ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries ACRL program s . . . Accessing African American Information Resources S ponsored by: Afro-American Studies Libraria Section— Sunday, J u n e 28, 9:30-11 a.m . Medical Anthropology: Choices and Challenges S po n so red by: A nthropology an d Sociolog Section, Science and Technology Section— S u n day, J u n e 28, 9:30 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . Redefining the Arts—Implications for Libraries S ponsored by: ARTS Section, Asian & Africa Section— Saturday, J u n e 27, 2 - 4 p.m . Arts on the Cutting Edge S ponsored by: ARTS Section an d the Librar and Information Technology Association—M on day, J u n e 29, 9:30 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . Bulletins from the Recruits: Sharing Information Expertise in the Global Learning Community Sponsored by: Bibliographic Instruction Sectio as part of the “15th Anniversary o f Informatio Literacy in ALA—A D ay Long C eleb ra tio n w hich is also sponsored by ALA’s Library In struction R ound Table an d the U ser Instructio for Inform ation Literacy Committee— Sunday J u n e 28, 2 - 4 p.m . n y ­ n y ­ n n ” ­ n , Alternatives to Collection Ownership: College Library Implications and Applications S ponsored by: College Libraries Section— S u n ­ day, J u n e 28, 9:30 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . The Virtual Library: The Florida Community College Experience Sponsored by: Community an d Junior College Libraries S ection— S a tu rd a y, J u n e 27, 9 :1 5 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . Developing and Implementing a Copyright Policy: Institutional Issues for Academic Librarians Sponsored by: Copyright Committee— Sunday, J u n e 28, 9:30 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . Brief Encounters: Using Techniques from Psychology and Education to Improve the Effectiveness of Reference Service S ponsored by: Education an d Behavioral Sci­ ences Section, R eference an d Adult Services Division (RASD), Library Instruction R ound Table— Monday, J u n e 29, 9:30 a. m .-12:30p.m . The Right to K now and Learning a t a Distance Sponsored by: E xtended Cam pus Library Ser­ vices Section— Saturday, J u n e 27, 2 - 4 p .m . ACRL President's Program & Reception "Prospecting for the Future: H o w You Can Influence Career Decisions" W here d o librarians com e from? Each of us has a unique story about w h en an d w hy w e en tered the profession, but few o f us know the factors affecting that choice. This program will explore those factors from several points o f view. P a r t i c i p a n t s w ill c o m p l e t e J o h n D. K rum boltz’s C areer Beliefs Inventory and will com e aw ay w ith ideas for recruiting the best p eo p le to o u r field. Speakers: Jo h n D. Krumboltz, Stanford Uni versity; Mary Jane Scherdin, University of Wis consin C enter for Health Sciences Library; Sha ron Vaughters, U ndergrad./G rad. Counseling ­ ­ ­ Services, C areer Planning & Placem ent, Uni­ v e rs ity o f M ich ig an -A n n A rb o r; S u san a Hinojosa, University o f California-Berkeley; Evan Ira Farber, Earlham College; Jan e B. Robbins, SLIS, University o f Wisconsin-Madi­ son— M onday, J u n e 29, 2 - 5 p .m . Reception—Academic or Research Librarian of the Year A reception in h o n o r o f the A cadem ic or Research Librarian o f the Year, Carla J. Stoffle, University o f Arizona. Sponsored by: ACRL and B aker and Taylor Books, Inc.— Monday, J u n e 29, 5 - 6 p .m . Voluntary Action, Philanthropy and the N onprofit Sector: O v e rv ie w and Resources S ponsored by: Law an d Political Science Sec­ tion, Association o f Specialized an d C oopera­ tive Library Agencies, RASD B usiness Refer­ e n c e an d Services Section, LAMA F und Raising an d Financial D evelopm ent Section, G overn­ m en t D ocum ents R ound Table, Public Library Association— M onday, J u n e 29, 9 - 1 1 a.m . Getting Back to Basics S ponsored by: Racial an d Ethnic Diversity Com­ m ittee— Saturday, J u n e 27, 9 :3 0 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . Today's Libraries Face Tom orrow 's Scholars: Faults & Fissures S p o n s o r e d by: R are B o o k s a n d M a n u s c rip ts S e c tio n — S u n d a y J u n e 28, 2 - 5 : 3 0 p .m . M entoring and Academic Library Research S ponsored by: Research Com m ittee— S u nday, J u n e 28, 2 - 4 p .m . Issues in Sci-Tech Inform ation: Librarians' Right to K now S ponsored by: Science a n d T echnology Sec­ tion— Tuesday, J u n e 30, 8 : 3 0 a.m .- 1 2 : 3 0 p .m . Is There Censorship in the Former Soviet Union? S ponsored by: Slavic a n d East E u ro p ean Sec­ tion— S u nday, J u n e 28, 2 - 4 p .m . V iew s from Across the Q uad: The University's Expectations for the Library of the 21 st Century S ponsored by: University Libraries Section— Saturday, J u n e 27, 2 - 4 p .m . Guts, Brains and Sensitivity or the A bility to Stoop, Lift, and Reach to High Places—W h a t M ak es a Good Librarian? S ponsored by: V ocational Interest Inventories Task Force, OLPR A dvisory Com m ittee— Tues­ day, J u n e 30, 9 :3 0 -1 1 :0 0 a.m . Cinema Paradiso: M ovies, Libraries, and European Culture S ponsored by: W estern E u ro p ean Specialists Section, ARTS Section, A udiovisual C omm it­ tee— M onday, J u n e 29, 9:30 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . Is the 'Political Correctness' Backlash Controlling W om en's Right to Know: Inform ation Suppression in the Inform ation Age S ponsored by: W o m en ’s Studies Section, SRRT Fem inist Task Force— M onday, J u n e 29, 9:30 a .m .-1 2 :3 0 p .m . Special Events BIS Dinner S p o n s o re d by: B ib lio g rap h ic Instruction Section— Friday, J u n e 26, 6 - 9 p .m . Y ank Sing R estaurant (dim sum ), 427 Battery Street. Tickets: $24. Send b y Ju n e 5 a check payable to G ary H andm an, 1119 H igh Court, B erkeley, CA 94708 (Moffitt Library, UCB, (510) 643-8566). Tour: The C alifornia Experience: Shaping O ur Future S ponsored by: C om m unity a n d Ju n io r College Libraries Section—M onday, J u n e 27, 8 a .rn .-2 p .m . Tickets: $10 in advance. C ontact: Mary Dolven, D iablo Valley College, 321 G olf Club Dr., P leasant Hill, CA 94523. Dinner: "The W o rld Rushes In" S ponsored by: C om m unity a n d Ju n io r College Libraries Section— Friday, J u n e 26, 6 - 1 0 p .m . University Club, 800 Pow ell Street. Tickets: $35, CJCLS m em bers; $40, non-CJCLS m em bers by Ju n e 8, 1992. Write: Mary Dolven, D iablo Val­ ley College, 321 G olf Club Dr., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. Tour: M arine M a m m a l Center and San Francisco Bay M odel S po n so red by: Science an d T echnology Sec­ tion— Friday, J u n e 26, 8:30 a .m .- 3 p .m . Tickets: $18 by May 22. Send checks payable to: Tae O ck Kim, Michael O rradre Library, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053. . . . in San Francisco