ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries INDEX TO VOL. 49 Co l l e g e & Re s e a r c h L ib r a r ie s N ew s Prepared by Eldon W. Tamblyn FILING Filing is word-by-word. ABBREVIATIONS Standard abbreviations are used except in titl es. Names of some organizations, ALA, ACRL, LC, etc., are also abbreviated and are alphabetized as if spelled out. Special abbreviations: appt. — appointment f. — foundation port. — portrait prof. — profile prog. —program SPECIAL USAGES More than one reference per page is indicated in parentheses. Under the head­ ing “Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title)” parentheses may enclose donors’ names (tor subjects) or subjects (for named collections). A “AACR2 rule interpretations,” Moffett, 440 Abbott, George L ., news note, 109 “Academic colleagues in concert,” Rader, 70-73 “Academic libraries in the People’s Re­ public of China,” Xiao, 486-90 “ALAO 1987,” Batway, 91-93 “Academic library funding and profes­ sional eth ics,” Madaus (4 8 :6 0 6 -9 ), comment, 74-76 “Academic library postcards,” Wilkin­ son, 646-51 “Academic library public relations: a week of celebration,” Von Seggern, 202-4 Academic or Research Librarian of the Y ear A w ard, A C R L , 1 9 8 8 , 2 2 8 , 496-97; 1989, 498 A cadem ic status: statements and re ­ sources available, ” ACRL, ASC, 491 Acquisitions, 35-36, 103-4, 167, 241-42, 3 0 7 - 8 (co rre ctio n , 4 1 7 ), 3 7 9 - 8 0 , 4 45-46, 532-33, 615, 691-92, 786-87 Acquisitions (by author, subject, or title): Aircraft, 615; Akers, Carl, 786; ANTA, 167; APWA, Colo. Chapter, 786; An­ archy (Avrich), 241; Anderson, John W ., 241; Architecture (Stubbins), 307; Archives for the hist, of quantum phys­ ics, 242; Armstrong, Geo. Wash., 379; Art, hist., 692; Autographed material, 36; Bailey family, 533; Barnes, Djuna, 308; Bauchwitz, Kurt, 104; Boulding, Elise, 36; Breen, Robt., 167; Camera work, 786-87; Chicago Book Clinic, 533; Children’s books, 308; Chinese- language books, 691; Colorado River, 691; Consumer movement, 35; DeLiSa Norwegian Lit. Soc., 308; Digest of the great encyclopedia of the four treasur­ ies, 241-42; Engl, lit., 692, 786; Estle- man, Loren, 35; Ethics, 615; Evangeli­ cal movement, 308; Fenn, Wallace O., 6 1 5 ; F erlin g h etti, L . , 3 6 ; F lo w er, Rousseau, 532; Fraser, Raymond, 692; Friedlaender, W alter A., 615; Friend, Charlotte, 104; Gaines (Milton J.) Col­ lection, 787; Genealogy (Heiss), 445; GMC SASI collection, 533; Gorham Div. of Textron, 532; Gough, Melvin N., 615; Gould, Samuel B ., 308; Hart, G ary W ., 3 6 ; H ogarth Press, 7 8 6 ; Hymnals, 308 (correction, 417); Incu­ nabula, 104; Inst, for Humane Studies, 307; ICBI, 379; ITU publications, 36; Japanese books, 692; Japanese culture, 3 5 -3 6 ; Jenner, William E ., 786; Kaye (Sammy) Collection, 691-92; Kempner (Alan H.) lib., 35; Korean culture, 36; L a ce , 6 9 1 ; Lalley, Joseph Michael, 3 7 9 ; L o w , D avid, 4 4 6 ; L u th eran a (Kessler), 167; Lydecker family, 379; McMahon, Brien, 379; Malaysia, 308; Maps (Buttery), 2 4 2 ; M athematics, 615, 691; Mechanics, 6 1 5 ,6 9 1 ; Monson Typographers, 533; Moses, Robt., 35; Music, 103 (hist., 6 9 1 ; sheet, 30 8 ); Mystery novels, 445; NBC TV Prog. Analysis File, 532; Norwegian lit., 308; O’Flaherty, Terrence, 4 4 5 -4 6 ; Oph­ thalmology (Sandor), 615; Parsons, John T ., 6 1 5 ; Pope, Law rence C ., 379-80; PATCO archives, 104; Quak­ ers (Heiss), 445; Queen, Ellery, 241; R. R. periodicals, 445; Rakosi, Carl, 167; Ransom, John C ., 692; Rare books, 4 4 6 ; Ruffo, L ib ro della natura di caυalli, 103; Sandor (Andrew A.) Oph­ thalmology Collection, 615; Sanitary engineering (Wolman), 445; Schmidt, Wm. F ., 104; Schneider (Susan) lib., 692; Soc. for the Preservation of Water Resources, 308; Sound recordings (Cyl­ inder, 308; Jazz [Wexler] 35; South Sea, 307-8); South Sea islands, 30 7 -8 ; Spruce budworm, 787; Stanton, Robt. B ., 691; Stravinsky, I. (Morton), 36; Stubbins, Hugh A ., Jr., 307; Taiwan, 615; Taylor, Peter, 692; TV (O’F la ­ herty), 4 4 5 -4 6 ; Texana (Hartung), 241; Thompson (J. Walter) archives, 103; Tissue Culture Hist. Soc., 36; To- petzes (Nick J.) lib., 103; Torture in Brazil, 242; UFOs (Edwards), 533; US- SEC filings, 786; USWA, 533; W at, Aleksander, 787; W eigl, Karl, 103; Whitten, Les, 786; Wilder, Thornton, 242; Williams, John, 167; Williams, T e n n ., 6 1 5 ; W olm an, Abel, 4 4 5 ; Woolf, Virginia, 786; World W ar I (Gaines), 787; Yiddish books, 532; Young, Owen D ., 241 Acquisitions (by institution): Alfred U., 786; Brenau Coll., 307; Brown U., 532; Colo. State U., 786; Columbia U., 35, 241; Cornell U ., 691; Dallas Theol. Seminary, 379; Duke U., 103; Earlham C o ll., 4 4 5 ; E astern Mich. U ., 3 5 ; Emory U., 167; Geo. Mason U ., 167; Geo. Wash. U., 532, 691; Georgetown U ., 379; Hanover Coll., 786; Harvard U ., 307, 786; Hellenic Coll., 103; Johns Hopkins U., 379, 445; Kan. State U., 35 ; Lehigh U ., 7 8 6 ; L C , 103, 241, 3 0 7 -8 ,5 3 2 ,6 9 1 ; MIT, 615, 691; Miami U ., 691; Mich. State U., 103; Mount Si­ nai M edical C t r ., 104; N Y PL, 3 5 ; NYSL, 379, 532; N.C. State U ., 445; N. Park Coll., 308; N. Tex. State U., 308; Northern 111. U., 3 5 -3 6 ; Ohio State U., 167; Ohio U., 308, 615, 691-92; Pa. State U ., 533; Rochester Inst, of Tech., 7 8 6 -8 7 ; St. Law rence U ., 2 4 1 ; St. Louis Mercantile, 445; SUNY, Albany, 104, 308; Tabor Coll., 308 (correction, 417); Tex. A&M U ., 241, 787; Tex. Tech U ., 36; U. of Albany, 615; U. of Alta., 533, 692; U. of Ariz., 615; U. of Ark., 167; UCLA, 36, 104, 445-46; U. of Colo., Boulder, 36; U. of Del., 308; UI (Chicago, 104, 533; U-C, 241-42); U. of Me., Orono, 000; U. of Mass., 692; U. of Mo., KC, 308; U. of N.B., 533, 692; U. of Pittsburgh, 2 4 2 ,3 0 8 ; U. of Rochester, 615; U. of Southern Ca­ lif., 36; UT (Arlington, 104, 242, 379; Austin, 3 7 9-80; El Paso, 446); UTHSC, SA, 615; U. of W is., Madison, 167, 242; Vanderbilt U ., 6 9 2 ; Va. Common­ wealth U ., 615, 692; Va. Polytechnic Inst. & State U., 615; Wayne State U., 533; Yale U ., 446, 787 African Studies Assn., annual meeting, 1988, 734-35 Aman, Mohammed M ., news note, 109 ACLS, “Soviet manuscript service,” 48 “ A CE bibliographies prepared by Gelman librarians,” Geo. Wash. U., 240 ALA, “Eight Library/Book Fellow posi­ tions open,” 80 ALA, Legislative Day, “Influencing the information environment,” 19-27 ALA, Library History Round Table, ‘“Reading and libraries’ seminar,” 773 ALA, Library Instruction Round Table, ”BI resource database,” 744 ALA, PIO , “National Lib rary Week, April 1 7 -2 3 ,” 46 ALA, Treasurer, “ALA and its divisions,” 27-31 “ALA and its divisions,” Schuman, 27-31 “ALA candidates on A C R L,” 233-35 “ ALA telephone for the hearing- impaired,” 168 Amer. Philosophical Soc., “A case study in audio tape transfer,” 654-57 Amodeo, Antnony J . , “A debt unpaid: the bibliographic instruction librarian and library conservation,” 601-3 Anderson, Leo E ., retired, 248 A n n u a l reports f o r