ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 5 News From the Field A C Q U I S I T I O N S • The H erbert H. Lamson Library of P lym­ outh State C ollege has acquired the Ernest L. Silver Collection of Early Textbooks. The majority of materials in the collection were ac­ quired by Dr. Silver during his tenure as presi­ dent of the college. The collection is an exam­ ple of his wide-ranging interest in the areas of educational methods and teacher education. Included in the collection are textbooks and related materials from the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, nearly all of which were collected by Dr. Silver from graduates of the college, colleagues, and other educators of his acquaintance. Items are being added to the collection as they become available. Recently, early children’s books have been included. The collection is housed in the Special Col­ lections Room in the H erbert H. Lamson L i­ brary of Plymouth State College. • The University of W isconsin-Milwau­ kee library is pleased to announce the acquisi­ tion of the Allen M. Slichter collection of civil war materials. The collection consists of over 700 volumes and is the gift of Allen M. Slich­ ter, a devoted student of the Civil W ar and a charter member of the Civil W ar Round Table of Milwaukee County. The collection was start­ ed by Mr. Slichter over fifty years ago. Today it contains numerous first editions, regimental histories, memoirs, diaries, collections of let­ ters, and other works published during or short­ ly after the war. A unique feature of the col­ lection is its emphasis on the Confederacy and the Confederate point of view. Biography of southern military leaders is a particularly strong point. Among the more valuable items in the collec­ tion are the Southern Historical Society Papers and the United States W ar Departm ents’ The W ar of the Rebellion; a Compilation of the Of­ ficial Records of the Union and Confederate Armies. Included with this latter item is the Atlas to Accompany the Official Records. The library has compiled a bibliography of the collection, available in the Rare Books-Spe- cial Collections Department, where the materi­ als are housed. • The Z. Smith Reynolds Library of W ake F orest University has received by donation from Mrs. Charles H. Babcock of Los Angeles, California, two exceptionally fine collections of books and manuscripts p u t together by her late husband, Charles H. Babcock. One collection of 679 volumes is of major and minor authors of the South, predominantly in first editions. Among the authors represented are extensive holdings of the works of John Esten Cooke and William Gilmore Simms. The second collection contains approximately 1,500 volumes of rare and fine books, predomi­ nantly in English and American literature from the sixteenth through the nineteenth centuries. This Babcock Rare Book Collection contains eighty-nine of the titles listed in the Grolier Club’s One Hundred Books Famous in English Literature (N ew York, 1902); seventy-seven of these in the edition specified by the Grolier Club (chiefly first editions) and the remaining twelve in other significant editions (or in fac­ simile). The fourteen American books on this celebrated list are all in the Babcock Collection in first editions. Represented are manuscripts of Elizabeth B arrett Browning, William Cullen Bryant, Havelock Ellis, Bret Harte, James Fenimore Cooper, Henry David Thoreau, and Booth Tar- kington. A catalog of a selection from these Babcock Collections is in preparation and will be avail­ able for sale soon. • A first portion of the manuscripts of Al­ fred Adler, distinguished Austrian psychiatrist (1870-1937), has been donated to the L ibrary of Congress by Adler’s son, Dr. Kurt Adler of New York City. Of the three founders of modem psychiatry, Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung, Adler was the one who had the most significant connection with the United States, having be­ come resident here toward the end of his life. His ideas have gained considerable ground since that time, and the Adlerian “individual psychology” is now one of the most influential forces in American psychiatry. The manuscripts presented by Dr. Adler in­ clude a num ber of Alfred Adler’s professional studies; a selection of letters by him (1891- 1937); notes in his hand; official documents containing biographical data; and miscellaneous materials including photographs. The remaining papers, including correspondence and the man­ uscripts of his publications, will come to the Library at a later time as a gift of the Adler heirs. The Adler papers greatly strengthen the Li­ brary’s manuscript sources in the field of the behavioral sciences. One of the Library’s impor­ tant collections in this field is the manuscripts of Sigmund Freud, from whose circle Alfred Adler broke in 1911. 