ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Deadlines: Orders for regularclassified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job notices are $17.25 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $20.50 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. Dis­ play ad rates range from $320 to $610 based upon size. Please call for sizes and rates. G uidelines: For ads that list an application deadline, we suggest that date be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announcements should include a salary range per policy of the American Library Association (ALA). Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms fac­ ulty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. Internet: C&RL News classified ads are now accessible on the Internet through the gopher server at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Ads will be placed on the gopher approxi­ mately 2-3 weeks before the printed edition of C&RL News is published. To reach C&RL NewsNet locate the University of Illinois at Chicago in the menu of all servers maintained on gopher at the University of Minnesota. Alternatively, connect your favorite gopher client directly to host " 70". Select "The Library" from the menu and then select "C&RL NewsNet" from the next menu. C ontact: Jack Helbig, Classified Advertising Manager, C&RL WeivsClassified Advertising Department, ACRL, Ameri­ can Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611 - 2795; (312) 280-2513; fax: (312) 280-7663 or (312) 280-2520; e-mail: Policy: ALA policy requires that organizations recruiting through ALA publications or placement services comply with ALA anti-discrimination policies. Policy 54.3 states that “ALA is committed to equality of opportunity for all library employ­ ees or applicants for employment, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, individual life­ style, or national origin.” By advertising through ALA ser­ vices, the organization agrees to comply with this policy. FOR SALE FO R S A L E . E n tire s e t o f c a ta lo g c a rd s f o r L ib ra ry o f A m e ic a n C iv iliz a tio n , C o n ta c t: S p u rr ie r, B ra c k e tt L ib ra ry , H a r d in g U n iv e r ­ s it y , B ox 2 2 6 7 , S e a rc y , A R 7 2 1 4 9 , o r s p u r rie r @ h a r d in g .e d u o r (5 0 1 ) 2 7 9 -4 3 5 4 . POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T L IB R A R IA N . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M in ne so ta , M o rris (U M M M ), invites a p p lic a tio n s f o r th e p o s ition o f a s s is ta n t libraria n due to th e re tire m e n t o f a dis tin g u is h e d m e m b e r o f th e re feren ce s taff. T h is e n try -le v e l p os ition re p o rts to th e H ead o f P ub lic S e rv ic e s a nd s h ares s ta ffin g th e re feren ce d e s k w ith th re e o th e r libraria ns, inclu din g so m e e v en ing and w e eke n d hou rs. Has a m a jo r re s p on s ibility f o r d e v e lo p ­ ing a s tro n g e nd u s e r in s tru c tio n p ro g ra m in c lu d in g th e u s e o f e le c tro n ic resources. S ha re s re s p o n s ib ility fo r m ediated d ata ba s e s e arc hin g. P re pa re s b ib lio g ra p h ie s and u s e r's g uid es, inc o p orating e le c tro n ic so urces, etc. S e rv e s as a re s o u rc e fo r fa c u lty fo r e le c tro nic tea c h in g and re search. S e rv e s a s a lia is o n with th e C o m p u tin g S erv ic e s D e pta rtm e nt to m a inta in library re so urce s on th e c a m p u s n etw o rk and g opher, Inve stiga tes and re c o m m e n d s n e w e le c tro nic reso urce s and p roducts, Can d e m o n s tra te p o te n tia l to w o rk w ith liberal arts faculty, staff, and u n d e rg ra d u a te stud e nts. C a n d e m o n ­ stra te potential to s h o w s e ns itiv ity to d iv e rs ity a nd c o m m itm e n t to in c re a s in g p a rticip ation o f m in o ritie s and w o m e n in all a cad em ic areas. M u s t h ave the a b ility to tea ch the use o f n ew te c h n o lo g ie s to fa c u lty and s tu d e n ts . Initiative, inte grity , jud g m e nt, and re s o u rc e fu l­ ness in re sp on din g to s e rv ic e n e e d s is im p orta n t. R e q u ire s e x c ellen t inte rp erson al, written and o ra l c o m m u n ic a tio n s k ills in E nglish. M u s t be a b le to w o rk so m e e v e n in g s and w e e k e n d s on a re g u la r basis. M in im um e x p e rie n c e : None. D e sira ble : Fa m ilia rity w ith IBM and M a cinto sh p latform s, LANs, G opher, Inte rn et resources; a s e con d m a s te r's d e g re e in a fie ld a p p ro p ria te to a lib e ra l a rts c o lle g e ; kn ow le dg e o f a foreig n language, p re fe ra b ly S pa n ish ; e v id e n c e o f p ro fe ssion a l a c tivity; o ne o r m o re y e a rs of e x p e rie n c e in a n a u to ­ m ated c o lle g e library. T h e R o dn e y A . B rig g s L ibrary has 167,000 vo lu m e s, 9 00 se ria l title s, and 11 FTE staff. Th e lib ra ry uses th e C L S I L ibs 100+ a u to m a te d system w ith O P A C a nd circ u la tio n m o d ule s av a ila b le through th e c a m p u s n etw o rk. In te rn e t pro vid e s a c c e s s to F irstS ea rch and Lum ina, the u n iv e rs ity 's T w in C ities c a m p u s a uto ­ m ated s y s tem . T h e U n iv e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta , M orris, is an e x c lu sively u nd ergrad u ate , re side n tia l liberal a rts c a m p us o f th e U n iv e rs ity o f M in ne so ta , w ith 2 0 0 0 s tu d e n ts a nd 120 faculty, located in a rural c o m m u n ity o f 560 0 peo ple , 150 m ile s w e st o f M in n e a p o lis a nd St. Paul. Th e U n iv e rs ity o f M innesota is c o m m itte d to th e p o lic y th a t all p erson s shall h ave equal a c c e s s to its p ro gra m s , fa cilitie s, a nd e m p lo y m e n t w ith o u t regard to ra ce , c o lo r, c re e d , religion, n ation a l origin , sex, age, m arital statu s, d is a b ility, p u b lic a s s is ta n c e status, vete ra n statu s, o r se x u a l o rie n ta tio n . S ala ry m in im u m : $ 26 ,00 0 fo r 12 - m onth, fu ll-tim e , re n e w a b le c o n tra c t-D e a d line fo r a pp lic a tion s : M arch 24, 1995. A p p lic a tio n m u s t in c lu d e c o v e r le tte r, re s u m e , tra n s c rip ts of all d e g re es, a nd nam es, a d d re sses, a nd pho ne n um be rs o f th re e re feren ces. T h is d o cu m e nt is a va ila b le in a lte rn a tiv e fo rm a ts upon request. P lease c o n ta c t: R o lan d G uyo tte, R o dn e y A . B rigg s Library. U n iv e r s ity o f M in n e s o ta , M o rris , M orris, MN 5 62 67 ; (6 12) 589-6180. A S S IS T A N T U N D E R G R A D U A T E L IB R A R IA N . C o lu m b ia U n iver­ s ity L ib ra rie s . T h e A s s is ta n t U n d e rg ra d u a te Librarian pro vid e s library se rv ic es fo r stu d e n ts in C o lum bia C o lle g e, the S cho o l o f G en e ra l S tu d ies, and th e S cho o l o f E n g ine e ring a nd A pp lied S c ie n c e throu g h p articip ation in d e v e lo p in g a p ro g ra m o f o rien tatio n, in s truction , and c o lle ctio n s e rv ic e s to e n h a n c e u n d e rg ra d u a te tea ch in g , lea rn ing , and re se arch e x p e rie n c e . R eports to the U n d e rg ra d u a te Librarian. R e ­ sp on s ibilitie s in c lu d e instruction in th e use o f p rin t a nd e le c tro nic resources; cre a tio n o f g uid e s fo r c o u rs e -re la te d , p o in t-of-fo c us , and s e lf-pa c ed lea rn ing in a va rie ty o f fo rm a ts ; re feren ce s e rv ic e in the library's histo ry a nd h u m an itie s d iv is io n; c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t; a nd o utre a ch and liaison to faculty, u nd ergrad u ate , and re le v a n t a d m in ­ is tra tive units. In a dd itio n to an a ccre dited M LS , re q u ire m e n ts are: E xcelle nt co m m u n ic a tio n s , inte rp erson al, o rg a n ization a l, a nd tra in ­ ing skills; p re v io u s p u b lic s e rv ic e e x p e rie n c e in a d y n a m ic u n d e r­ g ra d u a te library se ttin g; k n o w le d g e o f te a c h in g m e tho d s a nd in s tru c ­ tio n a l desig n issues related to lib ra ry u s e r e du c atio n; k n o w le d g e o f e le c tro n ic a nd p rin t re fe re n c e s o u rc e s . S a la ry ra n g e s a re : L ib ra ria n I: $ 3 1 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 0 ,9 5 0 ; L ib ra ria n II: $ 3 3 ,5 0 0 -$ 4 5 ,2 2 5 . E xcelle nt b e n ­ e fits in c lu d e a s s is ta n c e w ith U n iv e rs ity h o u s in g and tu ition e xem ption fo r s e lf a nd fa m ily . S en d re su m e, lis tin g n a m e s , a d d re s s e s , a nd p h o n e n u m b e rs o fth re e re feren c es , to : J a n e H u nt, H u m a n R e s o u rc e s O ffice, B ox 35 B utle r Library, C o lu m b ia U n iv e r s ity , 5 35 W . 1 14th St., New York, NY 10027. w om en a nd m in oritie s a re e nco urag e d to apply, A pp lic a tio n s received by F e b ru a ry 3, 1995, w ill be a ssured o f full co ns id eration ; a p p lica tion s w ill be accep ted u ntil position is fille d. An a ffirm a tiv e action, e qu al o p p o rtu n ity e m p lo ye r. A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R . R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : R e po rts to th e D ire c to r o f A c a d e m ic L ib ra ry S e rv ic e s and is re s p o n s ib le fo r le a d ers hip and m a n a g e m e n t o f lib ra ry a c tiv itie s in th e a re a s o f a u to m a tio n a nd te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s , b u d g e tin g , fa c ilitie s p la n n in g a n d u tiliz a tio n , and S tate P e rson ne l A c t (S P A ) e m p lo y e e s . P ro v id e s liaiso n a nd e ffe c tiv e c o m m u n ic a tio n w ith c a m p u s c o m p uting , b u s in e s s affairs, and p h y sica l plant, a s w e ll as a p p ro p ria te u n its in th e H e alth S cien ces Division o f unive rsity, a nd state, regional, a nd n ational g ro u p s as app ro pria te. D u tie s in c lu de : P artic ip a te s in o v erall lib ra ry p la n nin g and p olicy fo rm u la tio n as a m e m b er o f the library m a n a g e m e n t tea m ; as s ures e ffe c tiv e o rg an iz ation o f and p ro v id e s d ire c tio n to th e library's a u to m a tio n and te le c o m m u n ic a tio n s pro gra m s; c o o rd in a te s p e rs o n ­ nel a c tio n s in v o lv e d in re c ru itm e n t, s e le c tio n , tra in in g , e v a lu a tio n , 4 8 /C & R L News THE CLASSIFIED ADS January 1995/49 and retention of library SPA staff; assists in preparing, coordinating, and administering the annual library budget; negotiates service, automation, telecommunications, programming, and other contracts as needed in conjunction with campus or system purchasing units; serves as an ex officio member of the Operations Policy Review Committee of the Academic Library Sen/ices Faculty; participates in library faculty activities; responsible for library operations in the absence of the library director; performs other appropriate duties as assigned by the Director of Academic Library Services. Required qualifications: An ALA-accredited MLS, a subject master’s degree, and five years of successful administrative experience in an aca­ demic/research library, a doctorate preferred; broad-based knowl­ edge of academic/research operations and services; demonstrated organizational abilities and leadership qualities; demonstrated skills in written and oral communications, interpersonal relations, team building, planning and contract negotiations; comprehensive current knowledge of developments in electronic technologies and telecom­ m unications and experience in deploying them; demonstrated skills in library budgeting and planning; evidence of university service, research, publication, and participation in professional associations; and strong analytical skills and problem-solving ability. Twelve-month tenure-track faculty position available beginning July 1, 1995. Rank dependent upon qualifications and experience. Minimum salary: $50,000. Substantial record of research, publication, and presenta­ tion will be expected of the successful candidate for promotion and tenure. A constituent institution of the University of North Carolina, LIBRARIAN, HEAD OF COLLEGE LIBRARY UCLA LIBRARY (Reopened Professional Position) Under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services, responsible for managing library operations (budget, personnel, facilities) including reference, instructional services, collection development, circulation and reserves, and technical processing functions; designing systematic approaches to gathering data on user needs; initiating innovative user-centered services; evaluating and strengthening the instructional services program; and balancing resources and priorities to address college and librarywide public service goals. Provides active leadership in shaping the vision and strategic directions for the College Library, keeping abreast of undergraduate education initiatives and the impact of technology and multimedia on information access, teaching, and research. Develops programs that enhance the role of college as an intellectual center and focus of student life. Builds effective relationships with appropriate campus offices and community libraries. Participates in administrative and policy-level groups and advisory commit­ tees, and may be called upon to participate in library fundraising and development efforts. Special responsibilities include monitoring the final phases of the seismic renovation project and planning the move back into Powell; and creating partnership opportunities, especially with services and programs in Powell, to strengthen academic support for undergraduates and faculty. Demonstrated managerial experience in public services (reference, circulation, library instruction, use of and access to information technology and multimedia). Leadership accomplishments in redefining programs or implementing new services and strategic directions. Ability to manage change positively. Must have strong user-centered service philosophy and enthusiasm for serving undergraduates and faculty. Effective interpersonal, organization, and communication skills; ability to plan and implement ideas; and ability to work in a multicultural community are required. Must have excellent problem-solving and group dynamics skills and a strong commitment to staff development. Must be knowledgeable about current trends in reference, collection development, library instruction, and information technology. Desirable qualifications: Experience in providing undergraduate library services within a research university library system; experience in space planning; and familiarity with strategic planning pro­ cesses. SALARY RANGE: $35,052-$59,316. Anyone wishing to be considered for the position should write to: Rita A. Scherrei Associate University Librarian for Personnel and Administrative Services University Research Library UCLA 405 Hilgard Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90024-1575 The application letter should include a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, and the names and addresses of at least three persons who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s qualifications for this position. Candidates applying by F e b r u a r y 1 5 ,1 9 9 5 , will be given first consideration. UCLA is an AA/EOE. 50/C&RL News East Carolina University has over 17,800 students in 12 colleges and schools. Academic Library Services provides library and information services through two libraries, Joyner Library and the Music Library. Academic Library Sen/ices has a faculty of 29 and a staff of 75.5. Library collections total approximately one million volumes, plus extensive holding of microforms, government documents, and manu­ scripts. Academic Library Services is networked, providing access to CD-ROMs, the Internet, and the integrated library system Horizon. Construction is underway on a major addition and renovation that will double the size of the library. Screening of applications will begin March 1,1995. Applicants should submit a complete resume, copies of all transcripts, and a letter of application summarizing achieve­ ments and potential for the position. Applicants should have three letters of reference mailed to the Search Committee in order to be considered. Official transcripts from each college or university at­ tended will be required prior to any offer of employment. Represen­ tatives of the Search Committee will be available at ALA Midwinter to discuss the position. Associate Director