ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1987 / 217 ceived the International Reading Association’s Me­ dia Award in 1982. Rollock joined NYPL in 1945, serving first as a clerk at the Aguilar Branch Library in Harlem, and then later at other branches as a children’s librar­ ian. In 1965 she was named Bronx Borough Chil­ dren’s Specialist and became assistant coordinator of Children’s Services in 1971. She holds a bache­ lor’s degree from H unter College and an MLS from Columbia University. Vera Carlson Snapko, acquisitions librarian at the University of Minnesota Law Library, Minne­ apolis, retired September 30, 1986. Snapko began her law library career in 1950 as a cataloger and later became documents librarian. Deaths HELEN E aton, former librarian at Southeastern Massachusetts University, died October 1986 in So­ merset, Massachusetts. Eaton had retired in 1972. She was on the staff of the Central L ibrary of Mas­ sachusetts Institute of Technology from 1946 to 1953 and later was librarian at the former Brad­ ford Durfey Technical College. Albert L. Remley, director of advertising and promotion at the H. W. Wilson Company from 1963 until his retirem ent in 1980, died January 31 in Nyack, New York. A 1938 graduate of Hiram College, Remley received a bachelor’s in library science from the University of Illinois and worked in the Government Documents Division of North­ western University until 1941. After serving in the U.S. Army for five years he joined the printing firm of R. R. Donnelly and Sons in 1946 as special li­ brarian. Remley served as advertising and business manager for the A L A Bulletin from 1952 to 1958, and was also exhibits manager. He later joined the Combined Book Exhibit in New York. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS • A Bibliography of the Works o f Alfred Thayer Mahan, compiled by John B. Hattendorf and Lynn C. H attendorf (116 pages, 1987), contains a com­ prehensive description of all M ahan’s identifiable published writings, including editions of all books, translations, articles, and pam phlets. M ahan is chiefly remembered for his 1890 work, The Influ­ ence o f Sea Power upon History, 1660-1783, a book th at profoundly affected the development of U.S. and world navies prior to W orld W ar I. Illus­ trated with m any title pages. Copies are available for $6 from the Naval W ar College Foundation, Mail O rder, Naval W ar College, New port, RI 02841-5010. • Cataloging Rules for the Description of Loose- leaf Publications, now available from LC ’s C ata­ loging Distribution Service, supplements AACR2 and focuses on continually updated looseleaf ser­ vices. Copies are available for $15 from the Cus­ tomer Support Unit, Cataloging Distribution Ser­ vice, L ibrary of Congress, Washington, DC 20541. • Collection Developm ent Organization and Staffing, SPEC Kit #131 (131 pages, February 1987), contains the results of a survey of 53 ARL li­ braries on basic trends in this area in the past four years. The kit contains illustrations of the organiza­ tion of 14 collection development units, position descriptions from 15 libraries, 10 examples of ori­ entation and training aids, and three study reports. Individual SPEC kits cost $20 (prepaym ent re­ quired) and may be ordered from SPEC, Office of Management Studies, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W ., W ashington, DC 20036. • Controversial Issues in Librarianship: An Anno- ta ted B ibliography, 1 9 6 0 - 1 9 8 4 , by M ark Youngblood Herring (698 pages, March 1987), in­ cludes m any topics of interest to academic librari­ ans: storage, weeding, stress m anagem ent, com­ p e n satio n , new tech n o lo g y , str u c tu r e an d governance, the MLS, standards, and copyright, among others. Books, articles, dissertations, and non-print materials are all included. The early cut­ off date of 1984 may take the edge off some contro­ versies, though not others. Each entry is annotated and there are author and title indexes, but no sub­ ject index. The cost is $45, from G arland Publish­ ing, In c., 136 Madison Ave., New York, NY 10016. ISBN 0-8240-8578-7. • Federal Information Policies: Their Implemen- tation and Implications for Information Access (28 pages, 1987) contains a summary of the proceed­ ings of the third annual forum on Federal Inform a­ tion Policies held at the Library of Congress on F ebruary 12, 1986. The forum focused on the ef- April 1987 / 219 fects of OMB C ircular A-130 (December 12, 1985) which established policy for the m anagem ent of Federal inform ation resources, and the effects on public access of the growing use of electronic col­ lection, storage, and dissemination at such agen­ cies as the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Security Council. A free copy m ay be obtained from the F ederal Library and In ­ form ation C enter C om m ittee, L ibrary of C on­ gress, W ashington, DC 20540. • Four Hundred Years o f English Diet and Cook- ery, by John C. C raig (71 pages, 1987), is a catalog of the exhibition of 100 volumes selected from the C raig collection and on display at th e Bancroft Li­ brary through May 5. The earliest volume shown is a copy of Sir Thom as Elyot’s The Castel o f Helth, a London