ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries December 1988 / 791 . P E O P L E . Profiles Nancy Cline, assistant dean and head of the bibliographic resources and services division of the Pennsylvania State University Libraries, Univer­ sity Park, since 1984, has been named dean of uni­ versity libraries effective October 1. She succeeds Stuart F o rth , who re ­ tired Septem ber 30. Cline received a bache­ lor’s degree in English and an MLS from the University of California at Berkeley. She began her career at Penn State in 1970 as a documents librarian and was ap ­ pointed the follow ing as head of the Gov­ ernment Documents Section, a post she held until 1980 when she became chief of the Bibliographic Resources Department. In 1983 Cline received the Documents to the People Award presented by the Congressional In­ formation Service and ALA’s Government Docu­ ments Round Table in recognition of her many contributions to federal documents librarianship. In 1985 she became Penn State’s representative to a committee of the Research Libraries Group which advises on the development of the Research Li­ braries Information Network, a national auto­ mated information system. A year later Cline was appointed to the Association of Research Libraries’ Task Force on Government Information in Elec­ tronic Format, a panel that will recommend na­ tional policy positions for research libraries, and in 1988 she was appointed as Penn State’s representa­ tive to the Board of Governors of the Research Li­ braries Group. In addition, Cline has written for several publi­ cations in her field and has delivered papers on such topics as “Educational Issues for Specialists in Government Inform ation” and “Managing Sys­ tems Upgrades and Enhancements—The Hidden Costs” at recent ALA conferences. Last year she chaired the Penn State Commission for Women, and served on the Strategic Study Group on the Status of Women from 1985 to 1987. Alice W. Specht, associate director of Univer­ sity Libraries at Hardin-Simmons University, Abi­ lene, Texas, since 1981, has been appointed direc­ tor effective October 1. A graduate of the Uni­ versity of the Pacific, Specht received her MLS from Emory Uni­ versity, and a master’s of business administration from Hardin-Simmons. Before becoming assis­ ta n t director at HSU Specht served as social science librarian at the U niversity of N orth Texas, reference librar­ i an a t L u b b o c k C ity ­ C ounty L ib ra ry , and system coordinator at the Abilene Public Library from 1975 to 1979. A native of Caracas, Venezuela, Specht is a member of the Texas Library Association and has served as chair of its publications committee and the public information committee. Joe F. Dahlstrom, director of university li­ braries at Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Texas, since 1981, has been named director of the Librarians with disabilities Are you a librarian, disabled, and interested in participating in a network of librarians and future librarians w ith disabilities? Do you know someone who fits that description? You or your colleague are invited to a planning meet­ ing for such a network at the ALA Annual Con­ ference in Dallas in 1989. It is my perception that such a network is es­ pecially needed to provide support and guid­ ance for librarians who work in isolated settings and for students with disabilities who are con­ sidering librarianship as a career. Your ideas for developing such a network are welcome. To be placed on the mailing list, contact: Linda Lu­ cas, Professor, College of Library and Informa­ tion Science, University of South Carolina, Co­ lumbia, SC 29208; (803) 777-3858. 792 / C&RL News Victoria College/University of Houston-Victoria Library. Dahlstrom received his Ph.D . from Texas A&M University, and holds degrees from the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin and Texas A&I Univer­ sity. His administrative experience in academic and public libraries encompasses sixteen years, and he has served as president of the Texas Library As­ sociation and as a member of ALA’s By-laws Com­ mittee. People in the News H e r b e r t F o e r s t e l , head of branch libraries for the University of Maryland, College Park, has been honored with a Hugh M. Hefner First Amendment Award in the Education category for his vigilant efforts to m a in ta in l i ­ b ra ry p a tro n s ’ b a sic rights of privacy and ac­ cess to public informa­ tion. An outspoken op­ p o n en t of th e F B I ’s Library Awareness Pro­ gram , w hich asked li­ brarians to reveal bor­ rowers’ records and to rep o rt suspicious f o r ­ eign-speaking patrons to H erb ert Foerstelthe F B I, Foerstel testi­ fied b efore the House Subcommittee on Civil and Constitutional Rights this year that the Program was a direct violation of the library profession’s code of ethics as well as the library confidentiality laws of 37 states and the Dis­ trict of Columbia. Foerstel has also appeared