C&RL News March 2020 130 Salisbury University (SU) Libraries has a visitor who comes at the end of every semester, staying for approximately one week. Her name is familiar to the students, and her arrival is heralded on social media and via posters around campus. She is the Finals Fairy. She serves many purposes, but her primary function is to provide stress relief to students in the midst of their fi- nals. Susan Brazer first came up with the idea in the fall 2011, and SU Libraries has continued with her every fall and spring semester since. In 2011 National Public Radio (NPR) ran a news story about an artist in Scotland who had started a massive “hide-and-seek” game, using her book-themed art left at various places around Edinburgh along with a clue giving seekers an idea of where the next prize would be found.1 That news story sparked the idea of SU Libraries try- ing something similar, albeit significantly smaller in scale. With a budget well under $100, it was organized and implemented less than 24 hours later. Due to the short turn-around time and small budget, dollar store prizes, including plastic toys and candy, made up the bulk of the prizes, and the grand prize was a $15 Chipotle gift card. The first prizes were hidden in the library building, and clues were sent out via social media. However despite all hopes, students either weren’t interested or didn’t under- stand how Finals Fairy, named purely for whimsical alliterative reasons, worked. The first few prizes were left on the shelf, unclaimed and unwanted. Library col- leagues took it on themselves to send out a few faux-tweets on their personal Twitter accounts claiming to have found prizes, and expressing their excitement that the library was hiding free and fun prizes for anyone who was studying in the library. Those few encouraging tweets were all it took, and less than 12 hours later, the students had fully grasped the concept of the Finals Fairy, and the race was off to see which studying undergraduate could find the prizes first. It is a program that continues eight years later. Currently, volunteers are requested and sourced from the entire library staff via an email call for participation. Research and instructional librarians participate most regularly, but volunteers range from the technology librarian, to the local history archivist, to the libraries’ executive ad- ministrative assistant. Student workers are drafted from the circulation desk to help with hiding prizes on the weekends, when no librarians are present. The committee is formed newly each semester to design and approve posters with the University Angeline Prichard and Susan Brazer Finding the Finals Fairy Outreach and stress release during finals Angeline Prichard is a research and instructional librarian and RIS department chair, email: arprichard@ salisbury.edu, and Susan Brazer is science research and instruction librarian, as well as the open resources and data management coordinator, email: sebrazer@ salisbury.edu, at Salisbury University Libraries © 2020 Angeline Prichard and Susan Brazer mailto:arprichard%40salisbury.edu?subject= mailto:arprichard%40salisbury.edu?subject= mailto:sebrazer%40salisbury.edu?subject= mailto:sebrazer%40salisbury.edu?subject= March 2020 131 C&RL News Publications office, review the prize- hiding schedule, and purchase prizes themselves. Over the history of SU’s Finals Fairy, the budget has varied widely, and the committee has found that it is an easily scalable process in either direction. Prizes can be free library merchandise or donated materials from local businesses if the bud- get demands or can also extend to larger grand prizes. In a recent budget cycle, the dean provided $300 per semester for the initiative, paying for both advertising and prizes. More specifically, that breakdown was as follows: In the early Finals Fairy days, the c o m m i t t e e d i d n o t h a v e a n y formal means of p r o m o t i n g t h e event, nor was there a budget that truly allowed f o r s l i c k p r o - motional items. The committee b e g a n s i m p l y , w i t h b a s i c s o - cial media posts announcing the Finals Fairy’s ar- rival, and used hand-drawn rep- resentations of the Finals Fairy all around cam- pus—including chalk drawings on campus side- walks and at the Research Help Desk. In subsequent years, the committee ex- panded promotional efforts to include posters spread across campus created by the in-house Publications Department, and a social media campaign with themed countdowns bringing extra attention to outreach efforts. Th e Finals Fairy organizers have found that, even with more money, silly discount store prizes are still appealing to students, especially when paired with a gift card to a local cafe or restaurant. Examples of prizes from previous years are coloring books, temporary tattoos, light-up balls, encapsulated sponges in the shape of dinosaurs that expand in water, a hula hoop, and a model airplane. All of those prizes were under $3 apiece. The semester grand prize has varied, but tends toward an e-reader, streaming de- vice, or streaming platform gift card—all of these options are under $100. In order to make sense of the chaos of organizing so many small items, the committee uses a spreadsheet listing the three time s l o t s f o r e a c h day of finals, in w h i c h v o l u n - teers sign up for the prizes they will be respon- s i b l e f o r h i d - ing. The prizes themselves are l a i d o u t o n a t a b l e b y t i m e slot. Committee members collect the prizes they will be hiding t o b r i n g b a c k t o t h e i r o w n w o r k s p a c e s , thus diversify- ing wher e the p r i z e s c o m e f r o m a n d r e - When the Finals Fairy initiative first started, simple chalk- paint drawings such as this one served as the main form of advertisement. Advertising posters $60 Grand prize | Kindle paper white $80 Dollar Store prizes $50 Starbucks gift cards | 13 @ $5 $65 Chipotle gift cards | 4 at $10 $40 Weekend candy | 4 bars $5 Total $300 C&RL News March 2020 132 ducing notice from students. Over the weekends, a variety of themed prizes have been explored, including caffein- ated drinks, vitamin-boosted water, and candy. When hiding