ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 2 8 /C&RL News Preservation News Ja n e Hedberg ALA produces video on library security ALA Video/Library Video Network has produced a training videotape titled B e P rep ared : Security a n d Your Library. The 35-minute tape has eight sections that cover setting policies, approaching p atron s, p e rso n a l safety, m anagem ent support, law en forcem en t coo p eratio n , isolated libraries, inventory control, and internal theft. It includes discussion of solu­ tions to security problems and examples o f the correct way to handle security situations, plus comments by library security experts such as Rachel MacLachlan, director o f security for the San Francisco Public Library, and Dave Kreek of the Maryland Community Crime Prevention Institute. The video comes with a sheet o f se­ curity tips which may be helpful to staff who work with library patrons. Copies are available for $130.00 from ALA Video/Library Video Net­ work, 320 York Rd., Towson, MD 21204; (800) 441-TAPE; fax: (410) 887-2091. NML and Commission collaborate on m agnetic media preservation The National Media Lab (NML) and the Com­ mission on Preservation and Access have be­ gun collaboration on developing preservation management tools for magnetic media. The NML has done extensive experimental research and mathematical modeling on the physical and chemical stability of many types of magnetic media. The collaboration is intended to trans­ late that research for preservation profession­ als so it can be used in selecting storage op­ tions, predicting media degradation, and setting priorities for data migration. The participants in this project are interested in concentrating on the types o f media found in libraries and archives and would like assis­ tance from anyone who has unique magnetic media collections. In particular, they’d like to know what types o f media are most commonly found in those collections, what types o f me­ dia are used or may be used for migration or back-up, and which manufacturer’s products and elements (e.g., magnetic particle, binder, substrate) are represented. If you can supply this information, please con­ tact Jam es R. Druzik, the Getty Conservation Institute:; or Max­ ine K. Sitts, the Commission on Preservation and Access: Michigan Alliance publishes proceedings The Michigan Alliance for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage has published the proceedings o f its Novem­ ber 1991 conference, C on­ serving Cultural H eritage in the 21st Century. The three-day conference was held to deter­ mine Michigan’s preservation needs, formulate objectives to meet those needs, and create a preservation agenda for the future. The 56-page proceedings include texts of the presentations which provided the context for planning; the reports of library, archives, historic preserva­ tion, and museum working sessions; the con­ ference evaluation; and appendices. Copies are available for $13.50 (including shipping and handling) from MI Alliance, c/o Susan Bandes, Kresge Art Museum, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. Commission distributes brochures on digital projects The Commission on Preservation and Access is distributing two brochures which describe re­ cent digital technology demonstrations. One describes the preservation aspects o f Project MUSE, a Johns Hopkins University (JHU) ex­ periment providing network access to JHU Press journals. The other describes a Pennsylvania State University Libraries experiment scanning and storing archival materials. Copies are avail­ able free-of-charge from Sonny Koemer, Com­ munications Assistant, The Commission on Pres­ ervation and Access, 1400 16th Street, NW, Suite 740, Washington, DC 20036-2217; (202) 939- 3400; fax: (202) 939-3407. J a n e H edberg prepares this colum n f o r the College Libraries Committee, Commission on Preservation a n d Access. Submissions m ay b e m ad e to: J a n e Hedberg, Wellesley College Library, 106 Central St., Wellesley, MA 02181-8275; (617) 283-2103; JHEDBERG@LUCY. WELLESLEY.EDU. Ja n u a r y 1 9 9 5 / 2 9 3 0 /C&RL News