im print of 1541, dealing w ith nutrition. Copies of the catalog are available only to Friends of the Bancroft L ibrary before May 10, and to oth­ ers at a cost of $15 after th at date, while the lim ited supply lasts. C ontact the Friends of the Bancroft L ibrary, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. • Government Information: Education and Re- search, 7 9 28-2986, by John V. Richardson Jr. (187 pages, 1987), examines the nature and extent of graduate research on governm ent publications— local, state, n atio n al, and in te rn atio n al—since 1928. The auth o r’s analysis shows the context in which the studies w ere carried out and makes it possible to identify relatively unexplored areas. Copies m ay be ordered for $35 from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road W est, Box 5007, W estport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-313-25605-5. • H ow to Find out about Financial Aid, by Gail Ann Schlachter (335 pages, February 1987), de­ scribes m ore th an 700 nrint and online directories Anthropology indexes to merge T h e Royal A n th ro p o lo g ic al In stitu te of G reat B ritain and Ireland and H arvard Univer­ sity’s T ozzer L ib ra ry have entered into an agreem ent to study the feasibility of m erging the Royal Institute’s Anthropological Index and Tozzer’s Anthropological Literature, the two m ajor indexing services in the field of anthro­ pology. Prelim inary studies show th at the unified in­ dex would increase the num ber of journals in­ dexed to m ore th an 1,200, include author and subject listings in each issue, and be priced at less th an the combined cost of th e two indexes. C urrent plans call for Tozzer to send electronic tapes of page-form atted m aterial to the Royal Institu te, w here the index entries would be published in hard copy first, and as an online database w ithin a few years. For more infor­ m ation, contact G. E d w ard Evans, Librarian of the Tozzer L ib rary , 21 D ivinity Avenue, C am bridge, MA 02138. issued since 1980 th at list financial aid currently available to undergraduate students, graduate stu­ dents, and researchers. This comprehensive bibli­ ography covers scholarships, fellowships, grants, awards and prizes, loans, internships, databases and search services. A subject index provides access to m ore th an 125 subject areas, as well as financial aid program s open to m em bers of such special groups as veterans, the disabled, foreign students, and m inorities. A geographic index identifies sources for particular continents, countries, states, and cities. Each entry traces the complete publica­ tion history, identifies nam e changes, provides complete bibliographic inform ation, supplies ad­ dress, telephone num ber and price, and evaluates its value as a reference. Copies m ay be ordered for $29.95 (plus $2.50 shipping) from Reference Ser- Directory of agricultural resource centers Agricultural Inform ation Resource Centers: A W orld Directory, sponsored by the In tern a­ tional Association of Agricultural Librarians and Documentalists (IAALD), is targeted for publication in 1988. The new directory is being edited by four U.S. agricultural librarians: C arol Boast, Agriculture Library, University of Illinois at U rbana-C ham paign; John Beecher, N o rth D a k o ta S tate U niv ersity L ib ra rie s, Fargo; Rita Fisher, Ow en Science and Engi­ neering Library, W ashington State University, Pullm an; Julia Peterson, Cargill Inform ation C enter, Cargill, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota. Julia Peterson has received a $4,000 grant from the Cargill Foundation for initial funding of the project. IAALD sponsored a sim ilar d irecto ry in 1960. The new expanded directory is designed to provide one-source, up-to-date inform ation on collection developm ent priorities, coopera­ tive resource sharing program s, and participa­ tion in local, regional, national or international networks for agricultural libraries and infor­ m ation and docum entation centers around the world. To be included in the directory, a li­ brary m ust own a m inim um of 500 titles related to a broad range of agricultural subject areas. The international distribution of directory d ata forms will be initiated in early 1987. The editors have requested th at IAALD use the anticipated profits from the sale of the 1988 directory to sponsor educational program s for agricultural librarians from developing n a ­ tions. If you would like m ore inform ation or have questions, comments, or suggestions re­ garding inform ation or libraries for inclusion in th e f o rth c o m in g d ire c to ry , c o n ta c t C aro l B oast, A g ricu ltu re L ib ra r y , 226 M um ford H a l l , 1301 W. Gregory, U rbana, IL 61801; (217) 333-9593. 