co lleg e libraries, ACRL, CLS, now available, 490 Appointments, 3 9 -4 2 , 109-12, 170-71, 2 4 6 - 4 8 , 3 1 4 - 1 6 , 3 8 4 - 8 5 , 4 5 0 - 5 3 , 537-43, 621-24, 6 9 9-702, 792-96 Ariz. State U ., news note, 447 Ashland Coll., “Teaching as a collection development tool,” 605 ‘“Ask at reference’ for backlogged books,” Miller, 12-15, comment, 143-44 ACRL, Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award, 1988, 228, 496-97; 1989, 498 ACRL, ASC, “Academic status: state­ ments and resources available,” 491; “Hearings on academic status and cer­ tification,” 3 05-7 A C R L , Annual C onferen ce, 1 9 8 7 , “ Missed Annual C on feren ce?” 3 1 ; 1988, 92, 146-47, 223-31 (6), 298-307 (7), 350, 365; 1989, 492 A C R L , “ Awards p rogram , 1 9 8 9 ,” 497-504 ACRL, BIS, Clearinghouse Comm., “BI clearinghouses showcased,” 350 ACRL, BIS, “The future of B I,” 146-7; “Preconference will feature instruction in the electronic age,” 223 A C R L , Board of D irecto rs, “ Guide­ lines/criteria for special grant funds,” 157; “Highlights” (Jan., 139—40; July, 493-95); ports. (1987/88, 494; 1988/89, 495) A C R L, Budget and Finance C om m ., “ACRL’s financial plan,” 760-73 ACRL, “Candidates for ALA Council,” 236-37 ACRL, CLS, Annual reports fo r college libraries, now available, 4 9 0 ; “ By­ laws,” 163-65; C LIP notes, #10, 490 ACRL, CJCLS, “Bylaws revision,” 164; “A report on the CD-ROM telecon­ ference,” 606, port., 365 ACRL, “Creativity in the workplace: from conception to application,” 223 ACRL, Doctoral Dissertation Fellow­ ship, 1988, 230; 1989, 500 ACRL, EBSS, Bibliographic Instruction for Educators Committee, “Teaching library and information retrieval skills to academic administrators and sup­ port staff,” 2 1 7-23, comments, 667-68 ACRL, Exec. Director, “ACRL executive su m m ary ,” 3 - 4 , 7 3 - 7 4 , 1 5 6 -5 7 , 2 3 5 - 3 6 , 2 9 6 - 9 8 , 3 6 4 - 6 5 , 4 1 6 - 1 7 , 49 1 -9 3 , 608, 686; “ACRL’s financed p la n ,” 7 6 0 - 7 3 ; “ Report for 1987/1988,” 68 8 -9 1 ; “Segal now certi­ fied,” 492 ACRL, “How to participate in AC R L,” 8 8 -9 0 ACRL, “How to publish in ACRL: non­ serial publications,” 102 A C R L , Hugh C . Atkinson M emorial Award, 1988, 144, 417; 1989, 498-500 ACRL, “ K. G. Saur funds new ACRL award,” 42 ACRL, Legislation Comm., “ACRL sup­ ports multi-type networking and LSCA re-authorization,” 162-63 A C R L , M idw inter M eeting, 1 9 8 8 , 139-40 ACRL, Miriam Dudley Bibliographic In­ struction Librarian of the Year Award, 1988, 230; 1989, 498 ACRL, National Conference, 1989, 4 -5 , 2 1 3 -1 6 ,3 6 3 ,4 3 3 ,5 0 9 -1 1 ,5 9 3 -9 6 , 606, 610, 682, 6 84-86, 781-84 A C R L, Planning C om m ., “ Strategic planning for A C R L,” 292-94 ACRL, Popular Culture and Libraries Discussion Group, “Popular culture and libraries,” 779 ACRL, President, “Letter” & port., 2 -3 ; “Report,” & port., 414-15 ACRL, PALC, “Funds for professional activities,” 291-92 ACRL, RBMS, Comm, for Developing Guidelines for Borrowing Special Col­ lections M aterials for Exhibition, “Guidelines for borrowing special col­ lections m aterials for exhibition: a draft,” 750-54 ACRL, RBMS, Conservators’ Collations Comm., “Guidelines for conservators and curators: draft III,” 294-95 ACRL, RBMS, ”Is 30 years old,” 495 ACRL, RBMS, Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Award, 1988, 230-31; 1989, 502-3 ACRL, RBMS, Legislative Information Comm., “The Tax Reform Act of 1984 and Am erican research lib ra rie s,” 589-91 ACRL, RBMS, “Preconference, New Or- leans,” 224 ACRL, RBMS, Security Comm., “Guide­ lines regarding thefts in libraries,” draft (47:646-49), approved, 159-62 ACRL, RBMS, Standards Comm., “Cita­ tion forms for bibliographies appearing in journals or as component parts of larger works,” 5 2 5 -2 6 ; “Two new the­ sauri for special collections,” 491 A C R L, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1988, 230; 1989, 502 ACRL, STS, Comm, on Comparison of Science & Technology Libs., “Survey of academ ic science/technology li­ braries,” 3 75-76, comment, 610 ACRL, STS, Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, 1989, 5 0 3 -4 ACRL, Task Force on Int’l Relations, “International relations topics,” 789 ACRL, Task Force to Review the Guide­ lines for Extended Campus Library Services, “ E xten ded campus com- ments,” 224 ACRL, “Teleconference on CD-ROM,” 10, 365, 606 ACRL, ULS, “Current Topics Discussion Group,” 795 ACRL, ULS, University Library Stan­ dards Review Comm., “Standards for university libraries: evaluation of per­ formance (draft),” 343-50 ACRL, Vice-President, “Creativity, in­ novation and risk-taking” (48:405-6), comm ent, 1 4 5 -4 6 ; “ An unfinished agenda,” 141 AC R L, W ESS, College and Medium- Sized L ib raries Discussion Group, “WESS discussion group for smaller collections,” 775 ACRL, WESS, MartinusNijhoff Interna­ tional West European Specialist Study Grant, 1989, 500-502 ACRL, WESS, “Seats available on flights to Italy ,” 156; “WESS goes to Flor­ ence,” 355-57 ACRL, “Win cash prizes!” 695 “ACRL actions,” (Jan ., 1 3 9 -4 0 ; July, 493-95) ACRL budget, 757-73 ACRL candidates, 1989, 754-57 ACRL chapters, 608 “ACRL continuing education courses at ALA Annual Ccnference in New Or­ leans,” 226-28 “ACRL continuing education scholar­ ships,” 610 “ACRL executive summary,” Segal, 3 -4 , 7 3 - 7 4 , 1 5 6 - 5 7 , 2 3 5 - 3 6 , 2 9 6 - 9 8 , 36 4 -6 5 , 4 16-17, 4 9 1 -9 3 , 608, 686 “ACRL Florida Chapter,” 608 “ACRL honors 1988 award winners,” 228-31 “ACRL issues for the 80s and 90s,” 134-37 “ A C R L list of m aterials a v a ila b le ,” 97-102 “ACRL meetings in New Orleans,” 301-5 “ A C R L meetings in W ash in g to n ,” 774-79 “ACRL officers for 1 9 8 8 -8 9 ,” 527-30 “ A C R L program s in New O rle a n s,” 298-300 “ A C R L seeks nominees for o ffic e ,” 237-38 “ACRL seeks volunteers for committees,” 598-600 ACRL staff prof. (Bourdon, Cathleen, 2 3 8 -4 0 ; Davis, Mary Ellen K ., 76; Eberhart, George M., 6 1 3-14; Jacob­ son, Dawn, 165; Opalka, Elaine, 34; Segal, JoAn S., 3 8 1 ) “ACRL supports multi-type networking and LSCA re-authorization,” ACRL, Legislation Comm., 162-63 “ACRL’s Cincinnati conference,” 684-86 “ACRL’s fast job listing,” 108, 199, 444 “ACRL’s financial plan,” Segal, 760-73 “ARL launches project to convert micro­ form masters files,” 34 “ A R L ’s con fid en tiality statem ent, 443-44 Atkinson (Hugh C .) Memorial Award, 1988, 144, 417; 1989, 498-500 “Attention, authors,” Eberhart, 453, 503, 799 Augustana Coll., news note, 380 “An automated finding aid for special col­ lections,” Caswell, 368-73 Awards, 42, 144, 22 8 -3 1 , 358, 417, 435, 496-504, 695 B “Bach meets the Boogie Kings,” Dankner, 352-55 “Backlogged books,” Scilken, 143-44 Baker & Taylor, Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award, 1988, 228, 4 96-97; 1989, 498 Barkey, Patrick, deceased & port., 454 Bartlett, Merle, deceased, 316-17 Basch, N. Bernard, news note, 312 B atw ay , D arw yn J . , “ ALAO 1 9 8 7 ,” 91-93 Bearman, Toni Carbo, news