ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 730 / C&R L News Michigan, Starring was district manager for Dou­ bleday Book Shops in the D etroit area. E lizabeth T hompson, non-print materials spe­ cialist at the University of the District of Columbia, retired at the end of September. A graduate of Douglass College w ith an MLS from the Catholic University of America, she had been on the UDC library and media staff for 16 years. Thompson joined the staff as a librarian at the D .C . Teachers College in 1971 and moved into the Media Services D e p a rtm e n t of th e U niversity’s L e a rn in g Re­ sources system in 1978. Deaths H oward W . Cordell, form er director of li­ braries at Florida International University, died on October 21 in Gainesville. H ans Moldenhauer, honorary curator of 20th- century music in the H arvard College L ibrary since 1984, died at his home in Spokane, Washing­ ton, the week of October 19th. Moldenhauer was the founder and director of the M oldenhauer Ar­ chives, a collection of prim ary musical sources from the Renaissance to the present. In addition to his achievements as a collector, he was noted as a concert pianist, teacher, author, and lecturer. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS • The Academic Library Director: Management Activities and Effectiveness, by Joanne R. Euster (168 pages, November 1987), analyzes the contri­ bution of the director’s personal leadership style and management skills to the successful operation of a college, university, or research library. Euster develops a model of the leadership role that takes account of management literature regarding orga­ nizational leadership, open systems theories, and organizational effectiveness. Proposing a typology of library leaders, she presents detailed profiles of four prim ary leadership types—the “Energizer,” the “Sustainer,” the “Politician,” and the “Re­ tiree.” Appendices contain study questionnaires and methodological notes. A copy may be ordered for $35 from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, W e stp o rt, C T 06881. ISBN 0-313- 25789-2. • The third annual Automation Inventory o f Re- search Libraries (160 pages, O ctober 1987) has been published by the Association of Research Li­ braries’ Systems and Procedures Exchange Center. The inventory explores 18 autom ated functions ac­ cording to six descriptive elements: operating sta­ tus (planned, operating or modifying), extent of system (library only, branches, campus-wide, or multi-institution), com puter ownership/use (dedi­ cated or shared), public access (onsite, dial-up or local area network), number of workstations, and name of vendor or network. T he 18 functions cov­ ered this year are: acquisitions, serials check/claim, seria ls/u n io n list, a u th o rity co n tro l, ca talog- ing/utility, cataloging/local, circulation, reserve room , COM catalog, online catalog, database searching, collection developm ent, interlibrary loan, telefacsimile, public computing, adm inistra­ tive, database conversion, and reference. N arra­ tive comments from 58 of the 115 ARL libraries surveyed are included. Copies may be ordered for $40 (prepaid) from SPEC, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. • A Bibliography o f Latin American and Carib- bean Bibliographies, 1986-1987, by Lionel V. Lorona (64 pages, October 1987), has been pub­ lished as num ber 20 in the SALALM Bibliography and Reference Series. This fifth annual edition cov­ ers relevant monographic and periodical bibliogra­ phies in all topics from agriculture to urbanization. Copies are available for $13 (plus $2 shipping) from the SALALM Secretariat, 728 State Street, Madison, W I 53706. • A Check-list o f Publications o f H.H. Bancroft and C o m pany, 1857 to 1 870, by H e n ry R. W agner, Eleanor Bancroft, and Ruth Frey Axe (52 pages, October 1987), documents the output of the publishing com pany founded by H ubert Howe Bancroft (1832-1918), collector of Western and Latin Americana and the founder of the Bancroft Library. D uring its 14-year existence, Bancroft’s company issued 212 titles. Henry W agner’s check­ list of Bancroft publications was left unfinished at his death in 1957, and his collaborator, Eleanor Ashby Bancroft, then assistant to the director of the Bancroft Library, also died in th a t year. W agner’s long-time associate, Ruth Frey Axe, has now com­ pleted the work, which has been published jointly