ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1988 / 177 LOEX L ibrary Instruction Conference, Bowl­ ing Green State University. This year’s them e is “Reaching and T eaching Diverse L ibrary User G roups.” The conference features form al p re­ sentations, poster sessions, practical w orking ses­ sions, classroom dem onstrations, a panel discus­ sion, an d exhibits. E llen Broidy, th e keynote speaker, will give an overview of BI im plications of the growing num ber of library users w ith spe­ cial needs. O ther speakers include: D avid C arr, Anne Leclercq, L aurie Sabol, and Constance Mellon. Registration deadline is April 20. C on­ tact: Janet E. Pursel, LO EX Conference C oordi­ nator, Bowling Green State University, Jerom e Library, Bowling Green, O H 43403; (419) 372­ 7900. 9-10—G overnm ent docum ents: M anaging Special Collections: G overnm ent Docum ents, a w ork­ shop offered by th e U niversity of W isconsin School of L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n Studies, Madison. See April 18-19 entry for contact. 24—LEXIS: LEXIS for O nline Legal Reference W ork, a course offered by the Professional D e­ velopm ent P rogram of th e Rutgers School of C o m m u n ic a tio n , In fo rm a tio n a n d L ib ra ry Studies, New Brunswick, New Jersey. Leader: Nancy H ardy. Fee: $70. See April 23-30 entry for contact. 18- 20—L ibrary instruction: 17th A nnual W ork­ shop on Instruction in L ibrary USe, University of W aterloo, O ntario. Theme: “Teaching and Learning in the Present Tense.” C ontact: G ary D rap er, Reference D e p a rtm e n t, D an a P orter L ibrary, University of W aterloo, W aterloo, O n ­ tario, C anada, N2L 3G1. 19— Michigan: Sixth A nnual Academic L ibrarians D ay, sponsored by th e ACRL M ichigan C h ap ­ ter, Kellogg C enter, M ichigan State University, East Lansing. Them e: “M anaging L ibrary Col­ lections.” Keynote speaker: Ann M arie Allison, University of C entral Florida. A m orning panel discussion will tre a t aspects of the cooperative m an ag em en t of lib ra ry collections, w hile an afternoon session w ill discuss m an ag em en t of various areas of the collection. Fee: $30 for ML A members, $50 for non-m em bers. C ontact: Agnes W idder, Social Sciences/Humanities Reference, M ichigan State U niversity, E ast L ansing, MI 48824; (517) 355-5081. June 1 6 -1 7 —Telefax: T elefacsim ile a n d lib ra rie s, a workshop offered by the University of Wisconsin School of L ib ra ry a n d In fo rm a tio n Studies, Madison. See April 18-19 entry for contact. 20-24—Theological libraries: A nnual conference, American Theological L ibrary Association, Lex- in gton/W ilm ore, K entucky. C ontact: Simeon D a ly , A T L A E x e c u tiv e S e c re ta ry , S a in t M einrad School of Theology, A rchabbey L i­ brary, St. M einrad, IN 47577; (812) 357-6718. 20-July 8—School library m edia program s: W ork­ shop on the im plem entation of the new AASL/ AEGT national standards in planning school li­ b rary m edia program s, H ornbake L ibrary, Uni­ versity of M aryland, College Park. Instructor: James W . Liesener, chair of the AASL/AECT Standards W riting C om m ittee. C ontact: James W . Liesener, College of L ibrary and In fo rm a­ tion Services, University of M aryland, College Park, MD 20742; (301) 454-2374. ■ ■ THE LSSIFIE SCADAD Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month. Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their membership status. . Telephone: All telephone orders should be confirmed by a writ­ ten order mailed to ACRL headquarters as soon as possible. Orders should be accompanied by a typewritten copy of the ad to be used in proofreading. An additional $10 will be charged for ads taken over the phone (except late job notices or display ads). Guidelines: For ads which list an application deadline, that date must be no sooner than the 20th day of the month in which the notice appears (e.g., October 20 for the October issue). All job announce­ ments should include a salary figure. Job announcements will be edited to exclude discriminatory references. Applicants should be aware that the terms faculty rank and status vary in meaning among institutions. JOBLINE: Call (312) 944-6795 for late-breaking job ads for aca­ demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks before they appear in C&RL News, as well as ads which, because of narrow deadlines, will not appear in C&RL News. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL mem­ bers and $15 for non-members. Contact: Classified Advertising D ep’t, ACRL, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. POSITIONS OPEN ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIC INSTRUCTION AND REFERENCE. Duties: To exercise administrative leadership responsibility and to act as a subject specialist in a Technology or Social Science area. Qualifications: graduate degree in a Technol­ ogy or Social Science discipline and MLS from ALA-accredited school. Minimum of two years administrative experience in an aca­ demic library. Teaching, interpersonal relations and communication skills important. The University of Toledo is a state university of 21,000 students offering associate, bachelor, professional and doc­ torate degrees in eight colleges. Faculty status; 12-month contract; very liberal fringe benefits; salary about $35,000 depending on qual­ ifications. Position available July 1, 1988. Send re su m e a n d nam es 178 of at least three references by April 15 to: Leslie W. Sheridan, Search C o m m itte e C h a irp e rs o n , C a rls o n L ib ra ry , T h e U n iv e rs ity o f T o le d o , Toledo, OH 43606. The University of Toledo is an Equal O p ­ portunity, Affirm ative Action Em ployer. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R FOR PU B L IC S E R V IC E S . Provides ere ative leadership in planning, d e ve lop ing and adm inistering the P ub­ lic Services Division, w hich consists of four departm ents: Social Sci­ ences and Humanities, Sciences and Technology, Interlibrary Loan and A ccess Services; and is com p rise d of 18 professional librarians and 31 su p p o rt staff positions. C oordinates and evaluates o n g oin g p rogram s of reference, b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction, database search­ ing and bo o k selection; interlibrary loan; and general access ser­ vices in clud ing circulation and preservation. M onitors new d e ve lo p ­ m e n ts in p u b lic s e rv ic e s , p la n n in g a n d re c o m m e n d in g new p rogram s and proced ure s as appropriate. Acts as liaison in netw ork­ ing and resource-sharing consortia. Assists and advises in general adm inistration of Libraries. Tenure-track 12-month faculty a p p o in t­ ment. Rank and salary com m ensurate with experience; $40,000 range. Requires A L A -accre dited degree; five years ap p ro p ria te pro ­ fessional p ub lic services experience; dem onstrated m anagerial skills particularly in budgeting , planning, staffing and supervision with substantial know le d g e /e xp e rie n ce in relevant areas; know- le dge/expe rience with b ib lio g ra p h ic utilities, autom ated systems and online services; dem onstrated interpersonal skills, in cluding ability to w o rk in a collegial setting as a g ro u p or team m em ber, and ability to co m m u nica te effectively. Lea dership ability. Dem onstrated com m itm ent to service. A p pre ciatio n of the diverse library and infor­ m ation needs of faculty, staff and students in su p p o rt of instruction, research and scholarship. A record of achievem ent sufficient to m eet the requirem ents for ap p o in tm e n t at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor is desirable. Benefits in clud e paid m edical, life, and per­ sonal disability insurance; optional deferre d com pensation; m a n d a ­ tory enrollm ent in state of C o lorado retirem ent plan (PERA); 24 days vacation annually; 15 days sick leave annually; and o pp ortun ities for a d va n ce d a cad em ic work. C o lorado State University is an equal o p ­ portunity, affirm ative action em ployer. Subm it letter o f application, resume, evidence of A L A -accre dited deg re e and names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to: Libraries Personnel O ffice, C o lo ra d o S ta te U n iv e rs ity L ibra ries, Fort C ollins, CO 80523; (303) 491-1834. D eadline for receipt of applications is April 1 8 ,1 9 8 8 . A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R , University Libraries, G raduate Library for Public Affairs and Policy (GLPP). Responsibilities: The Assistant Di­ rector, GLPP, is responsible for the adm inistration of a library serving the inform ational needs of the faculty and graduate students of the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy and its constituent p rogram s and schools: Crim inal Justice, Inform ation Sci­ ence and Policy, Public Affairs (including departm ents of Political A S S O C IA T E D E A N O F L IB R A R IE S Wayne State University This position directs and supervises the internal operations of the WSU Libraries and assumes the re­ sponsibilities of the Dean in the absence of the Dean. The position reports to the Dean of Libraries and Library Science. Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities: Direct the development of planning for space utilization and automation. Develop, implement and interpret policies to library staff and patrons. Coordinate activities of library units. Direct performance evaluation system, make recommendations to the Dean concerning pro­ fessional personnel actions. Coordinate major projects; review work progress and results. Provide profes­ sional and technical guidance to staff, faculty, executive officers, students, and other library users. Partici­ pate in the development and presentation of research and grant proposals. Serve as Chairperson, ex-officio, of committees when designated by the Dean. Serve as Secretary of Faculty Library Committee. Conduct and participate in professional associations, conferences, and meetings. Provide significant con­ tributions and innovative concepts related to the advancement of the profession. Represent the libraries at public functions and in communication and correspondence, and complete special projects as required. Negotiate and administer network contracts and programs. Qualifications: MSLSfrom an ALA-accredited library school is required. At least five years of increasingly responsible experience in an academic/research library environment, including at least three years in a major administrative capacity. Academic credentials appropriate for a senior level administrative post. Ex­ tensive demonstrated knowledge of current information retrieval techniques applicable to library opera­ tions is necessary. Post-graduate training or research in a related subject field is desirable. Wayne State University: Wayne State University is classified as a Carnegie Research Institution with a fine reputation in many disciplines. It is one of the great urban universities in an attractive setting, surrounded by museums, theaters, and corporate offices, easily accessible by several interstate freeways and from Can­ ada. It is serving some 30,000 students of which 29% are minorities. The library system is comprised of four libraries, including three professional school libraries (Law, Medicine, Science and Engineering). The li­ braries are currently being automated via an integrated library system. Employment Conditions: Liberal fringe benefits, dental and health plan options, TIAA/CREF, reduced tuition for family members. Salary negotiable based on experience and qualifications; minimum $50,000. Please send signed and dated vita and the names of three references to: Suzanne Schuelke Assistant to the Dean 134 Purdy Library Wayne State University Detroit, Ml 48202 Position open February 1, 1988, and will remain open until filled. W ayne State University is an Affirm ative Action, Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer. 179 Science, Public Adm inistration, and Public Affairs), and Social W el­ fare. The Uhiversity Libraries are aggressively building resources (in­ cluding books, periodicals, online databases, and the Archives of Public Affairs and Policy) to su p p o rt research at Rockefeller College; the Assistant Director, GLPP, will act as liaison officer with senior U ni­ versity Libraries faculty responsible for system-wide collection devel­ opment, technical services and public services. M aintains close liai­ son with Provost and Deans of Schools in Rockefeller College. As a member of D ire ctor’s Adm inistrative G roup, the Assistant Director, GLPP, participates in library-w ide planning and adm inistrative activi­ ties and assumes prim ary responsibility for m anaging staff resources and all GLPP operations. This includes leadership in providing effec­ tive access to library materials, and proper use of available facilities. The Assistant Director, GLPP, may be expected to assume a d d i­ tional duties such as bibliograph ic responsibilities for specific subject areas. Library faculty at the University at Albany, State University of New York, are expected to fulfill faculty obligations in one or m ore of the areas of teaching, research and service as well as specific library assignments. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited school of library and/or inform ation science. M inim um three years relevant adm inistrative experience in college, university or research library; know ledge of com puter applications to library services; skills in com m unication and a record of scholarly achievem ents and co n ­ tributions. Preference will be given to candidates with library experi­ ence and/or a graduate degree(s) in a subject related to the mission of Rockefeller College; familiarity with the availability and use of legal and public affairs and policy material to support graduate and re­ search program s. Salary: C om m ensurate with qualifications and ex­ perience. M inimum: $30,000 plus $2,000 stipend for the duration of the adm inistrative appointm ent. Position Available: August 1, 1988. Apply to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries, Room 139, The U n ive rs ity at A lban y, S ta te U n iversity of New Yo rk, 1400 W ashington Avenue, Albany, NY 12222. Dead­ line: Review of letters of application, list of three references and cur­ rent resume will begin on April 8, 1988. The University at Albany, State University of New York, is an Equal O pportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. A p plications from women, minority persons, han d­ icapped persons, special disabled and Vietnam Era veterans are es­ pecially welcom e. A S SISTA N T SC IENC E LIB R A R IA N . Available May 1, 1988. G en­ eral reference duties in pure sciences, applied sciences, health sci­ ences and engineering. Responsibilities include participation in bib ­ lio g ra p h ic in s tru c tio n p ro g ra m and c o lle c tio n d e v e lo p m e n t. Experience in online biblio g ra p h ic searching helpful. M inimum qua l­ ifications: accredited MLS with academ ic b a ckg ro u n d in sciences preferred, subject m aster’s helpful; ability in at least one m odern fo r­ eign language. At least tw o years professional reference experience with science resources preferred. Faculty status. Excellent fringe benefits. M inimum salary: $20,300. Send letter, resume, and names, addresses and phone num bers of 3 professional references to: D.S. Ridge, Associate Director of Libraries, Thomas C ooper Library, Uni­ versity of So uth C aro lina, Colum bia, SC 29208. Applications must be postm arked by M arch 31, 1988. EEO/AA Employer. A S SISTA N T U N IV E R S IT Y LIBR A R IA N FOR C O LLE C TIO N S . Appointm ent salary m inimum (negotiable, based on qualifications and experience): $45,000 (for a 12-month contract). Position d e ­ scription: Responsibilities include overall adm inistration, direction and coordination of collection developm ent/m anagem ent, acqu isi­ tions, cataloging/system s, preservation/binding, and special collec­ tions. Plans for and coordinates the utilization of new technologies to enhance library operations and services with the long range goal of an integrated library system linked with regional and national net­ works. Provides adm inistrative assistance to the University Librarian in budgeting, planning and developm ent. Qualifications: Required: MLS from an ALA-accredited library school; evidence of continued professional growth and adm inistrative responsibility in collection developm ent/m anagem ent and technical services with a d em on­ strated record of creative leadership. Must understand scholarly re­ search needs and methods. Must dem onstrate strong com m u nica­ tion and public relations skills as well as ability to w ork with all segments of the academ ic com m unity. Preferred: G raduate degree in subject field or specialized know ledge/experience in an area of re­ quired com petence. Position Available: July 1, 1988. Deadline for Applications: Review of applications will begin April 1, 1988, and continue until the position has been filled. Please send current re­ sume and names of three references to: A n drea Stewart, Executive Coordinator, Gelm an Library, The G eo rg e W ashington U n ive r­ sity, W ashington, DC 20052. GWU is an equal opportunity, affirm a­ tive action em ployer. A U T O M A T E D SERVIC ES L IB R A R IA N , Ladd Library Bates Col lege has Septem ber opening for a librarian responsible for wide range of services including: coordination of all public services as­ pects of planned integrated autom ation system; coordination, train­ ing, and consultation with staff on autom ated systems and their a p p li­ cations; facilitating use of com puter resources within library; prim ary liaison to autom ation constituencies outside library (NELINET, cam- T H R E E P U B L IC S E R V IC E P O S IT IO N S Gonzaga University Three Public Service tenure track positions open, all with a variety of responsibilities within a compre­ hensive public services program. Share duties in general reference, bibliographic instruction, online database searching, collection development. Ma­ jor new library construction project will provide unique opportunities in facilities and automation planning. All positions report to Head of Public Ser­ vices. Twelve-month contracts. Liberal faculty ben­ efits, in c lu d in g re lo ca tio n assistance. ALA- accredited MLS required. Circulation/Reference Librarian. Plan and di­ rect circulation activities and personnel, including general circulation, reserves, stack maintenance, storage and security services; supervise parapro­ fessional and student assistants. Integrated online system experience highly desirable; 2 years profes­ sional experience required. Salary: $19,500 mini­ mum, negotiable. Automated Information Access/Reference Librarian. Online user services responsibilities in­ cluding serving as L ib ra ry ’s prim ary database searcher, providing staff training, coordinating poli­ cies, procedures, documentation. Professional ex­ perience desirable but not m andatory. Salary: $18,500 minimum. Off-Campus Services/Reference Librarian. Responsible for library services to students and fac­ ulty in widely scattered off-campus extension pro­ grams. Includes services to local area high school students. Requires liaison work, program develop­ ment, classroom instruction both on-site and via vi- deo/satellite transmission and working knowledge of online and CD-ROM capabilities. Some travel may be necessary. Professional experience desir­ able. Salary: $19,000 minimum. Positions open until filled. Applications received by March 24,1988, will get first consideration. For­ ward letter of application, including position prefer­ ence, resume and three references to: Paula M. Grenell Head of Public Services Crosby Library Gonzaga University Spokane, WA 99258 180 pus com putin g center, etc.); and supervision of Circulation D epart ment, with staff of two paraprofessionals. Reports to the College Li brarian . MLS and pre vio u s professio nal e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . Second m aster’s degree and experience with academ ic autom ated online catalog and/or circulation system desired. Salary com m e nsu rate with e xp e rie n ce ; m inim u m $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 . A p p lic a tio n d e a d lin e M arch 21, 1988. Send resume and three letters of reference to: Laverne Winn, Chair, Search Comm ittee, Ladd Library, B ates C o l­ leg e, Lewiston, ME 04240. Bates C ollege is an Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity, Affirm ative Action em ployer. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N A N D REFERENCE LIB R A R ­ IAN. The University of W isconsin-Superior invites applications and nom inations for the position of B ibliograph ic Instruction and Refer ence Librarian. For the service oriented librarian who likes a small university environm ent this position offers a wide range of o p p o rtu n i ties and responsibilities. This librarian will also teach in the library sci ence program (an undergra duate minor), provide reference service at a central desk, including regularly scheduled night and weekend assignments. A Faculty rank, tenure-track position, the librarian who holds the position should be able to satisfy tenure and prom otion re quirem ents and will be expected to participate in teaching, research, and service as a full m em ber of the university faculty. The position re q u ire s a m a s te r’ s d e g re e in lib ra ry s c ie n c e fro m an ALA - accredited institution, experience in, or familiarity with, bibliograph ic instruction program s, and goo d com m unication and hum an rela tions skills. A second m aster’s deg re e is desirable as is experience with, or know ledge of, database searching. Position available July 1, 1988. Salary: $20,000 m inim um for 12-month appointm ent. A ttrac tive fringe benefit package. Closing date for applications: April 15, 1988. Send letter of application or nom ination to: Bob Carm ack, Di rector of Library and M edia Resources, U n iversity of W isconsin- S u p erio r, Superior, Wl 54880. Letters of application should include a resum e and list of three references. The University of Wisconsin- Superior, located on the shores of Lake Superior in beautiful north ern W isconsin, is an Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N LIB R A R IA N for A u burn U niver sity at M ontgom ery Library. Qualifications: require MLS from ALA- accredite d program , 2 years professional acad em ic library experi ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ence with 1 year in BI or teaching, ability to coordinate effective BI Program , g o o d written and verbal com m unication skills. Prefer ex­ perience in reference, ILL, online searching, and /or collection d eve l­ opm ent. Responsibilities: coordinate BI Program , participate in ref­ erence assistance and collection developm ent, and rotate evening and w eekend coverage. Faculty app oin tm ent with 12 m onth c o n ­ tract, 20 days annual leave, com petitive standard benefits, salary m inim um $22,000/year. A p p ly with letter, resume, and names and addresses of 3 references by April 29, 1988, to: Acting Dean, A u ­ burn U n iversity at M o n tg o m e ry Library, M ontgom ery, AL 36193- 0401; (205) 244-9202. AU M is an EEO/AA em ployer. B IO L O G IC A L S C IE N C ES LIB R A R IA N . The Library at the Univer sity of California, Irvine, invites applications for the position of B iologi­ cal Sciences Librarian. A p p o in tm e n t will be at the Assistant or Asso­ ciate L ib ra ria n rank with a salary range of $ 2 5 ,3 8 0 -$ 4 4 ,6 7 6 . Applications received by April 15, 1988, will receive first consider­ ation, but applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Responsibilities: As a reference librarian, the responsibilities include reference desk assistance, database searching and biblio­ graph ic instruction. As a bibliographer, the incum bent has special responsibility for deve lop m en t and m anagem ent of materials to sup­ port the research and instructional needs of faculty and students in the School of Biological Sciences, and specifically in the Departm ent of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and the D epartm ent of Psycho­ biology. Qualifications: Required: A LA -accredited MLS degree; d e ­ gree in Biological Sciences or relevant experience; dem onstrated com m itm ent to p ub lic service; excellent oral and written co m m u n ica ­ tion skills; ability to w ork effectively, independently and cooperatively with all elements of the academ ic com m unity. Desired: Additional graduate deg re e in Biological Sciences; goo d reading know le dge of at least one major European language; experience in collection d e ­ velopm ent, biblio g ra p h ic instruction, and database searching; ex­ perience as a biological sciences librarian in an academ ic library. Send letter of application with 1) a com plete statement of qualifica­ tions; 2) resum e of education and relevant experience; and 3) the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of three references to: Anne Rimmer, Library Personnel Office, U n iversity of C alifo rn ia, Irvine, P.O. Box 19557, Irvine, CA 92713; (714) 856-5408. An A f­ firm ative Action, Equal O pportunity Employer. H E A D , A L F R E D T A U B M A N M E D IC A L L IB R A R Y A N D C O O R D IN A T O R , H E A L T H S C IE N C E L IB R A R IE S University of Michigan Responsibilities: Reporting to the Associate Director for Public Services, the candidate is responsible for the administration of the Alfred Taubman Medical Library and for the overall coordination of the Health Science Libraries. Each of these libraries— Dentistry, Public Health, and Social Work—has a head librarian who is responsible for day-to-day operations. The Health Science Libraries have a collection of over 415,253 volumes and an acquisition budget of $756,700. The Medical Library staff consists of 8 librarians and 15 support staff with a temporary assistance budget of $68,737. The Dentistry Library staff consists of 2 librarians and 4 support staff with an hourly assistance budget of $17,817, the Public Health Library staff consists of 2 librarians and 3 support staff with an hourly assistance budget of $25,151, and the staff at the Social Work Library consists of 1 librarian and 3 support staff with an hourly assistance budget of $16,136. Candidates for this position must have professional and managerial qualifications to lead the Health Sci­ ence Libraries into an IAIMS environment. Required: Accredited MLS. Substantial experience in an academic health science library. Minimum five years administrative experience. Knowledge of computer applications. Familiarity with issues, trends, and operational needs of both large and small research libraries. Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to relatetoaw ide variety of people. Demonstrated organizational, analytical and communication (both written and oral) skills. Desired: Evidence of involvement in professional activities and experience with rare book or special collections. Minimum salary of $45,000. Applications received by April 15, 1988, will be given first consideration. Apply to: Lucy Cohen, Manager, Library Personnel Office, 404 Hatcher Graduate Library, The Uni­ versity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109-1205. A nondiscrim inatory, Affirm ative Action Employer. 181 BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: The Busi­ ness Reference Librarian will use professional skills in support of the business program s on cam pus. Collection developm ent, special­ ized reference work, com puter assisted research, and specialized bibliographic instruction are part of faculty liaison responsibilities. The successful candidate will work with the Libra ry’s Business Part­ ners program and will be involved in general reference work and bib­ liographic instruction. Faculty responsibility includes professional service and scholarly work. Qualifications: An ALA-accredited mas­ ter’s degree and an academ ic degree or experience in accounting, finance, or business are required. Preferred are reference, online searching, collection developm ent, and teaching experience. Back­ ground: The Auraria Library occupies a unique position as the cen­ tral point of information services in support of the program s of three diverse academ ic institutions on one cam pus as well as being the only academ ic library in the Denver dow ntow n area. The Auraria Li­ brary is adm inistered by the University of C olorado at Denver and also serves Metropolitan State College and the Com m unity College of Denver with a com bined student FTE of approxim ately 20,000 with 1,050 FTE faculty. The 23 library faculty and 95 FTE library staff of the Auraria Library are developing a num ber of innovative pro­ gram s stressing a service-oriented approach. The library partici­ pates in a cooperative, integrated online catalog system with the C ol­ orado Alliance of Research Libraries. The business program s on cam pus offer introductory through m aster’s level courses. Salary: $ 2 1 ,6 0 0 -$ 2 7 ,3 0 0 for a 12-month faculty appointm ent, negotiated d e p e n d in g on e d u ca tio n and expe rience. Tuition benefits, sick leave, 22 vacation days, TIAA/CREF. For first consideration, please send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone num bers of three references to: Rutherford Witthus, Auraria Library, Lawrence at 11th, Denver, CO 80204, postm arked by March 3 1 ,1 9 8 8 . Position will open July 1,1 9 8 8 . Recruitment will re­ main open until the position is filled. The University of C olorado at Denver is an AA/EEO employer. CA TALO G LIB R A R IA N , Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. De­ scription: Responsible for cataloging and classifying print and non­ print library materials. Will create and maintain authority records, contribute to developm ent of new procedures and cataloging man- G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S C O O R D IN A T O R California State University, Fullerton Library Faculty Appointment. Responsibilities: Selects, processes, and services documents col­ lection; does OCLC cataloging, database search­ ing, bibliographic instruction. Serves at the general reference desk, and participates in committee work and other activities. Supervises 3.5 paraprofes- sionals and several student assistants. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited institu­ tion or equivalent. Second advanced degree re­ quired for tenure. Three to five years professional library experience in selecting, processing, and servicing government documents, preferably in ac­ ademic library. Effective interpersonal and com­ munication skills. Desirable Qualifications: Experience in biblio­ graphic instruction, collection development, and database searching. Experience in international business, taxation, legal resources. Salary: Minimum $31,680. Application: Please address resume including the names and addresses of three references and/ or requests for further information to: Sharon Perry, Chair Public Services Recruitment Committee University Library California State University, Fullerton P.O. Box 4150 Fullerton, CA 92634 Deadline for application is April 8,1988, or until such time as the position is filled. The full description is available upon request. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity, Title IX Employer. C H IC A N O R E S O U R C E C E N T E R L IB R A R IA N California State University, Fullerton Library Faculty Appointment. Responsibilities: Coordinates functions of CRC. Provides assistance in use of CRC-related materials. Prepares guides to their contents. Serves as subject bibliographer. Functions as liaison with faculty, university, and com m unity groups. May participate in b ib lio ­ g ra p h ic in stru ctio n and database searching . Serves at general reference desk and on commit­ tees. Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited institu­ tion or equivalent. Second advanced degree or equivalent required for tenure. Bilingual in Spanish and English. Knowledge and understanding of Chi­ cano culture. Effective interpersonal and communi­ cation skills. Desirable qualifications: Knowledge of biblio­ graphic materials related to the humanities. Experi­ ence in bibliographic instruction, collection devel­ opment and database searching. Salary: Minimum $28,884. Application: Please address resume including he names and addresses of three references and/ or requests for further information to: Sharon K. Perry, Chair Public Services Recruitment Committee University Library California State University, Fullerton P.O. Box 4150 Fullerton, CA 92634 Deadline for application is April 4, 1988, or until such time as the position is filled. The full position description is available upon request. Affirmative Action, Equal O pportunity, Title IX Employer. t 182 uals for autom ated environm ent, develop plans for and participate in cataloging of previously uncataloged kinds of materials. Require­ ments: MLS from an A L A -accre dited program ; know le dge of MARC formats, AACR2, and LC classification and subject headings; know l­ e d g e of autom ated cataloging using a national b ib lio g ra p h ic utility, such as OCLC. Prefer: Interest or experience in cataloging non-print materials, serials, music, maps, or gove rn m en t docum ents. W orking know le dge of a Western European language, autom ation in library technical services, second m aster’s degree. Salary: Negotiable; m inim um is $20,000 for 12-month appointm ent. G ood fringe bene­ fits. Possible faculty rank and status with tenure track appointm ent with second m aster’s degree. Send: Resume, gradu ate deg re e tran­ scripts (unofficial copies acceptable), and list of three references, in­ clu d in g addresses and telephone num bers to: Nyal Williams, Chair, D epartm ent of Library Service, Ball S ta te U n ive rs ity, M uncie, IN 47306. Review of applications will begin im m ediately and continue until the position is filled. Ball State University Practices Equal O p p o r­ tunity in Education and Em ploym ent. C A T A L O G L IB R A R IA N , W abash College. Principal cataloger of m onographs, musical scores, and AV form ats using the OCLC sys­ tem, AACR2 and Library of C ongress classification. C ataloging as­ sistance p rovid ed by clerks and students trained and supervised by the catalog librarian. Also responsible for catalog m aintenance and directing retrospective conversion project (using OCLC m icrocon system) for installation of an electronic catalog in the 1990s. Assists in provid in g reference service. Q ualifications: cataloging experience required; organizational skills; broad, inform ed intellectual interests evidenced by a record of strong preparation, at least at the u n d e r­ graduate level, in a liberal arts discipline. MLS from A L A -accre dited school. Position available July 1 ,1 9 8 8 . Salary negotiable with a m ini­ m um of $20,000, initial two-year appointm ent, eleven-m onth w ork year, associated faculty rank with all faculty privileges excep t tenure and sabbatical leave, goo d fringe benefits. Send letter of application, resume, and at least three letters of reference to: Larry Frye, Lilly Li­ brary, W abash C o lleg e, P.O. Box 352, Crawfordsville, IN 47933, before April 1,1 9 8 8 . The College is recognized nationally for its c o m ­ m itm ent to excellence in u n d ergra duate education. W om en and m i­ norities e n co u ra g e d to apply. EOE. C A T A L O G E R . Full -time, twelve-m onth, tenure-track position b e g in­ ning M a y -J u n e 1988. Salary $22,000, pro-rated. Duties include ca t­ aloging materials on OCLC, filing catalog cards, reclassification, RE­ CON, and supervising of non-professionals. M ay include som e w e e k e n d a n d e v e n in g hou rs. Q u a lific a tio n s : M LS fro m A L A - accredited library school required. K now ledge of LC classification, LCSH, OCLC, GEAC, and two years’ experience helpful. A p p ly in w riting with resum e and names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references by M arch 1 5 ,1 9 8 8 , to: Kenneth G. Walter, D irec­ tor of Library Services, Cataloger Search, S o u th ern C o n n e c tic u t S ta te U n ive rs ity, 501 C rescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515. AA/EOE. C A T A L O G E R /H E A D O F T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S . Im m ediate opening. Responsible for all cataloging and book processing. A p ­ proxim ately 7 ,0 0 0 + items per year. Ability to perform original cata­ loging. Experience using Dialog, OCLC, AACR2, Dewey and LC classification and LCSH in an a cad em ic library. Responsible for cat­ alog m aintenance and converting collection from Dewey to LC within five years and processing a backlog of 8,000 gift books. Su­ pervisory experience preferred; 3 full-time clerical assistants in d e ­ partm en t. O ccasion al nig h t re fe re n ce d u ty on a ro ta tin g basis. Tw elve-m onth contract. Faculty status and rank position. G ood fringes. Salary range from $20,500 to $21,500. A L A -accre dited MLS required. Excellent com m unication, interpersonal, and m an a g e ­ m ent skills required. G annon University is an equal opportunity, af­ firm ative action em ployer. Send letter of application and resum e to: L. Thomas Snyderwine, Director, Nash Library, G annon U n ive r­ sity, P.O. Box 295, University Square, Erie, PA 16541. C A T A L O G IN G /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . St Law rence U n iver­ sity, a private, nondenom inational liberal arts college, located be ­ tween the A d iro n d a ck M ountains and the St. Law rence River, has an ope nin g for a librarian with shared responsibilities in cataloging (2/3 time) and reference (1/3 time). C ataloging responsibilities include: perform ing original cataloging, revising non-DLC contribu ted cata- A S S O C IA T E D IR E C T O R F O R IN F O R M A T IO N A N D R E S E A R C H S E R V IC E S DePaul University Chicago, Illinois Under the general direction of the Director of Libraries, the Associate Director for Information and Re­ search Services has major administrative and general supervisory responsibilities for the Division which includes the departments of Audio Visual Services, Instruction, Reference, and Special Collections/Univer- sity Archives (17 FTE librarians and 15 FTE clerical staff). The Associate Director is responsible for overall personnel administration of divisional staff, including annual evaluation and salary recommendations; preparation of the annual budget for Information and Research Services at the four library locations, in Chicago and two suburbs. With the Director and the Associate Director of Systems and Access Services, the Associate Director participates in overall planning and policy determination and implementation for the Libraries, including planning for a new library building and renovation of existing space. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS required; additional subject master’s preferred; minimum 5 years’ increasing responsibility in library positions with supervisory experience; demonstrated knowledge of aca­ demic or research library public services and familiarity with all aspects of academic library services; dem­ onstrated knowledge and experience with library automation and online systems; excellent oral and written communication skills; evidence of continued professional growth. Excellent benefits which include: basic hospitalization, two pension programs, four weeks vacation after one year and more. Salary $37K minimum. Send letter of application with resume and names of 3 refer­ ences to: Doris R. Brown Director of Libraries DePaul University Library 2323 North Seminary Chicago, IL 60614 183 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO Associate University Librarian for Automated and Technical Services and Associate University Librarian for Public Services The Associate University Librarian for Automated and Technical Services is responsible for five program areas — acquisitions, cataloging, government documents, serials, and systems. Five departments with 5 librarians and 25 support staff form the nucleus of this division. The Associate University Librarian for Public Services is responsible for five program areas — collection development, library instruction, media, reference and online services. Eight departments with 20 librarians and 9 support staff for the nucleus of this division. Both Associate University Librarians must maintain or create: • Collegial decision-making structure; • High level user orientation that anticipates future developments effectively and implements new programs and services within a consensual framework; • High quality, high performing work environment; and • High quality of work life that provides an optimal amount of professional and personal growth for faculty and staff. Both Associate University Librarians participate fully with the Dean and University Librarian and the Assistant University Librarian for Administration in the overall administration of the Library, including long-range planning, the establishment of policy, budget formula­ tion, and program development and evaluation. The development of a comprehensive and innovative plan for future library-wide automation-related activity is a overriding priority for which the Associate University Librarian for Automated and Technical Services will have primary responsibility. The CSUS Library is subject-divided (Education and Psychology, Humanities, Science, and Social Science & Business Administra­ tion). The collection has 900,000 printed volumes and over 1.5 million microforms. The materials budget exceeds $1.4 million. Groundbreaking for a 120,000 square foot, $16 million library addition to the current building, constructed in 1975, will occur this Spring. CSUS is now preparing a request for proposals for the purchase of an $800,000 online information system consisting of MARC records management and online catalog and circulation control modules. Minimum qualifications for the Associate University Librarian for Automated and Technical Services include: • Possession of a graduate degree from an ALA accredited library school or foreign equivalent. • Seven years of extensive and increasingly responsible academic library experience in technical services and/or automated systems in a four-year institution of higher learning. These seven years must include four years of substantial experience in the supervision and management of a technical services department and three years experience with automated bibliographic control systems. • Superior interpersonal and communication skills. • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships. • Evidence of effective and innovative accomplishments. • Thorough understanding of critical programmatic and technological issues facing academic libraries. Desirable qualifications include: • Strong analytic skills. • Evidence of active participation in university committees and professional organizations. • Involvement in the purchase and implementation of an online catalog/circulation system. • Knowledge and interest in applying computer-based information resources in order to offer new services to users. • Successful grantwriting or other fund-raising experience. Minimum qualifications for the Associate University Librarian for Public Services include: • Possession of a graduate degree from an ALA accredited library school or foreign equivalent. • Seven years of extensive and increasingly resonsible academic library experience in collection development and reference in a four-year institution of higher learning. These seven years must include four years of substantial experience in the supervision and management of a public services department. • Superior interpersonal and communication skills. • Ability to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships. • Evidence of effective and innovative accomplishments. • Broad understanding of the nature of scholarly communication and the corresponding needs of faculty and students. • Thorough understanding of critical programmatic and technological issues facing academic libraries. Desirable qualifications include: • Strong analytic skills. • Evidence of active participation in university committees and professional organizations. • Knowledge and interest in applying computer-based information resources in order to offer new services to users. • Additional advanced degree in a subject field. • Successful grantwriting or other fund-raising experience. Salary Hiring Range: $42,260 - $55,268 depending upon qualifications. This is a management position with an anticipated starting date of July 1,1988. The successful candidate must also qualify for a faculty librarian appointment. Write for a more detailed Announce­ ment of Vacancy. APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applicants are asked to submit the following materials: 1. Current resume and cover letter addressing the above qualifications; and 2. Name, address, and telephone number of three references to: Dr. Charles Martell, Dean and University Librarian California State University, Sacramento 2000 Jed Smith Drive Sacramento, CA 95819-2695 APPLICATION DEADLINE: Postmarked no later than March 25, 1988. CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER WHO HIRES ONLY THOSE INDIVIDUALS LAWFULLY AUTHORIZED TO WORK IN THE U.S. 184 loging, serving as a cataloging resource professional for three FTE paraprofessionals, sharing card catalog m aintenance activities, and assisting the Head of Technical Services with training and with d eve l­ oping cataloging policies. Reference responsibilities include: p ro vid ­ ing regular reference desk services and sharing evening and w e ek­ end reference desk service in rotation with all librarians. Required: A L A -accredited MLS, cataloging experience using OCLC or an­ other b ib lio g ra p h ic utility, know le dge of AACR2, LCSH, and LC clas­ sification, or concentration on cataloging, classification, and subject analysis in Library School coursew ork; evidence of com m itm ent to provid ing a high quality of reference services; and excellent co m ­ m unication and interpersonal skills. Desirable: O riginal cataloging experience; some reference experience, know ledge of autom ated library systems; second m aster’s degree; and a w orking know ledge of at least 1 foreign language. 