ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Be sure to read “Preserving the nation’s intellectual heritage: A synthesis” by Sheny Byrne and Barbara Van Deventer in this issue of the News. It concisely reviews the role o f major ARL libraries in the National Preser­ vation Program an d contains som e interesting recommenda­ tions for the future. The News hopes this article will engender discussion about the role of all libraries in preserving our intel­ lectual heritage. AALL develops preservation program T h e A m erican A sso ciatio n o f Law Libraries (AALL) has developed recom m endations, guide­ lines, an d p rototypes for a national program to address th e special preservation p roblem s o f law libraries. T he program will b e im plem ented using AALL’s existing com m ittee structure and is designed to raise “preservation consciousness” by involving a cross-section o f its m em bership. T h e re c o m m e n d a tio n s fo r this p ro g ra m a p ­ p e a r in A m e r ic a n A sso c ia tio n o f L aw L ib ra r­ ie s’ S p ecia l C o m m ittee o n P reservation N eeds o f L a w Libraries: R eport a n d R e c o m m e n d a ­ tions, w h ic h also in clu d es a sse ssm e n ts o f th e c u rre n t c o n d itio n o f law lib rary collections, th e status o f law library p reserv atio n program s, a n d th e sp e c ia l p re s e rv a tio n p ro b le m s faced b y law libraries. T his re p o rt is av ailab le as an o ccasio n al p a p e r from AALL, 53 W. Jack so n , C hicago, IL 60604. CPA sponsors preservation science w o rk sh o p T h e C om m ission o n P reservation a n d Access an d P eter G. Sparks, form er director o f p reser­ vation at th e Library o f C ongress, are d ev elo p ­ ing a tw o-day invitational w o rk sh o p o n p res­ ervation science to b e h eld in S ep tem b er 1992. F o u rte e n p re s e rv a tio n a d m in is tra to rs a n d a g ro u p o f scientists e n g a g e d in p reserv atio n re­ search will discuss h o w scientific research can inform preservation decision-m aking an d p ro b ­ lem -solving. T he w o rk sh o p h as tw o im portant objectives: to pro v id e p reserv atio n adm inistra­ tors w ith a b e tte r u n d e rsta n d in g o f scientific research an d its uses, a n d to p ro v id e scientists w ith a research ag e n d a o f specific technical problem s. P reservation N e w s J a n e H e d b e rg Bentley A w a rd sup­ ports archives pres­ ervation seminar Dr. M argaret Child has re­ ceived a R esearch Fellow ­ ship for th e Study o f M od­ e r n A r c h iv e s f r o m th e Bentley Historical Library of th e University o f Michigan. T h e fellow ship su p p o rts a four-day preservation sem i­ n a r for archivists w h ich will focus o n appraisal, d o c u ­ m entation strategy, ch an g ­ in g in s titu tio n a l p ra c tic e , a n d d ev elo p in g a n ational p reserv atio n p lan for archives. A ttendees have already b e e n se­ lected o n th e basis o f their interest in these issues. CPA plans preservation microfilm distribution facility T h e C om m ission o n P reservation an d Access h as received six resp o n ses to its req u est for a p ro p o s a l fo r m a n a g e m e n t o f a p re se rv a tio n microfilm distribution facility. T he central facil­ ity is n e e d e d to pro v id e cost-effective access to th e 450,000 titles w h ich will b e p reserv ed o n microfilm b y th e National E n dow m ent for th e H um anities D ivision o f P reservation an d Ac­ cess Brittle B ooks program . Fox reports on NARA meeting Lisa Fox, M anager o f P reservation Field Ser­ vices at SOLINET, h as p re p a re d a tw o -p ag e sum m ary o f several p resen tatio n s m ade at the N ational A rchives a n d R ecords A dm inistration A nnual Preservation C onference in March 1992. N ew research o n environm ental standards for p a p e r-b a se d m aterials a n d effective fire p ro ­ tectio n for c o m p a c t shelving is o f particular interest to librarians. F ree copies o f th e sum ­ m ary are available from SOLINET, 1438 W est P e ach tree Street NW, Suite 200, A tlanta, GA 30309-2955; (800) 999-8558. ■ J a n e Hedberg prepares this colum n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation a n d Access. Items f o r this colum n are welcomed, a n d c an be subm itted via Internet: JHEDBERG® LUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU; F ax (617) 239-1139; p hone (617) 2 3 5 -0 3 2 0 x 2 1 03; or mail: J a n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 1 06 Central Street, Wellesley, MA 02181-8275- M ay 1992 / 3 3 9 WELLESLEY.EDU