note, 312 Beaubien, Anne K., news note, 169 Beaubien, Denise M., “Patron-use soft­ ware in academic library collections,” 661-67 Becker, Robert H., deceased, 172 “Beinecke visiting fellowships,” Yale U., 591 Benne, Mae, retired, 171 Benzinger, Marjorie J ., deceased, 172 Berger, Patricia W ., “ALA candidates on ACRL” & port., 2 33-34 “BI clearinghouses showcased,” ACRL, BIS, 350 “BI for educators,” Eshelman, 373 “BI resource database,” ALA, LIRT, 744 “Bibliographic instruction for the print- handicapped,” Currie, 672-74 “Bibliometric papers wanted,” Com m un- ication research, 622 Billington, James H ., port., 443 B in d er, M ichael, “ N ational L ib ra ry Week activities for academic libraries,” 2 0 4 -6 Bingham, Rebecca T ., “ALA candidates on ACRL” & port., 2 34-35 “BIS preconference will feature instruc­ tion in the electronic age,” ACRL, 223 Boice, Robert, K.G. Saur Award, 230 Boissé, Joseph A ., ACRL president & p o rt., 527; “An unfinished agenda,” 141 “Books and bytes,” Eichhorn, 658-61 Borowski, Joseph, p ort., 365 Bourdon, Cathleen, ACRL staff prof. & port., 2 3 8 -4 0 Bowling Green State U ., “Instructional improvement symposium,” 695; news note, 789 Boyd, Alan D ., “AACR2 rule interpreta­ tions,” 440 Boyd, Charmaine Stander, deceased, 317 Breivik, Patricia Senn, port., 240 Brennan, John A., deceased, 249 Brenneman, Betsey, “A checklist for eval­ uating your library’s handbook,” 7 8 -7 9 Brey, Frank, retired, 704 Brisman, Shimeon, retired, 624 Broderick, John C ., retired, 385 Brogan, Martha L ., “A customized data­ base on Scandinavian government,” 7 3 5 -3 9 Brogdon, Jennie, retired, 6 24-25 Brooks, Jerrold Lee, prof., 698 Brown, Rowland C .W ., news note, 383 Bryant, M argaret Schindler, deceased, 249 Bucknell U ., “Planning and executing a major bookshift/move using an elec­ tronic spreadsheet,” 2 8 2-87 “The budget process and ACRL financial issues,” Wand, 7 5 7 -6 0 Burns, Robert W ., J r ., retired, 453 c C a le n d a r, 5 0 - 5 1 , 1 1 4 - 1 5 , 1 7 6 - 7 7 , 2 5 4 -5 5 , 3 2 2 -2 3 , 5 5 2 -5 3 , 798-99 “Candidates for ALA Council,” ACRL, 2 3 6 -3 7 “Career development: it’s your option,” Cargill, 5 1 3 -1 7 Cargill, Jennifer, “Career development: it’s your option,” 5 1 3 -1 7 ; prof. & port., 537 Carhart, Betty, deceased, 546 Carnegie Mellon U ., “The library news­ letter: is it for you?” 6 7 8 -8 2 Carrier, Lois, retired, 543 Carter, Margaret, retired, 453 “A case study in audio tape transfer,” Levitt, 6 5 4 -5 7 Caswell, Lucy Shelton, “An automated finding aid for special collections,” 3 6 8 -7 3 “Cataloging Slavic manuscripts in micro­ form ,” Thomas, 7 4 6 -4 8 CD-ROM teleconference, announce­ ment, 10; port., 365; report, 606 Chalker, William Jennings, deceased, 317 Chapters, ACRL, 608 “A checklist for evaluating your library’s handbook,” Heller, 7 8 -7 9 “Checklist for the new selector,” Pasterc- zyk, 4 3 4 -3 5 Chen, Donna, deceased, 546 China, “Academic libraries in the Peo­ ple’s Republic of China,” 4 8 6 -9 0 Cincinnati Conference, 1989, 2 1 3 -1 6 , 363, 433, 5 0 9 -1 1 , 5 9 3 -9 6 , 606, 610, 682, 6 8 4 -8 6 , 7 8 1 -8 4 “Cincinnati ’8 9 ,” ACRL, 433, 509-11 “ Cincinnati 1 9 8 9 ,” Elsbernd, 2 1 3 -1 6 , 363 “ Cincinnati’s reading pleasures,” Els­ bernd, 5 9 3 -9 6 “Citation forms for bibliographies ap­ pearing in journals or as component parts of larger works,” ACRL, RBMS, 5 2 5 -2 6 “Civil W ar diaries sought,” Rights, 629 Clapper, Mary Ellen, deceased, 386 Clarifications, 289, 417, 614, 651 Claussen, Norma, retired, 704 Cline, Nancy, prof. & port., 791 “C LIP note #10 now out,” ACRL, CLS, 490 C LIP notes, ACRL, CLS, #10, 490 “Closing a library,” Gagnier-Chisholm, 667 Cluff, E . Dale, “Staff retreats in ACRL li­ braries,” 517-21 Cochrane, Pauline, p ro f., 698 Coffin, Lewis C ., deceased, 249 Coleman, James R ., “Self-instructed use of m icrocom puters in the lib ra ry ,” 6 0 3 -4 C &R L news, “Attention, authors,” 453, 503; “New C &R L news assistant edi­ to r,” 614 “C &R L news guidelines for submission of articles or columns,” 3 2 -3 4 “Coming soon,” Stevens, 675 Communication research, “Bibliometric papers wanted,” 622 CCAIT, “Teleconference on CD-ROM ,” 10, 365, 606 “Computer Learning Month,” 605 “Consultant list,” LAMA, 250, 376 Cooke, Anna Lee, retired, 625 Coombs, Donald J ., deceased, 626 “A coordinated program for state agricul­ tural publications,” Thomas, 4 2 5 -3 0 Copier, Judith A., letter to the ed., 143 Cordell, Howard W ., deceased, 43 Corrections, 289, 417, 614, 651 Corry, Emmett, prof., 536 Cory, John Mackenzie, deceased, 386 CIES, “Fulbright grants available,” 25 Covalesky, Eleanor E ., retired, 704 Crawford, Gregory A ., “Training stu­ dent employees by videotape,” 149-52 Crawford, Susan, news note, 39 “Creativity in the workplace: from con­ ception to application,” ACRL, 223, 306 “Creativity, innovation and risk-taking,” Euster (4 8 :4 0 5 -6 ), comment, 145-46 Cronizes, Arthur N., retired, 625 Cronquist, Carol, “Teaching as a collec­ tion development tool,” 605 C u rrie, M argaret, “ Bibliographic in­ struction for the print-handicapped,” 6 7 2 -7 4 “A customized database on Scandinavian government,” Brogan, 735-39 D Dahlstrom, Joe F ., prof., 7 91-92 Dallas, Larayne, “The future of reference service: a response,” 5 82-84 Dana (John Cotton) Library Public Rela­ tions Award, 1 9 8 8 , 4 1 9 -2 2 Daniells, Laurenda, retired, 543 Dankner, Laura, “Bach meets the Boogie Kings,” 3 5 2 -5 5 Davis, Chester, retired, 543 Davis, George, deceased, 626 Davis, Mary Ellen K ., ACRL staff prof. & port., 76 Davis, Russell, retired, 112 Day, David A., news note, 312 Deaths, 43, 113, 1 7 2 -7 4 , 249, 3 1 6 -1 9 , 3 8 6 -8 7 , 4 5 4 -5 6 , 5 4 6 -4 7 , 626, 7 0 4 ,7 9 6 “A debt unpaid: the bibliographic in­ struction librarian and library conser­ vation,” Amodeo, 6 0 1 -3 Deekle, Peter V ., prof. & port., 537 De la Garza, Peter J ., retired, 248 Dendy, Adele S., prof. & port., 244 Detlefsen, Ellen Gay, news note, 314 Dillon, Dennis, “The future of reference service: discussion summary,” 5 8 5 -8 9 Di Muccio, Mary-Jo, retired, 543 D o cto ra l D issertatio n Fellow sh ip, ACRL/ISI, 1988, 230; 1989, 500 “ Docum ent delivery papers needed,” IFLA , 157 Dodson, Melanie, “ F a cu lty access to RLIN at New York University: R LG ’s research access project,” 5 22-23 Donovan, Ruth, retired, 385 “Don’t be a creativity killer!” Ridgeway, 8 3 -8 5 Dougherty, Richard M ., “Named first Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award re­ cip ie n t,” & p o rt., 4 1 7 ; news note, 169-70 Dowler, Lawrence, prof. & port., 169, correction, 289 Downs, Robert B ., news note, 3 8 3 -8 4 Downs (Robert B.) Award, U. of I11., 1988, 358 Dubin, Eileen, “A report on the CD- ROM teleconference,” 606, port., 365 Dudley, C laire, “ W ESS goes to F lo r­ ence,” 3 5 5 -5 7 Dudley (Miriam) Bibliographic Instruc­ tion L ib rarian of the Y ear Aw ard, ACRL, 1988, 230; 1989, 498 Dudman, Mary Elizabeth, retired, 543 Dunin-Borkowski, Peter, deceased, 386 Dutton, Leland S., news note, 621 Dyke, James, retired, 453 E Eastman School of Music, “The Sibelius saga: a Sibley Library thesis is returned 50 years late,” 6 5 7 -5 8 Eaton, Judith, p ort., 240 Eaton, Thelma, deceased, 249 Eberhart, George M ., ACRL staff prof. & p o rt., 6 1 3 —14; “Attention, authors,” 453, 503; “Equal time with typists!” 