ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries M ay 1 9 9 2 /3 5 1 THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space- available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $6.30 per line for institu­ tions that are ACRL members, $8.00 for others. Late job notices are $15.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $18.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Display ad rates range from $275 to $565 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uide lin es: For ads which list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All jo b announcements should include a salary figure. Job an­ nouncements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JO BLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking jo b ads for academic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $40 for ACRL members and $45 for non-members. C o nta ct: Ted Bales, classified advertising manager, C&RL News Classified Advertising Department, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 280- 251 3; fax: (312) 280 -76 63; B itn et:U 38 398@ U IC V M .bitnet ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin." By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. POSITIONS OPEN AC QU ISITIO NS/CO LLECTION S DEVELOPMENT LIBR ARIAN . (Search Extended) Responsible for planning, coordinating, and su­ pervising all acquisitions procedures for serials, monographs, and other materials. Monitor, coordinate, evaluate, and implement all collection activities. Assist Director of Libraries in preparing budget requests. Allocate budget to departments and monitor the materials budget. Prepare statistics and reports; evaluate and select vendors. Coordinate selection by faculty, librarians, and others. Prepare collec­ tion development policies and handle all gifts to the University Libraries. Experience in Management of Acquisitions budget and trends in the development of collection in academic libraries, familiar­ ity with vendors, publishing companies, and technology required. Experience in acquisitions and collection development and knowl­ edge of foreign languages desired. Hire, train, supervise, and evalu­ ate acquisitions support staff. Work at the reference desk including evenings and weekends, and take active part in bibliographic instruc­ tion. MLS from an ALA-accredited institution. Salary in lower twenties depending on qualifications and experience. Twelve-month, tenure- track faculty position. Preferred minimum of three years experience. Send application and resume including names of three references to: The Chair, Acquisitions/Collection Development librarian, C/O Office of the Director, U n ive rsity o f E va nsville Libra ries, 1800 Lincoln Avenue, Evansville, Indiana 47715. Equal opportunity employer, Deadline for application May 22, 1992. The University of Evansville is an independent, church-related, selective admissions university located in a city of 135,000 in southwestern Indiana. It offers a comprehensive program of instruction including liberal arts, science, engineering, business, nursing, and education. Enrollment numbers 2,200 full-time students. The University also includes a major campus in England, Harlaxton College. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Reports to Director of Libraries. One of three public service librarians sharing reference duties. The library has a collection of 164,000 volumes, 50,000 government documents, and 2,000 serial titles. Automated resources include: the LS2000, OPAC, SC350 automated serials, and a CD-ROM LAN. Duties: online and CD-ROM searches; academic department liaison; collection development. Organize and maintain the college archives; establish and initiate appropriate preservation activities; and order, catalog, and maintain the ongoing selective federal depository. May include nights, weekends, and holiday coverage. Qualifications: An earned MLS from an ALA-accredited institution is required; 2-5 years experience is preferred; Salary: mid to upper 20's.. A twelve-month, tenure-track position. Send letter of application, resume, and 3 letters of reference by May 7, 1992, to: Anthony F. Panobianco, Director of Personnel/ Affirmative Action, SUNY In s titu te o f T ech nolo gy at Utica/Rome, Drawer 2102, P.O. Box 3050, Utica, NY 13504-3050. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ASSOCIATE DEAN OF LIBRARIES. Kansas State University Librar­ ies wish to employ an Associate Dean of Libraries. Reporting to the Dean of Libraries, the Associate Dean coordinates an integrated team of library operating departments, including cataloging, acquisitions/ serials, automation development/support, access services, and col­ lection services, which determines operations policy and procedures. Responsibilities also include: participation in the Library's strategic planning processes; leadership in developing automated systems as they relate to integrated access and local, regional, and national networking; selection and evaluation of personnel for departments; development of selected operating budgets; and library statistics. The Associate Dean will utilize management philosophies that promote teamwork and decision-making models that involve all levels of staff. This is a twelve-month tenure-track position, available July 1, 1992. Rank of associate professor and compensation in the low to mid 50’s is available for the appropriate qualifications and experience. KSU librarians have faculty rank and qualify for faculty privileges such as sabbaticals. Required qualifications: candidates must have the MLS from a program accredited by the American Library Association; seven years experience in increasingly responsible positions in academic libraries; at least five years experience as a department head or higher in an academic library; broad general knowledge of library operations and services; excellent communications skills; and abilities to forge consensus in an operational environment. Preferred qualifications: experience in an automated environment that includes integrated mainfram e and m icrocom puting system s; an advanced degree in a subject discipline. Nom inations o r letters of applica­ tion, resum e, and nam es and telephone num bers of at least three references are to be sent to: M. Jean McDonald, Adm inistrative Services O fficer, Farrell Library, K a n sa s S tate U n iv e rs ity , M an­ hattan, KS 66505. First review of applications w ill be June 1, 1992. Kansas State University, a com prehensive university in the land-grant trad ition, was founded in 1863. The University, with 21,000 students and 1,200 faculty, is lo cated in M anhattan, a thriving com m unity o f 40,000, located in the Flint Hills, 125 miles west of Kansas City. KSU graduate program s offer degrees in 42 Ph.D. and 60 m aster's program areas. Subject em phases are in agriculture, engineering, veterinary m edicine, and the pure and applied sciences. Strong MS and Ph.D. program s are found in several hum anities and social sciences areas. Four-year engi­ neering te chnology and aviation program s are located at a branch cam pus in Salina. KSU Libraries include a central library, two professional school branches, tw o specialized science branches, and a 500,000 volum e storage fa cility. A $28 m illion capital space expansion is planned. Cataloged collections exceed 1.2 m illion volum es with nearly 40,000 volum es added annually. Budgets total $6.1 m illion, and include a $2.3 m illion annual m aterials budget. The staff includes 37 faculty and 65 staff. A NOTIS integrated library system is the focal point fo r all library opera­ tions. Expansion into a networked MDAS environm ent is an tici­ pated. 3 5 2 /C&RL News ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY, Nicholls State Univer­ sity, Thibodaux, Louisiana. Specific responsibilities include: develop­ ing and allocating significant portions of the library operations budget; managing the recruitment, training, evaluation, and development of library personnel; consulting faculty, administrators, and other univer­ sity personnel to facilitate programs; managing the library’s facilities. Contributions as a professional and as a member of the university are required. The associate director is the principal administrator of the library in the absence of the director. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA- accredited school; a second master's preferred. Extensive and in­ creasingly responsible experience in an academic research library, including at least five years in a management position. Broad knowl­ edge of diverse academic library operations, an understanding of the scholarly use of library resources and service, exceptional organiza­ tional and interpersonal skills, demonstrated ability to work effectively with all members of the extended academic community, superior communication skills, and creativity in planning are required. The ability to anticipate and the flexibility to adjust to changing priorities, procedures, and workload, and the ability to relate with sensitivity to staff at all levels are essential for success in this position. Salary: $35,000 minimum, dependent on experience and qualifications. Twelve-month administrative position. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and three references to: Sharon Goad, Library Director, Eilender Memorial Library, N icholls State U niversity, P.O. Box 2028, Thibodaux, Loui­ siana 70310. Nicholls State University is an equal educational institution, affirmative action employer. BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR THE LIFE SCIENCES. The University of Maryland College Park Libraries invites applications for the position: Librarian I, Bibliographer for the Life Sciences. Responsibilities: provide direct support for campus teaching and research by develop- Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recom­ mended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recommendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommendations for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended minimums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey o f Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Person­ nel Resources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ lllinois $26,200# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $24,200 New York varies* North Carolina $22,491 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $26,500 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Vermont $22,500 West Virginia $22,000 Wisconsin $25,830 ‘ Rather than establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as comparable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula M ay 1 9 9 2 /3 5 3 HEAD. INFORMATION SERVICES DEPARTMENT T h e S y ra c u s e U n iv e rs ity L ib ra ry s e e k s a c re a tiv e H e a d o f In fo rm a tio n S e rv ic e s w ith th e le a d e rs h ip q u a litie s to p la n , d e v e lo p , m a n a g e , a nd e v a lu a te s e rv ic e s , fa c ilitie s , a n d re s o u rc e s o f th e In fo rm a tio n S e rv ic e s D e p a rtm e n t (IS D ). R e p o rts to th e A s s o c ia te U n iv e rs ity L ib r a r ia n f o r P u b lic S e rv ic e s . T h irte e n IS D lib ra ria n s (m o s t w ith c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t re s p o n s ib ilitie s ) a n d 7 s u p p o r t s ta ff p ro v id e re fe re n c e , in s tru c tio n a l, o n -lin e a nd e le c tr o n ic o a ta s e rv ic e s in th e h u m a n itie s a n d s o c ia l s c ie n c e s to a c a m p u s o f 2 1 ,0 0 0 s tu d e n ts a n d o v e r 9 0 0 fa c u lty . Th e ISD Head serves on the Adm inistrative Cabinet, w orking closely with library adm inistrators and other departm ent heads on such issues as evaluating and developing electronic resources, access, resource sharing, preservation, docum ent d elivery, and collection develop­ ment, and represents the Library and the U niversity in appropriate settings. Syracuse U niversity Library has recently introduced a second-generation NOTIS-based integrated system , including multiple database access to periodical indexes, com pleted a 2.5 million dollar renovation o f W .S. Bird Library (hum anities and social sciences), and is developing a LAN fo r