ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries COLLEGE & RESEARC LIBRARIES NEWS Association of College & Research Libraries April 1 9 8 3 V ol. 4 4 , No. 4 Spring cherry blossoms on the University o f Washington cam pus, Seattle. Seattle ’ 8 4 The third national ACRL conference will be held in Seattle on April 4 -7 , 1984. This conference prom­ ises to be particularly exciting, not only because of the opportunities offered by the conference itself, but because of the beautiful environment in which it is being held. The purpose of this column, which will appear in each issue of C&fìL News until the conference, is to keep you informed about the plans for the conference and to orient you to some of the special features of the Pacific Northwest. Future columns will discuss such topics as what to do in Seattle and the Pacific Northwest, conference theme sessions and spe­ cial conference events. (continued on p. 105) Featured ACRL Publications B ack to the B ooks: B ib lio g ra p h ic In struction an d the T h eory o f In ­ form ation Sou rces. 1983. 76p. P a ­ p ers p resen ted at the B ib lio grap h ic In struction Section p ro g ra m at the 1 9 8 2 A L A A n n u a l C o n f e r e n c e . ISB N 0-8389-6587-3. A C R L m e m ­ bers: $12. N on m em bers: $15. L ib r a r y S tatistics o f C olleges and U niversities: S u m m ary D a t a , 1979. 1982. 73p. U n p ublish ed d a t a from the N a tio n a l C en ter fo r E d u c a tio n S t a tist ic s H E G I S S u rv e y . A C R L m em bers: $10. N on m em bers: $13. L ib ra rie s an d A ccreditation in In ­ s t it u t io n s o f H ig h e r E d u c a t i o n . 1981. 176p. Proceed in gs o f a con­ f e r e n c e sp o n so r e d b y A C R L an d the C oun cil on P ostsecon dary A c­ c r e d i t a t i o n . A C R L m e m b e r s : $ 1 4 .9 5 . N on m em bers: $1 8.95. M a n a g e m e n t a n d S t a f f D e v e lo p ­ m e n t. 1982. 3 7 p . P a p e rs fro m a C a l i f o r n ia A C R L c h a p te r w o rk ­ sh o p . A C R L m e m b e rs: $8. N o n ­ m em bers: $10. A c a d e m ic S t a t u s S u r v e y . 19 8 1 . 340p. Policies o f 32 libraries. A C R L m em bers: $12. N on m em bers: $17. An I n t r o d u c t io n to M a p s in L i ­ b r a r i e s : M a p s a s I n f o r m a t i o n T o o ls. 1982. 5 5 p . S y lla b u s o f an A C R L c o n t i n u in g e d u c a t i o n course. A C R L m em bers: $10. N on ­ m em bers: $15. W ritin g the J o u r n a l A rtic le a n d G e ttin g It P u blished. 2d ed . 1983. 39p . Sy llab u s o f an A C R L co n tin u ­ in g ed u cation course. A C R L m e m ­ bers: $10. N on m em bers: $15. Order the above recent publications or other materials published by ACRL on academic and research librarianship, including standards and guidelines, policy statements on faculty status and governance, manuscripts and archives, collection development, continuing education, bibliographic instruction, and staff develop­ ment. Write for a complete list of materials available. Prepayment required. ACRL/ALA 50 E a st Huron Street C hicag o , I L 60611 (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 April 1983 / 103 COLLEGE & RESEARCH LIBRARIES NEWS A pril 1983 V olum e 44 N um ber 4 C O N T E N T S Seattle ’8 4 ......................................................................................................................................... 101 Standards and Guidelines Relating to Academic Libraries..................................................... 105 A C R L Continuing Education Offerings at Los A n geles......................................................... 111 Library Orientation for Business Students: A Case Study Milton G. T ernberg............................................................................................................ 114 BI Exhibit Update Carolyn K irk e n d a ll............................................................................................................ 115 Are You a Book Batterer? Jocelyn F o s t e r .................................................................................................................... 117 News from the F i e l d ...................................................................................................................... 118 P e o p le ................................................................................................................................................121 Washington Hotline C arol C. H e n d e r s o n ..........................................................................................................127 New T e ch n o lo g y .............................................................................................................................128 P u b licatio n s..................................................................................................................................... 129 C a le n d a r........................................................................................................................................... 131 Classified A dvertisin g.................................................................................................................... 133 College & Research Libraries News (ISSN 0099-0086) is published by the Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, as 11 monthly (combining July- August) issues, at 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Annual subscription: $10. Single copies and back issues: $3.50 each. Second-class postage paid for at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices. Editor: George M. Eberhart, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. Presi­ dent, ACRL: Carla J. Stoffle. Executive Director, ACRL: Julie Carroll Virgo. Production and circulation