ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 114 / C&RL News and Their Dependents, 1988-1989, by Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David W eber (240 pages, De­ cember 1987), is a guide to the nearly $1 billion in financial aid set aside for these groups by public and private agencies. More than 600 references are provided to programs sponsored by professional groups, foundations, educational associations, mi- litary /v eteran s organizations, and governm ent agencies. Indexes cover program titles, sponsoring organizations, geographic coverage, subjects, and deadline dates. The volume may be ordered for $32.50 (plus $2.50 handling) from Reference Ser­ vice Press, 10 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite B-308, Redwood City, GA 94065. ISBN 0-918276-07-X. • The Invasion of the Giant Spore, by Sandra Ny­ berg (19 pages, November 1987), published as SO- LINE T ’s Preservation Leaflet number 5, answers frequently asked questions about mold in libraries and archives. Common treatm ents for controlling mold are described and evaluated, and prevention tips are enumerated. SOLINET members may ob­ tain the leaflet free of charge; others should send a self-addressed, 56¢-stamped envelope with their request to: SOLINET, Plaza Level, 400 Colony Square, 1201 Peachtree Street, N .E ., Atlanta, GA 30361. • Retrospective Conversion Guidelines fo r Li­ braries is a new pam phlet published by OCLC that offers planning tips, explains record conversion op­ tions, and provides a bibliography of recent publi­ cations on the topic. The pam phlet inlcudes a sum­ m ary of five conversion options and a special section of questions to ask prospective vendors. A free copy may be ordered from OCLC, Inc., 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017-0702. • Stress M anagement in Work Settings (200 pages, 1987) is a collection of original contributions th a t address current issues and problems. Part I deals w ith organizational stress and its assessment; Part II describes aspects of stress management in the work setting; and Part III lists resources for training materials, products, and equipment. Cop­ ies may be ordered for $9.50 from Dept. 36-ZE, Su­ p erin ten d en t of D ocum ents, W ashington, DC 20402-9325. Stock no. 017-033-00428-5. • A Union List o f Montana Newspapers in Mon­ tana Repositories (270 pages, 1987) is the end prod­ uct of M ontana’s participation in the U.S. Newspa­ per Program of the National Endowm ent for the Humanities. It lists the 1,121 M ontana newspaper titles the project found extant, with holdings and form at information, from the first territorial in 1864 to the present. Copies may be ordered for $10 (postpaid), from the M ontana Historical Society L ib ra ry , 225 N. R o b erts S t., H e le n a , MT 59620. ■ ■ March 6 -1 1 —R are Books: F lo rid a A n tiquarian Book Sem inar, U niversity of F lorida, Gainesville. Sponsored by Book Seminars, Inc., in coopera­ tion with AB Bookman's W eekly, the program will include a survey of the antiquarian book trade, a profile of the general dealer, the book from the perspective of the bibliographer, de­ scriptive cataloging, pricing, authentification and forgery, acquisition sources, and libraries and collectors. Fee: $425. CEUs: 3.0. Contact: Book Sem inars, In c ., 4024 N .W . 15th St., Gainesville, FL 32605; (904) 378-8144. 17-19—Composition: 39th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and C o m m u n icatio n , C la rio n H otel, St. Louis. Theme: “Language, Self, and Society.” Con­ tact: CCCC Convention Information, National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 328-3870. 25—Preservation: “The Well-Tempered Collec­ C A L E N D A R tion: Environmental Protection of Library and Archival M aterials,” continuing education semi­ nar, G raduate School of Library and Inform a­ tion Science, University of Texas at Austin. Speaker: Paul Banks. Fee: $35. Contact: Contin­ uing Education, GSLIS, EDB 564, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1276; (512) 471-3821. April 14-16—Africana: Archives-Libraries Committee (African Studies Association), Spring Meeting, Boston University. Contact: Vicki Evalds or Gretchen Walsh, African Studies Library, Bos­ ton University, 771 Commonwealth Ave., Bos­ ton, MA 02215; (617) 353-3726. 19-23—Texas: Texas L ibrary Association, 75th annual conference, Corpus Christi. Keynote speaker w ill be Liz C a rp e n te r, a u th o r and former press secretary to Lady Bird Johnson. Contact: Patricia Smith, Texas Library Associa- February 1988 / 115 tion, 3355 Bee Cave Road, Suite 603, Austin, TX 78746; (512) 328-1518. May 6—Microcomputers: “Microcomputer-Based Au­ tom ation of Small L ibraries,” sponsored by the THE CLASSIFIED ADS D e a d lin e s : O rders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. Septem ber 2 for the O ctober issue). Late jo b listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. R a te s : Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL m em bers, $6.25 for others. Late jo b notices are $12.00 per line for m em bers, $14.00 for others. Organizations subm itting ads will be charge d according to their m em bership status. T e le p h o n e : All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a writ­ ten order m ailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late jo b notices or display ads). G u id e lin e s : For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., O ctober 20 for the O ctober issue). Alt jo b announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Jo b announcem ents will be edited to exclude discrim inatory references. Applicants should be aware that the term s faculty rank and status vary in meaning am ong institutions. JO B L IN E : Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking jo b ads for aca­ dem ic and research library positions. A pre-recorded sum mary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly: each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing subm itted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL m embers and $35 for non-members. F a st J o b L is tin g S e rv ic e : A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL m em ­ bers and $15 for