C&RL News January 2021 26 Emily Daly is the head of assessment and user experience at Duke University Librar- ies, a position she has held since 2013. Prior to this, Daly served at Duke Univer- sity Libraries as interim head of instruction and outreach (2012) and coordinator of upper-level instruction (2006–12). She also served as media coordinator at Southern High School in Durham, North Carolina (2005–06). During her 13 years of ACRL member- ship, Daly has served as a director-at-large on the ACRL Board of Directors (2016–20), as a member of the ACRL College & Research Libraries News Editorial Board (2015-19), as a member of the ALA Constitution and Bylaws Committee (2020-present), and as a member of the ALA Steering Committee for Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE) (2018- 20). She has held various positions within the ACRL University Libraries Section (ULS), including member-at-large on the Execu- ACRL candidates for 2021 A look at who’s running tive Committee (2012–15); cochair of the ULS Technology and Libraries Committee (2011–12), where she also served as mem- ber (2010–12); and as a member of the ULS Nominating Committee (2012–14, 2014–16, 2016–18). She was a program participant for ALA Emerging Leaders and the Emerging Leaders Interest Group (2010–15). Daly’s past work with state, regional, and other national associations includes being a member of the Duke Libraries Committee on Continuing Appointment and Promotion committee (2020–present), as well as president-elect, president, and past- president for the Duke Libraries Assembly (2015-18). In addition, she worked with the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN) as a product owner for the Discovery Team, a consortially developed library catalog (2016-present), and a member of TRLN’s Services Council (2012–16). She served as president of the Parent Teacher Association for George Watts Montessori Magnet School (2018–20). Daly’s honors and awards include being nominated for the S.T. Lee Library Leader- ship and Innovation Lecture and Award (2016) and the Duke Libraries’ Florence Blakeley Award for Outstanding Service (2009 and 2013). She was selected to par- ticipate in ALA Emerging Leaders program (2011) and was inducted into Beta Phi Mu International Graduate Honor Society in Library and Information Science (2008). Daly was honored as Wyoming’s 2005 Emily Daly Erin L. Ellis January 2021 27 C&RL News Unsung Heroine by the Wyoming Library Association. Her other notable accomplishments in- clude advocating and developing the Duke Libraries’ Assessment and User Experience (AUX) Department (2013) and helping expand it from two to five full-time staff, plus student assistants. Since 2014, she has mentored approximately 30 graduate students doing unpaid practicums or paid assistantships in the AUX Department. Daly partnered with colleagues at North Carlina State, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, North Carolina Central University, and Duke to develop a more user-centered and accessible library catalog (2019). While serv- ing on the ACRL Board of Directors, Daly helped develop and implement ACRL’s Core Commitment to Equity, Diversity, and Inclu- sion. Finally, while serving on SCOE, Daly was charged “to review ALA’s governance, member participation, legal structures/sys- tems, with the goal of proposing changes that will vitalize its success, strength, and agility as a 21st-century association.” Through this work, she learned more about ALA and the roundtables, divisions, and other communities of practice. She com- municated SCOE’s progress and plans to members and relayed concerns to SCOE, resulting in a more member-centered plan for re-envisioning ALA. Her publications include “Improving in action: An interactive approach to develop- ing a successful practicum program,” with Joyce Chapman, in A. Hartsell-Gundy, K. Duckett, S. Morris (eds.), Learning in Action: Designing Successful Graduate Student Work Experiences in Academic Libraries (Chicago: ACRL [forthcoming]); “Giving Students Voice: A Biennial User Satisfaction Survey at Duke University Libraries,” in S. Killick and F. Wilson (eds.), Putting Library Assessment to Work (London: Facet Publishing, 2019); and “Just ask them! Designing Services and Spaces on the Foundation of Student Feed- back,” with Joyce Chapman, and Thomas Crichlow, in C. Tomlinson and S. Arnold- Gaza (eds.), Students Lead the Library: The Importance of Student Contributions to the Academic Library (Chicago: ACRL, 2016). Erin L. Ellis is the associate dean of re- search and learning services at Indiana University, a position she has held since 2018. Prior to this, Ellis held various posi- tions at the University of Kansas, includ- ing associate dean of research and learning (2013–18), head of instructional services (2009–13), and social sciences librarian (2005–09). During her 16 years of ACRL member- ship, Ellis has served as chair of the ACRL Appointments Committee (2015–17, 2018– 19), as a member of the ACRL Conference Invited Presentations Committee (2017–19), as a member of the Research Planning and Review Committee (2019–20), and as cochair of the President’s Program Plan- ning Committee (2014–16, 2017–19). She was chair of the Publications Coordinating Committee (2017–18; vice-chair, 2016–17), during which time she served as ex-officio on the New Publications Advisory Board, along