ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 800 / C&RL News THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). If the second falls on a weekend, the deadline is the following Mon­ day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis af­ ter the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.25 per line for ACRL members, $6.60 for others. Late job notices are $12.60 per line for members, $14.70 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirm ed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accom panied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $15 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Ads may also be sent by FAX machine, (312) 440-9374, or by ALANET (ALA0306). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ dem ic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&FtL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&EL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL m em ­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising D e p ’t, ACFtL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St.. Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780 MATERIALS WANTED Space Problems? We will buy your surplus serials, technical, scien­ tific and historic materials. Send list for best offer to: Colfax Books, P.O. Box 380542, Denver, CO 80238. POSITIONS OPEN A SSISTA N T DEPARTM ENT HEAD/REFERENCE DESK SER­ VICES CO O RDINATO R, Georgia State University. Pullen Library seeks an experienced reference librarian for an im portant new ten­ ure track, faculty rank position. Reference Department of 15 faculty librarians and 8 support staff is responsible for the reference collec­ tion, a very busy reference desk, bibliographic instruction program, online searching, interlibrary loan, governm ent documents, and maps. Reference librarians work with an online catalog, several CD- ROM products and online databases. Responsibilities: training of new librarians; direct supervision/ evaluation of 4-6 faculty rank refer­ ence librarians and 1 or more part-time reference librarians; oversee daily operations of in-person and telephone reference service; de­ sign and maintain manuals and aids; work closely with other depart­ ment service coordinators in planning and developm ent of depart­ mental programs, policies and procedures; participate in reference desk service, including some night and w eekend work, b ib lio ­ graphic instruction, and online searching; participate in library, uni- Salary guide Listed below are the minimuin starting salary figures recommended by 16 state library orga­ nizations for professional library posts in these states. Job seekers and employers should con­ sider these recommended mimumums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15, 1988, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Admin­ istrative Compensation Survey) when evaluat­ ing professional vacancies. For more informa­ tion, contact the ALA O ffice for Library Personnel Services. Connecticut $22,200 Indiana varies* Iowa $18,792 Kansas $17,500* Louisiana $20,000 Maine varies* Massachusetts $22,000 New Hampshire $17,500 New Jersey $22,000 New York varies* North Carolina $20,832 Ohio $20,024 Pennsylvania $20,000 Rhode Island $20,000 Vermont $19,000 West Virginia $20,000 W is c o n s in S23.700 *Rather than establish one statewide salary m ini­ mum, some state associations have adopted a formula based on such variables as com parable salaries for public school teachers in each com m unity or the grade level o f a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. versify, and professional activities including research and publica­ tion. Required: ALA-accredited m aster’s degree; strong academ ic b a c k g ro u n d ; e xte nsive kn o w le d g e of re fe re n ce services and sources; dem onstrated training ability; five years of professional ex­ perience or its equivalent; supervisory experience or experience in the coordination of reference services; and substantial reference desk experience. Excellent communications and interpersonal skills are essential. Preferred: experience with bibliographic instruction and database searching; active interest in research; experience with goals-based evaluation methods; com m itm ent to collaborative man­ agement; and evidence of stamina, creativity and leadership. A rec­ ord of achievement in professional activities expected for appoint­ ment at rank of assistant professor or above. Salary: $27,000­ 3 1 ,000 for 12 months, dependent upon qualifications. Send letter of interest, resume, and names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references including immediate supervisors by January 29, 1989, for priority consideration to: Diane Smith, Library Personnel Officer, William Russell Pullen Library, Georgia State University, 100 Decatur Street, S.E., Atlanta, GA 30303-3081, (404) 651-2172. An Affirmative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. A S S IS TA N T DIRECTOR FOR INFORM ATIO N SERVICES. The University of Houston Libraries seek to build an innovative informa­ tion environm ent through the application of advanced information technology to the units which directly serve students and faculty. Un­ der general direction of the Associate Director for Public Services and Collection Development assumes a leadership role in planning and im plementing services that incorporate new technological capa- D ecem ber 1988 / 801 bilities in meeting informational needs. Develops and manages Infor­ mation Services programs including Reference/Information Desk, Electronic Information Center, Computerized Information Retrieval Services, library instruction, governm ent documents and four branch libraries. Staff includes 13 librarians, 14 FTE support staff plus student assistants. Requires ALA-accredited Master’s degree; minimum four years relevant professional experience; ability to work with and relate well to a diverse constituency; excellent analytical and communication skills; initiative, creativity, organizational ability; ability to maintain effective working relationships with colleagues in the Libraries and the University; decisiveness, intellectual indepen­ dence, and willingness to express a point of view; and ability to func­ tion in a matrix-oriented team environment. Salary: $35,000 depend­ ing on qualifications. Excellent benefits package; choice of retirement programs; no state or local income tax. As the research library for a four campus system, the University of Houston Libraries holdings exceed 1.5 million volumes, with a current materials budget of $2.2 million. Total staff includes 45 professionals and 130 support staff. The Library is a member of ARL. Nominations or applications received by February 15, 1989, will receive first consideration. Pre­ liminary interviews may be held during ALA Mid-Winter. Send nomi­ nations or applications with resume and names of three references to: Dana Rooks, Assistant Director for Administration, University of Houston Libraries, Houston, TX 77204-2091. Equal Opportunity Employer. ASSISTANT TO THE DEAN (SYSTEMS AND PLANNING), The Henry Madden Library of California State University. Fresno, seeks a systems librarian to participate in planning, procuring and imple­ menting an integrated online public access catalog and circulation system and then direct the operation of the new system. Required qualifications: a master’s degree from an ALA-accredited institution; substantial experience as a professional librarian, preferably in an academic library, including experience with computer-based sys­ tems. Preferred qualifications: knowledge of library systems analy­ sis, computer hardware/software technologies and MARC and its application to automation; experience in planning, procuring and im­ plementing an online public access catalog and circulation system; experience in writing technical specifications for online library sys­ tems; and other educational background/training related to the du­ ties of the position. Course work in systems analysis and/or computer programming is preferred. Full-time, tenure-track, twelve-month ap­ pointment. Appointment date: 3 April 1989. Appointment at rank ap­ propriate to qualifications. Salary range $31,680-$55,548. Liberal university-paid benefits. Informational consultations will be available at the ALA midwinter meeting. Correspondence, applications, and confidential papers should be sent by 6 February 1989 to: Vincent Smith, Search Committee Chair, Henry Madden Library, Administra­ tive Office, California State U niversity, Fresno, Fresno, CA 93740-0034. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. AUTOMATED INFORMATION ACCESS/REFERENCE LIBRAR­ IAN. Online user services responsibilities, includes serving as Li­ brary’s primary database searcher, providing staff training, coordi­ nating p o licie s, p ro c e d u re s , d o c u m e n ta tio n , re co rd s. Full participation in public service activities, including bibliographic in­ struction, general reference, collection development. Major library planning and construction project in progress, unique opportunity for involvement. Reports to Head of Public Services. Tenure track position, ALA-accredited MLS required, professional experience de­ sirable. Salary, $19,000 minimum (12 months), plus liberal faculty benefits, including relocation assistance. Closing date: January 30, 1989. Preliminary interviews possible at ALA midwinter. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Paula Grenell, Head of Public Services, Crosby Library, Gonzaga Univer­ sity, Spokane, WA 99258. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SPECIALIST FOR THE SCIENCES. The posi tion isaten-month, tenure track faculty appointment. Responsibilities include: collection development, bibliographic instruction, reference service, online searching and participation on faculty committees and in professional organizations. Candidates must have an ALA- accredited M LS and a strong background in the sciences. An appro­ priate subject matter master’s is preferred. Rank range: instructor to assistant professor. Rank and salary ($27,000-$29,000) is depen­ dent upon experience and qualifications. Seattle Pacific University in Seattle, Washington, is an evangelical Christian university of the arts, sciences and professions. SPU has a combined undergraduate and graduate enrollment of 3,300 students with an additional 4,000 stu­ dents enrolled in off-campus programs each quarter. SPU seeks ap­ plicants who are committed to the spiritual and educational mission of the university and its lifestyle expectations. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Send resume and letter listing three or more references to: Gary R. Fick, University Librarian, Weter Memo­ rial Library, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, WA 98119. Phone: (206) 281-2228. Closing date: February 1, 1989. BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES LIBRARIAN. Search Reopened The Li­ brary at the University of California, Irvine, invites applications for the position of Biological Sciences Librarian. Appointment will be at the Assistant or Associate Librarian rank with a salary range of $25,380-$44,676. Applications received by January 1,1989, will re­ ceive first consideration, but applications will continue to be ac­ cepted until the position is filled. Responsibilities: As a reference li­ brarian, the responsibilities include reference desk assistance, database searching and bibliographic instruction. As a bibliogra­ pher, the incumbent has special responsibility for development and management of materials to support the research and instructional needs of faculty and students in the School of Biological Sciences, and specifically in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biol­ ogy and the Department of Psychobiology. Qualifications: Required: ALA-accredited MLS degree; degree in Biological Sciences or rele­ vant experience; demonstrated commitment to public service; ex­ cellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work effec­ tively, independently and cooperatively with all elements of the academic community. Desired: Additional graduate degree in Bio­ logical Sciences; good reading knowledge of at least one major Eu­ ropean language; experience in collection development, biblio­ graphic instruction, and database searching; experience as a biological sciences librarian in an academic library. Send letter of ap­ plication with 1) a complete statement of qualifications, 2) resume of education and relevant experience, and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Anne Rimmer, Li­ brary Personnel Office, University of California, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713. Telephone: (714) 856-5408. An Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. 