6 After arrangement and description by the Library, the papers will be available for use in the Manuscript Division by qualified scholars. G IF T S • The New York Public L ibrary is to be the beneficiary of the entire estate of the late Mary Agnes Miller. A partial distribution of the bequest has been made in the amount of $1,250,000, with the balance to be given to the library at a later date. The background of the Miller bequest origi­ nates with the will of her brother, the distin­ guished attorney David Hunter Miller who, among other activities, served as legal advisor to President Wilson during the Versailles Con­ ference. G R A N T S • The Council on Library Resources has granted $103,000 to the Graduate Library School of the University of Chicago for sup­ port of post doctoral fellowships to be offered over a period of two years, beginning in June 1974. Fellowships will be awarded to present holders of the Ph.D. in fields other than librari- anship for work toward the M.A. degree in li- brarianship at Chicago. For the calendar year required to complete the degree, fellows will receive full tuition and additional stipends up to $7,800, depending on need and number of dependents. The fellowship program seeks to enlist candi­ dates who have demonstrated high intellectual achievement in other fields and who, if given the opportunity, would find a career in librari- anship challenging and rewarding. The pro­ gram of instruction of the Graduate Library School aims to prepare fellows to assist in the management and design of systems and services responsive to contemporary cultural and social needs and the educational objectives of schools, colleges, and universities. Applications for awards for 1974-75 will be received up to February 1, 1974. Awards will be announced on April 1, 1974. Interested can­ didates should apply to the Dean of Students, Graduate Library School, University of Chi­ cago, 1100 East 57th St., Chicago, IL 60637. • Three northwest Iowa Colleges—Dordt of Sioux Center, Northwestern of Orange City and Westmar of Le Mars—have been awarded a joint grant of $20,000 from the Kin­ ney-Lindstrom Foundation, Inc., of Mason City to permit closer cooperation by the three col­ leges in providing library services. According to an announcement by the presidents of the three colleges, the $20,000 Kinney-Lindstrom Foundation grant will permit the three institu­ tions to begin a comprehensive program of cross cataloging of library holdings. Total cost of the project is estimated at $38,500. The library grant to the three colleges will be used for cross cataloging of all holdings in six major classifications: education, history, po­ litical science, languages and literature, psy­ chology and sociology. This project will include approximately one-third of each library’s hold­ ings and those most frequently used. Since 1971 all three libraries have been cross cataloging new acquisitions. The grant awarded for 1974 and 1975 will permit materials re­ ceived by each library prior to 1971 to be cross cataloged. This will result in doubling the ef­ fective holdings for each library, adding the equivalent of 49,500 new volumes for the three libraries. M E E T IN G S Feb. 28-March 1, 1974: Bibliographic Net­ works. “Alternatives in bibliographic network­ ing, or how to use automation without doing it yourself” is the theme of an ISAD Institute in New Orleans sponsored by the Information Science and Automation Division of the Ameri­ can Library Association. The purpose of the institute is to review the options available in cooperative cataloging and library networks, to provide a framework for identifying problems and selecting alternative cataloging systems on a functional basis, and to suggest evaluation strategies and decision models to aid in making choices from alterna­ tive bibliographic networking systems. The in­ stitute is designed to assist the participant in solving problems and in selecting the best sys­ tem for his library. Methods of cost analysis and evaluation of alternative systems will be presented and special attention will be given to comparing on-line systems with microfiche- based systems. Speakers and panelists for the institute in­ clude: James Rizzolo, New York Public Li­ brary; Maryann Duggan, SLICE ( Southwest­ ern Library Interstate Cooperative Endeavor); Jean L. Connor, New York State Library; Mau­ rice Freedman, Hennepin County Library, Min­ neapolis; Brett Butler, Information Design, Inc.; and Michael Malinconico, New York Pub­ lic Library, among others. The cost will be $60.00 to ALA members ($75.00 to nonmembers). For hotel reservation information and a registration blank write to: Donald P. Hammer, ISAD, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 1974: Multi-Media Workshop. The workshop is designed to be an introduction to audiovisual work in libraries and media centers: the location, critical evalua­ tion, and selection of a variety of audiovisual materials and equipment. Attention is given to types of audiovisual services provided by li­ braries and to procedures for the acquisition, cataloging, classification, circulation, and stor­ age of materials. A part of each session will be a laboratory period for the purpose of familiar­ izing participants with audiovisual equipment. The workshop will be presented on the above Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at St. John’s University, Jamaica, New York. The fee is $80.00. For further information and/or ap­ plication, write or call: Dr. Mohammed M. Aman, Chairman, Department of Library Sci­ ence, St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY 11439, telephone (212) 969-8000, ext. 209. Applica­ tion deadline: February 25, 1974. The number of participants is limited. March 14-16, 1974: Junior College Li­ braries. The Ninth Annual Conference, Junior College Libraries will be held at Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove, IL. Send di­ rect inquiries to publicity chairman, Duane Paulsen, Sauk Valley College, Dixon, IL 61021. April 23-26, 1974: L atin American Ma­ terials. The University of Texas at Austin will be the site