150; “Now LAN administrator,” 701 Eckerd Coll., news note, 309 Edwards, Rita, letter to the ed., 6 6 7 -6 8 “Effects of the 1976 Copyright L a w ,” Kearney, 278-81 E ich h o rn , S a ra , “ Books and b y te s ,” 658-61 “ Eight Library/Book Fellow positions open,” ALA, 80 E llio t, P a u la , “ How others see u s ,” 4 2 2 -2 5 Ellis, Judith Compton, “Planning and ex­ ecuting a major bookshift/move using an electronic spreadsheet,” 2 8 2 -8 7 Elsbernd, Mary Ellen Rutledge, “Cincin­ nati 1989,” 2 1 3 -1 6 ; “Cincinnati’s read­ ing pleasures,” 5 9 3 -9 6 ; “Memory tick­ ler tor procrastinators,” 363; “Trivial matters, Cincinnati style,” 7 8 1 -8 4 Epp, Ronald H ., “Ethics and the Nuclear Age,” 7 30-34 “Equal time with typists!” Eberhart, 150 Eriskin, Bette, retired, 171 E rrata, 289, 417, 614, 651 Eshelman, William R ., letter to the ed., 373 Estelle, Robert, deceased, 317 “ E thics and the N uclear A ge,” Epp , 73 0 -3 4 Ethnic fo ru m , “Ethnic papers wanted,” 80 “Ethnic papers wanted,” Ethnic forum , 80 Ettlinger, John R. Turner, retired, 316 Eunice Rockwell Oberly Award, ACRL, STS, 1989, 5 0 3 -4 Euster, Joanne R ., “ACRL President’s let­ ter” & port., 2 -3 ; “ACRL President’s report” & port., 414—15; “Creativity, innovation and risk-taking” (4 8 :4 0 5 -6 ), comment, 145-46; port., 364 “Extended campus comments,” ACRL, 224 F “ Faculty access to RLIN at New York University: RLG’s research access proj­ e c t,” Dodson, 5 2 2 -2 3 Falsone, Anne Marie, deceased, 626 “Feeling funny?” Stevens, 146, comment, 675 “Fifty-year celebration at the University of Virginia,” 668 “The first international conference on Jap an ese in fo rm a tio n ,” N oguchi, 1 6-18 Fischer, Barbara, news note, 621 Fishlyn, Fannie S., retired, 112 Fitzwater, Diana, port., .365 Fleishauer, Carol, prof., 619 Foerstel, Herbert, news note & port., 792 Foley, Robert A., prof., 698 Folger Shakespeare L ib ., Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Award, 230-31 Ford, Barbara J ., ‘“Ask at reference’ for backlogged books,” 12-15, comment, 1 4 3 - 4 4 ; “ R eferen ce service: past, present, and future,” 5 7 8-82 Ford, Sylverna, “The library newsletter: is it for you?” 6 7 8 -8 2 Forth, Stuart, retired & port., 112 Foster, Myrtle, deceased, 172 “Four decades as an academic librarian,” Holley, 4 96-97 Fox, Leroy, retired, 625 Fradkin, Bernard, port., 365 “French university libraries in 1988,” Mc- Conkey, 739-43 Fridley, Bonnie, deceased, 796 Fries, James, letter to the ed., 610 “Fulbright grants available,” CIES, 25 “Funds for professional activities,” Mor­ ris, 291-92 “The future of B I,” ACRL, BIS, 146-47 “The future of reference service” (“Dis­ cussion su m m ary,” Dillon, 5 8 5 -8 9 ; “Reference service: past, present, and future,” Ford, 5 7 8 -8 2 ; “A response,” Dallas, 58 2 -8 4 ; “A response,” Hester, 584-85) G Gagnier-Chisholm, Donna, letter to the ed., 667 Galvin, Thomas ĩ ., news note, 314 Gardiner, Russell K ., deceased, 454 Gardner, Jeffrey J ., prof., 449 Gaskill, Gussie, deceased, 3 86-87 “Gelman Library reunion,” 778 Geo. Wash. U ., “ACE bibliographies pre­ pared by Gelman lib rarian s,” 240; “Gelman Library reunion,” 778; news note, 309 Geraci, Diane, “The International Asso­ ciation for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST),” 5 30-32 Gerboth (Walter) Award, MLA, 1989, 435 Giraud, Lise, retired, 385 Godfrey, Lois E ., retired, 316 Goldstein, Marianne, retired, 543 Goodyear, Mary Lou, prof. & port., 310 Gorman, Michael, p rof., 536 Gotlieb, Howard B ., news note, 450 “ The G ourm an r e p o r t ,” E d w ard s, 6 6 7 -6 8 G ran ts, 3 7 , 1 0 4 - 5 , 1 6 7 - 6 9 , 2 4 2 - 4 3 , 3 0 8 -9 , 380, 4 4 6 -4 7 , 5 3 3 -3 4 , 61 5 -1 7 , 6 9 2 -9 5 , 787-89 Grants (by grantee): Assn. for Recorded Sound Collections, 615; ARL, 787; Au­ burn U ., 692; Augustana Coll., 446, 616; Boise State U ., 380; Brandeis U ., 78 7 -8 8 ; Brown U ., 104; Case Western Reserve U ., 242; C R L, 533, 692; Cen­ tral Wash. U ., 446; Chicago PL, 692; CUNY, City Coll., 37; Cleveland State U ., 533; Columbia U ., 616, 788; Com­ mission on Preservation & Access, 446; Comm, on Institutional C oop., 446, 616; Cornell U ., 6 1 6 -1 7 ; DalhousieU., 104; Detroit P L , 168; Drexel U ., 242; E . Bonner Co. Dist. Lib., 380; East­ man School of Music, 242; Emerson Coll., 167; Emmanuel Coll., 167; Ford (Henry) Mus., 616; F t. Lewis Coll., 6 9 2 -9 3 ; F t. Valley State Coll., 3 0 8 -9 ; Geneva Coll., 446; Geo. Wash. U ., 309; Greenville Tech. Coll., 533; Har­ vard U ., 37, 242, 446, 533, 693; He­ brew Union Coll., 693; Houston Acad, of Medicine, 693; HARLiC, 1 0 4 -5 , 788; Idaho SL, 380; Idaho State U., 3 8 0 , 6 9 3 ; Indiana U ., 7 8 8 ; IU PU I, 5 3 3 -3 4 ; Iowa State U ,, 534; Jackson­ ville U ., 693; JF K L ib ., 446; Johns Hopkins U ., 105, 6 9 3 ; Lewis Clark State Coll., 380; Lib. of Mich., Lans­ ing, 168; Marymount U ., 242; Mass. Coll. of Art, 167; Mass. Coll. of Phar­ macy, 167; Mich. State U ., 168; Monte­ rey Bay Area CLS, 105; Municipal Ref. & Res. C tr., 616; Mus. of Fine Arts, Boston, 167; NAPA, 44 6 -4 7 ; NAAL, 788; New England Conservatory, 167; NYPL, 6 1 6 -1 7 , 693; N.Y. State Ar­ chives, 167-68; NYSL, 61 6 -1 7 ; NYU, 168; N. Amer. Baptist Seminary, 616; Northwestern U ., 168; O C L C , 534; Ohio State U., 309, 617; Ohio U ., 37, 4 47; Or. State Archives, 534; Pitts­ burgh Regional Library Center, 788; RLG, 617; Rochester Inst, of Tech., 37; Sioux Falls Coll., 616; Sioux Falls PL, 6 16; Soc. of Amer. Archivists, 242; S.D. School of Mines & T ech., 243; Southern I11. U ., 168, 447; Stanford U., 5 3 4 ; State Hist. Soc. of W is., 534; SUNY (Albany, 6 1 6 -1 7 ; Stony Brook, 6 1 6 -1 7 ); Stetson U ., 534; Syracuse U., 6 1 6 -1 7 : U. of Ala., 693; U. of Alta., 617; U. of Ark., 309, 693; U. of B .C ., 105; UC, 309 (Berkeley, 168, 4 46-47 [21, 617; Davis, 105, 243); U. of Chi­ cago, 446; U. of G a., 534; U. of Idaho, 380; UI, U-C, 105; U. of Iowa, 380, 534; U. of Md., 309; U. of Mich., Ann Arbor, 168, 309, 78 8 -8 9 ; U. of Nev., LV , 617; U. of N.M ., 617, 6 9 3 -9 5 ; U. of Okla., 534; U. of Pittsburgh, 37; U. of Rochester, 6 1 6 -1 7 ; U. of Southern Calif., 105, 380; U. of Tenn., 789; UT (Austin, 534, 617; El Paso, 105); U. of V t., 168, 695; U. of W ash., 380; U. of W aterloo, 37, 243, 534; U. of W is., 168; Vanderbilt U ., 000; Va. State Lib. & Archives, 243; Wash. SL, 37; Wayne State U ., 168-69 (2), 695; Wentworth Inst, of Tech., 167; Wheelock Coll., 167; Whitman Coll., 243; Wm. Pater­ son Coll., 243; Yale U ., 1 6 9 ,4 4 6 ; YIVO Inst, for Jewish Research, 380 Grants (by grantor): AT&T, 37; Barry, Lillian, 