802 / C&RL News CATALOGER. Responsible for original and adaptive cataloging. Some participation in public services. Requirements: Knowledge of cataloging principles and practices, including AACR2, LC classifica­ tion and subject headings, OCLC in MARC format and NOTIS. Can­ didate must demonstrate well developed interpersonal and com­ munication skills and the ability to work creatively in a rapidly changing environment. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS for ap­ pointment in the rank of instructor (starting salary $25,108-$28,059). An additional subject master’s degree is required for appointment in the rank of Assistant Professor (starting salary $27,374-$30,325). Two years recent cataloging experience in an academic library pre­ ferred. Application deadline: January 3,1989. Send resume, letter of application and the names of three professional references to: Chief Librarian, Baruch College/CUNY, 17 Lexington Avenue, Box 317, New York, NY 10010. AA/EOE. CHIEF LIBRARIAN. Search reopened for Chief Librarian, with the rank of professor. Oversee all library operations, administration, ser­ vice delivery to students and faculty, acquisitions, and cooperative efforts with other research libraries. Baruch’s library has a profes­ sional staff of 20 with an extensive support staff; a collection of over 278,000 volumes, 5,500 periodicals and serials, and 1.3 million mi­ croforms; and will move to a $50 million facility early in the 1990s. Qualifications include a master’s from an accredited ALA library school and a doctorate (ABD considered) or second master’s de­ gree in another discipline; administrative achievement; professional activities and publications; and demonstrated innovative leadership. Ideally candidate also should have experience in advanced library technology. Salary and benefits are competitive, $48,000-$62,000 depending on experience. Baruch College is a senior college of The City University of New York located in the Gramercy Park neighbor­ hood of Manhattan. The college consists of the School of Business and Public Administration, the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the School of Education and Educational Services. Enrollment, including undergraduate and graduate students, is over 16,000. Send resumes or letters of nomination by December 30, 1988, to: Associate Provost Louanne Kennedy (Chair of the Search Commit­ tee), Baruch College/CUNY, 17 Lexington Avenue, Box 514, New York, NY 10010. AA/EOE. COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Re defined. Tenure-track position reporting to University Librarian. Col­ lection development duties: analyze subject strengths/needs for 200,000 volume library; formulate policies and coordinate selection activities of eight library staff members; serve as liaison with faculty in one or more disciplines. Reference duties: staff reference desk (in­ cluding one week night and occasional academic vacation periods); instruct patrons in use of the library; prepare library guides; perform database searching. Requirements: MLS from an ALA-accredited school, demonstrated communications and teaching-skills. Second master’s and 2-3 years’ experience in an academic library highly de­ sirable. Salary: $20,000 minimum for a 9 month contract, depending on qualifications and experience. Librarians have faculty status: they serve on University-wide committees and are eligible for sabbaticals. Benefits include: Blue Cross Select, TIAA/CREF, tuition remission. Environment: Herrick Library serves 2,000 students in a highly rated small comprehensive university located 70 miles south of Rochester in New York’s scenic Southern Tier. Colleges of Liberal Arts and Sci­ ences, Nursing, Business and Administration and Graduate Educa­ tion provide diversity in a setting where students receive individual attention. Library staff consists of 6 professionals, 4 technical special­ ists and 12 support staff. Application: send letter of application, cur­ rent resume and three recent references to: S. S. Crandall, Chair­ man, Search C om m ittee, H e rric k M em orial L ib ra ry , A lfre d University, Alfred, NY 14802. Applications deadline: February 1, 1989. Position is available August 22, 1989. Alfred University is an DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES Mercy College Nominations and applications are invited for the position of Director of Libraries at Mercy College. Mercy College is an independent, non-sectarian, multi-campus institution of higher education which serves a diverse commuter-student population drawn from Westchester County and the New York/New Jersey/Connecticut metropolitan area. The college seeks a highly motivated Director who will provide the necessary leadership for enhancing the Libraries’ position of accessibility, centrality, and vitality within the College. The Director man­ ages library facilities and services at five locations with a staff of 35 FTE, an annual budget of $1.2 million, and a collection of over 300,000 volumes. Mercy College Libraries, through a well-developed intra-system resource sharing, maintain a superior and integral program of Library Instruction as well as dynamic and expanding Audio-Visual and Learning Center services. The Libraries also support the College’s Correctional Facility edu­ cational program by providing library services to 10 prisons in New York. Responsibilities: The Director of Libraries through a management by objectives system is responsible for the leadership and administration of the Libraries, the library faculty, and the support staff. The Director serves as representative in a variety of campus environments and is expected to maintain active represen­ tation of the Libraries on local, state, and national levels. He or she provides input for academic as well as other policy concerns in support of the mission of the College. Qualifications: The successful candidate will provide clear evidence of a philosophy of librarianship that is based on high standards of planning and performance, strong service orientation, and a clear con­ cept of the library as a vital educational force within the college community that is committed to knowledge and ideas as well as to information. Also important is a commitment to continuing professional contributions and growth. Appointment will be at the Associate Professor level. Minimum qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; a second master’s or a doctorate would be of value. Five years of increasingly responsible professional experience. The Committee will start reviewing applications January 15th and will continue to accept applications until a selection is made. Salary range is in the low to mid 40’s. Send application to: P. French Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Mercy College 555 Broadway Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522 (914) 693-4500 D ecem ber 1988 / 803 Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minori­ ties are encouraged to apply. DIRECTOR OF THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SYSTEM. The Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh invites nominations and applications for the po­ sition of Director of the University Library System. The University Li­ brary System includes the fo llo w in g U niversity of Pittsburgh Libraries: Hillman, Afro-American, Buhl (Social Work), East Asian, Al­ legheny Observatory, Business, Chemistry, Computer Science, Darlington Memorial, Economics, Engineering, Fine Arts, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, Biological Sciences/Psy­ chology, Mathematics, Music, Physics, and the School of Library and Information Science Libraries. The associated libraries of the University of Pittsburgh include those of the School of Law, the four regional campuses, and the medical division (Falk, and the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic). The Director is the chief spokesper­ son for general University library needs, planning, policies, and pro­ cedures, and coordinates the activities of all University Libraries through the Coordinating Committee for University Libraries. The combined libraries represent a total collection of 3,003,631 volumes and 2,258,240 microforms, and are staffed by 93 professional librari­ ans. The libraries serve 34,000 graduate and undergraduate stu­ dents and 2,540 faculty. Qualifications for this position include: A clear understanding of the role of an academic research library, the possibilities of resource sharing, and the issues facing research li­ brarianship and higher education in general; ability to establish and maintain effective communications and relationships with library staff, faculty, administrators and students; management of and expe­ rience with library automation and new library technologies; appro­ priate library administrative experience and educational back­ ground. Salary is com m ensurate with experience. Nominations and/or applications, including current resumes and references, should be submitted no later than January 15, 1989, to: Donald M. Henderson, Vice Provost, University of Pittsburgh, 826 Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh, PA 15620. The University of Pittsburgh is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ELECTRONIC INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Under direction of Associate Director, provides overall development of electronic information services in cooperation with reference unit and other units. Primary duties: Sets up and maintains local informa­ tion and CD-ROM databases, access to vended services such as BRS/After Dark and Knowledge Index, and other electronic informa­ tion systems. Instructs staff and users on use of information data­ bases. Major duties related to DORIS, (local information access sys­ tem): Maintains screen and files specifications, manages load of citation databases and full text, develops access to computer center data files and transfers bibliographic information into DORIS, serves as a liaison with D ivision of Administrative Programming Services on DORIS, solicits new files to add to DORIS and develops new pro­ grams related to database establishment and access. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required. Preferred: Experience with online searching techniques and reference services; knowledge of data­ base environment, preferably experience with BRS Search; excel­ lent writing and teaching skills. Computer science degree or back­ ground desirable. Faculty status, retirement plans including South Carolina and TIAA-CREF, various medical plans, dental plan, liberal leave. Salary range: $25,000 minimum depending on qualifications. Clemson University Libraries has a collection of 13,500 serial titles and 1,500,000 volumes and uses NOTIS. The University, South Car­ olina's land grant institution, is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, 30 miles from Greenville, South Carolina and within 2 hours driving time from Atlanta, Georgia. Candidates apply­ ing by January 20, 1989, will receive first consideration. Send letter of application with resume and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of 3 references to: Peggy Cover, Chair, Electronic Informa­ tion Service Librarian Search Committee, R. M. Cooper Library, Clemson U niversity, Clemson, SC 29634-3001. EEO/AA em­ ployer. ENGINEERING & COMPUTER SCIENCE REFERENCE LIBRAR­ IAN. Responsibilities include general reference desk work, special­ ized reference support in engineering and computer science, biblio­ graphic instruction, online searching, collection development and faculty liaison. Serves as one of 14 reference librarians in a large San Francisco Bay Area University Library. San Jose State University is a major multi-purpose university and a center for higher education in urbanized, high-technology Silicon Valley. San Jose State has more than 25,000 full- and part-time students enrolled in 77 bachelors and 59 masters programs. Requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited program and excellent communication skills. Undergraduate course work or library experience in engineering and/or computer science is highly desired; background or experience in related scientific dis­ ciplines will also be considered. Experience in reference work, col­ lection development, online searching, and bibliographic instruction is desired. A record of progressive professional and/or scholarly de­ velopment is required for tenure and promotion. Twelve month ap­ pointment plus fringe benefits, at the Senior Assistant or Associate L ib ra ria n rank d e p e n d in g u p o n in d iv id u a l q u a lific a tio n s ($31,680-$48,204). Ten month work year option available after one year’s service. This is a tenure-track position. Full job description available on request. Apply by January 15, 1989, with a letter of ap­ plication, including a complete resume and names of five references to: Library Director, San Jose State University, San Jose, CA 95192-0028. An equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX em­ ployer. HEAD, CATALOG DEPARTMENT, University of Oklahoma Li­ brary Faculty Vacancy. Duties: Under the general direction of the Di­ rector, Library Technical Services, this position is responsible for the management of the Catalog Department including the following functions: original cataloging, copy cataloging, catalog mainte­ nance, reclassification, retrospective conversion, name and subject authority work, and marking; supervises four full-time librarians, eleven classified staff, and numerous student assistants; responsible for planning, review, and implementation of services, procedures, and programs; responsible for the creation and maintenance of bib­ liographic records for the Libraries’ local database; coordinates OCLC and RLIN online cataloging and special projects related to the NOTIS system. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; four years progressively responsible cataloging expe­ rience in an academic library including two or more years supervi­ sory experience; significant knowledge of and experience with ma­ jor bibliographic utility, AACR2, LC classification and subject headings; knowledge of at least one European language; and evi­ dence of research and publication. Desirable: Knowledge of and ex­ perience with development of online catalog system: experience HEAD LIBRARIAN Sarah Lawrence College Sarah Lawrence College is seeking an experi­ enced academic librarian to head a staff of approxi­ mately 18 FTE in its main library and two branches (Music and Art Slide). The library has partially com­ pleted a retrospective conversion project and is committed to an online catalog in conjunction with other academic libraries in Westchester County. Essential qualities include: 1) Ability to assess current state of services and collections. 2) Experi­ ence in long-range planning. 3) Up-to-date knowl­ edge of library computer systems. 4) Solid aca­ demic credentials including ALA-accredited MLS. 5) Imagination, enthusiasm and commitment to un­ dergraduate education in a liberal arts setting. Faculty status. Reports to Dean of the College. Salary commensurate with education and experi­ ence. Excellent benefits. Sarah Lawrence is a selec­ tive independent college of 1,000 students located in Bronxville, New York, 30 minutes by commuter train from NYC. Please send resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references to: Judith Kicinski Assistant Director Sarah Lawrence College Library Bronxville, NY 10708 EOE Employer. 804 / C&RL News with retrospective conversion projects; demonstrated leadership abilities and supervisory skills; strong interpersonal and communica­ tion skills; reading knowledge of additional foreign languages; sec­ ond master’s degree and/or additional postgraduate work. Deadline for Applications: February 1, 1989. Available: April 15, 1989. Salary: $28,000 minimum. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirement System; comprehensive medical protection; 21 days vacation; University hol­ idays; generous sick leave. University Libraries: A member of the Re­ search Libraries Group and ARL, the University Library consists of a main library and six branches. The collection contains more than 2.1 million volumes, 16,000 periodical subscriptions, and three out­ standing special collections in history of science, western history, and business history. A major expansion of the main library was completed in May 1982, doubling the size of library facilities. The Li­ braries possesses an LS2 automated circulation system and is heav­ ily involved in other automation activities. Employment: Librarians have faculty status, privileges, responsibilities, rank of assistant pro­ fessor or above, and are eligible for tenure. Application: Send letter of application with resume and the names of three references includ­ ing current supervisor to: D onald C. Hudson, Manager, Administra­ tive Services, University Libraries, University of Oklahoma, Nor­ man, OK 73019. The U niversity of O klahom a is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. HEAD, CATALOGING AND RECORDS MAINTENANCE DIVI­ SION, Illinois State University, Milner Library, with overall administra­ tive responsibility for the Division including planning, developing and implementing cataloging policy; and managing and evaluating personnel. Division is responsible for the generation, review, input and quality control of the Library’s manual and automated biblio­ graphic records for monographs, serials, music scores, sound re­ cordings and other nonprint media; preorder bibliographic search­ ing; and physical processing of materials. Reports to Associate University Librarian for Technical and Administrative Services. Coor­ dinates activities with other technical services units and public ser­ vices areas in the Library. Coordinates the activities of 8 Library Fac­ ulty and 29 Civil Service Staff in the Division. University and Library: Illinois State University is a multipurpose university with more than 21,000 students, located in the medium-sized urban area of Nor­ mal/Bloomington, 120 miles from Chicago. Academic programs and courses are offered in 33 academic departments organized into 5 colleges with master’s degree programs in most fields and 9 doc­ toral degree programs. Milner Library is the central library facility serving the entire university community with a staff of 111 including 34 professionals, over one million volumes and a materials budget of $1.4 million. The Library is a member of the Center for Research Li­ braries and the Library Computer System (LCS), a resource-sharing network of 27 academic institutions in the State of Illinois. Implemen­ tation of ILLINET Online, a statewide online catalog, is expected to be completed in December 1988. Qualifications: Accredited MLS degree with second advanced degree or certificate of advanced study in library science or another subject discipline. Working knowl­ edge of OCLC and/or other bibliographic utility, AACR2, LC. Excel­ lent written and oral communication skills. Minimum of 5 years of pro­ fessional experience in academic libraries, primarily in cataloging including at least 3 years of successful administrative experience and proven ability to lead effectively in a collegial setting. Publication and professional activity appropriate for the rank of Assistant Profes­ sor or Associate Professor. Extensive knowledge of computer appli­ cations in technical services. Salary and Rank: $33,000 minimum, Faculty rank (Assistant/Associate Professor) and eligibility for tenure. Benefits include State Retirement Program, health insurance and other fringe benefits. Position Available: April 1, 1989. Applications: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To assure consideration, send application, resume, and the names of three ref­ erences before February 28, 1989, to: Fred M. Peterson, University Librarian, Milner Library, Room 311B, Illinois State University, Normal. IL 61761. ISU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em­ ployer. HEAD, MULTI-CAMPUS LIBRARY SERVICES PROGRAM. Per manent 12-month position. Under the direction of the Director of Li­ braries, and in consultation with the multi-campus Deans, plans, im­ plements, and adm inisters the m ulti-cam pus library services program. Assesses multi-campus library needs. Develops short- and long-range plans. Prepares budget requests and monitors budget allocations. Completes analytical and statistical reports. Su­ pervises multi-campus library services personnel. Makes periodic site visits to multi-campus locations. Maintains effective working rela­ tionships with WSU libraries and Extended University Services per­ sonnel to facilitate cooperation and effective services. Initiates and maintains effective relationships with non-WSU-affiliated libraries serving WSU Extended University personnel and students. Provides library services for curricular and research needs of multi-campus students and faculty. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its equiva­ lent; effective reference and teaching experience; effective interper­ sonal relations and communications skills; previous experience in computer applications. Must build a progressive record of profes­ sional/scholarly achievement. Preferred: Academic library experi­ ence; online search services experience; managerial and supervi­ sory experience. Rank: Librarian 2 or above, dependent on previous relevant experience; faculty status. Salary: $20,000-$25,000, com­ mensurate with experience and qualifications. TIAA/CREF, broad in­ surance programs, 22 days vacation, 12 days/year sick leave. Send letter of application, resume and names and addresses of three ref­ erences to: Maureen Pastine, Director of Libraries, Libraries, Wash­ ington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Applications should be postmarked by February 15,1989. WSU is an EO/AA edu­ cator and employer. Protected group members are encouraged to apply. LIBRARIANS (3 positions) Ferris State University Searches extended (open until filled) 1) Department Head, Reference & Instruc­ tional Services directing reference, bibliographic instruction, extension services and ILL; 3 years of supervisory experience and MLS required, addi­ tional credentials preferred with knowledge of auto­ mated reference and computer-assisted instruc­ tion; $30K minimum, administrative appointment. 2) Health Sciences Reference Librarian & branch coordinator for 3 professional schools; MLS plus additional degrees and experience equivalent to 2 years; $25K minimum, faculty appointment. 