ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries April 1983 / 105 Seattle, cont’d Seattle is surrounded by mountains and water. The Olympic and the Cascades Mountains, Lake Washington, and the Puget Sound all contribute to the beauty of this area. The Conference Executive Committee is planning events which will empha­ size Pacific Northwest themes. A boat trip on the Puget Sound and a salmon banquet will be among the special events offered to conference partici­ pants. T he dinner w ill feature steamed clams served on the beach, fresh salmon barbequed over green alder coals, and a performance by the Cape Fox Indian Dancers. ACRL members may want to consider a vacation in conjunction with conference attendance. Meetings will be at the Seattle Center and the new Sheraton Hotel in downtown Seattle. The Se­ attle Center was the site of the 1964 Seattle World’s Fair, and is the home of the Space Needle, Seattle’s best known landmark. Also at the Center is the Se­ attle Repertory Theater and a branch of the Seattle Art Museum. The Seattle Center is five minutes by monorail to the center of downtown Seattle. Con­ f e r e n c e h o t e l s a r e w i t h i n s h o r t w a l k i n g d i s t a n c e o f t h e m o n o r a i l t e r m i n a l a n d d o w n t o w n d e p a r t m e n t S t o r e s , t h e a t e r s a n d r e s t a u r a n t s . From many suggestions the Conference Execu­ tive Committee chose “Academic Libraries: Myths and Realities” as the theme for the 1984 confer­ ence. The theme was suggested by Ward Shaw, Colorado Alliance of Research L ib raries. Five theme sessions plus a wrap-up session are planned. Contributed papers and exhibits will again be important features of the conference. The call for contributed papers was published in the March is­ sue of C & R L N ew s. The Conference Executive Committee is exploring the possibility of publish­ ing the papers at a lower cost and providing regis­ trants with a copy of the proceedings as part of their registration. T h e Conference Executive Com m ittee wel­ comes suggestions regarding the conference. Sug­ gestions should be sent to: Gary L. Menges, Chair, ACRL National Conference Executive Commit­ tee, Suzzallo Library, FM -25, University of Wash­ ington Libraries, Seattle, WA 98195. ■ ■ Standards and Guidelines Relating to A cadem ic Libraries Many of the inquiries received by the ACRL O f­ fice are concerned with or can be answered by cer­ tain standards or guidelines developed by ALA, its divisions, or other professional organizations. The following list was compiled with the help of the ACRL Standards and Accreditation Committee. Unless otherwise noted, all materials are available from various offices and divisions of ALA, 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611. I. S t a n d a r d s ACRL/AECT G u id elin es f o r T w o-Y ear C o lleg e L ea r n in g R esou rces P rogram s (C &R L N ew s, January and February 1982, pp. 5 -1 0 , 45-49). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. A C R L S ta n d a rd s f o r C o lle g e L ib r a r ie s (C &R L N ew s, October 1975, pp. 2 7 5 -7 9 ,2 9 0 -3 0 1 ). O ff­ print free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL Standards f o r University L ib ra ries (C &R L N ew s, April 1979, pp. 101-10). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. II. G u i d e l i n e s ACRL Access Policy G u idelin es (C & R L N ew s, No­ vem ber 1975, pp. 3 2 2 -2 3 ). O ffprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es a n d P rocedures f o r th e Screen­ ing a n d A p p oin tm en t o f A cad em ic L ibrarian s (C &R L N ew s, September 1977, pp. 231-33). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es f o r A udio-V isual Services in A c­ a d e m ic L i b r a r i e s (1 9 6 8 ). 24p. $ 1 .5 0 , from ACRL Office. ACRL G uidelin es f o r B ib lio g ra p h ic Instruction in A ca d em ic L ib ra ries (C &R L N ew s, April 1977, p. 92). Offprint free to ACRL members, non- members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es f o r B ran ch L ib ra ries in C olleges a n d Universities (C & R L N ew s, October 1975, pp. 281-83). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL G u idelin es f o r E x ten d ed C am pu s L ib ra ry Services (C &R L N ews, March 1982, pp. 86-88). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. A CRL G u idelin es f o r the Security o f R are B ook, M a n u scrip t, a n d O th er S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s . (C &R L N ew s, March 1982, pp. 90-93). ACRL G uidelin es on M anuscripts a n d A rchives (1977). Free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. 106 / C &R L News ACRL/AAUP/AAC Jo in t S ta tem en t on F acu lty S tatus of C o lle g e a n d U niversity L ib ra r ia n s (C &R L N ew s, February 1974, p. 26). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. A C R L R e la t o r T erm s f o r R a r e B o o k s . M an u ­ s c r ip ts , a n d S p e c ia l C o lle c tio n s C a ta lo g in g (C &R L N ew s. October 1981, pp. 322-25). O ff­ print free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL Standards f o r Faculty Status f o r C o lleg e a n d University L ibrarian s (C &R L N ews, May 1974, pp. 112-13). Offprint free to ACRL mem­ bers, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ALA F re ed o m to R ea d Statem ent (Am erican L i ­ braries, March 1979, pp. 253-54). Offprint free with SASE, from O ffice of Intellectual Free­ dom. ALA G u idelines f o r L ib rary A ffirm a tiv e Action Plans (American L ib raries, July/August 1976, pp. 4 5 1 -5 3 ). Offprint free with SASE, from OLPR Office. ALA L ib ra ry Bill o f Rights (Am erican L ibraries, D ecem ber 1979, p. 663). O ffprint free with SASE, from Office of Intellectual Freedom. ALA L ib ra ry B ill o f Rights Interpretation s (avail­ able free with SASE, from Office of Intellectual Freedom): Challenged Materials (Am erican L ib ra r ies‚ September 1981, p. 492). Evaluating Library Collections (Am erican L i­ braries, September 1981, p. 492). Exhibit Spaces and Meeting Rooms (American L ibraries, June 1981, p. 334). Expurgation of Library Materials (American L ib raries. June 1981, p. 334). Intellectual Freedom Statement (A m erican L ibraries. September 1971, pp. 831-33). Restricted Access to Library Materials (A m er­ ican L ib raries. September 1981, pp. 495-96). Statement on Labeling (Am erican L ib ra ries‚ September 1981, p. 495). ALA Policy on C onfiden tiality o f L ib ra r y R ecords (1971). Free with SASE, from Office of Intellec­ tual Freedom. ALA Standards f o r A ccreditation (1972). Free with SASE, from Committee on Accreditation Office. ARL N etw ork D ev elop m en t in R esearch L ibraries: S om e Guiding Principles (1980). Check with the Association o f Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036, for availability. ASIS C o d e o f E thics (1972). Free with SASE, from American Societv for Information Science, 1010 16 St., NW, Washington, DC 20036. G O D O R T State D ocu m en t G u idelines (1982). In­ cludes: Guidelines for Minimum State Servicing of State Documents; Guidelines for State Docu­ ments Checklists; Guidelines for Inputting State Documents into Data Bases; Guidelines for State Publications Depository Legislation; Guidelines for State Distribution Center Activities. Free. from Karen Smith, Documents Department, Lockwood Memorial Library, SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260. LAMA Personnel P erfo rm an ce A ppraisal: A G uide f o r L ib ra ries an d a B ibliog rap h y (1979). 14p. Free, plus $1.50 postage, from LAMA Office. OLPR G u idelines f o r L ib ra r y A ffirm ativ e Action P la n s (1 9 7 6 ). F re e , plus 4 0 c postage, from OLPR Office. RASD A C o m m itm en t to Inform ation Services: D ev elop m en tal G u idelines (RQ, Fall 1979, pp. 29-30). Offprint free, plus 30c postage, from RASD Office. RASD G uidelines f o r Establishing L o c a l History C ollection s (RQ. Spring 1979, pp. 29-30). Off­ print free, plus 30c postage, from RASD Office. RASD G uidelines f o r th e Preparation o f a B ibliog ­ raphy (RQ. Fall 1982, pp. 31-32). Free, plus 30c postage, from RASD Office. RASD/IFLA Interlibrary L oan C odes, 1980; Inter­ n ation al L en d in g P rin ciples an d G u idelin es, 1978 (1981). 