ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries O ctober 1986 / 593 ACRL seeks volunteers fo r offices and com m ittees The Association needs your help to achieve its goals and objectives. W o u l d you like to run for an ACRL office or vol­ unteer for appointment to an ACRL standing com­ mittee? Are you interested in seeking office in an ACRL section or being considered for appointment to a section committee? If the answer is yes to any of these questions, here is what you need to do. ACRL President The A C R L Appointments and Nominations Committee will nominate candidates for the office of ACRL vice-president/president-elect at the Ja n ­ uary 1987 Midwinter Meeting of ALA. The elec­ tion for this office will be held in the spring of 1988. The winner of the election will serve as vice­ president/president-elect during 1988–89 and as president of ACRL during 1989–90. If you wish to be considered for nomination to this office or if you would like to submit names for consideration, con­ tact the chair of the Appointments and Nomina­ tions Committee, Jordan M. Scepanski, Director, Library/Learning Resources, C alifornia State University-Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Boule­ vard, Long Beach, CA 90840. ACRL committees ACRL has 20 standing committees to which ap­ pointments may be made: •Academic Library Statistics Committee; •Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee; •Academic Status Committee; •Appointments and Nominations Committee; •Audiovisual Committee; •Budget and Finance Committee; •Conference Program Planning Committee; •Constitution and Bylaws Committee; •Copyright Committee; •Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Committee; •Legislation Committee; •Membership Committee; •National Conference Committee; •Planning Committee; •Professional Association Liaison Committee; •Professional Education Committee; •Publications Committee; •Research Committee; •Samuel Lazerow Fellowship Committee; •Standards and Accreditation Committee. To learn about the areas of responsibility cov­ ered by these committees, see the ALA H an dbook o f Organization 1986–87. When selected vacancies occur on ACRL stand­ ing committees, the Appointments and Nomina­ tions Committee recommends to the president­ elect of ACRL the names of members who might fill the vacancies. The president-elect makes the fi­ nal appointments. If you are interested in being considered for appointment to an ACRL commit­ tee, you should complete the ACRL Committee Volunteer Form that is included in this issue of C &R L News and mail it to Jordan M. Scepanski, chair of the Appointments and Nominations Com­ mittee, before December 15, 1986. ACRL section officers ACRL has 14 sections (their names are listed later in this article). You will find a description of their areas of responsibility in the ALA H an dbook 594 / C &R L News O ctober 1986 / 595 o f Organization. The chair-elect of a section appoints the chair and members of all section com m ittees when scheduled vacancies on these committees occur. If you would like to be considered for appointment as chair or member of a section committee, fill out the ACRL Committee Volunteer Form and mail it to the chair-elect of the appropriate section (see “Peo­ ple to contact” below) before December 15, 1986. Editorial boards ACRL has five editorial boards: •the C h oice Editorial Board; •the C olleg e & R esearch L ib ra ries Editorial Board; •the C ollege & Research L ibraries News Edito­ rial Board; •the P ublication s in L ibrarian sh ip Editorial Board; •the Rare Books and Manuscripts L ib ra ria n ­ ship Editorial Board. When a vacancy occurs on an editorial board, the editor recommends the name of a person to fill the vacancy. The Publications Committee must approve the recommendation, and the president of ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for appoint­ ment to an editorial board, contact the editor of the publication (see “People to contact” below ). Remember that at any given time there are only a limited number of vacancies on A C R L ’s commit­ tees, sections, and editorial boards. If at first you don’t succeed in obtaining an appointment, try again. Make yourself known to committee chairs by sitting in on meetings, volunteering to help with committee projects, etc. If committee chairs see that you are interested in the work of their commit­ tees, they may recommend your name to the ap­ propriate appointing body when a vacancy occurs. People to contact A nthropology and Sociology Section V ice-C hair/Chair-Elect: Lynne M. Schmelz- Keil, 29 Curtiss Place, Maplewood, NJ 07040. Art Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Nancy Allen, Assistant Director for Public Services, Wayne State Univer­ sity Library, Detroit, MI 48202. Asian and A frican Section V ice-C hair/Chair-Elect: Hideo Kaneko, 182 Knoll Drive, Hamden, C T 06518. N o m in atin g C o m m ittee C h a ir : D ia n e E . Perushek, Curator, Gest Oriental Library and East Asian Collections, Princeton University, Prince­ ton, NJ 08544. B