12 month contract. Liberal benefits. M o n th ’s vacation. Faculty status. Starting date: 15 June 1988. Salary range: $ 1 9 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 2 ,0 0 0 . Send letter of application, resume, and 3 letters of reference to: M ichael Alzo, Search Com m ittee Chair, Owen D. Young Library, St. L aw ren ce U n ive rs ity, Canton, NY 13617. Closing date: 15 April 1988. St. Law rence University is an Equal O p ­ portunity, Affirm ative Action Employer. W om en and m inorities are enco uraged to apply. C H E M IS T R Y L IB R A R IA N , Assistant Professor. Responsibilities in­ clude reference service; biblio g ra p h ic instruction; chem istry b ib lio g ­ rapher; BRS, DIALOG, CAS O NLINE searching; circulation, supe rvi­ sion and bindery preparation in the Chem istry Library, a branch of the Williams Library. Position requires A L A -accre dited MLS; a d d i­ tional related subject m aster’s or doctorate desirable; experience in a scie nce lib ra ry d esira ble ; g o o d in te rp e rso n a l skills essential. Twelve m onth appointm ent; faculty status and expectations. M ini­ mum salary is $17,000. Send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses and telephone num bers of three references to: Nancy F. Fuller, Chair, Chem istry Librarian Search Committee, W il­ liams Library, U n iversity of M ississipp i, University, MS 38677. An equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. C O O R D IN A T O R FOR B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N /R E F - ERENCE L IB R A R IA N /S U B JE C T S P E C IA L IS T , G eorge W ashing ton University A p p o in tm e n t salary m inim um : $23,000. Position de ­ s c rip tio n : R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : As C o o rd in a to r fo r B ib lio g ra p h ic Instruction: plans, coordinates and evaluates biblio g ra p h ic instruc­ tion program for G elm an Library, in cluding an active course-related instruction program , printed guides and bibliographies, a self-paced research g uide targeted to und egradua te English classes, term pa ­ per assistance appointm ents for undergra duate students, and d e ­ velopm ent of m edia produ ctions and com puter-assisted-instruction program s as appropriate. Serves as a consultant for other librarians involved in biblio g ra p h ic instruction. Offers training program s and participates in perform ance evaluation. Serves as chair of the In­ structional Publications Review Board which coordinates the li­ b ra ry ’s publication program of instructional materials. As a m em ber of the Reference & Instruction Departm ent: Provides reference ser­ vices to faculty, graduate and undergra duate students, and staff of the University in all a cad em ic and professional fields, excep t law and m edicine. Offers online com puter searching and trains faculty and students to c o n d u ct their own searches. As a Subject Specialist: Serves as liaison to specific a cad em ic departm ents and program s, provides specialized research su p p o rt and consultation services, and assumes collection deve lop m en t responsibilities for assigned subjects. Subject specialist assignm ent will be based on academ ic b a ckg ro u n d and experience. Qualifications: A L A -accredited MLS, ability to w ork effectively with the p ub lic and co-workers, and exten­ sive experience in biblio g ra p h ic instruction are required. Highly de­ sirable are subject b a ckg ro u n d in education, know ledge of learning theory and applications for adult learning, experience in m edia d e ­ sign and production, writing and editing skills, and experience or coursew ork on online com puter searching. Deadline for a p p lic a ­ tions: Review of applications will begin April 1, 1988, and continue until the position is filled. Please send current resume and names of three references to: A n dre a Stewart, Executive C oordinator, Gelman Library, The G eo rg e W ash in g to n U n iversity, W ashington, DC 20052. GWU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. C O O R D IN A T O R , M IN IT E X /O C L C S E R V IC E S . M im tex, a re ­ source sharing network serving libraries in M innesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, seeks a service-oriented individual to assum e a MINITEX/OCLC Services C oordinator position. The C oordinator will R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N S Stanford University REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/FEMINIST STUDIES (#313-CRL) and REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/COL- LECTION DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR (#314-CRL). Both positions require a creative and ener­ getic librarian with broad academic training in humanities or social sciences to work as a part of a general reference team with three other librarians and two library specialists. Duties for both positions include the development of appropriate library instruction with faculty and librarians; development and management of social science or humanities collections; teaching of research skills and Freshman English; reference and research assistance, including some evenings and weekends and online searching. Both will contrib­ ute significantly to program planning in Meyer and to the diverse endeavors of the Libraries. The incum­ bents will be expected to work closely with faculty and other librarians to ensure that library services pro­ mote the achievement of the University’s educational goals. It is desired that the Reference Librarian/Feminist Studies (#313-CRL) have a degree with an emphasis on Feminist Studies; a sound knowledge of Feminist Studies is required. The incumbent will oversee Mey­ er’s services to the Feminist Studies Program and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender. The Reference Librarian/Collection Development Coordinator (#314-CRL) will have oversight responsi­ bilities for Meyer’s collection development. The incumbent is required to have collection management and development experience at the instructional level. Beginning salary range is $28,600-$39,800. Applicants should apply before March 25, 1988, with a complete statement of qualifications, a full resume of education and relevant experience, as well as the names and addresses of three references who are knowledgeable of their qualifications. Letters and docu­ ments should refer to the appropriate number and be addressed to: Irene Yeh Employment Coordinator Stanford University Libraries Stanford, CA 94305-6004 EEO/AAE 185 work closely with participants providing OCLC training and support and will take part in new developm ents that will affect library services in the region for the next several years. Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Assistant Director for OCLC and Reference Services the coordinator will assist in im plem enting training and support pro­ grams for the various OCLC subsystems and terminal applications. The MINITEX/OCLC program provides services to over 160 libraries including academ ic, public, private and state agency libraries. W ork­ ing with the Senior Coordinator, MIN ITEX/OCLC Services, and other MINITEX staff this person will provide information and problem ­ solving assistance to participants both in regard to OCLC and other MINITEX services. Included are conducting training sessions, assist­ ing with workshops, telephone liaison, library site visits, and editing documentation of OCLC services, training materials and regular in­ formational mailings. Extensive travel throughout the region will be required, as will use of a personal car. Required Qualifications: Mas­ ter’s in Library Science from an ALA-accredited library school and one year of professional library experience. At least one year of ex­ perience using one of the OCLC subsystems. Effective written and oral com m unication skills. Demonstrated organizational skills. Pref­ erence will be given to candidates with: Experience with library net­ working and cooperative library services; working know ledge of au­ to m a tio n , e s p e c ia lly m ic ro c o m p u te r a p p lic a tio n s ; w o rk in g know ledge of cataloging principles and standards including use of AACR2 and OCLC/MARC; know ledge of interlibrary loan and/or ac­ quisitions procedures; flexibility and the ability to work indepen­ dently and under pressure. Appointm ent: The appointm ent is in the Academ ic Administrative Class. Minimum starting salary is $21,000 with excellent fringe benefits. Position available immediately. A p p li­ cations must be postm arked by March 3 1 ,1 9 8 8 . Applicants should send a letter of application with detailed resume and names and ad­ dresses of three references to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel and Staff Development Officer, University Libraries, U niversity of M inn e­ sota, 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN LIBRARY OPENINGS Adelphi University, the oldest private institution of higher education on Long Island, serving over 1 0 ,0 0 0 graduate and undergraduate students, seeks energetic and resourceful individuals for the following library administrative and faculty appointments. Positions begin September, 1988. Associate Dean of Libraries for Technical and Automated Services (Administrative Appointment): Reopened search for experienced administrator with MLS degree and significant background in technical services and automation to head a major division of the University Libraries. Responsibilities include overall management, direction, planning activities and coordination of acquisitions, cataloging, and autom ated services (OCIC, CLSI and INNOVACQ). Minimum salary: $ 4 0 ,0 0 0 . Reference Librarian (Tenure Track Library Faculty Appointment): Responsibilities include reference desk services, online searching, bibliographic instruction, and collection development. MLS required; other advanced degree preferred. Serveral years experience highly desirable. Minimum salary; $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 . Science Librarian (Tenure Track Library Faculty Appointment): Responsible for day-to-day services of the separately-housed Science Library, including reference and circulation services, online searching, bibliographic instruction and collection development. MLS required; other adva nced degree preferred. Several years experience highly desirable. Minimum salary: $ 2 7 ,0 0 0 . Send curriculum vitae and names and address of three references by April 15,1988, to: Dr. Igor Webb, Office of the Provost, a ADELPHI UNIVERSITY, Box 701, Garden City, NY. A d e lp h i University is a n Equal O p p o rîu n it A ffirm a tiv e A c tio n Em ployer M /F 186 55455-0414. Please identify app lication with U L 166. The University of M innesota is an equal o p p o rtu n ity edu cato r and em plo yer and specifically invites and enco urages applications from w om en and minorities. C U R A T O R , D O N N V. H A R T S O U T H E A S T A S IA N C O L L E C ­ T IO N . Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. The U niversity Li­ braries and the C enter for Southeast Asian Studies invite nom in a­ tions and applications for the Southeast Asian C ollection Curator, a position fu n d e d thro ugh the auspices of the H enry Luce Foundation. The Donn V. Hart Southeast Asian C ollection includes app ro xim ate ly 35,000 printed volum es plus substantial m icroform holdings, maps, periodicals, and new spapers. O ne-third of the collection is in ve rn a c­ ular Southeast Asian languages with m ajor holdings in Thai as well as Indonesian and Malay. O ther collection strengths in clud e the Philip­ pines and Burm a, an area under curre nt de ve lo p m e n t thro ugh an affiliation with the Burm a Studies G rou p of the Association of Asian Studies. The University Libraries system includes a main library, in w hich the Southeast Asian C ollection is housed in a discreet area, and branch libraries for music, science, m aps, and o u td o o r e d u c a ­ tion. Library holdings in clud e m ore than 1.7 m illion volum es. As a m em ber of O CLC and a full p articip ant in the Libra ry C o m pu te r Sys­ tem (LCS) the NIU Libraries provides access to holdings of other re­ search collections and is deve lo p in g an online catalog for autom ated b ib lio g ra p h ic records. Educational Requirem ents: M A in Southeast Asian studies required and a M aster’s deg re e in library science pre ­ ferred from an A L A -accre dited library school (app ro p ria te equ iva ­ lencies m ay be substituted). Qualifications: D em onstrated ability in program d eve lop m en t and an interest in the broad range of activities requisite for faculty and collection advancem ent. Experience in li­ brary services oriented tow ard Southeast Asian studies desired. Preference will be given to app licants with a m ainland Southeast Asian em phasis. Duties and Responsibilities: U nder the direction of the Associate D irector for Research Services in the University Li­ braries, this position m anages the collection developm ent, service program s, and personnel adm inistration of the unit, and coordinates processing activities with the Lib ra rie s’ Technical Services Division. The curator is responsible for coord in a tin g collection d eve lop m en t and m anag em e nt for the unit and should be capa ble of carrying out collection de ve lo p m e n t for specific areas. Leadership in d e ve lop ing, interpreting, and p ub licizin g library services and collections is ex­ pected of the curator, w ho works in consultation with the Libraries Adm inistration, represents the Southeast Asian Collection in relation with N lU ’s C enter for Southeast Asian Studies, the C enter for Burm a Studies, as well as ap p ro p ria te library and other professional o rg a n i­ zations. Salary and Term s of A ppointm ent: $30 ,00 0 for a twelve- m onth contract b e g inn ing July 1 ,1 9 8 8 . Tenure tra ck a p p o in tm e n t at assistant professor rank or above, d e p e n d in g on qualifications. Ben­ efits include Illinois State Retirem ent System and 24 vacation days per year. Deadline for N om inations/A pplications: Initial review of nom inations/applications to begin by m id-M arch, but app lications will continue to be a ccep ted until the position is filled. A p plications should include: 1) a com ple te statem ent of qualifications together with a resum e of educational preparation and relevant experience, and 2) the names, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three curre nt professional references. Send nom inations and a p p li­ cations to: G ord on S. Rowley, Chair, C urator Search Com m ittee, Founders M em orial Library, N o rth e rn Illin o is U n iv e rs ity , DeKalb, IL 60115. Northern Illinois University is an Equal O pportunity, A ffirm ­ ative Action Em ployer. E D U C A T IO N L IB R A R IA N . The W ichita State University Libra ry is seeking a librarian w h o will act as subject specialist for the C o llege of Education. This librarian will assist users directly at the central refer­ ence desk, participate in the b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction and collection d eve lop m en t program s, provid e co m p u te r searches, and pa rtici­ pate in Reference D epartm ent decision-m aking and library and uni­ versity activities. The successful ca nd ida te will be service oriented, able to w o rk effectively with students, faculty, and the general public, and com m itted to prom oting library services and collections to the D E A N O F U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IE S Washington University in St. Louis Washington University in St. Louis is seeking a dynamic person with proven leadership ability to head its university library system, a constellation consisting of a central facility and eight branch libraries currently housing a collection of well over two million volumes. In addition to serving as chief administrator of this system and its staff of over 100, the person filling this position will lead the University Libraries through a multi-year process of significant expansion and growth. Washington University has embarked on an excit­ ing program to enrich and broaden its research activities, and the library system is an important participant in this effort. Accordingly, the new Dean will have an unusual opportunity to help shape the future of a major library system and the institution it serves. A doctorate in an academic discipline and an MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution are desir­ able. Candidates should have a successful administrative record; broad knowledge of information technol­ ogies and automated library systems; commitment to intellectual and service missions of the university; and ability to communicate effectively with university officers, faculty, staff, and students. The university is an important regional and national resource, and the ability to mobilize the interest and support of the larger community on behalf of the library is important. Appointm ent anticipated to be effective not later than July 1,1988. Applicants are encouraged to send a resume and the names of three references by April 1,1988. Applications, inquiries, and nominations may be directed to: Search Committee for Dean of University Libraries c/o Edward N. Wilson, Dean Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Campus Box 1187 Washington University One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130 (314) 889-6848 W ashington U niversity is an affirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. E m ploym ent eligibility verification required upon hire. 187 academic com m unity. An A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS is required. An a d d i­ tional graduate deg re e in edu cation or a related field is desirable and expected for tenure. W ichita State University is an urban institution with an enrollm ent of 17,000. The library is fully autom ated on the NOTIS system. The library build in g is curre ntly being rem o deled and expanded. Librarians at W ichita State enjoy faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities. W ichita is an active, gro w in g city with a p o p u la ­ tion of 300,000. Professional activities and co n fe re n ce atte ndan ce is supported by the library. Starting salary $20,000 to $ 24 ,00 0 for 12- month appointm ent, d e p e n d in g on e xpe rience and qualifications. The successful ca n d id a te will be eligible for tenure review. Benefits include TIAA/CREF, and a ch o ice of Blue C ross/Blue Shield or HMO. Letter of application, resum e and nam es of three references m ust be received by April 1 5 ,1 9 8 8 . Send to: Sharon L. Bostick, Head of Ref­ erence, C am pus Box 68, The W ic h ita S ta te U n iv e rs ity , W ichita, KS 67208. W ichita State University is an affirm ative action, equal o p ­ portunity em ployer. ENGINEERING L IB R A R IA N , University of O klahom a. Libra ry fa c ­ ulty vacancy. Duties: U n d e r the direction of the Head of Branch Li­ braries, the E n g in e e rin g L ib ra ria n su p e rvise s the E n g in e e rin g Branch Library in clu d in g the review, d eve lop m en t and im plem enta- • tion of program s and services; the hiring, training, supervision and evaluation of staff; the provision of reference service in clu d in g da ta ­ base searching; the m ainten ance and circulation of library materials; the selection, w e eding, and evaluation of the collection; and the p ro ­ vision of orientation and library instruction. The E ngineering L ib ra r­ ian serves as liaison betw een the University Libraries and the C o l­ lege o f E n g in e e r in g . Q u a lific a tio n s : R e q u ire d : M LS fro m ALA-accredited library school; fam iliarity with b ib lio g ra p h ic control and su b je c t lite ra tu re of e n g in e e rin g ; k n o w le d g e of d a ta b a se searching and library instruction co n ce p ts and m ethods. Previous experience in an acad em ic, special library, or equivalent in clud ing supervisory experience; record of research and publication. Desir­ able: U n d e rg ra d u a te or a d va n ce d d e g re e in a subject related field and strong interpersonal and com m u n ica tio n s skills. D eadline for applications: April 8, 1988. Available: July 1, 1988. Salary: $28,111. Benefits: TIAA/CREF; State Retirem ent System; com prehen sive medical protection; 21 days vacation; University holidays; generous sick leave. Em ploym ent: Librarians have faculty status, rank of Assis­ tant Professor or above, privileges, responsibilities, and are eligible for tenure. A p plication: Send letter of application with resum e and the nam es of th re e re fe re n c e s in c lu d in g c u rre n t s u p e rv is o r to: Donald C. H udson, M anager, Adm inistrative Services, U niversity Li­ braries, U n ive rs ity of O k la h o m a , Norm an, OK 73019. The U n iver­ sity of O klahom a is an Equal O pportunity, Affirm ative A ctio n Em ­ ployer. G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S L IB R A R IA N . Position available April 4, 1988. U n der the general d irectio n of the Head of G o ve rn ­ m ent D ocum ents, provid es reference service, participates in in struc­ tion program ; responsible for state docu m e nts and m ap library. D o c­ um ents D e partm ent is a 7 0 % federal selective dep o sito ry with a staff of six. Required qualifications: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS, strong c o m ­ m unication a nd interpersonal skills, ability to w o rk well in close g ro u p situation, co m m itm e n t to scholarship. Preferred additional q u a lifica­ tions: Second subject m aste r’s degree, fam iliarity with gove rn m e n t docum ents, and reference experience. 