of the Nineteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materi­ als. The Acquisition of Central American Ma­ terials will be the special topic for discussion. In addition there will be reports of progress made in the past year on matters concerning Latin American acquisitions and bibliography in general and a series of workshops which will include: “Instruction in the Use of Latin Amer­ ican Library Materials including Formal Courses in Latin American Bibliography,” “Publications of Inter-American and Interna­ tional Organizations,” “Book Dealers and Their Problems,” and the “Commercial Reprinting and Reproducing of Latin American Materials.” Registration in the nineteenth seminar is $15.00 for members of SALALM and $25.00 for nonmembers. Preprint working papers are included in the registration fee and are avail­ able only by registering in advance. Librarians and scholars from Latin America and the Carib­ bean may attend the seminar without paying the registration fee and will receive a set of working papers. All students will be admitted to the conference without charge but must reg­ ister and pay a fee of $7.50 if they wish sets of the working papers. Complete details and reg­ istration forms for the Nineteenth SALALM will be distributed soon. The conference coor­ dinator is Nettie Lee Benson, Librarian, Latin American Collection, University of Texas Li­ brary, Austin, TX 78712. Information on the content of the program and working papers may be procured from Rosa Mesa, Documents Department, University of Florida Libraries, Gainesville, FL 32601. For other information refer to the Executive Secretary, Pauline P. Collins, SALALM Secretariat, University of Massachusetts Library, Amherst, MA 01002, U.S.A. Plans are being made for a UNESCO sup­ ported preconference to take place immediately prior to the Nineteenth SALALM which will bring together Latin American and North American librarians to discuss topics of mutual interest related to library organization, person­ nel, and research as related to Latin American materials in libraries throughout the world and to the past and potential contribution of SALALM to library, bibliographic, and book- trade development in the Americas. For infor­ mation write to: Mr. Gilberto Fort, 1829 West­ ward Drive, Miami Springs, FL 33166. A two-day postconference workshop is being planned for librarians, educators, publishers, and distributors concerned with the Spanish­ speaking in the United States to discuss selec­ tion and acquisition of Spanish language mate­ rials for children and adolescents. Topics will include: publishing in Spain and Latin America and the problems of the publisher; acquisition and marketing problems of United States and Latin American distributors in providing the U.S. market with printed and audiovisual ma­ terials from Spain and Latin America; litera­ ture for children and adolescents published in Spain and Latin America (history and survey of current production); and criteria for select­ ing and selection sources for materials for the Spanish-speaking. There will be book exhibits and showings of audiovisual materials. The workshop, which will be held in the Down­ towner Hotel in Austin, is sponsored by SALALM’s Joint Committee on Library Materi­ als for the Spanish and Portuguese-speaking in the United States and by the Institute of Latin American Studies of the University of Texas at Austin. Additional registration fees will not be required for those registered for SALALM. Sep­ arate workshop registration will be available to those wishing to attend the workshop only. For registration information write: Mrs. Susan Shat­ tuck Benson, Library Development Program, Organization of American States, Washington, DC 20006, U.S.A. April 28-May 1, 1974: Clinic on Library Applications of Data Processing. Conducted by the Graduate School of Library Science, University of Illinois, the theme of this eleventh annual clinic will be “The Application of Mini­ computers to Library and Related Problems.” The clinic will include a tutorial on minicom­ puters, demonstrations, and papers describing specific applications. The subject is one of great current interest because minicomputers may of­ fer important economic advantages in library automation and because they provide a means whereby a library may achieve greater control over its data processing activities. Mr. F. W. Lancaster, professor of library science, is chair­ man of the clinic. Further information may be obtained from: Mr. Leonard E. Sigler, Clinic Supervisor OS-97, Conferences and Institutes, 116 Illini Hall, Champaign, IL 61820. May 9-11, 1974: Library Orientation. The Fourth Annual Conference on Library Orienta­ tion, to be held at Eastern Michigan University, will include speakers, panels, and small group discussions. Librarians, administrators, faculty, and stu­ dents are invited. Registration will be limited to 100 persons. For further information, please write to: Hannelore Rader, Orientation Librari­ an, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. May 24-25, 1974: Midwest Academic Li­ brarians Conference, to be held on the cam­ pus of The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Details: William C. Roselle, Director, UWM Library, Milwaukee, WI 53201. J uly 7-8, 1974: Census Data. The Educa­ tion and Rehavioral Science Section will spon­ sor the Clearinghouse and Laboratory for Cen­ sus Data (operated by Data Use and Access Laboratories of Rosslyn, Virginia) in a day and