and human resources management, and library automation, as well as abilities to effectively com m unicate with and motivate staff at all levels. Evidence of scholarly and professional activity is important. The Director must be able to interact effectively with faculty and administration and have a keen understanding of the role of a major research library. Salary is com m ensurate with qualifications, with a minimum of $50,000. Letters of application, vita, and names and addresses of three references must be received by June 1, 1988. Address applications to: William C. Foege, Chair, Search Committee, University of South Florida, LIB 207, 4202 Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL 33620. USF is particularly interested in applications from minority candidates. A ccording to Florida law, applica­ tions and meetings regarding the same are open to the public. USF is an equal opp ortun ity em ployer. April 1988 / 263 tion and supervising its proper m aintenance and preservation; as­ suring that com mercial and in-house binding conform s to preserva­ tion standards; and m anaging large personnel, equipm ent, and binding budgets. (Complete jo b description available upon request.) Required qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school or its equivalent; minimum of 5 years professional experience, 2 of which are adm inistrative and supervisory, in a large research library; evi­ dence of developed skills in com m unication and in interpersonal re­ lations; evidence of ability to provide effective public service; evi­ dence of ability to m eet U niversity standards for research and publication. Preferred qualifications: Ability to meet requirem ents for appointm ent at rank of Associate Professor with tenure; adm inistra­ tive experience in circulation and/or binding units; experience in co l­ lection m anagem ent and autom ated systems. Desired qualifica­ tions: W o rk in g k n o w le d g e of at least o n e fo re ig n la n g u a g e . Librarians have faculty rank. A ppointm ent at Associate Professor preferred, but consideration will be given to applications m eeting re­ quirements at Assistant Professor level. Salary: $25,000 upward, de ­ pending on qualifications and experience. Send letter of application and com plete resume with names, addresses, and telephone num ­ bers of five references to: Norm an B. Brown, Chair, Search C om m it­ tee, c/o Library Personnel Office, 127 Library, University of Illinois Library, 1408 West G regory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 333- 4163. Application/nom ination deadline May 16, 1988. AA/EEO Em­ ployer. HEAD, INFORMATION AND LIBRARY STUDIES LIBRARY AND GRADUATE LIBRARY SELECTOR, The University of M ichigan. Responsible for the adm inistration of the Information and Library Studies Library (ILSL) facility, including the supervision and evalua­ tion of 2 FTE regular staff, m anagem ent of personnel/collection/non­ personnel budgets, and program development. The ILSL, reporting to the Graduate Library Reference Department, serves the needs of the faculty and students in the School of Information and Library Studies and the staff of the libraries of the University. In addition, the librarian holds reference and selection responsibilities within the G raduate Library, including research consultations, the deve lop­ ment and m anagem ent of the collection in one or more disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, m anaging the appropriate book fund(s), and serving as the Libra ry’s prim ary contact for faculty and graduate students working in these disciplines. The G raduate Li­ brary is the prim ary research collection for the humanities and social sciences, com prising over 2.5 million volumes. Required: MLS. M ini­ mum of 3 years relevant experience, preferably in a research library. Demonstrated oral and written com m unication skills. Know ledge of com puter applications. Familiarity with online information resources. Desired: Demonstrated know ledge of analytic/statistical m ethods in evaluating service and experience with collection m anagement. Graduate degree, graduate course work or substantial experience in appropriate academ ic discipline. W orking know ledge of one or more Western European languages. Relevant supervisory experi­ ence. Minimum salary of $23,000 dependent upon previous rele­ vant experience. Applications received by April 30, 1988, will be given first consideration. A p ply to: Lucy Cohen, Manager, Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. A nondiscrim inatory, Affirm ­ ative Action Employer. HEAD LIBRARIAN, Atlanta College of Art. Responsibilities: A d m in­ istering, planning, and coordinating all library activities, including budget, book, serial, and audio-visual collection developm ent; cata­ loging; bibliographic instruction; automation; and space use. Re­ ports to Academ ic Dean; supervises two full-time staff and several stu d e n t assistants. C ollection contains 22,000 books and ca ta ­ logues, 200 periodicals, 50,000 slides, and 1,300 artists’ books and videos. Located in Atlanta’s cultural center, the Atlanta College of Art RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICES LIBRARIANS Arizona State University West Campus Two positions: Business; Arts/Humanities. Arizona State University West Campus offers an opportunity to participate in a unique professional expe­ rience. The West Campus is a newly founded and rapidly growing upper-division branch campus with exceptional faculty and students, an elegant new library building, a program emphasis on quality services tailored to institutional and client needs, collection building coordinated with curriculum building, intensive use of electronic information technology, and partnership with faculty in the academic mission. Research Support Services are provided through an innovative partnership with paraprofessional information pro­ viders. An online catalog provides access to both West Campus resources and the collections of ASU in Tempe. Over 400 junior, senior and graduate-level courses are presently offered. ASU West Campus has a projected enrollment of 10,000 students when completed. The Fletcher Library building contains 97,000 square feet and anticipates an acquisitions budget of $1.5 million in FY 1989. Applications are invited from opportunity-seeking, dynamic and creative librarians to join a department of 4.5 librarians and 5 paraprofessionals. Responsibilities include: reference and research consultation, library instruction, collection development and faculty liaison. The academic disciplines for which the two positions provide primary support are arts/humanities and business. Salary negotiable from $20,000, de­ pendent on background and experience. Positions to begin July 1 ‚ 1988. Minimum Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS or equivalent; substantive library experience in busi­ ness o.r arts/humanities and expertise in the areas of responsibility listed above; evidence of creativity and initiative in professional practices; excellent interpersonal communication skills. Preferred Qualifications: Substantial record of service and contributions to librarianship and/or an applicable academic discipline which would qualify for appointment at senior rank; an undergraduate major or advanced degree in an applicable field; experience in the use of electronic information sources. A letter of application addressing qualifications, a resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four current references must be postmarked by May 1, 1988, and sent to: Helen L. Gater, Director, Fletcher Library, Arizona State University West Campus, P.O. Box 37100, Phoenix, AZ 85069-7100. Arizona State University is a com m itted Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. W omen and minorities are encouraged to apply. 264 / C&RL News is a fully accredited private undergraduate institution offering the BFA degree and enrolling about 300 students. The Library also serves the staff of the High Museum, Atlanta Symphony, and Alli­ ance Theater, and is a member of the University Center in Georgia library consortium, which includes all the major academ ic and public collections in the metropolitan Atlanta area. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; demonstrated excellent managerial, planning, leadership, interpersonal and communication skills; signif­ icant experience in an art or visual resources collection; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and staff; experience with au­ tomation options for A-V and book cataloging. Salary: Commensu­ rate with qualifications and experience (low- to mid-$20s). Applica­ tions should include a resume; names and addresses of three professional references, and a statement of your ideas on the place of the library in a professional art college. Send to: Academ ic Dean, Library Search, Atlanta College of Art, 1280 Peachtree Street N.E., Atlanta, GA 30309. Position is available immediately. AA/EOE. HEAD OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT. The College of Mount St. Joseph in Cincinnati, Ohio, seeks a dynamic librarian with public services orientation and an understanding of the role of collection development in an academic environment. Primary duties include providing leadership in the development, evaluation and mainte­ nance of the library's collection in collaboration with liaison librarians and faculty; and providing reference service. Other duties include coordinating online services and providing support to the biblio­ graphic instruction program. Some evenings and weekends re­ quired. Ability in planning, communicating and problem solving. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; experience preferred but will­ ing to consider recent graduates with outstanding potential. Salary $19,500 plus benefits. The College of Mount St. Joseph is a coedu­ cational baccalaureate institution of 2,200 students recognized for its high academic standards and innovative programs combining the liberal arts with career preparation. To apply, submit resume and three references by May 1, 1988, to: Cheryl C. Albrecht, Director, College of Mount St. Joseph Library, Mount St. Joseph, OH 45051. We are an equal opportunity employer. HEAD OF IN FO R M A TIO N SER VIC ES. S a lary ra n g e $32,600-$42,000. Stanford University’s Lane Medical Library is seeking applications from highly service-oriented librarians who have a minimum of 5 years reference experience and who would en­ joy leading and coordinating the activities of a strong team of infor­ mation professionals (5.0 FTE librarians, 0.75 FTE paraprofessional, 1.0 FTE clerical). The departm ent’s services include general refer­ ence, consulting, online search services, end-user instruction, microcomputer/telecommunication-related support, general user education, exhibits, archives. This is an exciting time for Lane. The UTLAS t/Series 50 circulation and online catalog was recently imple­ mented, a major BRS Colleague experiment is underway, and a 1.2 million dollar remodelling project will commence this summer. The Information Services office and public areas will be relocated. Re­ quirements: MLS; degree and/or substantial background in clinical or life sciences; minimum 5 years experience in health sciences ref­ erence; competent online search analyst; demonstrated successful supervisory experience; evidence of strong interpersonal skills; ex­ cellent written and oral communication skills; organizational ability and creativity; ability to effectively manage, plan, implement change in a complex environment; knowledge of networking and com puter­ ized resources; interest in library research. Experience with m icro­ computers and/or integrated library systems highly desired. Experi­ ence in space planning desired. The successful candidate must complement the qualities of the existing, experienced team of infor­ mation professionals, enjoy a strong team spirit, and be an effective leader. Position available May 1988. Submit letter, resume, 3 refer­ ence sources to: Valerie Su, Deputy Director, Lane Medical Library, Stanford University Medical Center, Stanford, CA 94305-5323: (415) 723-7198. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE (Search extended). Responsible for refer­ ence services in a university library of 850,000 volumes. Reports to Associate Director for Public Services. Duties include supervision of departmental personnel, online searching, collection development and bibliographic instruction. Candidate should have demonstrated planning, supervisory and communication skills and a commitment TWO POSITIONS Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Documents Coordinator/Reference Librarian/Subject Specialist. Responsible for ongoing devel­ opment of state and federal documents collection and providing related reference services; provides gen­ eral reference services with other librarians; serves as subject specialist/liaison with an academic area; par­ ticipates in library instruction and online searching. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum four years’ experience in both documents and reference in academic or research library; graduate degree in social sciences (except history), education, or related field. Preferred: experience in online searching and library instruction. Reference Librarian/Science and Health Sciences Subject Specialist. Provides general reference services with other librarians; serves as subject specialist and liaison with the science and health science departments; participates in online searching and library instruction. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum four years' reference experience in an academic or research library; graduate degree in sciences or health sciences. Preferred: experience in library instruc­ tion and online searching. Both Positions: Starting date: August 29, 1988. Tenure track with full faculty status; rank and salary com­ mensurate with qualifications. Assistant Professor through Associate Professor ranks range $24,200-$39,420 (academic year) to $31,461 -$51,404 (including summer employment). Excellent fringe benefits. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and three letters of reference, beginning by May 31, 1988, to: William J. Frost, Chair Search and Screen Committee Harvey A. Andruss Library Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania Bloomsburg, PA 17815-1301 Bloomsburg University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Minority Applications are actively sought. April 1988 / 265 to responsive and innovative reference service. Must be able to eval­ uate effectiveness of service and im plem ent changes to include in­ creased emphasis on automation. Required Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS and subject m aster’s; reference experience in a medium to large academ ic library; evidence of professional devel­ opment. Salary: $27,000 minimum, 10.5 month contract, faculty sta­ tus, tenure track. Send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference to: Mickey M. Sparkman, Associate Director for Public Services, Lamar University Library, P.O. Box 10021, Beaumont, TX 77710. The Search Committee will begin a review of applications on May 2, 1988; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. An EO/AA employer. HEAD OF SPECIAL COLLECTIONS, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Reports to Library Director and administers Special Collec­ tions Departm ent containing university archives, rare books, and collections on Nevada, gam bling and culinary arts. Responsibilities: supervising 1 professional and 1.5 classified staff; establishing de­ partmental priorities, policies and procedures; acquiring and orga­ nizing m anuscript and university archival materials; providing refer­ ence se rvice , p re p a rin g o c c a sio n a l e x h ib its and b ro c h u re s ; participating in fund raising and outreach efforts; acting as depart­ mental and library preservation coordinator; and serving on library and university committees. Qualifications: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree; formal training and experience in m anuscript or archival processing and in state of the art preservation and planning tech­ niques; dem onstrated planning, supervisory and com m unication skills; 3 years’ progressively responsible professional special collec­ tions experience, preferably in an academ ic library; ability to work harm oniously with co-workers, donors and patrons. Record of pro­ fessional involvement preferred. Knowledge of application of com ­ puter te ch n o lo g y to special collections desired. Salary range: $27,000 to $30,000 dep ending on qualifications and experience. Application deadline: May 15, 1988. Faculty status, 12-month ap­ pointment, 24 days’ vacation, fringe benefits. No state income tax. Send letter of application, resume, and names, phone num bers and address of 3 references to: Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. UNLV is an AA/EEO institution. HEAD, SERIALS CATALOGING SECTION, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Available: July 1,1988 . Description: Librarian in charge of Serials Cataloging Section in the Catalog Department. Supervises three professional librarians, six paraprofessional staff members, one graduate assistant and student assistants. M anage­ ment of cataloging serials and providing analytic cataloging for the principal library of a major research university. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school, familiarity with LC classification and subject headings, and five years experience cataloging serials re­ quired. Strong experience with retrospective conversion of serials, familiarity with Western European languages, and supervisory expe­ rience desirable. Salary and Benefits: Twelve-month academ ic ap­ pointment. $30,000 minimum annual salary and standard State ben­ efits of annual and sick leave, insurance, and retirem ent plan. Deadline for Application: May 1 ‚ 1988. To Apply: Send letter of appli­ cation, resume and names of three references to: Barbara DeLon, Library Personnel Officer, CB #3900, Davis Library, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 27599. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES. Responsible for all aspects of technical services (serials, acquisitions, catalogs) at small private lib­ eral arts college in suburban Philadelphia. Supervise three parapro- fessionals. Thorough know ledge of OCLC systems and AACR2 cat­ alog practices essential. Familiarity with m icrocom puter software (DBase, Lotus) is essential. Salary minimum $19,000. Deadline for applications: 5/1/88. Apply to: Director of the Library, Beaver Col­ lege, Glenside, PA 19038. Beaver College is an AA/EEO Institution. INFORMATION EDUCATION COORDINATOR, University of Min nesota Bio-Medical Library. The University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library is seeking applicants for the position of Information Educa- SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIANS Arizona State University Arizona State University, home of the beautiful Noble Science and Engineering Library, seeks two out­ standing Science Reference Librarians: an entry level Subject Specialist for the Physical Sciences and an experienced Subject Specialist for Engineering. Both Librarians will be responsible for collection develop­ ment, including selection of materials and collection evaluation; online searching; faculty liaison; orientation and instruction; and reference service on a rotating schedule which includes evenings, weekends and holi­ days. PHYSICAL SCIENCES SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Salary: $25,000 and up, dependent on qualifications and experience. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; strong back­ ground in science (academic training and/or experience); knowledge of science reference tools; demon­ strated written and oral communication skills. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in the physical sciences; experience in academic reference service; experience in collection development in an academic or research library; training and/or experience in using DIALOG, BRS, or STN. ENGINEERING SUBJECT SPECIALIST. Salary: $25,000 and up, dependent upon qualifications and experience. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; academic training and/or experience using engineering/technology information sources; knowledge of science reference tools; 4 years’ experience in an academic, research or special library; experience in collection develop­ ment in an academic or research library, including approval plans, collection assessments, and other col­ lection development and evaluation methods; experience in using DIALOG, BRS, or STN; demonstrated written and oral communication skills. Preferred: Undergraduate or graduate degree in Engineering. Application deadline: Recruitment will remain open until the positions are filled, with review of applica­ tions beginning on May 15,1988. Please apply separately for each position in which interested. Send letter which addresses all stated qualifications, current resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Ar­ izona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006; (602) 965-3417. ASU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 266 / C&RL News tion Coordinator, Reference Department. Major responsibilities for the position are the planning, implementation, coordination, and evaluation of an information education program. This includes pro­ viding library-sponsored information m anagement classes, course- integrated library instruction, and other appropriate information in­ struction, and developing instructional materials. The Bio-Medical Library currently provides an active program in end-user searching and com puter-based information m anagement instruction. In add i­ tion, the Information Education Coordinator participates in reference and information services provided by the Reference Department, in­ cluding reference desk services and database searching. Some evening and weekend hours may be required. The position requires: 1) A graduate degree from an ALA-accredited school; 2) Teaching experience with adult learners; 3) Experience in online database searching on BRS, DIALOG, and/or NLM; 4) Excellent com m unica­ tion and interpersonal skills. We are particularly interested in hiring an innovative, energetic librarian with: 1) Work experience in a health sciences library; 2) Teaching experience in a library or information m anagement setting; 3) Coursework in the health or biological sci­ ences; 4) Experience with m icrocom puters; 5) Medical Library Asso­ ciation certification. The University of Minnesota Bio-Medical Library serves the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Public Health, Pharmacy, Mortuary Science, certain biological sciences, and the University Hospital. The Library has over 350,000 bound volumes and approxim ately 4,000 active journal subscriptions. Reference services include an instruction program and an active database search service. Other library services include the Learning Re­ sources Center, with em phasis on using m icrocom puters to support curriculum-based and independent learning in the health sciences, the Biomedical Information Service, a fee-for-service program, auto­ mated Technical Processing, and the Wangensteen History of M edi­ cine and Biology Library. The IAIMS environm ent supported by the Bio-Medical Library is evidenced by close ties to the health sciences faculty, access to MinneMEDLINE (a local database developed jointly by the Bio-Medical Library and Health Sciences Com puting Services), and e-mail and electronic bulletin board facilities. The Ref­ erence staff consists of six reference librarians and a secretary. Ref­ erence staff report to the Head of Public Services. This is a 12-month academ ic/professional position at the Assistant or Associate Librar­ ian rank, depending upon qualifications. Applicants will be expected to meet criteria for continuous appointment. Starting salary from History of Science Bibliographer Provide b ib lio g r a p h ic control for our History of S cience c o l­ lection, Help c re a te p o licie s for c o lle c tio n d e ve lo p m e n t, access, preservation a n d use. Provide reference services, a r ­ ra n g e exhibits a n d supervise staff. Requires MLS with a c a d e m ic tra in in g in the History of Science, 3 years’ rela ted ex­ p e rie n c e a n d a k n o w le d g e of Latin a n d 1 m odern European la n g u a g e . 2 yea r assignment. Salary ra n g e up to $30,500. Please send resume to Employment Administrator, Brandeis University, W altham , MA 02254. An equal opportunity/ affirmative action BRANDEIS employer UNIVERSITY $25,000. Benefits include 22 vacation days, and excellent medical, dental, and life insurance, and retirement plans. To apply for this po­ sition, please send a letter of application, a resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Barbara Doyle, University Li­ braries Personnel Officer, 453 Wilson Library, University of Minne­ sota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be received by J u n e l, 1988. Identify application with UL 167. The University of M in­ nesota is an equal opportunity educator and em ployer and specifi­ cally invites and encourages applications from women and m inori­ ties. INTERIM REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. One-year tem porary appoint­ ment to begin August 1, 1988. Possibility of conversion to tenure­ track later. Provide general reference service (including every other Sunday and one weekday evening), user education, and database searching; serve as liaison to several disciplines for collection devel­ opment; responsible for supervision of circulation personnel; coordi­ nate user education; other duties as assigned. Qualifications: A c­ credited MLS and obvious com m itm ent to an active role for the library within the C ollege’s eduational program required; experience in user education and database searching, and an advanced sub­ ject degree preferred. Salary: $ 2 0 ,50 0-$22,000 depending upon experience and qualifications. Send letter of application, resume, graduate transcripts, and addresses and telephone numbers of three references by May 13, 1988, to: Gaynelle Pratt, Personnel Of­ fice, Keene State College, Keene, NH 03431. AA/EOE. INTERLIBRARY LOAN/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Health Sei ences Library. This position has primary responsibility for coordinat­ ing the provision of interlibrary lending and borrowing services for the Health Sciences Library. Duties also include provision of biom e­ dical reference and online bibliographic search services, and partici­ pation in the library’s collection developm ent program. Interlibrary services utilize microcom puters, electronic mail, DOCLINE, and RLIN’s ILL subsystem, as well as traditional delivery mechanisms. Primary duties of this position include supervising two full-time library assistants; m onitoring adherence to standards; analyzing workflow; preparation of statistical reports; and service as the library’s repre­ sentative at meetings dealing with interlibrary services. The Health Sciences Library serves the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health, the Presbyterian Hospital, and other affiliated health care, instruction, and research program s in the Columbia- Presbyterian Medical Center. Delivery of reference and inform a­ tional services at remote sites is being developed. The Library has a full-time staff of over 50, a collection of approxim ately 420,000 vol­ umes, more than 4,200 current journal titles, a large m edia center and m icrocom puter lab, and a com prehensive special collections section. The Library is an active participant in Integrated Academ ic Information M anagement System (IAIMS) activities at the Medical Center. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are a strong public services orientation and excellent com munication skills. Inter- library loan experience, m icrocom puter knowledge and supervisory e x p e rie n c e are d e s ira b le . S a la ry ra n g e s are: L ib ra ria n I: $23,00 0-$29,900 ; Librarian II: $25 ,000-$33,750. Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is May 31 ‚ 1988. An Affirmative Action, Equal O ppor­ tunity Employer. LIBRARIAN, SCIENCE LIBRARY, Smith College (search reo- pened). The Science Librarian of Smith College directs and m an­ ages the administrative, operational and instructional activities of the Science Library (112,000 volumes, 653 current journal subscrip­ tions); supervises three full-time staff and approxim ately 16 student assistants; provides library reader’s services for students and faculty of seven academ ic departments. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in a field of natural science or mathematics, MLS required; at least five years of academ ic and/or special library experience, including supervisory experience; knowledge of nonprint materials, m icro­ forms, and com puter systems; experience with online database searching in science and technology; skill in written and oral com ­ munication. Position available May 1988. Annual salary hiring range $26,00 0-$30,000 . Excellent fringe benefits. Send letter of applica­ tion, resume and names and addresses of three professional refer­ ences on or before 20 April 1988 to: Office of Personnel Services, Smith College, 30 Belmont Avenue, N ortham pton,'M A 01063. An equal opportunity employer. April 1988 / 267 MANAGER, HEALTH RESOURCE LEARNING CENTER. Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, Massachusetts, a 578 bed, acute care general hospital and major affiliated teaching hospital of the Univer­ sity of Massachusetts Medical School, is seeking a M anager for its Health Resource Learning Center. The newly created position is the result of a planned consolidation of several library and learning me­ dia support services. Initial responsibilities will include overseeing, coordinating and m anaging the existing School of Nursing and M ed­ ical libraries. Assessment and coordination of hospital-wide depart­ mental library needs, along with projected audio-visual, new patient care, education and research goals are included. The ideal candi­ date will have 5 -7 years teaching hospital experience; MLS; com ­ puter literacy, and know ledge of A/V learning mediums. Starting sal­ ary of $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -3 3 0 ,0 0 0 . In te re ste d c a n d id a te s are a ske d to contact: Joseph DeSilva, Administration, (617) 798-1438 or 798- 1234, or John R udnick, Vice President of Professional Services, (617) 798-6206. Saint Vincent Hospital, 25 W inthrop Street, W or­ cester, MA 01604. MUSIC/FINE ARTS LIBRARIAN. The Wichita State University is seeking a librarian who will administer and provide reference service in the Music Library, supervise one paraprofessional and one FTE student assistant. Responsible for collection developm ent, biblio­ graphic instruction and faculty liaison in the areas of music, art, film, dance, and theater and will provide general reference service in the main library. This position reports to the Associate Dean for Library Services. An ALA-accredited MLS and a baccalaureate degree in music is desirable. A graduate degree in music and academ ic library experience is desirable. The successful candidate will be service- oriented, able to work effectively with both students and faculty, and com m itted to prom oting library services and collections to the aca­ d e m ic c o m m u n ity . S a la ry a n d b e n e fits : S ta rtin g s a la ry $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 6 ,0 0 0 for twelve months dep ending on experience and qualifications. The successful candidate will be eligible for tenure re­ view and enjoy faculty status. Benefits include TIAA/CREF and a choice of Blue Cross/Blue Shield or HMO and twenty-two days an­ nual leave. The Wichita State University is an urban institution with an enrollm ent of 17,000. The library is fully autom ated on the NOTIS system. The library building is currently being rem odeled and ex­ panded. Librarians at W ichita State have faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities. Wichita is an active, growing city with a population of 350,000. Professional activities and conference attendance are sup­ ported by the library. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and phone num bers of three references by May 15, 1988, to: Jam es C. Eller, Associate Dean for Library Services, Box 68, The Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67208. Finalists will be invited for an expense-paid interview. The Wichita State Univer­ sity is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. TWO ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONS Arizona State University Arizona State University, where construction of a major underground library addition is expected to be completed by December 1988, has openings for two department heads, both of whom report directly to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services. The minimum salary for both positions is $28,000 and is negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience. HEAD, DOCUMENT DELIVERY AND INFORMATION SERVICES. Responsible for managing the Interli­ brary Loan Unit; developing programs for on-campus document delivery; coordinating services with li­ braries and resource centers on ASU campuses other than the main campus; and developing and coordi­ nating the provision of information services throughout the Hayden Library Complex. The administrator plays a key role in the development of new service programs in the rapidly expanding environment of the ASU Libraries to meet the information needs of both main- and off-campus library users and contributes to the overall management of the Libraries. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; excellent written and oral communication skills and interpersonal skills; demonstrated ability to plan, implement and evaluate library service programs effectively; five years’ experience in public service positions in an academic research library. Preferred: Five years’ experience at a department or unit head level in an academic research library; knowledge of online bibliographic systems such as OCLC and RLIN. HEAD, GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS SERVICE. Responsible for providing overall management of the daily operations of the department; developing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating departmental programs and services; long-range planning and budgeting; employment and supervision of 2 librarians and 5 FTE support staff; and acquisition of materials. The position plays a leadership role in the technical processing of federal, state, local and international documents and contributes to the overall management of the Libraries. The collection contains approximately one million titles and is a 95% Federal Depository. Items used annually from the collection exceed 100,000. Required Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; five years’ experience in an academic, research or public library; demon­ strated successful managerial and communications skills; experience with reference, technical process­ ing, collection development and library instruction in a documents depository collection. Preferred: Three years of supervisory and/or administrative experience in a documents depository; administrative experi­ ence in an academic research library; knowledge of OCLC, RLIN, and/or other databases containing bib­ liographic records of documents. Application deadline: Recruitment will remain open until the positions are filled, with review of applica­ tions beginning on May 30,1988, for the Document Delivery/Information Services position and June 15, 1988, for the Government Documents position. Please apply separately for each position in which inter­ ested. Send letter which addresses all stated qualifications, current resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006; (602) 965-3417. ASU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. 268 / C&RL News MUSIC LIBRARIAN. The M usic Library prim arily supports the cu r­ ricular and research needs of the M usic Departm ent (School of Arts and Sciences) and the M usic Division (School of the Arts), which offer degrees thro ugh doctoral level in historical m usicology, theory, eth­ nom usicology, and com position. There is a strong com m itm ent to continue to develop the M usic Library as a center of excellence. The M usic Librarian has adm inistrative responsibility for the M usic Li­ brary and all of its services, including circulation, reserves, the listen­ ing room and special program s. Professional responsibilities include collection developm ent, in-depth reference and consultation ser­ vices, and advanced instructional program s aimed at m usic majors and graduate students. The Librarian supervises one paralibrarian, one supp ort staff em ployee, plus student employees. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirem ents are: m inim um of five years related experience in a major research library setting; established ba ck­ groun d in m usic and related fields; w orking know ledge of G erm an and at least one other European language; thorough understanding of research strategies in the hum anities and of relevant bibliograph ic tools and techniques; understanding of technology and its im plica­ tions in the context of reference and research in music. An advanced degree in m usicology is preferred. Salary ranges are: Librarian II: $ 2 6 ,5 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,7 7 5 ; Librarian III: $ 2 9 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 2 ,7 7 5 ; Librarian IV: $ 3 3 ,5 0 0 -3 4 6 ,9 0 0 . (A ppointm ent at Librarian IV is for individuals dem onstrating exceptional experience and achievem ent.) Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition ex­ em ption for self and family. Send resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 1 14th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for application is April 18, 1988. An Affirmative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. PUBLIC ACCESS AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN. Perm anent full time position. Tenure track if faculty appointm ent is made. U nder di­ rection of the Head of Access Services will assist in the im plem enta­ tion, operation and coordination of the lib ra ry’s online public access catalog system. Will w ork closely with technical and public services sections. Will be involved with database developm ent, training and testing of system and public relations program . Education: M aster’s degree from an A LA -accredited program or a graduate degree in data processing. Qualifications: M inimum of one year of recent rele­ vant professional experience with autom ated systems. W orking know ledge of OCLC and MARC format. Strong verbal and written com m unication skills. Positive service attitude. Experience with on­ line searching and m icrocom puters desirable. If tenure appointm ent is m ade, ability to m eet UNM faculty requirem ents for tenure. Salary: Negotiable, m inimum $20,000. Submit letter of application, resume and the names and addresses of three references by May 1 ‚ 1988, to: Stephen Rollins, Head of Access Services, Zim m erm an Library, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN, Prevo Library, DePauw University. De- Pauw University is seeking an innovative science librarian to provide leadership for the Prevo Science Library. Primary responsibilities in­ clude m anaging the activities in the science library, including circula­ tion, reference, bibliograph ic instruction, and collection d eve lop­ m ent. The position supe rvises a p p ro x im a te ly forty-five student w orkers and one night supervisor. Additional duties include supervi­ sion of all com puter lab facilities, providing leadership to the library on the use of com puters, developing cam pus-w ide com puter user services, and serving as liaison to science faculty. The Roy O. West Library is now undertaking major projects in library use instruction, end-user searching, and the creation of autom ated datafiles. There are future plans to pursue com puter-based library use instruction m odules and ultimately to autom ate all library services. This position would have a m ajor role in the planning and im plem entation of these projects. This position should be of interest to librarians with a strong science and com puter background. Qualifications: M aster’s degree in library science from an ALA-accredited program ; at least three years experience in providing public services preferably in a science library; science degree or m ajor preferred. Experience planning au­ tom ated systems and program s for library use desirable. The suc­ cessful applicant will be energetic and innovative, have proven a d ­ ministrative and organizational abilities, and strong com m unication skills. A service attitude and the ability to work well with faculty and students are also essential. 