by the Friends of The Bancroft Library and the Friends of the UCLA Library. A copy may be or­ D e ce m b e r 1987 / 731 dered for $10 from th e Friends of T h e B ancroft L i­ b ra ry , U n iv ersity of C a lif o r n ia , B erk e ley , CA 94720 (th e ch e ck list is fre e to m e m b e rs o f th e Friends group). ISBN 0-917617-16-9. • C hernobyl and Its A fterm ath: A Selected Bibli- ography, by Jurij D obczanaky (11 pages, O ctober 1987), is a select list of jo u rn a l articles, m o n o ­ graphs, reports an d hearings on th e C h ernobyl n u ­ clear ac cident in A pril 1986. Some non-English m onographs a r e included. Copies m ay b e ordered for $3 from T h e W ash in g to n G ro u p , P .O . Box 11248, W ashington, D C 20008. • Chronicles o f a Second A frican Trip, by G eorge Eastm an (O ctober 1987), follows th e m illionaire’s hunting safari in p u rs u it of elephants a n d w hite rhinos in 1927-1928. E a stm a n ’s first trip w as de­ scribed in his book, Chronicles o f an A frica n T rip, privately published in 1927. W hile it w as know n th a t E a s tm a n m a d e a n o th e r A fric a n tr i p , few knew th a t a record of it existed in m a n u sc rip t. Nov­ elist an d pla y w rig h t K enneth M . C am ero n discov­ ered E a stm an ’s letters in th e D e p a rtm e n t of R are Books an d Special Collections of th e U niversity of Rochester Libraries. Believing th e m to b e of h isto r­ ical in te r e s t, h e e d ite d th e m o n b e h a lf o f th e Friends of th e U niversity of R ochester L ibraries. T h e b o o k , w h ic h co s ts $ 3 5 , m a y b e o r d e r e d through th e F riends of th e U niversity of Rochester Libraries by calling (716) 275-3302. • T he 14th edition of th e Cooperative Union Seri- als System List (82 m icrofiche, 1987) w as created from th e m erged serials files of 14 university li­ braries in O n tario . M ore th a n 153,000 m a in entries are a rra n g e d a lp h a b e tic a lly , w ith lib r a r y lo c a­ tions, years an d volum es h eld, an d call num bers listed u n d e r each. T h e list is an uned ited m erging of files from lib raries using v a ria n t record form ats. A set m a y be ordered for $50 C a n a d ia n (additional copies $15) from Beverly M cK ee, E xecutive O ffi­ cer, York U niversity L ibraries, 310 S cott L ib rary , 4700 Keele S t., N o rth York, O n tario , C a n a d a M3J 1P3. • A new edition of th e D ictionary o f Electronics, by S.W . Amos (324 pages, 2d e d ., 1987), updates the first edition issued in 1981. C irc u it diagram s and o th e r g rap h ic sym bols accom pany th e defini­ tions, w hich a re w ritte n w ith th e stu d en t an d the am ateur in m ind. D efinitions pec u liar to th e field in N orth A m erica a re identified. C opies a re avail­ able for $64.95 from B u tte rw o rth ’s, 80 M ontvale Ave., S toneham , MA 02180. ISBN 0-408-02750-9. • A new edition of th e D irectory o f Financial Aids fo r W om en, 1 9 8 7 -1 9 8 8 , by G ail A nn Schlach- ter (375 pages, July 1987), com pletely replaces the first edition published in 1985. N early 60% of the original 1,188 entries h av e been substantively u p ­ dated a n d th e n u m b e r of p rogram s has increased by m ore th a n 500. T h e p rogram s described are open to ap plicants a t an y level (high school th ro u g h p o s td o c to ra l) f o r e d u c a tio n , r e s e a r c h , tr a v e l, training, ca re er d evelopm ent, o r innovative effort. T h e in fo rm atio n is indexed by p ro g ram title , spon­ soring o rg an izatio n , geographic coverage, subject, a n d d e a d lin e d ates. T h e d ire c to ry costs $39.95 (plus $2.50 shipping) a n d m a y be o rdered from R eference Services Press, 10 T w in D o lp h in D rive, S uite B-308, Redw ood C ity, CA 94065. ISBN 0- 918276-06-X. • T h e D irectory o f In fo rm a tio n M a n agem ent Software f o r Libraries, Inform ation Centers, Record Centers (300 pages, 1987-1988 ed.) provides d e ­ ta ile d d e s c rip tio n s o f m o re th a n 200 c u r r e n tly a v a ila b le m ic r o c o m p u te r , m in ic o m p u te r , a n d m a in fram e softw are packages. T h e in fo rm atio n is based on inform ation g ath ered , verified, a n d u p ­ d a te d by th e consulting division of Pacific In fo rm a ­ tion, Inc. All packages a re indexed by com puter h a rd w a re , vendor, an d ty p e of application. Copies a re available for $49 from Pacific In fo rm atio n , I n c ., 11684 V e n