ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 55 Personnel PROFILES W illiam H. Axford is now University Li­ brarian at Arizona State University, replacing Alan D. Covey, who has accepted a position as Professor in the Department of Library Science at the University of Wisconsin in Oshkosh. Bill Axford’s programs in the Arizona State Library will reflect his wide automation experi­ ence gained in his former position as Director of Libraries at Florida Atlantic University. While there, he was instrumental in the design, testing, and operational phases of the Florida Atlantic automation systems for circulation, ac­ quisitions, and document control. Before ac­ cepting the position at Florida Atlantic, Mr. Axford was Director of Libraries at the Univer­ sity of Denver. His goals for the Arizona State University Li­ braries are a reflection of his dual training as a Librarian (M.A. in librarianship, University of Denver) and as a historian (Ph.D. in his­ tory, University of D enver). While committing Arizona State to computer-based programs in circulation and acquisition systems and to sci­ entific management in technical services, his final goals will be the strengthening of the re­ search collection and augmenting of the teach­ ing role of the library. The same duality of interest in innovative li­ brary programs and scholarship is reflected in his publication activities. Swallow Press has re­ cently published Gilpin County Gold, a bio­ graphical study of an early Colorado gold min­ er; College ir Research Libraries will soon be publishing “Performance Budgeting and Unit Cost Studies at Florida Atlantic University.” Richard De Gennaro, former Senior Asso­ ciate University Librarian of Harvard Universi­ ty, has assumed the position of Director of Li­ braries at the University of Pennsylvania, re­ placing Warren J. Haas, presently Director of Libraries at Columbia University. He brings to the University of Pennsylvania valuable experi­ ence in two areas of concern to all academic li­ braries—computer systems and building plan­ ning. While Associate University Librarian for Sys­ tems Development at Harvard, Mr. De Gen­ naro established the Data Processing Division and initiated and directed the computer-based Widener Library shelflist conversion and publi­ cation program. His building planning experi­ ence involved several Harvard Library build­ ings, including Radcliffe’s Hilles Library, and consultive work on other campuses. His professional and publication activities have been wide and varied. Mr. De Gennaro is 1970 President of the Information Science and Automation Division of ALA and Past Chairman of the Special Interest Group on Li­ brary Automation and Networks of the Ameri­ can Society for Information Service. He has also served on the Chemical Abstracts Advisory Board and has been a visiting Professor of Li­ brary and Information Science at the School of Library Science of the University of Southern California. His numerous publications reflect his contri­ butions to the Harvard Library System and his concern with machine-based library operations. They include: “Harvard University’s Widener Library Shelflist Conversion and Publication Program,” CRL, September 1970; “Building a National Bibliographic Data Base in Machine- Readable Form: Progress and Prospects,” L i­ brary Trends, April 1970; “The Development and Administration of Automated Systems in Academic Libraries,” JOLA, March 1968; and “Automation in the Harvard College Library,” Harvard Library Bulletin, July 1968. Texas A & M University has announced the promotion of John B. Smith from Acting Di­ rector to Director of Libraries. This promotion was effective July 1, 1970. As Acting Di­ rector during 1969 and early 1970, and Assistant Director for Public Services from 1966 to 1969, Mr. Smith has played a major role in the rap­ id growth of the Tex­ as A & M Library. While he was Acting Director, the Library was granted member­ John B. Smithship in the Center for Research Libraries. While he was Assistant Director for Public Ser­ vices, he directed the move into Texas A & M’s new $4 million library. Mr. Smith’s professional activities include the chairmanship of the ACRL Committee on Com­ munity Use of Academic Libraries and his pres­ ent position of Chairman-elect of the Texas Council of State College Librarians. Editors Note: W ith this issue, CRL News will begin once again to publish profiles of individu­ als who have assumed the directorships of ma­ jor academic and research libraries. The profiles are written by the editor from information fur­ 56 nished in biographical questionnaires completed by tire subjects of the profiles. Readers are in­ vited to submit names of new directors for con­ sideration for inclusion in the Profiles section. A PPO IN TM EN TS Saul Abraitis has joined the staff of the Central Michigan University library, Mount Pleasant, as head of acquisitions and assistant professor. Mrs. Helen Alexander has joined the staff of the Business Administration library at the University of California, Los Angeles. Mrs. Rebecca Ash is now assistant reference librarian a t the library of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. W illiam Asp has received appointment to tire position of instructor of library science at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. Jacqueline G. Barnett was recently pro­ moted to the position of assistant humanities and social sciences librarian in the Texas A & M University library, College Station. Mrs. Carol Beers is the new assistant learn­ ing materials center librarian for the Wisconsin State University library, Whitewater. Richard Binder has joined the staff of the Drexel University libraries in the capacity of general reference librarian, Philadelphia, Penn­ sylvania. Mrs. Alison Bunting is a new member of the staff of the University of California, Los Angeles Biomedical library. Mrs. Sarah-Alicia Burkman has been ap­ pointed librarian of the W ater Science library, Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey. Kathleen Burr has accepted appointment to a position in the Biomedical library at the University of California at Los Angeles. Mrs. Sandra Cary has taken up her duties as an instructor in library science and assistant science and technology librarian in the library of Texas A.