12-month faculty appointm ent, usual benefits, salary d e p ende nt on qualifications; m inimum $23,000. Send letter of application, resume, and three letters of reference to: Kathy Davis, Acting Director of Libraries, DePauw University, P.O. Box 137, Greencastle, IN 46135. For fullest consideration, materials should be received by April 3 0 ,1 9 8 8 . An Equal O pportunity, Affirm ­ ative Action Employer. SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. The W ichita State University Library is seek­ ing a librarian who will assist users directly at the general reference desk, take part in the bibliograph ic instruction and collection devel­ opm ent program s, provide com puter searches, participate in refer­ ence departm ent decision-m aking and library and university activi­ ties, and serve as liaison with the faculties of Engineering, C om puter Science, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Geology. The suc­ cessful candidate will be service-oriented, able to work effectively with students, faculty, and the general public, and com m itted to pro­ m oting library services and collections to the academ ic com m unity. An A LA -accredited MLS and an undergraduate science degree or experience as a science librarian is required. An additional graduate degree in a scientific field is desired. The W ichita State University is an urban institution with an enrollm ent of 17,000. The library is fully autom ated on the NOTIS system. The library building is currently be­ ing rem odelled and expanded. Librarians at W ichita State enjoy fa c­ ulty rank, privileges, and responsibilities. W ichita is an active, g ro w ­ ing city with a population of 350,000. Professional activities and conference attendance are supported by the library. Starting salary $20,000 to $26,000 for 12 month appointm ent, d ep ending on expe­ rience and qualifications. The successful candidate will be eligible for tenure review. Benefits include TIAA-CREF, and a choice of Blue Cross/Blue Shield or HMO. Letter of application, resume and names of three references m ust be received by May 15, 1988. Send to: Sharon L. Bostick, Head of Reference, Cam pus Box 68, The Wi­ chita State University, Wichita, KS 67208. The W ichita State Uni­ versity is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, G eorge Mason University (Search Reopened). Liaison librarian for science departm ents in­ cluding Biology, Chemistry, and G eology. Responsible for collection developm ent, online searching, and bibliograph ic instruction in the above areas. As a m em ber of reference staff of seven, perform s g e n ­ eral reference desk service including evening and weekend rotation. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and experience or course work in one of the sciences. Salary begins at $20,000, negotiable based on education and experience. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Florence Landon, Fenwick Li­ brary, George Mason University, 4400 University Drive, Fairfax, VA 22030. Applications received by May 6, 1988, will receive first consideration but recruitm ent will continue until position is filled. AA/EOE. SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Located in south central Kentucky, the Kentucky Library contains approxim ately 35,000 vol­ umes and significant ephem era relating to Kentucky and the region. Faculty position, reporting to Supervisor of Kentucky Library, prim ar­ ily responsible for collection developm ent; w ork with vendors and donors; planning and perform ing basic conservation activities; refer­ ence; b ibliograph ic instruction; involvem ent in university, c o m m u ­ nity and professional concerns. Qualifications include MLS from A LA -accredited program ; effective planning and com m unication skills; 2 or more years professional experience in special collections work as well as advanced subject degree in Am erican history, folk­ lore or other relevant su b je ct area preferred . M inim um salary $19,000. Rank dep ende nt upon qualifications and experience. A p ­ plications accepted until position filled. Send letter of application, re­ sume, three current references to: Office of A cadem ic Affairs, Li­ brary Search, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101. An affirmative action, equal opp ortun ity employer. RARE BOOKS/SPECIAL COLLECTIONS LIBRARIAN. Duties: Responsible for library and archival w ork in the adm inistration and m aintenance of the Rare Books/Special Collections area of the Uni­ versity Library. Specific duties include training and supervision of student assistants, providing reference service, preparing subject bibliographies, and participating in pub lic outreach program s. Ex­ cellent opportunity to participate in the developm ent of a grow ing collection that em phasizes English Literature and history of sci­ ences. Position reports to the Associate Director for Special Collec­ tions. Requirements: A LA -accredited Master of Library Science. Special em phasis in rare books or archival adm inistration preferred. Salary and benefits: Salary $ 1 8 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 for a 12 month ap­ pointment. Excellent benefits package; 8 8 % of Social Security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement program s including TIAA/CREF; 14 state holidays; no state or local incom e tax. General April 1988 / 269 Information: Texas Tech University, one of five com prehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollm ent of 24,000. It is located in Lub­ bock, Texas, a cultural and com m ercial center for the area with a m etropolitan population of 225,000. The library has 1.1 million vol­ umes and a materials b ud get of $1.7 million. Planning for an online catalog is underway. Application: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Position available im mediately. Send letter of ap ­ plication, resume, three letters of reference to: E. Dale Cluff, Director of Libraries, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409. Direct in­ quiries about Texas Library Association and ALA Conference inter­ views to: Gisela Webb, Assistant Director of Libraries for A dm inistra­ tive Services, Texas Tech University Library, Lubbock, TX 78409; (806) 742-2258. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. Minorities are encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER, Rare B ook and M anuscript Library. The prim ary responsibilities of this position are to provide general and in-depth reference service for the collections of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN University Library The University of Michigan library has received a grant from the Kellogg Foundation to develop a state outreach program using electronic communication and other new technologies for service delivery. Pilot sites will be selected from among Michigan public libraries to participate in this reference network. The program goal is to make UM library resources and staff expertise more accessible within the state and to help public libraries further develop their community role, particularly in programs of economic develop­ ment. The five-year program will be organizationally located in the Graduate Library Reference Depart­ ment, but will involve coordination with all libraries within the University Library system. COORDINATOR, STATE OUTREACH PROJECT Responsible for overall administration of the outreach activities associated with the grant, including man­ aging the project budget, developing policies for electronic reference, developing and maintaining com­ munication with public library participants, supervising and/or coordinating project staff, maintaining regu­ lar reports on program activities, and overseeing the evaluation component of the project. Reporting to the Head, Graduate Library Reference Department, the position has direct responsibility for the coordination of policies and services relating to the project both within the department as well as within the University Li­ brary system. Appointment is for 5-year period of grant, with possible renewal. Required: MLS. Minimum of 3 years experience in a library or relevant service environment. Familiarity with online/electronic systems. Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain service initiatives. Strong oral and written communication skills and proven ability to work with a diverse user population. Desired: Experience with library outreach services, shared resource programs, or other cooperative pro­ grams. Experience with electronic communications. Demonstrated marketing and program development skills and demonstrated knowledge of statistics and research/evaluation methodologies. Relevant supervi­ sory experience. Minimum Salary of $27,000 dependent on previous relevant experience. FIELD LIBRARIAN Responsible for training library staff at the 5 or 6 pilot public library sites in the use of the electronic net­ work and in the procedures for interacting with the University Library unit. In addition, will be responsible for actual provision of reference and research services to the pilot libraries through his/her role as Graduate Library reference librarian. Reporting to the Coordinator of the program, the field librarian holds primary responsibility for the development and documentation of program procedures. In addition, the Field Librar­ ian will be responsible for developing and managing the Graduate Library collection in a humanities or social science discipline including fund management and Faculty/graduate student liaison and instruc­ tional activities. Appointment is for 5-year period of grant, with possible renewal. Required: MLS. Minimum of 2 years relevant experience, preferably in reference or collection develop­ ment. Experience with electronic resources and microcomputers. Demonstrated oral and written commun­ ication skills and ability to develop and deliver training or instructional programs. Desired: Working knowledge of one or more Western European languages. Experience in collection development and management. Minimum salary of $21,000 dependent on previous relevant experience. A p p lic ations rec ei v ed bv A pril 30. 1988. will be g iven first consideration. A p p ly to: Lucy Cohen Manager, Library Personnel Office 404 Hatcher Graduate Library The University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205 A nondiscrim inatory, Affirmative Action Employer. 270 / C &RL News rare books and manuscripts, to supervise the operations of the Rare Book and M anuscript Library Reading Rooms and Reference Cen­ ter at assigned times, to instruct individuals and classes in the use of rare books and related materials; to plan and install RBM Library sponsored exhibitions; to organize and catalog non-book and non­ m anuscript collections; to assist in the maintenance and develop­ ment of the collections; and to assist on special projects relating to the Library. In addition to an accredited MLS, the position requires know ledge of reference sources in rare books and manuscripts, de­ scriptive bibliography, archival organization and techniques, and preservation methods; the ability to search in RLIN databases; and effective writing and speaking skills. Preference will be given to can­ didates with experience in planning and installing rare book and m anuscript exhibitions; a reading know ledge of French, German and Latin; and a graduate degree in Am erican or English literature, or other relevant graduate degree. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $ 23 ,00 0-$29,900 ; Librarian II: $25 ,00 0-$33,750 . Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tuition exem ption for self and family. Send resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is April 18, 1988. An Affirmative Action, Equal O p­ portunity Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER, the University of Texas at San Antonio. Responsibilities: Provide general reference assistance 20 hours per week, selects books and faculty liaison in discipline of foreign languages and literature, or art and architecture, or history and anthropology depending on librarian’s background; supervise staff of m icroform area; perform com puter searches. Q ual­ ifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school, strong liberal arts background, subject m aster’s degree desirable. Salary: $18,000 for 12-month appointm ent. Liberal state benefits. Appointm ent begin­ ning June 1, 1988; applications received by April 15, 1988, given first consideration. Send letter of application and resume to Margaret Joseph, The University of Texas at San Antonio Library, San An tonio, TX 78285. UTSA is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Entry Level. Position available Septem­ ber 1988. General reference, online searching, bibliographic in­ struction, liaison assignment. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Evi­ dence of research m ethods course work, dem onstrated excellent oral and written com m unication skills, good interpersonal skills. Sal­ ary: $20,000/year; 12 month appointm ent, TIAA/CREF, 22 days an­ nual leave. Applications received prior to June 1 ‚ 1988, will be given priority consideration. Initial interviews will be conducted at the ALA annual conference. Submit letter of application, resume and names of three references to: D irector’s Office, Penrose Library, 2150 East Evans Avenue, Denver, CO 80208. The University of Denver (Col­ orado Seminary) is an EEO/AA employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Health Sciences Library. Responsibili­ ties of this position include provision of biomedical reference and on­ line bibliographic search services, and participation in developm ent and presentation of instructional sessions. The incum bent will also participate in the library’s extramural and collection developm ent program s, and assist in interlibrary borrowing. The Reference Sec­ tion has a staff of six professionals and three support staff. The Health Sciences Library serves the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health, the Presbyterian Hospital, and other affiliated health care, instruction, and research program s in the Columbia- Presbyterian Medical Center. Delivery of reference and inform a­ tional services at remote sites is being developed. The library has a full-time staff of over 50, a collection of approxim ately 420,000 vol­ umes, more than 4,200 current journal titles, a large m edia center and m icrocom puter lab, and a com prehensive special collections section. The library is an active participant in Integrated Academ ic Information M anagem ent System (IAIMS) activities at the Medical Center. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are a strong public services orientation and excellent com m unication skills. Mi­ crocom puter knowledge, a degree in biological sciences and/or ex­ perience with online bibliographic database searching are desir­ able. Preference will be given to candidates with strong background in instructional services and/or outreach programs. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $23 ,00 0-$29,900 ; Librarian II: $25,00 0-$33,750 . Excellent benefits include assistance with University housing and tui­ tion exem ption for self and family. Send resume, listing three refer­ ences, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is April 3 0 ,1 9 8 8 . An Equal O p­ portunity, Affirmative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Under the general direction of the Head Reference Librarian to use formal and informal skills in library instruc­ tion, teaching basic course in use of library, to perform database searching, as well as custom ary reference services to a student body of 6,000. ALA-accredited MLS required; reference experience de­ sired but not required. Annual salary $19,250 + dep ending upon ex­ perience; excellent fringe benefits. Available immediately. Send re­ sum e, tra n s c rip ts (u n d e rg ra d u a te and g ra d u a te ), p la c e m e n t papers, and two (2) separate letters of recom m endation to: George N. Hartje, Director of Libraries, Pickier Memorial Library, Northeast Missouri State University, Kirksville, MO 63501-0828. Deadline April 30, 1988 EOE. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. University of Georgia Libraries. Entry Level p o sitio n to be fille d S e p te m b e r 1988. (Salary m inim u m $18,700). The successful candidate may have the opportunity to participate in an intensive professional developm ent program. The Reference Department includes 11 librarians and 3 support staff re­ porting to the Head of Reference. Duties: General reference service in social sciences and humanities with some evening and weekend work; reference collection m anagem ent in assigned subject areas; cond uct library orientation and user education sessions; online searching; preparation of bibliographies, guides, and other instruc­ tional aids. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; advanced refer­ ence courses in the social sciences or humanities or relevant experi­ ence; working knowledge of basic reference sources; effective oral and written com m unication skills; ability to establish and maintain ef­ fective working relationships; interest in library orientation and user education; interest in online database searching; working knowl­ edge of at least one foreign language; undergraduate degree in the social sciences or humanities preferred; interest in academ ic librari­ anship desired. Application procedure: Send letter of application ad ­ dressing all qualifications and including resume and names of three references by May 9, 1988, to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librar­ ian, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This posi­ tion will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An Equal O p­ portunity, Affirmative Action Institution. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN (search extended) Respon­ sible for planning integrated online catalog & supervision of acquisi­ tions, cataloging, serials, and staff of 4.5 FTE. Participates in collec­ tion developm ent and reference activities. Retrospective conversion of LC collection com pleted. Reports to Director of Library Services. MLS from an ALA-accredited program with at least 3 years experi­ ence. Prefer actual experience with online systems; however, will consider person with good supervisory skills and aptitude for auto­ mation. Salary: $24,00Q-$27,00Q. The College of Wooster is an in­ dependent liberal arts college with a com m itm ent to excellence in undergraduate education. We wish to ensure that the search identi­ fies qualified candidates who are women or m em bers of minorities. Applicants belonging to these groups are encouraged to identify themselves if they wish. Send resume and the names of three refer­ ences to: Pat Rom, Director, Andrews Library, College of Wooster, Wooster, OH 44691. Closing date: 1 May 1988. LATE JOB LISTINGS ACQUISITIONS/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence University, a private, nondenominational liberal arts college, invites nominations and applications for its position of Acquisitions/Collection Development Librarian. Under the direction of the University Librarian, this person will be responsible for drafting, implementing and monitoring library April 1988 / 271 collection development policy and managing a library materials budget of $660,000. S/he will work closely with faculty and coordinate the collection development efforts of the librarians. Under the general direction of the Head of Technical Services, s/he will be responsible for coordinating the ordering and receipt of library materials in an automated environment and serving as a resource person for two acquisitions paraprofessionals. Other responsibilities include sharing evening and weekend reference service in rotation with all librarians. Required: ALA-accredited MLS; some experience with collection development and acquisitions; familiarity with the OCLC system or another bibliographic utility, MARC format, and AACR2; demonstrated communication and interpersonal skills and ability to work with all segments of the academic community. Preferred: professional library experience; experience in budget management and fund accounting; familiarity with PC software applications; a second master’s degree; a working knowledge of at least one foreign language. Twelve-month contract. Liberal benefits. Month’s vacation. Faculty status. Starting date: on or before August 15,1988, preferred. Salary range: $19,000-- $22,000. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Lynn Ekfelt, Searh Committee Chair, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. Applications should be received by May 27,1988. St. Lawrence University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer and educational institution. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. ASSISTANT CATALOG LIBRARIAN (MONOGRAPHS). The North Texas State University Libraries have installed an online catalog through the VTLS System. The database contains 395,000 bibliographic records representing holdings of all of its libraries. Conversion of holdings is ongoing. Although the Main Card Catalog is closed, there remain several active specialized card catalogs. Position description: This is an entry-level professional position responsible for original and OCLC cataloging of book and microform monographs. The position is non-tenure track and requires skilled use of LC classification schedules and subject headings, AACR2, and MARC formats. The position also involves participation in VTLS database management, department planning and instructional activities, and retrospective conversion. Incumbent receives direction from and reports through the Head, Cataloging (Monographs) Unit, to the Head, Bibliographic Control Department. Minimum qualifications: Candidates should have an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited program and a major in a liberal arts discipline; demonstrated knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification; reading knowledge of one or more modern European foreign languages; demonstrated ability to communicate clearly. Desirable qualifications: Candidates with a second master’s in a liberal arts discipline; knowledge of one or more of the following languages: German, Spanish, or French; OCLC preprofessional cataloging experience of one or more years in an academic or large research library; familiarity with automated library systems. Available May 15, 1988, or until filled. Salary: $18,536. Applicants should send a resume, copies of all transcripts, and the names and addresses of three references to: Margaret E. Galloway, Interim Director of Libraries, North Texas State University, Box 5188 N.T. Station, Denton, TX 76203-5188. North Texas State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. ASSISTANT DIRECTOR. Holy Family College Library seeks creative librarian for 12-month administrative position available July 1 or negotiable thereafter. Responsible for broad range of library activities and services. Duties: establish and direct a full user support and information services program, offering reference service and database searching support, and teaching end-user database searching and library-use skills to students and faculty; train and supervise two public services technical staff; coordinate the 272 / C&RL News work of the evening and weekend librarian and assistant; work collegially with the Director and the Assistant for Technical Support to establish and evaluate new programs; and represent Director as needed. Require: master’s in library or information science and sufficient related experience. Some knowledge of microcomputers and a working familiarity with OCLC and online database searching highly desirable. $22,000--$25,000 plus benefits. Send resume and cover letter by April 20, 1988, to: Joseph McDonald, Director of Library Services, Holy Family College, Grant and Frankford Avenues, Philadelphia, PA 19114. FOE. ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Chemistry Library, Indiana University Libraries, Bloomington, Indiana. Under direction of Head of Chemistry Library, provides reference service, including online interactive searching and library instruction; assists in collection development; directly supervises library operations including supervision and training of one full-time support staff; oversees all technical services operations; also has opportunity to teach chemical information courses offered by Department of Chemistry. Qualifications: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school; minimum of undergraduate chemistry major preferred; minimum two years post-MLS library experience in science-oriented library preferred; supervisory experience; experience with computer-assisted reference services; demonstrated ability to relate effectively to faculty, students, and staff; effectiveness in planning and organizing work flow; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing; reading knowledge of German desirable; ability to meet responsibilities and requirements of tenure-track appointment. Salary dependent upon qualifications and experience. Minimum: Assistant Librarian, $20,470; Associate Librarian, $25,650. Benefits include tenure-track appointment; vacation of 22 working days; liberal sick leave; Blue Cross/Blue Shield; group life insurance; TIAA/CREF retirement/annuity plan. Librarians are eligible for sabbatical leaves and other research support. To apply, a letter of application stating qualifications and background relevant to this specific position accompanied by a resume and the names and addresses of four references should be sent to the Search and Screen Committee in care of: Marilyn Shaver, Personnel Officer, Indiana University Libraries, Main Library C-2, Bloomington, IN 47405. Telephone: (812) 335-3403. Available date: May 1, 1988. Closing date for applications: No earlier than April 15, 1988. EEO/AAE. CATALOGER OF HEBREW MATERIALS. Performs original and copy cataloging and classification of Hebrew language monographs and serials at all levels of difficulty, using Northwestern’s NOTIS system, AACR2, LCSH, and Dewey classification. Bibliographic data is romanized. May contribute authority records to NACO. Assists in acquisition of Hebrew materials, consulting on or performing item verification, copy acquisition, etc. Qualifications: Master’s from an ALA-accredited library school. Knowledge of Hebrew. Background in Jewish or Hebrew studies and knowledge of Yiddish desirable. Familiarity with the MARC books, serials and authorities formats, and technical services experience using an automated library system preferred. Salary: $20,000-$22,000. Send application and resume, including names of three references to: Debra Domanico, Personnel Manager, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60208. Application deadline extended through May 1 5 , 1988. An EEO/AA employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Temporary 18 month appointment. To engage in a wide range of cataloging activities for monographs in an automated enrironment using OCLC and an online catalog. Will participate in retrospective conversion and reclassification projects. Will be responsible for some supervision and training of technical assistants and student workers. An April 1988 / 273 ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications and subject headings required. Previous cataloging experience, familiarity with micorcomputers, and knowledge of foreign languages preferred. Salary $20,000+ commensurate with experience