a half seminar/workshop on access and use of 1970 Census of Population and Housing data during the 1974 ALA Annual Conference in New York. The program will feature the presentation of three case histories, exemplifying the use of census printed reports, summary tapes, and public use samples. There will also be two dis­ cussion sessions which will give participants an opportunity to explore topics of current interest in groups of twenty to thirty. Planned topics in­ clude the place of machine-readable data in the library and the problems involved in indexing the contents of statistical publications. A lunch­ eon speaker for the Monday session will be an­ nounced later. Since attendance will be limited to 125 par­ ticipants, preregistration is required. Additional information about the seminar/workshop pro­ gram and preregistration will appear later. July 28-Aug. 9, 1974: Administrators. The College of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, is planning the eighth annual Library Administrators Development Program. Dr. John Rizzo, professor of manage­ ment at Western Michigan University, will serve as the director. Participants will include senior administrative personnel of large library systems—public, research, academic, special, governmental, and school—from the United States and Canada. The faculty is made up of well-known scholars, educators, management consultants, and lecturers drawn from universi­ ties, government, and consulting fields. Seminar sessions will concentrate on the prin­ cipal administrative issues which senior manag­ ers encounter. Leadership, motivation, commu­ nication, personnel policy, decision-making, problem solving, financial planning and control, performance appraisal, the impact of technolo­ gy, and the planning of change are among the issues considered in lecture, case analysis, group discussion, and seminar. The two-week resident program will again be held at the University of Maryland’s Don­ aldson Rrown Center, Port Deposit, Maryland. Those interested in further information are in­ vited to address inquiries to Mrs. Effie T. Knight, Administrative Assistant, Library Ad­ ministrators Development Program, College of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. M IS C E L L A N Y • The 1974 Preconference on “Special Collections—T heir Preservation and Con­ servation,” sponsored by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of Col­ lege and Research Libraries, will be held at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, June 30- July 2, 1974. The conference originally was scheduled for July 14-16, 1974. The change to June 30-July 2 was made because of scheduling problems in Charlottesville. • The Rockefeller F oundation, in re­ sponse to increasing requests from scholars for access to its archives, has announced that rec­ ords prior to 1942 are now being processed and will be made available for research as soon as processing has been completed. Records which have been processed and opened include those of several Rockefeller philanthropies which were or came to be asso­ ciated with the foundation and defunct divi­ sions of the foundation. These include the rec­ ords of the Bureau of Social Hygiene (1911— 1940), the China Medical Board (1913-1929), the General Education Board (1902-1941), the International Education Board (1923-1941), the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Memorial (1918-1941), the Rockefeller Sanitary Commis- 8 sion for the Eradication of Hookworm Disease sional librarian, a government official, or any­ one who has worked to further intellectual free­ dom and the cause of truth in any type of li­ brary. Though preference will be given to nominees in the United States, candidates from other countries will be considered. The faculty of the UIUC Graduate School of Library Science will select the winner or may decide no one quali­ fies. Letters of nomination will be considered from any source from now until April 15, 1974, and should be sent to Goldhor at the Graduate School of Library Science, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801. • The Friends of the Library of the Uni­ versity of Missouri-Kansas City sponsored the Festival of the Book at Crown Center Square October 13 and 14, 1973 in Kansas City, Missouri. This totally noncommercial ven­ ture attracted over 90,000 people. They viewed and participated in fifteen exhibits including the writing of a book, the printing and produc­ tion of a book, a collection of rare books from the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries from Linda Hall Library, rare book conservation, book il­ lustration, children’s literature, a storybook the­ ater, children’s book swap, private presses, New Letters ( UMKC’s nationally recognized literary magazine), the University of Missouri Press, the AIGA 50 Best Designed Books, 100 Books which Changed the World, the IBM actual size model of the Da Vinci designed printing press, and an A-V presentation of gifts of the Friends to the UMKC Libraries. A book festival rather than a book fair, the event evoked a strong re­ sponse to the importance and pleasures of the book in a city known for its libraries and its graphic arts industry. Free copies of the attrac­ tively designed program map of the festival are available from Dr. Kenneth J. LaBudde, Direc­ tor of Libraries, University of Missouri-Kansas City Library, 5100 Rockhill Rd., Kansas City, MO 64110. • The 2,000,000th volume, a first edition of famed Argentinean