ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries O ctober 1986 / 589 je c ts ...a n d individual staff projects. Summer, therefore, is not a slack time, but rather the most important library ‘business’ time of the year.” One LIBRAS library will serve as the Mentor L i­ brary with a number of cooperating libraries serv­ ing as field trip sites to provide a depth of exposure and experience not possible if the entire program were confined to one institution. LIBRAS will ex­ tend a $1,000 stipend and a $200 room allowance. The intern is responsible for transportation and in­ cidental expenses. Applicants must have completed one year of library school or be currently employed in a college library. The intern will complete a written report of the experience which will in­ clude, but not be limited to, such activities as a su­ pervised reading program in library management, shadowing the host director, analyzing the library budgeting process, comparing the library’s organi­ zation chart and job descriptions with the realities of day-to-day activities, and helping revamp col­ lection development policy and mission state­ ments. Internship applicants should submit a letter and resume by March 1, 1987, to: Jonathan D. Lauer, Chair, LIBRA S Internship Committee, Aurora University, Aurora, IL 60506. ACRL actions, Ju ly 1 9 8 6 Highlights of the A nnual C onference meetings of the A C R L Board of Directors. T he Board of Directors of the Association of Col­ lege and Research Libraries met twice during the ALA Annual Conference in New York: on June 28, 1986, and July 1, 1986. American Council on Education The Board endorsed the statement of the Ameri­ can Council on Higher Education, “A Call to Con­ science,” in support of funding for higher educa­ tion at the Federal level. BIS Think Tank The Board endorsed in principle the concept of a Bibliographic Instruction Section Think Tank re­ treat in June 1987, contingent upon the section’s success in raising funds for it. Budget T he Board approved the A C R L budget for 1986-87, which projects a deficit of approximately $50,000, largely for the work on Books f o r C ollege Libraries, 3d edition. Chapters The Board approved the petition for the estab­ lishment of an ACRL chapter in Alabama. Cinema Librarians The Board dissolved the Cinema Librarians Dis­ cussion Group. The Art Section has expanded its program coverage of the visual and performing arts and will be increasingly concerned with topics of interest to cinema librarians. Commemorations The Board voted to observe the 100th anniver­ sary of the founding of the ALA College Library Section— the forerunner of A C R L— at the ACRL Fifth National Conference in Cincinnati in 1989, and the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Association of College and Reference Libraries (as ACRL used to be called) at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago in 1990. 590 / C &R L News Committees The Board approved a charge for the new Aca­ demic Library Statistics Committee and a revised charge for the Professional Education Committee. The Board also encouraged Board members to voluntarily visit certain committees as part of their Board assignment. Members can choose any ACRL standing committee, any section executive com­ mittee, Chapters Council, or Activity Sections Council. Conference meetings The Board voted to require that section chairs be required to coordinate section meetings at ALA Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings; that sections, standing comm ittees, and discussion groups take action to reduce the number of pro­ grams and meetings at ALA conferences; and that they investigate more creative use of time blocks. The Board approved eleven program plans for the San F ra n cisco Annual C o n feren ce, Ju n e 27–July 2, 1987. The May 1987 C&RL News will carry full program details. Division Leadership Enhancement The Board moved to support the Division Lead­ ership Enhancement Program. Elections The Board approved a proposal for the produc­ tion of a videotape in which the two candidates for ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect would be introduced, share their views on ACRL, and have some interaction with the audience. The videotape will be produced at the 1987 Midwinter Meeting in Chicago at a local college. Copies will be made for distribution to ACRL chapters or other groups with a legitimate interest in ACRL elections. Fifth ACRL National Conference The Board accepted the suggestions of the Exec­ utive Committee on the organization of the Fifth ACRL National Conference in Cincinnati in 1989: that the chair of the Conference Planning Commit­ tee be a past ACRL President or other Board mem­ ber who is committed to ACRL National Confer­ ences; that theme and program suggestions come from the national level; that an advisory commit­ tee of past conference com m ittee members be formed; and that ACRL chapters in the Cincinnati area be contacted to learn of their interest in work­ ing on the conference. ACRL President Hannelore Rader will appoint the National Conference Com­ mittee by the Midwinter Meeting 1987. Grants The Board voted to require that every grant go­ ing forward with ACRL approval be reviewed for content and competence, and that the Board ap­ prove and (where appropriate) send forward only ne proposal to each granting agency or, failing hat, a ranked set of proposals. Legislation The Board approved