& M University, College Station. Mrs. L elia Belle Cassidy has joined the staff of the University of Florida, Gainesville, as cataloger for Branches, Hume library, Insti­ tute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. James Christopher has joined the staff of the Wisconsin State University library as acting periodicals librarian. E arle E. Coleman has been promoted to the position of assistant university librarian for rare books and special collections in the Prince­ ton University library, Princeton, New Jersey. Virginia Conrad has been appointed head of monographic acquisitions at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Abigail B. D ahl-Hansen is now assistant university librarian for the General library, Uni­ versity of California, Riverside. James G. Davis has been appointed college librarian at the University of California at Los Angeles. He was previously head of the refer­ ence section and assistant head of the under­ graduate college library. Mrs. Marjorie Dewey has accepted ap­ pointment to the newly created position of in­ formation science librarian for the Drexel Uni­ versity libraries, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Mary F. Downey has joined the staff of the Mississippi State University libraries, State Col­ lege, as instructor and order librarian for the acquisitions department. Lawrence D oyle is a new staff member of the reference department, Olin library, Cornell University libraries, Ithaca, New York. He is serving as an assistant librarian in the reference department. Margaret Drenowatz has joined the staff of the Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey, as serials cataloger. Norman D udley, formerly head of the ac­ quisitions department of the University of Cali­ fornia at Los Angeles library, has been named assistant University librarian for collection de­ velopment. Mrs. Doris Dunn is now on the staff of the Brain Information Service in the Biomedical li­ brary at the University of California at Los An­ geles. Angeline D urso has assumed a position in the Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library Service, located at the University of California at Los Angeles Biomedical library. Mrs. Maureen D. E ndres has been named public services librarian and instructor of li­ brary administration at the Community and Technical College campus of the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Robert P. F itch is the new acquisitions li­ brarian and assistant professor of library admin­ istration in the University of Toledo library, Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Helen J. Flanders has joined the staff of the department of library science, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, as instructor. Mrs. Kaarina F lint is a new member of the interlibrary loans section in the reference de­ partm ent of the library of the University of Cal­ ifornia at Los Angeles. Stephen B. F olts has joined the staff of the Iowa State University library, Ames, as instruc­ tor and reference librarian. Michael F. French is now public services librarian and instructor of library administra­ tion at the Community and Technical College campus of the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Alice Garcia has assumed the position of descriptive cataloger at the Princeton Universi­ ty library, Princeton, New Jersey. Mrs. Mary Ge i.bart has been named assist­ ant order librarian at the library of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. 57 Paige Gibbs has been appointed assistant circulation and reference librarian at the Wis­ consin State University library. Marguerite Goral has transferred from the Library of Congress to a position in the Univer­ sity of California at Los Angeles library refer­ ence department. Kenneth Greason has accepted the position of cataloger at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Mrs. Jacquelyn Gwyn has joined the staff of the Drexel University libraries, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as library science librarian. H. W. Hall is now assistant professor of li­ brary science and serials acquisitions librarian in the Texas A & M University library, College Station. Peter W. H art has been named head of technical services at State University College, Cortland, New York. Annelle R. Hawkins has joined the profes­ sional staff of the Texas A & M University li­ brary, College Station, as an instructor in li­ brary science and assistant separates acquisi­ tions librarian. John Hill has accepted promotion to the po­ sition of head of the Geology-Geophysics li­ brary at the University of California at Los An­ geles. Paul F. Hill has assumed the position of newspaper librarian for the Ohio Historical So­ ciety library, Columbus. Alan