ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1988 / 97 ACRL list o f m aterials a v a ila b le A complete checklist of ACRL publications in print. S i n g l e copies of ACRL standards and guidelines are free upon request (additional copies m ay be purchased for $1.00 each). O ther publications are priced as listed. To ensure th a t your order is prop­ erly processed, include ISBN, au th o r, title, list price, and applicable discount for each item or­ dered. Both institutions and individuals m ay order on account, plus postage and handling; however, p re­ paym ent should accom pany individuals’ orders of $15.00 or less. No postage or handling charges are ad d ed to p re p a id orders (check, m oney o rd er, credit card). All prices are payable in U.S. funds. The first price stated is list price. ISBN prefix: 0-8389-. Discounts ALA personal and organizational members are eligible to receive a ten percent (10%) discount on ACRL m aterials (except subscription item s). To re­ ceive the discount, give your membership num ber, and deduct the discount when preparing your or­ ders. ACRL personal and organizational members re­ ceive an additional 10-30% discount on ACRL m aterials. Look for the ACRL m em ber prices on this list. Q uantity discounts are available w hen five or m ore copies of th e sam e title are ordered to be shipped to the same address. Inquire for prices on specific titles. H andling charges Invoice am ounts of $20.00 or less, $1. Invoice am ounts of $20.01-$50.00, $2. Invoice am ounts of $50.01-$100.00, $3. Invoice am ounts of $100.01-$200.00, $4. Invoice am ounts greater th a n $200.00, $5. Send com pleted orders to: ALA Publishing Ser­ vices, O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron Street, C hi­ cago, IL 60611-2795. ACRL approval plans The convenient ACRL approval order plan pro­ vides autom atic priority shipping of ACRL’s new books at a 20% discount to ACRL members (10% to non-members). There are two approval plan categories to choose from. Plan “P” guarantees th a t you will autom atically be sent all new ACRL p u b ­ lications. Plan “PC ” is exclusively for titles in the C LIP Notes series. You may change or cancel your approval order at any tim e and you do have return privileges. For details, contact Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Publications Officer. Bibliographic instruction •B ack to the Books: Bibliographic Instruction and the Theory of Inform ation Sources (1983). P a­ pers presented at the Bibliographic Instruction Sec­ tion program at the 1982 ALA Annual Conference. E dited by Ross Atkinson. 76p. 6587-3. $15; ACRL members $12. • T h e Bibliographic Instruction Clearinghouse: A Practical Guide (1984). A guide to establishing a clearinghouse. 71p. 6775-2. $12; ACRL members $9. •B ibliographic Instruction Handbook (1979). Prepared by the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Task Force (1971-77) and the Policy and Planning C om m ittee of the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Section (1977-79). “ ...provides the librarian w ith inform ation w hich, w hen joined to will and talent, should result in a successful program ”—Journal o f Academ ic Librarianship. 68p. 6729-9. $10; ACRL members $7. • E v a l u a ti n g B ib lio g ra p h ic In s tru c tio n : A Handbook (1983). Prepared by the ACRL Biblio­ graphic In struction Section’s Subcom m ittee on 98 / C&RL News Evaluation, “ of the most practical and use­ ful publications in the area of user instruction”— Library ‹b- Inform ation Science Research. 122p. 6608-X. $17; ACRL members $13. •L ib ra ry Instruction Clearinghouses 1986: A D ire c to ry . By M ary V an O rsdol. 