ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 6 Report on the Conference on Retrenchment in Higher Education: Implications for Libraries Subm itted by Lynn B arber Acquisitions Librarian Skidm ore C ollege On November 14, amid rumors of budgetary freezes, fiscal default and the first snow o f the season, the Eastern New York Chapter of A C R L held its first conference and official busi­ ness meeting. T he topic for the day’s discus­ sions was “Retrenchm ent in Higher Education: Implications for Libraries,” and nearly seventy- five librarians came to the SUNY Albany cam­ pus to compare problems and suggestions for solutions. The meeting commenced with a welcome from the new president of SUN Y Albany, E m ­ mett B. Fields. In addressing the group, Presi­ dent Fields emphasized the need for resolving the problems of retrenchment without inhibit­ ing the progress of higher education. He stated that universities must move forward or risk dying. Following Fields, G. Richard Wynn, vice-president and treasurer of Cedar Crest Col­ lege, Allentown, Pennsylvania, and M illicent D. Abell, associate director of libraries, SUNY Buffalo, addressed the issues of retrenchment as they have affected their respective institu­ tions. NELINET Continued from p ag e 4 braries” by Frederick G. Kilgour. Mr. Kilgour defined the “new librarianship” as that which employs new technology to new objectives. He went on to define the new technology to be a system such as O C L C and the new objective as making more resources available at reduced costs. H e predicted that the new librarianship will require librarians to view things from an economic point of view, using techniques of cost analysis, rather than from a budget point of view, requiring an expenditure analysis. He further predicted that librarians will soon be required to reduce costs in overhead and costs to users, cost to users meaning that the user fails— a good 5 0 percent of the time— to obtain the information or material he needs from the library. In conclusion, he stated that the em­ ployment of the technology offered by the O C L C system will enable libraries to reduce both overhead costs and costs to users because of both its economy of scale and its economy of time and labor. ■ ■ G. Richard W ynn spoke as an administrator making budgetary decisions at a small, private college. He cited a number of areas which he saw as primary considerations in dealing with tight financial situations. Among them were the necessity for viewing higher education much like any contractor that must attract users of its services. W ynn saw this as particularly impor­ tant due to the fa ct that statistical projections indicate the number of high school seniors go­ ing on to college is declining. T he pricing fac­ tor, particularly the significant differences in the financial bases and requirements of public and private institutions must b e dealt with, and par­ ticularly in the context of financial aid to stu­ dents. Productivity as it affects faculty and stu­ dents must also be considered as institutions attempt to find ways to deal with diminishing working capital. The effects of inflation on li­ braries must be recognized by administrators with all its implications to library services and purchasing power. In concluding, W ynn em­ phasized the importance of measuring “quality distress” as libraries find their budgets being cut and the need for developing meaningful quantitative measures for library services. Millicent “Penny” Abell followed Wynn, speaking as a librarian who must deal with the budgetary decisions of institutional administra­ tors. Abell spoke out strongly on the over­ whelming pressure placed on libraries in meet­ ing their broad objectives with diminishing funds. She suggested that librarians must devel­ op a “toughness” to deal with retrenchm ent and learn to b e innovative in finding ways to modi­ fy expectations while at the same time fully utilizing all their resources. Abell, emphasized that libraries should not hope to only “wait out” the current economic problems, for the situation demands realistic confrontation. “Growth” can­ not be used as an excuse for poor management in personnel or service decisions. Abell was optimistic, however, in feeling that the reassess­ ment that libraries must face up to may ulti­ mately lead to better definitions of objectives, new measures of performance, and a rearrange­ ment of priorities to better reflect available re­ sources and talents. In summary, Abell chal­ lenged participants to find ways of doing more with existing budgets through a process of re- evaluation to identify new areas of both inter­ nal and external cooperation. She warned that libraries must not squander the resources they do have, but rather, they must establish a b al­ ance of operation incorporating courage, hu­ maneness, and strength. 7 Millicent A bell G. Richard Wynn A panel discussion during the afternoon ses­ sion aimed at raising issues of individual con­ cern between panelists and participants. C. James Schmidt, director of libraries, SUNY Albany, served as moderator for the panel comprised of the morning’s speakers along with Lyn LaBrake, assistant director of libraries, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, and Ellen Rappaport, head of technical services, SUNY Cortland. Among the subjects discussed were implementing personnel cut­ backs, establishing new and better measure­ ments for service and performance and alterna­ tives for cooperation among libraries and be­ tween libraries and their users. A question-and- answer period elicited a number of constructive dialogues between panelists and conference participants. ■■