writer J orge L uis Bor­ ges’ Ficciones, has been acquired by the Mich­ igan State University library this month. The Borges milestone volume is just one of a unique collection of Borges works acquired recently by the MSU library. The collection is unique because it includes many obscure and little known writings from the author’s early works, as well as the first editions of virtually all of his principal works. This special collec­ tion establishes Michigan State University as the most important center for research on Borges and his writings. Michigan State Univer­ sity formally recognized his international stat- (1909-1915), and the Spelman Fund of New York (1928-1949). It is expected that the projects, general cor­ respondence, and program and policy files of the foundation prior to 1942 will be processed and opened for general research within the next three years. In the meantime, research is pos­ sible in these files when inquiries are sufficient­ ly specific and existing indexes make access possible. A pamphlet briefly describing these collections is available from The Rockefeller Foundation Archives, which are located at 333 West 52nd S t, New York, NY 10019. Inquiries concerning availability of materials should be sent to the same address. • The University of Illinois Graduate School of Library Science will offer a course on Medi­ cal Literature and Reference W ork ( LS E439) in the second half of the 1974 summer session, from Monday, July 8, through Friday, August 2. The instructor will be Ms. Lorraine Hirschfeld, associate professor and head of in­ formation services of the Library of the Health Sciences of the University of Illinois at the Medical Center. The course will be given at the Library of the Health Sciences at the Medical Center. The class will meet for at least two hours every day, Monday through Saturday. Enrollment will be limited to twenty-five students. To be eligible, an applicant must have an MS degree from a library school or be currently enrolled as a de­ gree candidate in such a program, and must have had a course on science reference sources. A present employee of a medical library who does not meet these requirements will be ad­ mitted at the discretion of the instructor, but will be given second priority after those who meet the formal requirements. The course carries one unit of graduate cred­ it, and the tuition will be $88. Housing is avail­ able in dormitories on the Medical Center cam­ pus. For further information or an application blank, write Mr. Richard F. Casper, University of Illinois at Chicago Circle, Box 4348, Chica­ go, IL 60680 (or call him at 312-996-8560). • Nominations for the 1974 Robert B. D owns Award for an outstanding contribution to intellectual freedom in libraries are now be­ ing accepted by the Graduate School of Li­ brary Science, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign. The $500 award will be presented at a meet­ ing of UIUC library school alumni during the annual convention of the American Library As­ sociation July 7-13, 1974, in New York City. The award may go to a library board mem­ ber, a nonprofessional staff member, a profes­ 10 ure as poet, essayist, and short story writer at Winter Term Commencement, 1972, when he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters in honoris causa. The entire Borges collection is housed in the Special Collections of the Main Library, located on the ground floor. • A project to produce a subject guide to bibliographies, indexes, and other source mate­ rial available from libraries, information cen­ ters, library schools, ERIC centers, and library associations in the United States and Canada has begun. Many such organizations have pre­ pared internal source materials which have util­ ity beyond the local organization and its clien­ tele. The purpose of the project is to develop a comprehensive list of such resources which would serve as a subject finding guide for hitherto inaccessible bibliographic and index data. The volume which results will be issued by Gale Research Company. The Library Bibliographies Project is be­ ing carried out in coordination with the library of the College of Library and Information Ser­ vices. Institutions are also being invited to pro­ vide copies of their materials for inclusion in the collection of bibliographies, indexes, and other source materials now being developed in the college library as a national center for such resources. Questionnaires soliciting details about bibli­ ographies and other source materials are being distributed to libraries, information centers, li­ brary schools, and library associations. Organi­ zations which have not yet received question­ naires are invited to request copies from Mrs. E. Knight, Administrative Assistant, Library Bibliographies Project, College of Library and Information Services, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742. • E. J. Josey, chief, Bureau of Academic and Research Libraries, Division of Library De­ velopment, New York State Education Depart­ ment, was the recipient of the D octor of H u­ mane L etters (Honoris Causa) at the 108th Founders Day Convocation at Shaw University, Raleigh, North Carolina on November 9. Mr. Josey has authored more than 100 arti­ cles in his field, edited several monographs, di­ rectories, two books and is currently working on two new books. A member of the New York Library Association, he has been active in the American Library Association for many