tu ra Blvd., S uite 295, S tudio C ity, CA 91604. ISBN 0-913203-18-1. • A D irectory o f U.S. G overnm ent Depository Li- braries, published by th e Congressional Jo in t C o m ­ m itte e on P rin tin g , provides background in fo rm a­ tion on th e F ed eral D epository L ib ra ry P rogram an d lists all depository libraries by state, city, and C ongressional D istric t. T o o b ta in a fre e copy, w rite to th e S u p erintendent of D ocum ents, M ail Stop SSOP, W ashington, D C 20402-9325. Stock no. 021-606-00014-6. • A Disaster Plan fo r Case W estern University Li- braries (44 pages, 1987) focuses on disaster response a n d post–disaster recovery operations. Copies are available fo r $15 (payable to C ase W estern Reserve University) from th e D e p a rtm e n t of C onservation, C W R U L ibraries, 11161 E a st B lvd., C leveland, O H 44106; (216) 368-3465. • T h e In dex to Bibliographic Description o f Rare Books, co m p ile d by D av id M . R ich (16 pages, 1987), indexes th e 1981 L ib ra ry of C ongress pu b li­ ca tion, B ibliographic D escription o f R are Books. T h e index is designed to en a b le r a r e book c a ta ­ lo g e d to lo cate p e rtin e n t rules m ore easily an d to help th e m decide w hich rules to apply. Copies m ay be o rdered for $6.50 (plus $1.50 shipping) from Jo h n C a rte r B row n L ib ra ry Books, Box 1894, P rov­ idence, RI 02912. • Mass Deacidification f o r Libraries, b y G eorge M artin C u n h a (113 pages), has been p ublished as th e M ay/June 1987 issue of ALA’s L ib ra ry T ech­ n o lo g y R e p o r ts . T h e r e p o r t is a c a r e f u lly r e ­ searched study of th e mass d eacidification te ch ­ niques th a t hav e been o r are in th e process of being d e v e lo p e d to h e l p p r e v e n t b o o k s f r o m self- d estructing d u e to chem ical reactions in th e p ap e r. A detailed description of th e tw o m a jo r d ea cidifi­ ca tio n systems in op eratio n , th e L C d iethyl zinc system a n d th e W ei T ’o nonaqueous system, is p re ­ sented along w ith a history of p a p e r a n d th e ch e m ­ istry of deacidification. Single copies of th e rep o rt a re $45, available from th e ALA O rd e r D e p a rt­ m e n t, 50 E. H u ro n S t., C hicago, IL 60611. Decem ber 1987 / 733 • A fourth edition of the National Directory o f Educational Programs in Gerontology, edited by David A. Peterson, D avid Bergstone, an d Joy C. Lobenstine (874 pages, 1987), is based on a na­ tional survey conducted by the Association for G er­ ontology in H igher E ducation and the University of Southern California on th e extent of gerontologi­ cal instruction in institutions of higher education in North America. T he book consists of tw o sections: a quick reference guide to gerontology instruction at 3,032 institutions, and full program descriptions of 750 program s on 376 campuses th a t offer four or more cred it courses in gerontology. Copies are available for $40 to individuals at AGHE m em ber institutions ($45 for non-members) from AGH E, 600 M aryland Ave., S .W ., W est W ing 204, W ash­ ington, D C 20024. ISSN 0148-4508. • Nonbook Media: Collection M anagement and User Services, edited by John W . Ellison and P atri­ cia Ann Coty (388 pages, O ctober 1987), is a prac­ tical handbook covering the characteristics, selec­ tion, acquisition, and m anagem ent of all nonbook formats currently collected by libraries and other institutions. Each chapter focuses on a particular type of medium and was w ritten by a practitioner experienced in handling th a t form at. T he tw enty- two formats include: com puter files, films, music scores, pam phlets, phonorecords, slides, video­ disks, videotapes, holographs, models, realia, and simulation m aterials. Copies may be ordered for $35 from the ALA O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H u­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389- 0479-3. • Southscan, a bulletin of South A frican affairs (vol. 1, 1986- ), is a weekly new sletter, pub­ lished in London, th a t contains news and analysis by co rrespondents inside S outh A frica, in th e neighboring n atio n s, a n d in W estern capitals abroad. I t claim s to be free of the restrictions im ­ posed on foreign journalists in th e R epublic of South Africa. An annual institutional subscription is$100inN orth America. C o n ta c t Southscan, P.O. Box 724, London, England N1 7AQ. • Subject Guide to Major United States