3) Cataloger, coordinator for bibliographic control (OCLC); MLS plus degrees and experience equiva­ lent to 2 years, with preference for experience in au­ tomation and OPAC implementation (PALS or NOTIS), $25K minimum, faculty appointment. Ferris State University has 11,700 students plus 686 faculty and administrators with programs rang­ ing from associate to doctorate degrees in schools of Arts & Science, Business, Technology, Allied Health, Pharmacy, Optometry, and a Life-Long Learning Center plus four off-campus centers. It is in Big Rapids, a community of 26,000, including students, 54 miles north of Grand Rapids, Michi­ gan’s second largest metropolitan area. FSU’s Li­ brary & Instructional Services (Media Production & Distribution, Academic Computing) has a staff of ca. 75 and budget of over $2 million, with collec­ tions of ca. 1.5 million bibliographic units. Apply with letter, resume, and 3 references to: R. Dodge LIS Admin. FSU Library Ferris State University Big Rapids, Ml 49307-2295 (for more information, call 616-592-3724) FSU is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer D ecember 1988 / 805 HEAD OF GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT. The department is staffed by one FTE librarian (the department head), and three FTE library assistants. It maintains five areas: U.S., Califor­ nia state and local, British documents, UN publications, and publica­ tions of international organizations. The department is responsible for Microtext operations as well. Duties and responsibilities: Respon­ sible for the operation of the Government Publications Department for The Libraries of The Claremont Colleges: develops and manages the department; direct responsibility for one of the five collection ar­ eas; participates in reference services and instructional programs. Analyzes, recommends and implements the automation of the proc­ essing and control of government publications as warranted by cur­ rent developments. Oversees Microtext operations. Hires, orga­ nizes, trains, schedules, supervises, and evaluates government publications staff. Conducts in-house staff development workshops. Prepares budgets, annual reports and other reports as needed. De­ velops handouts and guides related to the government publications collection. Consults with the Libraries’ subject bibliographers on se­ lections. Serves as member of the Libraries’ Expanded Line Officers Group. Salary: $25,000-330,000. Qualifications: MLS degree. Thor­ ough knowledge of depository programs and government publica­ tions collection development; ability to provide public services in one or more of the five collection areas one to two years’ supervisory ex­ perience, preferably in an academic library. Highly desirable: Expe­ rience in reference services and library instructional programs. Ex­ perience with automated library systems. Send resume with names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references. Include cover letter with statement of qualifications. Address to: Alberta Walker, Chair-Search Committee, Honnold Library, The Claremont Colleges, Claremont, CA 91711. Deadline for receipt of applica­ tions: December 15, 1988. HEAD OF INFORMATION SERVICES, Cleveland State University Library seeks a highly-qualified individual to join a top library man­ agement team in the stimulating, creative environment of an urban university. Manages and provides leadership for Information Ser­ vices comprised of the Reference Center, Bibliographic Instruction, Audio-Music Service, Art Service, Cleveland Press Library, Curricu­ lum Materials Center and University Archives. Works at Reference Desk 5-10 hours per week and may select library materials in appro­ priate subject areas. This position supervises the Reference and Bib­ liographic Instruction Coordinators; the Information Services activi­ ties of eight librarians, who also report to the other Services Heads; and the University Archivist and two classified staff. Works with other members of the Management Team to develop and implement li­ brary policies and programs. Reports to the Deputy Director. Qualifi­ cations: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; supervisory experience and skills necessary to manage Information Services, demonstrated by experience in managing or coordinating at least one aspect of an information services operation (e.g., reference, bibliographic in­ struction, database searching). Five years relevant public service ex­ perience in an academic or research library, including substantial reference work. Ability to establish effective working relationships with faculty, staff and students. Demonstrated leadership, including good interpersonal, communication, and supervisory skills. Potential for professional contribution and growth. Preferred: Experience in several of the following: bibliographic instruction, collection develop­ ment, coordinating subject service areas, database searching, li­ brary automation. Minimum salary $32,000. Starting date: April 15, 1989. Send letter of application, resume and names of three refer­ ences to: Brian Ruddick, Assistant to the Director, Cleveland State University Library, E. 24th & Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115. Applications received by January 20 will receive first consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Equal Opportunity Employer, m/f/b. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES. Luther College seeks a person to be responsible for Technical Services, especially cataloging. A tenure-track position. Experience preferred. Reports to the Head Li­ brarian and is responsible for coordinating the work of support staff in cataloging, serials control, catalog maintenance, and materials processing and preservation. Will play a key role in implementation of the Luther OPAC within the following year. Will also be responsible for training and policy development for Technical Services and will share reference and collection development responsibilities with all professional staff. Required: an ALA-accredited MLS, cataloging ex­ 806 / C&RL News pertise, knowledge of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, experience with a bibliographic utility. Concern for quality control and staff in­ volvement is significant. Desirable: foreign language study, online systems experience, 2nd graduate degree, supervisory experience. Rank and salary depend upon qualifications and experience, up to $33,000. Generous benefits. Begin late August 1989. Luther Col­ lege, a Phi Beta Kappa college associated with the Evangelical Lu­ theran Church in America, is located in the hills of Northeast Iowa. Library development is a priority of administration and faculty. The college enrolls 2200 students and has a library of over 275,000 vol­ umes in a fine physical plant. Applications are due by January 15, 1989; applications received after this date may be considered if the position has not been filled. Preliminary interview possible at ALA Midwinter. Send letter of application, vita, authorized transcripts of undergraduate and graduate work or placement file, and the names and addresses of three current references to: Norma J. Hervey, Chair, Library Search Committee, Luther College, Decorah, IA 52101. Luther College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. HEAD OF TECHNICAL SERVICES (Search reopened). Indiana University Southeast, New Albany, Indiana (Louisville, Kentucky metropolitan area), one of 8 campuses comprising Indiana Univer­ sity. Head of Technical Services is responsible for all aspects of tech­ nical services operations: acquisitions, serials, government publica­ tions and bibliographic control. (Acquisitions and cataloging performed centrally on Bloomington Campus.) Staff consists of 4 full­ time support persons. Some reference desk duty as scheduled. Re­ ports directly to Director of Library Services. ALA/MLS required. At least 2 years professional experience in one or more aspects of tech­ nical services required. Also required: knowledge of OCLC, AACR2, excellent managerial, organizational, interpersonal skills, and strong service orientation. Knowledge of retrospective conversion, online catalog systems (preferably NOTIS) highly desirable. Must be able to meet the responsibilities of a tenure track appointment. TIAA/CREF; liberal fringe benefits. Available immediately. Closing date: January 15, 1989. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 refer­ ences to: Frances G. Livingston, Chair, Search and Screen Commit­ tee, Indiana University Southeast, 4201 Grant Line Road, New Albany, IN 47150. Indiana University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. HEAD, ORIGINAL MONOGRAPHS CATALOGING. University of Georgia Libraries. (Salary minimum $22,000). Duties: The Head of the Original Monographs Cataloging Unit is responsible to the Head of Monographs Cataloging for the planning, coordination, and con­ trol of original cataloging and classification of the Libraries’ print monographic materials in all languages and subjects. Training and supervision of staff are primary responsibilities of the position. Duties include direct responsibility for three librarians and student assis­ tants. Other specific duties include establishing priorities, planning staffing levels, coordinating the activities, organizing workflow, and arranging for efficient movement of materials through Original Mono­ graphs Cataloging in consultation with the Section Head; maintain­ ing quality control and production standards and resolving problems encountered by staff and student assistants concerning original cat­ aloging records; assisting in establishing and evaluating short and long-term goals and objectives for Original Monographs Cataloging; performing original cataloging for monographic materials in all sub­ jects and various languages using Library of Congress classification, Library of Congress subject headings, and the USMARC format standards which includes establishing and maintaining name and subject authority records as necessary. Materials handled by the Original Monographs Cataloging Unit include those for the Main and Science Libraries, some laboratory collections, and off-campus re­ search facility libraries. The Cataloging Department catalogs over 50,000 books, serials, microforms, and nonbook materials yearly. The Department has 13 professional and 24 support staff positions. In all activities, the goal is to develop a service-oriented, efficient, and effective staff. Qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited library school; two years of original monographs cataloging experience in a large academic or research library; experience in the application and use of Library of Congress classification, Library of Congress subject headings, and USMARC format; experience with automated cataloging systems, preferably OCLC; demonstrated understand­ ing of contemporary cataloging rules as well as knowledge of pre­ vious codes; ability to work with a broad range of subjects; reading knowledge of two or more modern European languages, preferably including German and/or Russian; effective oral and written com­ munication skills; ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships; experience with or knowledge of other automated li­ brary systems applicable to technical services desired; supervisory experience desired. Application Procedure: Send letter of applica­ tion by January 20, 1989, including resume and names of three ref­ erences to: Florence E. King, Personnel Librarian, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Institution. INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS LIBRARIAN. Loyola University of Chicago. Lewis Towers Library. Responsible for the operation of the library’s instructional materials resource collection which contains both print and non-print materials. The collection is the laboratory collection for the students and faculty in the School of Education. Du­ ties include reference service, collection development and library in­ struction. Serves as liaison to the Curriculum faculty in the School of Education. Supervises student assistants. Also has general refer­ ence and instruction assignments. Assists with the technical proc­ essing of curriculum materials. Reports to the Head of Audiovisual Services. Qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS degree; expe­ rience in working with K -1 2 materials in either a library or classroom setting; excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Academic library experience preferred. Salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. Base salary $21,000. Librarians have limited faculty status, are eligible for librarian sabbatical leaves after 3 years, earn 20 days of vacation and have a standard package of fringe ben­ efits including university contributions to TIAA/CREF. Applications received by December 31, 1988, will receive first consideration, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Qualified applicants should send letter of application, resume and the names, addresses and phones numbers of three references to: Ellen J. Waite, University Librarian, Cudahy Library, Loyola Univer­ sity of Chicago, 6525 N. Sheridan Rd., Chicago, IL 60626. Loyola University of Chicago is an affirmative action educator and em­ ployer. INSTRUCTIONAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Instructs library users, provides reference service, prepares guides, serves as liaison with classroom faculty, assists with collection development, and super­ vises interlibrary loan. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, knowledge of bibliographic instruction, reference, and interlibrary loan; Prefer­ red: 2nd master’s and experience. Salary and Benefits: Faculty posi­ tion, must meet tenure-track requirements, 10-month contract, TIAA/ CREF, excellent fringe benefits; faculty rank and salary commensu­ rate with qualifications; $19,000 minimum. Send letter of application addressing qualifications and interest, vita, transcript, and three cur­ rent letters of professional reference to: Larry Hardesty, Director of Library Services, Eckerd College, Box 12560, St. Petersburg, FL 33733-2560; consideration of applicants begins February 1, 1989. Appointment available July 1, 1989. EOE. MONOGRAPH CATALOGER. Responsible for original cataloging of monographs and media, cataloging of special collections, catalog maintenance, and bibliographic holdings. Three full-time staff plus students. Assist in implementation of an online catalog. The Univer­ sity of Toledo is a state university of 23,000 students offering associ­ ate, bachelor, professional and doctorate degrees in eight colleges. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited school; three or more years of cataloging experience in an academic library with an auto­ mated cataloging system (preferably OCLC). Faculty status; 12- month contract; very liberal fringe benefits; salary about $27,500 de­ pending upon qualifications. Position available July 1, 1989. For full consideration, applications should be received by January 20, 1989. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, resume and the names, addresses and tele­ phone numbers of at least three references to: Alan D. Hogan, Chair­ person of Search Committee, William S. Carlson Library, The Uni­ versity of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606. The University of Toledo is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGING LIBRARIAN. SUNY College at Cortland. Supervision, planning, and coordination of monographic cataloging section. Original and copy cataloging of monographs on OCLC. Undergraduate liberal arts college of 6,500 students located conveniently in beautiful Central New York near Cornell University and Syracuse. Library of over 360,000 volumes. Faculty status and responsibilities, calendar year appointment, excellent fringe bene­ fits. Position carries academic rank of Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian with minimum salary of $24,000 and up depending on qualifications, experience, and appointing rank. Minimum qualifica­ tions: Master’s in library/information science, knowledge of one for­ eign language, demonstrated supervisory skills and effectiveness in D ecem ber 1988 / 807 communication, and interest in planning for automated systems. Second master’s preferred. Submit cover letter and resume listing at least three references to: Selby U. Gration. Director of Libraries, SUNY College at Cortland, P.O. Box 2000, Cortland, NY 13045. Applications will be reviewed as received. AA/EOE. PERIODICALS/SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Minot State University has an opening for a periodicals/serials librarian to organize, maintain, assess and catalog the periodicals and serials collections. Additional work will include assisting in collection development for an assigned area, work at the reference desk, and teaching part-time in the Un­ dergraduate Library Science program. Qualifications: a master’s de­ gree in library science is required, as well as the ability to work effec­ tively with students, faculty, and library staff. Salary: $16,032 and up, depending on qualifications and experience. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references by January 2, 1989, to: Susan Podrygula, Chair of Search Committee, Memorial Library, Minot State University, Minot, ND 58701. REFERENCE BIBLIOG RAPHER/ASSISTANT PROFESSOR. (Tenure-track appointment). John Davis Williams Library, University of Mississippi. Responsibilities: subject bibliographer for English, Art, Journalism, Speech and Theater, and Music, general reference service, online and CD-ROM searching, bibliographic instruction at introductory and upper division levels. Requirem ents: ALA- accredited MLS, at least two years professional academic library ex­ perience, second advanced degree preferred. Successful candi­ date will be involved in promoting reference services in a soon-to-be automated research library with a strong commitment to collection development in the humanities. Salary minimum $19,500. There is a possibility of on-campus faculty housing. The university is located in Oxford, a small, attractive city in northern Mississippi. Send letter or application, resume and references to: Thomas M. Verich, John Davis Williams Library, University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677 before January 15, 1989. The University of Mississippi is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. General reference duties in a liberal arts college of the State University of New York, includes work with refer­ ence databases, responsibility for interlibrary loans and involvement in bibliographic instruction. Some evening and weekend work re­ quired. Accredited MLS or equivalent required. 12-month, tenure- track faculty appointment. Salary $22,000. To start about March 1, 1989. Send application and resume by January 6, 1989, to: Screen­ ing Committee RL, Office of Personnel and Affirmative Action, SUNY College at OW, Old Westbury, NY 11568-0210. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN California State University, Los Angeles Applications and nominations are invited for the position of University Librarian with a starting date of July 1, 1989. The University Librarian reports to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Candi­ dates must have a terminal degree and qualify for tenure in the Library. Significant administrative experi­ ence, demonstrated scholarly activity, and demonstrated commitment to affirmative action also are re­ quired. The salary is negotiable, dependent upon qualifications and experience, with a minimum of $41,592 per year. Chief duties include: providing leadership and policy direction for planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, and evaluating all Library functions and integrating them with the instructional programs of the University. The University Librarian works with faculty in formulating Library policy and with the Provost, other officers in the University, and the Academic Senate in developing Universitywide policy; supervises long-range planning and development, including applications of Library technology, Library administra­ tive and services organization, and assignment of Library personnel; responsible for long-range growth, control and quality of the book, periodical, and non-print collections; supervises the recruitment and orien­ tation of professional personnel and approves personnel appointments, promotions, and terminations; ad­ ministers the budget of the Library; extends resources through cooperative programs and consortial ar­ rangements; oversees orientation of faculty to the use of the Library and promotes services to users; supervises staff and encourages staff development; and maintains good relations with faculty, students, University, and CSU administrative officers. The University Librarian assists in public relations efforts such as speaking engagements and other activities of the University. The University, one of 19 campuses of The California State University, was founded in 1947. Programs are offered in more than fifty academic and professional fields in four state-supported quarters per year. The campus is located at the eastern boundary of the City of Los Angeles, with a student body of approxi­ mately 20,000 full- and part-time students reflecting the ethnic diversity of the area. The University has col­ lective bargaining contracts with the faculty, including librarians, and eight other employee units. The Search Committee will begin the initial screening of applications approximately January 9, 1989, but applications/nominations will be considered until the position is filled. Applicants should include a cur­ rent resume and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three professional references. Applications, nominations, and inquiries should be addressed to: Chair, Search Committee c/o Dee Flanagan Human Resource Management California State University, Los Angeles 5151 State University Drive Los Angeles, CA 90032 An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Handicapped, Title IX Employer. 808 / C&RL News REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Pitts Theology Library, Emory Univer­ sity. The reference librarian is responsible for interpreting the use of the library to students, faculty and visiting patrons, providing refer­ ence services, including interlibrary loans, assisting in collection de­ velopment and management, and generally sharing in the activities of the professional staff. Qualifications: M.Div. from an ATS- accredited institution with an understanding of theological research techniques and some library work experience. An MLS from an ALA- accredited institution and some familiarity with computer applica­ tions to library functions are preferred but not required. Salary: from $20,000 to $24,000 plus benefits depending on qualifications and length of experience. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity, Af­ firmative Action Employer. Send letter of application and resume with names of three references to: Cynthia G. Runyon, Assistant Li­ brarian, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. All application materials must be received by February 10, 1989. Appointment will be effective April 1, 1989. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsible for general reference utiliz­ ing traditional and computerized resources including OPAC, CD- ROMs and online databases. Additional responsibilities include col­ lection d e ve lo p m e n t in su b je ct specialty and b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction. Candidate must demonstrate well developed interper­ sonal and communication skills and ability to work creatively in a rap­ idly changing environment. Two positions available; one temporary through August 31, 1989. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS for rank of instructor (starting salary $25,108-$28,059). An additional subject master’s degree is required for rank of Assistant Professor (starting salary $27,374-$30,325). Two years relevant experience in an academic library preferred. Applications deadline: January 3, 1989. Send letter of application, resumes and names of three profes­ sional references to: Chief Librarian, Baruch College, 17 Lexington Avenue, Box 317, New York, NY 10010. AA/EO. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. This Assistant Reference Librarian is re­ sponsible for professional reference service including some evening and weekend work in a busy metropolitan university library with a diverse clientele. Database searching, library user instruction, and collection development are other dimensions of this position. Faculty rank and status, 12-month contract, tenure track with liberal fringe benefits. Salary is $20,000. We are seeking a reference librarian with an ALA-accredited MLS. Send letter of application, resume and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three refer­ ences to: Kathleen Voigt, Chairperson of Search Committee, William S. Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. The University of Toledo is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/BUSINESS SUBJECT SPECIALIST at Arizona State University, where three Business Librarians share re­ sponsibility for serving the students and faculty of the College of Busi­ ness, and where a beautiful new underground library addition is scheduled to open in January 1989. Responsibilities encompass four major areas: general reference service, collection development, faculty liaison, and specialized public service for business in data­ base searching, orientation and instruction, and in-depth reference and research. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree or foreign equivalent; strong background in business or a business- related field; strong communication and interpersonal skills; experi­ ence and/or demonstrated interest in public service. Preferred: Aca­ demic training in business; relevant professional experience; reference experience; experience in using business reference sources; training and/or experience in collection development, li­ brary instruction and/or online searching. Salary: Dependent on qualifications and experience ($20,000 minimum). Application in­ structions: Send letter and resume which together address the quali­ fications listed above, and the names, addresses and telephone numbers of four recent references to: Constance Corey, Associate Dean of University Libraries, Hayden Library, Arizona State Uni­ versity, Tempe, AZ 85287-1006 (telephone: 602/965-3417). Appli­ cation deadline: Recruitment will remain open until the position is filled. To ensure consideration, please apply by January 20, 1989. D ecem ber 1988 / 809 REFERENCE/PUBLIC SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Montgomery Col lege, Germantown Campus, is seeking an enthusiastic, innovative reference/public services librarian who is committed to providing professional library assistance to a diverse population of students, faculty, and staff in the community college setting. Position provides reference services and bibliographic instruction, performs online database searching, and participates in collection development. Serves as sole librarian on some evenings and weekends. Position requires MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and relevant professional librarian experience. Familiarity with library automation, microcomputer applications and online searching systems also de­ sired. Salary range $27,997-$40,602, with a starting salary falling within the first half of the range. Excellent fringe benefits. To apply, send resume, with above position title noted to: Montgomery Col- TWO POSITIONS Kent State University Libraries The Kent State University Libraries seek qualified applicants for two middle-management positions which offer opportunities for professional challenge and growth. The University Libraries hold membership in the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and NEOMARL, a consortium of ten academic and research libraries in northeastern Ohio. The Libraries have fully implemented the NOTIS online system in the main and five branch libraries on the Kent campus and have a combined collec­ tion of over 1.6 million volumes and over 7,000 active serial subscriptions. Head, Monographic Acquisitions and Serials: Reports to the Assistant Director for Technical Ser­ vices, Supervises department of 13 FTE staff plus student assistants engaged in the ordering and receipt of serial and monographic materials, serial cataloging, and bindery. Responsibilities include developing de­ partmental goals, policies and procedures. Monitors expenditures and prepares management reports. Oversees the ongoing implementation of the NOTIS Serials and Acquisitions subsystems. Serves as a member of the Library’s inter-divisional Serials Committee. Also acts as the Technical Services Division’s primary liaison to Public Services in matters relating to serials and monographic acquisitions. Will play a key role in preparing a Serials Collection Development policy for the University Libraries. Qualifications: Re­ quired: ALA-accredited MLS. Significant academic or research library experience directly related to acqui­ sitions or serials, including supervisory responsibilities. Ability to meet University requirements for reap­ pointment, tenure and promotion. Highly desirable: familiarity with online acquisitions or serials control systems, ideally NOTIS. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Head, Reference Department: Search extended. Reports to the Associate Director for Collections and Public Services. Administers department of 9.5 professionals, 1 support staff member and student assis­ tants which provides reference and instructional services through Bibliographic Instruction, Computerized Information Service (online database searching and CD-ROM) and in the Reference Center. Responsibili­ ties include: sustaining, planning and extending effective and innovative services to the constituents of the University Libraries; the allocation of resources including selection and management of reference collec­ tion and other appropriate information sources and products; hiring, training and evaluation of staff. Qualifi­ cations: Required: ALA-accredited MLS; significant background and experience in academic or research library reference services, including bibliographic instruction and/or online searching; strong commitment to service; supervisory experience; proven leadership ability; knowledge of computer technology as it ap­ plies to library services and operations; effective interpersonal and written communication skills; ability to work effectively with diverse groups and individuals; ongoing record of research, publication and profes­ sional activity; and ability to meet University requirements for reappointment, tenure and promotion. Desir­ able: Second advanced degree. Salary and Benefits. Both positions are twelve-month tenure-track faculty positions. Minimum salary for each position is $30,000 per year, with initial academic rank and salary commensurate with education and experience. Benefits include 20 days vacation per year; life, dental and health insurance or HMO option; supportfor professional development; and other University benefits. Kent State University is comprised of a residential main campus located on 1,200 rolling acres in the city of Kent, and seven regional campuses in northeastern Ohio. Kent, population 30,000, is located within easy access of both rural and large metropoli­ tan areas, approximately 35 miles south of Cleveland and 11 miles east of Akron. Application Procedure. To be considered for either position, please send a letter of application, re­ sume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Harry Kamens Budget & Personnel Officer Kent State University Libraries Kent, OH 44242 Deadline for applications for both positions is January 31,1989. Kent State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 810 / C&RL News lege, Personnel Office, 900 Hungerford Drive, Suite 140, Rockville, MD 20850. Resume must be received by 5:00 p.m. on December 23, 1988. An EO/AA/Title IX Employer. SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN (Two positions) Tenure-track 12-month faculty appointments. Responsible for col­ lection development; liaison to faculty and students; database searching; and library instruction in the hard and applied sciences and other subjects as assigned. Serves at general science reference desk as part of a team of five librarians and two paraprofessional staff. Reports to Head of the Sciences and Technology Department. Requires ALA-accredited MLS degree; knowledge of online search­ ing techniques; demonstrated written, oral, and interpersonal com­ munication skills; commitment to service and academic librarian­ ship, including research. Degree or library experience in a relevant subject field is desirable. Potential for meeting the requirements for promotion in rank and granting of tenure. Salary minimum: $22,500. Send letter of application, resume and names, addresses and tele­ phone numbers of three references to: Ruth Ludwig, Colorado State University Libraries, 106 Morgan Library, Fort Collins, CO 80523. Application deadline is February 15, 1989. SERIALS CATALOGING SECTION HEAD, University of Califor­ nia, Santa Barbara. Supervises serials section of Cataloging Depart­ ment. Duties include original cataloging and classification of serials and analytics, revision of contributed cataloging work by library as­ sistants, and resolution of complex bibliographical problems. Re­ quirements: MLS, at least two years recent professional experience in serials cataloging, experience with AACR1 and AACR2, LC classi­ fication and LC subject headings, online cataloging systems, and su­ pervisory experience. Facility with European languages and auto­ mated serials cataloging desired. Salary range: $25,380-$44,676 dependent upon experience and qualifications. Applications must be received by January 27, 1989. Send letter of application, names of 3 references, and resume to: Margaret Deacon, Associate Univer­ sity Librarian, UCSB Library, University of California, Santa Bar­ bara, CA 93106. UCSB is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer. Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligibility for U.S. employment required prior to employment. SLAVIC/SOCIAL SCIENCES CATALOG LIBRARIAN. The Uni­ versity of Arizona is seeking a librarian to provide original and com­ plex copy cataloging for Slavic language materials and monographs in the social sciences. The person in this position would serve as a cataloging resource person for library staff in the above languages and subject areas. Minimum salary is $20,000; higher salary nego­ tiable depending on qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have academic professional status, are eligible for continuing status, are voting members of the faculty and may take up to 24 days professional leave per year. They have 22 days paid vacation, 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays per year. A standard package of fringe benefits is available. Requirements include a Mas­ ter’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited school; flu­ ency in Russian; minimum of 2 years of cataloging experience; knowledge of AACR2, MARC formats, LCSH and LC romanization tables; experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility; and good oral and written communication skills. Candidates with knowledge of other Slavic languages and background in the social sciences will be given preference. Applications should be received by January 13, 1989. Send letter of applications, resume, and the names of three references to: W. David Laird, University Librarian, P.O. BoxC, Uni­ versity of Arizona Library, Tucson, AZ 85721. The University of Ar­ izona is an Equal Employment Opportunity employer with an Affirm­ ative Action plan. Women and minorities are urged to apply. Non-citizens must include current visa status. SOCIAL SCIENCE BIBLIOGRAPHER/REFERENCE LIBRAR­ IAN, search re-opened. Requirements: MLS (ALA-Accredited). Min­ imum of 2 years academic library experience in reference service, collection development and maintenance in the Social Sciences. De­ sired Qualifications: Experience with library materials in all formats; advanced degree in a social sciences discipline; and experience in searching online bibliographic databases. Responsibilities: Devel­ opment and maintenance of the collection in sociology and anthro­ pology, and audiology and speech sciences. Provides general and specialized reference service. Salary: $22,000 and up depending upon qualifications. Status and Benefits: Faculty status and responsi­ bilities. Members of the Library faculty must meet Purdue