Search Committee, Pat Elks, Administrative Assistant, Joyner Library, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC 27858-4353. An equal opportunity, affirmative action university. Accommodates individuals with disabilities. Applicants must comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act. BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (INSTRUCTOR). Responsi­ bilities: To provide business reference service, under the supervision of the Head of the Business Library, to a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and faculty users (including some night and weekend hours); participate in a bibliographic instruction program in the Business Library; participate in collection development activities, Salary guide Listed below are the latest minimum starting figures recommended by state library associations and the North Carolina State Library for Professional library posts in these states. These recommendations are intended for governmental agencies that employ librarians. The recom­ mendations are advisory only, and ALA has not adopted recommenda tions for minimum salaries. For information on librarian salaries, job seekers and employers should consider these recommended mini mums, as well as other salary surveys (such as the survey in the October 15,1989, issue of Library Journal, the ALA Survey of Librarian Salaries, the annual ARL Salary Survey, or the annual CUPA Administrative Compensation Survey) when evaluating professional vacancies. For more information, contact the ALA Office for Library Personnel Re­ sources. Connecticut $28,900 Delaware $22,500+ Illinois $27,400# Indiana varies* Iowa $21,588 Louisiana $22,000 Maine varies* M assachusetts $27,554* New Jersey $30,128 New York varies* North Carolina $24,367+ Ohio $25,198+ Pennsylvania $23,700* Rhode Island $28,000 South Carolina varies* South Dakota $20,000 Texas $25,000 Verm ont $23,846 W est Virginia $22,000 W isconsin $25,830 *Ratherthan establish one statewide salary minimum, some state associations have adopted a form ula based on such variables as com parable salaries for public school teachers in each community or the grade level of a professional librarian post. In these cases, you may wish to contact the state association for minimum salary information. +Salary minimums for public librarians only. #Option for local formula. January 1995/51 TWO POSITIONS UNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA LIBRARY HEAD, SERIALS Available June 1,1995. Reports to Director of University Libraries. Opportunity to develop a serials public services component to a newly centralized Serials Department in a new building. Responsibilities include management of all aspects of the Serials Department, both technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, binding, and maintenance of both print and microform serials, and public services, including patron assistance with the location and use of serials, and with the use of microform and photocopying equipment. Supervises one librarian, four support staff and student assistants. Other responsibilities include oversight of the serials budget, participation in collection development, and monitoring serials gifts. QUALIFICATIONS: ALA-accredited MLS degree; five years professional experience in serials work, including both public and technical services experience, preferably in an academic library; demonstrated leadership and team-building skills; strong service orientation and creativity; working knowledge of serials automated systems; excellent interpersonal and communication skills; basic personal computing skills; and willingness to work a flexible schedule that includes nights and weekends. SALARY: $33,000–$38,000. CONTACT PERSON: Dan North, Chair, Serials Search Committee. CLOSING DATE: March 1, 1995. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Available immediately. Reports to the Head of Reference/Government Documents Department. Responsibilities include providing general and government documents reference service; coordinating department’s collection development team of five to six librarians; and serving as a subject specialist and faculty liaison in developing reference collection, teaching bibliographic instruction classes, conducting database searches, and preparing library guides. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS degree; one year minimum recent relevant professional experience, preferably in an academic library; strong knowledge of a variety of print and electronic library reference sources, including online catalogs, OD-ROMs, and online databases; evidence of ability to manage a reference collection; demonstrated leadership and teamwork capabilities; excellent interpersonal communication skills; creativity; willingness to work a flexible schedule including nights and weekends; personal computing skills. Second master’s in either the humanities or social sciences desirable. SALARY: $28,000– $35,000. CO NTACT PERSON: Peggy Toifel, Chair, Reference Search Committee. CLOSING DATE: March 1, 1995. APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Send a letter of application, resume, and names, and addresses, telephone numbers (Fax numbers if available) of three references to appropriate contact person, at: John C. Pace Library University of West Florida 11000 University Parkway Pensacola, FL 32514- 5750 BENEFITS: Faculty status (non-tenure-earning), 22 days vacation, health insurance, optional retirement systems, no state or local income taxes. ENVIRONMENT: The University of W est Florida, one o fte n institutions in the State University System, is located on a 1,000-acre nature preserve adjacent to the city of Pensacola. The library, undergoing an extensive building expansion and renovation to be completed by August 1995, serves over 8,000 students with a collection of over 550,000 volumes and 3,000 serials subscriptions. Staff includes 19 librarians and 29 support personnel. A statewide NOTIS automation system serves the ten state universities. Equal opportunity/access, affirmative action employer. 52/C&RL News including faculty liaison; perform online searching; perform other duties as assigned. The dynamic environment of the Business Library provides opportunities for developing and expanding professional skills. Qualifications: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA (degree must be received by close of application period); knowledge of business sources in both print and electronic formats; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library personnel at all levels; excellent oral and written communications skills; commit­ ment to client-centered services; evidence of potential to meet university requirements for promotion and tenure. Desired: Business reference experience in an academic library; experience in at least one of the following: Bibliographic instruction, collection development in business or a related subject, or online searching; degree in business-related field, prefer master’s degree; some knowledge of government documents. Salary/benefits: 12-month, tenure-earning, strong benefits. Appointment will be at the Instructor level with a minimum salary of $23,100. Salary will be determined on the basis of qualifications. Substantial moving allowance may be available. Envi­ ronment: The state-of-the-art facility housing the Angelo Bruno Busi­ ness Library and the Bashinsky Computer Center opened in January 1994. The Bruno Business Library offers a public access network of CD-ROM and online databases for end users, and features a techno­ logically advanced bibliographic instruction classroom. Other spe­ cialized electronic services offered including Dow Jones News/ Retrieval, Bloomberg Financial Markets, and LEXIS/NEXIS. The library is developing end user access to remote databases via the Internet and experimenting with electronic document delivery. The University of Alabama Libraries hold membership in ARL, CRL, SOLINET, CNI, and the Network of Alabama Academic Libraries, and have implemented the NOTIS integrated library system. To apply: Send letter of application, resume, and the names and addresses of three references, by the application deadline of January 31, 1995, to: Voni B. Wyatt, Assistant to the Dean for Personnel, The University of Alabama Libraries, P.O. Box 870266, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487- 0266. The University of Alabama is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CATALOG LIBRARIAN. Catalog Librarian with major responsibility for providing original cataloging for materials in all formats; coordinat­ ing authority control and catalog maintenance; and planning for special cataloging projects and bibliographic database enhance­ ments. Library faculty are expected to be involved in reference services, instruction, collection development, professional service, and scholarship. Requirements: Working knowledge of MARC for­ mats and AACR2; Library of Congress and Dewey decimal classifica­ tion systems; and automated bibliographic control systems and online library systems. Demonstrated ability in planning and managing projects. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited school. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills and strong service orientation. Ability to manage change and work in a team environment. Commitment to professional service and scholarship. Preferred: Second advanced degree; experience or training in working in multicultural environment. Appalachian State University, located in northwestern North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains, has 11,600 students and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 170 programs. It is a member of the University of North Carolina System. Library holdings include 539,492 books, 3,950 subscrip­ tions, and one million microforms. Appalachian holds membership in the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three universities. The position is tenure-track with a 12-month contract and is available July 1, 1995. Salary and rank are commensurate with qualifications. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed applications must be received by February 17, 1995. Appalachian is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and is committed to hiring women and minorities. DIVISION HEAD AND EDUCATION REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Illinois State University’s Milner Library is seeking a creative and energetic librarian to lead its Education/Psychology/Teaching Mate­ rials Division. This is a full-time, 12-month, tenure-track position, reporting to the Associate University Librarian for Public Services and Collection Development. Responsibilities will include traditional, online (including Internet), and CD-ROM reference service in the division, shared with two other librarians and four paraprofessionals, with special emphasis on education subject materials, as well as January 1995/53 ELECTRONIC SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIAN The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill AVAILABLE: February 1, 1995. The Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for the Electronic Services/Reference Librarian position. This position offers an excellent opportunity to work in an ARL library in a job that combines both high-tech and traditional reference work. This position will work as part of a collaborative team to provide technical support and public service for a 14-station CD-ROM network of bibliographic and full-text databases, fo r six Lexis/Nexis stations, and for a newly established Electronic Information Service, which includes a collection of over 300 additional electronic resources (bibliographic, text, multimedia, statistics), assisted Internet access, and text scanning; shares manage­ ment and supervision of three Novell local area networks; assists in the continued development of the library gopher; supervises one support staff position. Reports to the Head of the Electronic Services Section, a unit composed of three librarians, two support staff, and several graduate assistants, which is under the general supervision of the Head of the Reference Department. As part of the Reference Department in the main campus library, also participates in general and specialized reference and instruction, including nights and weekends, in a large department (27 staff) responsible for library services in the humanities; social sciences; business; federal, international, and state documents; and microforms. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: Master’s degree from a ALA-accredited program; technical experience with electronic reference service, especially in regard to local area networks, CD-ROM installation, Internet resources and tools, software packages such as Lotus, and Dbase, and various operating systems such as DOS, Windows, or Macintosh; strong communication skills; flexibility and the ability to work collegially with good humor in achanging environment; innovative approach with initiative to translate creative ideas into practical reality; and a vision of and enthusiasm for the future of electronic technologies are required. PREFERRED: reference experience, subject background in the social sciences or humanities, facility in at least one foreign language, and supervisory experience are preferred. Strong commitment to public service and to the profession is expected. The university and the libraries: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the country’s oldest state university. It has an enrollment of some 23,000 students, employs more than 2,100 faculty, and offers the Ph.D. in 62 fields. The Academic Affairs Libraries holds over 4 million volumes and 3.3 million microforms and is a member of SOLINET, the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN). TRLN, which also includes Duke University, North Carolina State University, and North Carolina Central University, has a combined collection of over 10 million volumes. SALARY AND BENEFITS: This is a 12-month academic librarian appointment with a minimum salary of $26,500. Standard State benefits of annual leave, sick leave, and state or TIAA-CREF retirement plan. TO APPLY: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three current, professional references to: Barbara A. DeLon Library Personnel Officer CB #3900 Davis Library The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890 For priority consideration, applications should be received by January 1,1995. Applications will continue to be considered until the position is filled. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 54/C&RL News TWO POSITIONS CORNELL UNIVERSITY Albert R. Mann Library Albert R. Mann Library provides innovative information services for the 21st century. The library has achieved national renown for its working electronic library and the Mann Library Gateway, and for its groundbreaking collection developm ent efforts, its preservation program, and its innovative use of staff. The library won the ALA/Meckler award for “T h e Library of the Future.” HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES (continued search) The Head of Public Services administers information services, access services, and specialized consulting both in the library and in the academic departments. Manages an energetic group of eight librarians and 14 support staff. Conducts innovative research projects to build the electronic library and a new paradigm of public service. Participates in instruction, reference, and consulting. Reports to the Director of Mann Library and plays asubstantial role in policy development as a member of Mann Library’s senior management team. QUALIFICATIONS: Required: ALA-accredited MLS, a minimum of five years experience in public services in an academic or special library, with three years of managem ent experience, excellent communication and presentation skills, strong interpersonal skills, and a demonstrated record of vision, leadership, and management of a group of highly motivated staff. Desired: Experience in teaching the use of computing, telecommunications, and information management technology. Background in the life sciences and related social sciences. Strong interest in professional development, participation in professional organizations, and enthusiasm for innovative programs. Salary to mid-$60s. Screening of applicants will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. BIBLIOGRAPHER/FULL-TEXT GENRE SPECIALIST Mann Library seeks an experienced librarian to join the avant garde of collection developm ent in determining the form and substance of the electronic library. As part of a team of specialists, actively participates in extending the principles and practices of collection development to incorporate electronic resources, and serves as advocate and resource person in mainstreaming electronic texts into library operations. Responsibilities include selection of print monographs and electronic resources; collection management; faculty liaison; collection analysis; and collection development policy formulation. Empha­ sis on (1) developing the criteria, guidelines, and methods of evaluating and selecting full text electronic materials; and (2) developing an outstanding-collection comprised of materials in print and electronic formats. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS; minimum three years experience in collection development, including selection of electronic resources; demonstrated expertise in the technology of electronic information; demonstrated ability to conduct faculty liaison; excellent written and oral communication skills; keen analytical ability; subject background in agriculture, biology, or human ecology. Desirable qualifications: Knowledge of the publishing industry; working knowledge of one or more foreign languages; successful proposal writing; experience with cooperative projects and commercial contracts. Salary dependent on experience and qualifications. Screening of applicants will begin on March 7 , 1995, and continue until the position is filled. The Albert R. Mann Library’s collection of agricultural, life sciences, and related social sciences materials serves the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the College of Human Ecology, and the Divisions of Biological and Nutritional Sciences at Cornell. Mann is considered to be the premier agricultural and life sciences library within an academic institution in the United States. Subm it a letter of application; list of names, addresses, and phone numbers of three references; and resume to: Ann Dyckman Director of Library Human Resources 201 Olin Library Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-5301 Cornell University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer January 1995/55 psychology, philosophy, and anthropology; collection development and maintenance of education-related collections, especially educa­ tional administration and foundations, specialized educational de­ velopment, and health, physical education, and recreation; biblio­ graphic instruction in a extremely active existing program; faculty liaison in several academic departments; and participation in library and university governance. This position will serve as head of the division, furnishing leadership, planning, identifying needs, estab­ lishing priorities, implementing change, supervising development and growth of the divisional faculty. Qualifications required: MLS from a ALA-accredited library school; knowledge of education or psychol­ ogy materials; appropriate reference and classroom skills; library instruction and collection development experience relating to educa­ tion or psychology; two years administrative experience; and under­ standing of and ability to administer in a collegial environment. Relevant academic library experience, elementary or secondary teaching certification and classroom experience, and experience with electronic databases desirable. A second advanced degree in library science or a subject discipline is required for tenure or appointment beyond the rank of instructor. University and library: Illinois State University is a multipurpose university with 20,000 students, located in the medium-sized urban area of Normal- Bloomington. Doctoral degrees are offered in a number of areas, including three in the College of Education: Curriculum and instruc­ tion, administration, school psychology, and specialized educational development. The College of Education combines to supply the largest graduate degree program in the university. Milner Library is the central library facility for the university community, with a staff of 110, including 34 professionals, over 1.3 million volumes, and a materials budget of $1.9 million. It is organized into five broad subject divisions on six floors. The division itself houses education, library science, physical education, recreation, dance, psychology, religion, and philosophy materials, as well as a 70,000-volume multimedia K– 12 Teaching Materials Center. The library is embarking on develop­ ment of a campus library and information services program utilizing a campus fiber optic network and a statewide cooperative union catalog. Salary: $35,000 minimum; negotiable depending on educa­ tion and experience. Benefits include group medical, dental, and life insurance; 24 days vacation; sick leave; full tuition for courses at Boards of Regents schools; state retirement plan required. Preferred beginning date: April 15, 1995, or earlier. Application deadline: Applications will be accepted until position is filled, but for maximum consideration, applications should be submitted not later than Janu­ ary 20, 1995. To apply: Submit letter of application, resume, and names of at least three reference to: Education Search Committee, Attn: Cheryl Elzy, M ilner Library, Illinois State University, Campus Box 8900, Normal, IL 61790-8900. Illinois State University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. DOCUMENTS/PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. (Tenure-Track.) Respon­ sible for planning, implementation, and review of periodicals ordering, cataloging, and check-in; and for documents collection development, cataloging, and check-in. Supervises one Library Assistant II (periodi­ cals) and student assistants (documents). Will participate in imple­ menting Geac ADVANCE serials control module for both periodicals and documents. Assists with general reference (approximately 10 hours per week, including nights and weekends). Reports to Dean of Library Services; collegial relationship with other library faculty. Salary $37,560-$41,184, depending upon experience and qualifica­ tions. Write for complete announcement, or submit letter of application with vita. Have three letters of reference sent directly to: Library Search Committee, c/o Dean of Library Services, California State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA 95382. Applications received by February 1, 1995, will be assured consideration. Equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. HEAD OF CATALOGING. University of Montevallo Library. Seeking experienced cataloger with ALA-accredited MLS; cataloging experi­ ence in automated environment; demonstrated competence in AACR2, LC classification, authority maintenance, and MARC formats; fluency in use of local and remote databases and utilities; strong interpersonal and written communication skills. Salary and benefits competitive. Tenure-track faculty appointment. Send letter of interest and resume by January 31, 1995, to: Search Committee, Carmichael Library, University of Montevallo, Station 6100, Montevallo, AL 35115. UM is an AA/EO institution. Individuals with disabilities who require a reasonable accommodation in order to respond to this announcement and/or participate in the application process are encouraged to contact Personnel Services at (205) 665-6055. HEAD OF MEDIA/PEABODY CURATOR. University of Georgia Libraries. Duties: The Head of Media/Peabody Curator is responsible for the development and management of sen/ices and collections of the Media Center, including pursuing alternative sources of funding, and serves as liaison to a wide variety of departments both within the libraries and the university. Most significantly, the Head of Media/ Peabody Curator serves as curator of the Peabody Awards Archives. The George Foster Peabody Awards for Excellence in Journalism Archives is the keystone of the media collections, containing virtually every entry submitted for this prestigious award, and constitutes one of the foremost sound and moving images collections in the world. The Head of Media/Peabody Curator provides reference assistance for all types of media materials located in the center which includes the Georgia Folklore Collection, LPs, CDs, audio cassettes, VHS video­ cassettes, laser discs, computer software, and other mixed media materials. Some evening and/or weekend work may be required. The Head of Media/Peabody Curator supervises one librarian and one HEAD LIBRARIAN, DIRECTOR OF THE DECKER LIBRARY The Maryland Institute, College of Art DUTIES: Responsible for all aspects of library operations, including budget, collection acquisition and development, management of a staff of 3.5 professional and 3.5 non- professionals, the integration of new informational technologies and services, the development of programs, policies, and relationships that expand access to resources and continue to support the college’s mission and educational programs. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; minimum of five years of professional experience, preferably in an academic art library; demonstrated knowledge in an arts-related field; strong interpersonal and communication skills, with an interest in community outreach and development; a humanistic appreciation for the traditional form of the library; knowledge of electronic information technologies; and a cooperative, collegial, and consortial attitude toward policy and collection development. Salary and benefits for this position are nationally competitive. Position is a 12-month full­ time appointment and begins summer of 1995. DEADLINE: F e b ru a ry 1 5 , 1995. Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone num ber of three references to: Library Director Search Office of Academic Affairs Maryland Institute, College of Art 1300 Mt. Royal Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217 56/C&RL News ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENT Yale University Library The Yale University Library seeks an energetic librarian to join the management team of serials and acquisitions programs. These programs encompass extensive ordering, receiving, payment, and copy cataloging operations, including approval plans and exchanges, and are supported by a sophisticated technological environment. The successful candidate will serve as serials expert for the library system, and assistant department head and supervisor of the receiving teams of the Acquisitions Department. QUALIFICATIONS: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school. Knowledge of records management and the MARC bibliographic and holdings formats. Experience with microcomputers and automated library systems. Knowledge of at least one European language. Excellent communication and analytical skills. Demonstrated supervisory ability. Strong service orientation and ability to work independently and with others in a stimulating and demanding environment. RANK: Librarian I or II. Salary from $31,500 at L-l, or $34,400 at L-ll dependent upon qualifications and experience. Full benefits package including 22 vacation days and 17 holiday, recess, and personal days; comprehensive health care; relocation assistance; and TIAA/CREF or Yale retirement plan. Applications received by January 20,1995, will be given first consideration; applications accepted until position is filled. Please send a letter of application, resume, and the names of three references to: Diane Y. Turner Director, Library Human Resources Yale University Library P.O. Box 208240 New Haven, CT 06520-8240 EEO/AA. library assistant and assists with the supervision of 8 to 10 student istants. The Head of Media/Peabody Curator reports to the ctor of Libraries. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, or master’s ree and ACA certification, with two years of professional experi­ ass ire eg nce; Broad academic background, with strong interest in journalism, lm history/criticism, instructional technology, or other related field referred, with preference given to candidates holding or pursuing an dvanced degree; successful background in fundraising and rantwriting; demonstrated knowledge of media materials, preserva­ ion, and equipment; knowledge of copyright and processing of media aterials; demonstrated supervisory skills; interest in interactive echnologies and the integration of media into the university curricu­ m; effective oral and written communication skills; ability to estab­ sh and maintain effective working relationships; strong public ser­ ice orientation. Benefits: Standard benefits package includes life, ealth, and disability insurance and mandatory participation in the tate or optional retirement system, and 21 days annual leave, plus 2 paid holidays. Salary minimum: $38,000. Application procedure: end letter of application addressing all qualifications with a resume nd the names of three references by February 17,1995, to: Florence . King, Personnel Librarian, University of Georgia Libraries, Ath­ ns, Georgia 30602; fax: (706) 542-4144; Bitnet: his position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. An qual opportunity, affirmative action institution. EAD OF REFERENCE. Responsible for the planning, evaluation, nd coordination of the daily operations of the Reference Department; rovides electronic and traditional reference services; plans for the xpansion and diversification of bibliographic instruction programs; nd plans programs designed to assist patrons in the use of network- ased information resources. Coordinates library services provided to atellite campus. Supervises a staff of five librarians, temporary brarians, one library assistant, and student assistants. Participates all phases of reference activities, including evening and weekend otation. Coordinates and participates in reference collection develop­ ent and management activities. Plans and implements policies and rocedures for the department in a team environment and develops oals and objectives for the department; and solves problems. rovides leadership for the continuing development of departmental D d e fi p a g t m t lu li v h s 1 S a E e T e H a p e a b s li in r m p g P goals, including instructional and educational initiatives. Require­ ments: Master of library science degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent required; three to five years of progressively responsible experience in reference services in a university setting; supervisory experience; strong public service orientation; experience and familiarity with traditional and emerging electronic information resources and technologies; experience in providing bibliographic instruction; and demonstrated excellence in interpersonal, oral, and written communication. Preferred: Demonstrated ability to work in a team setting and handle multiple responsibilities in a changing environment; demonstrated ability to work effectively, independently, and cooperatively with all elements of a highly diverse academic community. This is a tenure-track faculty position, available June 1, 1995. Appointment level: Associate Librarian. Salary range: $47,376- $65,868, depending on qualifications. The successful candidate must meet expectations for professional growth activities and university service as well as public service activities to secure promotion and tenure. A personal interview is required and finalists will be invited to campus. Submit a letter of application and resume by February 13, 1995, to: Library Recruiting Committee Coordinator, Head of Refer­ ence, California State University, San Bernardino, 5500 University Pkwy., San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397. An equal opportunity, affir­ mative action, Section 504, Title IX employer. HEAD OF REFERENCE/ELECTRONIC SERVICES. Reed Library at Fort Lewis College seeks creative leadership for its Reference/ Electronic Resources Department, tenure-track position. Work with a dynamic reference group to plan, coordinate, and promote traditional and electronic reference services. Responsible for reference collec­ tion development. Coordinate and participate in bibliographic instruc­ tion classes. Supervise reference librarians and assistants. Collabo­ rate closely with faculty. Requirements: ALA-accredited MLS; mini mum three years reference experience in an automated environment (preferably academic); demonstrated leadership capabilities; ability to interact positively with faculty and students in a liberal arts setting; excellent organizational, oral, and written communication skills; experience with print and electronic reference sen/ices; ability to promote developments in electronic reference technologies. Desired: Experience in developing and implementing a LAN; supervisory January 1995/57 experience. Salary: Minimum $32,000 plus benefits. Send letter of application, resume, copy of transcripts, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three current references to: Alice McKinney, Co-chair Reference Search Committee, Reed Library, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Dr., Durango, CO 81301-3999; McKINNEY_A@FLC.COLORADO.EDU; fax: (303) 247-7149. Dead­ line: January 20, 1995. Fort Lewis College is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. HEAD, PHYSICAL SCIENCES LIBRARY. Associate Librarian: $35,052, to $47,124 or Librarian: $47,124 to $53,856 per year. Appointment rank and salary based on qualifications and experience. Under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Sciences and Systems, the Head is responsible for providing collec­ tions and other information resources and services to UCD’s commu­ nity of students, faculty, and research staff in chemistry and related fields, physics, geology, and engineering. Provides leadership in planning, developing, and implementing ongoing and innovative services; manages library operations (technical and public services, personnel, budget, facilities); directs and evaluates a staff of three librarians and seven support staff. In consultation with Library Sys­ tems Department, provides active leadership in shaping the directions for both print and electronic collections for the Physical Sciences Library. The Head coordinates collection expenditures of approxi­ mately $1.1 million, manages a collection of more than 250,000 volumes in multiple locations, and promotes faculty liaison and systemwide (UC) resource-sharing activities. Shares collection de­ velopment and management and reference activity. Participates in librarywide planning and management through consultative commit­ tee structures. Qualifications: Master’s degree in librarianship from an ALA-accredited institution or its equivalent. Managerial experience, including collection development, in a science and/or engineering library required. Excellent and demonstrated grasp of information needs of scientists and understanding of current trends and issues in scientific publishing and communication. Clear and demonstrated knowledge of new technologies and their applications to enhancing information services. Demonstrated ability to conceive and imple­ ment innovative programs. Demonstrated achievement in organiza­ tional leadership, including the ability to manage change positively. Superior oral and written communication skills, excellent analytical and organizational skills. Ability to work effectively with colleagues, students, faculty, and staff in a rapidly changing, complex, and multicultural environment. Demonstrated initiative and flexibility. Evidence of professional and/or scholarly activity. Desirable: Aca­ demic background in a physical science or engineering. Substantial experience and achievement in collection development activity and information services in a major academic or research library. Appli­ cants should send letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references (including current supervisor) to: Sandra A. Vella, Academic Personnel Coordinator, Shields Li­ brary, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-5292; phone: (916)752-1138; fax: (916) 752-6899. Applications received by Febru­ ary 15,1995, will be assured consideration. The University of Califor­ nia is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY LIBRARIAN. Under the direction of the Assistant Director for Library Automation, is responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and evaluating library microcomputer, workstation, and networking applications; coordinates and assists in training of library staff in the use of microcomputer and workstation software and hardware; participates in electronic information systems development for the Libraries; assists in training of library staff in the use of microcomputer and workstation software and hardware; assists Assistant Director for Library Automation in budget preparation, grant writing, and analysis related to online systems. Librarians are ap­ pointed as members of the Washington State University faculty and are expected to participate actively in the university’s instructional, research, and service programs. All privileges, obligations, and research responsibilities of faculty are inherent in such membership. Librarians are ranked in grades of 2, 3, and 4, equivalent to the academic ranks of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, and Professor. A progressive record of professional/scholarly achieve­ ment is expected of all librarians. Required: ALA-accredited MLS or its equivalent; demonstrated knowledge of microcomputers and workstations and their applications in a library environment; familiarity with online library systems and local and wide area networks. Pre­ ferred: Experience in several library units in an academic or research library; familiarity with Windows, DOS, word processing, spread­ sheet, database management, and other microcomputer software; knowledge of CD-ROM, multimedia, and networked information sys­ tems in a library environment; experience teaching or training informa­ tion technology. Salary: From $30,024, commensurate with qualifica­ tions and experience. Rank: Commensurate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Application procedure: Send letter of application, resume, and names and ad­ dresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Sen/ices, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review begins February 1, 1995. Washington State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action educator and employer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam-era or disabled veterans, persons of disability, and/or per­ sons age 40 and over are encouraged to apply. LIBRARIAN ll/lll, SYSTEMS OFFICE. Responsibilities: Provides user services to 13 DALNET institutions sharing a NOTIS automated library system; coordinates WSU library participation in campus Gopher information system; delivers training sessions; participates in computer system implementation, management, and design; assists with locally mounted citation databases; and designs new services. Qualifications: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school and knowledge of microcomputers required. Three years of experi­ ence and recognition on a statewide level desirable. Experience with NOTIS, MARC bibliographic record format, and Unix system pre­ ferred. Minimum salary: $32,000, depending on rank, experience, and mailto:McKINNEY_A@FLC.COLORADO.EDU 58/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES Massachusetts Institute of Technology The Massachusetts Institute of Technology seeks a Director of Libraries, to start Septem ber 1995. The D irector of Libraries reports directly to the Provost, and is a mem ber of Academ ic Council, MIT’s senior m anagem ent group. The D irector therefore m ust have the experiences and qualities that prepare him or her to assume a leadership role at MIT. The Director must be capable of working in a rapidly changing information infrastructure, and of collaborating with other MIT entities including Information Systems. The Director has budget authority and personnel responsibility for the MIT Libraries, and must therefore have commensurate administrative skills and experiences. The libraries contain more than 2.3 million printed volumes, over 21,000 serial subscriptions, and extensive collections of microforms, maps, slides, photographs, sound recordings, printed music, manuscripts, motion pictures, and videotapes. There are five major subject libraries and several branch libraries in specialized subject areas. The total libraries budget for FY 1995 is $14 million, and the staff of 226 includes 85 professionals. MIT currently awaits installation of a new, network-integrated, client-server, library computer system. The new system will exploit MIT’s pervasive network services, which include the Athena Computing Environment and reach almost all offices and student residences. A major element of the Director’s job is working with libraries and Information Systems staff to keep the MIT Libraries at the technological level MIT’s community expects. MIT is an independent, coeducational university founded in 1861 and committed to the extension of knowledge through teaching and research. The campus is located along the Charles River in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The institute is organized into five academic schools— Architecture and Planning, Engineering, Humanities and Social Science, Management, and Science— and numerous interdisciplinary research labs and centers. Current enrollment is about 10,000 students, half undergraduate and half graduate. There are about 1,000 regular members of the faculty plus a similar number of lecturers, instructors, and teaching assistants. MIT’s operating budget is about $1 billion, roughly two-thirds research and one-third instruction. MIT is strongly and actively com m itted to diversity within its com m unity and particularly encourages applications from women and m inority candidates. Applications and nominations may be sent by surface mail to: Peter S. Donaldson, Chair Library Director Search Committee Building 14N-422 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139 or by Internet electronic mail (ASCII text only, please) to: lib-dir-search@ qualifications. For a more extensive list of duties and qualifications, please call (313) 577-0942. Forward resume including names and addresses of three references, to: Judith March-Adams, Assistant Dean for Administration, 134 Purdy Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. All buildings, structures, and vehicles at WSU are smokefree. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity, affirma­ tive action employer. Wayne State University— people working to­ gether to provide quality service. LIBRARIAN (SYSTEMS). Southwestern Oklahoma State University. Applicants are invited for the position of Systems Librarian, which is responsible for computer services and systems operated by the library. Required qualifications are: ALA-accredited master's degree in library/information science, current computer management experi­ ence with emphasis on networking in a Windows-based PC environ­ ment, experience with CD-ROMs in a network environment. Internet skills, VAX, Saber, public service, and DRA experience preferred. Forward resume with cover letter to: Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Attn: Human Resources, 100 Campus Dr., Weatherford, OK 73096. Applicants will receive information concerning the library, university, and position duties. Review of applications will begin January 31, 1995. EEO/AA employer. LIBRARIANS (two positions). Georgia College, Milledgeville, Geor­ gia. Two 12-month tenure-track library faculty positions are available. Systems Librarian. Reports to the Library Director. Participates in policy and operational decisions dealing with all aspects of library information technology, including electronic information delivery and office automation. Provides leadership, advice, training, and techni­ cal expertise in selection, evaluation, planning, development, and January 1995/59 implementation of new information technologies and their library applications. Responsible for installation, maintenance, documenta­ tion, and operational support of all library computers at four campus locations. Provides administrative support for CD-ROM LAN, Internet applications, and the online system (PALS) located at Georgia State University. Prepares budget proposals for acquisition of library tech­ nology resources. Works with computing personnel, both on campus and at other university system institutions, in providing networked information services. Participates in reference and instruction activi­ ties, including night and weekend work on a rotating basis. Required: An ALA-accredited MLS. Academic library experience with local area networks, Windows, CD-ROM LANs, TCP/IP applications, MARC and OCLC record structures, and wide area networks. Knowledge of DOS, Novell, dBase, and Windows. Excellent interpersonal and commu­ nication skills and a positive, flexible attitude. Preferred: Experience with an online system, knowledge of PASCAL. Minimum salary is $29,000, depending on qualifications. Database Management Librar­ ian. Reports to the Coordinator of Technical Services. Manages PALS integrated library system, serving as a primary resource person for these bibliographic control functions: deletes records from online catalog, develops local error report forms, consults OCLC database to verify records, completes revision work, resolves problems with barcoded items, handles various PALS reports, uses MARC Editor to make local data changes, checks indexes, and maintains authority control. Supervises cataloging staff. Serves as partial backup to Systems Librarian. Participates in reference and instruction activities, including night and weekend work on a rotating basis. Participates in collection development. Catalogs new titles added to library collec­ tion, assisting with reclassification projects underway. Handles projects for serials control, barcoding, acquisitions subsystem, and Internet usage. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Strong oral and written com­ munications skills. Knowledge of MARC format, LC practice, and OCLC systems. Preferred: Previous cataloging background and demonstrated experience with automated systems. Minimum salary: $25,000, depending on qualifications. A second master's degree necessary for promotion in both positions. Excellent benefits. Appli­ cation deadline for both positions: February 1 5 , 1995. To apply: Send letter of application specifically stating for which position(s) applica­ tion is intended, resume, transcripts (official ones required for inter­ views), and three letters of reference with telephone numbers to: Search Committee Chair, Russell Library, CBX 43, Georgia College, Milledgeville, GA 31061. Georgia College is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Americans with Disabilities Act institution. Women, African-Americans and other minorities are encouraged to apply. LIBRARY ASSOCIATE/ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN. Reference De­ partment, Clement C. Maxwell Library. Instruct faculty, students, and staff of the college in the use of electronic and traditional resources; give bibliography instruction to students; responsible for collection development for the reference; serve as liaison librarian to assigned academic department. MLS from ALA-accredited library program; knowledge of electronic and network-based information resources and technologies; strong interpersonal skills to work with faculty, students, and colleagues in a team approach; good oral and written communication skills. Salary: Dependent upon qualifications and experience. Deadline for complete application file: Open and continu­ ing; review of complete application files begins December 19, 1994. (Letter of intent, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone 60/C&RL News DEAN OF LIBRARIES M o n ta n a S ta te U n iv e rs ity -B o z e m a n Montana State University-Bozeman invites both applications and nominations fo r the position of Dean of Libraries. The University seeks an energetic and visionary leader with excellent interpersonal skills and the desire to build on existing electronic library services. The MSU Libraries plays an integral role in the teaching, research, and outreach mission of the university. It is committed to providing optimum access and delivery of information through both traditional and electronic formats to students both on and off campus. It is a partner with other departments on campus in the MSU Outreach Network, which extends the services of the university throughout the state. A land grant institution, Montana State University has an enrollment of over 10,000 students in seven colleges and its graduate school. Overlooking the beautiful Gallatin Valley, the university is located in the northern Rocky Mountains, 90 miles north of Yellowstone Park. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: (1) An ALA-accredited MLS degree; (2) a second graduate degree; (3) progressively responsible administrative experience in an academic library, including planning, budgeting, staffing, and public relations; (4) demonstrated leadership/management in integrating electronic resources and systems in a library environment; (5) a record of significant professional participation as evidenced by publications, presentations, or other contributions. APPLICATION: For complete list of qualifications and application information, contact: Dean of Libraries Search Committee 212 Montana Hail Montana State University-Bozeman Bozeman, MT 59717 Phone: (406) 994-6648 FAX: (406) 994-2893 e-mail: AAXMS@TREX.OSCS.MONTANA.EDU DEADLINE: Nominations should be received by J a n u a ry 15,1995. Screening begins January 27, 1995, and will continue until the position is filled. ADA/EO/AA/veterans preference numbers of three professional references should be submitted for a complete file.) Address all inquiries to: Office of Human Resources, Boyden Hall, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA 02325. Bridgewater State College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer that actively seeks to increase the diversity of its workforce. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Adrian College is seeking applicants for the Director of Shipman Library. Located near Ann Arbor and Toledo, Adrian is a college of 1,100 students and 70 faculty. The Library Director supervises staff and facilities and shares responsibilities for reference and other tasks with the professional staff. The director will be involved in the college’s campaign to expand and renovate the library building. The position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited program. Expectations forthe position include experience with team- oriented library administration, enthusiasm for electronic dissemina­ tion of information, and a knowledge of automated library systems, preferably DRA. Salary: $35,000+, negotiable. The position is cur­ rently open. Review of applications will begin February 1,1995. Send a letter of application, a resume, and addresses and phone numbers for at least three references to: James Borland, Vice President and Dean for Academic Affairs, Adrian College, Adrian, Ml 49221. LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Austin College. MLS required, with at least five years experience in academic libraries; additional advanced degree desired. Applicant should have demonstrated leadership and management ability, be familiar with emerging information technolo­ gies and automated library systems, and be committed to under­ graduate liberal arts programs. The director reports to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and is responsible for planning and management of the Abell Library Center, which includes an educa­ tional media center, and the college’s archives. The library, which opened in 1986, has over 200,000 volumes and a staff of three other professionals and 6.5 support personnel and participates in two local and regional consortia. Austin College is a selective liberal arts college of 1,200 students, located in Sherman, Texas, 45 miles north of the Dallas metroplex. The college also offers a five-year teacher program that provides students a BA degree, an MAT degree and teacher certification. Benefits are competitive and salary is commen­ surate with qualifications and experience. Submit letter of applica­ tion, resume, and three letters of recommendation to David Jordan, VPAA, Austin College, Sherman, TX 75090-4440. Review of appli­ cations to begin February 15,1995. Appointment available immedi­ ately or by July 1995. AA/EOE. LIBRARY DIRECTOR FOR A JOINT UNIVERSITY/COLLEGE LI­ BRARY serving Broward Community College and Florida Atlantic University. Broward Community College and Florida Atlantic Univer­ sity are expanding their joint library facility in Davie, Florida, to meet the needs of community college and university students taking classes at the same campus. Construction is underway on a major $14.5 million addition and renovation that will triple the size of the library. We now seek a Library Director sensitive to the needs of both constituencies. The director will be employed by BCC but will report to the governing board composed of university and college staff. With the guidance of the governing board, the director will be responsible for all aspects of academic library administration, including planning, budget administration, collection development, personnel adminis­ tration, public and technical service programs, library cooperation, and management of new technologies. Qualifications include an ALA- accredited MLS degree, strong interpersonal skills, extensive famil- mailto:AAXMS@TREX.OSCS.MONTANA.EDU January 1995/61 FOUR POSITIONS The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Academic Affairs Libraries invites applications for four positions. The university and the libraries: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the country’s oldest state university. It has an enrollm ent of some 23,000 students, employs more than 2,100 faculty, and offers the Ph.D in 62 fields. The library holds over 4 million volumes and 3.3 million microforms and is a member of SOLINET, the Association of Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, and the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN). TRLN, which also includes Duke University, North Carolina State University, and North Carolina Central University, has a combined collection of over 10 million volumes. For all librarian positions, completion of an ALA-accredited degree is required. Positions are 12-month academic appointments with standard state benefits of annual leave, sick leave, and state orTIAA/C R EF retirement plan. HEAD OF MONOGRAPHIC CATALOGING Librarian supervises copy and original cataloging as well as Slavic and Latin American cataloging, and serves as the Assistant Head of the Catalog Department. Candidates must have five years or more of increasingly responsible professional cataloging experience; supervisory experience; substantial knowledge of cataloging standards and practice in a research library; and strong communication and leadership skills. Prefer: Experience with Data Research Associates bibliographic access system. Minimum salary: $38,000. Application deadline: February 1 , 1995. PRESERVATION LIBRARIAN This new post will administer the preservation program for the general collections. Librarian will coordinate librarywide staff user education programs; maintain environmental monitoring program; supervise five FTE staff in the library binding and repair unit. Candidates must have relevant preservation experience in an academic or research library; extensive knowledge of preservation issues and practices; supervisory experience; a record of professional participation at the state, regional, or national level. Prefer: Substantial knowledge of commercial binding and repair options. Minimum salary: $30,000. Review of applications will begin January 3 , 1995 and continue until position is filled. ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN This newly created position offers an excellent opportunity to work in an ARL library in a position that combines both high-tech and traditional documents and reference work. Librarian works as part of a cooperative documents team. Position develops electronic documents services, including CD-ROMs, Internet, and online access to government information. Candidates must have substantial knowledge of microcomputer applications, excellent oral and written communication skills. Prefer: Knowledge of DOS operating systems, Windows, CD-ROM installation, the Internet; experience with federal documents; international and/or state documents, social science and/or maps reference experience. Minimum salary: $26,500. Review of applications will begin January 15, 1995 and continue until position is filled. ELECTRONIC SERVICES REFERENCE LIBRARIAN Librarian will work as part of a collaborative team to provide technical support and public service for a 14 station CD-ROM network of bibliographic and full-text databases, for six Lexis/Nexis stations, and for a newly established Electronic Information Service. Candidates must have technical experience with electronic reference service, especially in regard to local area networks, CD-ROM installation, and Internet resources and tools, and strong communication skills. Prefer: Reference experience and supervisory experience. Minimum salary: $26,500. Review of applications will begin January 1 , 1995 and continue until position is filled. Send application letter, resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Barbara DeLon Library Personnel Officer CB #3900 Davis Library The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 27514-8890 An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. 62/C&RL News HEAD, COLLECTION MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT M ic h ig a n T e c h n o lo g ic a l U n iv e rs ity RESPONSIBILITIES: Provides leadership in defining and administering collection development policy. Coordinates selection activities of 20 departmental faculty liaisons. Assesses quality of collection to maintain an appropriate balance between local ownership and external access, including electronic networks. Make budget projections and recommends allocations. Is responsible for resources budge approximating $1 million. Administers collection preservation process. Consults with university offices, committees, and individuals regarding subject development and collection. Shares in library manage­ ment decision-making and activities. Takes part in professional development activities. Participates in reference desk coverage when needed. Reports to the Assistant Director for Research Services. Supervises one full-time support staff member and one student assistant. This is a 12-month appointment with 24 annual vacations days, 13 annual sick leave days, and TIAA/CREF or State of Michigan retirement. Expected starting salary: $30,000. QUALIFICATIONS: Advanced degree from an ALA-accredited program. Increasing professional responsibility in academic or research library (must include three recent years experience in collection development). Experience in supervision and budget analysis. Demonstrated knowledge of qualitative and quantitative collection analysis techniques, preservation practices, trends in higher education and key issues in traditional and electronic collection management. Demonstrated abilities in leadership, decision-making, negotiation, interpersonal, and communication skills. Professional interaction with multidisciplinary faculty and background in statistics and/or science/technology highly desirable. The library participates in OCLC and the Michigan Library Consortium. Current collection consists of approximately 350,000 volumes and current subscriptions approximate 3,000 titles. Local workgroup and OPAC systems run in a W indows environment on a Unix platform. Michigan Tech is a public institution known as a premier engineering and research university. MTU has more than 350 faculty, 1,000 staff, and approximately 6,000 students enrolled in the undergraduate, MS, and Ph.D. programs. It is located in the scenic Keweenaw Peninsula near Lake Superior. Send resume with letter of application and three or four references, including telephone numbers, to: Laura Alexander Human Resources Michigan Technological University 1400 Townsend Dr. Houghton, Ml 49931 Screening of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled. Michigan Technological University is an EO/AA employer, educational institution. iarity with library operations, and five years of successful experience s an academic library administrator. University library experience is esirable but not essential. Davie, Florida, is a rapidly growing suburb outhwest of Ft. Lauderdale. FAU’s Davie campus is located within he BCC-Davie campus. The library also serves students of Florida nternational university. FAU and FIU are members of Florida’s State niversity System; BCC is a member of Florida’s Community College ystem. The statewide community college automated system (LINCC) ill be the predominant automated system. The joint library currently as a staff of eight professionals, 12 clericals, and student assistants, ith staff growth anticipated. The new building will be completed in 996. Salary range will be $60,000-$65,000, plus fringe benefits. pplicants should send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, copies f transcripts, and the names and addresses of three references to: row ard C om m unity College, Human Resources Department, 225 . Las Olas Blvd., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301, or call 1-800-682-3646 or an official employment application. For further information, con­ act: Mont Smith, Acting Library Director, Broward Community Col­ ege, Davie, FL 33314; telephone: (305) 475-6513. To ensure full onsideration, letters and vitae should be received by January 30, 995. Equal access, equal opportunity institutions. IBRARY TECHNICAL SERVICES DIRECTOR. Western Kentucky ollege library requires Technical Sen/ices Director. Job duties: Direct nd coordinate all technical services of college library. Plan, organize, nd implement staff procedures, and supervise Technical Services a d s t I u S w h w 1 A o B E f t l c 1 L c a a staff. Responsible for administration and maintenance of Novell computer network. Supervise computer usage and data entry. Direct library acquisitions approval program. Manage government deposi­ tory and assume responsibility for the acquisition, cataloging, and maintenance of all government documents. Select, order, catalog, and classify special collections of books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual materials, microforms, and other materials. Search literature, compile accession lists, and annotate or abstract materials. Train workers engaged in cataloging, locating, filing, and copying selected material. Work one night shift per week as duty librarian. Requirements: Master’s degree in library science plus one year experience in library technical services that includes manage­ ment of a Novell computer network. Must demonstrate proficiency in using AACR, LCSH, LCC cataloging methods, as well as Dbase IV and PRISM database systems. Must be able to perform stated job duties. Must be willing to move to rural town in western Kentucky, with up to $400 in expenses paid by employer. Must be willing to accept standard wage, which is certified by the Council of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities. Compensation $22,000 per year plus health insurance, life insurance, retirement, and 10 days paid vacation. Direct resumes with complete references to: Debbie Lyons, Department for Employment Services, 275 E. Main St., 2W, Frankfort, KY 40621. equal opportunity employer. RARE BOOK CATALOGER. Harvard University, Houghton Library. Under the supervision of the Head of Technical Services for the January 1995/ 63 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES Integrated Technology Instruction Center The University of Michigan The Integrated Technology Instruction Center Executive Committee at the University of Michigan invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of Library Services. The Integrated Technology Instruction Center (ITIC), currently under construction at the University of Michigan, is a new center for collaborative, interdisciplinary learning and research. It will house technology laboratories and flexible studios for production of creative, experimental knowledge. The ITIC Library, which will incorporate engineering, art, and architecture libraries, and music technology stations, will also be a partner in the larger ITIC mission to pioneer and lead the application of new technologies to instruction, creativity, and research for the campus. DESIRED QUALIFICATIONS: A Director of Library Services for this center is being sough who will have: Demonstrated ability to provide leadership for change, i.e., the ability to envision and articulate a new reality, to persuade others of its benefits, and to