16p. ISBN 0-8389-5587-8. $2, from ALA Order Department. RTSD G u id e to C ollection Evaluation through Use a n d U ser S tu d ie s (1 9 8 3 ). F o rth co m in g in October-December 1983 L ib rary R esources ò T ec h n ic a l Services. Offprints to be available from RTSD Office. RTSD G u id e to C o o rd in a ted an d C o o p era tiv e C o l­ lection D ev elop m en t a m on g L ib ra ries (1983). Forthcoming in October-Decem ber 1983 L i­ brary R esources ò T ech n ical Services. Offprints to be available from RTSD Office. RTSD G u idelines f o r B ook C atalogs (1977). 32p. ISBN 0-8389-3190-1. $5, from ALA Order De­ partment. R TSD G u id elin es f o r C o lle c tio n D ev e lo p m en t (1979). 84p. ISBN 0-8389-3231-2. $6, from ALA Order Department. RTSD G u idelines f o r H andling L ib ra ry Orders fo r In -P rin t M o n o g r a p h ic P u b lic a t io n s (1973). Free, plus 35c postage, from RTSD Office. RTSD G uidelines f o r H andling L ib ra ry Orders f o r M icroform s (1977). Free, plus 35c postage, from RTSD Office. RTSD G u idelines f o r H andling L ib rary O rders fo r Serials a n d P erio d ica ls (1974). 16p. ISBN 0- 8389-3158-8. $3, from ALA Order Department. RTSD G u idelines f o r th e Su bject Analysis o f Au­ diovisual M aterials (1978). 2p. Free, plus 35c postage, from RTSD Office. RTSD G u idelines f o r Union C atalogu es o f Serials (1st Draft, 1981). $10, from RTSD Office. III. R e l a t e d M a t e r i a l s ACRL C o lleg e L ib ra ry Standards: Questions an d A nsw ers (C & R L N ew s. November 1974, pp. 249-50). Offprint free to ACRL members, non- members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL An E valuative C hecklist f o r R eview in g a C o lle g e L ib ra r y P rog ram . B ased on th e 1975 Standards f o r C o lleg e L ib ra ries (C & R L News. Introducing the Books that Order Themselves! With American Chemical Society’s PACT plan, you’ll never have to order a book again! We have a plan for book purchasing th at can • En v iron m en tal/ H ealth & • N u c lear m ake your job a lo t easier. It’s called PACT— Safety • O rg an ic Primary A ccess to C hem istry T itles. And it’s • Food/Flavor • Polymers/Applied easy, fust te ll us your chem ical subject • Industrial/Engineering P o ly m er S c ie n c e categories, and we’ll send you all the new ACS • In org an ic • P h ysical books in those areas … just as soon as they’re • Medicinal/ published. P h a rm a c e u tic a l Know what th at m eans? N o more endless And then be assured of prompt, autom atic paperwork as you order individual books. No delivery throughout the year of select books as m ore disappointing "out-of-stock" notices. No soon as they’re published … of just those books more wading through scores of book reviews that perfectly suit your needs. just to find the titles th at are relevant to you. Just one purchase o rd er… and the satisfaction No-Worry Guarantee of knowing your collections are complete. Your PACT is flexible, too. If at any point you Just Choose Your Subjects wish to cancel or modify th is plan, just say the word. N o strings attached! And any book sent to Pick one or all of the following subject you may be returned for full credit w ithin thirty categories in chem istry from the ACS Advances days. Series, Symposium Series and Monograph Series: • A n a ly tic a l • Cellulose/Paper/Ttextil e • A gricu ltu re/Pesticide • Colloid/Surface • C arb oh yd rate • Energy/Fuel/Petroleum/ Want to know more? C all us toll free at (800) G e o c h e m is try 424-6747. Or clip the coupon and send it in today. 108 / C& RL News November 1979, pp. 305-16). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL Guide to M ethods o f L ibrary Evaluation (C &R L News‚ October 1968, pp. 293-99). Off­ print free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL/SAA Join t Statement on Access to Original R esearch M aterials (C &R L News, April 1979, pp. 111-12). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL The Mission o f an Undergraduate L ibrary (M odel Statem ent) (C &R L N ews, November 1979, pp. 317-19). Offprint free to ACRL mem­ bers, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL M odel Statem ent o f C riteria an d P roce­ dures fo r Appointm ent, Prom otion in A cadem ic Rank, and Tenure f o r C ollege an d University L i­ brarians (C&R L News, September and October 1973, pp. 192-95, 2 43-47). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL Organizing an d Managing a L ibrary In­ struction P rogram : C hecklists (1979). $3 for ACRL members, $4 for non-members, from ACRL Office. ACRL Statement on C ollective Bargaining (1975). Free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL Statement on Quantitative Standards fo r T w o -Y ea r L e a r n in g R e so u r c es P ro g r a m s (C&R L News, March 1979, pp. 69-73). Offprint free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ACRL Statement on the Terminal Professional D e­ gree fo r A cadem ic Librarians (1975). Free to ACRL members, non-members $1, from ACRL Office. ALA M odel Policy Concerning C ollege and Uni­ versity Photocopying f o r Classroom, Research and L ibrary Reserve Use (C&R L News, April 1982, pp. 1 2 7 -3 1 ). Included in L ib r a r ia n ’s Copyright Kit 1982. ISBN 0-8389-3276-2. $15, from ALA Order Department. ALA Thirty Questions Librarians Ask abou t Tap­ ing C opyrighted Television Programs f o r E duca­ tional Use: Interpreting the Guidelines f o r Off- Air R ecording (1982). 20p. ISBN 0-8389-3274-6. $2, from ALA Order Department. Also included in the ALA L ib ra ria n s Copyright Kit 1982 ($15, from ALA Order Department). ARL Access to Original R esearch M aterials in L i­ braries, Archives, an d Manuscript Repositories; R eproduction o f Manuscripts and Archives fo r N on-C om m ercial Purposes (1974). Free, from the Association of Research Libraries, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20036. ARL/ACRL “Report of the ARL/ACRL Joint Committee on University Library Standards,” Appendix (1975) in John Vasi, Budget Allocation Systems f o r Research Libraries (1983), OMS Oc­ casional Paper #1. For historical purposes only. Free to ARL library members, others $8, from ARL/OMS (address above). ASCLA Techniques f o r L ibrary Service to the D ea f an d H ard o f Hearing (In terfa ce‚ Fall 1981, pp. 2 -3). Offprint free with SASE, from ASCLA Of­ fice. April 1983 / 109 O LPR L ib ra r y E d u ca tion an d P erson n el Utiliza­ tion: A S tatem en t o f P olicy (1970). 8p. Free with SASE, from O LPR Office. RASD T h e L ib r a r y ’s R espon sibility to th e Aging (RQ, Fall 1981, p. 27). Free, plus 30¢ postage, from RASD Office. RASD O nline Training Sessions: Suggested G u id e­ lines (RQ , Summer 1981, pp. 3 5 3 -5 7 ). ISBN 0- 8389-6541-5. Offprint $1, from ALA Order D e­ partment. IV . A N S C S t a n d a r d s The American National Standards Committee Z39: Library and Information Sciences and Re­ lated Publishing Practices develops technical stan­ dards for both products and services in the library profession. The following standards are available from ANSC Z39, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, L ib rary E -1 0 6 , Washington, D C 20234. A b b r e v ia t io n o f T itles o f P e r io d ic a ls . Z 3 9 .5 - 1969(R1974). $4. B asic C riteria f o r Indexes. Z 39.4-1968(R1974). $4. B ib lio g r a p h ic In fo rm a tio n In terch a n g e on M ag­ n etic T a p e. Z 39.2-1979. $4. B ib lio g ra p h ic R e fer en ce s. Z 39.29-1977. $12.75. B o o k N u m berin g. Z 39.21-1980. $3.50. B o o k Spine F orm a ts. Z 39.41-1979. $3.50. C riteria f o r P rice Indexes f o r L ib r a r y M aterials. Z 39.20-1974. $4. D ev elo p m en t o f Id en tifica tio n C o d es f o r Use b y th e B ib lio g r a p h ic C o m m u n ity . Z 3 9 .33-1977. $3.50. D irecto ries o f L ib r a r ie s a n d In fo rm a tio n Centers. Z 39.10-1971(R1977). $4. G u id elin es f o r T hesaurus Structure, C onstruction, a n d Use. Z 39.19-1980. $5. In tern a tio n a l S ta n d a rd S erial N u m berin g. Z39.9- 1979. $3.50. L ib r a r y Statistics. Z39.7-1968(R1974). $6.50. O rder F orm f o r Single T itles o f L ib ra r y M aterials in 3 -inch b y 5 -inch F o rm a t. Z 39.30-1982. $6. P e r io d ic a ls : F o r m a t a n d A r ra n g e m e n t. Z 3 9 .1 - 1977. $4.50. P erm a n en t a n d D u ra b le L ib ra r y C a ta lo g Cards. Z 8 5 .1-1980. $3.50. Serial H oldin gs Statem en ts at th e S u m m ary L e v e l. Z 39.42-1980. $5.50. Structure f o r th e Id en tifica tio n o f Coun tries o f the W orld f o r In fo rm a tio n E x ch an g e. Z 