ibliographic Instructioĩi Section Vice-Chair/Chair Elect: Barbara J. Wittkopf, Bibliographic Instruction Coordinator, University of Florida Libraries, 114 Library West, Gaines­ ville, F L 32611. Nominating Committee Chair: Carolyn Kirken­ dall, 1227 Westmoorland, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. C ollege L ibraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Richard Hume W erk­ ing, 103 E . Mulberry, San Antonio, T X 78212. Nominating Committee Chair: Thomas Kirk, H utchins L ib ra ry , B erea C olleg e, B erea , KY 40404. Com m unity and Junior C ollege L ibraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Eileen Dubin, Stock­ ton State College Library, Pomona, NJ 08240. Nominating Committee Chair: Joan Hood, 3866 Easton St., Sarasota, F L 33583. Education and B ehavioral Sciences Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Ray Gerke, Assistant Head of Reference Division, Texas A&M Univer­ sity Library, College Station, T X 77843-5000. Nominating Committee Chair: Adele S. Dendy, Director, Collis P. Huntington Library, Hampton Institute, East Queen St., Hampton, VA 23668. L aw and Political Science Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Natalie Schatz, D irec­ tor, Edwin Ginn Library, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA 02155. Nominating Committee Chair: Kathleen Gun­ ning, 5518 Cartagena, Houston, TX 77035. R are Books and Manuscripts Section V ice-C h air/ C h air-E lect: Alice D . Schreyer, Special Collections, University of Delaware L i­ braries, Newark, D E 19717-5267. Nominating Com mittee Chair: Anna Lou S. Ashby, Pierpont Morgan Library, 29 E . 36th St., New York, NY 10016. Science and Technology Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Katherine S. Chiang, Computerized Data Services Librarian, Albert R. Mann Library, Cornell University, Ith aca, NY 14853-4301. Slavic and East European Section V ic e -C h a ir / C h a ir -E le c t: C hery l A. K ern- Simirenko, Slavic and Women’s Studies Librarian, 458 Bird Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY 13210. Nominating Committee Chair: George S. Toth, Slavic and East European Cataloger, Shared C ata­ log/Slavic Section, Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, DC 20540. 596 / C &R L News University Libraries Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Barry B. Baker, Assis tant Director for Technical Services, University o Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. N om inating C om m ittee C h air: Joseph J . Branin, Director, Humanities and Social Scienc Libraries, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Western European Specialists Section Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect: Assunta S. Pisani, Ad ministrative Head, Collection Development De partment, Harvard College Library, Harvard Uni versity, Cambridge, MA 02138. W omen s Studies Section C o-C hairs: L ori G oetsch, Inform ation/Re ference Department, Michigan State Universit L ibrary, East Lansing, MI 48824-1073; Susa ­ f e ­ ­ ­ ­ y n Searing, Women’s Studies Librarian, 112A Memo­ rial Library, 728 State St., Madison, W I 53706. Editorial Boards C hoice Editor: Patricia Sabosik, C hoice, 100 Riverside Center, Middletown, CT 06457. College & Research Libraries Editor: Charles Martell, Associate University Librarian for Public Services, California State University, 2000 Jed Smith Drive, Sacramento, CA 95819. C olleg e & R esearch L ib ra ries N ews Editor: George M. Eberhart, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ACRL Publications in Librarianship Editor: Ar­ thur P. Young, Dean of Libraries, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship Edi­ tor: Ann S. Gwyn, Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins U niversity, B a ltim o re , MD 21218. ACRL chapters Meet A C R L ’s local representatives. A C R L chapters serve as channels between ac demic and research librarians and the ACR Headquarters. Thirty-seven regional and stat ACRL chapters now cover forty-one states and on Canadian province, and provide opportunities f local participation for over 9,000 ACRL member who live within those areas. To find out how yo can participate, contact the chair of the chapte nearest to you. If you would like to start a chapter in your r gion, contact Linda Woo, Chair, Chapters Cou cil Committee for New ACRL State Chapter 1451 Garfield St., Denver, CO 80206. A labam a Chapter (est. 1986) To be appointed. a L e e or s u r e­ n­ s, Arizona Chapter (est. 1982) Jean D. Collins, University Librarian, Cline L i­ brary, Northern Arizona University, NAU Box 6022, Flagstaff, AZ 85011-0051. California C hapter (est. 1979) Marion Peters, Head Librarian, Chemistry L i­ brary, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90034. Colorado Chapter (est. 1983) John Garralda, Denver Public Library, 1357 Broadway, Denver, CO 80203. D elaw are Valley Chapter (est. 1969) Judith M. Feller, Documents Librarian, East Stroudsburg University, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. Florida C hapter (est. 1978)