on the T V programs “T h e M acN eil-L eh rer New- sHour,” “Good Morning A m erica,” and “CBS This Morning” in defense of the privacy rights of library patrons. E d w a r d G. H o l l e y , professor at the School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, has been selected to succeed Goerge Kennedy as the chair of the Uni­ versity of North Carolina Press Board of Gover­ nors. Holley has been a member of the UNC Press Board since 1975, and chairm an of its Finance Committee since 1982. The UNC Press, which is the oldest university press in the South and one of the oldest in America, has more than 500 titles in print and has sales in excess of $2 million annually. Holley, a past ALA president, has received the prestigious Melvil Dewey Medal, the Joseph W . Lippineott award for notable achievement in li­ brarianship, and the A CRL 1988 Academic Re­ search Librarian of the Year Award. Holley’s term on the UNC Press Board will expire in 1990. F . W i l f r i d L a n c a s t e r , professor of library an information science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, has won the 1988 American Society for Information Science Award of Merit, the society’s highest honor. The award, given to an individual who has made noteworthy contribu­ tions to the field of information science, was pre­ sented in A tlanta in late October. Lancaster, a member of the U. of I . Graduate School since 1970, is an authority on information retrieval systems, the evaluation of information services, and elec­ tronic publishing and its effects on the presentation of information. The society has also recognized Lancaster for his publications; two of his books were among the 74 titles listed in a recent article entitled “Significant Readings in Information Sci­ ence: 1 9 3 7 -1 9 8 7 ,” which appeared in a special 50th anniversary edition of the Bulletin of the American Society for Inform ation Science. T o­ w ard Paperless Infonnation Systems and Inform a­ tion Retrieval O n-line, co-authored with Em ily Gallup Fayen, received the society’s Best Inform a­ tion Science Book Award in 1979 and 1976, respec­ tively. In 1970, Lancaster received the same award for his Information Retrieval Systems: C haracter­ istics, Testing and Evaluation. Appointments (Appointment notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices, and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appointment appears, write to the Editor, A CRL, 50 E . Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) C a r o l A b a t e l l i has been appointed reference librarian for humanities and visual arts at the State University of New York, Purchase. S h a r o n A l m q u i s t has been appointed assistant media librarian at the University of North Texas, Denton. P a t r i c i a A n d e r s o n has been named media li­ brarian at the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago, Illinois. S u s a n A n d e r s o n has been appointed head of public services at the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago, Illinois. Ross A t k i n s o n has been appointed assistant uni­ versity librarian for collection development and preservation at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. F a y A u s t i n has been appointed assistant head of the Catalog Management, Automation and Tech­ nical Services Division at the University of Mary­ land, College Park. S a r o j i n i B a l a c h a n d r a n has been appointed head of the Science and Technology Department at Auburn University Library, Alabama. F r e d B a t t has been appointed associate univer­ sity librarian for public services at California State University, Sacramento. S a r a h B e n - B a r u c h has been appointed Judaica d ephemera and preservation specialist in the Juda­ ica D ep artm ent at H arvard University, C am ­ bridge, Massachusetts. B r e n t B e r n a u is the new associate law librarian December 1988 / 793 at the University of San Diego, California. B a r b a r a N. B is h o p has been appointed refer­ ence librarian and archivist at Indiana University Southeast, New Albany. J a n e B l o c k has been appointed architecture and art lib rarian at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. M a r t y B l o o m b e r g is now head of collection de­ velopment at C aliforn ia State University, San Bernadino. K a t h e r i n e B r a n c h has been appointed head of the Science Libraries at Yale University, New Ha­ ven, Connecticut. D e r e c k B r a s s i n g t o n has been appointed busi­ ness subject specialist at Falvey Memorial Library, Villanova University, Pennsylvania. J a n i c e B r a u n has been appointed assistant li­ brarian in the Yale Medical Historical Library, New Haven, Connecticut. R e x f o r d B r o s s is now monographic cataloging librarian at North Carolina State University, R a­ leigh. B e t h B r o y l e s has been appointed reference li­ brarian and bibliographer of foreign languages at the University