7109-1. $5; ACRL members $4. •O rganizing and M anaging a Library Instruc­ tion Program (1979). Prepared by the ACRL Bib­ liographic Instruction Section’s Continuing E d u ­ c a tio n C o m m itte e . 30p. 6731-0. $4; À C R L members $3. •Petals Around a Rose: Abstract Reasoning and B ib lio g ra p h ic I n s tr u c tio n (1980). By C erise Oberman-Soroka. 23p. 6732-9. $5; ACRL mem­ bers $4. Collection development •Books for College Libraries, 3d ed. Six vol­ umes. Forthcom ing in 1988. Inquire for publica­ tion date and price. •B uilding a C hildren’s L iterature Collection (1983). 3rd ed. Choice Bibliographical Essay Se­ ries, no. 7. $9.95. 48p. 0-9144-9206-3. O rder from: Choice, 100 Riverview Center, M iddletown, CT 06457. •B uilding W om en’s Studies Collections: A Re­ source Guide (1987). Edited by Joan Ariel. Choice Bibliographical Essay Series, no. 8. $12. 48p. 0- 9144-9207-1. O rder from: Choice, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddletown, CT 06457. •C ollection Development Policies: CLIP Note #2-81 (1981). 131p. 6738-8. $12; ACRL members $9. •C urriculum M aterials Center Collection De­ velopment Policy (1984). 27p. 6777-9. $7; ACRL members $5. •G u id e for the Development and M anagem ent of Test Collections w ith Special Emphasis on Aca­ demic Settings (1985). Prepared by the ACRL E d­ ucation and Behavioral Sciences Section’s Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Test Collections. “Any question a librarian might have on the subject of test collec­ tio n s a p p e a rs to h a v e b een a n sw e re d in th e G u id e ...” —Library Journal. 69p. 6926-7. $12; ACRL members $9. •W o m en ’s Studies in W estern Europe: A Re­ source Guide (1986). Edited by Stephen Lehm ann and E va Sartori. “T he w ell-edited result gives American librarians and researchers an overview of the field plus specific inform ation about acquisi­ tions of feminist publications from western E uro­ p e ... A valuable resource for academ ic or large public lib raries.” —Choice. 129p. 7037-0. $18; ACRL members $15. Conference proceedings •A c a d e m ic L ib ra rie s: M yths a n d R ealities (1984). Proceedings of the T hird National ACRL Conference, April 4-7, 1984, Seattle. 420p. 6787- 6. $28; ACRL members $20. •Energies for Transition (1986). Proceedings of th e F o u rth N atio n al ACRL C onference, April 9-12, 1986, Baltimore. Edited by D anuta A. Ni- tecki. “ .. .a good cross-section in this one volume of the current issues and new developments related to academic librarianship.”—College ò- Research L i­ braries. 248p. 6976-3. $30; ACRL members $22. •L ibraries and Accreditation in Institutions of Higher Education (1981). Proceedings of an invita­ tional conference sponsored by ACRL and COPA. Edited by Julie A.C. Virgo, “ ...useful to academic librarians and library schools for the purpose of un­ derstanding better the role of the library in the ac­ creditation process.” —Journal o f A cadem ic L i­ brarianship. 176p. 6741-8. $19; ACRL members $15. •N ew Horizons for Academic Libraries (1978). Sixty-six contributed papers from the First N a­ tional ACRL Conference in Boston. Twelve micro­ fiche. Free. •O ptions for the 80’s (1981). Fifty-six contrib­ uted papers from the Second National ACRL Con­ ference in Minneapolis. Eleven microfiche. Free. Database searching •O n lin e Bibliographic Database Searching in College Libraries: CLIP Note #4-83(1983). Com ­ piled by D avid Carlson and P. G rady Morein. 132p. 6624-1. $19; ACRL members $15. Directories •D ire c to ry of C urriculum M aterials Centers (1985). Compiled by Lois J. Lehm an and Eva K. Kiewitt. 2nd ed. “ .. .an invaluable work which will be heavily used by all who are associated w ith edu­ cation collections, instructional materials centers, and teacher training institutes.”