C&RL News December 2019 616 At the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, instructional designers and research and instruction librarians have similar goals yet unique roles and distinct responsibilities. There are eight instructional designers at the Center for Teaching & Learn- ing (CTL) who use learning theory and design knowledge to work with faculty to plan and create online courses. At the university’s Atkins Library, 16 instruction librarians, in- cluding subject liaisons and first-year writing specialists, connect with faculty and students to further understanding of information lit- eracy and research resources. Recognizing the groups’ common goals of partnering with faculty in course development and creating high-quality online learning resources, group administrators have launched an initiative to introduce the designers and librarians to each other and to their work. In the summer of 2018, the two groups met in the first of a series of opportunities to get to know each other and to better under- stand their professional roles. The goals of the collaboration were for the instructional designers and the instruction librarians to meet, to learn about each other’s work and approaches to instruction, and to consider opportunities for connection and collabora- tion. The meeting attendees were assigned a pre-reading, “Comparisons and Collabora- tions between the Professions,” a chapter in the book, Librarians and Instructional De- signers: Collaboration and Innovation.1 After a series of introductions and an icebreaker, each group provided an overview of its roles. The instructional designers discussed their work with distance education development and instructional alignment, and the instruc- tion librarians talked about information literacy, the ACRL Framework for Informa- tion Literacy for Higher Education, and their instructional initiatives. The main activity for the session focused on an analysis of the instructional designers’ planning materials for a course in progress and input from the instruction librarians for library involvement in that planning process. After sharing ideas among all of the group members, the meet- ing attendees considered next steps for the collaboration. In response to prompts, the meeting par- ticipants provided feedback. Table 1 contains a sample of the responses. Throughout the fall semester, members of the two groups met for lunch on a monthly basis to continue getting to know one an- other, to further understand their work, and Catherine Tingelstad and Heather McCullough Instruction librarians and instructional designers A natural collaboration Catherine Tingelstad is instruction and curriculum engagement coordinator at Atkins Library, email: ctingels@uncc.edu, Heather McCullough is associate director in the Center for Teaching and Learning at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, email: heathermccullough@uncc.edu © 2019 Catherine Tingelstad and Heather McCullough mailto:ctingels%40uncc.edu?subject= mailto:heathermccullough%40uncc.edu?subject= December 2019 617 C&RL News to develop ideas for collaborating on both small initiatives and large projects. As planning progressed for meetings be- tween the two groups, it became increasingly clear that while the goals of the two groups were similar—well-designed instruction with clear learning objectives and opportunities for assessment—the form of that instruction differed. Instruction librarians collaborate with faculty members to teach one or more research and information literacy sessions in their classes, while the instructional design- ers partner with faculty to plan course de- sign and d e l i v e r y for cours- es. Leslee S h e l l , S t e v e n Crawford, and Patri- c i a H a r - r i s c o n - cur that, “ l i b r a r y m o d u l e s a r e d i f - f e r e n t than the s e m e s - t e r - l o n g c o u r s e s t h e i n - struction- al design- ers tradi- t i o n a l l y support.”2 This realization was instrumental in influencing the direction and design of the next group session. The second meeting of the two groups occurred at the end of the Fall 2017 semester and focused on the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education. The goals for the session were similar to those of the first meeting: 1) continue to learn about each other’s approach to instruc- tion, 2) discuss the ACRL Framework and practice applying it, and 3) find opportuni- ties for connection. The pre-readings for the meeting were the ACRL Framework along with several short articles discussing the frames conceptually and practically. After a short overview of the library’s digi- tal learning objects and its goals for integrating services and resources into the university’s learning management system, Canvas, the group focused on the ACRL Framework, reviewing each of the six frames. The partici- pants divided into teams comprised of both librarians and instructional designers, and each group was tasked with building a library instruction l e s s o n plan based o n o n e o r m o r e o f t h e f r a m e s . Six post- ers were c r e a t e d , e a c h f o - cusing on one of the frames, its d e s c r i p - tion, and associated k n o w l - e d g e practices. The post- ers were p l a c e d around the work space so that they could be easily ac- cessed by the participants. The activity proved to be both timely and educational for all of the participants, as higher education organizations are continuing to emphasize the importance of information literacy in course content in the academic disciplines.3 The groups shared their lesson plans and discussed potential next steps for this ongoing collaboration. Once again, the meeting participants provided feedback in response to three prompts (see Table 2). C&RL News December 2019 618 As a result of the meetings between these two groups, several instruction librarians ini- tiated collaborative efforts with instructional designers and technical managers from CTL to introduce library services into the univer- sity’s Canvas learning management system. Librarians were interested in developing a library presence in Canvas to meet and work with students at their point of need. Because CTL administers, develops, and