3 9 .27-1976. $2 . System f o r th e R o m a n iza tion o f A ra b ic. Z39.12- 1972(R1978). $3.50. S y stem f o r t h e R o m a n i z a t i o n o f A r m e n ia n . Z 39.37-1979. $3.50. System f o r th e R o m a n iza tion o f H eb r ew . Z39.25- 1975. $4.50. System f o r th e R o m a n iza tion o f J a p a n es e . Z 3 9 .l l - 1972(R1978). $4. System f o r th e R o m a n iza tion o f L a o . K h m er, a n d Pali. Z 39.35-1979. $4.50. System f o r th e R o m a n iz a tio n o f S lav ic C y rillic C h a racters. Z 39.24-1976. $4. V . S e t t i n g S t a n d a r d s Setting S tandards f o r L ib ra r ies (1982) reprints the papers presented at a program sponsored by the ALA Standards Committee at Annual Conference in 1981. This 34-page monograph contains many helpful suggestions on selecting a standards com­ mittee, conducting research, writing, implement­ ing, prom oting, validating, and revising stan ­ dards. It costs $4 and may be ordered from the ALA Executive Office. The following ACRL units are directly involved in developing standards and guidelines: Standards and Accreditation Committee, Patricia Ann Sacks, Chair; Academic Status Committee, D . Kaye G a­ pen, Chair; Ad Hoc College Library Standards Committee, Jacquelyn M. Morris, Chair; EBSS Committee on Standards for Education Library Services, Betty P. Cleaver, Chair; RBM S Ad Hoc Committee on Developing Guidelines for Profes­ sional Ethics, Terry Belanger, Chair; RBMS Ad Hoc Committee on Developing Guidelines on the Selection o f G eneral C o lle ctio n M aterials for T ran sfer to Sp ecial C o llections, Sam uel Allen Streit, Chair; RBMS Security Committee, Peter E. Hanff, Chair; and RBMS Standards Committee, John Lancaster, Chair. ■ ■ Status Seekers Take Note The A C R L office gets many inquiries from li­ brarians about types of appointments, criteria for promotion and tenure, benefits, govern­ ance, number o f hours in the work week, terms of appointment, etc. An A C R L publication which addresses all these issues and more is the A c a d e m ic Status Survey. As part of the ACRL 100 L ib rary p roject, 126 libraries w ere sur­ veyed on these issues. Their responses are sum­ marized in this book and appropriate docu­ ments from 31 institutions are included in their entirety. T he documents include faculty hand­ books, evaluation forms for librarians, person­ nel plans, guidelines for promotion and tenure committees, faculty constitutions, professional staff manuals, and policy manuals. T he Aca­ demic Status Survey is very much like an ACRL C L IP Note except community colleges and uni­ versity libraries were surveyed along with col­ lege libraries. Copies of this 340-page book are available from A CRL at $12 for A C R L mem­ bers, $17 for non-members (prepaid). 110 / C&R L News REGISTRATION FORM C O N T I N U IN G E D U C A T IO N C O U R S E S PLEASE C IRC LE THE APPROPRIATE DOLLAR AMOUNT FOR THE COURSE O F YOUR CH OICE, AND INDICATE YOUR PREFERENCES IN THE MARGIN (1st, 2nd, and 3rd). Course ACRL Member Non-member CE 101 Librarians as Supervisors $75 $100 CE 103 Establishing the College Bibliographic Program: The Director’s Role $75 $100 CE 105 Time Management and Conducting Effective Meetings $75 $100 C E 106 Performance Evaluation: A Results-Oriented Approach $75 $100 CE 202 Teaching Methods for the Bibliographic Instruction Librarian $150 $200 CE 501 Writing the Journal Article & Getting It Published $75 $100 CE 503 Survey Research Methods $150 $200 * Late registration fee $10 $10 ENTER TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED *Fee for registration after May 31. CONFIRMATION: Written confirmations will be made. CANCELLATIONS: Written notice of cancellations received by May 31 will be honored subject to a $20 cancellation charge. No refunds for cancellations after May 31. You may make checks payable to ACRL and return them with this form to: ACRL—Continuing Education American Library Association 50 E. Huron St. Chicago, IL 60611 In order to help CE instructors prepare for their courses, please answer the following questions: 1. What do you hope to gain by taking this course? 2. What experience or education have you had in this area prior to enrollment in this CE course?