—Library b In ­ fo rm a tio n Science A n n u a l. 194p. 6917-8. $20; ACRL members $15. •D irectory of W estern European Specialists in North American Libraries (1984). 20p. 6762-0. $5; ACRL members $3. •S lav ic E thnic L ibraries, Museums and Ar­ chives in the United States: A Guide and Directory (1980). Compiled by Lubom yr R. W ynar. 164p. 6742-6. $9; ACRL members $6. Personnel issues and faculty status •M anagem ent and Staff Development (1982). Proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the N orth­ ern California ACRL C hapter in 1979. 37p. 6735- 3. $10; ACRL members $8. •M a n a g in g Student W orkers in College L i­ braries: C LIP Note #7 (1986). Compiled by Mi­ chael D. K athm an and Jane M cGurn Kathm an. 182p. 7097-4. $17; non-members $14. •T rav el Policies of Tw enty-O ne College & Uni­ versity Libraries (1980). 77p. 6736-1. $3. 100 / C & R L New s Planning •F rie n d s of College L ibraries: C L IP Note #9 (1987). C o m p iled by Ronelle T hom pson. 134p. 7171-7. $17; ACRL m em bers $14. •M issio n S ta te m e n ts fo r C ollege L ib ra rie s: C L IP Note #5 (1985). C om piled by L a rry H a r­ desty, Jam ie H a stre ite r, an d D av id H enderson. “ T h e survey is a good one, eliciting answ ers to questions ab o u t w hy an d how libraries developed statem ents of purpose, or w hy n o t...a com m end­ able p ro d u c tio n .” —R Q . 107p. 6944-5. $20; ACRL m em bers $15. Rare books, m anuscripts and archives • G e n r e Term s: A Thesaurus for Use in R are Book an d Special Collections C ataloguing (1983). 41p. 6612-8. $7.50; ACRL m em bers $5.50. • P r in tin g an d Publishing Evidence: T hesauri for Use in R are Book an d Special Collections C a ta ­ loguing (1986). 28p. 7108-3. $7.50; ACRL m em ­ bers $5.50. •S p ecial Collections in College Libraries: C L IP Note #6 (1986). C om piled by C hristine E rd m an n . C ontains actual docum ents from college libraries on projects, publicity, financial su p p o rt, archives, preservation, an d use policies. 95p. 7004-4. $18; A CRL m em bers $15. Statistics •A C R L University L ib rary Statistics 1985-86 an d 1986 “ 100 L ib raries” Statistical Survey (1987). C om piled by R obert M olyneux. Statistics from 149 non-ARL university, college, an d junior college li­ braries. 7144-X. $30; ACRL m em bers $24. •A C R L University L ib ra ry Statistics 1983-84 (1985). C om piled by Sandy W hiteley. Statistics from 86 non-ARL university libraries in th e U.S. an d C an ad a. 55p. 6892-9. $15; ACRL m em bers $12. • A C R L U n iv e r s ity L i b r a r y S ta tis tic s 1981-1982 (1983). Statistics from 92 non-ARL u n i­ versity libraries. 55p. 6596-2. $15; ACRL m em bers $12. • A C R L U n iv e r s ity L i b r a r y S ta tis tic s 1978-1979 (1980). Statistics from 98 non-ARL u n i­ versity libraries. 47p. 6739-6. $7.50; ACRL m em ­ bers $5. • L ib r a r y Statistics of Colleges an d Universities, 1985: N ational Sum m aries, State Sum m aries, I n ­ stitutional Tables (1987). D a ta from th e 1985 H E- GIS study conducted by th e C en ter for E d ucation Statistics covering 2,870 academ ic libraries. 240p. 7147-4. $30; ACRL m em bers $24. • L ib r a r y Statistics of Colleges an d Universities, 1982 In s titu tio n a l D a ta (1984). D a ta from th e 1981-82 H E G IS study conducted by th e N ational C enter for E d u catio n Statistics covering over 3,000 a c a d e m ic lib ra rie s. 177p. 6640-3. $16; A C R L m em bers $12. •1 9 8 4 “ 100 L ibraries” Statistical Survey (1984). Task Force on Academ ic L ib rary Statistics. 92p. 6951-8. $12; ACRL m em bers $9. • Q u a n tita tiv e C riteria for A cadem ic Research L ib ra rie s (1984). By K endon L. Stubbs. 