of Texas, San Antonio. N a n c y B u c h a n a n has been appointed humani­ ties reference librarian at Texas A & M University, College Station. S u e B u r c h is the new circulation/reference li­ brarian at the University of Kentucky Law L i­ brary, Lexington. G w y n e d d C a n n a n has been named archives cat­ aloger at the Humanities Research Center, Univer­ sity of Texas, Austin. G a b r i e l l e M . C a r r has been promoted to sen­ ior reference and circulation librarian at Indiana University Southeast, New Albany . J a m e s F . C a r t w r i g h t is the new university ar­ chivist at the University of H aw aii at M anoa, Honolulu. M a r y C h e e s m a n has been named head of tech­ nical services at Incarnate Word College, San An­ tonio, Texas. B e l i n d a C h i a n g has been appointed head of technical services at Harvard University, C am ­ bridge, Massachusetts. R o b e r t a C h o d a c k i has been appointed librar­ ian and music specialist in the Music L ib ra ry branch of Joyner Library at East Carolina Univer­ sity, Greenville. North Carolina. L e o P . C l o u g h e r t y has been ap p oin ted botany-chemistry and biology librarian at the Uni­ versity of Iowa, Iowa C ity . J o h n C o l e has joined the staff of the Medical L i­ brary at the University of Calgary, Alberta. D a v i d C o l e m a n has been appointed science and technology librarian at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. H a r o l d C o l s o n is the new public services li­ brarian for the In tern ation al Relations/Pacific Studies Library at the University of California, San Diego. C a r o l e C o l t e r has been appointed librarian at the Hiscock Epidemiology and Public Health L i­ brary, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. P a u l C o n s t a n t i n e has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at Sterling Memorial Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. B r y n a C o o n i n is now reference services librar­ ian at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. E l l e n C o r d e s has been appointed head of the Circulation Departm ent at Yale University L i­ brary, New Haven, Connecticut. D e a n C o v i n g t o n has been appointed director of the Learning Resources Center at Arkansas Col­ lege, Batesville. K e n d a l l C r i l l y has been appointed public ser­ vices librarian in the Yale Music Library, New Ha­ ven, Connecticut. M a r g o W a r n e r C u r l has been named techni­ cal services librarian at the College of Wooster, Ohio. R o b e r t D a l t o n is now reference services and collection development/acquisitions librarian at North Carolina State University, Raleigh. D e n i s e D a v i s - L o d g e has been appointed refer­ ence librarian of the Hornbake Undergraduate L i­ brary at the University of Maryland, College Park. R i c h a r d D i c k e y has been appointed assistant reference lib rarian at the University of North Texas, Denton. D e n n is D i l l o n has been named assistant for ref­ erence services operations at the University of Texas, Austin. T i m o t h y D i x o n has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond. L e i g h D o n l e y has been appointed assistant li­ brarian at Hastings College of the Law , the Uni­ versity of California, San Francisco. D i a n e D u c h a r m e has been appointed archivist in the Reinecke Rare Rook and Manuscript L i­ brary, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. G o r d o n E r n s t has been named cataloger at the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chi­ cago, Illinois. R o b e r t a F a g i n has been appointed assistant li­ brary personnel officer for staff development and non-exempt employment at Stanford University, California. M a r t i n J . F a i g e l has been appointed collection development officer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. K a t h y L . F a r r e l l has been appointed catalog librarian at the University of Alaska Southeast, Ju ­ neau. A n n F e r g u s o n has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Sterling Memorial L ibrary, Yale University, New Haven. Connecticut. A n n F i e g a n has been appointed catalog man­ agement librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. W ILITAM F i n l e y has been appointed archivist in the Reinecke Rare Rook and Manuscript Library at 794 / C&RL News Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. R i c h a r d F i t c h e n has been appointed social sci­ ences bibliographer at the Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut. E u g e n e F l e i s h e r has been appointed head of access services at Falvey Memorial Library, Vil- lanova University, Pennsylvania. B a r b a r a F o r d - F o s t e r has been appointed bib­ liographer for the physical sciences in collection management at the University of Maryland, Col­ lege Park. R i c h a r d F r e w i n is now government publica­ tions coordinator