inspire them to embrace and actualize it; capability and commitment to lead not only a traditional print-on-paper, place-centered library but also to evolve and operate new information access services in the new world of any-time, any-place, any-format digital library networks; commitment to the use of emerging technology to enhance the traditional values of intellectual and physical access to information by broad segments of society; a working knowledge of the technical underpinnings of the digital library environments of the future; capacity and commitment to being a partner on a leadership team to create, apply, and evaluate new ways to support learning, creativity, and scholarly communication in universities; strong commitment to excellence in sen/ice; ability to operate successfully in an entrepreneurial environment; an ALA- accredited MLS degree or equivalent degree(s) with emphasis on information/technology services; significant professional experience in an academic, corporate, or large public library involving increasing levels of responsibility and supervision of other information/library professionals; ability to supervise professionals with subject specializations in art, architecture, music, and engineering; demonstrated ability to promote interdisciplinary research and learning through the integration of diverse academ ic cultures; a background in one or more of the academic fields that will be housed in ITIC; demonstrated awareness of how research and learning are done in these fields SALARY: Salary will be comm ensurate with experience and qualifications. Subm it nom inations or a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and a list of references to: Erdogan Gulari Chair, Search Committee 3168 H. Dow Building University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-2136 Phone: (313) 764-4340 Applications received by February 1 5 , 1995, will receive first consideration. The University o f Michigan is a nondiscriminatory, affirmative action employer. Houghton Library performs original and complex adaptive cataloging of rare books and printed material from the 15th century to the present according to national standards, using AACR2, LC subject headings, and the US MARC formats. The Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books will be used for appropriate early materials. The cataloger will partici­ pate in departmental planning of evolving workflow procedures and assist with other cataloging activities when necessary as procedures and duties evolve in the rapidly changing electronic environment. The cataloger provides expertise in an area of specialization to members of the library staff, and participates fully in the professional activities of the library, preparing exhibitions, seminars, and other public events. Qualifications: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited library school and/or advanced degree in the humanities. Compe­ tency in at least one western European language required, German or Latin highly desirable; four to six years successful professional cataloging experience, preferably in a large research library, including original cataloging and authority control; experience in use of OCLC or other major bibliographic utility. Thorough knowledge of cataloging tools, standards, and conventions; experience with integrated library systems. Ability to perform bibliographic research and pay close attention to detail required. Effective oral and written communication skills as well as excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Flexibility and versatility required in order to effectively contribute to an evolving work situation. The preferred candidate will be profession­ ally active and have a demonstrated interest in publication @nd other scholarly activities. Previous experience in cataloging of rare books 64/C&RL News PROGRAM MANAGER FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES SELECTION Bucknell University (Search Reopened) Bucknell University seeks an enterprising, client-oriented librarian to manage the selection program for both print and electronic resources, facilitating the work of all librarian selectors. The successful candidate will have an awareness of the differing curricular and research needs of academic disciplines and their scholarly communication patterns, and will take the broadest possible view of providing information resources on a technologically progressive campus by integrating perspectives on print, nonprint, and electronic resources. She/he will be as comfortable exploring the Internet as working with vendors and writing reports, and will thrive on both intellectual analysis and hands-on work with gifts, approval plans, and hardware/ software access mechanisms. REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Three to five years post-ALA-accredited MLS experience; knowledge of emerging information technologies. PREFERRED: Collection development/faculty liaison experience; familiarity with public and technical services. Applicants are encouraged to review the extended posting available on W orld-W ide Web (h ttp ://w w w .b u c k n e ll.e d u /d e p a rtm e n ts /lib ra ry /J o b O p e n in g .h tm l), o r request one by e-m ail ( Subm it detailed letter of interest, resume, and names and addresses of references to: Ann de Klerk Director, Bertrand Library Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA 17837 Review of applications begins February 1 5 , 1995. Bucknell University seeks academic excellence through diversity (EEO/AA). and manuscripts desirable. Interested candidates may send a letter of interest, resume, and the names of three references to: Hazel C. Stamps, Harvard College Library, Harvard University, Widener Library, Rm 188, Cambridge, MA 02138. REFERENCE/ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Wabash College, a private liberal arts college for men that is nationally recognized for its commitment to excellence in undergraduate educa­ tion, is seeking a librarian with a strong commitment to public services and the utilization of electronic information access tools. Responsibili­ ties include helping students and faculty become more knowledge­ able and competent users of both on- and off-campus electronic information resources; providing reference services with some assis­ tance from the other two librarians, support staff, and student refer­ ence assistants; and, with the head librarian, offering bibliographic instruction. Qualifications: MLS; broad, informed intellectual inter­ ests; strong verbal and written communication skills; ability to work effectively with faculty and students; willingness to work a flexible schedule. Preference will be given to candidates with a demonstrated understanding and experience in reference and instruction issues in an academic library, especially the impact of the Internet and other electronic resources. Crawfordsville, a small city of approximately 16,000, is the county seat. The combined resources of the college and the city offer a variety of cultural and athletic opportunities. Indianapo­ lis is an easy one-hour drive away. Universities within easy driving distance are Purdue, Indiana University, and the University of Illinois. In addition, nearby natural areas afford excellent opportunities for hiking, camping, and canoeing. Earliest start date is July 1, 1995. Salary from $28,500, negotiable based on previous experience. 12- month contract with initial two-year appointment, associated member of the faculty (all faculty privileges except tenure and sabbatical leave), good fringe benefits. Head Librarian Larry Frye welcomes in quiries about the college or position: (317) 364-4327 or Review of applications will begin February 1, 1995, and continue until the position is filled. Send application, resume and at least three letters of reference to: Larry Frye, Lilly Library, Wabash College, P.O. Box 352, Crawfordsville, IN 47933. Wabash is interested in increasing its diversity. Women and minori­ ties are encouraged to apply. EOE. REFERENCE/INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. The New York Botanical Garden, a major plant science research library serving the scientific and academic communities and the general public, seeks to fill the position of Reference/lnterlibrary Loan Librarian. Provides public and staff reference services and coordinates the processing of incoming and outgoing ILL requests; supervises an ILL assistant; provides informal bibliographic instruction in the use of OPAC, CD- ROM, and online reference tools; and will evaluate and coordinate the introduction and use of document delivery technologies. Must have a minimum of two years experience in reference and/or interlibrary loan, including the use of OCLC or other automated ILL systems in an academic or research library. MLS required for position; training in botany, horticulture, or the biological sciences, computer literacy, and a reading and speaking knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese are preferred. Rotating weekend and early evening scheduling. Excellent benefits, including four weeks vacation; salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Personnel Coordi­ nator RSL, The New York Botanical Garden, 200th St. and Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458-5126. AA/EOE/M/F/DA/. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Electronic Reference and Instruction Librarian with major responsibility for planning, implementing, and evaluating electronic services and sources; developing local and remote resources; preparing guides and instructional materials; and January 1995/ 65 providing instruction for library staff and users. Weekend and evening hours may be required. Library faculty are expected to be involved in reference services, instruction, collection development, professional services, and scholarship. Requirements: Knowledge of reference service and sources. Substantial knowledge of CD-ROM products, online services, and reference applications of Internet. Proficiency in the use of microcom puter software. Demonstrated instructional skills. Master’s degree from ALA-accredited school. Must have excellent written and oral communication skills and strong service orientation. Ability to manage change and work in a team environ­ ment. Commitment to professional service and scholarship. Pre­ ferred: Second advanced degree; experience or training in working in m ulticultural environment. Appalachian State University, located in northwestern North Carolina in the Blue Ridge Mountains, has 11,600 students and offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in more than 170 programs. It is a member of the University of North Carolina System. Library holdings include 539,492 books, 3,950 subscriptions, and one million microforms. Appalachian holds mem­ bership in the Western North Carolina Library Network, a consortium of three universities. The position is tenure-track, with a 12-month contract, and is available July 1,1995. Salary and rank are commen­ surate with qualifications. Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three refer­ ences to: Mary Reichel, University Librarian, Belk Library, Appala­ chian State University, Boone, NC 28608. Completed applications must be received by February 17,1995. Appalachian is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and is committed to hiring women and minorities. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. The College of St. Catherine, St. Paul campus, invites applications for a temporary full-time (nine-month) faculty position, renewable up to five years, with a possible extra month each year, as a Reference Librarian for the Medical and Life Sciences and Coordinator of Interlibrary Loan. Under general direc­ tion of the Head of Public Services, this position will assist students, faculty, staff, and other library users in conducting library research. Additional responsibilities: This is an entry-level position. As a member of the Public Services Department this position acts as liaison to Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Biology, and other depart­ ments as assigned. Liaisons work closely with assigned departments to ensure the provision of effective library instruction and reference service and to assist in collection development. Classroom instruction in library research skills is a significant aspect of this position. All librarians teach research skills in the core curriculum courses and are scheduled on the reference desk, including some evening and weekend hours. This position also coordinates a very active interlibrary loan process that includes interconsortial lending, MINITEX and OCLC borrowing and lending. The position reports to the Head of Public Services and supervises 0.5 FTE support staff in Interlibrary Loan. As a member of the faculty, participation in college governance and scholarship are expected. Qualifications required: ALA-accred­ ited MLS, excellent written and oral communication skills, dem on­ strated knowledge of medical or life sciences fields, enthusiasm for teaching, strong public service orientation, working knowledge or experience using OCLC, online services, CD-ROM search software, and the Internet tools, microcomputer skills (DOS/Windows), and the ability to work with persons from diverse backgrounds. Preferred: Reference experience, experience teaching electronic reference sources, experience with OCLC ILL subsystem, supervisory experi­ ence, demonstrated ability to organize complex workflows. Condi­ tions of contract: This is a one-year (nine-month) temporary faculty position that may be renewed for up to five years. Rank and salary are dependent upon qualifications. Expected rank is Instructor. Salary range: Low to mid $20s. To apply send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Human Resources Department, The College of St. Catherine, 2004 Randolph Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105. EEO/AA. JobLine and JobStatus Line: (612) 690-6425. Re­ view of applications will begin March 1, 1995, and continue until position is filled. REFERENCE/SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. The New York Botanical Garden, a major plant science research library serving the scientific and academic communities and the general public, seeks to fill the position of Reference/Systems Librarian. Provides public and staff reference services and initiates and coordinates library computer systems and staff training; must be familiar with Internet and online information resources, have at least two years experience in library systems coordination/administration, knowledge of online catalogs (INNOPAC preferred) and database management, and three years of library reference service experience in an academic or research library. MLS required for position; training in botany, horticulture, or the biological sciences, computer literacy, and a reading and speaking knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese are preferred. Rotating weekend and early evening scheduling. Excellent benefits, including four weeks vacation; salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Personnel Coordinator-RSL, The New York Botanical Garden, 200th St. and Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458-5126. AA/ EOE/M/F/D/V. SOUTHEAST ASIA LIBRARIAN. John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia, Cornell University Library. The John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia has over 235,000 volum es and 200,000 m icrotexts with com prehensive holdings on all countries in the region, including m onographs, periodicals, newspapers, m anuscripts and maps. The holdings are in all national la n­ guages. Responsibilities: This position is designed to assist the curator of the Echols Collection in the overall operation and developm ent of the holdings, and will include extensive opportu­ nities to w ork with other staff and faculty in developing this national resource. In addition, this librarian w ill: Provide refer­ ence assistance to scholars; select m aterials in Indonesian and M alay languages; supervise precataloging w ork of vernacular language specialists; represent the collection when needed in m eetings with the Central Technical Services, Access Services and Collection Development staff. Q ualifications: MLS or equiva­ lent graduate degree; research-level com petence in Indonesian la ng u a g e and adva n ce d d e g ree in S