the continuation of the egislation Committee following review by the lanning Committee; and requested that the Com­ ittee make a formal proposal on how additional unds from ACRL could be used to increase ACRL nvolvement in ALA’s Legislative Day. The Plan­ ing Committee will review the composition of the egislation Committee. Membership The Board approved the continuation of the embership Committee following review by the lanning Committee; directed the ACRL Execu­ ive Director to assign the same staff member as CRL Office Liaison for both the Membership ommittee and Chapters Council; asked the Com­ ittee to explore alternative structures for commit­ ee membership and send a proposal with a ration­ le to the Planning Committee; and asked that the ommittee talk with ACRL staff about the advisa­ ility of exploring strategies for increasing the umber of organizational members. Millicent Abell The Board honored Millicent (Penny) Abell for er 10 years of service as a member of the ACRL oard of Directors. She was presented with a ramed certificate after the meeting. Performance measures The Board directed the ACRL staff to work with he chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Perfor­ ance Measures to prepare an RFP for the produc­ ion of a manual of academic library performance easures and to bring the RFP to the Board before he 1987 Midwinter Meeting. R are Books & M anuscripts Librarianship The Board extended the evaluation period for are Books & Manuscripts Librarianship through ts third issue to be published in the Spring of 1987. RBMS bylaws The Board approved the proposed revision to the are Books and Manuscripts Section bylaws, as re­ orted in C &R L News, September 1986, p .502. Standards and Accreditation The Board rescinded all documents based on the 975 Standards fo r College Libraries. (The 1986 tandards, approved by the Board at the Midwin­ er Meeting, were published in the March 1986 is­ ue of C &R L News.) The outdated documents, ollege L ibrary Standards: Questions and An- o t L P m f i n L M P t A C m t a C b n h B f t m t m t R i R p 1 S t s C O ctober 1986 / 591 ACRL Board o f Directors, 1985–86. Back row: Alexandra Mason, Robert Almony, W. L e e Hisle, Mary Sue Ferrell, Jean Major, B. Anne Com merton. Front row: R ochelle Sager, Hannelore B. Rader, Sharon A. Hogan, Sharon J. Rogers, Millicent Abell, JoAn Segal. Not present: E dw ard J. Jennerich, Bob D. Carm ack. ACRL Board o f Directors, 1986–87. Back row: Thomas Kirk, Melvin R. George, W. L ee Hisle, Mary Sue Ferrell, Elizabeth M. Salzer, B. Anne Commerton. Front row : Alexandra Mason, Rochelle Sager, Joanne R. Euster, Hannelore B. Rader, Sharon A. Hogan, Anne K. Beaubien, JoAn Segal. Not present: E dw ard J. Jennerich, Bob D. Carm ack, Patricia A. Wand. 592 / C&RL News swers and An Evaluative Checklist fo r Reviewing a College Library Program, will no longer be avail­ able from the ACRL Office. The Board made the following change in the charge of the Standards and Accreditation Com­ mittee: “Holds or delegates the holding o f open hearings on ACRL standards before they are rec­ ommended to the Board” (italicized wording is new). The Board also approved a proposal that the Standards and Accreditation Committee serve as the editorial advisory committee for an ACRL manual on accreditation processes. The publica­ tion will also be reviewed by the ACRL Publica­ tion’s Committee’s Subcommittee on Non-Serial Proposals. Statistics The Board directed that ACRL staff collect data from non-ARL university libraries, as well as those college and community college libraries covered by the 1984 ACRL 100 statistics survey, using a modi­ fied Department of Education questionnaire, and that results be disseminated in a format compara­ ble with previous years. Strategic Plan The Board adopted in principle the Strategic Plan presented by the ACRL Strategic Planning Task Force; voted to adopt the strategies identified for implementation in 1986–87 and to fund them from reserves; and adopted the proposed process for the development of an annual operating plan, specifying that it be implemented in planning for he 1987–88 year. The Board discharged the Task Force with the highest appreciation. The Execu­ ive Director coordinated the 1987-88 Strategic Plan objectives and strategies with those of ALA during the ALA Annual Planning retreat in August 1986. Task forces The Board approved the establishment of four new ACRL task forces: •The Task Force on Libraries and Computer Centers will investigate cooperative ventures be­ tween academic libraries and computing facilities and will draft guidelines for such cooperation. •The Task Force on Library Access will re­ spond to the Lacy Report in terms of bibliographic and public access to academic library facilities and materials; they will develop guidelines for aca­ demic libraries to formulate access policies. •The Task Force on Librarians as Instructors will investigate the role of academic librarians as instructors both in subject disciplines and in library schools and will recommend guidelines for librari­ ans, supervisors, and the instructional unit. •The Task Force on Fundraising will study fundraising activities within academic libraries and provide advice to academic librarians inter­ ested in development work. The Board also received the final report of the Task Force on Support of New Committee Mem­ bers and Chairs and discharged the Task Force with thanks. t t