at San Francisco State Univer­ sity, California. T a m a r a F r o s t has been appointed associate uni­ versity librarian for automated and technical ser­ vices at California State University, Sacramento. S u e F u l l e r has been named serials coordinator of the Benson Latin American Collection Serials Unit at the University of Texas, Austin. B e t s y G a m b l e has been named head of the Orig­ inal Cataloging Unit at Cornell University. T h o m a s P . G a t e s has been appointed assistant fine arts and music librarian at Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. W a l t e r G i e s b r e c h t has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Steacie Science Library, York University, North York, Ontario. J a n i s G l o v e r has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Yale University Medical Library, New Haven, Connecticut. M ik e H a d d o c k has been appointed science ref­ erence librarian at Texas A & M University, Col­ lege Station. K a t h l e e n H a l l has joined the public services staff at Eastern Montana College, Billings. B a r b a r a H a n e r is the new science reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Riverside. R i c h a r d H a n n a has been appointed science and technology librarian at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu. J o h n B . H a r e r has been appointed head of the Circulation Division at Texas A & M University, College Station. C h r i s H i v e s has been appointed university ar­ chivist at the University of British Columbia, V an­ couver. J e r r y H o g a n has been named assistant govern­ ment documents, maps, and microforms librarian at Central Washington University, Ellensburg. B e v e r l y H o o s e has joined the public services staff at Eastern Montana College, Billings. G a r y A. H u d s o n has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at Mankato State University, Min­ nesota. E l a i n e J e n n e r i c h has been appointed circula­ tion librarian at the University of Washington, Se­ attle. K e v i n J e w e l l has been named reference librar­ ian for international and foreign law at the Inter­ national Legal Studies Library, Harvard Univer­ sity, Cambridge. L i s a J o h n s t o n has been appointed reference li­ brarian in the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. C a r o l J o n e s has been appointed collection ser­ vices librarian in the Social Science Library at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. M a r y E l i z a b e t h J o n e s has been appointed head of technical services at Williams College, W illiam ­ stown, Massachusetts. S u e K a l e r has been appointed reference services librarian and assistant director at the Wheelock College Library, Boston, Massachusetts. K a t h y K e r n s has been appointed reference li­ brarian in feminist studies at Meyer Library, Stan­ ford University, California. G e o r g e K l i m has been named head of Slavic and East European Studies at the University of Washington Libraries, Seattle. E d i t h L a n d a u has been named head of nonbook at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. S a l l y J . L a n g s t o n has been appointed associate director of the Law Library at South Texas Col­ lege, Houston. D a n i e l L e e has been appointed assistant circu­ lation librarian in the Sterling Memorial Library at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. J o L i c k t e i g has been appointed assistant refer­ ence librarian in the Information Science Building Libraries of the University of North Texas, Den­ ton. K r i s t i n L . L i n d l a n has been appointed head of the Serials Cataloging Section at the University of Washington, Seattle. L e s l i e L o a r has been appointed assistant librar­ ian for documents and reference at the School of Law Library, Hamline University, St. Paul, Min­ nesota. S u e L o n d o n has been named reference librarian at the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago, Illinois. C a r o l L u n c e has joined the staff of the General Reference Department at the University of North Texas, Denton. M i c h a e l L y n c h has been named systems librar­ ian at Bueknell University, Lewisburg, Pennsylva­ nia. J o E l l e n M c C l a m r o c h has been appointed as­ sistant librarian in the Reference Department at the University of Delaware, Newark. J e a n M c E v o y has joined the Hornbake Under­ graduate Library reference staff at the University of Maryland, College Park. S c o t t M c F a r l a n d has been named director of Faxon Index Service, Westwood, Massachusetts. L a u r i e M a c L e o d is the new assistant catalog li­ brarian in the Bibliographic Control Department of the University of North Texas, Denton. M a r i a n n e M a s o n has been appointed docu­ ments librarian at the Indiana University School of Law Library, Bloomington. W i l l i a m M a s s a J r . has been appointed public services archivist at the