220 / C&RL News vice Press, 3540 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 310, Los An­ geles, CA 90010. ISBN 0-918276-05-5. • H ow to Look It up Online, by A lfred Glossbrenner (486 pages, 1987), is a very practical guide to the intricacies of bibliographic and statis­ tical databases and the software and systems by which they are accessed. The informal but inform ­ ative text explains everything th at a beginner needs to know and provides m any insightful “online tips” for seasoned searchers. The author does give credit to librarians as online information brokers, but complains of an elitist m entality that, he alleges, exists in the ranks. Current prices and indications of scope are given for all the services covered, and a 24-page index allows easy access. The cost is $14.95 (paperback) from St. M artin’s Press, 175 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010. ISBN 0-312-00132-0. • Japan Computer Technology and Applications Abstracts, vol. l , n o . l (January 1987)- , offers ex­ tensive coverage of current Japanese computer re­ search and development. This monthly journal ab- tra c ts n o t only J a p a n ’s re g u la rly p u b lish e d corporate, governmental, and academic scientific journals, but also a large num ber of irregular p ub­ lications. The abstracts are categorized into 15 top­ ics. W ith keyword and author affiliation indexes. Annual subscriptions are $425. Contact University Publications of America, Inc., 44 North Market Recruitment open for editor of ACRL Pu blications in L ibrarian sh ip ACRL’s monographic series, A C R L Publica­ tions in Librarianship, will require a new edi­ tor to serve on a volunteer basis when Arthur Young completes his term of service. The in­ coming editor will serve as associate editor from September 1987 to June 1988 and will assume full editorship for a 5-year period in July 1988. Besides ACRL m em b ersh ip , cand id ates should have a background of service in aca­ demic or research librarianship; experience in research, editing, and bibliographical activi­ ties; a concern with publication as a means of professional communication; and an ability to an alyze m anu scrip ts for co n te n t, research methods, form, structure, or style. Together w ith the four- to six-member edito­ rial board, the editor is charged with encourag­ ing research and w riting th at may be appropri­ ate for the m onographic series, soliciting topics and suggesting them to appropriate authors, and editing and refereeing manuscripts. Persons wishing to be considered for the five- year term as editor should communicate their interest, accompanied by a statement of quali­ fications and names of references, by M ay 1, 1987, to: Charles B. Lowry, Director of Li­ braries, P.O. Box 19497, University of Texas, Arlington, TX 76019. St., Frederick, MD 21701. ISSN 0890-1406. • National Avocational Organizations, edited by P atricia Becker Lee and Argie M. O ’Shea (187 pages, 1987 ed.), lists more than 2,500 associations throughout the United States whose members are involved in recreational, sporting, hobby, literary, historical, cultural, fraternal, and civic activities. The entries are indexed by size of budget, geo­ graphic region, subject area, and acronym (a new feature). Copies m ay be ordered for $30 prepaid (shipping charges are added if billing is requested). Contact Columbia Books, 1350 New York Ave., N.W ., Suite 207, W ashington, DC 20005. • 101 Software Packages to Use in Your Library: Descriptions, Evaluations, and Practical Advice, by P atrickR. Dewey (160pages, February 1987), p ro­ vides very useful summ aries of the capabilities, documentation, hardw are requirements, and cost for lib rary -related program s. Reviews are a r ­ ranged by application: acquisitions, bibliogra­ phies, cataloging, gatew ay program s, database m anagem ent, serials control, word processing, and m any others. Copies m ay be ordered for $17.95 from ALA Publishing, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389-0455-6. • Online Searching: An In trodu ction to WILSONLINE (VHS color videocassette, 28 m in., N ovem ber 1986), and its accom panying user’s guide, provides a close look at the features and ben­ efits of the H. W. Wilson system. N arrated by John J. Regazzi, Wilson’s director of computer services, the video demonstrates basic search procedures and capabilities, truncation, authority files, and W ILSEARCH , a m enu-driven ready-reference softw are package. Copies are available for $89 from the H.W . Wilson Co., 950 University Ave., Bronx, NY 10452. ISBN 0-8242-0746-7. 9•Retrospective Conversion, SPEC Kit $130 (115 pages, January 1987), is based on an April 1986 ARL Recon Project questionnaire, supplemented w ith additional interviews and m aterials gathered throughout the year. Included are planning docu­ ments from seven libraries, tw o descriptions of studies, one report on a completed project, and a short bibliography. A copy may be ordered for $20 from SPEC, Office of Management Studies, 1527 New H am pshire Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20036. • Scholarship in the Electronic Age: A Selected Bibliography on Research and Communication in the Humanities and Social Sciences, compiled by Anita Lowry and Junko Stuveras, reviews books, articles, and reports relating to the effects of tech­ nological innovation on scholarship. The bibliog­ raphy was prepared at the request of the Council on L ibrary Resources to stimulate discussion and investigation on the impact of new technology. A free copy m ay be ordered from Scholarship Bibli­ ography, c/o Council on Library Resources, 1785 M assachusetts A ve., N .W ., W ash in g to n , D C 20036. ■ ■