non-members. C o n ta c t: Classified Advertising Dep't, ACRL, Am erican Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN A C Q U IS IT IO N S L IB R A R IA N , S O C IA L SCIENCES. The Univer­ sity of Arizona is seeking a librarian to serve as bibliographer in the areas of social and behavioral sciences, e.g., anthropology, busi­ ness, econom ics, education, geography, psychology, physical edu- cation/sports, sociology, statistical sources, and w o m en’s studies, with responsibility for overall collection developm ent in these areas. The Social Sciences Acquisitions Librarian reports to the Head of A c ­ quisitions: works closely with four other acquisitions librarians, a cqu i­ sitions staff, and faculty on developm ent of the library’s social and behavioral sciences collections: monitors approval program s for the areas listed above: and is expected to coordinate and lead a cluster of reference librarians involved in collection development. The Uni­ versity of Arizona, with an enrollm ent of 32,000, is recognized nation­ ally for its academ ic program s and scientific research. The University Library holds over 3 million volumes and consists of a main library and seven branches. The acquisitions budget is over $3.8 million. At present, the Library is installing an experimental online catalogue and conducts all acquisitions using an online system. Requirements University of Iow a School of Library and Infor­ m ation Science, Ironm en Inn, Coralville, Iowa. In stru c to r: R obert W alto n , d irec to r of d a ta processing for the Texas State Library. CEUs: 0.6. Fee: $45. C ontact: E thel Bloesch, SLIS, University of Iow a, 3087 L ibrary, Iow a City, lA 52242; (319)335-5707. ■ ■ include an ALA-accredited degree, excellent bibliographic skills, a know ledge of the book trade, acquisitions or collection developm ent background, know ledge of any western European language, and dem onstrated written and oral com m unication skills. Preference will be given to candidates with a familiarity of MARC records and online searching, a social or behavioral sciences background, supervisory experience, and a familiarity with autom ated acquisitions systems and m icrocom puters. Minimum salary is $20,000: higher salary is negotiable depending on qualifications. Librarians at the University of Arizona have academ ic professional status, are eligible for contin­ uing status, are voting m em bers of the faculty, and may take up to 24 days of professional leave per year. They have 22 days paid vaca­ tion, 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays. A standard package of fringe benefits is available. Send letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Shelley Phipps, Acting University Librarian, U n iv e rs ity o f A riz o n a Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. A p p li­ cations must be received by March 11, 1988. The University of A r­ izona is an Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity, Affirmative Action Em­ ployer. A C Q U IS IT IO N S /S E R IA L S L IB R A R IA N , University Libraries, Uni versity of the Pacific. Responsibilities: Oversees ordering and receiv­ ing library materials using the Innovacq acquisitions and serials sys­ tem . M o n ito rs lib ra ry m a te ria ls b u d g e t, assists in c o lle c tio n development, coordinates approval plan, meets with booksellers and subscription agents, monitors vendor perform ance. Reports to Chair, Technical Services Department, and participates in depart­ mental planning. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent from an ALA- accredited school required. Minimum of three years experience in serials or m onog rap hic acquisitions. Must have dem onstrated su­ pervisory and oral and written com m unication skills. Experience with an automated serials/acquisitions system preferred. Should be famil­ iar with publishing or booksellers trade. Rank, salary, and benefits: Tenure-track appointm ent at Assistant or Associate Professor rank: must meet general University requirements for prom otion and tenure in addition to specified library assignments. Salary of $20,000 + (de­ pending on qualifications and experience): one month vacation, TIAA/CREF, and broad insurance benefits. General Information: University of the Pacific is an independent coeducational institution with an enrollm ent of approxim ately 3,800 students on a 155-acre cam pus. The main cam pus is in Stockton, California, a city of more than 170,000, located 75 miles east of San Francisco and 45 miles south of Sacramento. A major $6.5 million library addition has been recently com pleted. Application & deadline: Send letter of applica­ tion, resume, and the names, addresses, and phone num bers of three current references to: Thomas W. Leonhardt, Dean, University Libraries, U n iv e rs ity o f th e P a c ific , Stockton, CA 95211. A p p lica ­ tions received by March 1, 1988, will receive first consideration. Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. We encourage wom en and ethnic minorities as well as other qualified persons to ap­ ply. A S S IS T A N T C A T A L O G E R , with Faculty Rank and Tenure Track. Responsible for cataloging m onographs as well as serials using De­ wey Decimal Classification and LC Subject Headings. Works chiefly with books in English in all subject areas. Supervises one nonprofes­ sional. General departm ental duties include assisting users at the catalog consultant service desk and revising card filing in the card catalog. Participate in implem entation of an autom ated system. Serve on library com mittees as requested by the University Librar­ ian. M aster’s degree from ALA-accredited library school: two years experience in library technical services using an autom ated biblio­ graphic control system (OCLC or RLIN). Good fringe benefits: 22 working days vacation and 8 holidays. Salary: $18,252 minimum for 12 months. Salary and rank dependent upon qualifications and ex­ perience. For full consideration, applications should be received by February 15, 1988: applications will continue to be considered until position is filled. Send letter, resume and the names of three refer­ ences to: Edward R. Johnson, University Librarian, 204 Edmon Low