Yale University Library, D ecem ber 1988 / 795 New Haven, Connecticut. L e o n a r d M a t h l e s s has been appointed head of the Hebraica and Near East Cataloging Unit, Ster­ ling Memorial Library, Yale University, New H a­ ven, Connecticut. E m i l y M e l t o n has been appointed head of pub­ lic services at Indiana University-Purdue Univer­ sity, Indianapolis. D o n n a M o r r i s has been named reference librar­ ian at the Northwestern University Medical L i­ brary, Chicago, Illinois. R i t a W . M o s s has been appointed bibliographic instruction librarian at the Iris Holt M cEw en L i­ brary, Elon College, North Carolina. K a r e n A . N u c k o l l s has been appointed head of technical services of the Scribner L ibrary at Skid­ more College, Saratoga Springs, New York. D a v i d C . O b r i n g e r is the new reference and in­ terlibrary loan lib rarian at Ind iana University Southeast, New Albany. K a t h l e e n O ’c o n n o r has been appointed coor­ dinator of off-campus library services at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. T o n y O l s o n has been named head of technical services at the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago, Illinois. J a c q u e l i n e O r l a n d o has been appointed assis­ tant law librarian for public services at Capital University, Columbus, Ohio. T a r a s O r t y n s k y has been appointed head of technical services at Falvey Memorial L ibrary, V il­ lanova University, Pennsylvania. L a u r a O s e g u e d a has been appointed head of the Chemistry Library at the University of C alifor­ nia, Berkeley. A n n P a i e t t a has been appointed access services librarian in the Yale University Medical Library, New Haven, Connecticut. E l i z a b e t h P a r a n g has been named assistant se­ rials librarian at the University of Nevada, Las V e­ gas. R o b e r t P a u s t i a n has been named director of li­ braries at the University of South D akota, V erm il­ lion. S t e v e n D . P e c k has been appointed special m a­ terials cataloger at the Iris Holt M cEw en Library, Elon College, North Carolina. S a r a h P e d e r s e n has been appointed dean of li­ brary services at Evergreen State College, Olym­ pia, Washington. K a r l a P e t e r s e n has been appointed assistant university librarian for technical services in the C u­ dahy Library at Loyola University of Chicago. M a h l o n P e t e r s o n is the new reference lib rar­ ian at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. R o b e r t a P i t t s has been appointed head of per­ sonnel operations at Texas A & M University, C ol­ lege Station. M a r y P a g l i e r o P o p p has been appointed in­ s tru c tio n lib r a r ia n at In d ia n a U n iv e rsity , Bloomington. Sh a r o n P r o p a s h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d r e f e r e n c e li­ brarian in collection development at Meyer L i­ brary, Stanford University, California. G e e t h a R a o has been appointed assistant li­ brarian in the Reference Departm ent at the Uni­ versity of Delaw are, Newark. D a v i d P . R o b r o c k has been appointed head of special collections at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. J o s e L . R o m o has been appointed director of the Graduate Theology Library at St. Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary, Boynton Beach, Florida. M a r i l y n C . R o s e n t h a l has joined the staff of the Reference Unit at the Nassau Community C ol­ lege Library, Garden City, New York. A n n R o s e t t has been named head librarian at Northwest College of Assemblies of God, Kirkland, Washington. M a r i o n S a b e l l a has been appointed library di­ rector at the Memorial Medical Center of Long Beach, California. L y n n e S c h m e l z - K e i l has been appointed li­ brarian of the Tozzer Library at Harvard Univer­ sity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. N a n c y S e n s e l has been appointed circulation li­ brarian at the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago, Illinois. K im S e t h e r has been appointed online database search coordinator and reference librarian at the University of South Dakota, Vermillion. J a m e s S h e d l o c k has been appointed associate director of the Medical Library at Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois. C h r i s S m i t h has been named reference/instruc­ tion librarian at the University of Nevada, Las V e­ gas. R e b e c c a S m i t h has been appointed business ref- ULS Current Topics Discussion Group “Risky Business: Decision-Making and the L ib r a r y B u d g e t,” S a tu rd a y , Ja n u a r y 7, 2 :0 0 -4 :0 0 p .m ., will provide a lively forum for discussion of the process and pitfalls of library budgeting and financial decision-making in an era of intense com petition for shrinking re­ sources. George Soete, associate university librarian for collections at the University of California, San Diego, will lay the groundwork with an overview of the budgetary decision-making process. Shelley Phipps, assistant university li­ brarian for branch services at the University of Arizona, will address the role and practice of risk-taking in an era of tightening budgetsa and dwindling financial resources. Susan Jurow , program officer at the A RL Office of Manage­ ment Services, will introduce and moderate a case study/scenario discussion illustrating the key issues involved. 