168; Buhl F ., 446; Bush F ., 616; Canadian Ministry of Advanced Ed. & Job Training, 105; Canadian So­ cial Sciences & Humanities Research Council, 37, 104, 243, 617; CLR, 168; Dooley, Vince, 534; French, Richard F . , 4 4 6 ; Getty ( J . Paul) Trust, 3 7 ; Harrison, Michael, 243; Hearst (Wm. R.) F ., 693; HEA, 3 7 ,1 6 8 (3), 242, 380, 533, 617, 6 9 2 -9 5 (4), 7 87-89 (4); Idaho First Natl. Bank, 693; Inst, of Turkish Studies, 788; Kaiser (Henry J.) Family F ., 695; Keck (W .M .) F ., 617; Kellogg F ., 168, 3 0 8 -9 , 7 8 8 -8 9 ; Kovler (Marjo­ rie) Fund, 446; Kulas F ., 533; Leavey (Thos. & Dorothy) F . , 3 8 0 ; LSCA, 104-5 (2), 16 7 ,2 4 2 -4 3 (2), 3 8 0 ,6 9 2 -9 3 ; Lilly Endowment, 5 3 3 -3 4 , 788; Lit- ta u e r (Lucius N .) F . , 5 3 3 ; L u ce (Henry) F ., 447, 534; Masterton, Geo. A., 168-69; Mellon (Andrew) F ., 309, 3 8 0 , 4 4 6 - 4 7 (2 ), 5 3 4 , 6 1 6 - 1 7 (2 ); Myklebust, Helmer R ., 446; NARA, 4 4 6 -4 7 ; NEH, 37 (2), 104-5 (3), 167-69 (3), 309 (2), 533, 6 1 5 -1 7 (5), 6 9 2 -9 3 (3), 787; NHPRC, 37, 2 4 2 -4 3 (2), 309, 534 (5), 6 1 7 , 6 9 3 - 9 5 ; Natl. Lib. of Medicine, 309; Network of Ala. Acad. L ib s ., 6 9 3 ; N .J ., 2 4 3 ; N .Y ., 168, 6 1 6 -1 7 (2); NYSL, 380; Ottenheimer Bros. F ., 693; Pew Charitable Trusts, 242; Pillow, Lucille B ., 105; Rinker Materials Co. F ., 534; St. Joe F ., 693; Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (Canada), 37, 104, 243, 617; Steele-Reese F . , 243; Steinberg (Harold & Miriam) F ., 693; Storer, Tracy I. & Ruth R ., 105; System Dev. F ., 534; Tullis, Roy & Isabel, 446; USDE, 242, 309, 7 87-89 (3); U. of IowaMIAP, 534; Waterloo Regional Heritage F ., 534; Weingart F ., 105; Wilson (H .W .) F ., 788 “Grants for humanities projects,” NEH, 441 Greear, Yvonne, retired, 316 Grose, B. Donald, prof., 536-37 Grosser, Dorothy, retired, 543 “ G uidelines/criteria for special grant funds,” ACRL, Board of Directors, 157 “Guidelines for borrowing special collec­ tions materials for exhibition: a draft,” ACRL, RBMS, Comm, for Developing Guidelines for Borrowing Special Col­ lections M aterials for E xh ib ition , 750-54 “Guidelines for conservators and cura­ tors: draft III,” ACRL, RBMS, 2 94-95 “Guidelines regarding thefts in libraries,” ACRL, RBMS, Security Comm., draft (47 :6 4 6 -4 9 ), approved, 159-62 Gulyas, Maria, deceased, 796 Guyonneau, Christine H ., “Magazine in­ dex plus or Academic index?” 4 30-33 H Haeuser, Michael, “Promoting innova­ tive management and services,” 419-22 Hafter, Ruth, letter to the ed., 76 Hagan, Jeannette, deceased, 626 Hail, Christopher, retired, 453, 704 Halliwell, Dean, retired, 543 Halvorson, Richard, deceased, 172 Hamann, Edmund G ., “Self-instructed use of microcomputers in the library,” 60 3 -4 Harkness, Mary Lou, retired & port., 42 Harloe, Bartley M., prof. & port., 107 Harman, Marian, deceased, 317 Harvard Law School, Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Award, 230-31 Harvard U ., news note, 447 “ Have you seen your IPEDS?” NCES, 521-22 Haviland, Virginia, deceased, 317 Hayes, Robert M., retired & port., 544 “Hearings on academic status and certifi­ cation,” ACRL, ASC, 3 0 5 -7 Heishman, Eleanor L ., prof., 537, clarifi­ cation, 651 Heller, Paul, “A checklist for evaluating your library’s handbook,” 78-79 H enderson, C arol C ., “ W ashington hotline,” 23, 95, 166, 232, 290, 378, 448, 5 3 5 -3 6 , 609, 696, 785 Hendricks, Donald D ., news note, 450 Hervey, Norma J ., prof., 244 Hester, Goldia, “The future of reference service: a response,” 5 84-85 Hilker, Emerson, “Survey of academic science/technology libraries,” 3 7 5 -7 6 , comment, 610 Hist. Soc. of P a., “Summer research fel­ lowships in American history and cul­ ture,” 8 Hoadley, Irene B ., news note, 314 Hogan, Sharon A., Miriam Dudley Bib­ liographic Instruction Librarian of the Year Award & port., 230 Holibaugh, Ralph W ., prof., 2 44-45 Holleman, Marian, retired, 4 5 3-54 Holley, Edward, Academic or Research Librarian of the Year Award & port., 228; “Four decades as an academic li­ brarian,” 4 9 6 -9 7 ; news note, 792 Holley, Robert P ., prof. & port., 619 Horrocks, Norman, news note, 699 Hosel, Harry, prof. & port., 245 “How others see us,” Richards, 4 22-25 “How to participate in A C R L,” 8 8 -9 0 “ How to publish in AC R L: non-serial publications,” 102 Huff, Margaret, retired, 5 43-44 Hugh C . Atkinson Memorial Aw ard, 1988, 144, 417; 1989, 498-500 “Humor and creativity,” Stevens, 145-46 “ H um or and c re a tiv ity : h o lid ay s,” Stevens, 6 7 4 -7 5 Hutchinson, Dale, retired, 4 2 -4 3 I Iddins, Mildred L ., deceased, 387 Ignon, Olga, retired, 112 “IL L librarians in Massachusetts aca­ demic libraries are now wired,” 744 Ind. U ., “International development,” 376; news note, 447 “Influencing the information environ­ ment,” Shill, 19-27 “Information crisis in Latin America,” Tenorio, 79-80 “Information for administrators,” W at­ son, 5 -6 , comment, 143 Innovations (“AACR2 rule interpreta­ tions,” Moffett, 440; “An automated finding aid for special collections,” Caswell, 36 8 -7 3 ; “Creativity, innova­ tion and risk -ta k in g ,” E u ster (4 8 :405-6), comment, 145-46; “A debt unpaid,” Amodeo, 6 0 1 -3 ; “Don’t be a creativity killer!” Ridgeway, 8 3 -8 5 ; “Faculty access to RLIN at New York University,” Dodson, 52 2 -2 3 ; “Humor and creativity,” Stevens, 145-46; “Hu­ mor and creativity: holidays,” Stevens, 6 7 4 - 7 5 ; “ LSM In fo m a s te r,” Kes- selm an, 4 3 7 - 4 0 ; “ MAC M IC R O ,” Richards, 7 4 8 -4 9 ; “More than infor­ mation,” Markoff, 3 6 7 -6 8 ; “A new ap­ proach to reference statistics,” Max- stadt, 8 5 -8 8 ; “Perfect preservation,” Young, 147; “The presidential cam ­ paign hotline,” Sutton, 6 76-78; “Self­ instructed use of microcomputers in the library,” Coleman, 6 0 3 -4 ; “Teaching as a collection development to o l,” Cronquist, 605; “ When closing a li­ brary is progress,” Sturm, 5 23-25, clar­ ification, 651, comment, 667; “Why are professional library meetings so bad?” Lauer, 441, comment, 668) ISI, Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1 9 8 8 ,2 3 0 :1 9 8 9 ,5 0 0 ISI, Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, 1988, 230; 1989, 502 “Instructional improvement symposium at Bowling Green,” 695 “Intellectual Freedom Award,” U. of I11., 358 “The International Association for Social Science Information Service and Tech­ nology (IASSIST),” Geraci, 5 30-32 “International Conference on Scholarly In form ation N e tw o rk ,” N oguchi, 211-12 “International development,” Ind. U ., 376 I F L A , “ D ocum ent delivery papers needed,” 157 “International relations topics,” 789 “It’s Computer Learning Month!” 