12-m onth, tenure track a p ­ pointm ent as Instructor or Assistant Professor. Salary from base of $21,000, d e p e n d in g on qualifications and experience. Review of a p ­ plications will beg in F ebruary 15, 1988, and will contin ue until posi­ tion is filled. Send letter of application, resume, and names, a d ­ dresses, and telep hone num bers of five references to: Saundra Williams, Head of G overnm ent Docum ents, MSU Libraries, M e m ­ phis S ta te U n iv e rs ity , M em phis, TN 38152. M em phis State U ni­ versity is an Equal O pportunity, Affirm ative Action University. The University com plies with the Im m igration Reform and C ontrol A ct of 1986 regulations, and proof of em p lo ym e n t eligibility is required. H E A D , H E B R A IC A A N D NEAR E A S T C A T A L O G IN G U N IT , C ata­ log Departm ent, Sterling M em orial Library. M inim um rank: Librarian II. Responsibilities: m anages activities of a librarian and tw o su p p o rt staff in processing and catalo gin g m o n o g ra p h s and serials in H e­ brew and other Near Eastern languages. M ay assist in collection d e ­ velopm ent for area materials. W orks closely with faculty in this field. Qualifications: MLS from an A L A -a ccre d ite d library school. Strong know le d g e of Hebrew. E ducation or trainin g in Jew ish Studies. Two ye a rs’ library experience. Supervisory experience. R eading kn o w l­ e d g e of A ra b ic la n g u a g e preferred. K n ow le d g e of M ARC form ats and autom ated library system s preferred. Salary and rank d e p e n ­ dent on qualifications, from a m inim um of $24,500. A p p lica tio n deadline: M ay 15, 1988. To be assured of consideration, please send letter of application, resume, and nam es of three references to: M aureen Sullivan, Head, Libra ry Personnel Services, Y a le U n iv e r­ sity Library, P.O. Box 1603A Yale Station, N ew Haven, CT 06520. An EEO/AA em ployer. H E A D M A P L IB R A R IA N . The U niversity of Arizona is seeking a p ro ­ fessional librarian responsible for m anag ing the M ap C ollection w hich contains over 200 ,00 0 sheet maps. Responsibilities include adm inistration, p u b lic services, and collection deve lop m en t, as well as hiring, training, supervision and evaluation of staff. The d e p a rt­ m ent includes a m ap cataloger, a .5 FTE m ap reference librarian, a library assistant, and 4 student assistants. The head w orks closely with other dep artm ents in the library system, serves on library-w ide D E A N O F U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IE S Pennsylvania State University Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Dean of University Libraries. The University Libraries include the central collection and six subject libraries at University Park, and libraries at each of the 20 campus locations throughout the state. The dean serves as a member of the Council of Academic Deans and has primary responsibility for collection development and management; library services; lead­ ership of the Libraries’ faculty, budget and planning, library automation, personnel resources, fundraising; and fostering state, regional, and national cooperative efforts. Applicants should have the appropriate aca­ demic credentials, interpersonal skills, and significant administrative experience to provide academic and organizational leadership to the University Libraries. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications, but not less than $60,000. The search committee will begin to review resumes in April 1988 and will continue to receive them until a candidate is selected. Applications and nominations, accom panied by resumes and other supporting ma­ terials, should be submitted to: Suzanne C. Striedieck, Chair Dean of University Libraries Search Committee The Pennsylvania State University 201 Old Main University Park, PA 16802 The Pennsylvania State U niversity is an affirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. 188 adm inistrative and planning com m ittees, and is one of six de p a rt­ m ent heads who report to the Assistant University Librarian for C en­ tral Services. A p plicants must have a M aster’s degree in Library Sci­ ence from an A L A -accredited school and a m inim um of 3 years acad em ic library experience in a m ap collection. Dem onstrated m anagem ent and supervisory ability, know ledge of library autom a­ tion, and a deg re e in a related field are preferred. G ood co m m u n ica ­ tion skills are essential. M inim um salary is $29,000; higher salary is negotiable dep e n d in g on qualifications and experience. Librarians at the University of Arizona have acad em ic professional status, are eligible for continuing status, are voting m em bers of the faculty, and m ay take up to 24 days professional leave per year. They have 22 days paid vacation, 12 days sick leave and 10 holidays. Send a letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Shelley E. Phipps, A ctin g University Librarian, U n iversity of A rizo n a L ibrary, Tucson, AZ 85721, by April 8, 1988. The position will be available July 1 ,1 9 8 8 . The University of Arizona is an Equal Em ploym ent O p ­ portunity, Affirm ative Action Em ployer. H E A D O F IN F O R M A T IO N S E R V IC E S . Lane M ed ica l Libra ry serves the Stanford University M edical Center. Lane has a staff of 40 FTE, collections of approxim ately 300 ,00 0 volum es with over 3,000 current serials, a learning resource center, and a m edical inform atics training lab. Stanford is a m em ber of RLG. Lane uses the RLIN sys­ tem for acquisitions and cataloging. The library is u n d ergoin g m ajor changes. The library recently im plem ented an integrated library sys­ tem, the Utlas t/Series 50 system. In M arch we will be starting an ex­ perim ental service of unlim ited searching on BRS for faculty, stu­ dents, and housestaff. A 1.2 million dollar rem odelling/expansion project will begin in the spring. It involves the relocation of Inform a­ tion Services staff and the reference collection. The Head of Inform a­ tion Services reports to the D eputy Director. Responsibilities are overall m anagem ent and planning of the d e p a rtm e n t’s services, w hich include general reference, consulting, online search services, general user education and end-user instruction; active participation in these services; prom otion of effective use of library resources; c o ­ ordination of d e p a rtm e n t’s activities with other library operations; im ­ plem entation and docum entation of departm ent proced ure s and policies; supervision of 5.0 FTE librarians and 2.0 FTE su p p o rt staff; evaluation and m aintenance of service standards; assurance of co n ­ tinued staff developm ent; and participation in overall library planning and collection developm ent. Requirem ents: MLS; deg re e and /or substantial b a ckg ro u n d in clinical or life sciences; at least 5 years ex­ perience in health sciences reference; com petent online search ana­ lyst; dem onstrated supervisory experience; evidence of strong inter­ person al skills; e xce lle n t w ritten and oral c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; evidence of organizational ability and creativity; ability to m anage ef­ fectively and to plan for and to im plem ent change in a com ple x envi­ ronment; know le dge of netw orking and com puterized resources; in­ terest in library research. Experience with m icrocom puters and /or integrated library systems highly desired. Experience in space plan­ ning desired. The successful ca nd ida te m ust be highly service ori­ ented, co m ple m e nt the qualities of the existing team of expe rienced specialists, enjoy a strong team spirit, and be an effective leader. Level: Librarian. Salary range: $ 3 2 ,6 0 0 -$ 4 2 ,0 0 0 . Position available: May 1988. Subm it resume, listing 3 references to: Valerie Su, Deputy Director and Head of Public Services, Lane M edical Library, S ta n ­ ford U n ive rs ity M edical C e n te r, Stanford, CA 94305-5323; (415) 723-7198. An Equal O pportunity, Affirm ative Action Em ployer. HEAD O F M E D IA S E R V IC E S , Rollins College (Search Reopened). Duties: M anage the M edia Services unit of the library, d eve lop plans for integration of m edia services into the library, the curriculum and the C ollege C om m unity and assist with other library services as as­ signed. Oualifications: A L A -accredited MLS preferred. M aster’s in educational m edia or instructional technology will be seriously co n ­ sidered. Experience with and know le dge of the broad range of m e­ dia formats, audio and visual e q u ipm ent and systems and video pro­ duction. Excellent adm inistrative, com m unication and interpersonal skills. M inim um three years’ library m edia experience, preferably in D E A N O F T H E L IB R A R Y Montgomery, Alabama Auburn University at M ontgom ery invites applications and nominations fo r the position of Dean of the Library. AUM is a regionally accredited institution, founded in 1968, and is the urban campus of the Auburn University system. AUM is located in the state capital, a m etropolitan area of 250,000 people, and is a center of diversified economic and cultural life. The university has an enrollm ent of approxim ately 5,500 students in its undergraduate and master’s programs. The AUM library has a book collection of approxim ately 187,000 volumes and a periodicals collection of 56,000 volumes. Additionally, it is a U.S. regional depository library with a collection of approxim ately 500,000 volumes. The qualified applicants will meet the follow ing criteria: master’s degree in Library or Inform a­ tion Science from an ALA-accredited program and an earned doctorate in Library Inform ation Science or a related field; broad library experience with a successful record of administrative responsibility in an academic library; working knowledge of collection development, technical and public services, library systems, budgeting, and personnel management; record of active participation in professional library associations and of scholarly achievement as evidenced through publications sufficient fo r appointm ent as a Librarian III (Associate Professor) or Librar­ ian IV (Professor); superior interpersonal skills and an ability to work effectively with diverse library constituencies in both the university and the community. The position is tenure-track, and rank and salary are commensurate with qualifications and experience. The salary range is $45,000-$49,000. Interested individuals should submit a letter of application that includes a statement of their philosophy of the mission of a university library, a current vita, transcripts, and three current letters of support by April 15, 1988 to: Betty J. Tims, Chair, Dean of Library Search Committee, Library, Box A, Auburn University at Montgomery, Montgomery, AL 36193-0401. AUM is an EEO/AA Employer. 189 an academ ic setting. Some reference experience desired. Salary for 12 months: $22,000 or higher based on qualifications and e xpe ri­ ence and on appointm ent at the Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Screening begins: April 1, 1988. Position available June 1, 1988. Send application and three letters of recom m endation to: Chair, Media Services Librarian Search Committee, C am pus Box 2744, Olin Library, R ollins C o lleg e, W inter Park, FL 32792. Rollins College is an affirmative action, equal o pp ortun ity em ployer. M inori­ ties, women and physically h a n d ica p p e d persons who qualify are encouraged to apply. HEAD OF PU B LIC S E R V IC E S , A lbert R. M ann Library, Cornell U ni­ versity. The A lbert R. Mann Library serves agricultural, biological, and nutritional sciences and the related social sciences. It is co n sid ­ ered to be the prem ier agricultural and life sciences library within an academic institution in the United States. It is com m itted to providing innovative inform ation services for the 21 st century. It has a reputa­ tion for research and publishing. The position is responsible for the administration of the p ub lic services staff of 10 professionals and 16 support personnel. This staff provides lively reference service; interli­ brary service; circulation; teaches an undergra duate curriculum of information literacy; provides graduate and faculty w o rkshops in in­ formation access, retrieval and m anagem ent, the construction of databases and expe rt systems; provides program m ing and statisti­ cal support to the users of com puterized data files; and carries out research in inform ation technology. The qualifications for this posi­ tion are the MLS, a m inim um of 3 years experience in pub lic services in a large a cad em ic library and successful adm inistration experi­ ence. Significant capabilities needed for this position are vision, lead­ ership, m arketing and the m anag em e nt of innovation with a g ro u p of highly m otivated staff. Evidence of professional d eve lop m en t is re­ quired. Salary is negotiable d e p e n d e n t on qualifications (minim um low $30s). A pplications requested by April 15 ,1 9 8 8 ; however, a p p li­ cations will be accep ted until the position is filled. Please subm it a p ­ plications to: Ann Dyckm an, Personnel Director, 201 Olin Library, Cornell U n ive rs ity, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. (Send cover letter, re­ sume, and list of three references.) Cornell University is an Equal O p ­ portunity, Affirm ative Action Employer. HEAD OF TE C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S , Health Sciences Library. The Columbia University Health Sciences Library is deve lop ing new ser­ vices and com puter-based systems as com pon ents of C o lu m b ia ’s integrated a cad em ic inform ation m anagem ent system (IAIMS). We are seeking a librarian to participate in deve lop m en t and im plem en­ tation activities. R eporting to the Assistant Health Sciences Librarian for Access and Technical Services, this section head adm inisters the operation of all HSL Technical Services, in clud ing acquisitions, seri­ als control, cataloging, binding and materials processing. The in­ cumbent is responsible for initiating, directing, and coordinating a wide range of activities, including: w orkflow evaluation and chan ge to optimize current and future autom ation; coordination of activities with other HSL sections, with the central lib ra ry’s Technical Services units, and with outside networks; supervision of 13 FTE staff, in clu d ­ ing two other librarians. Participates in planning the University Li­ brary's com puter system and in overall HSL planning and adm inis­ tration. All technical services functions are autom ated. In addition to an accredited MLS, requirem ents are: m inim um of three years of rel­ evant experience in a large a cad em ic library or equivalent; strong interpersonal and com m unication skills; sound grasp of autom ation and of technical services principles and techniques; planning and organization skills; dem onstrated ability to coordinate w orkflow and to train and m anage staff; know le dge of AACR2, MeSH, LC classifi­ cation, MARC formats, and other national standards; experience with networks, autom ated biblio g ra p h ic data systems and online o p ­ erations. Salary ranges are: Librarian II: $ 2 8 ,5 0 0 -$ 3 8 ,4 7 5 ; Librarian III: $31,5 0 0 -$ 4 5 ,6 7 5 . Excellent benefits include assistance with U ni­ versity housing and tuition exem ption for self and family. Send re­ sume, listing three references, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, Director of Per­ sonnel, Box 35 Butler Library, C o lu m b ia U n ive rs ity, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is March 31, 1988. An Equal O pportunity, Affirm ative Action Em­ ployer. HEAD, SC IE N C E LIB R A R Y , University Library, University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Cruz. Reports to University Librarian and serves on li­ brary’s principal policy-m aking body. Responsibilities: develops pol­ icy and proced ure s for major branch library (new building to open in 1990); supervises staff of 4 librarians, 4 library assistants, 1 0 -1 5 stu­ dent assistants; m ay participate in reference services and library in­ struction and select material in one or m ore disciplines for science collection of 200,000 volumes. Qualifications: MLS degree; d e m o n ­ strated supervisory and adm inistrative ability in an a cad em ic or re­ search institution; strong team building and com m unications skills. A deg re e in the Natural Sciences and experience with data services, space planning, library instruction preferred. A p p o in tm e n t level: $ 3 1 ,0 0 8 -$ 4 4 ,6 7 6 . Position available A ugust 1, 1988. Send resume and names of three references by M arch 31, 1988, to: Katherine Beiers, University Library, U n ive rs ity of C a lifo rn ia, S a n ta C ruz, CA 95064. An equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. IN D E X E R /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . The Avery Index to A rch ite c­ tural Periodicals, an operating program of the G etty Art History Infor­ m ation Program at C olum bia U niversity’s Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, is seeking an Indexer/Reference Librarian. The li­ brarian will spend approxim ately three-quarters of his/her tim e in­ dexing articles to be entered in the A very Index to Architectural Peri­ odicals and the rem aining tim e will be spent in assisting readers with searches of the database at the reference desk. In add ition to an a c­ credited MLS, requirem ents are indexing, cataloging, an d /o r data­ base searching experience and w orking know le dge of one or m ore European languages. K now ledge of the field of architecture and ar­ chitectural history is highly desirable. Excellent benefits include tui­ tion exem ption for self and fam ily and assistance with University housing. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 9 ,9 0 0 ; Librarian II: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 3 ,7 5 0 . Send resume, listing three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, Director of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, C o lu m b ia U n iversity, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027. Deadline for applications is April 22, 1988. An Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportu nity Employer. L IB R A R IA N , Johnson G raduate School of M anagem ent Library. Cornell University Library seeks a Librarian for the Johnson G ra d u ­ ate School of M anagem ent Library. R eporting form ally to the U niver­ sity Librarian, and inform ally reporting to the Dean of the School, the Librarian is responsible for adm inistering all operations of this library, including long-range planning; fiscal, facilities, and personnel m an­ agem ent; deve lop m en t of policies; collection developm ent; and p ro ­ vision for effective library services. Additional responsibilities include the evaluation of program s and quality of services, approval and re­ view of projects, public relations planning and m onitoring, and c o o r­ dination of com puter supp orted research service. Qualifications: MLS from accredite d library school. Additional education in a rele­ vant discipline desirable. Superior record of m anag em e nt ability, com m itm ent to a high quality of service, and experience in a cad em ic or research libraries essential. Experience with com puter supp orted systems and with the selection of materials for a business or social science library collection desirable. Salary: A p pointm ent salary will be com petitive and will de p e n d upon qualifications and experience; m inim um $30,000. C om prehensive benefits packa ge available. A p ­ ply to: Please send cover letter, resum e and list of three references to: Ann Dyckm an, Personnel Director, Cornell U n ive rs ity Library, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. A pplications requested by M arch 1, 1988. Background: The Library of the Johnson G raduate School of M a n a g e m e n t is p rim a rily re sp o n sib le fo r se rvin g the S ch ool’s 46 faculty and a pproxim ately 550 M BA and Ph.D. students. Its collections include 155,000 volumes, 2,300 serial subscriptions, 500,000 m icrotexts, and tw o new optical disk services. The staff is com pose d of 8 full-time positions and the equivalent of 4 part-time positions. Collection expenditures for 1986/87 were $20 0,0 00 and in clud ed $37,000 in gifts. The college library has been d eve lop ed as an integral part of the Cornell University Library system. Cornell U ni­ versity is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. LIB R A R IA N . Northeast Texas C o m m unity C ollege is seeking a li­ brarian with a w ide variety of abilities utilizing print and non-print re­ sources in the areas of reference and cataloging. Qualified ca n d i­ dates m ust possess M a s te r’s D e g re e from an A L A -a c c re d ite d graduate library school; com m unity college library expe rience is d e ­ sirable. Successful a pp licant will be excited abo ut the instructional su p p o rt role of the LRC in a com prehensive com m unity college. Sal­ ary from $23,000. Subm it a Northeast Texas C om m unity College a p ­ plication, letter of application, resume, transcripts, and letters of ref­ e re n c e b y A p ril 29, 1988. R e q u e s t a p p lic a tio n s fro m : Susan M cBride, Director of the LRC, N o rth e a s t T ex as C o m m u n ity C o l­ leg e, P.O. Box 1307, Mt. Pleasant, TX 75455. Affirm ative Action, Equal O p portu nity Em ployer. LIB R A R IE S P E R S O N N E L O F F IC E R , University of Cincinnati Li­ braries. Responsible for adm inistration of University Libraries per­ sonnel and staff deve lop m en t program s. Participates, with senior 190 adm inistrators, in overall planning and adm inistration for the Li­ braries. Supervises 2 FTE s u p p o rt staff. The University Libraries in­ clu des a central library, eleven colleg e and departm ental libraries and a m edia center: total staff in clud es 34 professional librarians, 130 s u p p o rt staff, and over 200 student assistants. The Libraries Per­ sonnel O fficer is exp e cte d to ensure that personnel policies are d e ­ veloped and adm in istered for the benefit of the university and the Li­ braries staff, to act as an o m b u d sp e rso n for Libraries staff and to de ve lo p and maintain innovative and effective staff de ve lo p m e n t program s. R equired qualifications: b a c h e lo r’s degree; 3 - 5 years w ork e xpe rience in a university library; 3 - 5 years supervisory e xp e ri­ ence, prefera bly in an a ca d e m ic library; strong interpersonal and com m u nica tion skills; training or expe rie n ce in personnel m anag e­ m ent or staff de ve lo p m e n t within a university environm ent; ability to w o rk flexibly, creatively, and effectively with a variety of g ro u p s and individuals. C a ndidates with an A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS are strongly preferred. E xperience with collective b a rga ining in a university set­ ting is also preferred. Salary is d e p e n d e n t on qualifications and