and qualifications. Submit letter, resume and names of 3 references by April 3 0 , 1988, to: Phyllis Cutler, College Librarian, Williams College Library, Williamstown, MA 01267. An EO/AA employer. CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN, University of California, Berkeley (Search Reopened). Manage public and technical services as well as collection development and preservation activities. Responsible for planning the operational needs of this branch library and evaluating its operational success. Represent the Chemistry Library in faculty and departmental meetings and professional associations. Requires MLS degree, substantial experience in a scientific research library. Special consideration given candidates with undergraduate degree in chemistry or other physical science. Successful management ability and professional achievement expected. Full job description on request. Appointment salary range $31,008 to $44,676 per annum. Application deadline: 1 May 1988. Send resume, including name and address of three professional references to: William E. Wenz, Director for Library Personnel, Room 447 Library, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. COLLEGE LIBRARIAN, Castleton State College (search reopened). Castleton seeks a dynamic individual to serve as the full-time head librarian in a small academic library. Twelve month appointment carrying faculty rank for the ’88-89 academic year. Responsibilities include supervision of day-to-day operations of the College library and its staff; direct planning and implementation of library automation; manage the collection and its development; perform bibliographic instruction; teach up to 6 student credit hours each semester and during the summer session; manage College archives. Qualifications include an MLS, 3 -5 years of library administrative experience, and substantial familiarity with library automation. A second Master’s or Doctorate in liberal arts content area is preferred. Salary is competitive based on degrees and experience. Excellent fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference by May 1, 1988, to: Joseph T. Mark, Academic Dean, Castleton State College, Castleton, VT 05735. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. CURATOR OF MANUSCRIPTS/FIELD COLLECTOR at Arizona State University. Reports to the Head of the Department of Archives and Manuscripts and is responsible for the supervision, coordination and direction of the department’s manuscript and archival processing (50% of position); assists the department head in the acquisition of manuscript collections and the appraisal of university records (25% of position); and serves as a unit head for the University Archives (25% of position). Salary: $20,000 and up, dependent on qualifications. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree (or Master’s degree in History or a related discipline a n d formal coursework in archival administration); experience in the administration, processing and cataloging of archival and manuscript collections; experience in the acquisition of primary source materials and/or the archival appraisal of institutional records; evidence of supervisory potential; one year’s experience in a manuscript repository or archives; strong oral and written communication skills. Preferred: Professional experience in a manuscript repository or archives; ALA-accredited MLS degree; experience working with the AMC-MARC format and/or automated databases or packaged software for manuscript control and access; successful supervisory experience; knowledge of Arizona and/or Southwestern 274 / C &RL News history; reference experience. Application deadline: Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by April 30, 1988. Send letter of application which addresses all of the qualifications listed above, a current resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006. ASU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. HEAD, INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT, Syracuse University Library. Plans, develops, manages, and evaluates the services, facilities, and resources of the Information Services Department (ISD), including reference and information desk, instructional services, online search services, government documents, and maps. Supervises 15 librarians and 11 support staff. Reports to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services. Provides, through ISD staff, an array of user services to the faculty, students, and staff of Syracuse University, and to the larger scholarly community. Requires a graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library school and at least four years experience in an academic or research library, preferably in public services. Experience in supervision of full-time staff. Demonstrated planning, management, and interpersonal skills. Excellent written and oral communication skills. Preference will be given to candidates with an additional subject degree in the social sciences and experience in collection development. Salary: $32,000 minimum, depending upon experience and qualifications. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Search Committee for Head, Information Services Department, Syracuse University Library, Office of Human Resources, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13244. Applications received by May 15, 1988, will be given first consideration. Syracuse University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The University is particularly interested in applications or nominations of women and minorities. HEAD, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIES, Syracuse University Library. Plans, develops, manages and evaluates the services, facilities and collections of the Science and Technology Library and the Mathematics, Physics, and Geology Libraries. Will be responsible for long-term planning for improved Science and Technology Library facilities. Supervises 6 librarians and 9 support staff. Reports to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services. Requires: graduate degree from an ALA-accredited library school; at least four years experience, preferably in an academic or research library public service environment; supervision of full-time staff; collection development experience in the sciences; demonstrated planning, management and interpersonal skills; excellent oral and written communication skills; familiarity with trends and developments in automation. An undergraduate or graduate degree in the sciences preferred. Salary: $32,000 minimum, depending upon experience and qualifications. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Search Committee for Head, Science and Technology Libraries, Office of Human Resources, Syracuse University, Skytop Offices, Syracuse, NY 13244. Applications received by May 1, 1988, will be given first consideration. Syracuse University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The University is particularly interested in applications or nominations of women and minorities. HUMANITIES BIBLIOGRAPHER AND REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Requirements: MLS (ALA-accredited). Substantial academic library experience in collection development and maintenance in the humanities. Required Qualifications: Experience with library materials in all formats; reference experience; advanced degree in English or American literature; experience in searching online bibliographic databases; and ability to work with Indo- April 1988 / 275 European languages. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with research oriented faculty, library staff, and other members of the academic community. Responsibilities: Participate in reference service part-time, providing general and specialized reference service. Develop and maintain collection in literature, communication, theater, and allied humanities disciplines. Work closely with library staff and humanities teaching faculty. Members of the library faculty must meet Purdue University requirements (excellence in librarianship, publishing, research, and service) for promotion and tenure. Status and Benefits: Faculty status and responsibilities. Rank commensurate with education and experience. Twelve month appointment with annual vacation of 22 working days. Flexible benefit programs with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical and disablity insurance programs are in effect as are TIAA/CREF and Social Security coverage. Salary: $22,000 and up depending on qualifications. Deadline: May 1, 1988, or until position is filled. Send resume and list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Officer, Libraries, Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Northeast Texas Community College Learning Resources Center. The director is responsible for the management, operation, and continued development of library-audiovisual services, media production, and graphic arts production. Master s degree from an ALA-accredited graduate library school plus effective communication and interpersonal skills required. Successful administrative and community college experience desired. Salary and benefits are competitive; minimum $30,000. Search will be closed when a sufficient number of qualified applicants have been identified. Submit a Northeast Texas Community College application, resume, transcripts, and letters of reference. Request applications from: Jim Archer, Dean of Academic Services, Northeast Texas Community College, P.O. Box 1307, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. MUSIC CATALOGER, University of Arkansas. Responsible for cataloging of scores, sound recordings, and music books requiring original cataloging or substantial modification of OCLC copy. Serves on the library’s Audiovisual Committee and participates in collection development activities for music. Additional responsibilities within the Cataloging Department as necessary. Supervises 1.5 FTE support staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; knowledge of current cataloging practices for music materials, including AACR2, MARC music formats, and LC subject headings; substantial knowledge of music history and literature. Academic degree in music preferred. Experience in cataloging music, familiarity with library automation systems, experience with LC classification and OCLC, and a working knowledge of Western European languages, particularly German, are desirable. Rank and salary dependent upon qualifications and experience; $22,000 minimum. Twelve-month, tenure-track, TIAA/CREF, 22 days annual leave, tuition and other benefits. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is a land-grant university and the major academic research institution in the state, offering a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Situated in the Ozarks, Fayetteville (population 40,000) offers cultural and recreational opportunities associated with natural beauty and a university community. Applications accepted until the position is filled; position available July 1,1988, or sooner. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: John A. Harrison, Director of Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701. The University of Arkansas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer; minority and female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Boise State University. Duties: information/ 276 / C&RL News instructional assistance in a general reference department; online searching of computerized databases; orientation/bibliographic instruction; collection development activities. Qualifications: MLS; demonstrated preparation for academic reference work; subject background in science and related professional experience desirable. Minimum salary: $19,500 for Instructor; $22,000 for Assistant Professor. Application deadline: April 28, 1988. Position available: July 1, 1988. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and list of three references with current addresses and telephone numbers to: Timothy A. Brown, Boise State University, 1910 University Drive, Boise, ID 83725. EO/AA Institution. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin seeks a person responsible for acquisitions and cataloging in an online environment: OCLC, ATLAS, BIP PLUS, and XTs. Flexibility required with working one evening a week in Public Services. Opportunity to work in a recently completed, fully automated system, which is also part of an emerging state network composed of 14 academic and medical campuses. Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and two years experience in Technical Service operations. Salary is competitive; minimum $18,000. Please send resume with list of 5 references to: Lorin Lindsay, Director of Library Services, University of Texas of the Permian Basin, 4901 E. University, Odessa, TX 79762; (915) 367-2318. EOE/AA. THREE POSITIONS. (1) Reference Librarian, Humanities (entry level, search extended): Provide comprehensive reference assistance in the Reference Department. Includes assisting patrons in formulating search strategies and locating needed information through indexes and other reference tools, as well as through computer searching and laser disk databases. Humanities emphasis. Division liaison with English, Modern Languages, and Psychology Departments. Assist with bibliographic instruction and with special projects. Qualifications: ALA MLS. Subject background in Humanities, preferably in English. Second Master’s degree in Humanities desirable. Pre-professional library experience desirable. (2) Reference Librarian, Science and Technology (entry level, search extended): Provides comprehensive reference assistance with emphasis on the sciences from a centralized reference collection. Prepares bibliographies and guides to the literature for use in staff training and classroom instruction. Assists with bibliographic instruction, computerized reference services, and CD-ROM search services. Responsible for reference collection development in assigned areas. Qualifications: ALA MLS. Academic background in the sciences required, preferably in physical or life sciences. Second Master’s degree in science-related field preferred. Preprofessional library experience and experience with online systems of bibliographic data retrieval desirable. (3) Reference Librarian, social sciences (entry level): Duties are the same as item 2 with emphasis on the social sciences. Qualifications: ALA MLS. Academic background in the social sciences required. A second master’s degree in a social science-related field preferred. Two years of pre-professional library experience and experience with online systems of bibliographic data retrieval desirable. Salary: $19,000 minimum for 10.5 months; $20,000 with additional Master’s. Benefits: Competitive benefits package. No state income tax. Faculty rank. Closing Date: Review of applications will begin May 30, 1988. For complete description of duties, qualifications, and benefits, and to apply, contact: Anna Janne, Acting Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-5000; (409) 845-8111. AA/EEO Employer. Structure Bookmarks April 1988 / 255 Permanence Institute, and Eastman Kodak will serve as instructors. Participants will learn how to identify image-forming processes, clean vari­ous types of photographs, prevent or halt image deterioration, preserve photograph albums, and manage, store, and display photo collections. Hands-on darkroom sessions and demonstrations are the highlight of a follow-up seminar on copy­ing and duplicating, August 26-28. Contact: RIT/T&E Seminar Center, One Lomb Memo­rial rive, Rochester, NY 14623; (716) 475­2757. ■■ Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their m background or professional work experience. Excellent interper­sonal skills. Ability to provide service to diverse research-oriented cli­entele as well as undergraduate students and general library users. Knowledge of one or more major Western European languages in addition to English. Evidence of ability to meet university standards of research, publication, and service which demonstrate profes­sional achievement. Other preferred and desired qualifications. Li­brarians have faculty rank. Salary; $26,000, A 256 / C&RL News approximately 59,000 print items and over 160,000 microforms an­nually. All work is done on MARVEL, the in-house automated sys­tem. The Assistant Head interacts with staff within the Technical Ser­vices Division as well as staff in all areas of the Libraries as necessary and appropriate to the work of the Department. Some evening work may be required. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; two years ex­perience in either monographs or serials acquisitions in an academic library or a large research library, wit Collection Development. As part of Columbia’s Integrated Aca­demic Information Management Systems (IAIMS) program is re­sponsible for developing and implementing new services and has the opportunity to collaborate on medical informatics projects. Par­ticipates in planning and administration of the entire HSL. The Health Sciences Library serves the Schools of Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, and Public Health, the Presbyterian Hospital, and other affiliated health care, instruction, and research programs in the April 1988 / 257 Associate Librarian. Salary range is $31,680-$55,548. Reappoint­ment, promotion, and tenure require evidence of continuing profes­sional development. Desired starting date July 1 ‚ 1988. Application date: The Search Committee will begin screening applications on May 9. Applications will be taken until the position is filled but should be received as early as possible to ensure full consideration. Please submit letter of application with resume and names of at least three references to: Gerald D. Palsson, As CONSERVATION LIBRARIAN. Participates in the development and implementation of preservation activities, including: preserva­tion education of staff and users, monitoring of environmental condi­tions of the collections, assisting with daily problem-solving required in preservation, review of materials with bibliographers, and conser­vation of materials. Performs bibliographic searching, creates and maintains records. Qualifications: MLS degree from an ALA- accredited library school and experience in library p 258 / C&RL News ence in conservation services and a thorough knowledge of conser­vation practices in paper conservation and specialized book repair. Some experience in preservation planning and training, with excel­lent communication skills. Knowledge of the history of fine printing and a background in chemistry or a related discipline is desirable. Salary from $25,500, depending on qualifications. Boston College offers its 14,000 students and almost 700 faculty the advantages of a strong liberal arts institution with outs Madison campus serves a student population of more than 43,000 with a faculty of over 3,000. The GLS includes Memorial Library, the main library on campus; College Library, the undergraduate library; and 13 subject-oriented libraries. A campus-wide committee coordi­nates library user education programs in GLS and other libraries on campus. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; demonstrated written and oral communication skills; minimum of 4-5 years’ public service experience in an academic lib The UniversTity oef Cconhnencticiuct Laibrla rieSs, a emrevmbiecr oef tshe Aassonciadtion oSf Ryesseatrceh mLibrasries, seeks an experienced librarian with strong leadership skills to administer the Technical Services and Systems Divi­sion, consisting of Acquisitions, Bibliographic Control, Library Integrated Systems and Preservation de­partments.The main focus of an Associate Director is the welfare of the library as a whole, within the context of specific divisional or functional responsibilities. The i April 1988 / 259 cifically to the candidate’s qualifications for this position should be sent to: Priscilla Neill, Assistant Director for Personnel, 369 Memorial Library, University of Wisconsin, 728 State Street, Madison, Wl 53706. Application deadline: April 18,1988. An EEO/AA employer.COORDINATOR OF REFERENCE AND INSTRUCTIONAL SER­VICES. Responsible for coordinating, leading, and administering a strong user-oriented reference and instruction program. Will partici­pate in library management and automation of reference and In addition, the librarian serves as a selector for the Graduate Library Collection in one or more humanities or social science disciplines with responsibility for collection development, and fund manage­ment and user liaison. The Graduate Library is the primary research collection for humanities and social sciences comprising over 2.5 million volumes. Required: MLS. Minimum of 2 years relevant experi­ence, preferably in a research library. Demonstrated oral and writtern communication skills. Knowledge of c CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHERUniversity of AlabamaThe University of Alabama Libraries, Tuscaloosa, invites applications for the position of Chief Bibliogra­pher. This position reports to the Associate Dean of Libraries for Collections and Information Services and is responsible for planning, implementing, monitoring, coordinating, and evaluating the collection develop­ment program in an evolving environment. Reference and other librarians (22) are in the process of devel­oping collection skills, activities, procedure 260 / C&RL News edge of AACR2 and Library of Congress Subject Headings, good written, oral, and interpersonal skills, experience with the OCLC cat­aloging subsystem and automated library systems generally, and a minimum of five years experience are required. Three years experi­ence in the development and quality control of an online union cata­log in MARC format, enriched bibliographic records, Dewey Deci­mal classification system, and experience with microcomputing is preferred. Training ability or experience with the imp leadership in building the collections of the General Libraries. Direc­tor of CM reports to the Director of Libraries; works closely with staff and faculty on development of collections; participates in overall li­brary management; plans, organizes and monitors comprehensive collection development program with budget in excess of $2 million for all formats; administers domestic and foreign approval plans; es­tablishes and communicates collection objectives throughout the system; represents Emory in forums a REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, COORDINATOR OF DATABASE SEARCHINGBucknell UniversityLibrarian to coordinate online, including user-directed, database searching, as part of an integrated ref­erence services program. This position will provide training and updating for library staff, faculty and stu­dents, and promotion of the service. Additional responsibilities: reference desk assistance (some evenings and weekend assignments), user instruction and collection development. Required: ALA-MLS and training in database sea HEAD, MONOGRAPHIC SECTION, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENTUniversity of MassachusettsSupervise the Monographic Section of the Acquisitions Department of the University Library, with re­sponsibility for coordinating activities of the bibliographic copy search unit, ordering/receiving/approval plan operations, and MARC search and pre-cataloging control. Handle the more difficult problems in the acquisition and receipt of these new library materials. Must have an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school, a minimum of April 1988 / 261 $37,500 per annum. Comprehensive benefits. Send letter of applica­tion, resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Janet T. Paulk, Library Personnel Officer, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Review of materials begins May 1, 1988, and continues until appointment is made. Note: New Director of Libraries will participate in the interview process. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer.DIRECTOR OF INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPOR dent upon qualifications and experience: salary not less than $35,000 per annum. Comprehensive benefits. Send letter of applica­tion, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Janet T. Paulk, Library Personnel Officer, Robert W. Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Re­view of materials begins May 1 ‚ 1988, and continues until appoint­ment is made. Note: New Director of Libraries will participate in inter­view process. Emory University is an Equal Opportunit LIBRARY DIRECTORUniversity of Minnesota, DuluthUniversity of Minnesota, Duluth is seeking a dynamic person with strong leadership abilities to head its Library & Learning Resources Service currently housing well over 400,000 volume equivalent and AV re­sources. Candidates must have demonstrated abilities to handle diverse administrative and technological responsibilities including collection development, information access, automation planning and execution, public and technical services, instructional supp 262 / C&RL News administrators and students, and experience with integrated library systems are all essential. Salary: $25,000 minimum. Submit letter, re­sume, names of three references to: Sr. Grace Ann Geibel, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Carlow College, 3333 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. Applications due April 29, 1988. Affirmative action employer.GERMANIC STUDIES BIBLIOGRAPHER, University of California, Los Angeles. Responsible for collection development relating to Germanic and Northern European studies; HEAD, CATALOGING SECTION, Michel Orradre Library, Santa Clara University. Manages operations of Catalog Section; super­vises 4 FTE non-exempt staff; serves as primary Library spokesper­son on cataloging issues related to library automation; ensures main­tenance of authority control; does limited amount of original cataloging. Qualified candidates must have MLS from ALA- accredited program and 3-5 years of relevant experience. Prior cat­aloging experience with OCLC or RLIN (OCLC preferred), supervi­sory/mana LIBRARY DIRECTORUniversity of South Florida Tampa Campus Library USF invites applications and nominations for the position of Director of the Tampa Campus Library, avail­able September 1988. The Director reports to the Associate Vice President for Library and Information Resources in the Office of Academic Affairs.The second largest of the nine universities of the State University System of Florida, USF is a comprehen­sive, metropolitan university with over 29,000 students and campuses in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Fort Myers, and Lakeland. There is an ALA-accredit April 1988 / 263 tion and supervising its proper maintenance and preservation; as­suring that commercial and in-house binding conforms to preserva­tion standards; and managing large personnel, equipment, and binding budgets. (Complete job description available upon request.) Required qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school or its equivalent; minimum of 5 years professional experience, 2 of which are administrative and supervisory, in a large research library; evi­dence of developed skills in communication and in inte the faculty and students in the School of Information and Library Studies and the staff of the libraries of the University. In addition, the librarian holds reference and selection responsibilities within the Graduate Library, including research consultations, the develop­ment and management of the collection in one or more disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, managing the appropriate book fund(s), and serving as the Library’s primary contact for faculty and graduate students working in these RESEARCH SUPPORT SERVICES LIBRARIANS Arizona State University West CampusTwo positions: Business; Arts/Humanities.Arizona State University West Campus offers an opportunity to participate in a unique professional expe­rience. The West Campus is a newly founded and rapidly growing upper-division branch campus with exceptional faculty and students, an elegant new library building, a program emphasis on quality services tailored to institutional and client needs, collection building coordinated with curriculum building, intensive use of electroni 264 / C&RL News is a fully accredited private undergraduate institution offering the BFA degree and enrolling about 300 students. The Library also serves the staff of the High Museum, Atlanta Symphony, and Alli­ance Theater, and is a member of the University Center in Georgia library consortium, which includes all the major academic and public collections in the metropolitan Atlanta area. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited institution; demonstrated excellent managerial, planning, leadership, interpersonal and commu HEAD OF INFORMATION SERVICES. Salary range $32,600-$42,000. Stanford University’s Lane Medical Library is seeking applications from highly service-oriented librarians who have a minimum of 5 years reference experience and who would en­joy leading and coordinating the activities of a strong team of infor­mation professionals (5.0 FTE librarians, 0.75 FTE paraprofessional, 1.0 FTE clerical). The department’s services include general refer­ence, consulting, online search services, end-user instruction, microco TWO POSITIONSBloomsburg University of PennsylvaniaDocuments Coordinator/Reference Librarian/Subject Specialist. Responsible for ongoing devel­opment of state and federal documents collection and providing related reference services; provides gen­eral reference services with other librarians; serves as subject specialist/liaison with an academic area; par­ticipates in library instruction and online searching.Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum four years’ experience in both documents and reference in a April 1988 / 265 to responsive and innovative reference service. Must be able to eval­uate effectiveness of service and implement changes to include in­creased emphasis on automation. Required Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS and subject master’s; reference experience in a medium to large academic library; evidence of professional devel­opment. Salary: $27,000 minimum, 10.5 month contract, faculty sta­tus, tenure track. Send letter of application, resume and three letters of reference to: Mickey M. Sparkman, Associate Di address of 3 references to: Mary Dale Deacon, Director of Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89154. UNLV is an AA/EEO institution.HEAD, SERIALS CATALOGING SECTION, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Available: July 1,1988. Description: Librarian in charge of Serials Cataloging Section in the Catalog Department. Supervises three professional librarians, six paraprofessional staff members, one graduate assistant and student assistants. Manage­ment of catal SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIANSArizona State UniversityArizona State University, home of the beautiful Noble Science and Engineering Library, seeks two out­standing Science Reference Librarians: an entry level Subject Specialist for the Physical Sciences and an experienced Subject Specialist for Engineering. Both Librarians will be responsible for collection develop­ment, including selection of materials and collection evaluation; online searching; faculty liaison; orientation and instruction; and reference se 266 / C&RL News tion Coordinator, Reference Department. Major responsibilities for the position are the planning, implementation, coordination, and evaluation of an information education program. This includes pro­viding library-sponsored information management classes, course- integrated library instruction, and other appropriate information in­struction, and developing instructional materials. The Bio-Medical Library currently provides an active program in end-user searching and computer-based information management inst $25,000. Benefits include 22 vacation days, and excellent medical, dental, and life insurance, and retirement plans. To apply for this po­sition, please send a letter of application, a resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Barbara Doyle, University Li­braries Personnel Officer, 453 Wilson Library, University of Minne­sota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be received by Junel, 1988. Identify application with UL 167. The University of Min­nesota is an equal opportunity educator April 1988 / 267 MANAGER, HEALTH RESOURCE LEARNING CENTER. Saint Vincent Hospital, Worcester, Massachusetts, a 578 bed, acute care general hospital and major affiliated teaching hospital of the Univer­sity of Massachusetts Medical School, is seeking a Manager for its Health Resource Learning Center. The newly created position is the result of a planned consolidation of several library and learning me­dia support services. Initial responsibilities will include overseeing, coordinating and managing the existing School of Nurs dance, and theater and will provide general reference service in the main library. This position reports to the Associate Dean for Library Services. An ALA-accredited MLS and a baccalaureate degree in music is desirable. A graduate degree in music and academic library experience is desirable. The successful candidate will be service- oriented, able to work effectively with both students and faculty, and committed to promoting library services and collections to the aca­demic community. Salary and benefits: TWO ADMINISTRATIVE POSITIONSArizona State UniversityArizona State University, where construction of a major underground library addition is expected to be completed by December 1988, has openings for two department heads, both of whom report directly to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services. The minimum salary for both positions is $28,000 and is negotiable, depending on qualifications and experience.HEAD, DOCUMENT DELIVERY AND INFORMATION SERVICES. Responsible for managing the Interli­brar 268 / C&RL News MUSIC LIBRARIAN. The Music Library primarily supports the cur­ricular and research needs of the Music Department (School of Arts and Sciences) and the Music Division (School of the Arts), which offer degrees through doctoral level in historical musicology, theory, eth­nomusicology, and composition. There is a strong commitment to continue to develop the Music Library as a center of excellence. The Music Librarian has administrative responsibility for the Music Li­brary and all of its services, including cir should be received by April 30,1988. An Equal Opportunity, Affirm­ative Action Employer.SCIENCE LIBRARIAN. The Wichita State University Library is seek­ing a librarian who will assist users directly at the general reference desk, take part in the bibliographic instruction and collection devel­opment programs, provide computer searches, participate in refer­ence department decision-making and library and university activi­ties, and serve as liaison with the faculties of Engineering, Computer Science, Mathema April 1988 / 269 Information: Texas Tech University, one of five comprehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollment of 24,000. It is located in Lub­bock, Texas, a cultural and commercial center for the area with a metropolitan population of 225,000. The library has 1.1 million vol­umes and a materials budget of $1.7 million. Planning for an online catalog is underway. Application: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Position available immediately. Send letter of ap­plication, resume, three quiries about Texas Library Association and ALA Conference inter­views to: Gisela Webb, Assistant Director of Libraries for Administra­tive Services, Texas Tech University Library, Lubbock, TX 78409; (806) 742-2258. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. Minorities are encouraged to apply.REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER, Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The primary responsibilities of this position are to provide general and in-depth reference service for the collections of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGANUniversity LibraryThe University of Michigan library has received a grant from the Kellogg Foundation to develop a state outreach program using electronic communication and other new technologies for service delivery. Pilot sites will be selected from among Michigan public libraries to participate in this reference network. The program goal is to make UM library resources and staff expertise more accessible within the state and to help public libraries further develop their communi 270 / C&RL News rare books and manuscripts, to supervise the operations of the Rare Book and Manuscript Library Reading Rooms and Reference Cen­ter at assigned times, to instruct individuals and classes in the use of rare books and related materials; to plan and install RBM Library sponsored exhibitions; to organize and catalog non-book and non­manuscript collections; to assist in the maintenance and develop­ment of the collections; and to assist on special projects relating to the Library. In addition to an accredited MLS Center. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirements are a strong public services orientation and excellent communication skills. Mi­crocomputer knowledge, a degree in biological sciences and/or ex­perience with online bibliographic database searching are desir­able. Preference will be given to candidates with strong background in instructional services and/or outreach programs. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $23,000-$29,900; Librarian II: $25,000-$33,750. Excellent benefits include assistance with Unive LATE JOB LISTINGSACQUISITIONS/COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT LIBRARIAN. St. Lawrence University, a private, nondenominational liberal arts college, invites nominations and applications for its position of Acquisitions/Collection Development Librarian. Under the direction of the University Librarian, this person will be responsible for drafting, implementing and monitoring library April 1988 / 271 collection development policy and managing a library materials budget of $660,000. S/he will work closely with faculty and coordinate the collection development efforts of the librarians. Under the general direction of the Head of Technical Services, s/he will be responsible for coordinating the ordering and receipt of library materials in an automated environment and serving as a resource person for two acquisitions paraprofessionals. Other responsibilities include sharing evening and weekend reference ser 272 / C&RL News work of the evening and weekend librarian and assistant; work collegially with the Director and the Assistant for Technical Support to establish and evaluate new programs; and represent Director as needed. Require: master’s in library or information science and sufficient related experience. Some knowledge of microcomputers and a working familiarity with OCLC and online database searching highly desirable. $22,000--$25,000 plus benefits. Send resume and cover letter by April 20, 1988, to: Joseph McDonald, D April 1988 / 273 ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, and LC classifications and subject headings required. Previous cataloging experience, familiarity with micorcomputers, and knowledge of foreign languages preferred. Salary $20,000+ commensurate with experience and qualifications. Submit letter, resume and names of 3 references by April 30, 1988, to: Phyllis Cutler, College Librarian, Williams College Library, Williamstown, MA 01267. An EO/AA employer.CHEMISTRY LIBRARIAN, University of California, Berkeley (Searc 274 / C&RL News history; reference experience. Application deadline: Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, applications should be received by April 30, 1988. Send letter of application which addresses all of the qualifications listed above, a current resume, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Assistant University Librarian, Hayden Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006. ASU is an affirmative action, equ April 1988 / 275 European languages. Demonstrated ability to work effectively with research oriented faculty, library staff, and other members of the academic community. Responsibilities: Participate in reference service part-time, providing general and specialized reference service. Develop and maintain collection in literature, communication, theater, and allied humanities disciplines. Work closely with library staff and humanities teaching faculty. Members of the library faculty must meet Purdue University requirements ( 276 / C&RL News instructional assistance in a general reference department; online searching of computerized databases; orientation/bibliographic instruction; collection development activities. Qualifications: MLS; demonstrated preparation for academic reference work; subject background in science and related professional experience desirable. Minimum salary: $19,500 for Instructor; $22,000 for Assistant Professor. Application deadline: April 28, 1988. Position available: July 1, 1988. To apply: Send letter of application,