years, participating on many committee assignments, and has served as a member of the council since 1970. He organized the Black Caucus of ALA and served as its field chairman. Active in the field of Human Rights, he is a life mem­ ber of the NAACP and currently serves on the executive board of the Albany, New York Branch. • The archives of the American L ibrary Association will be moved from Chicago, where ALA is headquartered, to Urbana, under an agreement with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Financial help from Beta Phi Mu, professional society in librarianship, made the transfer possible. Increased scholarly interest in the history of librarianship and interest in the approaching ALA centennial in 1976 were two of the prin­ cipal factors in the decision to move the ar­ chives from a Chicago warehouse to an archival repository. The ALA archives are a valuable resource for scholarly research on the development of li­ brarianship. They will be of major benefit to the University of Illinois Graduate School of Li­ brary Science because they will augment its own resources for scholarly research in librari­ anship and information science. Under a three-year deposit agreement, the University Archives will provide archival ser­ vices for the American Library Association. The project’s aims are to box and describe archival materials transferred from ALA headquarters and those received directly from officers and members of divisions, committees, round tables, and other units of ALA. The project will pre­ pare a descriptive guide to the ALA archives and a guide to original sources relating to the history of librarianship in other repositories. • A new program and the election of a new president have been announced by the Balch I nstitute, the Philadelphia educational institution devoted to North American immi­ gration, ethnic, racial, and minority group his­ tory. The institute’s new president is Howard L. Applegate, a historian and academic librarian who has been serving for the past two years as Balch’s executive director. Applegate explained that the Balch Institute will shortly begin construction of a four-story museum and library at Seventh and Ranstead Streets in Philadelphia, near Independence Hall National Historic Park. Balch’s seven-point program, as outlined by Applegate, includes plans to assemble the na­ tion’s most comprehensive collection of books, manuscripts, and printed materials concerning all nationality groups who came to North Amer­ ica, Applegate explained. The library will hold 400,000 volumes, 20 million manuscripts, 20,000 reels of microfilm, and large numbers of ethnic and minority group newspapers. Some 5,000 microfilm reels are now available to the public at the Balch Reading Room, Room 1628, A desirable and popular acquisition for your library. Ready now. N e w Tape Cassette Library… JFK’s M ajo r Presidential Speeches Every school, college and public library needs this new sight and sound kit— 15 TAPE CASSETTES and an ILLUS­ TRATED HARD COVER BOOK contain­ ing selected major speeches of Presi­ dent John F. Kennedy during h¡s years In office. Preface by Robert F. Kennedy; introduction to the speeches by Prof. William Leuchtenburg of the History Dep’t. of Columbia University. Complete and self-contained in handsome, dura­ ble maroon slip case. An educational event of first importance. A t last, one source o f subject access to 20 CUMULATIVE MONTHL This new fourteen volume single-alphabet subject index set … is offered by itself — for libraries holding complete runs of the Monthly Catalog — or, in a COMBINED REFERENCE EDITION which contains a complete M ICROFILM collection of the Monthly Catalog from 1895 through 1971 for convenient reference use with the index volumes. The complete backfile of the M onthly Catalog was micro­ filmed by the Photoduplication Division of the Library of Congress especially for use with our Cumulative Sub­ ject Index. The 53 reel set contains the full text of all 867 indexed issues of the M onthly Catalog and its 3 World W ar II supplements, plus the two Decennial In ­ dexes, and some 60 pre-1900 issues which were not indexed. M onthly Catalog entries contain complete bibliographical data for almost every U.S. Government publication; in­ cluding title, personal author, collation, LC number, Su- Docs classification number, price, ordering information, and a symbol indicating if the publication was sent to depository libraries. All Subject Index entries before September 1947 show year-and-page numbers whereas later entries give year- and-entry numbers. Each two digit year number (’00 through ’71) serves as the reel number in the microfilm collection. Page and entry numbers appear in numerical sequence on the film; and as all entries for any given year of M onthly Catalog are on the same reel, the numerical sequences are never broken and it is never necessary to look on more than one reel for any single year. Because of the lack of standardization in the microfilm industry, we offer our sets with a variety of film options; including a choice between silver halide film or Diazo, roll or cartridge, and 16mm or 35mm film size. N ote: Although we believe the Combined Reference Edition concept described above is a most efficient yet inexpen sive system, the Cumulative Index Volumes can also be used effectively with sets of the original M onthly Catalogs or with other microfilm versions of the series. Libraries having incomplete collections o f the M onthly Catalog