January 2021 5 C&RL News Welcome to the January 2021 issue of C&RL News. As we move out of the unprecedented year that was 2020, it is time to look to the future, perhaps through New Year’s resolu- tions. One possible resolution could be to finally start (or finish) that research project or article that you’ve been planning forever. Amanda Izenstark, Ann Agee, Holly Jackson, Anna Sandelli, and Lindsay Roberts start out this month’s issue with advice for writing and researching in “So you want to pub- lish.” Updating teaching materials such as LibGuides could be another project waiting for fresh attention in 2021. Natalie Ornat, Beth Auten, Reese Manceaux, and Catherine Tingelstad provide tips for making this rou- tine task fun in their article “Ain’t no party like a LibGuides Party.” Samantha Dannick gives food for thought on finding your niche in faculty-librarian rela- tionships in this month’s The Way I See It es- say “The invertebrates scale of librarianship.” While we look to the future, the COVID-19 pandemic still has a major impact on our lives and work. Liladhar R. Pendse writes about producing a series of globally focused pandemic webinars in “Academic libraries and research in flux,” while L. Angie Ohler and Joelle Pitts reflect on the academic library after COVID-19 in “From peril to promise.” Make sure to check out the other features and departments this month, including in- formation on teaching Framework concepts with small teaching by Jane Hammons, “Developing an assessment plan for informa- tion literacy learning outcomes” at Northern Colorado University, and a look at “ACRL candidates for 2021.” Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, dfree@ala.org mailto:dfree%40ala.org?subject=