796 / C&RL News erence lib rarian at H arvard U niversity, C a m ­ bridge, Massachusetts. J u d y S o l b e r g has joined the Hornbake Under­ graduate Library reference staff at the University of Maryland, College Park. E l i z a b e t h L . S o l o m o n has been appointed cir­ culation and serials librarian at the Iris Holt M c­ Ewen Library, Elon College, North Carolina. H e r b e r t S o m e r s has been appointed assistant documents librarian at the Yale University L i­ brary, New Haven, Connecticut. L i n d a S p e n c e r is now circulation and librarv systems librarian at North Carolina State Univer­ sity, Raleigh. V i c t o r i a S t e e l e is the new head of special col­ lections at the University of Southern California. Los Angeles. M a b e l S u z u k i is the new government docu­ ments librarian at the University of Hawaii at Ma­ noa, Honolulu. V i v i a n S y k e s has been appointed multicultural librarian at the University of C alifornia, Santa Cruz. R i c h a r d S z a r y has been appointed university archivist at Yale University, New Haven, Connect­ icut. D o t T h o m p s o n is the new user education coor­ dinator at Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Penn­ sylvania. A n n e L . T h o r n t o n - T r u m p has been appointed head of the Nielson Dental Librarv at the Univer- sity of M anitoba, Winnepeg. P h i l i p V a n d e r m e e r has been appointed head of music reference and circulation at the University of Maryland, College Park. B a r b a r a W a s i i e c k a has been appointed head cataloger at the Tarlton Law Library of the Uni­ versity of Texas, Austin. M a r c i a W a t t has been appointed preservation librarian at Yale University Library, New Haven, Connecticut. W e i W e i has been appointed science reference librarian at the University of C aliforn ia, Santa Cruz. V i c t o r i a W e l b o r n has been appointed head of the Science Library at the University of California, Santa Cruz. A n g e l a W e s l i n g has been appointed head of in­ formation services at Lane Medical Library, Stan­ ford University, California. M o l l y W h i t e has been named assistant life sci­ ence librarian at the Lĩniversity of Texas, Austin. S a r a R . W i l l i a m s has been appointed preserva­ tion librarian at the State University of New York, Albany. S u s a n W i s i i n e t s k y has been named acquisitions librarian of the Northwestern University Medical Library, Chicago, Illinois. D i a n e W o r r e l l has been appointed assistant reference librarian at Appalachian State Univer­ sity, Boone, North Carolina. P e t e r R . Y o u n g h a s b e e n a p p o i n t e d d i r e c t o r o f academic information services at the Faxon Com­ pany, Westwood, Massachusetts. F r e d Y u e n g l i n g has been appointed science reference librarian at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Retirements D o r o t h y W e l l s , local documents librarian in the Public Affairs Service at the University of C ali­ fornia, Los Angeles, retired at the end of Septem­ ber after 46 years of service. She began her associa­ tion with the University as the librarian for the Bureau of Governmental Research (later named the G overnm ent and P u b lic A ffairs R ead in g Room). She held this position until 1971 when she was appointed to her position in local documents. C o n cu rren t w ith these resp on sibilities, W ells served as the librarian for the John Randolph Hay­ nes and Dora Haynes Foundation Collection from 1952 to 1980. The Library’s strong collection of lo­ cal documents, and other local and state historical materials, is a direct result of Wells’s persistence in acquiring these elusive publications. Deaths B o n n i e F r i d l e y , lib raria n at the Strughold A erom edical L ib ra ry , Brooks Air F orce Base, Texas, since 1979, died in August. A strong sup­ porter of and contributor to the Council of R e­ search and A cadem ic L ib raries (C O R A L ), she served as CORA L secretary in 1986-87 and had re­ cently been elected as chair of the CO RA L Online Users’ Group. She was also instrumental in estab­ lishing the Universal City Public Library and vol­ unteered manvj hours there. M a r i a G u l y a s , a member of Stanford Univer­ sity’s Law Library staff for 23 years, and head of collection management since 1975, died Septem­ ber 6. A native of Bratislava, Czechoslovakia, Gul­ yas and her late husband came to the United States in 1950 after the Russian invasion of Czechoslova­ kia.