can, o course, complete their holdings with the purchase of microfilm reels for individual years. ­ , f SUBJECT INDEX TO THE CATALOG OF UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 1900-1971 “In this ambitious new library tool, cumulative access is brought for the first time to the overwhelming majority of United States Government publications issued during the period 1900-1971. In this, it is an accomplishment unrivaled in size and scope. Documents librarians will find it a new and convenient time-saver and one which should offer them an additional means of providing an expanded and improved Government publications service to their patrons.” From the Foreword by Carper W. Buckley, United States Superintendent of Documents, 1952-1970 Century U.S. Government Publications 14 The Fidelity Building, Broad and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia and 40,000 books have been collected and are being cataloged. P U B L IC A T IO N S • A limited number of copies of the eighty- page report: A Study With Computer-Based Circulation Data of the Non-Use of a Large Academic Library, by Lubans, Harper, and Erisman are available for $1.75 each from “Non-users” Room 102, Norlin Library, Univer­ sity of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80302. Checks payable to the University of Colorado must ac­ company orders. For further information (not orders) contact John Lubans, Jr., Assistant Di­ rector for Public Services, University of Colo­ rado Libraries, Boulder, CO 80302. • The University of South Florida has an­ nounced publication of the Florida Union List of Serials, representing all types of libraries in the state, regardless of size. Serial holdings of 149 separate library collections are listed in the two volume set. Approximately 40,000 to 45,000 titles are included. Completion of the FULS was made possible through cooperation of the University of South Florida and the University of Florida libraries. Funds for the project were made available by the Florida State Library through the Library Services and Construction Act. Copies of the union list may be purchased for $35 a set. Ad­ dress: Mr. Tom Berry, University Bookstore, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, or contact the Editor, Mrs. Ada M. Bowen, Medical Center Library, University of South Florida. • The National Center for the Study of Col­ lective Bargaining in Higher Education has available a bibliography, Collective Bargaining in Higher Education, 1971-73 which is avail­ able at $3 per copy. The bibliography includes over 650 refer­ ences with such special sections as Arbitration Awards covering the period 1969 to 1973, Court Rulings from 1969, NLRB Rulings from 1970, articles from the Chronicle of Higher Education from 1966. There is a Keyword In­ dex to the bibliography. The center is soliciting copies of unpublished papers, speeches, reports, briefs relating to un­ fair labor practices, arbitration cases, factfind- ing/mediation/district NLRB/ local court cases, and awards in higher education relating to blue collar and faculty employees. Some will be pub­ lished by the center, all will be cited in future bibliographies and made available to interested persons. Further information is also available regard­ ing membership to the center, and costs of com­ puter services relating to full-text searches and the index to faculty collective bargaining con­ tracts. Write to: John C. Allen, Librarian, Baruch College, The City University of New York, 17 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10010. • Women in Politics is a thirty-one-page re­ port from a conference with fifty women legis­ lators from twenty-eight states. For a copy send $1 to Center for the American Woman and Pol­ itics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08901. • Major Microforms in the Five Associated University Libraries: A Reference Guide and Union List, sponsored by the User Services Committee of the Five Associated University Libraries, provides an inventory of major micro­ form holdings of the five member libraries: The State University of New York at Binghamton, the State University of New York at Buffalo, Cornell University, the University of Rochester, and Syracuse University. Information on scope and available bibliographies and guides, as well as references to reviews of the microform proj­ ects where available, is included. • The University of Toronto library has published Russian Reference Aids, number 17 in its Reference Series. It supersedes a bibliog­ raphy of the same title by Therese Flor-Henry issued in 1963. Over 300 annotated entries are grouped according to type of material—bibliog­ raphies, library catalogs, theses, dictionaries, periodicals, etc. An author and title index is provided. Although it is intended for students of Russian language and literature at the Uni­ versity of Toronto, it will be useful to anyone studying or teaching Russian. It can be pur­ chased for $5 from the Reference Department, J. P. Robarts Research Library, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. M5S1A5. • The Montreal Chapter, Special Libraries Association, has just published the 10th edition of the Directory of Special Libraries in Mon­ treal. It includes 203 libraries in the Montreal area. The Directory is arranged alphabetically by the library, and each entry gives the name and tele­ phone number of the librarian with separate numbers for reference and interlibrary loan if the library has them. Also listed are important subject headings. The Directory includes a subject index and an index to personnel. It can be ordered for $4 from: Mrs. Marjorie Judah, Management Library, McGill Universi­ ty, 1001 Sherbrooke St. W., 2d Floor, Montreal 110, Quebec, Canada. 