135p. 6788-4. $19; ACRL m em bers $15. Periodicals •C h o ic e . Book an d n o n -p rin t review jo u rn al of th e Association of College & Research Libraries. Eleven issues per year; (July/August com bined.) ISSN: 0009-4978. E d ito r/Publisher: P atricia Sabo- sik. A vailable by subscription only, $110/year. O r­ der from : C irculation D e p a rtm e n t, Choice, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddletow n, C T 06457. •C h o ic e Re vie w s-on-C ards. Reviews from each m onthly issue of Choice p rin te d on 3 x 5 cards. A vailable to Choice subscribers only for $175/year. O rd er from : C irculation D e p a rtm e n t, Choice, 100 Riverview C enter, M iddletow n, C T 06457. •C o lleg e & Research L ibraries. O fficial jo u rn al of th e Association of College a n d R esearch L i­ b raries. Six b im o n th ly issues p e r year. E d ito r: C harles R. M artell J r., C alifornia State University L ib rary , Sacram ento, CA 95819. Sent to ACRL m e m b ers as a p e rq u is ite of m e m b e rsh ip . Also available on subscription, $35/year. ISSN: 0010- 0870. O rd e r fro m : S u b sc rip tio n D e p a r tm e n t, A m e ric a n L ib r a r y A ssociation, 50 E a s t H u ro n Street, C hicago, IL 60611. •C o lleg e & Research L ibraries News. Official news m agazine of th e Association of College and Research Libraries. Eleven issues p er year; (Ju- l y / A u g u st c o m b in e d ) . E d i t o r : G e o rg e M. E b e rh a rt, ACRL/ALA, 50 E ast H u ro n Street, C h i­ cago, IL 60611. Sent to ACRL m em bers as a p e r­ quisite of m em bership. Also available on subscrip­ tio n , $ 1 5 /y e ar. ISSN: 0099-0086. O rd e r from : Subscription D e p a rtm e n t, A m erican L ib rary Asso­ ciation, 50 E ast H u ro n Street, C hicago, IL 60611. • F a s t Job L isting Service. A job listing w hich supplem ents in a speedy, tim ely fashion th e classi­ fied advertising in C & R L N ew s. Published tw elve tim e s p e r y e a r. S ix -m o n th s u b s c rip tio n . $15; ACRL m em bers $10. O rd er from: A CRL/A LA , 50 E ast H u ro n Street, C hicago, IL 60611. • I n d e x for Volumes 26 to 40 (1965-1979) of College & Research L ibraries a n d College & R e­ search L ibraries News (1980). P rep ared by E ldon W . T am blyn. 6482-6. $12; ACRL m em bers $10. • R a r e Books an d M anuscripts L ib rarian sh ip . T w o issues p e r year. A vailable by sub scrip tio n only. ISSN: 0884-450x. $20 U.S. and C an ad a ; $25 overseas. CE course syllabi • O p e ra tin g an d M arketing Fee-Based Services in A cadem ic L ibraries: A Sm all Business A pproach (CE 108a) provides in form ation to enable adm inis­ trato rs an d lib rarian s from academ ic libraries to critically analyze fee-based service operations. Bv B arb ara Stum p. 1985. 57p. 6965-8. $15; ACRL February 1988 / 101 members $10. •Interview ing Skills: Finding the Right Person for the Job (CE 109) reviews the legal guidelines af­ fecting employment. Considers all aspects of con­ ducting effective evaluative interviews. By Sheila C reth. 1982. 20p. 6875-9. $15; ACRL members $10. •T e a c h in g Methods for the Bibliographic In ­ struction L ibrarian (CE 202) provides an introduc­ tion to basic learning theory and alternate instruc­ tio n al m ethods used in lib ra ry in stru c tio n . By M anila Svinicki. 1981. 62p. 6751-5. $15; ACRL members $10. • H o w to T each Science Reference M aterials (CE 205), 2d ed., examines the search strategies and reference tools th a t are particularly useful to undergraduate science majors. By Thom as Kirk. 1984. 