ex­ perience. Send letter of app lication with curre nt vita and nam es and addresses of three references to: J u d y W ernicke, Personnel Assis­ tant, 640 Langsam Library, U n iv e rs ity o f C in c in n a ti, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. Deadline: M arch 30, 1988. U.C. is an affirm ative action, equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer. M A N U S C R IP T S /P U B L IC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N , G eorge Wash ington University. A p p o in tm e n t salary m inim um : $20 ,0 0 0 (salary ne­ gotia ble based on qualifications and experience). Libra ry assign­ m ent: D e p a rtm e n t of S p ecia l C o lle ctio n s. P osition d e s c rip tio n : Responsible for planning and supervising the processing of instruc­ tional and personal papers and for c o o rd in a tin g all facets of an active p u b lic services operation, in clu d in g pro m o tin g collection use. Re­ sponsible for a pp ra isin g and m anag ing gro w in g collections of m a n ­ uscripts and records and for establishing b ib lio g ra p h ic control of co l­ lections in an online environm ent. As with all librarians at G elm an Library, serves as a subject specialist for assigned d e p a rtm e n t or program a p p ro p ria te to aca d e m ic b a c k g ro u n d and experience. Re­ ports to the Head of Special Collections. Q ualifications: Required: MLS from an A L A -a ccre d ite d program . Some form al archival tra in ­ ing and m inim um tw o years archival e xpe rience required, in clud ing qualitative appraisal and processing of institutional and personal pa ­ pers and direct service to the public. K n o w le d g e of archival p rin ci­ ples and established practices. Experience with m icro co m p u te r a p ­ p lic a tio n s fo r m a n u s c rip ts p ro c e s s in g . P ro v e n a b ility to w o rk effectively with staff and the public. D em onstrated supe rvisory abil­ ity; e x c e lle n t w ritte n a n d oral c o m m u n ic a tio n s skills. P referred: K n ow le d g e of MARC form at for archives and m anuscrip ts control. K n ow le d g e of preservation strategies. A record of professional in­ volvem ent. Position available: July 1, 1988. Review of app lications will begin April 1, 1988, and contin ue until the position has been filled. Please send curre nt resum e and names, addresses and tele­ pho ne num be rs of three references to: A n d re a Stewart, Executive C oordinator, G elm an Library, The G eo rg e W a s h in g to n U n iv e r­ sity, W ashington, DC 20052. GWU is an equal opp ortun ity, affirm a­ tive action em ployer. M U S IC C A T A L O G E R . Bow ling G reen State University, a c o m p re ­ hensive university in northw est Ohio, seeks a m usic cataloger. The M usic Library su p p o rts u n d e rg ra d u a te and gradu ate p ro g ra m s in m usic history, theory/co m po sition , m usic education, and p erfor­ m ance. Duties: Prim arily responsible for original catalo gin g and c o p y editing of scores and m usic books; som e p u b lic service in the M usic Libra ry expe cted ; participation in faculty gove rn ance. Re­ quirem ents: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS; b a c h e lo r’s in music; b a c k g ro u n d in m usic cataloging, fam iliarity with AACR 2, LC ca ta lo g in g and clas­ sification practices, O CLC or other utility; reading kn o w le d g e of G er­ man or French; ability to m eet criteria for prom otion and tenure. De­ sired: A d va n ce d m usic degree, one year catalo gin g e xpe rience in an a ca d e m ic library. Salary: $22 ,00 0 m inim um . Assistant Professor, 12-m onth tenure-track. Position available after July 1, 1988. Review of app lication will beg in on M arch 20, 1988. Send resum e and names, addresses and telep hone num bers of three references to: Kathryn W. Thiede, Personnel Officer, Jerom e Library, B o w lin g G reen S ta te U n iv e rs ity , Bow ling Green, OH 43403. BGSU is an AA /E O C em ployer. M inorities and w o m en are e n co u ra g e d to apply. M U S IC /M E D IA C A T A L O G E R . U n der the direction of the H ead of the C a taloging Division, catalogs, classifies and provid es subject ana lysis fo r m u sic m o n o g ra p h s , scores, s o u n d re c o rd in g s and a u d io -visu a l m aterials, u sing the A n g lo -A m e ric a n C a ta lo g u in g Rules, 2nd edition, Libra ry of C ongress classification and subject hea din gs and O C LC /M A R C ta g g in g ; participates in special ca ta lo g ­ ing projects related to the o n g o in g im plem entation of the Lib ra rie s’ G eac system. Qualifications: G raduate deg re e from a p rogram ac­ credited by the A m erican Libra ry Association required. A m inim um of three years post-M LS catalo gin g experience, tw o of w hich m ust in clud e m usic catalo gin g, required; a ca d e m ic or research library ex­ perience preferred. K n o w le d g e of curre nt catalo gin g rules and Li­ brary of C ongress ca talo gin g practices and classification required. Experience with an autom ated ca talo gin g system, prefera bly O CLC, required. A c a d e m ic deg re e or training in m usic preferred. W orking kn o w le d g e of G erm an required; kno w le d g e of Italian desirable. W orking kn o w le d g e of the MARC form ats for m usic and audio-visual materials. A bility to function well in a ch a n g in g environm ent; strong interpersonal and com m u nica tion skills; problem solving ability; a b il­ ity to contribu te constructively to Division planning. Salary: $22 ,00 0 m inim um . Tw enty-four days vacation, TIAA/CREF, prem ium fully paid for m edical, dental and life insurance plan. No state or local in­ com e tax. A p p lica tio n deadline: 5:00 p.m., Thursday, M arch 31, 1988. Send letter of application, full resume, and the names, a d ­ dresses and te lep hone num bers of at least three references w ho are kno w le d g e a b le of your qualifications for this position to: Charles E. C ham berlin, D eputy D irector of Libraries/H ead, Personnel and A d ­ m inistrative Services, U n iv e rs ity of W ash in g to n Libraries, FM-25, Seattle, W A 98195. AA/EOE. P R E S E R V A T IO N L IB R A R IA N . Responsibilities: Preservation c o ­ ordin ator for University Libraries. Reports to Head of Special C o lle c­ tions and Archives; responsible for the coordination of the Brittle Books Program and related conservation/preservation activities in the University Libraries. The Preservation Librarian will establish and m anag e an in-house book conservation unit and will co o rd in a te a c­ tivities with the Physical Processing Unit in Technical Services. C o o r­ dinates the identification and review of brittle and seriously d a m a g e d or deterio rated books in circulation; coordinate repla cem ent se a rch ­ ing; recom m en ds treatm ent options to prolong the life of library m a­ terials or preserve the intellectual content of m aterials w hose p hysi­ cal cond ition has deteriorated beyo n d routine repair or rebinding; surveys and reco m m e n d s treatm ent options for non-circulating co l­ lections, in clu d in g Special Collections and A rchives and Non-Print Collections; c o n d u cts training sessions for students and staff; serves as liaison with Collection D evelo pm e nt librarians responsible for b ib ­ lio g ra p h ic review, Technical Services, and Circulation. Supervises one clerk and student assistants. Qualifications: M inim um require­ ment: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS. Tw o years library conse rva tio n /p re se r­ vation trainin g and e xpe rience required. Salary from $22 ,00 0 d e ­ p e n d in g on qualifications and experience. A p p ly to: Christine M. Travis, Library Personnel Officer, University Libraries, Room 139, The U n iv e rs ity at A lb a n y , S ta te U n iv e rs ity of N e w Y o rk , 1400 W ashington Avenue, A lbany, NY 12222. Deadline: Letter of a p p lic a ­ tion, list of three references and curre nt resum e should be received no later than M arch 2 1 ,1 9 8 8 . The University at A lbany, State U n iver­ sity of New York is an Equal O pportu nity, Affirm ative Action Em ­ ployer. A p p lica tio n s from wom en, m inority persons, h a n d ica p p e d persons, special disabled and Vietnam -era veterans are especially welcom e. R E FER EN C E L IB R A R IA N . Entry Level. Position available S eptem ­ ber 1988. General reference, online searching, b ib lio g ra p h ic in­ struction, liaison assignm ent. Required: A L A -a ccre d ite d MLS. Evi­ d en ce of research m ethods course work, dem on strate d excellent oral and written com m u n ica tio n skills, g o o d interpersonal skills. Sal­ ary: $20 ,00 0/year; 12 m onth appointm ent, TIAA/CREF, 22 days an ­ nual leave. A p p lica tio n s received prior to Ju n e 1 ,1 9 8 8 , will be given priority consideration. Initial interviews will be co n d u cte d at the A L A annual conference. Subm it letter of application, resum e and names of three references to: D ire cto r’s Office, Penrose Library, 2150 East Evans Avenue, Denver, CO 80208. The U n ive rs ity of D e n v e r (C ol­ o rad o S e m in a ry ) is an EEO/AA em ployer. R E FER EN C E L IB R A R IA N , for d yn a m ic p rogram of general refer­ ence service in an outstanding colleg e library. Tw elve-m onth a p ­ pointm ent, m aternity leave replacem ent. Qualifications: MLS, refer­ e n ce e x p e rie n c e , s tro n g a c a d e m ic c re d e n tia ls, d e m o n s tra te d service com m itm ent. Experience in library instruction, database searching, and g o ve rn m e n t d o cu m e n ts preferred. Annual salary: $ 21 ,00 0 m inim um . A vailable June 1 ,1 9 8 8 . To ensure consideration, send letter of application, resume, su p p o rtin g credentials, and three letters of reference by A pril 15, 1988, to: Reference Search C o m m it­ tee, O b erlin C o lle g e Library, O berlin, OH 44074. AA, EOE. 191 REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N , Health Sciences Library. R esponsibili­ ties of this position in clu d e provision of biom edical reference and o n ­ line b ib lio g ra p h ic search services, and particip ation in d e ve lo p m e n t and presentation of instructional sessions. The in cu m b e n t will also participate in the lib ra ry ’s extram ural and collection d e ve lo p m e n t programs, and assist in interlibrary borrow ing. The Reference Sec­ tion has a staff of six professionals a n d three s u p p o rt staff. The Health Sciences Libra ry serves the Schools of M edicine, Dentistry, N ursing, and Public Health, the Presbyterian Hospital, and other affiliated health care, instruction, and research p ro g ra m s in the Colum bia- Presbyterian M edical Center. D elivery of reference and in fo rm a ­ tional services at rem ote sites is being d e ve lop ed. The library has a full-time staff of over 50, a collection of ap p ro xim a te ly 4 2 0 ,0 0 0 v o l­ umes, m ore than 4,200 curre nt journal titles, a large m edia center and m icro co m p u te r lab, and a com p re h e n sive special collections section. The library is an active p articip ant in Integrated A c a d e m ic Information M a n a g e m e n t System (IAIMS) activities at the M edical • Center. In a dd ition to an a ccre d ite d MLS, requirem ents are a strong public services orientation and excellent com m u n ica tio n skills. M i­ crocom puter kn ow le dge, a d e g re e in biological sciences a n d /o r e x­ perience with online b ib lio g ra p h ic database searching are de sir­ able. Preference will be given to cand ida tes with strong b a c k g ro u n d in instructional services a n d /o r outreach program s. Salary ranges are: Librarian I: $ 2 3 ,0 0 0 -$ 2 9 ,9 0 0 ; Librarian II: $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 -$ 3 3 ,7 5 0 . Excellent benefits in clu d e assistance with U niversity housing and tu i­ tion exem ption for self and family. Send resume, listing three refer­ ences, to: Kathleen Wiltshire, D irector of Personnel, Box 35 Butler Library, C o lu m b ia U n iv e rs ity , 535 W est 1 14th Street, N ew York, NY 10027. Deadline for app lica tio n s is A pril 30, 1988. An Equal O p ­ portunity A ffirm ative A ctio n Em ployer. REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . The University of A la b a m a Libraries, Tuscaloosa, invite app lica tio n s fo r the position of Reference L ib ra r­ ian to provide, und er the supervision of the Head of Reference, a full range of services, in clu d in g d e ve lo p m e n t and interpretation of refer­ ence collection to the university com m u nity, collection d e ve lo p m e n t in a subject area, library user instruction, database and end-user searching instruction, preparation of b ib lio g ra p h ie s and other library aids, and supervision of student assistants. Som e even ing and w e e k­ end reference desk service required. Q ualifications: Required: An MLS from a p rogram a ccre d ite d by ALA; in-depth kn o w le d g e of b a ­ sic reference sources, national and trade bibliograph ies; ability to work effectively with faculty, students, and library personnel at all lev­ els; excellent oral and w ritten co m m u n ica tio n skills; co m m itm e n t to client-centered services. Desirable: A b a c k g ro u n d in the social sci­ ences or hum anities; w o rkin g kn o w le d g e of a fore ign langua ge; ref­ erence e xp e rie n ce in a large a ca d e m ic library; e xp e rie n ce in online searching, g o ve rn m e n t docum ents, and b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction; evidence of professional a n d /o r scholarly activity. Second m a ste r’s deg re e in the social sciences or hum anities highly desirable. Twelve m onth, faculty rank, tenure earning, strong benefits. A p p o in tm e n t will be at the Instructor level with a salary of $18,000. P rojected date for a p p o in tm e n t to begin Ju n e 1 5 ,1 9 8 8 (negotiable). Send co ve r let­ ter, resum e and nam es and addresses of three references to: Son­ dra Tucker, Personnel Officer, R eference Librarian Search C o m m it­ tee, U n iv e rs ity of A la b a m a Libraries, P.O. Box S, Tuscaloosa, AL 354 87-9784 by M arch 31, 1988. The University of A la b a m a is an Equal O pportu nity, A ffirm ative Action Em ployer. R E FE R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /B IB L IO G R A P H E R , U niversity of Min nesota Libraries, St. Paul C am pus. The U niversity of M innesota Li­ braries, St. Paul C am pus, seeks app licants for the position of Refer­ e n c e L ib ra ria n /B ib lio g ra p h e r. T he St. Paul C a m p u s L ib ra rie s consists of a central library and six special su b je ct libraries, serving 5,000 students in 33 program s in agriculture, hom e econom ics, fo r­ estry, veterinary m edicine and biological sciences. Responsibilities: Provides agricu ltural and biological sciences reference service in the Central Library, in clu d in g som e w e ekend and e ven ing hours. Duties also in clud e b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction and co m p u te rize d database searching. Responsible for collectin g in the subject areas of b io ­ chem istry, cell biolo gy and b io te ch n o lo g y fo r the B iochem istry Li­ brary. Q ualifications: An MLS with tw o years a ca d e m ic e xp e rie n ce in collection d e ve lo p m e n t or reference service is required. Desired qualifications: a deg re e or relevant e xpe rience in biological or c h e m ­ ical sciences; e xpe rience in co m p u te rize d database searching, p a r­ ticularly the chem ical databases; e xpe rience with m icro co m p u te rs. This is a 12-m onth acad em ic/pro fessiona l series position with p ro b a ­ tionary a p p o in tm e n t at the A ssistant Librarian rank. Salary m inim um of $23,00 0. A p p lica tio n s m ust be received by April 15, 1988. A p p li­ cants should send a letter of a p p lication with detailed resum e and nam es of three references to: Barbara Doyle, Personnel Officer, U n i­ v e rs ity o f M in n e s o ta L ib ra rie s , 453 Wilson Library, 309 19th A v e ­ nue South, M inneapolis, MN 55455. The U niversity of M innesota is an equal o p p o rtu n ity e d u ca to r and em ployer, and specifically invites and e n co u ra g e s app lications from w om en and m inorities. Please identify app lica tio n with No. UL 165. A S S IS T A N T U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N F O R C O L L E C T IO N D E V E L O P M E N T University of California, Santa Barbara Responsible for administering all aspects of collection development and collection management; re­ sponsible for collection developm ent activities of 27 subject specialists; oversees annual $2,872,000 mate­ rials budget, AUL serves as member of administrative group, the libraries’ policy and planning team, and is closely involved in medium- and long-range planning, resource allocation, personnel planning, and pro­ posal development and review. Applicants will be expected to have: Graduate degree from ALA-accredited program and preferably an advanced subject degree; substantial experience in a research library, preferably in collection develop­ ment activities; demonstrated managerial ability in complex organization; understanding of library opera­ tions and procedures; familiarity with national trends in academic research librarianship; understanding of automation issues in research libraries; a commitment to consultative/participative managerial style; knowl­ edge of personnel concerns/issues, preferably in collective bargain setting; ability to work effectively and harmoniously with colleagues at all levels of campus and systemwide administration; commitment to excel­ lence in providing library service to university community. Annual salary range is $42,800 -$68,100. A ppli­ cants should apply in writing, including resume and names of three references, by April 15,1988, to: Margaret Deacon Associate University Librarian, Personnel University of California at Santa Barbara Library Santa Barbara, CA 93106 UCSB is an equal opp ortun ity, affirm ative action em ployer. Proof of U.S. citizenship or eligibility for U.S. e m p lo ym e n t require d prior to em ploym ent. 192 REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N /P S Y C H O L O G Y S U B JE C T S P E C IA L ­ IS T , Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). Central Reference Ser­ vices D epartm ent starting July 1, 1988. 1) Serve on the Reference/ Inform ation Desk. 2) Select materials for the general library collection in psycho log y and related social sciences. (Includes collection m an­ agem ent, assessment, and fund m anagem ent.) 3) Provide user e d u ­ cation in assigned subject area(s). 4) Liaison with faculty, staff, and students in the C ollege of Business Adm inistration and affiliated agencies. 5) Online searching in the social sciences and humanities. Required: MLS from an Am erican Library Association accredited li­ brary school; strong interpersonal skills; deg re e in psycho log y or rel­ evant w ork experience. Preferred: G raduate degree in the social sci­ ences or humanities; experience in online searching; experience in reference services; reading know ledge of one or m ore foreign lan­ g u a g e ^ ). $18,750 m inim um for a 12-month contract. Salary m ay be higher d e p e n d in g upon the qualifications of the successful a p p li­ cant. A p p ly with full resum e plus names and current addresses/te- lephone num bers of three references by April 15, 1988, to: Kent Hendrickson, Dean of Libraries, 106 Love Library, U n iversity of N e b raska -L in co ln , Lincoln, NE 68588-0410. Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportu nity Employer. R E FER EN C E/SE N IO R REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N FOR FO REIG N A N D IN T E R N A T IO N A L LA W . The H arvard Law School Library seeks a highly qualified librarian to join the International Legal Stud­ ies Reference staff in provision of services to faculty, students and other scholars in a d e m an ding research environm ent. As a m em ber of a five person reference staff, the Reference/Senior Reference Li­ brarian will provide reference assistance in the use of the lib ra ry’s extensive collection of foreign, international and com parative law re­ sources, in print and electronic format. The Librarian will be ex­ pected to m aintain a high degree of expertise in several facets of re­ search services; provid e research advice and su p p o rt to faculty, students and staff; advise on the deve lop m en t and m anagem ent of the foreign and international law collections; participate in legal re­ search instruction. Reports to the Head of ILS Reference Services. Requirements: A ccredite d A B A /A LA law and library science de­ grees or equivalent foreign degrees; m inim um three years legal or law-related reference experience; goo d reading know ledge of two m ajor foreign languages. Additional relevant experience may be substituted for one of the above degrees. C andidates should be able to dem onstrate sound know le dge of research librarianship, foreign and international law resources, and app ro priate m ethodologies to handle com ple x reference problem s; be able to initiate and foster close w o rking relationships with faculty, students and other aca­ d em ic researchers; possess a sound service philosophy and excel­ lent leadership and interpersonal skills. Preference will be given to candidates with extensive know ledge of the civil law system, signifi­ cant experience in a large research library; dem onstrated ability to serve as a contribu ting m em ber of a team in a rapidly ch an gin g envi­ ronm ent. Position available July 1. A p pointm ent at Librarian II or III rank, d e p ende nt upon experience; salary negotiable, m inim um $25,000 (II) or $30,600 (III). G enerous benefits, in clud ing profes­ sional deve lop m en t support. Send letter, resume and nam es of three references to: Sandra Colem an, D eputy Librarian, H arvard Law S c h o o l, C am bridge, M A 02138. Review of applications will begin M arch 1 4 ,1 9 8 8 , and continue until position is filled. H arvard U niver­ sity is an equal opportunity, affirm ative action em ployer. R E S O U R C E D E V E L O P M E N T L IB R A R IA N , S o c ia l S c ie n c e (search extended). Responsible for all collection deve lop m en t activi­ ties in the social sciences (econom ics, education, political science, psychology, sociology, anthropology, geography, and business), in­ clu d in g selection of materials, evaluation of collections, and intensive collection evaluation in specific areas. M onitors related funds. M oni­ tors and refines related approval plan profiles. W orks closely with a c­ adem ic faculty in collection building. Participates in form ulation of collection deve lop m en t and departm ental policies and procedures. Supervises one supp ort staff em ployee. Qualifications: A L A MLS. M inim um of two years professional (post-MLS) experience, prefera­ bly in an academ ic library. A ca dem ic b ackg ro und in social sciences required; second M aster’s in social science discipline preferred. K now ledge of at least one foreign language, French or G erm an de­ sirable. K now ledge of OCLC and m ajor print and online biblio­ g ra p h ic to o ls. S alary: N e g o tia b le ; m in im u m $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 fo r 10.5 months, m inim um $ 22,000 with second M aster’s. Benefits: C o m pe ti­ tive benefits package. No state incom e tax. Faculty rank. Closing date: M arch 3 1 ,1 9 8 8 . For com plete description of duties, qualifica­ tions, and benefits, and to apply, contact: Anna Janne, Acting Head, Personnel Operations, Evans Library, T ex as A&M U n ive rs ity, C o l­ lege Station, TX 77843-5000; (409) 845-8111. AA/EEO em ployer. SC IEN C E REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N . Responsibilities: The Sci­ ence Reference Librarian will use professional skills in su p p o rt of the chem istry and engineering program s on cam pus. Collection devel­ opm ent, specialized reference work, com puter assisted research, specialized biblio g ra p h ic instruction are a part of the faculty liaison responsibilities. Additionally, the successful candidate will be in­ H E A D , S C IE N C E A N D E N G IN E E R IN G L IB R A R Y University of Southern California (Position #116) The University of Southern California Library is seeking a librarian as Head of Science and Engineering Library. Reports to AUL for Public Services, manages Science and Engineering Library. Has overall mana­ gerial responsibilities for Hancock Library of Biology and Oceanography. Science and Engineering Library houses primary collection of science, engineering, neural, informational, and behavioral sciences materi­ als. Responsible for 5 librarians, 9 staff, and student assistants. Supervises collection development activi­ ties, including approval plans, reference, and circulation functions. Maintains close liaison with faculty de­ partments. Supervises bibliographic instruction, database searching and participates in University library committees, and task forces. MLS from ALA-accredited program; second Master’s in life sciences, engi­ neering or biomedical disciplines; undergraduate degree in one science. Minimum 5 years professional library experience, 2 years public services, preferably in academic scientific/medical library. Knowledge of bibliographic control and information sources in science or medicine; database searching experience. Rank and salary negotiable, depending on experience. Minimum salary for Librarian II: $28,500; Librar­ ian III: $33,800, plus benefits. Position open February 1,1988, and will remain open until filled. Submit letter of application, resume and 3 references to: Carolyn J. Henderson, Director of Personnel and Organizational Development, Doheny Memorial Library, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. Please refer to Position 116-ACRL on all correspondence. AA/EOE volved in general reference w ork and bibliograph ic instruction. Fac­ ulty responsibility includes service and scholarly work. Q ualifica­ tions: An A LA -accredited m aster’s degree and an a cad em ic deg re e or experience in chem istry or engineering are required. Preferred are reference, collection developm ent, online searching, and teach­ ing experience. B ackground: The Auraria Library o ccup ies a unique position as the central point of inform ation services in su p p o rt of the program s of three diverse academ ic institutions on one cam pus as well as being the only academ ic library in the Denver dow ntow n area. The Auraria Library is adm inistered by the University of Colo­ rado at Denver and also serves M etropolitan State C ollege and the Community College of Denver with a com bin ed student FTE of a p ­ proximately 20,000 with 1,050 FTE faculty. The 23 library faculty and 95 FTE library staff of the Auraria Library are deve lop ing a num ber of innovative program s stressing a service-oriented approach. The li­ brary participates in a cooperative, integrated online catalog system with th e C o lo r a d o A llia n c e o f R e s e a rc h L ib ra rie s . S a la ry : $21,600-$27,30Q for a 12-month faculty appointm ent, negotiated d e p e n d in g on e d u c a tio n and exp e rie n ce . Tuition benefits, sick leave, 22 vacation days, TIAA/CREF. For first consideration, please send letter of application, resume, and names, addresses, and tele­ phone num bers of three references to: Marilyn Mitchell, A u ra ria Li­ brary, Law rence at 1 1th, Denver, CQ 80204, postm arked by April 4, 1988. A p pointm ent beg inn ing July 1. Recruitm ent will remain open until the position is filled. The University of C olorado at Denver is an AA/EEO em ployer. SCIENCE REFERENCE LIB R A R IA N , Science and Engineering Li­ brary, University of California, San Diego. Salary Range: Assistant Librarian, $25,380 to $32,472 or Associate Librarian, $31,008 to $44,676. U nder the general direction of the Head of the Science and Engineering Library, the librarian shares with two other librarians re­ sponsibility for reference, online searching and instructional services in the Science & Engineering Library. A ppointe e has responsibility for selection of materials in the field of Engineering and functions as liaison to faculty in the UCSD Division of Engineering. Has lead re­ sponsibility for all collection m anagem ent activities at the S&E Li­ brary including collection use studies, w eeding, and m onitoring of book fund expenditures. UCSD librarians are expected to partici­ pate in library planning and to be active professionally. Q ualifica­ tions: Required: MLS from an A L A -accredited library school; excel­ lent oral and written com m unication skills; understanding of the scientific research process and dem onstrated ability to w ork effec­ tively with a cad em ic or research com m unity; experience in refer­ ence services and online searching. Preferred: academ ic ba ck­ ground in engineering or experience in science or engineering libraries; experience in collection developm ent and instructional a c­ tivities. A p p o in tm e n t at the Associate Librarian rank requires well d e ­ veloped reference and collection developm ent skills and substantial relevant e xp e rie n ce . UCSD is an equal o p p o rtu n ity , affirm ative action em ployer. Applications received by April 29, 1988, will be as­ sured of consideration. Subm it a letter of application, enclosing a re­ sume and a list of references to: Ellen Lawson, Assistant for A ca ­ dem ic Personnel, Library, C -075 -H 1, U n iversity of C a lifo rn ia, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093-0047. SO CIAL SC IEN C ES LIB R A R IA N . Provides in-depth social science reference services, in cluding online literature searching. Selects li­ brary materials in designated subject areas, teaches library usage, and serves as liaison with one or m ore social science departm ents. Assists with general reference services. Required: MLS from an A L A -a ccre d ite d lib ra ry school, re a d in g kn o w le d g e of Spanish, know ledge of online searching, preferably BRS and Dialog. Prefer­ red: degree in a social science and experience in social science li- brarianship or reference departm ent of an academ ic library. M ini­ mum salary $19,152. A letter of application, resume and three letters of reference should be sent to: Personnel Office, W ash in g to n U n i­ versity, One Brookings Drive, Cam pus Box 1184, St. Louis, MO 63130. A p plication deadline, April 30, 1988. Em ploym ent eligibility verification is required upon em ploym ent. W ashington University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action em ployer. SY STE M S LIB R A R IA N . The Henry M adden Library of California State University, Fresno, seeks a librarian to assume key responsibil­ ities for planning, procurin g and im plem enting an integrated online public access catalog and circulation system. Required qualifica­ tions: a m aster’s d e g re e fro m an A LA -accredited institution; substan­ tial experience as a professional librarian, preferably in an academ ic library, in cluding experience with com puter-based systems. Prefer­ red qualifications: know ledge of library systems analysis, com puter hardw are/softw are technologies and MARC and its application to autom ation; dem onstrable com m unication and organizational skills; experience in planning, procuring, and im plem enting an online p u b ­ lic access catalog and circulation system; experience in w riting te ch ­ nical specifications for online library systems; and other educational b ackg ro und/trainin g related to the duties of the position. A second m aster’s degree in a subject field is a preferred qualification. Full­ time, tenure-track, twelve-m onth appointm ent. A p p o in tm e n t date: July 1, 1988. A p pointm ent at rank a pp ro priate to qualifications. Sal­ ary range $ 2 1 ,3 3 6 -$ 5 2 ,9 6 8 . Liberal university-paid benefits. C orre­ spondence, applications, and confidential papers should be sent by April 15, 1988, to: Lillie Parker, University Librarian, Henry M adden Library, C a lifo rn ia S tate U n ive rs ity, Fresn o, Fresno, CA 93740 0034. An Affirm ative Action, Equal O pportunity Em ployer. TE C H N IC A L SE R V IC ES L IB R A R IA N , Bethel College, North N ew ­ ton, Kansas. Adm inisters all aspects of tech services in clud ing cata­ loging, acquisitions, and serials control for a com bin ed collection of 110,000 volum es and 750 periodical subscriptions. Responsible for all original and co p y cataloging in the main college library and the M ennonite Library and Archives. Supervises 2 clerical assistants. Reports to the Director of Libraries. Requirements: (1) an ALA- accredited MLS or its equivalent, (2) experience with DDC, OCLC, AACR2, and the 1980 ALA filing rules, (3) excellent written and oral com m unication skills, (4) evidence of acad em ic achievem ent and com m itm ent, (5) eagerness to w ork closely with colleagues in order to m axim ize access to the libraries’ collections, (6) a deep desire to “ m ake a d ifference’’ in an academ ic institution of recognized quality. Preferred qualifications: (7) a strong liberal arts und ergra duate ba ck­ ground, (2) a subject m aster’s degree, (3) reading know le dge of G er­ man or Dutch, (4) two years of cataloging and supervisory e xpe ri­ e n c e . S a la ry /B e n e fits : $ 1 7 ,Q 0 0 -$ 2 0 ,0 0 0 d e p e n d in g u p o n qualifications; TIAA/CREF, paid health insurance, four weeks vaca­ tion. J o b to begin 1 July 1988. Bethel College is a M ennonite liberal arts college with a strong academ ic tradition. Send letter of a p p lic a ­ tion, resume, and names of three references by 1 April 1988 to: Dale R. Schräg, Director of Libraries, Bethel C o lleg e, P.O. Drawer A, North Newton, KS 67117. Bethel College is an affirm ative action, equal opp ortun ity em ployer. L IB R A R IA N Barnard College Columbia University Barnard College, the undergraduate college of liberal arts for women of Columbia University, seeks a Librarian to administer and supervises its library with responsibility for all phases of library opera­ tions, including policies, procedures, personnel, budgets, as well as relations with faculty, the central adm inistration and the C olum bia University Li­ braries. Minimum qualifications include: Ph.D. in an aca­ demic discipline or an MLS degree and substantial managerial experience in an academ ic library. Three-year renewable contract after initial proba­ tionary year. Salary dependent upon qualifications (minimum of $46,000). Applications will be ac­ cepted until March 31, 1988. Send curriculum vitae to: Richard M. Pious Chair of Search Committee c/o Office of Dean of the Faculty Vice President for Academic Affairs Barnard College, Columbia University 3009 Broadway New York, NY 10027 Barnard C ollege is an Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity, Affirm ative Action Employer. 193 194 LATE JOB LISTINGS ASSISTANT TO THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Stanford University Libraries seeks an entry-level librarian interested in a research library career to assist the Deputy Director of Libraries in a variety of administrative matters. Responsibilities include working with the Deputy Director and his secretary to ensure smooth operation of Instructional & Research Services division. Representing the Deputy Director in a tactful, confidential and effective manner. Drafting, revising or improving reports, studies, memoranda and other documents. Preparing, coordinating and editing all manner of public information and assisting in management of the Library’s publication program. Independently or in a supporting role, coordinates and brings to conclusion a variety of projects. Plans and coordinates meetings and events and acts as secretary on library committees as required. Excellent written and oral communication skills required. Demonstrated ability to plan, organize, prioritize and produce is essential. Working knowledge of statistics and analytical methods necessary. MLS from an ALA-accredited library school or equivalent required. Beginning salary range: Assistant Librarian, $25,800-$35,800; Associate Librarian, $28,600-$39,800 (depending on qualifications). Closing date for applications is April 1, 1988. Send cover letter and resume with names of three professional references to: Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Cite #319-CRL on all correspondence. EOE/AA. ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR UNIVERSITY LIBRARY engaged in major new building and automation project; full-time administrative position with broad responsibility in areas of facilities management, personnel management, development/public relations, budget, and general administration; reports to director and has overall responsibilities for library operations in director’s absence. Requires MLS and minimum five years’ professional experience with significant management responsibility, excellent communication and interpersonal skills, service orientation, enthusiasm, initiative. Facility and/or automation planning experience highly desirable. Salary: $30,000 minimum (12 months). To ensure consideration, forward letter of application stating salary expectations and three references by March 31, 1988, to: Ellen Gallagher, Personnel Department, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA 99258. CIRCULATION/AUTOMATION LIBRARIAN. Supervise paraprofessionals in Circulation Department. Team leader for selection/implementation of automated library system. Knowledge of automated systems and circulation experience required. Salary $20,000-$25,000. Review of applications began February 1. Available July 1988. Send resume and three letters of recommendation to: Office of the Provost, Shawnee State University, 940 Second Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities encouraged to apply. CURATOR OF ARCHIVES AND MANUSCRIPTS. Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, has an immediate opening for a curator. This person accessions and arranges manuscript collections and archives; prepares finding aids for archive and manuscript holdings; takes appropriate measures toward preserving materials; prepares occasional exhibits; assists researchers in use of materials, both personally and through correspondence; and sits on university committees concerned with preservation and related matters. Minimum qualifications: MLS from ALA-accredited institution; formal training in archives administration; ability to exercise initiative and work independently under minimal supervision. An advanced degree in a humane discipline and familiarity with computer applications to manuscript/archival processing are preferred but not required. Salary range; $17,500 to $19,500; 24 days annual 195 vacation, plus nine university holidays; participation in group life, major medical, disability insurance, TIAA/CREF, and social security. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Send letter of application and resume with names of three references by April 30, 1988, to: Gary Hauk, Chair of Search Committee, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. DePauw University, an undergraduate liberal arts college with schools of Music and Nursing, seeks a service-oriented Director of Libraries capable of handling the diverse administrative and technical responsibility for the newly renovated main library and the branch libraries of Music and Science. Serving 2,300 students and 200 faculty, the collection includes 235,000 volumes, 1,200 periodicals, and a budget of $1.23 million. Include resume, three references, and a letter of application indicating your a) perspective on the role of an undergraduate library in a liberal arts college; b) proficiency in planning and budgeting; c) experience with supervision of and participatory management with library staff and coordinating departments; and d) leadership in library automation and collection development. An ALA-MLS and five years1 experience, including experience in academic libraries and administration required. A second graduate degree is desirable. 12-month administrative appointment (beginning July 1) with academic rank and most other elements of faculty status except tenure. Salary: minimum $35,000. Application review begins April 15, 1988. Apply to: John White, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135. EO, AAE. DIRECTOR OF TECHNICAL AND AUTOMATED SERVICES, Baylor University. New position available June 1. Nominations and applications are invited for Director of Technical and Automated Services, Baylor University. Responsibilities include: Management of technical service operations in acquisitions, catalog, and serials departments; planning, implementation, and operation of the libraries1 automated systems; liaison with Baylor’s computer center, bibliographic utilities, and vendors; participation with other library directors in general library planning. Qualifications include: ALA-accredited MLS; minimum of 5 years recent technical service experience in an academic library, including 3 years as department head; comprehensive knowledge of library automation and technical services operations; experience with OCLC or other major bibliographic utility; relevant experience with automated library systems. Salary: $33,000 minimum, depending on qualifications. 12-month contract; academic status and rank; tenure-track. Excellent benefit package. Review of candidates will begin March 31. 1988. Send letter of application, resume and names of three references to: Sheila Slater, Chair of Technical Services Search Committee, Baylor University, Moody Memorial Library, Box 6307, Waco, TX 76706. Baylor University is an AA/EEO employer. ENGINEERING LIBRARIAN (search reopened). The Engineering Librarian is responsible for supervision of the Engineering Branch Library and reports to the Director of Libraries. Duties include supervision of staff, the provision of reference services, including online database searching; the provision of orientation and bibliographic instruction; liaison between the Engineering College and the MSU Main Libraries for selection of material; the circulation, evaluation, and weeding of the Engineering Library material. Qualifications: Required: MLS from ALA-accredited program; record of published scholarship; minimum of three years’ post-MLS experience; strong interpersonal skills; excellent communication skills; strong service orientation; familiarity with bibliographic control and subject literature of engineering. Preferred: Engineering/science degree/background, or experience in engineering library; additional subject graduate degree. MSU Libraries: The Libraries of Memphis State University contain in excess of one million bound volumes and more than 2.5 million pieces of micromaterial. Collections and services are supported by an online catalog of 450K+ records and an automated circulation system. The Libraries also provide a full complement of online search services. Terms of employment: Appointment will be tenure track with faculty rank. Benefits include 24 days annual leave per year; 12 days sick leave per year; paid State retirement or TIAA/CREF; group health insurance available. Salary minimum: $26,500. Review of applications will begin March 1, 1988, and will continue until position is filled. Send application, including resume and names, addresses and telephone numbers of four references to: Lester J. Pourciau, Director of Libraries, Memphis State University, Memphis, TN 38152. Memphis State University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action university. The University complies with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 regulations, and proof of employment eligibility is required. HEAD, CATALOGING SECTION, Michel Orradre Library, Santa Clara University. Manages operations of Catalog Section; supervises 4 FTE non-exempt staff; serves as primary Library spokesperson on cataloging issues related to library automation; ensures maintenance of authority control; does limited amount of original cataloging. Qualified candidates must have MLS from ALA-accredited program and 3-5 years of relevant experience. Prior cataloging experience with OCLC or RLIN (OCLC preferred), supervisory/management experience, strong interpersonal and communication skills, and a commitment to staff development are required. Experience in planning general library automation and in cataloging non-print materials is highly desirable. Appointment at rank of Senior Assistant or Associate Librarian, depending upon qualifications. 87/88 salary range $24,916-$39,463. Apply to: Elizabeth M. Salzer, University Librarian, Orradre Library, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, CA 95053. Application deadline: May 1, 1988. SCU is an AA/EO employer. HEAD, MUSIC CATALOGING SECTION, Stanford University Libraries, responsible for planning, supervision and training of 3.75 Section staff. MLS or equivalent, BA in music or equivalent (graduate degree preferred). 