provides training on Canvas, their buy-in and expertise were es- sential to m a k i n g this hap- pen. So, members of the two g r o u p s , h a v i n g t a l k e d about li- brary in- struction d u r i n g the group meetings, w o r k e d t o g e t h e r t o d e - t e r m i n e h o w t o integrate l i b r a r y services and resources into the learning management system. Working with the CTL technical team manager, instructional librarians were also able to develop a “librarian” role in Canvas with specific permissions so that faculty could add a librarian to their online courses. This customized role allows faculty to in- clude librarians in courses without having to add them as an instructor with full rights to course permissions. The librarian instead has the ability to perform specific functions within Canvas. For example, the librarian can moderate a discussion among students in a class but does not have permission to edit grades. During the first year since the de- velopment of the librarian role, faculty have added instructional librarians to 124 courses in this capacity. To further integrate the library resources into Canvas, instruction librarians and instructional designers have worked together to implement the LibGuides LTI (learning tools interoper- ability) in the learning management system. LTI allows Canvas users to access a custom- ized LibGuide through a link in their courses. The exper- t i s e a n d s u p p o r t of the in- structional designers a n d t e c h manager at CTL were integral to m a k i n g this hap- pen. The two groups a r e c u r - rently col- laborating to promote faculty use of library videos and tutorials in their Can- vas courses. In an effort to increase awareness and usage of these resources, instruction librarians have partnered with an instructional designer to outline and document the process for incorporating this content. The groups also highlighted this initiative in training and educational opportunities for faculty this fall. Instructional designers have increasingly reached out to librarians to support or partner on initiatives and have expanded their use and referrals to the library’s Makerspace, Visualization Lab, and EZ Video Studio. In particular, they have worked with library colleagues to reserve and host activities and meetings in the Visualization Lab. They have December 2019 619 C&RL News also begun referring faculty to use the EZ Video Studio in course development. Finally, they are reaching out more to instruction librarians as they work with faculty to design and develop online courses. In particular, they are now regularly consulting with librarians about locating and using high-quality OER and library-sourced content. One of CTL’s high-priority projects, an adaptive learning program for general education math, has an OER dimension and the Engineering/STEM librarian has been a part of planning meetings for that program. Anecdotally, the authors have observed that their team members are reaching out to each other in event planning and with general questions with more frequency than before the meetings. As this collaboration continues to develop, the instructional designers will elaborate on their process for online course design so that the librarians have a clearer understanding of their work. The partnership between the two groups will continue both formally and informally to meet the goals established at the onset of the project—net- working, an understanding and appreciation of each group’s work, and opportunities for connection and collaboration. The fact that there are numerous methods for achieving these goals guarantees a long and lasting association. Notes 1. Joe Eshleman, Richard Moniz, Karen Mann, and Kristen Eshleman, “Comparisons and Collaborations between the Professions,” in Librarians and Instructional Designers: Collaboration and Innovation (Chicago: ALA Editions, 2016). 2. Leslee Shell, Steven Crawford, and Patricia Harris, “Aided and Embedded: The Team Approach to Instructional De- sign,” Journal of Library & Information Services in Distance Learning 7, no. 1-2 (2013): 143–155, https://doi.org/10.1080 /1533290X.2012.705627. 3. Kimberly Mullins, “Good IDEA: In- structional Design Model for Integrat- ing Information Literacy,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 40, no. 3-4 (May 2014): 339–349, https://doi.org/10.1016 /j.acalib.2014.04.012. “Big Read” across the Hampton Roads re- gion. The book selected by the NEA Big Read: Hampton Roads was Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine, which focuses on issues around race.3 Hofheimer Library seized this opportunity to partner with faculty again, and the library director moderated a panel of faculty from a variety of disciplines who reflected on the book. Thanks to panelists offering their students extra credit or incorporating the book into their course, this was another well-attended event. In addition, the library’s Faculty-Staff Book Club also chose to read the book and attend the author event hosted by another university in the area. Future directions Although the Hofheimer Library Diversity Team is currently only using the newsletter internally, the director is considering the possibility of sharing the “Drops of Diversi- ty” site more broadly. VWU’s Center for the Study of Religious Freedom has expressed interest in having access to the site and possibly authoring content. What’s more, the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communi- ties (VCIC) has opened a location on the Virginia Wesleyan campus, and the library is interested in exploring how they may learn and partner with this organization. As part of the campus partnership, VCIC will provide training sessions for VWU each year. The library and the Center for the Study of Religious Freedom will part- ner this summer on engaging VCIC to of- fer training sessions for VWU faculty, staff, and students on topics that are of greatest (“‘Drops of Diversity,’” cont. from page 610) (continues on page 626) https://doi.org/10.1080/1533290X.2012.705627 https://doi.org/10.1080/1533290X.2012.705627 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2014.04.012 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2014.04.012