University requirements (excellence in librarianship, research and publishing and service) for promotion and tenure. Rank commensurate with ed­ ucation and experience. Twelve month appointment with 22 days vacation accrual. Flexible benefits programs with open enrollments annually. Group life, medical and disability insurance programs are in effect as are TIAA-CREF and Social Security coverage. Libraries: The Humanities Library is the principal library resource for the School of Humanities, Social Science and Education; and also serves the general university. The library contains about 700,000 volumes, 750,000 microforms, and 7,000 current serial publications. The library has 42 employees including 13 faculty and professional staff members. Purdue University Libraries system, which is made up of the Undergraduate Library and 14 school and departmental libraries, has holdings of over 1,600,000 volumes. Staff totals more than 200, including 55 faculty and professionals. Purdue University is located approximately 60 miles northwest of Indianapolis, Indiana. The greater Lafayette area of approximately 100,000 provides a di­ versity of cultural and social activities. Application process: Send re­ sume and list of references to: Thomas L. Haworth, Personnel Offi­ cer, Libraries, Stewart Center, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907. Deadline for applications: February 1, 1989, or until posi­ tion is filled. An EEO/AA employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Responsible for receiving, cataloging, processing and withdrawal of all library materials. Re­ sponsible for maintaining computerized database of library hold­ ings. Cataloging & Circulation are automated, using Dynix & Bibli-O- File. Required: Master’s degree in Library Science & experience with computers and automated systems. Starting salary $20,000 with 10 vacation days, 11 holidays, paid health & retirement. Send resume & references to: Director, St. Johns County Public Library, 1960 N. Ponce de Leon Blvd., St. Augustine, FL 32084. Position open until filled. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, W ashington. M anages/directs technical services— cataloging, classification, physical processing, and bibliographic records (online, OCLC, and card catalog). ALA MLS, familiarity with at least one foreign language, working knowledge of elementary ref­ erence sources, administrative experience in technical services, fa­ miliarity with OCLC, library applications of microcomputers/soft­ ware, and bibliographic database management, and effective communication skills. Academic library experience and subject ex­ pertise in the sciences, social sciences or humanities desirable. Hir­ ing range is $25,487-$29,468 depending on qualifications, plus ex­ cellent fringe benefits. Search and selection procedures will be closed when a sufficient number of qualified candidates has been identified. Submit interest letter, resume and names of three refer­ ences to: Library Search, University of Puget Sound, P.O. Box 7297, Tacoma, WA 98407. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Educator/Employer. LATE JOB LISTINGS ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Coordinates staff development programs, staff orientation, student worker programs, publications and communications, and activities related to the recruitment, appointment, and evaluation of library staff. The position reports to the director of the library and works closely with area unit heads and the University’s personnel office. D ecem ber 1988 / 811 The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has received national recognition for the quality of its programs. The library is noted for its application of automation and is highly regarded on the campus. Qualifications: ALA- accredited master’s degree. Minimum of 5 years’ experience in an academic library, including 3 years in a supervisory or administrative capacity. Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and the ability to work effectively with all levels of staff are required. Knowledge of microcomputer applications in libraries is highly desirable. Benefits: 12-month appointment, tenure-track position, rank commensurate with experience. State-mandated benefits. Salary: $27,000 minimum. Send resume and the names of 3 references by January 30, 1989, to: Raymond A. Frankie, Director, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. UNC/Charlotte is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer. UNC/Charlotte complies fully with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES FOR INFORMATION ACCESS AND SYSTEMS. Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Director of Libraries responsible for the day-to-day activities associated with providing library services and information to the university community. Participates in the overall management, policy formulation, and planning for the libraries. Provides leadership in implementing and evaluating services in a collegial, dynamic environment. Recruits, supervises and evaluates heads of major service units. Develops budget requests and interprets library policies to the academic community. Responsible for all library functional areas with the exception of Special Collections, Development, and Administrative Services. Serves as Liaison Coordinator. Requirements: ALA-accredited Master of Library Science. Second Master’s or higher degree required. Minimum of five years experience in an academic library. Record of increasing administrative responsibility. Proven record of successful management and motivation of personnel. Experience in both public and processing areas of academic libraries. A record of professional involvement on the sate and national level. Commitment to the use of technology in the provision of information and library services. Excellent oral and written communication skills. Salary and Benefits: Minimum $40,000 for a 12 month appointment. Excellent benefits package; 88% of employee portion of Social Security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement programs, including TIAA-CREF; no state or local income tax. General Information: Texas Tech, one of five comprehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollment of 24,000. It is located in Lubbock, Texas, a cultural and commercial center for the area with a metropolitan population of 225,000. The library has 1.1 million volumes and a materials budget of $1.7 million. Planning for an online catalog is underway. Application: Applications received by February 1, 1989, will be assured consideration. Position available immediately. Send letter of application, resume, a one page statement of leadership philosophy, and names of three references to: E. Dale Cluff, Director of Libraries, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409. Direct inquiries about ALA-Midwinter Conference interviews to: Gisela Webb, Assistant Director of Libraries for Administrative Services, (806) 742-2258. Texas Tech is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. CATALOG M AINTENANCE LIB R AR IA N . Responsible for the maintenance and bibliographic integrity of the Library’s local online databases under the supervision of the Head of Catalog Maintenance. Assists in the implementation of special projects such as linking automated files. Develops documentation and trains staff. At least 1 year experience cataloging, preferably in an academic library. Familiarity with LCSH, MARC formats and automated systems required. Must be capable of operating in a complex environment. ALA- accredited MLS, subject Master’s degree required for tenure. Faculty status, 812 / C&RL News NYU tuition remission, TIAA/CREF or alternative pension investment programs, five weeks annual vacation. Salary commensurate with experience and background. Minimum: $26,000. To insure consideration, send resume and letter of application, including the names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references by December 31, 1988, to: Alice Deich, Personnel Representative, New York University Libraries, 70 Washington Square South, New York, NY 10012. New York University is an Affirmative Action Institution. CATALOGER, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS (temporary for two years). The Research Libraries of the New York Public Library seek candidates for the position of Librarian III (Cataloger) for the Carl H. Pforzheimer Shelley and his Circle Collection. The Collection contains approximately 8,000 manuscripts, including the world’s most extensive assemblage of autograph letters, journals, poetry and prose by members of Shelley’s circle. It also comprises 13,000 printed volumes which document the lives and times of these writers and their importance to later authors, critics and scholars. The incumbent will be responsible for cataloging the Collection, which will include revising, editing and preparing for publication the Shelley and his Circle Collection card catalog. MLS required, as is substantial experience as a rare books and manuscripts cataloger in a research library or similar institution. Position also requires general knowledge of 18th and 19th century English literature, working knowledge of a wide range of European languages, and substantial knowledge and experience in the methods and techniques of monograph and manuscript cataloging. This position offers a starting salary of $29,863 and excellent benefits. Closing date: December 23, 1988. For consideration, please send resume to: Francine Feuerman, Human Resources Dept., the New York Public Library, 8 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018. Candidates selected for further consideration will be contacted for an interview. Equal Opportunity Employer M/F. COORDINATOR OF COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MONOGRAPH ACQUISITIONS. Provides leadership in the development, evaluation and maintenance of the monograph collection in collaboration with liaison librarians and classroom faculty. Chairs the library faculty’s Collection Development Committee which recommends the allocation of the library materials budget and revisions to the collection development policy. Manages two approval plans. Represents library as a member of a local network Collection Development Task Force. Reports to the University Librarian. Supervises two full-time staff and several student assistants responsible for pre-order searching, ordering, receiving, claims and reports, pre-cataloging processing, binding and gifts processing. Acquisitions and copy cataloging are integrated. Early tasks include: establishing a process for systematic evaluation of the existing collection by faculty; providing leadership in revising collection development policy. Required: Master’s degree in Library Science from an ALA-accredited library school and at least two years experience in collection development and/or acquisitions in an academic library; knowledge of trends and issues in academic collection development and book selection. Candidate must demonstrate an understanding of the instruction and research needs of students and faculty, possess oral and written communication skills, give evidence of planning and organizational skills, and have an ability to work effectively with library faculty, staff and University community. Preferred: Experience with automated systems. Position is twelve month, tenure track, choice of TIAA/CREF or state retirement system. Salary $24,300 minimum. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references to: Sharon Kimble, Search Committee, Hunter Library, Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC 28723. Preference will be given to applications received by January 20, 1989. Hunter Library has an annual monograph budget of D ecem ber 1988 / 813 approximately $225,000, processes over 10,000 volumes per year, contains over 360,000 volumes, and has a staff of 13 professionals, each of whom serves as a subject bibliographer, and 27 support staff. Western Carolina University shares an LS/2000 online catalog/circulation system with two other state universities. Hunter Library serves a student body of approximately 6,000 enrolled in programs through the Master’s level. Western Carolina University is one of the sixteen senior institutions of the University of North Carolina and an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The University is located between the Great Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains, 55 miles west of Asheville, North Carolina. DEAN OF LIBRARY SERVICES. Iowa State University invites nominations and applications of candidates for the position of Dean of Library Services. Iowa State University is one of 25 AAU universities; graduate work is offered in more than 50 areas. The Dean, chief administrative and academic officer of the University Library System, has primary responsibility for collection development and management, library services, budget and planning, library automation, and personnel resources. The Dean, who reports to the Provost, is the official representative and advocate for the Library in the University and larger academic communities. The University seeks a distinguished leader with a firm grasp of the issues facing research libraries and the trends that affect them. Candidates are required to have the MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution. Candidates should have: 1) acknowledged national standing in the profession; 2) demonstrated success at the upper level of research library administration; 3) commitment to the intellectual and service mission of the library in the context of the university and the state as well as nationally and internationally, and to the intellectual life of the university; 4) scholarly and professional distinction (the person selected merits appointment as professor with tenure); 5) broad and effective knowledge of information technologies and automated library systems; 6) ability to provide effective leadership and promote cooperation in a collegial setting; and 7) the capacity to work and communicate effectively with other University officers, faculty, staff, students, and the general public. The candidate must have an understanding of and commitment to affirmative action. The University is particularly interested in applications from women and minorities. Position available July 1, 1989. Review of candidates will begin on February 1, 1989, and will continue until the position has been filled. Applications must include a curriculum vitae. Iowa State University is an AA/EOE Employer. Contact: Neil E. Harl, Chair, Search Committee for Dean of Library Services, Iowa State University, c/o Office of the Provost, 110 Beardshear Hall, Ames, IA 50011. DIRECTOR, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, Northern Illinois University. The Director is a senior faculty member and the chief administrative officer of the University Libraries, serving as a member of the Council of Deans and reporting to the Vice President and Provost. A graduate degree in librarianship (MLS or equivalent degree from ALA-accredited program) required; in addition, a research doctorate is preferred. Other responsibilities, qualifications and a detailed job description will be supplied to all applicants and nominees. Starting salary: $50,000. Nominations are invited by December 15, 1988. Complete applications, including statement of interest and qualifications, curriculum vitae, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of five references, should be sent by January 15, 1989, to: Kendall L. Baker, Chair, Director of Libraries Search Committee, Office of the Vice President and Provost, N orthern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 60115. Northern Illinois University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. FOUR POSITIONS. The Texas Tech University Libraries seek applications from creative, dynamic and flexible individuals for the following four positions: 814 / C &RL News 1. Coordinator, Documents Reference. Responsibilities: Administers the reference activities of the documents department. Coordinates staffing of the reference desk, develops and implements training programs in documents reference service for professionals, support staff, and student assistants. Assists in departmental policy formulation. Participates in collection development and assessment, liaison and user instruction programs. Minimum Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. One to two years experience in a United States government depository library and course work in documents. Academic library experience and second master’s degree preferred. Good oral and written communication skills. Salary: $20,000--$25,000. 2. Information Access Librarian for Maps and Documents. Responsibilities: Provide reference service in Maps/Reserve and Documents. Service level in Documents reflects Regional Depository status. Map collection includes all depository as well as purchased maps in a rapidly growing collection. Participates in collection development and liaison activities in selected subject areas with emphasis in land use, geology, geography, earth sciences, and/or agriculture. Qualifications: ALA- accredited MLS. Two to five years experience required for non-entry level. Knowledge of documents, as demonstrated by course work or experience. Second master’s degree or background in geography, geology, earth science, or agriculture preferred. Salary: $18,300--$25,000 depending on experience. 3. Information Access Librarian for Documents and Bibliographic Control. Responsibilities: Provides access to Documents and other collections through the processing of Federal documents and some (1/4 time) cataloging of general library materials. Serves at the Documents and General Reference desks. Participates in collection development and liaison activities in selected subject areas. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Second master’s degree preferred. Experience with OCLC or other major bibliographic utility desirable. Knowledge of Cataloging and Classification codes, rules, and standards; knowledge of Documents as demonstrated by course work or experience. Starting salary: $18,300. 4. Acquisitions/Cataloging Librarian for the Southwest Collection. Responsibilities: Acquires and catalogs print materials. Assists in establishing policies and programs within a projected automation program of the Southwest Collection, an extensive research library of Western Americana. Provides reference service, prepares bibliographies and participates in public outreach programs. Trains and supervises student assistants and clerical staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Second master’s or training in history, humanities or related social sciences preferred. Two years experience in cataloging, preferably in an academic or research setting. Experience with OCLC or other bibliographic utility desirable. Salary: $19,200--$21,000 depending on experience. About Texas Tech University: TTU, one of five comprehensive state universities in Texas, has an enrollment of 24,000. It is located in Lubbock, Texas, a commercial and cultural center for the area with a metropolitan population of 225,000. The library has 1.1 million volumes and a materials budget of $1.7 million. Planning for an online catalog is underway. The university offers an excellent benefits package: 88% of employee portion of social security paid for first $16,500 of salary; choice of retirement programs including TIAA-CREF; 13 state holidays; no state or local income tax. Applications received by February 1, 1989, will be assured consideration. Positions are available immediately. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: E. Dale Cluff, Director of Libraries, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX 79409. Direct inquiries about ALA- Midwinter Conference interviews to: Gisela Webb, Assistant Director of Libraries for Administrative Services, (806) 742-2258. Texas Tech is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. LIB R A R IA N of Wellesley College. Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Librarian with a starting date of July 1, 1989. The Librarian reports to the Dean of the College. Chief duties include: providing leadership D ecem ber 1988 / 815 and policy direction for planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and evaluating all library functions and integrating them with the instructional programs of the College. Select, direct and evaluate a staff of 14 librarians and a support staff of 39. Establish policies for collection growth and management consistent with Wellesley’s educational mission. Establish priorities and goals, for the library including developing staffing and budgetary requirements. Develop grant request and fund-raising strategies for the library in conjunction with the Office for Resources. Candidates must have an MLS from an ALA- accredited institution; an advanced degree is desirable. Substantial administrative experience in a liberal arts college or university library is essential. Knowledge of automated library systems strongly preferred. To receive full consideration applications with resume and the names of three references or nominations should be sent to: Patricia Basque, Manager of Employee Relations, Personnel Office, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 02181 by February 1, 1989. Wellesley College is an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F. TWO POSITIONS. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is seeking two catalogers. General requirements for each position: ALA-accredited MLS and knowledge of AACR2, MARC bibliographic formats, LC classification, and LCSH. Special Projects Cataloger. Duties include original and copy cataloging of gifts, backlogs, government documents, special collections, and other materials as need arises. Qualifications: one to three years of professional cataloging experience using OCLC or other major bibliographic utility, and flexibility and willingness to catalog in several formats. Preferred: OCLC cataloging experience with non-book formats, foreign language knowledge, and experience with library automation. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty position. Rank dependent on qualifications. Salary, $20,000 minimum. TIAA/CREF, 22 days annual leave, tuition and other benefits. Monographs Cataloger. Duties include copy cataloging using member-input OCLC bibliographic records, original cataloging of theses and dissertations, and producing analytics. Preferred: foreign language knowledge, and experience with library automation. Twelve-month, tenure-track faculty position. Rank dependent on qualifications. Salary, $19,000 minimum. TIAA/CREF, 22 days annual leave, tuition and other benefits. The University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, is a land-grant university and the major academic research institution in the state, offering a full range of undergraduate, graduate, and professional degrees. Situated in the Ozarks, Fayetteville (population 40,000) offers cultural and recreational opportunities associated with natural beauty and a university community. Applications accepted until the position is filled. Send letter of application, indicating the position for which you are applying, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current references to: John A. Harrison, Director of Libraries, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AK 72701. The University of Arkansas is an equal­ opportunity, affirmative-action employer. 816 / C &RL News Original thinking… Risk-taking… Innovation… Managing for change… These are the qualities needed by academic librarians facing the challenges of the 1990s. The Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award Endow­ ment encourages the development of leaders possessing these important qualities through the annual recognition of a librarian with the vision to carry us into the 21 st century. Your contribution will ensure the endowment’s continued ability to give this award. Your gift is important. Please send in your donation today.