15 • The Penniman Library of Education at the University of Pennsylvania has recently published its Bibliography of the Thomas Woody Collection with the cooperation of Nor­ wood Publications, Incorporated. The 5,000 volume collection was the personal library of Thomas Woody, professor of education at the University of Pennsylvania from 1920 to 1960, and reflects the major interests of his academic career. The focus of the collection is a history of ed­ ucation with special emphasis on women’s edu­ cation, Soviet education, and physical educa­ tion. The broad base of the collection consists of more than 100 multivolume reference works including several encyclopedias of education in both German and English, as well as a sub­ stantial number of basic reference works in eco­ nomic, political, religious, and social history. Copies of the Bibliography of the Thomas Woody Collection, in sturdy library binding, are available from Norwood Publications, In­ corporated, Box 182, Folcroft, PA 19032, at a cost of $17.50. • The Iowa State University library an­ nounces the publication and availability of its Serials Catalog 1973. The compilation, comput­ er-generated in MARC II format, lists holdings of over 26,300 serial titles in the ISU library system as of July 1973. It includes all types of serials in hard copy and in microform (period­ icals, newspapers, annuals, irregular serials, etc.) as well as a number of monographic se­ ries. Each title entry provides the official main entry, bibliographic notes, library location, and holdings information. There are cross-references for many earlier and variant titles and for cor­ porate bodies. The serials collections at Iowa State are particularly strong in sciences and technology with exceptional coverage of such fields as agriculture, botany, and entomology. This publication of 718 pages may be pur­ chased for $10 per copy from the library’s Photoduplication Service, Iowa State Universi­ ty, Ames, IA 50010. • The Library of Congress has issued in re­ print many of the literary lectures presented at the Library, and subsequently published, dur­ ing the past thirty years. The 600-page volume is testimony to the continuing interest in the lectures, and to the Library’s literary activities. Literary Lectures is available in person from a GPO Bookstore or from the Library of Con­ gress Information Counter for $7.00. It is avail­ able by mail for $7.55, domestic postpaid, or $9.40 a copy, foreign postpaid, from the Super­ intendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402 ( Stock No. 3016-0018, Catalog No. LC L14:L71). • Scarecrow Press announces plans for a 1974 Supplement to Womanhood Media; Cur­ rent Resources About Women, by Helen Rip- pier Wheeler. In addition to general suggestions from feminists, the author seeks two types of input from individuals, organizations, the trade, etc.: (1 ) titles in all media forms to be consid­ ered for inclusion, and (2 ) information about possibly-relevant nonmedia resources, e.g. orga­ nizations, media producers-distributors, place­ ment rosters, women’s centers and groups (and their publications), affirmative action person­ nel, projects, health services, caucuses and task forces, speakers, resource collections, etc., etc. Write Dr. Wheeler at 7940 Jefferson Hw., Apt. 215, Baton Rouge, LA 70809, before July 1, 1974. Any media which she receives will be re­ turned if postage is included. • KW IC Index to the Commonwealth Bu­ reau of Soils Annotated Bibliographies on Soils and Fertilizers, 1956-1972. Compiled by Larry Greenwood and Richard L. Rohrer. The Com­ monwealth Agricultural Bureaux in England has produced a series of Annotated Bibliogra­ phies on various subjects. The second largest of these in the Annotated Bibliographies on Soils and Fertilizers which now number over 1,500 bibliographies. These bibliographies, ex­ pertly done by subject specialists, normally cov­ er a large period of time. The number of refer­ ences in each bibliography vary from 20 to 100 citations with helpful annotations. Without doubt the index will be useful to anyone doing a serious literature search on soils and especial­ ly to libraries that do not have a complete set of the Annotated Bibliographies. The computer produced index is 198 pages and has three sections in one volume. Section I contains a complete list of the Annotated Bib­ liographies printed through 1972. Section II is the KWIC Index and Section III is an index to bibliography supplements that update earlier bibliographies. The index is available for $10. Order from Library Publications, Kansas State University Library, Manhattan, KS 66506. • A new pamphlet produced by the New York Metropolitan Reference and Research Li­ brary Agency asks the question “Why METRO?” and answers “Because information is power.” Expanding this answer the russet leaflet describes pilot programs started by the agency’s nearly seventy member libraries. METRO is one of nine regional councils in New York State’s Reference and Research Li­ brary Resources Program (3R’s). For a free copy of the pamphlet, send a self-addressed, stamped, long letter (number 10) envelope to: Forrest F. Carhart, Jr., Executive Director, METRO, 11 West 40th St., New York, NY 10018.