605 Ivey, Barbara M., retired, 316 J Jackson, M argaret, “ The Presidential Campaign Hotline: its use in libraries,” 6 76-78 Jackson, Miles, news note, 109 Jacobson, Benjamin, retired, 43 Jacobson, Dawn, ACRL staff prof. & port., 165 Jacobstein, J. Myron, retired, 171 John Cotton Dana Library Public Rela­ tions Award, 1988, 4 19-22 Johnson, Ellen, retired, 454 Johnston, Maxine, retired, 454 Jones, Norma Louise, prof., 383 K K.G. Saur Award for Best College & Re­ search Libraries Article, 1988, 230; 1989, 503 “K.G. Saur funds new ACRL award,” 42 Kao, Irving, retired, 248 Karetzky, Stephen, “Videocassette kits for instruction in online searching,” 3 60-64 Kaser, David, “ 19th-century academic li­ brary buildings” (4 8 :4 7 6 -7 8 ), com­ ment, 76 Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Award, ACRL, RBMS, 19 8 8 , 2 3 0 -3 1 ; 1989, 5 0 2 -3 Kauffman, Ingeborg S., deceased, 546 Kaufman, Paula T ., prof. & port., 383 Kearney, Anne, “ Effects of the 1976 Copyright L a w ,” 278-81 Kellar, Emel B ., deceased, 249 Kelley, Carol M., Samuel Lazerow Fel­ lowship, 230 Kellogg, Rebecca Boone, news note, 450 Kemp, Jane, “A visit to the National Li­ brary of New Zealand,” 2 0 6 -8 Kesselman, Martin, “LSM Infomaster: a HyperCard CAI program on a Macin­ tosh network,” 4 3 7 -4 0 Kile, Barbara, news note, 170 Kindlen, Jean, prof., 245 Komai, Lois, “Midwest regional confer­ ence,” 443 Kordish, Heike, prof., 39 Kosuda, Kathleen, prof., 619 Kouraklis, Michael, news note, 384, cor­ rection, 614 Kraft, Galina, retired, 544 Krause, Mary Anna, retired, 316 Kvavik, Robert B ., “A customized data­ base on Scandinavian government,” 735-39 L Lake, Mary Reid, deceased, 626 Lancaster, F . Wilfrid, news note, 792 Lanning, John A., “The library-facuity partnership in curriculum develop­ ment,” 7 -1 0 “Latin American materials to be more ac­ cessible,” 743-44 Lauer, Jonathan D ., “Why are profes­ sional library meetings so bad?” 441, comment, 668 Lawry, Martha P ., news note, 39 L azero w (Samuel) Fellow ship, ACRL/ISI, 1988, 230; 1989, 502 Leab (Katharine Kyes & Daniel J.) Amer­ ican Book P rices C u rren t A w ard, AC R L, RBMS, 1988, 2 3 0 -3 1 ; 1989, 50 2 -3 Leary, Margaret A., news note, 109 Lee, Hwa-Wei, news note, 39 “Legacies of genius: a celebration of Phil­ adelphia libraries,” PACSCL, 2 95-96 Leith, Anna, retired, 544 LeSueur, Robin, retired, 544 Letters, 76, 143-44, 373, 610, 667-68 Levitt, Martin L ., “A case study in audio tape transfer,” 6 5 4 -5 7 Levy, Judith, retired, 625 “Librarians with disabilities,” Lucas, 791 LAMA, “Consultant list,” 250, 376 LAMA, PRS, John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 1988, 4 19-22 “LAMA program,” 306 Library/Book Fellows Program, “Posi­ tions open,” 80 Lib. Co. of Phila., Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Award, 2 3 0 -3 1 ; “Summer re­ search fellowships in American history and culture,” 8 “The library-faculty partnership in cur­ riculum development,” Lanning, 7 -1 0 ’’The library newsletter: is it for you?” Ford, 6 78-82 “LC also looks to the future,” 143 Lloyd, Dona, deceased, 546; retired, 171 Lockert, Clinton, retired, 625 Loepprich, Joyce, retired, 544 Lorenz, John G ., news note, 39 L a. State U ., “A new approach to refer­ ence statistics,” 8 5 -8 8 “LSU and five other libraries selected for Nuclear Regulatory Commission proj­ ect,” 281 Lowe, Mildred, deceased, 626 L oyola U ., “ B ach meets the Boogie Kings,” 352-55 “LSM Infomaster: a HyperCard CAI pro­ gram on a Macintosh network,” Kes­ selman, 4 3 7-40 Lucas, Linda, “Librarians with disabili­ ties,” 791; “Service to the mentally ill,” 784 M “MAC MICRO: solving the problems of microcomputer applications in an aca­ demic library,” Richards, 748-49 McCarthy, Connie Kearns, prof. & port., 39 McConkey, Joan, “French university li­ braries in 1988,” 7 39-43 McCord, Stanley Joe, prof., 449 McGowan, John P ., news note, 314 McLam, Helen, “South Africa and the free flow of information,” 734-35 McLean-Howe, Dallas, “Bibliographic instruction for the print- handicapped,” 6 7 2 -7 4 McMahon, Marion, retired, 248 McMaster, Nina, retired, 386, 704 McMillen, Carolyn, retired, 625 Madaus, J. Richard, “Academic library funding and professional eth ics” (4 8 :606-9), comment, 7 4 -7 6 “Magazine index plus or Academ ic in­ dex?” Guyonneau, 430-33 “Man arrested as suspect in thefts of rare materials,” 358 Markoff, Marjorie, “ More than informa­ tion: a popular exhibit shows the per­ sonal side of books and information,” 3 67-68 Marotta, Janice, “ALAO 1987,” 9 1 -9 3 Marquardt, Steve, “Six percent and other standards,” 74-76 Martin, Jess A., retired, 386 Martinus Nijhoff International West Eu­ ropean Specialist Study Grant, ACRL, WESS, 1989, 5 0 0-502 Mass., “IL L librarians on Massachusetts academic libraries are now wired,” 744 Matthis, Raimund E ., deceased, 704 Maxstadt, John M., “A new approach to reference statistics,” 8 5 -8 8 Mayles, William, retired, 316 Meinke, Darrel M., “Pulling the rug out from under the stacks (revisited),” 288-89 “ Memory tickler for procrastinators,” Elsbernd, 363 “Midwest regional conference,” 105 “Midwest regional conference,” Komai, 443 Mihram, Danielle, “ Online databases and book preservation,” 152-55 Miller, Marvin A., deceased, 172 Miller, Ruby, ‘“Ask at reference’ for back- logged books,” 1 2 - 1 5 , com m ent, 143-44 Millersville U ., “More than information: a popular exhibit shows the personal side of books and information,” 367-68 Miriam Dudley Bibliographic Instruction Librarian of the Year Award, ACRL, 1988, 230; 1989, 498 “Missed Annual Conference?” ACRL, 31 “Mission statements for the community college L R C ,” Mosley, 653-54 MLA, “Online databases and book pres­ ervation,” 152-55 Moffett, William A ., “AACR2 rule inter­ pretations,” 440; “ACRL issues for the 80s and 90s” & port., 134-36; ACRL vice-president & port., 527 Moon, Ilse, news note, 450 Moore, Everett T ., deceased, 172-74 Moore, Richard E ., retired, 386 Moorhead State U ., “Pulling the rug out from under the stacks (revisited),” 288-89 Moravian Coll., “Training student em­ ployees by videotape,” 149-52 “More than information: a popular ex­ hibit shows the personal side of books and information,” Markoff, 3 6 7 -6 8 Morris, Jacqueline M ., “Funds for profes­ sional activities,” 2 9 1 -9 2 Morrison, Carol, port., 365 Mosher, Paul H ., prof. & port., 310-12 Mosley, Madison M ., Jr ., “Mission state­ ments for the com m unity college L R C ,” 653-54 Mullen, Marion L ., deceased, 113 Muller, Karen, “RTSD preservation mi- crofilming institute,” 357-58 Murgai, Sarla, Doctoral Dissertation Fel­ lowship, 230 Murray, Timothy, “The Tax Reform Act of 1984 and A m erican research li- braries,” 589–91 MLA, Walter Gerboth Award, 1989, 435 “Music Library Association awards,” 435 N Nall, Annette F ., retired, 544 NAL, “A coordinated program for state agricultural publications,” 425-30 “National Archives establishes presiden­ tial library board,” 444 NCES, “Have you seen your IPEDS?” 