the Library that w ill include m ajor CD ROM reference sources. An ISD team expects to contribute annotations in Section C (social sciences) to the 11th edition o f the G uide to Reference Books. Q u a lific a tio n s . R e q u ire d : a graduate degree from an ALA-accredited program , fou r o r m ore years o f reference experience (preferably in an academ ic o r research library), knowledge o f traditional and electronic reference resources, and o f em erging technologies; experience in supervision of full-tim e staff; dem onstrated planning, m anagem ent, and interpersonal skills; the a bility to com m unicate effectively orally and in w riting ; a com m itm ent to providing responsible and innovative services to a culturally/racially diverse cam pus; the ability to work cooperatively in a dem anding and rapidly changing e nvironm ent; and e vidence o f profe ssional/scholariy activity. P re fe rre d : an advanced degree in the hum anities or social sciences; experience in collection developm ent. S a la ry : $38,000 minim um, depending upon experience and qualifications. Send letter o f application, resume, and nam es o f three references to: Search Com m ittee fo r Head, Information Services Department, Syracuse U niversity Library, O ffice o f Human Resources, S yracuse University, Syracuse, N Y 13244. A pplications received by 6/15/92 will be given first consideration. SYR AC USE UNIVERSITY IS AN EQU AL O PPO RTUN ITY/AFFIRM ATIVE A CTIO N EMPLOYER. The U niversity is particularly interested in applications o r nom inations o f women and minorities. ing library collections in: Animal Sciences, Botany, Zoology, Biologi­ cal and Agricultural Sciences, Food Science, and Medicine. Nature of collection development work includes: analysis of collection for strengths and weaknesses: formulation and application of collecting policies: monitoring of expenditures; developing and maintaining close working relationships with faculty, staff, other library users, and book trade; coordinating collection management activities of selec­ tors in allied disciplines. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited master’s degree in Library Science. Graduate degree in the sciences. Working knowledge of one of the following languages: French, German, Italian, Russian, or Spanish. Experience: Required: mini­ mum 3 years experience in collection development. Preferred: collec­ tion development experience in ARL Library (collection analysis, policy formulation, and application); experience with the book trade; demonstrated ability to deal successfully with a broad range of library functions and clientele. Excellent oral and written communications skills. Salary: $29,702 minimum. Salary commensurate with experi­ ence. Excellent benefits. For full consideration, submit resume and names/addresses of three references by June 30,1992. Applications will be accepted until position is filled. Send resume to: Ray Foster, Personnel Librarian, Library Personnel Services, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742-7011. BUSINESS/ECONOMICS BIBLIOGRAPHER. Responsibilities: evalu­ ates and develops subject collections and electronic resources in business, economic, geography and planning, and law; monitors allocated funds, continuing commitments, and approval plans. Serves as liaison to faculty and students in the corresponding academic departments; provides in-depth bibliographic instruction and special­ ized reference. Assists users with databases such as Compustat, CRSP and Westlaw. Also provides general reference services during assigned hours, including some evenings and weekends. Reports to Assistant Director for Collection Development. Research, publica­ tion, and service to the Libraries and University are expected to satisfy criteria for continuing appointment and promotion. Qualifications: MLS form an ALA-accredited library school. Undergraduate major and/or advanced study in business, economics, or geography re­ quired. Expertise in using Law publications and Westlaw desirable. Preference will be given to candidates with relevant experience in an academic library subsequent to receipt of MLS. Salary: commensu­ rate with education and experience. Salary minimum $25,000. To apply: send letter of application, a current resume, and the names and addresses of three references to: Christine M. Travis, Personnel Officer, University Libraries-UL 139, University at Albany, State University of New York, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Deadline: Review of application and resumes will begin May 22,1992. The University at Albany, State University of New York, is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Applications from women, minority persons, handicapped persons, special disabled and Vietnam-era veterans are especially welcome. DIRECTOR OF THE LIBRARY, Monmouth College, West Long Branch, NJ. Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of the Guggenheim Memorial Library. The Director reports to the Provost and is responsible for the overall management of library planning, services, collections, budget, and staff. The position is a renewable administrative three-year appointment at associate or full professor level with tenure eligibility. Minimum salary: $50,000. Qualifications include an ALA-accredited MLS, progressively re­ sponsible administrative experience in an academic library, signifi­ cant experience with library automation and the application of emerging computer and telecommunications technologies to library functions and services, and the ability to communicate and work effectively with diverse campus constituencies. Representing the Library on academic committees, the Director is an active library advocate and promoter of information literacy. The Director also serves as ex-officio member of the Board of the Library Association, a long-established friends group that has provided the monetary support for library automation and an endowment for materials. Additionally, the Director participates in service operations such as weekend reference rotation. Current library holdings total 237,000 books and bound periodicals and 1,400 periodical subscriptions. The Library has integrated online (CLSI) system. The Director coordi­ nates activities of six faculty librarians and 17.5 FTE support staff. Monmouth College is a private, comprehensive institution offering over 45 undergraduate and graduate degree programs with more than 4,000 students and 150 FTE faculty. It is located in the central New Jersey shore area, approximately one mile from the Atlantic Ocean, one hour from New York City, and two hours from metropoli­ tan Philadelphia. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Ivan Gepner, Chair, Search Committee, c/o Department of Biology, 354/C&RL News M ay 1 9 9 2 / 3 5 5 THREE POSITIONS East Carolina University Joyner Library seeks qualified applicants for three library faculty positions. Head, M onographic R eclassification Project: Responsibilities: The Head of the M onographic reclassification Project is responsible to the head of the Cataloging Departm ent for the planning, coordination, and control of original and copy cataloging of m onographic materials in all languages and subjects to be reclassified from the Dewey Decimal C lassification to the Library of Congress Classification. Training and supervision of staff are primary responsibilities of the position. Duties include cataloging and form ulating, im plementing, monitoring, and evaluating policies, procedures, and standards for m onographic reclassification of materials fo r the general collection in coordination with the Associate Director fo r Technical Services, the Head of the Cataloging Department, and other cataloging section heads, as appropriate. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited master’s in library science; working knowledge of AACR2, LC rule interpretations, LCSH, LC classification, and OCLC standards; experience with autom ated cataloging systems. Reading knowledge of French or Spanish preferred. Good oral and written com m unication skills; supervisory experience; ability to w ork effectively with all levels of staff; ability to w ork independently. Twelve-m onth fixed-term faculty position at the rank of Instructor, with possibility of reappointment for the duration of the project. Minimum salary $23,000 depending on qualifications and experience. Business Reference/Collection Development Librarian :Responsibilities: Participates in all aspects of reference service in a departm ent of nine librarians, three support staff. Provides public service, including assistance with CD-ROM databases, bibliographic instruction, and online searches. Serves as liaison to School of Business and other assigned units; develops reference and general collections in these subjects area. Q ualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. MBA o r other advanced degree in Business, Economics, or related area. Effective interpersonal and com m unication skills; strong com m itm ent to public service. Reference experience in an academ ic or research library, experience with electronic information sources, and experience with m icrocom puters preferred. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty appointm ent at the rank of Assistant Professor. Salary $23,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Professional achievement, service, research/creative activity and publication are required for tenure and promotion. G eneral R eference Librarian (Science Em phasis): Responsibilities: Participates in all aspects of reference service in a departm ent o f nine librarians, three support staff. Provides public service, including assistance with CD-ROM databases, bibliographic instruction, and online searches. Serves as liaison to several academ ic units; develops reference and general collections in these subject areas. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and advanced subject degree. Effective interpersonal and com m unication skills; strong com m itm ent to public service. Substantial science background, refer­ ence experience in academ ic or research library, experience with electronic information sources, and experience with m icrocom puters preferred. Twelve-m onth, tenure-track faculty appointm ent at the rank of Assistant Professor. Salary $23,000 minimum, depending on qualifications and experience. Professional achievement, service, research/creative activity and publication are required fortenure and promotion. East Carolina U niversity’s libraries serve acam pus com m unity of over 16,500 students and 1,300 faculty. The University is a constituent institution of the sixteen-cam pus University of North Carolina system. Screening of applications will begin July 1,1992 and will continue until the positions are filled. Send letter specifying the position(s) being applied for, application, resume, copies of transcripts, and names of three current references to: Search Committee Pat Elks, Administrative Assistant Joyner Library East Carolina University Greenville, NC 27858-4353 Official transcripts from each college or university attended will be required prior to any offer of employment. 3 5 6 /C&RL News M onm outh College, West Long Beach, NJ 07764. Applications received by May 31 will receive first consideration. The successful candidate is expected to begin by September 1,1992. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. GENERAL REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/COORDINATOR FOR BIB­ LIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION. SENIOR ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN (Tenure-Track). $36,468-$43,896 for 12 months; 10-month option available with proportionate salary reduction. Duties include general reference desk service and online searching with primary responsibility for bibliographic instruction. MLS and recent post-MLS experience as a reference librarian and three years recent experience with biblio­ graphic instruction required. Position description listing required and preferred qualifications and official application form sent on request. Write to: Chair, Coordinator for Bibliographic Instruction Search Com­ mittee, c/o Library Secretary, California State Polytechnic University, 3801 West Temple Avenue, Pomona, CA 91768. Fax: (714)869-6922. Letter of inquiry must be post marked or faxed by June 15,1992. EEO/ AA/Title IX, Section 504 Employer. HEAD, GENERAL REFERENCE AND INFORMATION DIVISION. University and Library: Illinois State University is a multipurpose university with 22,000 students, located in the medium-sized urban area of Normal/Bloomington. Academic programs and courses are offered in thirty-three academic departments organized into five colleges with master’s degree programs in most fields and doctoral degree programs in art, biological sciences, curriculum and instruc­ tion, economics, psychology, education, English, history, and math­ ematics. Milner Library is the central library facility for the university community with a staff of 110 including thirty-four professionals, over 1.2 million volumes, and a materials budget of $1.8 million. The library is a member of lllinet Online (IO), a resource-sharing network of academic libraries in the State of Illinois. Duties: faculty tenure-track position which serves as head of one of five reference units reporting to AUL for Public Services and Collection Development. From Monday through Friday with five other library faculty and two civil service personnel, provides traditional and electronic general refer­ ence service-prim arily to undergraduate clientele. (On weekends, all Public Services librarians staff the General Reference Desk on a rotational basis.) Unit provides library instruction ties to English 101 courses for 3500 students per year. Responsible for development and maintenance of 4000 volume General Reference Collection, collection of college catalogs, collection of telephone directories, browsing collection of current popular books, and General Periodi­ cals collection. Works closely with Coordinator of Library instruction and Online Catalog Librarian. Furnishes leadership, planning, iden­ tifies needs, establishes priorities, implements change, oversees development and growth of GIR faculty. Required: ALA-accredited master's: two years administrative experience; appropriate experi­ ence in reference and library instruction; ability to function in a fast- paced, electronic reference environment; ability to relate to under­ graduate library problems; understanding of and ability to administer in a collegial environment. A second graduate degree is required for tenure. Salary: $35,000/Associate Professor range. Preferred begin­ ning date: August 1, 1992. To assure consideration, please submit application by June 15, 1992. To apply: submit letter of application, resume, and at least three references to GIR Head Search Commit­ tee, 311 Milner Library, Illin o is State University, Normal, IL 61761. Illinois State University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. HEAD, LATIN AMERICAN COLLECTION AND LATIN AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHER, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. Responsibilities: Administers, coordinates, and provides leadership for the Latin American Collection (LAC). Acts as chief liaison between Libraries and Center for Latin American Studies. Determines needs, priorities, plans, and strategies to enhance LAC support of the humanities and social sciences research and instruc­ tional program. Collaborates and coordinates with librarians, bibliog­ raphers, and academic faculty to establish collection management policy, public and technical service programs, and to establish Latin American collections. Supervises 3.2 FTE. Participates in defining librarywide collection management goals, objectives, strategies, performance criteria, and materials budgets. Participates in the library’s publications and fund-raising programs. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum five years experience in a research library; advanced degree, preferably at the Ph.D. level, or commen­ surate experience in the social sciences or humanities; prior experi­ ence in selecting and acquiring Latin American materials; willingness to lead in the development of electronic information resources; demonstrated collection management competence. Knowledge of collection management services role in multilingual research library environment, significant professional accomplishment relevant to the responsibilities of the position, and competency in speaking and writing English and Spanish. Benefits: faculty status. Twenty-two days vacation, thirteen days sick leave annually. TIAA/CREF or other retirement options, usual insurance benefits, no state or local income tax. Send letter of application with complete, recent resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three professional refer­ ences by June 30,1992, to: Mari Bussell, Library Personnel Officer, George A. Smathers Libraries, U n iversity o f Florida, 370 Library West, Gainesville, FL 32611. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Responsible for planning, coor­ dinating, and administering all technical services operations which include acquisitions, serials, cataloging, gifts and exchanges, and bindery. Supervises and evaluates technical services personnel; allocates and monitors materials budget; evaluates and selects vendors; and implements collection development policies in consul­ tation with librarians and faculty representatives. Directly responsible for the acquisition of monographs and related operations. Qualifica­ tions: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; five years increasingly responsible professional experience including collection develop­ ment; interest in and familiarity with automated acquisitions as the Department begins to implement the VTLS acquisitions subsystem; good communication and interpersonal skills; and proven successful supervisory experience. Second master’s or other advanced degree desirable. Salary/rank/contract: Associate Professor/Librarian III, twelve-month appointment, 24 days annual leave. Salary: $29,000- $31,000, commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applica­ tions received by June 1,1992, will be given first consideration. Send letter of application, resume, and names of at least three reference to: Director of Libraries, M arshall University, 400 Hal Greer Blvd., Huntington, WV 25755-2060. Minorities encouraged to apply. EEO/ AA employer. HUMANITIES LIBRARIAN. The University of Montana Mansfield Library is seeking applicants for the position of Humanities/Reference Librarian. Responsibilities include a combination of general refer­ ence, database searching, and collection development, working as liaison with relevant faculties in Literature and Languages, the Fine Arts, and Philosophy and Religion. Individual serves as BI coordinator and principal director of library-use instruction. Evening and weekend hours required. A minimum of two years professional academic library reference experience desired, as well as an ALA-accredited MLS required. Applicant must have a strong academic background in one or more of the associated disciplines. Evidence of successful BI instruction required. A subject master's is desirable; a working knowl­ edge of an Asian language or Asian literature is also desirable. Individual will work within an environment which includes a CD-ROM network, online sources, and the Dynix integrated library system. Applicant should be creative, energetic, flexible, and possess good interpersonal skills with the ability to work effectively with faculty, staff, and students. Position is tenure-track, faculty rank, twelve-month contract with 21 days paid vacation, salary range: $29,219, assistant professor floor. The University of Montana is one of the nations’s outstanding public universities, committed to liberal arts education, research, and strong professional programs. It is located in Missoula, a cosmopolitan Rocky Mountain community of 70,000, often singled out in national publications for its quality of life. Position available immediately. Review of applications will begin on June 1,1992, and the search will continue until the position is filled. TIAA/CREF or Montana State Retirement, life and health insurance provided. The University of M ontana is an affirm ative action, equal oppor­ tunity employer. To apply, send letter of application listing three current references and academic vitae to: Humanities Librarian Search Committee, Administrative Office, M ansfield Library, U ni­ v e rs ity o f M ontana, Missoula, MT 49812-1195. INFORMATION SYSTEMS/TRAINING OFFICER. Primary assis­ tant to Director of Library Automation, responsible for adm inister­ ing professional training of library em ployees in the use of library systems such as NOTIS, m icrocom puter applications, and local and national telecomm unications. Responsible for Library Sys­ tem s O ffice publications. Serves as secondary library contact to NOTIS Systems, Inc. Works with university com puter system staff on jo int projects and works closely with library employees at all levels. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or m aster's in information sciences field; fam iliarity with m icrocom puter applications; expe­ rience with teaching/training programs. Preferred: experience accessing and retrieving inform ation from national networks; electronic mail experience; fam iliarity with MARC record struc­ ture. Salary range $30,000-$37,000 DOE. Applications will be reviewed starting June 15, 1992. Send resume and names of 3 M ay 1 9 9 2 / 3 5 7 Harvard University • C h i e f C o n s e r v a t o r i n t h e H a r v a r d U n i v e r s i t y L i b r a r y a n d i n t h e H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L i b r a r y • A s s i s t a n t C o n s e r v a t o r i n t h e H a r v a r d C o l l e g e L i b r a r y The Harvard University Library represents more than 90 library units w ith collections of 12 million volumes. The Harvard College Library, the largest unit of the University Library, includes the Houghton Library (500,000 rare books and 5 million manuscripts) as well as special collections, manuscripts, maps and photographs in a number of other research libraries. Chief Conservator Reporting to the Malloy-Rabinowitz Preservation Librarian, the Chief Conservator is the principal officer responsible for the physical treatment and protection of the extensive special collections o f the Harvard University Library. The incumbent is responsible for recommending and carrying out com­ plex conservation projects and works closely with collection curators to determine the best course of action for a particular item/collection. The incumbent will be expected to pursue independent research to analyze and docum ent historic book structures and book production. The Chief Conservator manages a centralized Conservation laboratory and hires, supervises, and evaluates conservation staff including professional book and paper conservators, contract conserva­ tors working both on-site and off-site. The Chief Conservator evaluates the w ork done by collections conservators working in the libraries and in consultation w ith their supervisors, provides training and oversight as required. Requirements: A Ph.D. in a humanities discipline. Formal training in the conservation of rare books and manuscripts. A minimum of ten years’ experience with demonstrated excellence performing complex conservation treatments on rare books and manuscripts (demonstrated by submitting descriptions of up to four individual projects accompanied by appropriate documentation). Extensive knowledge of pre-1800 book binding history as demonstrated by a record of teaching, scholarship, and research. A record of scholarly publishing in a field of rare book description, w ith an emphasis on historic book structures. Experience as a consultant to historical repositories, archives, and libraries. Experience supervising and training professional conservators. Experience managing a cost-recovery w orkshop treating rare books. Anticipated salary mid 50’s. Assistant Conservator Reporting to the Chief Conservator, the Assistant Conservator provides expert conservation treatment for the special collections in the Harvard College Library. Examines, specifies, and perform s a wide variety of treatment operations designed