63p. 6756-6. $15; ACRL members $10. ACRL Publications in Librarianship •N o. 39—Libraries for Teaching, Libraries for ACRL standards and guidelines Single copies of ACRL standards and guide­ lines are available free upon request. A ddi­ tional copies may be purchased for $1.00 each. Prepaym ent must accom pany orders for addi­ tional standards. Send all requests to: ACRL Standards and Guidelines, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago IL 60611. Access Access Policy Guidelines (1975). Reprinted from C & RL News, November 1975. 2p. Bibliographic instruction Guidelines for Bibliographic Instruction in Academ ic L ibraries (1977). R eprinted from C & R L News, April 1977. Ip . Colleges and universities Guidelines for Branch Libraries in Colleges and Universities (1975). Reprinted from C‹b-RL News, O ctober 1975. 3p. G uidelines for E xtended Cam pus L ib rary Services (1982). R eprinted from C& RL News, M arch 1982. 2p. The Mission of an U ndergraduate L ibrary (Model S tatem en t). R ep rin ted from C & R L News, November 1979. 5p. Standards for College Libraries (1986). Re­ printed from C & RL News, M arch 1986. 12p. Standards for University Libraries (1979). R e p rin te d fro m C & R L N e w s, A p ril 1979. ACRL/ARL. 10p. C om m unity and junior colleges Guidelines for Two-Year College Learning Resources Program s (1982). R eprinted from C & R L N ew s, J a n u a ry an d F e b ru a ry 1982. ACRL/AECT. 10p. S ta te m e n t on Q u a n tita tiv e S tan d a rd s for T w o -Y e a r L e a rn in g R esources P ro g ra m s (1979). 4p. Personnel issues and faculty status Guidelines and Procedures for the Screening a n d A p p o in tm e n t of A cadem ic L ib ra ria n s (1977). Reprinted from C & RL News, Septem­ ber 1977. 4p. Joint Statem ent on Faculty Status of College a n d U n iv e rsity L ib r a r ia n s (1974). ACRL/AAUP/AAC. R eprinted from C & R L News, February 1974. Ip. Model Statem ent of C riteria and Procedures fo r A p p o in tm e n t, P ro m o tio n in A cadem ic Rank, and Tenure for College and University L ib ra ria n s (1973). R e p rin te d from C & R L News, May 1987. 8p. Standards for Faculty Status for College and University L ibrarians (1974). R eprinted from C& RL News, May 1974. 2p. Statem ent on Collective Bargaining (1975). Ip . Statem ent on the T erm inal Professional D e­ gree for Academic L ibrarians (1975). Ip . Rare books, manuscripts and archives G uidelines for the Security of R are Book, M an u scrip t, a n d O th e r Special C ollections (1983). Reprinted from C& RL News, M arch 1982. 4p. G uidelines on M anuscripts an d Archives (1977). Com pilation of policy statements p re­ p ared by th e ACRL R are Books and M anu­ scripts Section’s C om m ittee on M anuscripts Collections. Contains: Statem ent on Appraisal of Gifts; Statem ent on Legal Title; Statem ent on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Ar­ chives for Noncommercial Purposes; Statem ent on the Reproduction of Manuscripts and Ar­ chives for Com m ercial Purposes; and Universal Gift Form and Instructions, l i p . Joint Statem ent on Access to O riginal Re­ search M aterials (1979). This supersedes the 1976 ACRL Statem ent on Access and the 1974 Standards for Access of SAA (American A rchi­ vist, Jan u ary 1974). R eprinted from C‹FRL News, April 1979. 2p. 102 / C b R L News Research: Essays for a Century. Richard D. John­ son, ed. (1977). “...a must for all library school stu­ dents interested in academ ic lib rarian sh ip .” — ARBA 78. 276p. 0247-2 (use order code 3196-0). Limited quantities. $15. •N o. 41—Women View Librarianship: Nine Perspectives. Kathryn Renfro Lundy, ed. (1980). “It is satisfying to read their considered responses to questions ranging from ideas about administration and personal career choices to developing library school c u rric u la an d advice to b eg in n in g professionals.” —College & Research Libraries. 