o u th e a st A sia n studie s strongly preferred; excellent verbal/w ritten com m unication and interpersonal skills; general understanding of both public and technical service operations in a research library. Both biblio­ graphic and cataloging experience preferred. Salary: Dependent on q u a lific a tio n s and e x p e rie n ce C lo sin g Date: A p p lic a tio n s appreciated by March 1, 1995, but will be accepted until the position is filled Apply to: Bernadette Heath, Human Resources Associate, Cornell University Library, 234 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Please send cover letter, resume, and names, addresses and telephone numbers of three references. Cornell University is an affirm ative action, equal O pportunity employer. SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR. Milner Library at Illi­ nois State University is seeking a creative librarian to coordinate the development of library systems on a UNIX-based library system as well as through the state’s networked online catalog, lllinet Online. This is a full-tim e, 12-month, tenure-track position reporting to the Head of Systems. This position offers a challenging opportunity to apply a service attitude to technical development of electronic library services. Duties include: Analyzing and proposing upgrades, en­ hancements, and new electronic library services in the library and on the campus network; working with a systems team of five to promote and teach the use of electronic library services; advising on systems installations using the Internet, online catalog menus, and local computer files; maintaining a high level of technical expertise in library systems. Limited reference desk assignments are also in­ cluded. Qualifications required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; relevant experience; good interpersonal skills. Technical knowledge of UNIX-based computing; some knowledge of Internet tools. A second advanced degree in library science or a subject discipline is required for tenure or appointm ent beyond the rank of instructor. University and library: Illinois State University is a multi­ purpose university with 20,000 students, located in the medium­ sized urban area of Normal-Bloomington. Academic programs and courses are offered in 35 academic departments organized into five colleges, with master’s degree programs in most fields and doctoral degree programs in art, biological sciences, curriculum and instruc­ tion, economics, psychology, education, English, history, and math­ ematics. M ilner Library is the central library facility for the university community, with a staff of 110, including 34 professionals, over 1.3 million volumes, and a materials budget of $1.9 million. It is organized into five broad subject divisions on six floors. The library is embarking on development of a campus library and information services system utilizing a campus fiber optic network and a statewide cooperative union catalog. Salary: $30,000 minimum at the rank of Assistant Professor; negotiable depending on education and experience. Benefits include group medical, dental, and life insurance; 24 days vacation; sick leave; full tuition for courses at Boards of Regents schools; state retirement plan required. Preferred beginning date: April 15, 1995, or earlier. Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until position is filled, but for maximum consideration, applications should be submitted not later than January 20,1995. To apply: Submit letter of application, resume, and names of at least three references to: Systems Search Committee, Attn.: Cheryl Elzy, Milner Library, Illinois State University, Campus Box 8900, Normal, IL 61790-8900. Illinois State University is an affirmative action and equal opportunity employer. 66/C&RL News SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Bio-Medical Library. The University of Min­ nesota Bio-Medical Library invites applications for the position of Systems Librarian. Under the general direction of the Head of Public Services, this position will coordinate and manage the Bio-Medical Library’s computer resources, systems, and networks. The Systems Librarian will provide support for the integration of new technologies and new approaches to the delivery of information into library opera­ tions. As a member of the Public Services staff, the position also will provide user education and work limited reference hours. Responsi­ bilities include: (1) managing the planning, maintaining, and imple­ menting of networked information resources; (2) providing techno­ logical advice, training, and assistance to the library staff; (3) coordi­ nating Bio-Medical Library automation with universitywide computing initiatives; (4) preparing documentation; (5) supervising a Unix net­ work coordinator, a computer technician, and student employees. Required qualifications include: (1) ALA-accredited MLS; (2) two years systems/networking experience in an academic or health sciences library; (3) working knowledge of a variety of operating systems, LANs, CD-ROM, and the Internet; (4) demonstrated knowl­ edge and experience in applying technology solutions in a library environment; (5) proven management and supervisory skills; (6) a strong service orientation; and (7) excellent written and oral commu­ nications and interpersonal skills. Preferred qualifications include: (1) degree or course work in computer science or management of information systems; (2) experience with CDP Technologies’ Ovid and (3) experience in library public services. This is a 12-month academic/professional position, with probationary appointment at the Assistant Librarian rank, and a minimum salary of $28,000. Bio- Medical Library is one of the four major units within the University Libraries. It serves the disciplines of medicine, nursing, public health, dentistry, pharmacy, basic life sciences, and the University Hospital and Clinics. Currently, systems in use at Bio-Medical Library include NOTIS, CDP Technologies’ Ovid, Unix, Novell, Ethernet, and AppleTalk networks, and the Internet. Applicants should send a letter of applica­ tion discussing background and experience relating to the above description, a current resume, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Linda DeBeau-Melting, Libraries Human Resources Officer, University of Minnesota, Uni­ versity Libraries, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55455. Applications must be received by March 1, 1995. Please identify application with UL#39. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religions, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation. SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Framingham State College. Librarian with strong technical skills to plan and manage evolving automated systems in college library; coordinate all electronic resources with related networking functions and services. Will work with professional staff of eight, providing close technical support, training, and trouble­ shooting. Will serve as liaison to Computer Services department for equipment, software, programming, planning, and systems develop­ ment for optimal delivery of information and instructional sen/ices. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Seven years professional library experience with a minimum of three years relevant experience in an academic or research library. Familiarity with LANs, CD-ROMs, PCs, networking, operating systems, administrative and public applica­ tions, equipment, software, telecommunications. Knowledge of on­ line catalog and information systems and resources, OCLC systems and services, MARC records, database organization, Internet proto­ cols and resources, UNIX programming. Excellent analytical, prob­ lem-solving, verbal and written and interpersonal communications skills. Training experience. Ability to work independently with strong motivation to initiate ideas, develop and share information and knowledge. Preferred: Systems experience in an academic library. Experience with OCLC and DRA systems. Knowledge of C program­ ming; degree in computer science. Faculty status, Associate Librarian rank, tenure-track, 12-month position. Minimum salary $30,000. Competitive benefits. Application: Send letter of application, curricu­ lum vitae, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to: Maureen Krier, Associate Librarian, Chair, Systems Search Committee, Henry Whittemore Library, Framingham State College, Box 2000, Framingham Centre, MA 01701. Complete appli­ cations must be received by January 30, 1995, when review of candidates will begin. Framingham State College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. Minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Late Job Listings SERIALS CATALOGING LIBRARIAN (search extended). West Virginia Univer­ sity Libraries is seeking a librarian to assume responsibility for serials cataloging and supervision of the Serials Section consisting of 1.5 professional catalogers and two paraprofessionals. The Serials Section includes cataloging of current serials, AV cataloging, binding and general preservation operations, and retrospective conversion of serials records into the NOTIS system. Technical services librarians are expected to rotate for at least four hours per week in a public services department during the fall or spring semester each academic year. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; a minimum of three years professional experience in serials cataloging; working knowledge of AACR2r, LC and Dewey classification systems, LCSH, MARC formats for serials and authorities, ANSI standards for serial holdings, and similar guides; experience in using OCLC; reading knowledge of one or more western European languages; experience with automated library systems. Salary and rank: $31,000 minimum; appointment as Assistant Librarian/Adjunct Assistant Professor or higher, depending on experience. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, state health insurance system with extensive option programs, 24 days annual leave, 18 days annual medical leave. Application deadline: Applications will be accepted through January 31, 1995. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references to: George H. Libbey, Associate Dean for Administration and Plan­ ning, West Virginia University Libraries, Wise Library, P.O. Box 6069, Morgantown, WV 26505-6069. Female and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. West Virginia University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. RECRUIT THE BEST... . . . ADVERTISE YOUR JOB OPENINGS IN C&RL NEWS Structure Bookmarks 48/C&RL News Deadlines: Orders for regularclassified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preceding publication of the issue (e.g., September 2 for the October issue). Should this date fall on a weekend or holiday, ads will be accepted on the next business day. Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $7.10 per line for institutions that are ACRL members, $9.00 for others. Late job notices ar entry-level position reports to the Head of Public Services and shares staffing the reference desk with three other librarians, including some evening and weekend hours. Has a major responsibility for develop­ing a strong end user instruction program including the use of electronic resources. Shares responsibility for mediated database searching. Prepares bibliographies and user's guides, incoporating electronic sources, etc. Serves as a resource for faculty for electronic teaching and research. Serves as a liaison with the Computing Services Deptartment to maintain library resources on the campus network and gopher, Investigates and recommends new electronic resources and products, Can demonstrate potential to work with liberal arts faculty, staff, and undergraduate studen January 1995/49 and retention of library SPA staff; assists in preparing, coordinating, and administering the annual library budget; negotiates service, automation, telecommunications, programming, and other contracts as needed in conjunction with campus or system purchasing units; serves as an ex officio member of the Operations Policy Review Committee of the Academic Library Sen/ices Faculty; participates in library faculty activities; responsible for library operations in the absence of the library director; performs ot organizational abilities and leadership qualities; demonstrated skills in written and oral communications, interpersonal relations, team building, planning and contract negotiations; comprehensive current knowledge of developments in electronic technologies and telecom­munications and experience in deploying them; demonstrated skills in library budgeting and planning; evidence of university service, research, publication, and participation in professional associations; and strong analytical skills and probl LIBRARIAN, HEAD OF COLLEGE LIBRARYUCLA LIBRARY (Reopened Professional Position)Under the general direction of the Assistant University Librarian for Public Services, responsible for managing library operations (budget, personnel, facilities) including reference, instructional services, collection development, circulation and reserves, and technical processing functions; designing systematic approaches to gathering data on user needs; initiating innovative user-centered services; evaluating and strengthening 50/C&RL News East Carolina University has over 17,800 students in 12 colleges and schools. Academic Library Services provides library and information services through two libraries, Joyner Library and the Music Library. Academic Library Sen/ices has a faculty of 29 and a staff of 75.5. Library collections total approximately one million volumes, plus extensive holding of microforms, government documents, and manu­scripts. Academic Library Services is networked, providing access to CD-ROMs, the Internet, and the integrat January 1995/51 TWO POSITIONSUNIVERSITY OF WEST FLORIDA LIBRARYHEAD, SERIALSAvailable June 1,1995. Reports to Director of University Libraries. Opportunity to develop a serials public services component to a newly centralized Serials Department in a new building. Responsibilities include management of all aspects of the Serials Department, both technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, binding, and maintenance of both print and microform serials, and public services, including patron assistance with the locat 52/C&RL News including faculty liaison; perform online searching; perform other duties as assigned. The dynamic environment of the Business Library provides opportunities for developing and expanding professional skills. Qualifications: Required: An MLS from a program accredited by ALA (degree must be received by close of application period); knowledge of business sources in both print and electronic formats; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library personnel at all levels; excellent oral and writ ing authority control and catalog maintenance; and planning for special cataloging projects and bibliographic database enhance­ments. Library faculty are expected to be involved in reference services, instruction, collection development, professional service, and scholarship. Requirements: Working knowledge of MARC for­mats and AACR2; Library of Congress and Dewey decimal classifica­tion systems; and automated bibliographic control systems and online library systems. Demonstrated ability in planning and man January 1995/53 ELECTRONIC SERVICES/REFERENCE LIBRARIANThe University of North Carolina at Chapel HillAVAILABLE: February 1, 1995.The Academic Affairs Library of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for the Electronic Services/Reference Librarian position. This position offers an excellent opportunity to work in an ARL library in a job that combines both high-tech and traditional reference work. This position will work as part of a collaborative team to provide technical support and public s 54/C&RL News TWO POSITIONSCORNELL UNIVERSITY Albert R. Mann LibraryAlbert R. Mann Library provides innovative information services for the 21st century. The library has achieved national renown for its working electronic library and the Mann Library Gateway, and for its groundbreaking collection development efforts, its preservation program, and its innovative use of staff. The library won the ALA/Meckler award for “The Library of the Future.”HEAD OF PUBLIC SERVICES (continued search)The Head of Public Services administ January 1995/55 psychology, philosophy, and anthropology; collection developmentand maintenance of education-related collections, especially educa­tional administration and foundations, specialized educational de­velopment, and health, physical education, and recreation; biblio­graphic instruction in a extremely active existing program; facultyliaison in several academic departments; and participation in libraryand university governance. This position will serve as head of thedivision, furnishing leadership, planning, iden DOCUMENTS/PERIODICALS LIBRARIAN. (Tenure-Track.) Respon­sible for planning, implementation, and review of periodicals ordering, cataloging, and check-in; and for documents collection development, cataloging, and check-in. Supervises one Library Assistant II (periodi­cals) and student assistants (documents). Will participate in imple­menting Geac ADVANCE serials control module for both periodicals and documents. Assists with general reference (approximately 10 hours per week, including nights and weekends). HEAD LIBRARIAN, DIRECTOR OF THE DECKER LIBRARYThe Maryland Institute, College of ArtDUTIES: Responsible for all aspects of library operations, including budget, collection acquisition and development, management of a staff of 3.5 professional and 3.5 non- professionals, the integration of new informational technologies and services, the development of programs, policies, and relationships that expand access to resources and continue to support the college’s mission and educational programs.REQUIRED QUALIFIC 56/C&RL News ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, ACQUISITIONS DEPARTMENTYale University LibraryThe Yale University Library seeks an energetic librarian to join the management team of serials and acquisitions programs. These programs encompass extensive ordering, receiving, payment, and copy cataloging operations, including approval plans and exchanges, and are supported by a sophisticated technological environment. The successful candidate will serve as serials expert for the library system, and assistant department head and superv ry assistant and assists with the supervision of 8 to 10 student istants. The Head of Media/Peabody Curator reports to the ctor of Libraries. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, or master’s ree and ACA certification, with two years of professional experi­a ssireegnce; Broad academic background, with strong interest in journalism, lm history/criticism, instructional technology, or other related field referred, with preference given to candidates holding or pursuing an dvanced degree; successful background in fundraising and rantwriting; demonstrated knowledge of media materials, preserva­ion, and equipment; knowledge of copyright and processing of media aterials; demonstrated supervisory skills; interest in interactive echnologies and the integration of media goals, including instructional and educational initiatives. Require­ments: Master of library science degree from an ALA-accredited institution or equivalent required; three to five years of progressively responsible experience in reference services in a university setting; supervisory experience; strong public service orientation; experience and familiarity with traditional and emerging electronic information resources and technologies; experience in providing bibliographic instruction; and demonstrated exc January 1995/57 experience. Salary: Minimum $32,000 plus benefits. Send letter of application, resume, copy of transcripts, and names, addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three current references to: Alice McKinney, Co-chair Reference Search Committee, Reed Library, Fort Lewis College, 1000 Rim Dr., Durango, CO 81301-3999; McKINNEY_A@FLC.COLORADO.EDU; fax: (303) 247-7149. Dead­line: January 20, 1995. Fort Lewis College is an affirmative action, equal employment opportunity employer. Women and minorities are strong tion technology. Salary: From $30,024, commensurate with qualifica­tions and experience. Rank: Commensurate with qualifications and experience; full faculty status. Benefits: TIAA/CREF, broad insurance program, 22 days vacation, 12 days sick leave per year. Application procedure: Send letter of application, resume, and names and ad­dresses of three references to: Donna L. McCool, Associate Director for Administrative Sen/ices, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, WA 99164-5610. Application review 58/C&RL News DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIESMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyThe Massachusetts Institute of Technology seeks a Director of Libraries, to start September 1995.The Director of Libraries reports directly to the Provost, and is a member of Academic Council, MIT’s senior management group. The Director therefore must have the experiences and qualities that prepare him or her to assume a leadership role at MIT. The Director must be capable of working in a rapidly changing information infrastructure, and of collaborat qualifications. For a more extensive list of duties and qualifications, please call (313) 577-0942. Forward resume including names and addresses of three references, to: Judith March-Adams, Assistant Dean for Administration, 134 Purdy Library, Wayne State University, Detroit, Ml 48202. All buildings, structures, and vehicles at WSU are smokefree. Wayne State University is an equal opportunity, affirma­tive action employer. Wayne State University—people working to­gether to provide quality service.LIBRARIAN ment, experience with CD-ROMs in a network environment. Internet skills, VAX, Saber, public service, and DRA experience preferred. Forward resume with cover letter to: Southwestern Oklahoma State University, Attn: Human Resources, 100 Campus Dr., Weatherford, OK 73096. Applicants will receive information concerning the library, university, and position duties. Review of applications will begin January 31, 1995. EEO/AA employer.LIBRARIANS (two positions). Georgia College, Milledgeville, Geor­gia. Two 12-mont January 1995/59 implementation of new information technologies and their library applications. Responsible for installation, maintenance, documenta­tion, and operational support of all library computers at four campus locations. Provides administrative support for CD-ROM LAN, Internet applications, and the online system (PALS) located at Georgia State University. Prepares budget proposals for acquisition of library tech­nology resources. Works with computing personnel, both on campus and at other university system institut for serials control, barcoding, acquisitions subsystem, and Internet usage. Required: ALA-accredited MLS. Strong oral and written com­munications skills. Knowledge of MARC format, LC practice, and OCLC systems. Preferred: Previous cataloging background and demonstrated experience with automated systems. Minimum salary: $25,000, depending on qualifications. A second master's degree necessary for promotion in both positions. Excellent benefits. Appli­cation deadline for both positions: February 15, 1995. To a 60/C&RL News DEAN OF LIBRARIESMontana State University-BozemanMontana State University-Bozeman invites both applications and nominations for the position of Dean of Libraries. The University seeks an energetic and visionary leader with excellent interpersonal skills and the desire to build on existing electronic library services.The MSU Libraries plays an integral role in the teaching, research, and outreach mission of the university. It is committed to providing optimum access and delivery of information through both t numbers of three professional references should be submitted for a complete file.) Address all inquiries to: Office of Human Resources, Boyden Hall, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater, MA 02325. Bridgewater State College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer that actively seeks to increase the diversity of its workforce.LIBRARY DIRECTOR. Adrian College is seeking applicants for the Director of Shipman Library. Located near Ann Arbor and Toledo, Adrian is a college of 1,100 students and 70 tional media center, and the college’s archives. The library, which opened in 1986, has over 200,000 volumes and a staff of three other professionals and 6.5 support personnel and participates in two local and regional consortia. Austin College is a selective liberal arts college of 1,200 students, located in Sherman, Texas, 45 miles north of the Dallas metroplex. The college also offers a five-year teacher program that provides students a BA degree, an MAT degree and teacher certification. Benefits are com January 1995/61 FOUR POSITIONSThe University of North Carolina at Chapel HillThe University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Academic Affairs Libraries invites applications for four positions.The university and the libraries: The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the country’s oldest state university. It has an enrollment of some 23,000 students, employs more than 2,100 faculty, and offers the Ph.D in 62 fields. The library holds over 4 million volumes and 3.3 million microforms and is a member of SOLINET, the 62/C&RL News HEAD, COLLECTION MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENTMichigan Technological UniversityRESPONSIBILITIES: Provides leadership in defining and administering collection development policy. Coordinates selection activities of 20 departmental faculty liaisons. Assesses quality of collection to maintain an appropriate balance between local ownership and external access, including electronic networks. Make budget projections and recommends allocations. Is responsible for resources budge approximating $1 million. Administers colle arity with library operations, and five years of successful experience s an academic library administrator. University library experience is esirable but not essential. Davie, Florida, is a rapidly growing suburb outhwest of Ft. Lauderdale. FAU’s Davie campus is located within he BCC-Davie campus. The library also serves students of Florida nternational university. FAU and FIU are members of Florida’s State niversity System; BCC is a member of Florida’s Community College ystem. The statewide community colle staff. Responsible for administration and maintenance of Novell computer network. Supervise computer usage and data entry. Direct library acquisitions approval program. Manage government deposi­tory and assume responsibility for the acquisition, cataloging, and maintenance of all government documents. Select, order, catalog, and classify special collections of books, periodicals, magazines, newspapers, audiovisual materials, microforms, and other materials. Search literature, compile accession lists, and an January 1995/ 63 DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICESIntegrated Technology Instruction Center The University of MichiganThe Integrated Technology Instruction Center Executive Committee at the University of Michigan invites nominations and applications for the position of Director of Library Services. The Integrated Technology Instruction Center (ITIC), currently under construction at the University of Michigan, is a new center for collaborative, interdisciplinary learning and research. It will house technology laboratories and flex Houghton Library performs original and complex adaptive catalogingof rare books and printed material from the 15th century to the presentaccording to national standards, using AACR2, LC subject headings,and the US MARC formats. The Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Bookswill be used for appropriate early materials. The cataloger will partici­pate in departmental planning of evolving workflow procedures andassist with other cataloging activities when necessary as proceduresand duties evolve in the rapidly chang tency in at least one western European language required, German or Latin highly desirable; four to six years successful professional cataloging experience, preferably in a large research library, including original cataloging and authority control; experience in use of OCLC or other major bibliographic utility. Thorough knowledge of cataloging tools, standards, and conventions; experience with integrated library systems. Ability to perform bibliographic research and pay close attention to detail required. 64/C&RL News PROGRAM MANAGER FOR INFORMATION RESOURCES SELECTIONBucknell University (Search Reopened)Bucknell University seeks an enterprising, client-oriented librarian to manage the selection program for both print and electronic resources, facilitating the work of all librarian selectors. The successful candidate will have an awareness of the differing curricular and research needs of academic disciplines and their scholarly communication patterns, and will take the broadest possible view of providing information res and manuscripts desirable. Interested candidates may send a letterof interest, resume, and the names of three references to: Hazel C. Stamps, Harvard College Library, Harvard University, WidenerLibrary, Rm 188, Cambridge, MA 02138.REFERENCE/ELECTRONIC RESOURCES LIBRARIAN. Wabash College, a private liberal arts college for men that is nationallyrecognized for its commitment to excellence in undergraduate educa­tion, is seeking a librarian with a strong commitment to public services and the utilization of ele inquiries about the college or position: (317) 364-4327 or Review of applications will begin February 1,1995, and continue until the position is filled. Send application, resume and at least three letters of reference to: Larry Frye, Lilly Library, Wabash College, P.O. Box 352, Crawfordsville, IN 47933. Wabash is interested in increasing its diversity. Women and minori­ties are encouraged to apply. EOE.REFERENCE/INTERLIBRARY LOAN LIBRARIAN. The New York Botanical Garden, a major plant scie January 1995/ 65 providing instruction for library staff and users. Weekend and evening hours may be required. Library faculty are expected to be involved in reference services, instruction, collection development, professional services, and scholarship. Requirements: Knowledge of reference service and sources. Substantial knowledge of CD-ROM products, online services, and reference applications of Internet. Proficiency in the use of microcomputer software. Demonstrated instructional skills. Master’s degree from ALA-accredi knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese are preferred. Rotating weekend and early evening scheduling. Excellent benefits, including four weeks vacation; salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Personnel Coordinator-RSL, The New York Botanical Garden, 200th St. and Southern Blvd., Bronx, NY 10458-5126. AA/ EOE/M/F/D/V.SOUTHEAST ASIA LIBRARIAN. John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia, Cornell University Library. The John M. Echols Collection on Southeast Asia has over 235,000 volumes and 200,0 66/C&RL News SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Bio-Medical Library. The University of Min­nesota Bio-Medical Library invites applications for the position of Systems Librarian. Under the general direction of the Head of Public Services, this position will coordinate and manage the Bio-Medical Library’s computer resources, systems, and networks. The Systems Librarian will provide support for the integration of new technologies and new approaches to the delivery of information into library opera­tions. As a member of the Public Services MN 55455. Applications must be received by March 1, 1995. Please identify application with UL#39. The University of Minnesota is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religions, national origin, sex, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, or sexual orientation.SYSTEMS LIBRARIAN. Framingham State College. Librarian with strong technical skills to plan and manage evo Late Job ListingsSERIALS CATALOGING LIBRARIAN (search extended). West Virginia Univer­sity Libraries is seeking a librarian to assume responsibility for serials cataloging and supervision of the Serials Section consisting of 1.5 professional catalogers and two paraprofessionals. The Serials Section includes cataloging of current serials, AV cataloging, binding and general preservation operations, and retrospective conversion of serials records into the NOTIS system. Technical services librarians are expecte