D. H ogan is the newly appointed as­ sistant director for systems and processing; and assistant professor of library administration at the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Ann Hogin H older is now reference librarian at the Robert W. Woodruff library of Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Patricia H oobler has been appointed refer­ ence librarian and instructor at Central Mich­ igan University, Mount Pleasant. Veronica B. Hudspeth has taken up duties as reserve librarian in the circulation depart­ ment of the Mississippi State University li­ braries, State College. Patricia S. H ughes is the new instructor and acquisitions librarian, acquisitions depart­ ment, at Mississippi State University, State Col­ lege. Margaret S. Irwin has been appointed head of the maps and microforms section and also the periodical reading room at Michigan State University, East Lansing. Ratko Ivanisevic has joined the staff of the library at State University of New York at Stony Brook as assistant cataloger. Peter A. Johnson has been appointed visit­ ing assistant professor in the School of Library Science at State University of New York at Al­ bany for the 1970-71 academic year. Lew Jones is now assistant to the director of libraries at State University of New York at Stony Brook. N orah E. Jones has been named head of the University of California at Los Angeles library’s newly organized technical services department. She was previously the head of the undergradu­ ate college library. Ik-Sam Kim has accepted a position on the staff of the Oriental library at the University of California, Los Angeles. Iping King is the new cataloger in the Far Eastern collection of Princeton University li­ brary, Princeton, New Jersey. Arthur R. Kirwin, Jr., is the new coordi­ nator of the Albany Librarianship Trainee Pro­ gram in the School of Library Science at State University of New York at Albany. Janardan M. Kulkarni is the new refer­ ence-bibliographer in the sciences at Memorial library, State University College, Cortland, New York. Yuk-Ying Kwan is working as assistant ac­ quisitions librarian in the library of State Uni­ versity of New York at Stony Brook. Mrs. Cecilia Liu has been appointed in­ structor in library science and assistant cata­ loger at the Texas A & M University library, College Station. Mrs. Susana J. Liu has assumed the position of instructor in library science and head of the catalog maintenance department, Texas A & M University library, College Station. Robert Lynch has received appointment to the position of executive officer for technical services at the library of the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. E llen-Irene McCullough has accepted the position of librarian of the astronomy library at Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey. G. Robert McLean has been appointed li­ brary coordinator for personnel and planning at the University of Toledo library, Toledo, Ohio. Mrs. Iona R. Malanchuk has joined the Western Michigan University library, Kalama­ zoo, staff as instructor and education librarian. Peter P. Malanchuk has been appointed assistant professor and social sciences librarian a t the Western Michigan University library, Kalamazoo. Mrs. Audree Malkin has tranferred from her position as assistant head of the Business Administration library at the University of Cali­ fornia at Los Angeles to become the head of the Theater Arts library. Pauline F. Micciche is now serials librarian at State University of New York at Stony Brook library. She is charged with the design of a se­ rials program. 58 Ida G. Miller has become the assistant ac­ quisitions librarian and instructor of library ad­ ministration a t the University of Toledo library, Toledo, Ohio. Sally Mae Moffitt has joined the staff of the Robert W. Woodruff Library for Advanced Studies, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, as reference librarian. E verett L. Moore, on leave from his posi­ tion as college librarian at the College of the Desert, Palm Desert, California, is director of libraries, American University, Cairo, Egypt. Joseph H. Morehead, Jr., has received ap­ pointment to the position of assistant professor in the School of Library Science, State Univer­ sity of New York at Albany. Anne Murphy has been promoted to the po­ sition of director of the Fordham University li­ braries, Rose Hill campus, Bronx, New York. Mrs. Georgianna Myers has accepted the position of assistant reference librarian at the library of Wisconsin State University, White- water. Mrs. Janet L. Nelson has received appoint­ ment to the position of assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of Princeton library, Princeton, New Jersey. Glendon T. Odell is on the staff of the Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey, as assistant university librarian for sci­ ence and technology. Beverley A. Pettigrew has received ap­ pointment to the position of assistant reference librarian and instructor of library administra­ tion a t the library of the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. Howard P ollack has received appointment to the position of assistant to the dean at Pratt Institute’s Graduate School of Library and In­ formation Science, Brooklyn, New York. Victoria Powers is now on the staff of the catalog section in the Engineering and Mathe­ matical Sciences library at the University of California at Los Angeles. Sharon D. Ramsey is a new instructor in li­ brary science and an assistant basic collection librarian