5 21-22 NEH, “Grants for humanities projects,” 441; “Latin American materials to be more accessible,” 7 4 3 -4 4 ; news note, 789; “No waiting now for second-time NEH challenge grants,” 507; “Planning grants for public programs on the Co­ lumbian Quincentenary,” 102-3 Natl. Lib. of N .Z ., “A visit,” 2 06-8 “National Library Week activities for ac­ ademic libraries,” Binder, 2 04-6 “National Library Week, April 1 7 -2 3 ,” ALA, PIO, 46 Neiswender, Rosemary, deceased, 317 “A new approach to reference statistics,” Maxstadt, 8 5 -8 8 “New C &RL news assistant editor,” 614 New technology, 4 3 -4 6 New technology: DuPont, 43; Faxon, 4 3 -4 5 ; PAIS, 45; SpaceSaver Corp., 4 5 -4 6 ; Thomson, 46 NYU, “Faculty access to RLIN at New York University: RLG ’s research access project,” 5 22-23 News from the field, 3 5 - 3 7 , 1 0 3 - 5 , 1 6 7 -6 9 , 2 4 1 -4 3 , 3 0 7 -1 0 (correction, 417), 37 9 -8 1 , 4 4 5 -4 7 , 53 2 -3 4 , 615-17, 69 1 -9 5 , 786-89 News notes, 3 0 9 -1 0 , 3 8 0-81, 447, 617, 695, 789 “Nine university libraries attack journal inflation,” 208 “1989 President’s program,” ACRL, 492 “ 19th-century academic library build­ ings,” Kaser (48 :4 7 6 -7 8 ), comment, 76 Nitecki, Joseph Z ., retired, 171-72 “No waiting now for second-time NEH challenge grants,” 507 Noguchi, Sachié, “The first international conference on Japanese information,” 16-18; “International Conference on Scholarly In form ation N etw o rk ,” 211-12 Northern Ky. U ., “When closing a library is progress,” 5 2 3 -2 5 , clarification, 651, comment, 667 NRC, “LSU and five other libraries se­ lected for Nuclear Regulatory Commis­ sion project,” 281 o Oberlin Coll., “AACR2 rule interpreta­ tions,” 440; news note, 695 Oberly (E u nice Rockwell) A w ard, ACRL, STS, 1989, 5 0 3 -4 Oberman, Cerise, prof., 620 Ohio State U ., “An automated finding aid for special collections,” 3 68-73; “Cata­ loging Slavic manuscripts in micro­ form,” 746-48 “ Online databases and book preserva­ tion,” Mihram, 152-55 Opalka, Elaine, A C R L staff prof. & port., 34 Oppenheimer, Gerald, retired, 454 “Overseas consultants,” Wash. State U., 165 p,Q Pasterczyk, Catherine E ., “Checklist for the new selector,” 4 3 4-35 Pastine, Maureen, p o rt., 203 “Patron-use software in academic library collections,” Beaubien, 661-67 Pearce, Donald J ., retired, 625 Peck, Jean, retired, 2 48-49 People, 3 9 -4 3 , 107-13, 169-74, 244-49, 3 1 0 - 1 9 , 3 8 3 - 8 7 (co rre ctio n , 6 1 4 ), 4 4 9 -5 6 , 5 3 6 -4 7 (clarification, 651), 6 1 9 -2 6 , 698-704, 7 91-96 People in the news, 3 9 , 109, 1 6 9 -7 0 , 3 1 2 -1 4 , 3 83-84 (correction, 614), 450, 621, 699, 792 “Perfect preservation: a lesson from the past?” Young, 147 Person, Ruth J ., prof. & port., 6 19-20 PACSCL, “Legacies of genius: a celebra­ tion of Philadelphia libraries,” 295-96 Pisani, Assunta, port., 355 Pizer, Irwin H ., news note, 621 “Planning and executing a major book­ shift/move using an electronic spread­ sheet,” Ellis, 2 8 2 -8 7 “Planning grants for public programs on the Columbian Quincentenary,” 102-3 Pollack, Felix, deceased, 317 Pollard, Richard C ., prof. & port., 107-8 Pollock, James, retired, 454 Polytechnic U ., news note, 789 Poole, James E ., retired, 112-13 Pope, Darrel, retired, 172 “Popular culture and libraries,” 779 Posey, Jean, retired, 625 “Poster session applications due,” ACRL, 606 Pownall, David E ., deceased, 317 Pratt, Virginia, retired, 386, 704 Prentice, Ann E ., prof. & port., 620 “The Presidential Campaign Hotline: its use in libraries,” 6 7 6 -7 8 Price, Kathleen, news note, 109 Priestly, Diane, retired, 113 Proctor, Samuel D ., “To speak at ACRL National Conference,” 610 “Professional communication,” Selth, 668 Profiles, 3 9 ,1 0 7 - 9 ,1 6 9 (correction, 289), 24 4 -4 6 , 31 0 -1 2 , 383, 44 9 -5 0 , 536-37 (clarification, 651), 61 9 -2 1 , 69 8 -9 9 , 791-92 “Promoting innovative management and services,” Haeuser, 4 1 9-22 “Public Relations Discussion Group,” 365 Publications, 4 7 - 5 0 , 1 1 3 -1 4 , 1 7 4 -7 6 , 2 4 9 - 5 3 , 3 1 9 - 2 2 , 3 8 7 - 8 9 , 4 5 6 - 5 8 , 54 7 -5 2 , 627-30, 7 0 5 -7 , 797-98 “Pulling the rug out from under the stacks (revisited),” Meinke, 288-89 Purdue U ., news note, 3 09-10 R Rabier, Ginette, retired, 172 Rader, Hannelore B ., “Academic col­ leagues in concert,” 70-73 Ransom, Doris, deceased, 317-19 Rare books & manuscripts librarianship, “Recruitment open for editor,” 85 “RBMS is 30 years old,” ACRL, 495 “RBMS preconference, New Orleans,” ACRL, 224 “‘Reading and libraries’ seminar,” 773 Reames, J. Mitchell, deceased, 43 “Recruitment open for editor of Rare books & manuscripts librarianship, 85 “Reference service: past, present, and fu­ ture,” Ford, 5 7 8 -8 2 “ A rep ort on the CD-ROM teleco n ­ ference,” ACRL, CJCLS, 606, port., 365 Resources: CM U libraries’ news, “For more information,” 682 Retirements, 4 2 - 4 3 , 1 1 2 -1 3 , 1 7 1 -7 2 , 248-49, 316, 3 8 5 -8 6 , 45 3 -5 4 , 5 43-46, 624-25, 704, 796 Rettig, James, prof. & port., 107 Richards, Diane, “How others see us,” 4 2 2 -2 5 ; “ MAC MICRO: solving the problems of microcomputer applica­ tions in an academic library,” 748-49 Ridge, Davy-Jo S., retired, 544 Ridgeway, Trish, “Don’t be a creativity killer!” 8 3 -8 5 Rights, Edith Anderson, “Civil W ar dia­ ries sought,” 629 Rioth, Marion, retired, 113 Ritchie, Ann Telfair Johnson, deceased, 546-47 Robert B. Downs Award, U. of I11., 1988, 358 Roberts, Elizabeth P ., “Academic library public relations: a week of celebra­ tion,” 202-4 Robinson-Smith, Cheryl, “New C &RL news assistant editor” & port., 614 “Rockefeller scholars in residence,” Rock­ efeller U ., 591 Rockefeller U ., “Scholars in residence,” 591 Rogers, Sharon J ., port., 240 Rosenbach Mus. & L ib ., Katharine Kyes Leab & Daniel J. Leab American Book Prices Current Award, 230-31 Rothstein, Samuel, news note, 314 “RTSD preservation microfilming insti­ tu te at Yale U n iv ersity ,” M uller, 3 5 7-58 Rubene, Skaidrite, retired, 172 Russell, Mattie U ., deceased, 4 54-56 Rutgers U ., “LSM Infomaster: a Hyper­ Card CAI program on a Macintosh net­ work,” 437 40 s Sabovik, Paul, deceased, 547 St. Clair, Gloriana, prof. & port., 108 Samuel Lazerow Fellowship, ACRL/ISI, 1988, 230; 1989, 502 Saur (K .G .), “Funds new ACRL award,” 42 Saur (K.G.) Award for Best College & Re­ search Libraries Article, 1988, 230; 1989, 503 Scepanski, Jordan M ., K. G. Saur Award, 230 Scheide, Benton F ., deceased, 456 Schiller, Anita, news note, 170 Schrader, Marion, deceased, 387 Schuman, Patricia Glass, “ALA and its divisions,” 27-31 Schwartz, Diane G ., “A two-year MLS internship program,” 5 0 4 -8 Scibird, Ruth, deceased, 547 Scilken, Marvin H ., letter to the ed., 143-44 “ Seats available on flights to Ita ly ,” ACRL, WESS, 156 Segal, JoAn S., “ACRL executive sum­ mary,” 3 -4 , 7 3 -7 4 , 156-57, 235-36, 29 6 -9 8 , 36 4 -6 5 , 4 1 6 -1 7 , 4 91-93, 608, 686; ACRL staff prof. & port., 381; “ A Ċ R L ’s fin an cial p la n ,” 7 6 0 - 7 3 ; “Now certified,” 492; “The state of the Association,” 688-91 “Self-instructed use of microcomputers in the library,” Coleman, 603-4 Selth, Jefferson P ., letter to the ed ., 668 Sepanik, Mary Agnes, retired, 43 “Service to the mentally ill,” Lucas, 784 Sessions, Judith, prof. & port., 245 