99p. 3251-7. $8. •N o. 42—The Spirit of Inquiry in Library Sci­ ence: The Graduate Library School at Chicago, 1921-1951. John V. Richardson Jr. (1982). “ ...a significant book in library education and an exam­ ple of painstaking historical research.”—ARBA 84. 238p. 3273-8. Limited quantities. $35. •N o. 43—The Landscape of Literatures: Use of Subject Collections in a University Library. Paul Metz. (1983). “Metz im portant use study... by attempting to identify the subject litera­ ture of interest to faculty and students in various academic disciplines.”—RQ. 157p. 3286-X. Lim­ ited quantities. $30. •N o. 44—The Carnegie Corporation and the D evelopm ent of A m erican College L ib raries, 1928-1941. Neil A. Radford. (1984). Provides a useful historical perspective on collection analysis and external funding by studying the impact of Carnegie grants for collection development. 272p. 3295-9. Limited quantities. $29.95. •N o. 45—English and American Literature: Sources and Strategies for Collection Develop­ m ent. W illiam M cPheron, ed. 217p. 0476-9. $29.95. ■ ■ How to publish in ACRL: Non-serial publications Are you working on a survey, directory, pam ­ phlet, bibliography, or any other project with pub­ lication potential? Then you need to be aware of the publication procedures for non-serial publica­ tions developed by the ACRL Publications Com­ mittee. Your publication proposal will go through the following steps on the way to becoming an ACRL or ALA publication. Step One. Fill out a “Preliminary Publication Information Form ,” available from ACRL Head­ quarters, early in the planning stages of your proj­ ect. This form asks for basic information about the scope and content of the proposed publication and the individual(s) responsible for developing it. Send the completed form to Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL’s publications officer, at ACRL Headquar­ ters. Step Two. The ACRL publications officer re­ views the proposal and offers ALA Publishing Ser­ vices the first chance of accepting the project as an ALA publication. This “right of first refusal” is specified in the operating agreement between ALA and its divisions. Step Three. ACRL’s Publications Subcommittee on Non-Serial Proposals and the ACRL publica­ tions officer review the content and viability of the proposal and make a recommendation as to its fea­ sibility. (In some cases, an outside reader with ex­ pertise in the subject area will be asked to review the publication for editorial content. This review will next be considered by the Subcommittee and the program officer.) The Subcommittee will re­ view and act upon publication proposals through­ out the year, as well as at ALA annual conferences and midwinter meetings. Step Four. After reviewing the recommenda­ tions of the Subcommittee (and any outside review­ ers) the ACRL publications officer then accepts, rejects, refers back to ALA Publishing Services, or asks for further development of each proposal from the author or sponsoring body. Step Five. If your proposal is accepted, submit your completed manuscript to ACRL H eadquar­ ters for further review by the Subcommittee and the ACRL publications officer. For further inform ation, contact Mary Ellen Davis, ACRL Publications Officer, ACRL/ALA, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; (312) 944-6780, x287. ■ ■ Planning grants for public programs on the Columbian Quincentenary The 500th anniversary of Christopher Colum­ bus’s first voyage to the New World will be ob­ served internationally in 1992. In honor of this oc­ casion th e N atio n al E n d o w m en t for th e Humanities is holding a special competition for planning grants in Public Humanities Projects. Projects should focus on the scholarly issues raised by the Columbian Quincentenary. Colleges and