in the Texas A & M University library, College Station. Lynda R. Reddout has accepted the posi­ tion of instructor in library science and map li­ brarian, Texas A & M University library, Col­ lege Station. Mrs. Ella D. Reilly is now reserve librari­ an in the library of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Mrs. Cecilia D. Reino has accepted the po­ sition of assistant librarian at the Industrial and Labor Relations library, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Patricia S. Rocca has been appointed as­ sistant reference librarian of the New Jersey Reference Center, Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey. Allene F. Schnaitter has received ap­ pointment to the position of assistant director of university libraries and director of academic development at Governors State University, Park Forest South, Illinois. Mrs. Irene Schubert has recently joined the professional staff of the University of To­ ledo library, Toledo, Ohio, as assistant refer­ ence librarian and instructor of library admin­ istration. Marshall Shier is a new staff member in the Biomedical library at the University of Cal­ ifornia, Los Angeles. David Berkshire Shirley has assumed the position of documents librarian and instructor at the Central Michigan University library, Mount Pleasant. Antony Simpson is now instructor in library science at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. Oscar L. Sims has accepted an appointment as Afro-American bibliographer in the library of the University of California at Los Angeles. David C. Stager has joined the staff of the Geology library of Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey, as librarian. Gordon Stevenson has joined the faculty LENDING LIBRARY of FILMS SLIDES TAPES PHOTOS RECORDS EXHIBITS FILMSTRIPS SCIENTIFIC FILMS on FRANCE Catalogue upon request F. A. C. S. E. A. 972 5t h Avenue, New York C ity 10021 (2 12) RE 7-9700 59 of the School of Library Science, State Univer­ sity of New York at Albany. Lauren A. Stiles has assumed the position of reference-bibliographer in the humanities at State University College at Cortland, New York. Jerry Arthur Thrasher has been named assistant university librarian, circulation, at the Robert W. Woodruíf library of Emory Univer­ sity, Atlanta, Georgia. Jan Toone has been named instructor in li­ brary science and assistant documents librarian in the library of Texas A & M University, Col­ lege Station. Mrs. Joyce Toscan has joined the staff of the Government and Public Affairs Reading Room, a section of the Public Affairs Service of the University of California at Los Angeles library. James Shih-Kang Tung has accepted promo­ tion to the position of special assistant univer­ sity librarian for Asian collections and curator of Gest Oriental library at the Princeton Uni­ versity library, Princeton, New Jersey. Angelo W allace is on the staff of the de­ partment of library science, University of To­ ledo, Toledo, Ohio, as instructor. Shu-Sheng W ang is cataloger of the Far Eastern collections in the library of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. Mrs. Susan B. W hite is annex librarian in the Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey. Mrs. Mary F rances W ightman has as­ sumed the position of librarian of the Engineer­ ing library at Princeton University library, Princeton, New Jersey. Mrs. Sally W illiams has accepted promo­ tion to the position of head of the serials de­ partm ent at Drexel University libraries, Phila­ delphia, Pennsylvania. Laurence T. W illiamson has been named assistant serials librarian for the Princeton Uni­ versity library, Princeton, New Jersey. D unning W ilson has been appointed to a position as Near Eastern cataloger in the li­ brary of the University of California, Los An­ geles. Margaret W ineburgh is a new staff mem­ ber of the Brain Information Service in the Bio­ medical library at the University of California at Los Angeles. Kennerly M. W oody has accepted the po­ sition of bibliographer for history in the Prince­ ton University library, Princeton, New Jersey. Elsa W. W ood is the new descriptive cata­ loger at the library of Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey. 60 NOW YOU CAN GET JANE EYRE ON THE SHELVES AS FAST AS W INNIE THE POOH. After years ot supplying LJ Cards tor children's doors, we’ve now grown to adults'. LJ catalog card sets are now available for all English language adult titles published from 1969 on. Our adult card sets are designed to accomplish the same thing as LJ processing kits for juvenile titles—namely, to get new acquisitions on the shelves while they're still new. So, as with all LJ Cards, we guarantee to fill your order within 10 days after receiving it—provided, of course, the book has been published. If we fail, return the order and we’ll return your money. (To make sure we don't have to return any money, we've recently increased our order­ handling staff by 250%. And our facilities by 300%.) You can order adult card sets three ways: with standard Library of Congress order slips; copies of multiple order forms; or any 3"by 5" slip listing author, title, publisher, date of publication, and edition. The price is $.35 per set. And no matter how you do it, you can now have what elementary and high school librarians have had for some time. An up-to-date reading room. Instead of just an up-to-date storage room. XEROX® BiblioGraphicS 2500 Schuster D rive , Cheverly, M d. 20781 XEROX IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF XEROX CORPORATION