to preserve the historic, artifactual, and intrinsic value of materials, stabilize their condition, and protect them. Approximately 75% o f the incum bent’s time would be treating materials. Participates in survey projects and in developing and implementing cost- effective strategies for large artifact collections. Coordinates schedules for work in the lab and super­ vises the project w ork of contract conservators or conservation technicians. Participates in training and seminars and assists the Chief Conservator in the operation and maintenance of the lab, including specifying supplies and maintaining equipment. Requirements: A Master’s degree from an accredited conservation training program and three years’ professional experience. Proficiency in the treatm ent o f artifacts and large special collections (dem onstrated by subm itting descriptions o f up to four projects accom panied by appropriate docum entation). A background in the conservation o f archival collections preferred. Anticipated salary m id 30’s. To apply send a letter o f Interest, resume and the names o f three references by May 26, 1992 to Hazel Stamps, Director o f Personnel Services, Widener 188, Cambridge, MA 02138. Harvard University upholds a commitment to Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity. 3 5 8 / C&RL News SEARCH EXTENDED Assistant Head o f the Middle Eastern Division for Technical Services Under direction of the Assistant Librarian for Middle East Collec­ tions, manages the daily operations of the Division with special emphasis on technical services. Participates in the development and review of cataloging procedures to assure consistency with Harvard College Library policy; is expected to be a major contributor in descriptive and subject cataloging of Arabic monographs and serials. Will plan and implement major recon and serial holdings conversion projects; participates in reference services. The Middle Eastern Collection of the Harvard College Library is one of the most significant in the world, covering various aspects of Islamic civilization. Situated within Widener Library, the Middle Eastern Division is part of the Area Studies Department. Q u a lif ic a tio n s : MLS; academic study of Arabic language, literature, and civilization; a good reading knowledge of Arabic; knowledge of AACR2 and Library of Congress classification and subject headings; familiarity with OCLC and RLIN is advantageous; knowledge of additional languages, such as Persian, Turkish, Armenian, German and French is highly desirable. Three to five years’ successful expe­ rience in a research library, particularly working in the area of technical services using an on-line catalog. Previous supervisory experience. Ability to work as part of a team in a productivity­ conscious, goal-oriented environment. Good interpersonal skills; ability to communicate effectively orally and in writing. A vailab le: ASAP S a la r y ra n g e: H ig h 3 0 s Major B en efits: One month’s vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of health plans; dental insurance; life insurance; University- funded Retirement Income Plan; tax-deferred annuity options; tuition assistance. In terested c a n d id a tes m a y se n d a re su m e , c o v e r le tte r a n d th e n a m e s o f th r e e r e fe r e n c e s to: H a zel C. Stam ps, D ir e c to r o f P e r so n n e l S e r v ic e s, H arvard C o lle g e Library, W id e n e r 188, C am b rid ge, MA 0 2 1 3 8 . H arvard U n iv ersity u p h o ld s a c o m m it­ m e n t to A ffirm ative A ction a n d E qual O p p ortu n ity. Harvard University Harvard College Library references to : D etrice Bankhead, A ssista nt U n iversity Librarian- Personnel, Un iversity of C alifo rn ia, Santa Barbara, CA 93106. UCSB is an affirm ative action, equal opp ortunity em ployer. MANAGER FOR CLINICAL LIBRARY SERVICES. The William H. Welch Medical Library of The Johns Hopkins University seeks applications for the position of Manager for Clinical Library Services. The Manager is responsible for planning and implementing education programs, information services, and outreach activities at the Welch Library’s Psychiatry Neurosciences satellite library; for selecting information resources which meet the needs of th at library’s special clientele; and for overseeing the satellite library’s day-to-day opera­ tions. A major responsibility is the provision of customized instruction and consultation on information management and resources for the departments of Psychiatry, Neurosurgery, Neurology, Anesthesiol­ ogy, and other clinical departments. The Manager supervises two reference assistants who provide reference and online searching assistance at the library. Qualifications: A master’s degree in library science is required; additional graduate w ork in a clinical science is preferred. Also required: experience in a health sciences or scientific library; familiarity and experience with microcomputers; an under­ standing of the scientific communication process; experience with a variety of instructional technologies; familiarity with the research process and clinical practice in academic environments, and the role of information in such a setting. Experience in technology-based instruction desirable. Excellent oral and written communication skills are essential. Minimum salary is $30,000. Personnel benefits include twenty-two days vacation, excellent health benefits, tuition reim- M ay 1 9 9 2 / 3 5 9 F r a n c i s A . C o u n t w a y , L i b r a r y o f M e d i c i n e The completion of a major strategic planning process at the Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine, which serves the Harvard Medical School and Boston Medical Library, has created several initiatives which are currently in the development stage. Key to fulfilling our mission for maximizing accessibility to our outstanding 500,000 volume collection is our Technical Services staff of 20, who will be involved in the inventory of the current monographic collection, the retrospective conversion of 70,000 titles, a serials binding project, and modification of the acquisitions fiscal processing. C o l l e c t i o n D e v e l o p m e n t L i b r a r i a n Reporting to the Director, the successful candidate w ill have primary responsibility for plan­ ning and carrying out effective development of the Library's collections. You w ill manage long- range planning for resources by determining collection development priorities and needs. You w ill oversee the preparation of various management reports, collection development policies, the Collection Development Manual, establish and maintain communication channels with campus and university-wide information sources and participate in annual allocation of the Library Materials budget. You w ill manage on-going collection analysis, represent the Library to internal and external organizations, develop cooperative collection development activities with other libraries and work with the Library Director on fund raising and donor relations. We seek a proven, team-oriented communicator with an MLS from an ALA-accredited school (advanced degree in a scientific field preferred), plus a minimum of 8-10 years' collec­ tion development experience in a major academic health science library. Knowledge of major issues related to collection development and preservation is necessary, as are demonstrated planning, fiscal, communication and analytical skills. Send cover letter, resum e, and list of 3 references to D iane Lamarre, Harvard M edical School E m ploym ent Office, 164 Longwood Ave., Boston, MA 02115. Harvard upholds a com m itm en t to A ffirm ative Action and Equal Opportunity. Harvard University bursement, and retirement programs. EOE M/F/H. Please send letter of application and resume to: Jayne Campbell, Manager of Informa­ tion and Online Services, Welch Medical Library, Johns Hopkins University, 1900 E. Monument S t, Baltimore, MD 21205-2113. (410)955-1306. MAP CURATOR, Yale Map Collection, Sterling Memorial Library. Minimum rank: Librarian III. Serves as the Library’s principal authority on maps and directs the Yale Map Collection. Selects material for the Collection, manages its budget, leads its staff, oversees maps cataloging and preservation, offers reference service, and is respon­ sible for teaching, exhibits, and publications based on the collection. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or the equivalent experience. Advanced academic training in history, geog­ raphy, cartography, or related subjects. Minimum of 5 years of increasingly responsible professional experience in a library, re­ search organization, or comparable institution related to maps. Successful managerial experience, including demonstrated ability to plan and implement projects and services, lead library staff, and work effectively with other members of a research-oriented academic community. Strong analytical and interpersonal skills. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Understanding of maps cataloging practices and knowledge of current trends in computerized mapping are required. Experience with providing classroom instruction at the college level is strongly preferred. Salary from a minimum of $35,600 dependent upon qualifications and experience. Applications re­ ceived by June 15,1992, will be given first consideration; applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please send letter of application, resume, and the names of 3 references to: Diane Y. Turner, Director, Library Personnel Services, Yale University Li­ brary, P.O. Box 1603A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520. EEO/AA. MEXICAN AMERICAN/LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES LIBRARIAN. The San Diego State University Library is seeking a reference librarian to serve in its General Reference Division. With over 30,000 students, the University is the largest of the 20 campuses that make up the California State University system. The Library has a total collection of one million volumes and an overall budget of $8 million. Duties: works 12-15 hours per week at the General Reference desk, including some evenings and weekends. Responsible for developing and coordinating outreach programs to Latino students. Provides instruction and reference assistance in subject specialties; serves as liaison to the departments of Mexican American Studies and Latin American Studies. Responsible for collection development in subject specialties. May assist in cataloging Spanish-language materials. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited school; other advanced degree preferred. Strong social science background, with expertise in Mexican American Studies and/or Latin American Studies. Flu­ ency in Spanish. Strong interpersonal and communicative skills; ability to work effectively in a collegial environment. Experience with new technologies (e.g., CD-ROMs, OPACs). Preferred: reference and collection development experience in an academic library. Desirable: ability to develop outreach programs; cataloging knowl­ edge or experience. Minority candidates and recent graduates are specifically invited and encouraged to apply. This is a full-time, tenure-track faculty position, with rank of Senior Assistant Librarians or Associate Librarian, depending upon qualifications and experi­ ence. Salary range: $36,468-$63,948. Reappointment, tenure, and promotion require evidence of continuing professional development. Application date: To ensure full consideration, application should be received by June 8, 1992, when the Appointment Committee will begin screening. Desired starting date: August 1, 1992. Please submit letter of application with resume and names of at least three references to: Gerald D. Palsson, Associate University Librarian for Administrative Services; San Diego S tale U n iversity L ibra ry; Attn: Ref; 5300 Campanile Drive; San Diego, CA 92182-0511. SDSU is an affirmative action, equal opportunity, title IX employer. MINORITY RESIDENT LIBRARIAN. Miami University has a strong commitment to affirmative action and is actively seeking to increase minority representation in all areas of the University. The University Libraries Minority Resident Program is one component of the Librar­ ies’ overall affirmative action plan and is intended to increase the representation of minority librarians at Miami and to further the growth and development of minority librarians within the profession. This continuing program is designed to assist a recent library school graduate in making a successful transition to academic librarianship. The Miami University Libraries are committed to introducing and orienting the recent minority graduate to the complexities of aca­ demic librarianship in a rapidly changing environment. The one-year 3 6 0 /C&RL News internship will provide the opportunity for viewing all areas of the University Libraries’ operations, including public, technical, and administrative services. Actual assignments will be made based on the interests of the individual and the needs of the Libraries. The resident will report to the Dean and University Librarian. Qualifica­ tions: an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school (degree require­ ments must be fulfilled by August 1992 for appointment in August/ September or December 1992 for appointment in January 1993.) Members of minority groups are the focus of this program. The Miami University Libraries contain over 1.4 million volumes, have an exten­ sive collection of government documents and microforms, and sub­ scribe to over 12,000 serials. They serve 800 teaching and research faculty, 15,000 undergraduates and 1,000 graduate students. The library has 34 professional librarians and 55 support staff. Miami University is a highly selective institution, located in Oxford, Ohio, 35 miles northwest of Cincinnati. Benefits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, m ajor m edical, dental, and term life insurance all paid by the University. Public em ployees retirem ent system. Salary level is $24,500. Subm it letter of application, resume, and names, telephone numbers, and addresses of three professional refer­ ences to: Judith A. Sessions, Dean and University Librarian, Miami University, Oxford, O hio 45056. Prelim inary screening of applications will begin July 1,1992. Miami University is an equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BIBLIOGRAPHER FOR THE WOMEN’S COLLECTION. Entry-level librarian with a strong interest in rare books and the Women’s Liberation Movement to participate in a dynamic Special Collections department. Reports to Curator of Special Collec­ tions. Responsibilities include reference and public service for rare books and special collections, bibliographic instruction, and prepara­ tion of exhibits. Selects materials, provides instruction in the use of the Women’s Collection, and serves as liaison with faculty and students. Requirements: accredited master's degree in library sci­ ence; knowledge of at least one modern European language; the ability to work independently in a small group environment; and strong communication skills. Advanced degree in the humanities and rare book or special collections experience desirable. Anticipated salary range effective 09/01/92: $25,000-$28,000 depending upon qualifica­ tions. Send letter of application and resume including names and addresses of three references to: Judy Lowman, Personnel Librarian, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL 60208-2300. For priority consideration, applications should be received by May 30, 1992. An EEO/AA employer. Employment eligibility verification re­ quired upon hire. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The College of Lake County located in northern Illinois halfway between Chicago, Illinois, and Milwaukee, LIBRARIAN Central Oregon Community College Requires a master’s degree in Library or Infor­ mation Science from an ALA-accredited program. Candidates with Ph.D. or ABD are encouraged to apply. Desirecollege library reference experience including bibliographic instruction and online searching. $27,800-$34,100 (nine-month, proba­ tionary, faculty appointment). Begin September, 1992. Deadline: June 15,1992. For required appli­ cation, contact: The Human Resources Office Central Oregon Community College 2600 N.W. College Way Bend, OR 97701 (503)385-5513 EEO/AA Wisconsin, is seeking a Reference Librarian. Responsible for biblio­ graphic instruction for classes; collecton development of specific subject areas. Master of library science degree required and must have knowledge of dialog online and CD-ROM bibliographic search­ ing. Full-time, tenure-track position. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Deadline for completed application and credentials is May 29, 1992. For a complete job description and application form, contact the Personnel Office, College o f Lake County, 19351 West Washington Street, Grayslake, IL 60030 or telephone (708) 223-6601, ext. 226. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, University of Georgia Libraries, Main Library. Entry level position. Duties: Reference Librarians in the Main Library are primarily responsible for assisting students, faculty, staff, and others in making effective use of library resources in the humani­ ties and social sciences (including business). To achieve this goal, Reference Librarians provide general reference, instructional, and referral services; conduct library instruction through tours and special­ ized presentations; perform online database searches; and assist users with searching GALIN (the in-house, automated, integrated online system) and CD-ROM products.In addition, each Reference Librarian contributes to development of the reference collection through selection and weeding. The Department is composed of 11 librarians and 4 support staff, and is committed to providing enthusi­ astic public service. Reference Librarians report to the Head of the Department. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; working knowl­ edge of basic reference courses; advanced reference courses in the social sciences or humanities, or relevant experience; ability to instruct users effectively both individually and in the classroom setting; knowledge of computer database searching on systems such as BRS or DIALOG and CD-ROMs; working knowledge of one foreign language; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; undergradu­ ate degree in the social sciences or humanities preferred. Benefits: standard benefits package includes life, health, and disability insur­ ance and mandatory participation in the state or optional retirement system, and 21 days annual leave, plus 12 paid holidays. Salary minimum: $22,000. Application Procedures: send letter of application addressing all qualifications with a resume and the names of three referencesby June 12,1992, to: Florence E. King Personnel Librarian, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (two positions). The LSU Libraries Refer­ ence Services Department seeks qualified applicants for two refer­ ence librarian positions: one specializing in electronic online services and the second in user instruction. Subject specialization or experi­ ence in working with science collections is preferred for both positions. The online position requires experience with various software prod­ ucts, CD-ROM workstations, and search protocol for at least one of the major commercial online vendors. Experience with hardware is preferred. The user instruction librarian will specialize in teaching credit course sections and in course-related instruction. The Depart­ ment includes 10 librarians reporting to the Head of Reference Services with 10 FTE support staff working in a centralized setting. The LSU Libraries implemented NOTIS in 1985, has a variety of CD-ROM workstations, and is a member of ARL, CRL, ASERL, and SOLINET. Librarians have faculty status. Respon­ sibilities: Duties for all reference librarians/specialists include reference desk service, online searching, bibliographic instruc­ tion, collection developm ent, faculty liaison, and interlibrary loan assistance. Requirem ents: All positions require a M aster’s de­ gree from an ALA-accredited program. Reference experience and a degree in a science discipline or appropriate experience preferred for both positions. Rank/Salary: Tenure-track positions with appointm ents possible at the Assistant or Associate Librar­ ian level depending on qualifications and experience. Salary is com petitive, com mensurate with qualifications and experience, $23,000 m inimum at the Assistant Librarian level. Applications: Send letter of application in dicating position applied for with vitae and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Caroline Wire, Reference Librarian Search Com ­ mittee, The LSU Libraries, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803. Preference will be given to applications re­ ceived by June 15, 1992. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY LI­ BRARY: twelve-month, full-time appointment. The Reference Librar­ ian, Science and Technology Library provides reference services in the Science and Technology Library, a branch library housing mate­ rials in the sciences, technology, and library and information sei- M ay 1 9 9 2 / 3 6 1 FIVE NEW POSITIONS New Mexico State University NMSU, New M exico’s land grant university, enrolls over 15,000 students in 71 undergraduate, 45 master’s, and 19 doctoral degree programs. NMSU is classified as a Carnegie I research institution and is a m em ber of the H ispanic Association of Colleges and Universities. The U niversity Library contains approxim ately 850,000 volum es and has an annual budget exceeding 4 million dollars. An $11.5 million building program has created a new general library to house hum anities and social sciences and to allow for the renovation and continued growth of the science, technology, and business library. The Library uses OCLC, VTLS, INNOVACQ, and numerous m icrocom puter and other electronic applications. The University Library is seeking five skilled and m otivated librarians to develop m ajor enhance­ ments in library services during a period of sustained growth. Successful candidates will be individuals w ho share a com m itm ent to provide outstanding library services and to develop as faculty members. A second advanced degree is desirable. Candidates should have excellent oral and w ritten com m u­ nication and interpersonal skills; a basic knowledge of Spanish is desirable. These five newly created positions are 12-m onth tenure-track faculty appointm ents with 22 days per year annual leave and a com prehensive benefits package. All faculty must satisfy Library and University requirem ents for prom otion and tenure. Located along the Rio Grande in southern New Mexico, NMSU is 40 miles north of El Paso, Texas, at the southern end of the Rocky Mountains. The area enjoys abundant sunshine with moderate tem peratures, yet is within easy driving distance of alpine areas that include excellent hiking, skiing, and w ater sports. R eference L ib ra ria n — Engineering S pecialist (New Position). Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS degree; at least two years relevant experience, including reference, bibliographic instruction, and/ or database se arching; an academ ic background in engineering or physical sciences; dem onstrated ability to develop, deliver, and evaluate services for engineering. Responsibilities: Provides general reference services, including w eekend and evening rotation. Develops and delivers library services and resources for the College of Engineering and related research units. Participates in collection developm ent, bibliographic instruction, and database searching. Com pensation: Salary and rank dependent on qualifications, minimum $26,500. R eference Librarian— O utreach Specialist (New Position). Q ualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS degree; dem onstrated reference skills and a com m itm ent to nontraditional library users; excellent instructional/com m unication skills. Speaking and reading knowledge of Spanish is highly desirable. R esponsibilities: Provides general reference services, including w eekend and evening rotation. (cont. on the next page) ences. Under the supervision of the Coordinator, Science and Technology Reference Services, and the Head, Science and Tech­ nology Library, the Reference Librarian staffs the reference desk, performs database searches, participates in collection development, assists with library instruction, and provides other bibliographic and consultative services as appropriate. Each reference librarian in the Science and Technology Library has coordination responsibility for an assigned service area depending on individual qualifications. Qualifications: a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library science program, or the equivalent; training and experience in online database searching; good oral and written communication skills and excellent interpersonal skills are required; a bachelor’s degree, or extensive coursework, in an area of the sciences; and a minimum of two years experience in a university or large public library are desirable. Salary and benefits: The position will be filled at the rank of Librarian I or II; $23,000 minimum. Competitive benefits package; choice of state or optional retirement plan. University: The University of North Texas is a state-assisted, comprehensive, doctoral-granting institution located in the Dallas/Fort worth metroplex. UNT, with a student enrollment of over 26,000, is the fourth largest university in the state. The UNT Libraries have total collections over 1.5 million, a full-tim e staff of 112, and an operating budget of over five million dollars. Application: Applicants should submit a letter of application, complete resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num­ bers of three professional references to: Patricia Switzer, Search Committee Chair, Library Administrative Office, U n ive rsity of North Texas, Box 5188, Denton, TX 76203-5188. To be assured of consid­ eration, applications should be received before May 31, 1992; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The University of North Texas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Washington and Lee University seeks an energetic, public-services oriented librarian to join its reference staff. The position includes the following responsibilities: Develops the University Library’s bibliographic instruction program, promotes and provides instruction in library use and bibliography, develops instruc­ tional materials; participates in full range of reference activities, including reference desk service, online database searching, and collection development for one or more academic programs; works some regularly scheduled night or weekend hours; supervises circu- lation/reserve staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS and aca- 3 6 2 /C&RL News Develops outreach services to those with special needs, such as persons of minority backgrounds, persons with disabilities, and returning students. Encourages staff responsiveness to non-traditional information needs and concerns. Works closely with the Bibliographic Instruction Coordinator to assure the development of basic user skills. Participates in collection development and database searching. Compensation: Salary and rank dependent on qualifications, minimum $24,500. Reference Librarian — Education Specialist (New Position). Qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS degree; demonstrated reference skills and an academic background in education. Excellent instructional/communication skills. Database searching experience is desirable. Responsibilities: Provides general reference services, including weekend and evening rotation. Develops library resources and services for the College of Education. Participates in collection development, bibliographic instruction, and database searching. Compensation: Salary and rank dependent on qualifications, minimum $24,500. Reference Librarian— Social Sciences Specialist (New Position). Qualifications: An ALA-accred­ ited MLS degree; demonstrated reference skills and an academic background in the social sciences. Specialization in border or Latin American studies and speaking or reading knowledge of Spanish are highly desirable. Database searching experience is also desirable. Responsibilities: Provides general reference services, including weekend and evening rotation. Coordinates the development of library services and resources in the social sciences. Addresses information needs dealing with the borderlands of the United States and Mexico. Participates in collection development, bibliographic instruction, and database searching. Compensation: Salary and rank dependent on qualifications, minimum $24,500. Reference Librarian— Informatio n Technology Specialist(New Position).Qualifications:An ALA-accred- ited MLS degree; dem onstrated reference skills and at least tw o years relevant experience including expert knowledge on a variety of software applications; knowledge of both national and local networks. Database searching experience is desirable. Responsibilities: Provides general reference services, including weekend and evening rotation. Develops, promotes, and provides training in inform ation technologies for reference and research in the science, technology, and business library. Also provides support for scholar’s workstation software. Participates in collection development, bibliographic instruction, and database searching. Compensation: Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications, minimum $26,500. Applications for these positions will be reviewed beginning June 8,1 99 2 , and continuing until the positions are filled. To apply, send a letter of application specifying position for which applying; current resume; and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Karen Stabler, Chair Reference Librarian Search Committee New Mexico State University Library Box 30006, Department 3475 Las Cruces, NM 88003 demic library reference experience, including online searching re­ quired; teaching experience and experience with an automated circulation system highly desirable; excellent organization, plan­ ning, interpersonal, and oral and written skills. Twelve-month faculty appointment, tenure-track with rank of Assistant Profes­ sor, salary competitive. Position reports to the University Librar­ ian. Washington and Lee University has recently implemented the Innovative Interfaces automated library system to support the online catalog, circulation, serials, and acquisitions for the University Library and Law Library. The University Library has approximately 400,000 volumes with a staff of 20 FTE. Send letter of application, resume, and names of at least three refer­ ences with phone numbers to: Barbara J. Brown, University Librarian, W ashington and Lee U n ive rsity, Lexington, VA 24450. Equal opportunity employer. Review of applications will begin June 1, 1992, and continue until the position is filled. RESEARCH LIBRARIAN. Serve as member of the central staff of a federally funded project (Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education) developed to increase participation of historically Black colleges and universities and “other minority in­ stitutions” (i.e., those with 25% or greater minority student enroll­ ment) in competing for research, demonstrations and develop­ ment grants in special education and related fields. Duties include coordinating the work of a congressionally mandated clearinghouse for reviews of research on minority special educa­ tion populations, conducting computer searches for project staff and participants, and developing and editing a newsletter de­ scribing project goals and activities. The ideal candidate will have an undergraduate degree in special education, education or the social sciences, hold a graduate degree in library science, possess knowledge of computer search procedures, and have expert fam iliarity with social science and education databases. Excellent writing skills will also be required. Appointment in on a yearly basis (subject to continued funding from the Office of Special Education Programs, U.S. Department of Education) and is expected to continue to at least December, 1994. The starting salary range is $27,000 to $30,000 (twelve-month basis). Review of applications will begin on May 1,1992, and will extend until the position is filled. Application, including a curriculum vita, names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references, should be forwarded to: Reginald Jones, Distinguished Professor and M ay 1 9 9 2 /3 6 3 The University of California, San Diego invites nominations and applications for the position of University Librarian. The University enrolls 14,000 undergraduate and 3,5 0 0 graduate and professional students in five undergraduate colleges: the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies, the School of Ar­ chitecture, the School of Medicine, UCSD Medi­ cal Center and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. The UĆSD facility has over 4,2 0 0 members engaged in teaching and re­ University Librarian search. The University is a member of the Association of American Universities and the Association of Research Libraries. Current holdings of the Cen­ tral University Library and its six branches are 2 million volumes. The library has an annual bud­ get of $19.5 million, and 83 librarians and 208 support staff. The University Librarian is responsible for the de­ velopment and administration of library policies and programs in support of UCSD's re-search and instructional programs: development of li­ brary collections; management of the library's resources for services, staffing, automation and physical facilities; leadership in fund-raising and issues of academic research libraries at the local and national levels; and network services. As a Sr. Academic Officer, the University Librarian re­ ports to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Af­ fairs and is a member of the Chancellor's Coun­ cil and Academic Senate. Candidates must have a demonstrated commit­ ment to academic excellence, research and scholarship. Strong leadership qualities in high- level administrative positions in an academic re­ search library and sound knowledge of current and emerging technologies that will affect the delivery of library services are required. MLS from an ALA-accredited library program also re­ quired. U C S D Nominations and applications should be re­ ceived by May 15, 1992 for full consideration. UCSD offers a competitive salary ($78,200- University of California $101,600) commensurate with experience and San Diego an attractive benefits package. UCSD is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer and encourages the interest of women and mi­ nority applicants. Please send materials to: Dean Stanley Chodorow, Chair, University Librarian Search Committee, UCSD (100336-W), La Jolla, CA 92093-0922. 