3 years original cataloging of music materials using an automated system, AACR2, LC classification/LC subject heading and MARC formats. Supervisory experience preferred; ability to train required. Effective communication and human relations skills. Working knowledge of one major Western European language required (German preferred). Associate Librarian ($28,600-$39,800) or Librarian ($32,600-$48,100) rank depending on qualifications. Send letter of application, resume and names of 3 professional references by April 1, 1988, to: Irene Yeh, Assistant Library Personnel Officer, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305-6004. Cite //318-CRL on all correspondence. EEO/AAE. HEAD OF COLLECTION MANAGEMENT, Old Dominion University. Reporting to the University Librarian, incumbent supervises a staff of thirteen, including two librarians and two FTE student assistants. Responsibilities include collection management/development coordination; coordination of departmental liaison activities; policy and procedures review and development; vendor selection and evaluation; coordination of monographic and serials acquisitions, including approval plan; implementation of automated acquisitions/serials (Geac); budget management; report generation; and participation in library planning and policy development. Qualifications: ALA-accredited Master’s Degree; four years’ relevant acquisitions/collection development experience in academic libraries, including supervisory responsibility; familiarity with domestic and foreign book trade; working knowledge of bibliographic activities and automated systems; reading knowledge of one modern foreign language; well-developed interpersonal relations and 196 197 communication skills; evidence of professional development; additional graduate work helpful. Salary base: $30,000 depending upon qualifications. For full consideration, send letter of application; resume; names, addresses and phone numbers of three professional references; and photocopies of all academic transcripts by April 1, 1988, to: Cynthia B. Duncan, University Librarian, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0256. Old Dominion University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution and requires compliance with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. HEAD, TECHNICAL SERVICES (Assistant Dean level), University Libraries, University of the Pacific. Responsibilities: Manages technical services department, consisting of acquisitions, cataloging, and binding of all library materials using Innovacq and OCLC. Supervises departmental staff of 2 librarians and 7.5 support staff plus student assistants. This position reports directly to the Dean of Libraries and is involved in immediate and long-range planning, resource allocation, and overall policy development for the libraries. This position will play a major role in the planning and implementation of an automated integrated library system and other automation projects. Qualifications: MLS or equivalent from an ALA-accredited school required. Must show successful supervisory experience and excellent skills in leadership, human relations, and oral and written communication. Must demonstrate a commitment to service and should have a minimum of three years’ experience in one or more technical service areas of an academic library. Experience with OCLC and Innovacq (or the equivalent) preferred. Rank, salary: Appointment at Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Salary of $30,000 minimum (depending on qualifications and experience). One month vacation, TIAA/CREF, and generous benefits. General Information: University of the Pacific is an independent coeducational institution with an enrollment of approximately 3,800 students on a 155-acre campus. The main campus is in Stockton, California, a city of more than 170,000, located 75 miles east of San Francisco and 45 miles south of Sacramento. A major $6.5 million library addition has been recently completed. Application: Send letter of application, resume, and the names, addresses, phone numbers of three current references to: Thomas W. Leonhardt, Dean of University Libraries, University of the Pacific, Stockton, CA 95211. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled but those received by April 1, 1988, will receive first consideration. Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. We encourage women and ethnic minorities as well as other qualified persons to apply. INFORMATION SERVICES LIBRARIAN. The Information Services Department of Butler Library, State University College at Buffalo, is looking for a general reference librarian who will work scheduled hours at the public desk (including some night and weekend hours), perform database searches, participate in materials selection, and teach in the Library Instruction Program. The person selected will also act as a liaison to one or more academic departments and participate in library governance and in campus and professional activities. The position requires an MLS from an ALA-accredited library school and one to three years’ professional library experience, preferably in public service. Faculty rank of Assistant Librarian or Senior Assistant Librarian, depending on experience; salary range of $21,000 to $23,000; 12-month, tenure track position; competitive fringe benefits. Send resume and the names and addresses of at least three references to: Mary Lee Xanco, Interim Associate Director, E.H. Butler Library, State University College at Buffalo, 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14222. Deadline: April 30, 1988. State-supported, urban undergraduate institution. AA/EOE. LIBRARIAN. We need another ”Compleat Librarian’’ to do some combination of reference, instruction, collection development, cataloging, acquisitions, etc. 198 The library has 10 librarians and 15 support staff, an online catalog/ circulation/acquisitions system, and nearly 300,000 titles for 5,000 students and 200 faculty. We are looking for a self-motivated individual with some experience, an ALA/MLS, a background in two or more of the library services listed above, and the ability to function in a "total system" environment. Faculty status/rank requires the usual obligations; tenure requires a second subject master’s. Excellent benefits include TIAA; 12-month contract. Targeted starting date September 1; earlier negotiable. Minimum salary $24,000. We will be pleased to review your application if our kind of environment appeals to you and if you believe your background might fit our needs. Apply by April 1, 1988, with letter, resume, names and addresses: Ross Stephen, Director of Library Services, Rider College Library, 2083 Lawrenceville Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648-3099. Rider College is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity employer. RARE BOOK CATALOGER in the Houghton Library. Under the supervision of the Chief Cataloger, performs original cataloging of rare books of all periods in a variety of languages, using AACR2 and the LC subject heading system. Bibliographic Description of Rare Books is used for all early material. Creates machine-readable bibliographic records for OCLC; may be called upon to assist in retrospective conversion projects. The Houghton Library is the main repository for rare books in the Harvard College Library, with major collections in the areas of Western literature and history, the history of science, illustrated books of all periods, classical authors, rare Slavica, and many other smaller collections. Qualifications: MLS degree or advanced degree in the humanities; sound working knowledge of two or more foreign languages, Russian desirable; previous cataloging experience with rare books in a research library desirable; familiarity with AACR2, LC subject heading practice, and MARC formats. Rank and Salary: Librarian I or II, depending on qualifications; Librarian I: $19,700 minimum; Librarian II: $23,500 minimum. Available: Immediately. Major Benefits: One month’s vacation; generous holiday and sick leave; choice of health plans; life insurance; University funded pension plan; tuition assistance. Resumes to: Alan E. Erickson, Associate Librarian, Personnel Office, Widener Library, Room 98, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138. An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Colorado College. Provides general and online reference service. Serves as liaison to Humanities Division for instruction and collection development. Required: ALA-accredited MLS and demonstrated commitment to active role for library in a liberal arts environment. Salary minimum $20,000. The Colorado College is a selective liberal arts college of 1,875 students. Library staff includes 8 librarians. Start: Approximately September 1988. Closing date: April 1, 1988. Send letter of application, resume, and names of three references to: Reference Librarian Search Committee, 1021 North Cascade Avenue, Tutt Library, The Colorado College, Colorado Springs, CO 80903. The Colorado College is an Equal Opportunity employer. Minorities, women, and handicapped individuals encouraged to apply. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, School of Hotel Administration Library. The Reference Librarian reports to the School of Hotel Administration Librarian, and is responsible for the operation of reference services and collections in the Library. This includes reference desk service, database searching, bibliographic instruction, and liaison with academic areas. In addition, the Reference Librarian is responsible for indexing periodicals for contribution to the major indexing tools dealing with the hospitality industry. Qualifications: MLS from accredited library school; 3-5 years library public service experience preferred; database search skills and knowledge of business 199 reference services required. Good communication skills and public service orientation. MBA or equivalent degree helpful. Salary: Appointment salary will be based on qualifications and experience ($18,750 minimum). Comprehensive benefits package available. Apply to: Please send cover letter, resume and list of three references to: Ann Dyckman, Personnel Director, Cornell University Library, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Applications requested by May 1, 1988, but will be accepted until position is filled. Background: The School of Hotel Administration Library is a unique collection, highly respected throughout the world, containing an undergraduate business collection specializing in the hospitality industries. It provides services to approximately 800 students, staff and faculty of the school as well as a fee-based service to industry executives. Cornell University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Employer. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN. Will supervise paraprofessionals in acquisitions, cataloging and serials. Oversee processing of 40,000 volume gift collection and infusion of materials during major collection development effort. Team member for selection of automated system. Two years’ relevant experience required. Salary $24,000-$27,000. Review of applications began February 1. Available July 1988. Send resume and three letters of recommendation to: Office of the Provost, Shawnee State University, 940 Second Street, Portsmouth, OH 45662. Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities encouraged to apply. (Washington Hotline, cont’d) support of such dissemination), CD #35; Resolution Regarding Government Information Bill of Rights (adopting the Government Information "Bill of Rights" developed by GODORT), CD #37, with an amendment referring the 10-point "bill of rights" to ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Committee for wording changes; Resolution Concerning the Privatization of Federal Libraries and Document Depositories (urging Congress to bar further contracting out), CD #36. A CR L’S FAST JOB LISTING Looking for a job? O ur Fast Job Listing will send you job postings received at ACRL headquarters four- weeks before they appear in Cò-fíL News. The Fast Job Listing Service also contains advertisements which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not appear in C & RL News. The ACRL office prepares a Fast Job Listing circular at the beginning of each m onth and mails it to subscribers first class. The circular contains all job announcements received during the previous four weeks. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for nonmembers. You m ay enter your subscription below. 200 V i t a l S t a t i s t i c s f r o m A C R L Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1985: National Summaries, State Summaries, Institutional Tables. Statistics on 3,000 academic libraries surveyed by the Center for Educational Statistics. Contains data on collections, operating ex­ penditures, staff, and institutional indices of library operating expenditures, books and bound serials and FTE library staff. $30.00pb; ACRL member $24.00 240p. 0-8389-7147-4 1987 ACRL University Library Statistics 1985-86 and 1986 “100 Libraries’’ Statistical Survey. Data and rankings of 149 univer­ sity, college, community and junior college libraries on collections, expenditures, personnel, and interlibrary loans. $30.00pb; ACRL member $24.00 HOp. 0-8389-7144-x 1987 Quantitative Criteria for Academic Research Libraries, by Kendon L. Stubbs. Data from 3,000 academic libraries answers the question, “What is an academic research library?” In tables arranged by state, each institution is ranked by a component score. $19.00pb; ACRL member $15.00 135p. 0-8389-6788-4 1 984 Association of College and Research Libraries A division of the American Library Association c/o ALA Publishing Services, Order Department 50 East Huron Street • Chicago, Illinois 60611-2795 W hen You N eed an Answ er, and You N eed It Fast, and It Has to Be R ight—Turn to ILSONLINEW ONLINE ACCESS TO THE WILSON INDEXES "Recommended for all libraries." —reference BOOKS BULLETIN "A sophisticated search system that will impress searchers accustomed to the most advanced techniques." —database WILSONLINE— Recipient o f the 1985 Dartmouth Medal C u rre n t B ib lio g ra p h ic D a ta Indexing everything from popular magazines to profes­ sional journals, WILSONLINE covers ■ More than half a m illion articles in 3,500 periodi­ cals each year ■ 80,000 books annually ■ 24,000 government publications annually ■ More than 600,000 new records each year ■ A total of more than 3 m illion records to date. Q u a lity Updated at least twice each week, WILSONLINE data­ bases contain the same dependable information as the familiar printed versions. A ffo rd a b ility WILSONLINE's pricing makes it affordable for more libraries than any comparable service. WILSONLINE becomes even more affordable when you add up the fees you don't have to pay: No start-up fee...No charge for saved searches...No royalty charges added to connect-time rates. U s e r-F rie n d ly W IL S O N L IN E F e a tu re s • Up to 43 different access points to bibliographic records • Searching of up to 8 databases simultaneously • Proximity searching • Nested Boolean logic • Automatic substitution of preferred form of subject head­ ings and personal and corporate names • Free text searching • Controlled vocabulary search­ ing • A toll-free number for user assistance • Online help com­ mand and explain messages. W IL S O N L IN E D a ta b a s e s • Applied Science & Technology Index • Art Index • Bibliographic Index • Biography Index • Biological & Agricultural Index • Book Review Digest • Business Periodicals Index • Cumulative Book Index • Education Index • Essay and General Literature Index • General Science Index • GPO Monthly Catalog • Humanities Index • Index to Legal Periodicals • Index to U.S. Government Periodicals • LC/Foreign MARC File • LC/MARC File • Library Literature • MLA International Bibliography • Readers' Guide Abstracts • Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature • Social Sciences Index • Vertical File Index • Wilson Journal Directory • Wilson Name Authority File • Wilson Publishers Directory T o O p en Y o u r W IL S O N L IN E A c c o u n t C a ll T o ll-F ree: 1 - 8 0 0 - 3 6 7 - 6 7 7 0 In New York State, call 1-800-462-6060; in Canada, call collect 212-588-8400. T H E H.W . W IL S O N C O M P A N Y 950 University Avenue Bronx, New York 10452 (212) 588-8400 W I lS O N lIN t IS A SERVICE MARK OF THF H .W . W ll SON COMPANY. 1987 THE H .W . W ll SON CO M PAN Y. Structure Bookmarks March 1988 / 177 LOEX Library Instruction Conference, Bowl­ing Green State University. This year’s theme is “Reaching and Teaching Diverse Library User Groups.” The conference features formal pre­sentations, poster sessions, practical working ses­sions, classroom demonstrations, a panel discus­sion, and exhibits. Ellen Broidy, the keynote speaker, will give an overview of BI implications of the growing number of library users with spe­cial needs. Other speakers include: David Carr, Anne Leclercq, Laurie Sabol, and Constance Day, sponsored by the ACRL Michigan Chap­ter, Kellogg Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing. Theme: “Managing Library Col­lections.” Keynote speaker: Ann Marie Allison, University of Central Florida. A morning panel discussion will treat aspects of the cooperative management of library collections, while an afternoon session will discuss management of various areas of the collection. Fee: $30 for ML A members, $50 for non-members. Contact: Agnes Widder, Social Sciences/Humanities Reference, Michig Deadlines: Orders for regular classified advertisements must reach the ACRL office on or before the second of the month preced­ing publication of the issue (e.g. September 2 for the October issue). Late job listings will be accepted on a space-available basis after the second of the month.Rates: Classified advertisements are $5.00 per line for ACRL members, $6.25 for others. Late job notices are $12.00 per line for members, $14.00 for others. Organizations submitting ads will be charged according to their m demic and research library positions. A pre-recorded summary of positions listed with the service is revised weekly; each Friday a new tape includes all ads received by 1:00 p.m. the previous day. Each listing submitted will be carried on the recording for two weeks. The charge for each two-week listing is $30 for ACRL members and $35 for non-members.Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for those actively seeking positions. This service lists job postings received at ACRL headquarters four weeks b 178 of at least three references by April 15 to: Leslie W. Sheridan, Search Committee Chairperson, Carlson Library, The University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606. The University of Toledo is an Equal Op­portunity, Affirmative Action Employer.ASSISTANT DIRECTOR FOR PUBLIC SERVICES. Provides ere ative leadership in planning, developing and administering the Pub­lic Services Division, which consists of four departments: Social Sci­ences and Humanities, Sciences and Technology, Interlibrary Loan and Access Services; a ability to work in a collegial setting as a group or team member, and ability to communicate effectively. Leadership ability. Demonstrated commitment to service. Appreciation of the diverse library and infor­mation needs of faculty, staff and students in support of instruction, research and scholarship. A record of achievement sufficient to meet the requirements for appointment at the rank of Associate Professor or Professor is desirable. Benefits include paid medical, life, and per­sonal disability insuran ASSOCIATE DEAN OF LIBRARIES Wayne State UniversityThis position directs and supervises the internal operations of the WSU Libraries and assumes the re­sponsibilities of the Dean in the absence of the Dean. The position reports to the Dean of Libraries and Library Science.Characteristic Duties and Responsibilities: Direct the development of planning for space utilization and automation. Develop, implement and interpret policies to library staff and patrons. Coordinate activities of library units. Direct perf 179 Science, Public Administration, and Public Affairs), and Social Wel­fare. The Uhiversity Libraries are aggressively building resources (in­cluding books, periodicals, online databases, and the Archives of Public Affairs and Policy) to support research at Rockefeller College; the Assistant Director, GLPP, will act as liaison officer with senior Uni­versity Libraries faculty responsible for system-wide collection devel­opment, technical services and public services. Maintains close liai­son with Provost and D tive action employer.AUTOMATED SERVICES LIBRARIAN, Ladd Library Bates Col lege has September opening for a librarian responsible for wide range of services including: coordination of all public services as­pects of planned integrated automation system; coordination, train­ing, and consultation with staff on automated systems and their appli­cations; facilitating use of computer resources within library; primary liaison to automation constituencies outside library (NELINET, cam-THREE PUBLIC SERVICE POSITIONS 180 pus computing center, etc.); and supervision of Circulation Department, with staff of two paraprofessionals. Reports to the College Librarian. MLS and previous professional experience required.Second master’s degree and experience with academic automatedonline catalog and/or circulation system desired. Salary commensurate with experience; minimum $24,000. Application deadlineMarch 21, 1988. Send resume and three letters of reference to:Laverne Winn, Chair, Search Committee, Ladd Library, Bates Col­lege, Lew ence with 1 year in BI or teaching, ability to coordinate effective BI Program, good written and verbal communication skills. Prefer ex­perience in reference, ILL, online searching, and/or collection devel­opment. Responsibilities: coordinate BI Program, participate in ref­erence assistance and collection development, and rotate evening and weekend coverage. Faculty appointment with 12 month con­tract, 20 days annual leave, competitive standard benefits, salary minimum $22,000/year. Apply with letter, resum HEAD, ALFRED TAUBMAN MEDICAL LIBRARY AND COORDINATOR, HEALTH SCIENCE LIBRARIESUniversity of MichiganResponsibilities: Reporting to the Associate Director for Public Services, the candidate is responsible for the administration of the Alfred Taubman Medical Library and for the overall coordination of the Health Science Libraries. Each of these libraries—Dentistry, Public Health, and Social Work—has a head librarian who is responsible for day-to-day operations. The Health Science Libraries have a collection o 181 BUSINESS REFERENCE LIBRARIAN. Responsibilities: The Busi­ness Reference Librarian will use professional skills in support of the business programs on campus. Collection development, special­ized reference work, computer assisted research, and specialized bibliographic instruction are part of faculty liaison responsibilities. The successful candidate will work with the Library’s Business Part­ners program and will be involved in general reference work and bib­liographic instruction. Faculty responsibility in of the Auraria Library are developing a number of innovative pro­grams stressing a service-oriented approach. The library partici­pates in a cooperative, integrated online catalog system with the Col­orado Alliance of Research Libraries. The business programs on campus offer introductory through master’s level courses. Salary: $21,600-$27,300 for a 12-month faculty appointment, negotiated depending on education and experience. Tuition benefits, sick leave, 22 vacation days, TIAA/CREF. For first consideratio GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS COORDINATORCalifornia State University, FullertonLibrary Faculty Appointment. Responsibilities: Selects, processes, and services documents col­lection; does OCLC cataloging, database search­ing, bibliographic instruction. Serves at the general reference desk, and participates in committee work and other activities. Supervises 3.5 paraprofes- sionals and several student assistants.Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited institu­tion or equivalent. Second advanced degree re­quired for tenur CHICANO RESOURCE CENTER LIBRARIANCalifornia State University, FullertonLibrary Faculty Appointment. Responsibilities: Coordinates functions of CRC. Provides assistance in use of CRC-related materials. Prepares guides to their contents. Serves as subject bibliographer. Functions as liaison with faculty, university, and community groups. May participate in biblio­graphic instruction and database searching. Serves at general reference desk and on commit­tees.Requirements: MLS from ALA-accredited institu­tion o 182 uals for automated environment, develop plans for and participate in cataloging of previously uncataloged kinds of materials. Require­ments: MLS from an ALA-accredited program; knowledge of MARC formats, AACR2, and LC classification and subject headings; knowl­edge of automated cataloging using a national bibliographic utility, such as OCLC. Prefer: Interest or experience in cataloging non-print materials, serials, music, maps, or government documents. Working knowledge of a Western European language, autom norities encouraged to apply. EOE.CATALOGER. Full -time, twelve-month, tenure-track position begin­ning May-June 1988. Salary $22,000, pro-rated. Duties include cat­aloging materials on OCLC, filing catalog cards, reclassification, RE­CON, and supervising of non-professionals. May include some weekend and evening hours. Qualifications: MLS from ALA- accredited library school required. Knowledge of LC classification, LCSH, OCLC, GEAC, and two years’ experience helpful. Apply in writing with resume and names, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR INFORMATION AND RESEARCH SERVICES DePaul University Chicago, IllinoisUnder the general direction of the Director of Libraries, the Associate Director for Information and Re­search Services has major administrative and general supervisory responsibilities for the Division which includes the departments of Audio Visual Services, Instruction, Reference, and Special Collections/Univer- sity Archives (17 FTE librarians and 15 FTE clerical staff). The Associate Director is responsible for o 183 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, SACRAMENTO Associate University Librarian for Automated and Technical Services andAssociate University Librarian for Public ServicesThe Associate University Librarian for Automated and Technical Services is responsible for five program areas — acquisitions, cataloging, government documents, serials, and systems. Five departments with 5 librarians and 25 support staff form the nucleus of this division.The Associate University Librarian for Public Services is responsible for five 184 loging, serving as a cataloging resource professional for three FTE paraprofessionals, sharing card catalog maintenance activities, and assisting the Head of Technical Services with training and with devel­oping cataloging policies. Reference responsibilities include: provid­ing regular reference desk services and sharing evening and week­end reference desk service in rotation with all librarians. Required: ALA-accredited MLS, cataloging experience using OCLC or an­other bibliographic utility, knowledge of ton University Appointment salary minimum: $23,000. Position de­scription: Responsibilities: As Coordinator for Bibliographic Instruction: plans, coordinates and evaluates bibliographic instruc­tion program for Gelman Library, including an active course-related instruction program, printed guides and bibliographies, a self-paced research guide targeted to undegraduate English classes, term pa­per assistance appointments for undergraduate students, and de­velopment of media productions and computer-assisted- REFERENCE LIBRARIANS Stanford UniversityREFERENCE LIBRARIAN/FEMINIST STUDIES (#313-CRL) and REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/COL- LECTION DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR (#314-CRL). Both positions require a creative and ener­getic librarian with broad academic training in humanities or social sciences to work as a part of a general reference team with three other librarians and two library specialists. Duties for both positions include the development of appropriate library instruction with faculty and librarians; development a 185 work closely with participants providing OCLC training and support and will take part in new developments that will affect library services in the region for the next several years. Responsibilities: Under the direction of the Assistant Director for OCLC and Reference Services the coordinator will assist in implementing training and support pro­grams for the various OCLC subsystems and terminal applications. The MINITEX/OCLC program provides services to over 160 libraries including academic, public, private one year of professional library experience. At least one year of ex­perience using one of the OCLC subsystems. Effective written and oral communication skills. Demonstrated organizational skills. Pref­erence will be given to candidates with: Experience with library net­working and cooperative library services; working knowledge of au­tomation, especially microcomputer applications; working knowledge of cataloging principles and standards including use of AACR2 and OCLC/MARC; knowledge of interlibrary loan LIBRARY OPENINGSAdelphi University, the oldest private institution of higher education on Long Island, serving over 10,000 graduate and undergraduate students, seeks energetic and resourceful individuals for the following library administrative and faculty appointments. Positions begin September, 1988.Associate Dean of Libraries for Technical and Automated Services (Administrative Appointment):Reopened search for experienced administrator with MLS degree and significant background in technical services and 186 55455-0414. Please identify application with UL 166. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer and specifically invites and encourages applications from women and minorities.CURATOR, DONN V. HART SOUTHEAST ASIAN COLLEC­TION. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. The University Li­braries and the Center for Southeast Asian Studies invite nomina­tions and applications for the Southeast Asian Collection Curator, a position funded through the auspices of the Henry Luce programs, and personnel administration of the unit, and coordinates processing activities with the Libraries’ Technical Services Division. The curator is responsible for coordinating collection development and management for the unit and should be capable of carrying out collection development for specific areas. Leadership in developing, interpreting, and publicizing library services and collections is ex­pected of the curator, who works in consultation with the Libraries Administration, represents the Sou DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESWashington University in St. LouisWashington University in St. Louis is seeking a dynamic person with proven leadership ability to head its university library system, a constellation consisting of a central facility and eight branch libraries currently housing a collection of well over two million volumes. In addition to serving as chief administrator of this system and its staff of over 100, the person filling this position will lead the University Libraries through a multi-year 187 academic community. An ALA-accredited MLS is required. An addi­tional graduate degree in education or a related field is desirable and expected for tenure. Wichita State University is an urban institution with an enrollment of 17,000. The library is fully automated on the NOTIS system. The library building is currently being remodeled and expanded. Librarians at Wichita State enjoy faculty rank, privileges, and responsibilities. Wichita is an active, growing city with a popula­tion of 300,000. Professional GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN. Position available April 4, 1988. Under the general direction of the Head of Govern­ment Documents, provides reference service, participates in instruc­tion program; responsible for state documents and map library. Doc­uments Department is a 70% federal selective depository with a staff of six. Required qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS, strong com­munication and interpersonal skills, ability to work well in close group situation, commitment to scholarship. Preferred additio DEAN OF UNIVERSITY LIBRARIESPennsylvania State UniversityApplications and nominations are invited for the position of Dean of University Libraries. The University Libraries include the central collection and six subject libraries at University Park, and libraries at each of the 20 campus locations throughout the state. The dean serves as a member of the Council of Academic Deans and has primary responsibility for collection development and management; library services; lead­ership of the Libraries’ faculty, 188 administrative and planning committees, and is one of six depart­ment heads who report to the Assistant University Librarian for Cen­tral Services. Applicants must have a Master’s degree in Library Sci­ence from an ALA-accredited school and a minimum of 3 years academic library experience in a map collection. Demonstrated management and supervisory ability, knowledge of library automa­tion, and a degree in a related field are preferred. Good communica­tion skills are essential. Minimum salary is $29,000; hi in these services; promotion of effective use of library resources; co­ordination of department’s activities with other library operations; im­plementation and documentation of department procedures and policies; supervision of 5.0 FTE librarians and 2.0 FTE support staff; evaluation and maintenance of service standards; assurance of con­tinued staff development; and participation in overall library planning and collection development. Requirements: MLS; degree and/or substantial background in clinical or l DEAN OF THE LIBRARYMontgomery, AlabamaAuburn University at Montgomery invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of the Library. AUM is a regionally accredited institution, founded in 1968, and is the urban campus of the Auburn University system. AUM is located in the state capital, a metropolitan area of 250,000 people, and is a center of diversified economic and cultural life. The university has an enrollment of approximately 5,500 students in its undergraduate and master’s programs. Th 189 an academic setting. Some reference experience desired. Salary for 12 months: $22,000 or higher based on qualifications and experi­ence and on appointment at the Assistant or Associate Professor rank. Screening begins: April 1, 1988. Position available June 1, 1988. Send application and three letters of recommendation to: Chair, Media Services Librarian Search Committee, Campus Box 2744, Olin Library, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL 32792. Rollins College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employe collection of 200,000 volumes. Qualifications: MLS degree; demon­strated supervisory and administrative ability in an academic or re­search institution; strong team building and communications skills. A degree in the Natural Sciences and experience with data services, space planning, library instruction preferred. Appointment level: $31,008-$44,676. Position available August 1, 1988. Send resume and names of three references by March 31, 1988, to: Katherine Beiers, University Library, University of Californ 190 administrators, in overall planning and administration for the Li­braries. Supervises 2 FTE support staff. The University Libraries in­cludes a central library, eleven college and departmental libraries and a media center: total staff includes 34 professional librarians, 130 support staff, and over 200 student assistants. The Libraries Per­sonnel Officer is expected to ensure that personnel policies are de­veloped and administered for the benefit of the university and the Li­braries staff, to act as an ombu headings and OCLC/MARC tagging; participates in special catalog­ing projects related to the ongoing implementation of the Libraries’ Geac system. Qualifications: Graduate degree from a program ac­credited by the American Library Association required. A minimum of three years post-MLS cataloging experience, two of which must include music cataloging, required; academic or research library ex­perience preferred. Knowledge of current cataloging rules and Li­brary of Congress cataloging practices and classifica 191 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Health Sciences Library. Responsibili­ties of this position include provision of biomedical reference and on­line bibliographic search services, and participation in development and presentation of instructional sessions. The incumbent will also participate in the library’s extramural and collection development programs, and assist in interlibrary borrowing. The Reference Sec­tion has a staff of six professionals and three support staff. The Health Sciences Library serves the Schools of els; excellent oral and written communication skills; commitment to client-centered services. Desirable: A background in the social sci­ences or humanities; working knowledge of a foreign language; ref­erence experience in a large academic library; experience in online searching, government documents, and bibliographic instruction; evidence of professional and/or scholarly activity. Second master’s degree in the social sciences or humanities highly desirable. Twelve month, faculty rank, tenure earning, stro ASSISTANT UNIVERSITY LIBRARIAN FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENTUniversity of California, Santa BarbaraResponsible for administering all aspects of collection development and collection management; re­sponsible for collection development activities of 27 subject specialists; oversees annual $2,872,000 mate­rials budget, AUL serves as member of administrative group, the libraries’ policy and planning team, and is closely involved in medium- and long-range planning, resource allocation, personnel planning, and pro­p 192 REFERENCE LIBRARIAN/PSYCHOLOGY SUBJECT SPECIAL­IST, Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). Central Reference Ser­vices Department starting July 1, 1988. 1) Serve on the Reference/ Information Desk. 2) Select materials for the general library collection in psychology and related social sciences. (Includes collection man­agement, assessment, and fund management.) 3) Provide user edu­cation in assigned subject area(s). 4) Liaison with faculty, staff, and students in the College of Business Administration and af close working relationships with faculty, students and other aca­demic researchers; possess a sound service philosophy and excel­lent leadership and interpersonal skills. Preference will be given to candidates with extensive knowledge of the civil law system, signifi­cant experience in a large research library; demonstrated ability to serve as a contributing member of a team in a rapidly changing envi­ronment. Position available July 1. Appointment at Librarian II or III rank, dependent upon experience; sal HEAD, SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING LIBRARYUniversity of Southern California (Position #116)The University of Southern California Library is seeking a librarian as Head of Science and Engineering Library. Reports to AUL for Public Services, manages Science and Engineering Library. Has overall mana­gerial responsibilities for Hancock Library of Biology and Oceanography. Science and Engineering Library houses primary collection of science, engineering, neural, informational, and behavioral sciences materi­als. Resp 193 volved in general reference work and bibliographic instruction. Fac­ulty responsibility includes service and scholarly work. Qualifica­tions: An ALA-accredited master’s degree and an academic degree or experience in chemistry or engineering are required. Preferred are reference, collection development, online searching, and teach­ing experience. Background: The Auraria Library occupies a unique position as the central point of information services in support of the programs of three diverse academic institu hardware/software technologies and MARC and its application to automation; demonstrable communication and organizational skills; experience in planning, procuring, and implementing an online pub­lic access catalog and circulation system; experience in writing tech­nical specifications for online library systems; and other educational background/training related to the duties of the position. A second master’s degree in a subject field is a preferred qualification. Full­time, tenure-track, twelve-month appoi 194 LATE JOB LISTINGSASSISTANT TO THE DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. Stanford University Libraries seeks an entry-level librarian interested in a research library career to assist the Deputy Director of Libraries in a variety of administrative matters. Responsibilities include working with the Deputy Director and his secretary to ensure smooth operation of Instructional & Research Services division. Representing the Deputy Director in a tactful, confidential and effective manner. Drafting, revising or improving 195 vacation, plus nine university holidays; participation in group life, major medical, disability insurance, TIAA/CREF, and social security. Emory University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer. Send letter of application and resume with names of three references by April 30, 1988, to: Gary Hauk, Chair of Search Committee, Pitts Theology Library, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322.DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES. DePauw University, an undergraduate liberal arts college with schools of Music and Nursin 196 State University contain in excess of one million bound volumes and more than 2.5 million pieces of micromaterial. Collections and services are supported by an online catalog of 450K+ records and an automated circulation system. The Libraries also provide a full complement of online search services. Terms of employment: Appointment will be tenure track with faculty rank. Benefits include 24 days annual leave per year; 12 days sick leave per year; paid State retirement or TIAA/CREF; group health insurance av 197 communication skills; evidence of professional development; additional graduate work helpful. Salary base: $30,000 depending upon qualifications. For full consideration, send letter of application; resume; names, addresses and phone numbers of three professional references; and photocopies of all academic transcripts by April 1, 1988, to: Cynthia B. Duncan, University Librarian, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA 23529-0256. Old Dominion University is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution a 198 The library has 10 librarians and 15 support staff, an online catalog/ circulation/acquisitions system, and nearly 300,000 titles for 5,000 students and 200 faculty. We are looking for a self-motivated individual with some experience, an ALA/MLS, a background in two or more of the library services listed above, and the ability to function in a "total system" environment. Faculty status/rank requires the usual obligations; tenure requires a second subject master’s. Excellent benefits include TIAA; 12-month c 199 reference services required. Good communication skills and public service orientation. MBA or equivalent degree helpful. Salary: Appointment salary will be based on qualifications and experience ($18,750 minimum). Comprehensive benefits package available. Apply to: Please send cover letter, resume and list of three references to: Ann Dyckman, Personnel Director, Cornell University Library, 201 Olin Library, Ithaca, NY 14853-5301. Applications requested by May 1, 1988, but will be accepted until position is 200 Vital Statistics from ACRL Library Statistics of Colleges and Universities, 1985: National Summaries, State Summaries, Institutional Tables. Statistics on 3,000 academic libraries surveyed by the Center for Educational Statistics. Contains data on collections, operating ex­penditures, staff, and institutional indices of library operating expenditures, books and bound serials and FTE library staff. $30.00pb; ACRL member $24.00 240p. 0-8389-7147-4 1987ACRL University Library Statistics 1985-86 and 1986 “100 Libraries’’ Statistical Surv When You Need an Answer, and You Need It Fast, and It Has to Be Right—Turn to ILSONLINEW ONLINE ACCESS TO THE WILSON INDEXES "Recommended for all libraries." —referenceBOOKS BULLETIN"A sophisticated search system that will impress searchers accustomed to the most advanced techniques." —databaseWILSONLINE—Recipient of the 1985 Dartmouth MedalCurrent Bibliographic DataIndexing everything from popular magazines to profes­sional journals, WILSONLINEcovers■ More than half a million articles in 3,500 periodi­cals each year■ 80,000 books annually■ 24,000 government publications annually■ More than 600,000 new records each year■ A total AffordabilityWILSONLINE's pricing makes it affordable for more libraries than any comparable service. WILSONLINE becomes even more affordable when you add up the fees you don't have to pay: No start-up fee...No charge for saved searches...No royalty charges added to connect-time rates.User-Friendly WILSONLINE Features• Up to 43 different access points to bibliographic records• Searching of up to 8 databases simultaneously • Proximity searching • Nested Boolean logic • Automatic substitution of preferred for WILSONLINEDatabases• Applied Science & Technology Index • Art Index • Bibliographic Index • Biography Index• Biological & Agricultural Index• Book Review Digest • Business Periodicals Index • Cumulative Book Index • Education Index• Essay and General Literature Index • General Science Index• GPO Monthly Catalog• Humanities Index • Index to Legal Periodicals • Index to U.S. Government Periodicals• LC/Foreign MARC File• LC/MARC File • Library Literature • MLA International Bibliography • Readers' Guide Abstra