Govem- m ent Publications, by W iley J. W illiam s (257 pages, 2d ed ., O ctober 1987), provides complete bibliographic inform ation for U.S. inform ation re­ sources on selected topics. SUDOC num bers and cross references are included. T he cost is $21.95, available from th e ALA O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389- 0475-0. • T w o new T.I.P. K its have been issued by ALA’s O ffice for L ib rary Personnel Resources. “Topics In Personnel” kits are folders containing articles, docum ents, an d bibliographies on specific personnel issues. T .I.P . Kit #8, “H iring Library Staff,” is a guide to the hiring process, w hile T .I.P . Kit #9, “Pay Equity: Issues an d Strategies,” in­ cludes articles on job evaluation, union action, leg­ islation, adm inistrative remedies, and pay equity strategy. T he kits sell for $10 each and are available prepaid from ALA/OLPR, 50 E. H uron S t., C hi­ cago, IL 60611-2795. ■ ■ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: O rders fo r regular classified advertisements m ust reach th e ACRL office on or before th e second of the m onth p reced­ ing publication of th e issue (e.g. Septem ber 2 for th e O ctober issue). Late jo b listings will b e accepted on a space-available basis after th e second o f th e month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $5.00 pe r line fo r ACRL m em bers, $6.25 fo r others. Late jo b notices are $ 12.00 per line for m em bers, $1 4.00 for others. Organizations subm itting ad s will be cha rge d a cco rding to their m em bership status. Telep h o n e: All tele phone orders s ho uld b e confirm ed b y a w rit­ te n ord er m ailed to AC R L headquarters as soon as possible. Orders sho uld be accom panied by a ty pew ritten c op y o f the ad to be used in proofreading. A n a dditional $ 1 0 w ill be cha rge d fo r ad s taken over th e phone (except late jo b notices o r d isplay ads). G uidelines: For a d s w hich list an application deadline, that date m ust be no sooner than th e 20 th d a y of th e m onth in w hich th e notice appears (e.g ., O cto be r 20 fo r th e O cto be r issue). All jo b announce­ m ents sho uld include a salary figure. J o b announcem ents will be edited to exclu de discrim inatory refe rences. A pplicants s ho uld be aware that the term s faculty rank an d status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. JO BLINE: Call (312) 9 44-6795 fo r late -breaking jo b ads for a ca­ de m ic an d research library positions. A pre-recorded sum m ary of positions listed w ith th e service is revised weekly; each Frid ay a new ta pe in cludes all ad s received by 1:00 p.m . the previo us day. Each listing subm itted w ill be carried o n th e reco rd ing fo r tw o weeks. The c ha rge fo r each tw o-week listing is $3 0 for AC R L m em bers an d $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for th ose actively seeking positions. This service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters fo ur w eeks before they ap pe ar in C&RL News, a s well as ad s w hich, because of narrow deadlines, will not ap pe ar in C&RL News. T he c ost o f a s ix-m onth s ubscrip tion is $ 1 0 for ACRL m em ­ bers an d $ 1 5 fo r non-members. C ontact: C lassified A dvertising D ep 't, ACRL, A m erican Library Association, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60 611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE T R Y IN G T O FIL L A PO SIT IO N ? The Vita B ank is a service that helps y ou identify professionals b y education, skills an d experience. For ab ou t th e cost of placing a jo b a d , you will receive brief credential sum m aries an d m ailin g labels fo r each individ ual in th e file m atching your needs. C ontact PIR: The Vita Bank, P.O. Box 248, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609-0248. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T A C Q U ISIT IO N S L IB R AR IA N (Assistant or Senior As­ sistant Librarian), John M. Olin Library. U nder general supervision of th e Acquisitions Libraria n, th e Assista nt Acquisitions Libraria n is in­ volved in all phases of the acquisitions process, firm orders, ex­ tended procurem ents, gifts an d exchanges, a s well a s in th e ad m in­ is tra tio n o f th e A c q u is itio n s D e p a rtm e n t. S /h e h e lp s p la n th e transition to local processing using NOTIS. S/he supervises th e Searching and U nit O rde r sectio ns. T he Assista nt Acquisitions Li­