the prizes, volunteers must take a picture of the item in situ with a clue, as stealthily as possible. This is then cross posted to the library’s Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook ac- counts. Ultimate- l y , t h e h o p e i s that while the pri- mary purpose is to help students d e s t r e s s d u r i n g the most stressful time of their se- mester, searching for clues will also help familiarize them with areas o f t h e b u i l d i n g with which they a r e l e s s a c c u s - t o m e d . A l o n g with each prize, two small sheets of paper are hid- d e n . O n e s a y s “You Found Me” with information about the #finals- fairy hashtag and SU Libraries’ social me- dia accounts. This encourages students to reply to the library via social media that they have found the prize. Not only does that indicate to any students who stumble onto the post later to see that a prize has been found, but it also encour- ages friendly interactions between the library and the students on social media. The second paper left with the prize sig- nals to anyone who is searching that the prize has already been found but more are on the way. Organizers wanted a little more con- trol over the grand prize due to its mon- etary value. As such, each year a winning ticket is hidden in place of the prize itself. This ticket must be brought to the library service desk, where a committee member is waiting, to be exchanged for the prize. To create a little continuity between semesters, this ticket is always hidden in the same way. The winning ticket is hidden inside of one book. This book is placed in a stack of several other books, and a photo is taken showing all of the spines. T h e c a p t i o n used in the final prize social me- dia posting is a clue referencing w h i c h b o o k i n the stack has the slip in it—“Can you dig up the right book?”—in reference to an archaeology text, for instance. E a c h y e a r , once the social media post goes l i v e , m u l t i p l e students can be s e e n r u n n i n g about the build- i n g , t r y i n g t o figure out how to track down the correct call number and be the first to discover the winning ticket. Even with the excitement of the grand prize search, students have remained re- spectful of their fellow students who are studying. The libraries have received no complaints about noise or disruption for any Finals Fairy-related searching. Overall, things have run relatively smoothly with implementing the Finals Fairy, but there have been obstacles along the way. Each semester there are always a few students who are repeat finders. While this did not present a problem for the smaller prizes, the com- Finals Fairy gifts, such as this “Butterfly Helicopter” and Slinky, are tucked away in various places of the Guerrieri Academic Commons for students to hunt for during their final exam studies. March 2020 133 C&RL News “You Found Me!” slips are included with each prize. Match- ing “Too Late!” slips are positioned underneath each gift to be left behind. mittee was dismayed to discover that twice the same student found the grand prize in back-to-back semesters. To limit this, advertisements and the social media post announcing the grand prize now include a note that previous grand prize winners are not eligible for subsequent grand prizes. Organizers also keep a running list of grand prize winners to reference when a grand prize winner presents t h e w i n n i n g ticket. Additionally, there have been times when stu- dents have fol- l o w e d a s t a f f me mber w hi l e a p r i z e i s b e - ing hidden. This has resulted in a prize, partic- ularly a grand p r i z e , w h i c h has needed to be re-hidden. If the committee makeup can be varied from semester to semester, this would help eliminate much of that prob- lem. If not, removing the prizes from be- ing stored in a central public location has certainly decreased the students’ ability to track staff members hiding habits. L i b r a r y s t u d e n t e m p l o y e e s m i g h t also be used in hiding prizes to reduce students’ abilities to track those hiding. Likewise, willing student employees might be used in the initial launch of a Finals Fairy program to get it off the ground by “finding” the first prize(s) and announcing it via their own social media accounts. Overall, the Finals Fairy program has been an extremely rewarding outreach endeavor. Undertaken with a small amount of funding and staff, this is a program that can be easily started, easily funded, and scaled up as budget or institution permits. SU Libraries’ program started with dona- tions from local businesses and a $15 grand prize, but has been scaled up to include prizes hidden three times a day, gift cards, and a grand prize that hovers just under the $100 mark. In the event of a budget increase, orga- nizers have discussed designing and or- dering customized Finals Fairy swag, like branded pens, mugs, t-shirts, and drawstring b a c k p a c k s . Even with only a few items to h i d e , s t u d e n t s were excited by the libraries’ ef- f o r t s t o r e a c h out and support them in a stress- ful time. T h e p r i z - e s t h e m s e l v e s didn’t seem to actually matter in the long run, but were a won- derful avenue with which to reach out to and support hard-working students as they spent their long hours in the library studying for final exams. While it does not need to be a fairy that visits your campus, does not require a grand prize, and can contain as many or as few cheap prizes as are deemed suitable, a similar outreach and support mission targeted towards students dur- ing their high-stress times would surely be as rewarding as the Finals Fairy is at Salisbury University. Note 1. Robert Krulwich, “Who Left a Tree, Then a Coffin in the Library?” NPR, October 31, 2011, https://www.npr.org/sections /krulwich/2011/10/28/141795907/who- left-a-tree-then-a-coffin-in-the-library. https://www.npr.org/sections /krulwich/2011/10/28/141795907/who-left-a-tree-then-a-coffin-in-the-lib https://www.npr.org/sections /krulwich/2011/10/28/141795907/who-left-a-tree-then-a-coffin-in-the-lib https://www.npr.org/sections /krulwich/2011/10/28/141795907/who-left-a-tree-then-a-coffin-in-the-lib