3 6 4 /C&RL News HEAD LIBRARIAN Water Resources Center Archives University of California, Berkeley The Water Resources Center Archives is a special collection of research materials in the waterfield serving the needs of the University of California's systemwide instructional, research, and service programs. The Librarian is responsible for the overall management and direction of the Water Resources Center Archives. MLS from an ALA-accredited school is required. A minimum of 4 years of related experience demonstrating progressively responsible librarian duties. Previous managerial and supervisory experience in an academic library is required. Demonstrated knowledge of cataloging practices (AACR2) is essential. Familiarity with personal computers and CD-ROM equipment and online systems such as OCLC, DIALOG, MELVYL, and experience with Machine Readable Catalog (MARC) cataloging is required. Salary Ranges (Associate Librarian) from $35,052 to $41,160 commensurate with experience and specific qualifications.Complete description available. Applicants must apply in writing, including with the letter, a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of their education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of three references to: University of California Division of Agriculture & Natural Resources Personnel Department 300 Lakeside Drive 6th Floor Oakland, CA 94612-3560; (510)987-0087 Close 7/1/92. Refer to position #APG92-01. Affirmative action, equal opportunity employer M/F/H. Director, National Center for Minority Special Education Re­ search and Outreach, Department of Psychology, Hampton University, Hampton, VA 23668. (Telephone: (804) 727-5301). RESIDENCY PROGRAM. The University of California is pleased to announce its Library Residency Program. This program is one aspect of the University’s commitment to diversity and is designed to assist members of underrepresented groups to gain entry into academic librarianship. It provides two-year residencies for two recent library school graduates, one at a northern campus of the University and one at a southern campus. Candidates will have an opportunity to work in public or technical services, collection development, or automa­ tion, depending on their qualifications and interest. Each resident will be provided a variety of opportunities for professional enrichment, including a mentor for the two-year program; membership in the Librarians Association of the University of California; and support for professional development. The University’s Libraries on the nine campuses, with 24 million volumes and 350,000 serials subscrip­ tions, form the largest academic library system in the world. Qualifi­ cations: recent MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Salary: $28,668 (temporary, two-year appointment at the Assistant Librarian level) plus benefits. The positions are represented by the University Federation of Librarians, AFT. Application for one or more of the programs listed above may be made by sending a letter of applica­ tion, resume, and a list of three professional references to Jacqueline Hanson, Assistant University Librarian, Central University Library, C- 075-H, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. The residencies will be available September 1, 1992. Applications re­ ceived by June 1, 1992, will receive first consideration. For further information, call Jacqueline Hanson (619) 534-3064. USER EDUCATION LIBRARIAN, User Education Department. 12- month, full-time appointment. The User Education Librarian partici­ pates in the planning, development, management, and evaluation of user education activities. Primary responsibilities will include provid­ ing basic computer literacy training and instruction in the use of standard applications packages adopted by the UNT Libraries for librarians and library staff, providing instruction for students and faculty in technology-based library services, and assisting in the development of computer-assisted instruction applications for the libraries, Service at various public service desks will be scheduled as primary duties allow. The User Education librarian exercises broad, independent judgment and authority under the direction of the Head of User Education. Qualifications: a master’s degree from an ALA- accredited program or the equivalent, training and experience in MS- DOS applications, good oral and written communication skills, and excellent interpersonal skills required; a bachelor’s degree or exten­ sive course work in education or instructional technology and expe­ rience with Mackintosh applications preferred. The position will be filled at the rank of Librarian I or II. Salary and benefits:$23,000 minimum; competitive benefits package; choice of state or optional retirement plan; no state income tax. The University of North Texas is a state-assisted, comprehensive, doctorate-granting institution located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. UNT, with a student enrollment of over 27,000, is the fourth largest university in the state. The UNT Libraries have total collections over 1.5 million, a full-time staff of 112, and an operating budget of over five million dollars. Application: Applicants should submit a letter of application; vita; and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three professional references to: Suzanne Byron, Search Committee Chair, Library Administrative Office, University of North Texas, Box 5188, Denton, TX 76203-5188. Screening of applicants will begin on May 31,1992; however, applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The University of North Texas is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. USER SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Position, available on July 1, 1992 (contingent upon funding), reports to Coordinator of User Services and is responsible for providing service in following areas: reference assistance for the general collection, periodicals, microtext and U.S. government documents; instruction in the use of the Library and M ay 1 9 9 2 / 3 6 5 automated information systems for classes and specialized groups; supervision of student workers; and participation in the maintenance of statistics and preparation of research guides and reports. Expected schedule will include evening work on Monday through Friday. Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree, ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library staff, and ability to manage a diversity of duties. Preferred: reference experience in an academic library; experi­ ence in library instruction and in the use of automated reference services, both online and in a networked CD-ROM system; science background. Applications will be accepted until May 30,1992, or until the position is filled. This is a twelve-month, tenure-track appointment with academic rank and salary commensurate with qualifications. MTSU is a state- supported institution, 30 miles south east of Nashville, having 16,000 students and 621 faculty. Library has 19 faculty and 23 staff positions and is currently im plementing an integrated com puter system. G enerous benefits include full-paid state or TIAA/CREF retirement, 24 days annual leave, 12 days sick leave, and 11 paid holidays. C andidates must send an application letter, resume, official undergraduate and graduate transcripts, and 3 current le tters of reference to: J. Donald Craig, University Librar­ ian, M iddle Ten n e sse e S tate U n iv e rs ity , Murfreesboro, TN 37132. MTSU is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ­ ployer; m inorities and women are encouraged to apply. Late Job Listings SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN: University o f Georgia Libraries, Science Library. Duties: The Science Reference Librarian is responsible for providing refer­ ence, instructional, and referral services to the predominantly biomedical and agricul­ tural community. Reference duties involve assisting students, faculty, and staff in making effective use o f library resources, including government documents. Ongoing relationships with research faculty and students resemble those encountered in a special library. The position emphasizes the maintenance and expansion o f computer- based reference services. The Science Reference Librarian reports to the Head o f Science Reference. The Science Library, a collection largely comprised o f life science materials, is a 76,000-sq.-ft. facility with 600,000 volumes and 4,800 current journal subscriptions and has a staff o f 13 librarians and 18 support staff. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS; experience with library public service computer applications o f CD- ROM technology, microcomputers, and telecommunications; working knowledge of basic reference sources; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; strong interest in academic or special librarianship desired. Benefits: Standard benefits package includes life, health, and disability insurance and mandatory participation in the state or optional retirement system, and 21 days annual leave, plus 12 paid holidays. Salary minimum: $22,000 (adjustments may be made commensurate with experience). Application Procedure: Send letter o f application addressing all qualifications with a resume and the names o f three references by July 6,1992, to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librarian, University o f Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only i f suitable applicants are found. An equal opportunity, affirmative action institution. ARCHIVIST/MANUSCRIPTS CURATOR, The Huntington Library. The Depart­ ment o f manuscripts invites applications for an experienced professional archivist/ historian to hold a joint appointment as Institutional Archivist and Curator o f Western American Historical Manuscripts in one o f the nation’s great private humanities research libraries. Responsibilities: reference and research service for scholars con­ sulting the Huntington’s own archives and (along with two other curators) for the library’s rich collections in Western American history, especially those pertaining to Henry Huntington, western railroads, and the development o f Los Angeles in the early 20th century; cataloging, processing, and creating tools o f access for the archives and manuscripts collections; administration and processing o f the Library’s institutional archives; facilitating scholarly and public education about the collections through exhibitions, talks, conferences, and publications; collection development; other duties as assigned. Reports to the C hief Curator o f Manuscripts. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school with specialization in archives and manuscripts and M.A. in U.S. History with specialization in W estern history, or equivalent training and experience; professional-level experience working with manuscripts and archives in a research or academic library; knowledge o f MARC AMC format and RLIN desirable; excellent written and oral communications skills; demonstrated ability to work 3 6 6 /C&RL News effectively with colleagues, researchers, staff, and donors; ability to lift and carry boxes of at least 40 lbs. Salary: Negotiable, depending on qualification and experience, $28,000 minimum. Retirement TIAA/CREF after 2 years, 3 weeks vacation, health insurance programs. Send letter o f application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers o f 3 references to Carl Foote, Manager o f Personnel, Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, California 91108. Preferences given to complete applications received by June 1, 1992. HEAD, COLLECTIONS MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT, Gelman Library, The George Washington University. Appointment salary minimum: $35,000 (negotiable, based on qualifications and experience). Responsibilities: provides leader­ ship for department responsible for cataloging o f all formats, maintenance of NOTIS database, preservation and binding, and stacks maintenance. Responsible for creation and maintenance o f bibliographic authority, and item data for NOTIS system. Provides accurate reports of all departmental activities; represents department on librarywide committees; participates in collegial decision-making; represents Gelman Library at Washington Research Library Consortium meetings and participates in consortium committees. Serves as resource person for questions relating to catalog records on NOTIS. Management duties: supervises staff of 3 professionals and 9 support staff; develops policies and procedures; oversees management o f wage hour and binding budgets; manages shelving contract. Matches staffing workflow requirements. Subject specialist duties include selection o f materials, serials review, liaison with faculty, and classroom instruction. Qualifications: required: ALA-accredited MLS, cataloging experience in academic or research library; supervisory experience; several years experience with automated cataloging system; demonstrated ability to work effec­ tively in non-hierarchical organization; demonstrated interpersonal skills. Deadline: review o f applications begins June 15, 1992, and continues until position is filled. Please send current resume and names o f three references to: Andrea Stewart, Executive Associate, Gelman Library, The George Washington University, Wash­ ington, DC 20052. GWU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Japanese), Co­ lumbia University, C.V. Starr East Asian Library. This position has primary respon­ sibility for collection management and reference services for the Japanese research and instructional collection, which contains over 208,000 volumes. Collection manage­ ment responsibilities include selecting and deselecting material according to curricu­ lar and research needs o f faculty and students; participation in making and evaluating collection development policies; implementing preservation and conservation policies; caring for rare books; and planning for future collection development programs in conjunction with systemwide policies, external networks, and consortia. The position also has primary reference service and bibliographic instruction responsibilities for Japanese studies. Qualifications are: an accredited MLS or master’s degree in East Asian studies; fluency in oral and written Japanese and good communications skills in English; up-to-date knowledge o f traditional Japanese subject areas and recent developments in the social sciences; familiarity with reference tools and new biblio­ graphic techniques; knowledge o f RLIN and other online systems; excellent organiza­ tional and interpersonal skills; and ability to work effectively with faculty and students. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $28,600-$37,180; Librarian II: $30,600- $41,310; Librarian III: $33,600-$48,720. Excellent benefits include assistance with university housing and tuition exemption for self and family. Send resume listing names, addresses, and phone numbers o f three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director o f Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, Columbia University, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. We are especially interested in minority applicants for this position. Deadline for applications is May 30, 1992. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Provide general reference service in main library (social sciences and humanities) o f medium-sized, urban, Catholic university. Give biblio- M a y 1 9 9 2 / 3 6 7 graphic instruction in library resources and services, including CD-ROM sources. M aster’s degree in Library Science required. Prefer academ ic reference and biblio­ graphic instruction experience and knowledge o f automated library systems. Salary: $24,500+. Preference given to applications received by June 1, 1992. Send letter o f application, resume, and names o f three references to: M aria Dittman, Chair, Appoint­ ments and Promotions Committee, M arquette U niversity Libraries, 1415 W est W isconsin Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53233. Affirm ative action, equal opportunity employer. ARCHIVIST AN D RECORDS M ANAGER. N orthern M ichigan U niversity is a state university o f 8,000 students and 900 employees serving M ichigan’s U pper Peninsula and located on the shore o f Lake Superior. The Archives consists primarily o f the records o f N orthern M ichigan U niversity and may receive regional materials. For the first two years this position will be funded by a grant from the N ational Historical Publications and Records Commission; thereafter, it will be perm anently funded by the University. The U niversity Archivist and Records M anager will provide leadership, organization, and coordination o f all aspects o f the U niversity’s archival, records managem ent, and historical preservation programs. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in history or other appropriate concentration; M aster’s degree from either a graduate history program or an ALA-accredited library program ; archival education or experi­ ence required; knowledge o f and experience with records m anagem ent principles and practices; two years o f experience in a university archives preferred; demonstrated skill in program planning and execution; ability to work independently; knowledge o f M ARC:am c and rules in Archives. Personal Papers, and M anuscripts; ability to com municate clearly, work systematically and carefully, and to respect the confiden­ tiality o f records; demonstrated skill and experience in m icrocomputer applications for archival processing; a second master’s degree is highly desirable. Salary: Depends on experience and qualifications, $35,756/year at rank o f Assistant Professor, with faculty status on a tenure-track. Subm it nominations or letter o f application with resume, three letters o f recom m endation, and copies o f credentials and transcripts to: Director’s Office, Olson Library, N orthern M ichigan University, M arquette, M I 49855. Application review will begin after June 15,1992. Starting date August 1,1992. An AA/ EO employer. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES at Robert Morris College who will provide managerial skills and leadership to the libraries at two campuses and will be involved in all aspects o f library operations and with the professional and support staff. Requirements for this position include: M aster's degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited institu­ tion; considerable experience and knowledge o f principles and practices in library administration; knowledge o f com puting systems and em erging technologies; ability to develop and administer effective library programs; effective com municator and ability to work with faculty, staff, students, and other members o f the college community. This position carries faculty status and the salary is competitive and com m ensurate with experience. Robert M orris is an independent coeducational institution that has experienced rapid growth over the last two decades and is now in a dynamic development phase. The College serves over 5,500 degree-seeking students in two locations: a residential campus near the Greater Pittsburgh International Airport, and a center in downtown Pittsburgh. The college is a focused business institution offering undergraduate and graduate degrees in business administration and selective bachelor o f arts degrees in English and communication. All inquiries will be held in strict confidence and applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Credentials and two letters o f reference should be sent to: Director o f Human Resources, R obert Morris College, N arrows Run Road, Corapolis, PA 15108. RMC is an EOE. DIRECTOR, EAST A SIA N LIBRARY, Berkeley. The East Asian Library is the second largest collection o f research materials in East Asian languages at any university outside East Asia. The EAL and its branch, The Center for Chinese Studies 3 6 8 /C&RL News Library (CCSL), provide research support for faculty and student researchers in all fields o f the humanities and the social sciences, and in the professional schools which focus on East Asia. The Director reports to the University Librarian and is responsible for all aspects o f the EAL and CCSL. The Director is attentive to the benefits of coordinating collection development regionally and nationally, and oversees coopera­ tion with institutions such as the East Asian Collection of the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and the East Asian collections of other UC campuses. The Director will initiate the preparation of proposals for extramural funding for special projects such as retrospective conversion of the card catalog, conservation care, microfilming, and others. The Director participates in librarywide program coordination and decision-making. The Director is responsible, with the Library Development Office, for coordinating the Friends ofthe East Asian Library, and all fundraising and public relations efforts relating to the Library. It is expected that the campus will continue with its planning for an East Asian Studies Building, for which the Library will be the centerpiece. The goal of the proposed building project is to create a symbolic and intellectual focus for East Asian studies on the Berkeley campus. The Director will play an important role in implementing any such plan. The successful candidate’s career should show evidence of leadership and imagination; the capacity to work effectively in a complex academic organization; management experience; fundraising skills; the ability to communicate effectively in speech and writing (in English); and the ability to work cooperatively with faculty and staff to develop the Library’s collection and services. Academic qualifications include competence in one or more of the East Asian languages (Chinese, Japanese, Korean!; graduate work in the literature, histoiy, economics or culture ofEast Asia; and a Master’s degree in librarianship or a Ph.D. degree in an appropriate field. A part-time academic appointment or additional administrative duties may be considered, depending on qualifications and interests of the successful candidate. Rank and salary to be negotiated. Applicants should apply in writing, by July 31,1992, including with their letter a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of their education and relevant experience, and the names and address o f three references who are knowledgeable about their qualifications. Send applications to: Janice H. Burrows, Director for Library Human Resources, 447 The Library, Univer­ sity of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College is a compre­ hensive two-year college dedicated to providing quality educational opportunities to the residents o f the Richmond metropolitan area and surrounding counties. The College has three campuses located in urban, suburban, and rural settings. Total enrollments exceed 10,000 each fall semester. The College is seeking applicants for the position of reference librarian on the Parham Road Campus. Type of Appointment: Full-time nine-month position beginning August 16, 1992, for an initial appointment ending May 15, 1993. Summer employment at 60% o f a full-time contract is expected. Academic rank and salary commensurate with the education and experience of the applicant. Salary range: $23,600-$38,940. The nine-month salary for 1992-93 would normally not exceed $31,200. Qualifications Required: An ALA-accredited MLS. Qualifications Preferred: Applicants should possess skills in reference, bibliographic instruction, online literature searching, and collection development. Familiarity with automated circulation and extension services is preferred. Application Process: Letters of application must be received, if hand delivered, or postmarked by May 28, 1992. A completed application folder should also contain a State application form, resume, three current letters of recommendation for this position, and all official academic transcripts. All correspondence should be sent to: The Human Resources Department, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College, P. 0. Box 85622, Rich­ mond, VA 23285-5622. AA/EOE D efinitive R esources in Fi l m From K.G.Saur… International Film Index Edited by Alan G oble This is the most exhaustive film directory and director's filmography ever compiled. It lists 90% of all American, European, and Australasian feature films ever made — more than 2 3 2 ,0 0 0 film titles, and includes shorts, animated features, documentaries, serials and even TV films, spanning the entire era o f moving pictures. Arranged alphabetically, the Director's entries list dates of birth and death; country of birth and filmmaking; and a complete chronology of films with dates and alterna­ tive titles. Title entries contain year of release, director, country of film finance, type of film and alternative title. Supplementary indexes of directors by country, and a massive bibliography further augment the value of this work. 1 9 9 1 /0 - 8 6 2 9 1 - 6 3 2 - 2 /1 , 6 0 0 p a g e s /$ 3 3 5 _______________________________ Pre-Cinema History An Annotated Bibliography Dr. Hermann Hecht and Anne Hecht The Camera Obscura outlined by Da Vinci, the M a g ick Lantern devised in the 17th century, the Thaumatrope and the Phénakistoscope— these are some of the optical inventions which led to the emergence of film. They represent a fraction of the 4 ,5 0 0 entries contained in Pre-Cinema History, a w orldw ide bibliogra­ phy of moving picture representations spanning six centuries. Arranged in chronological order, each notable object or occasion is described and set in its historical context. Full bibliographic references with contents For Fastest Service summaries and quotations from the original article and Call Toll-Free contemporary press clippings are also provided. 1 9 9 2 /C . 8 0 0 p a g e s /$ 1 8 0 T . 1 -80 0 -5 2 1 -8 1 10 121 Chanlon Rd. • New Providence, NJ 07974 • A Reed Reference Publishing Company