office: 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Display advertising should be sent to Leona Swiech, Advertising Traffic Coordinator, ALA, at above address. Send classified ads to ACRL. Change of address and subscription orders should be addressed to C ollege b Research L ibraries N ew s‚ for receipt at the above address at least two months before the publication date of the effective issue. Inclusion of an article or an advertisement in C &R L N ews does not constitute official endorsement by ACRL or ALA. A partial list of the services indexing or abstracting the contents of C &R L News includes: Current C on­ tents: Social & B ehavioral Sciences; C urrent Index to Journals in E ducation; Inform ation Science A b ­ stracts; L ibrary & Inform ation Science Abstracts; L ibrary Literatu re; and Social Sciences Citation Index. To the postmaster: Please send undeliverable copies to ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. © American Library Association 1983. All material in this journal subject to copyright by the American Library Association may be photocopied for the noncommercial purpose of scientific or educational ad­ vancement. April 1983 / 105 Seattle, cont’d Seattle is surrounded by mountains and water. The Olympic and the Cascades Mountains, Lake Washington, and the Puget Sound all contribute to the beauty of this area. The Conference Executive Committee is planning events which will empha­ size Pacific Northwest themes. A boat trip on the Puget Sound and a salmon banquet will be among the special events offered to conference partici­ pants. T he dinner w ill feature steamed clams served on the beach, fresh salmon barbequed over green alder coals, and a performance by the Cape Fox Indian Dancers. ACRL members may want to consider a vacation in conjunction with conference attendance. Meetings will be at the Seattle Center and the new Sheraton Hotel in downtown Seattle. The Se­ attle Center was the site of the 1964 Seattle World’s Fair, and is the home of the Space Needle, Seattle’s best known landmark. Also at the Center is the Se­ attle Repertory Theater and a branch of the Seattle Art Museum. The Seattle Center is five minutes by monorail to the center of downtown Seattle. Con­ f e r e n c e h o t e l s a r e w i t h i n s h o r t w a l k i n g d i s t a n c e o f t h e m o n o r a i l t e r m i n a l a n d d o w n t o w n d e p a r t m e n t S t o r e s , t h e a t e r s a n d r e s t a u r a n t s . From many suggestions the Conference Execu­ tive Committee chose “Academic Libraries: Myths and Realities” as the theme for the 1984 confer­ ence. The theme was suggested by Ward Shaw, Colorado Alliance of Research L ib raries. Five theme sessions plus a wrap-up session are planned. Contributed papers and exhibits will again be important features of the conference. The call for contributed papers was published in the March is­ sue of C & R L N ew s. The Conference Executive Committee is exploring the possibility of publish­ ing the papers at a lower cost and providing regis­ trants with a copy of the proceedings as part of their registration. T h e Conference Executive Com m ittee wel­ comes suggestions regarding the conference. Sug­ gestions should be sent to: Gary L. Menges, Chair, ACRL National Conference Executive Commit­ tee, Suzzallo Library, FM -25, University of Wash­ ington Libraries, Seattle, WA 98195. ■ ■ Standards and Guidelines Relating to A cadem ic Libraries Many of the inquiries received by the ACRL O f­ fice are concerned with or can be answered by cer­ tain standards or guidelines developed by ALA, its divisions, or other professional organizations. The following list was compiled with the help of the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee. Unless otherwise noted, all materials are available from various offices and divisions of ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. I. S t a n d a r d s ACRL/AECT G u id elin es f o r T w o-Y ear C o lleg e L ea r n in g R esou rces P rogram s (C &R L N ew s, January and February 1982, pp. 5 -1 0 , 45-49). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. A C R L S ta n d a rd s f o r C o lle g e L ib r a r ie s (C &R L N ew s, October 1975, pp. 2 7 5 -7 9 ,2 9 0 -3 0 1 ). O ff­ print free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL Standards f o r University L ib ra ries (C &R L N ew s, April 1979, pp. 101-10). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. II. G u i d e l i n e s ACRL Access Policy G u idelin es (C & R L N ew s, No­ vem ber 1975, pp. 3 2 2 -2 3 ). O ffprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es a n d P rocedures f o r th e Screen­ ing a n d A p p oin tm en t o f A cad em ic L ibrarian s (C &R L N ew s, September 1977, pp. 231-33). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es f o r A udio-V isual Services in A c­ a d e m ic L i b r a r i e s (1 9 6 8 ). 24p. $ 1 .5 0 , from ACRL Office. ACRL G uidelin es f o r B ib lio g ra p h ic Instruction in A ca d em ic L ib ra ries (C &R L N ew s, April 1977, p. 92). Offprint free to ACRL members, non- members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es f o r B ran ch L ib ra ries in C olleges a n d Universities (C & R L N ew s, October 1975, pp. 281-83). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es f o r E x ten d ed C am pu s L ib ra ry Services (C &R L N ews, March 1982, pp. 86-88). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. A CRL G u idelin es f o r the Security o f R are B ook, M a n u scrip t, a n d O th er S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s . (C &R L N ew s, March 1982, pp. 90-93). ACRL G uidelin es on M anuscripts a n d A rchives (1977). Free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office.