Shenholm, Daisy, retired, 113 Shill, Harold B ., “Influencing the infor­ mation environm ent,” 1 9 -2 7 ; news note, 314 Shockley, Doris T ., retired, 113 “The Sibelius saga: a Sibley Library thesis is returned 50 years la te ,” Eastman School of Music, 6 5 7 -5 8 Simpson, Donald, port., 364 “Six percent and other standards,” Mar­ quardt, 74-76 Sloan, Elaine F ., news note, 109; prof. & port., 449-50 Slocum, Robert, retired, 454 Smith, Hope, retired, 5 4 4-46 Smith, Karen A., “An automated finding aid for special collections,” 368-73 Snoke, Helen L ., retired, 704 Somerville, Arleen, news note, 314 “South Africa and the free flow of infor­ mation,” M acLam, 734-35 “Soviet manuscript service,” ACLS, 48 Spawn, Carol M., prof. & port., 108 Specht, Alice W ., prof. & port., 791 “Staff retreats in ACRL libraries,” Cluff, 517-21 Staley, Thomas F ., prof. & port., 450 “Standards for university libraries: evalu­ ation of performance (draft),” ACRL, ULS, 3 43-50 “The state of the Association,” Segal, 688-91 SUNY, Buffalo, news note, 380-81 Steading, Alma D ., retired, 43 Stevens, Norman D ., “ Coming soon,” 675; “Feeling funny?” 146, comment, 675; “Humor and creativity,” 145-46; “ Humor and creativity: holidays,” 6 74-75 Stevenson, Roberta, retired, 172 Stirling, Isabel, news note, 621 “Strategic planning for A C R L,” ACRL, Planning Comm., 292-94 Strubbe, Lisa Aren, “A two-year MLS in­ ternship program,” 5 04-8 Studdiford, A bigail, prof. & p o rt., 2 4 5-46 Sturm, Rebecca, “When closing a library is progress,” 5 2 3 -2 5 , clarification, 651, comment, 667 Suffolk U ., “Self-instructed use of micro­ computers in the library,” 603-4 “Summer research fellowships in Ameri­ can history and culture,” Hist. Soc. of P a., 8 “Survey of academic science/technology libraries,” Hilker, 37 5 -7 6 , comment, 610 Sutton, Ellen, “The Presidential Cam ­ paign Hotline: its use in lib raries,” 676-78 Sweet, Donald G ., prof. & port., 620-21. T Tabb, Winston, prof., 312 “Take me out to the ACRL game!” 682 “TAPPI paper preservation symposium in October,” 243-44 “The Tax Reform Act of 1984 and Ameri­ can research libraries,” ACRL, RBMS, 589-91 “Teaching as a collection development tool,” Cronquist, 605 “Teaching library and information re­ trieval skills to academic administra­ tors and support staff,” ACRL, EBSS, 21 7 -2 3 , comments, 373, 667- 68 TAPPI, “Paper preservation symposium in October,” 2 4 3 -4 4 “Teleconference on CD-ROM,” ACRL, 10, 365, 606 Tenorio, José Orozco, “Information crisis in Latin America,” 7 9 -8 0 Thomas, Hannah, “An automated find­ ing aid for special collections,” 3 68-73; “Cataloging Slavic manuscripts in mi­ croform,” 746-48 Thomas, Sarah E ., “A coordinated pro­ gram for state agricultural publica­ tions,” 4 25-30 Timlake, William P ., deceased, 704 Todd, Elizabeth Grace, retired, 546, 704 Toombs, Kenneth E ., retired, 546 Toomer, Clarence, prof., 698 “Training student employees by video­ tape,” Crawford, 149-52 Trinity U ., “‘Ask at reference’ for back- logged books,” 1 2 - 1 5 , com m ent, 143-44 “Trivial matters, Cincinnati style,” Els­ bernd, 781-84 Turk, Elizabeth, retired, 546 Turner, Philip M., prof., 383 “ Two new thesauri for special collec­ tions,” ACRL, RBMS, 491 “A two-year MLS internship program,” Strubbe, 504-8 U “ULS Current Topics Discussion Group,” ACRL, 795 “An unfinished agenda,” Boissé, 141 USDE, “Latin American materials to be more accessible,” 743-44 USIA, “Eight Library/Book Fellow posi­ tions open,” 80 U.S. Inst, of Peace, news note, 789 “University library standards draft,” 304, 3 43-50 UC, Irvine, “Books and bytes,” 658-61 U. of Colo., Denver, “The library-facuity partnership in curriculum develop­ ment,” 7 -1 0 U. of F la., “Patron-use software in aca­ demic library collections,” 6 61-67 U. of Hawaii, Manoa, news note, 310 U. of I11., Robert B. Downs Award, 1988, 358 UI, U-C, “Soviet manuscript service,” 48 U. of Mich., news note, 447; “A two-year MLS internship program,” 5 0 4 -8 U. of Minn., “A customized database on Scandinavian government,” 735-39 U. of Neb., “Promoting innovative man­ agement and services,” 4 1 9 -2 2 UNC, Chapel Hill, “ The Presidential Campaign Hotline: its use in libraries,” 6 76-78 U. of Notre Dame, “Effects of the 1976 Copyright L a w ,” 278-81 UT, Arlington, “Promoting innovative management and services,” 4 19-22 UTHSC, San Antonio, news notes, 310, 617 U. of Toronto, “Bibliographic instruction for the print-handicapped,” 672-74 U. of V a., “Fifty-year celebration,” 668 U. of Warwick, “The first international conference on Japanese information,” 16-18 U. of W is .-M ilw aukee, “ W isconsin Clearinghouse for L ib rary Instruc­ tional Materials,” 231 V Vandermolen, John, retired, 625 Vann, J. Daniel, III, prof. & port., 312 “Videocassette kits for instruction in on­ line searching,” Karetzky, 360-64 “A visit to the National Library of New Zealand,” Kemp, 2 0 6 -8 Von Seggern, Marilyn, “Academic li­ brary public relations: a week of cele­ bration,” 2 0 2 -4 Vosper, Robert G ., news note, 621 w Walch, David B ., “ACRL issues for the 80s and 90s” & port., 136-37 Walter Gerboth Award, ML A, 1989, 435 Walters, Mary D ., retired, 546 Wand, Patricia A., “The budget process and ACRL financial issues,” 757-60 “Washington hotline,” Henderson, 23, 95, 166, 232, 290, 378, 448, 5 35-36, 609, 696, 785 Wash. State U ., “Academic library public relations: a week of celebration,” 202- 4; “MAC M ICRO,” 7 48-49; “Overseas consultants,” 165 Waterman, Anna Komon, deceased, 43 Watkins, Vicki, news note, 621 Watson, Peter G ., “Information for ad­ ministrators,” 5 -6 , comment, 143 Wayne State U ., news note, 789 Webb, Gisela, “Staff retreats in ACRL li­ braries,” 517-21 Webster, Duane, prof. & port., 246 Webster, James K., deceased, 456 Wells, Dorothy, retired, 796 Welsh, William J ., retired, 625 Wenz, William E ., retired, 386, 546 “WESS discussion group for smaller col­ lections,” 775 “ W ESS goes to F lo r e n c e ,” Dudley, 3 55-57 Western Ky. U ., “National Library Week activ ities for acad em ic lib ra rie s ,” 2 0 4 -6 Wheeler, Burton M ., prof., 6 9 8-99 “ When closing a library is progress,” S turm , 5 2 3 - 2 5 , c la rific a tio n , 6 5 1 , comment, 667 White, Herbert S., news note, 384 “Why are professional library meetings so bad?” Lauer, 441, comment, 668 Wilkinson, Billy R ., “Academic library postcards,” 646-51 Williams, James F ., II, prof., 169 Willson, Betty, retired, 625 Wilson (H .W .i C o., John Cotton Dana Library Public Relations Award, 1988, 4 1 9 -2 2 Wilson, Wayne, K.G. Saur Award, 230 “Win cash prizes!” ACRL, 695 “Wisconsin Clearinghouse for Library In­ structional Materials,” 231 x,Y,z Xiao, Zi-li, “Academic libraries in the People’s Republic of China,” 4 8 6 -9 0 Yale Ü ., “Beinecke visiting fellowships,” 591; “RTSD preservation microfilming institute,” 3 5 7-58 Young, Philip H ., “Perfect preservation: a lesson from the past?” 147 Zenan, Joan, news note, 109 Zymansl, Thomas, port., 365