with the C&RL, C&RL News, ACRL Aca- demic Library Trends and Statistics Survey, CHOICE, ACRL Publications in Librarianship, RBM, and Resources for College Libraries Editorial Boards. Ellis was a member of the Immersion Program Committee (2016–18), an ex-officio on the Professional Develop- ment Committee (2015–16), a member of the ACRL Membership Committee (2013–16), a member of the 75th Anniversary Task Force Publications Committee (2013–15), chair of the Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee (formerly Information Literacy Coordinating Committee) (2012–13; vice-chair 2011–12), a member of the Infor- mation Literacy Professional Development Committee (2011–13), and a member of the Information Literacy Website Committee (2009–11). Ellis has held various positions with the ACRL Instruction Section (IS), including co- chair of the IS Awards Committee (2011–13; member 2009–11) and cochair of the IS Membership Committee (2007–09; member, C&RL News January 2021 28 2006–07; intern, 2005–06). She currently serves as cochair of the ACRL University Li- braries Section Future of University Libraries Discussion Group (2019–present). Ellis’s experience with ALA includes serving as secretary of the ALA Library Instruction Round Table (2006–07), where she was also a member of the Conference Program Planning Committee (2004–06) and the Liaison Committee (2003–04). She has served in various positions within the ALA New Members Round Table (NMRT), includ- ing outreach director (2008–10), as ex-officio to the Student Chapter Outreach (2009–10), Student Chapter of the Year Award (2009– 10), Student Reception (2009–10), Member- ship Promotion (2009–10), Diversity and Recruitment (2009–10), and Liaison Coor- dination Support (2008–10). She served as chair of the NMRT Nominating Committee (2005–07) and as chair of the NMRT Student Reception Committee (2004-05). Ellis’s activity with state, regional, and other national associations includes serv- ing as a member of the Indiana University Arts and Humanities Council, the Indiana University LGBTQ+ Alumni+Friends As- sociation (2020–present) and a member of the Indiana University Queer Philanthropy Circle (2020–present). She was honored as an Association of Research Libraries Leader- ship Fellow (2016–17) and was part of Beta Phi Mu, Emporia State University, School of Library and Information Management (2002), and Sigma Tau Delta, Pittsburg State Uni- versity, Department of English and Modern Languages (1999). Her notable accomplishments include serving as chair of the ACRL Student Learn- ing and Information Literacy Committee, where she served on the working group for, and contributed to, the writing of the white paper, Intersections of Scholarly Communi- cation and Information Literacy: Creating Strategic Collaborations for a Changing Academic Environment. Subsequently, she discussed this work during a panel presenta- tion at the 2013 ACRL National Conference. As chair, she facilitated the committee’s tran- sition from a coordinating committee (Infor- mation Literacy Coordinating Committee) to a committee representing one of ACRL’s four goal-areas within the Plan for Excellence (2012–13). Additionally, at the University of Kansas Libraries, she was elected to serve on an Organizational Review Team, where she contributed to the evaluation of the li- braries’ organizational structure, designed a new organizational model, and subsequently oversaw its implementation across a wide variety of collections and public services departments. Ellis’s publications include Coaching Copyright: Best Practices for Teaching a Difficult Subject, K. L. Smith and E. L. Ellis, (eds.) (Chicago IL: ALA Editions, 2019); “Po- sitioning Academic Libraries for the Future: A Process and Strategy for Organizational Transformation,” E. L. Ellis, B. Rosenblum, and J. Stratton, in the International Asso- ciation of University Libraries Conference Proceedings (2014); and “Comparing Ap- proval and Librarian-Selected Monographs: An Analysis of Use,” E. Ellis, N. Ghouse, M. Classen-Wilson, J. Stratton, and S. Clement, in Darby Orcutt (ed.), Library Data: Empow- ering Practice and Persuasion (Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited, 2010). ACRL Board of Directors President-Elect: Emily Daly, Head of Assessment and User Experience, Duke University; Erin L. Ellis, Associate Dean, Research and Learning Services, Indiana University. Director-at-Large: Gillian (Jill) Gremmels, Dean of Cowles Library, Drake University; Mary Mallery, Chief Librarian and Executive Director of Academic Information Technolo- gies, Brooklyn College/CUNY. Director-at-Large: Yasmeen Shorish, Head of Scholarly Communications, James Madison University. Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Rachael Musz- kiewicz, Associate Professor of Library Sci- ence, Valparaiso University; Elizabeth Fox, January 2021 29 C&RL News Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian, South Dakota State University. Secretary: Ilka Datig, Head of Instruction and Outreach, Nazareth College; Carolyn McCallum, Cataloging Librarian for Nonprint Resources/Anthropology Liaison, Wake For- est University. Member-at-Large: Tom Diamond, Col- lections and Materials Selector Librarian, Louisiana State University; Jylisa Doney, So- cial Sciences Librarian, University of Idaho. Arts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Carla-Mae Crookendale, Arts Research Librarian, Vir- ginia Commonwealth University. Secretary: Christine Davidian, Elec- tronic Resources and Serials Librarian, Rowan University; Rebecca K. Friedman, Assistant Librarian, Marquand Library of Art and Ar- chaeology, Princeton University. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Vicky Ames Hart, Director of Library Services, Northeast Lakeview College; Howard C. Marks, Direc- tor, Murray Fasken Learning Resource Center, Midland College. College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Kimberley Bugg, Associate Library Director, AUC Woodruff Library; Shaunna Hunter, Director of the Library, Hampden-Sydney College. Secretary: Heather James, Associate Dean for Scholarly Resources, Gonzaga University; Jamie Bounds Wilson, College Librarian, Associate Professor, Millsaps College. Member-at-Large: Jayne Blodgett, Asso- ciate Dean of University Libraries, University of Northern Colorado; Elaine Gass Hirsch, Associate Director of Aubrey R. Watzek Li- brary, Lewis & Clark College. Digital Scholarship Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Amanda Tick- ner, GIS Librarian, Michigan State University; Pamella R. Lach, Digital Humanities Librar- ian and Digital Humanities Center Director, San Diego State University. Member-at-Large: Jason Przybylski, Associate Director, Open Collections and Infrastructure, JSTOR/ITHAKA; Devin Soper, Director, Office of Digital Research and Scholarship, Florida State University; Beth Russell, Head, Center for Digital Scholarship, Associate Academic Librarian for the Humanities, New York University- Abu Dhabi. Distance and Online Learning Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Chiméne E. Tucker, Communication and Journalism and Gender and LGBT Studies Librarian, University of Southern California; John Stawarz, Online Learning Librarian and Adjunct Instructor, Syracuse University. Secretary/Archivist: Heather Blicher, Coordinator of Library Services, Reynolds Community College; Melissa Atkinson, Director of Distance and Online Library Services, Abilene Christian University. Member-at-Large: Theresa Mastrodonato, Coordinator of Library Instruction for First Year Students, Frostburg State University; Sherry Mohr, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Northcentral University. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Samantha Godbey, Education Librarian, University of Nevada-Las Vegas; Mandy L. Havert, Head, Research Services and Graduate Outreach Librarian, University of Notre Dame. Secretary: Kimberly Miller, Indepen- dent Academic Librarian and Instructional Design Professional; Karen N. Reed, Edu- cation Librarian and Associate Professor, Middle Tennessee State University. Member-at-Large: Trent Brager, Educa- tion and Social Sciences Librarian, University of St. Thomas; James W. Rosenzweig, Associ- ate Professor, Education Librarian, Eastern Washington University. C&RL News January 2021 30 European Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Katie Gibson, Humanities and Area Studies Librarian, Miami University; Brian Vetruba, European Studies and Digital Scholarship Librarian, University of Minnesota. Secretary: Kathleen Smith, Subject Specialist for Germanic Collections and Medieval Collections, Stanford University; Joanneke Elliott, African Studies and West European Studies Librarian, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Member-at-Large: André G. Wenzel, Bibliographer for Literatures of Europe and the Americas, University of Chicago; Liladhar R. Pendse, Librarian for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies and Librar- ian for the Caribbean and Latin American Studies Collections, University of California- Berkeley. Instruction Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Carrie Dono- van, Head of Public Services, Hillman Library, University of Pittsburgh; Carrie L. Forbes, Associate Dean for Student and Scholar Services, University of Denver. Secretary: Ernesto Hernandez Jr., Stew- art Library General Education Coordina- tor, Weber State University; Anne Driscoll Melville, Education and Higher Education Librarian, George Mason University. Member-at-Large: Nancy Gibson, Social Sciences Librarian, Austin Peay State Univer- sity; Amanda Nichols Hess, Coordinator of Instruction and Research Help and Educa- tion Librarian, Oakland University; Ryne Leuzinger, Information Literacy Instruction Coordinator/Associate Librarian, California State University-Monterey Bay; Clarence Maybee, Information Literacy Specialist, Purdue University. Literatures in English Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Kristina De Voe, English and Communication Librar- ian, Temple University; Mark Dahlquist, Humanities and Social Sciences Librarian, Miami University. Secretary: Hillary A. H. Richardson, Associate Professor/Coordinator of Under- graduate Research and Information Lit- eracy, Mississippi University for Women; M. Leslie Madden, Team Leader for Arts and Sciences, Subject Librarian for Eng- lish and World Languages and Cultures, Georgia State University. Member-at-Large: Paizha Stoothoff, Humanities Librarian, California State University-Los Angeles; Sam Lohmann, Reference Coordinator and Information Access Librarian (Librarian II), Washing- ton State University- Vancouver. Politics, Polic y, and International Relations Sec tion V i c e - c h a i r / C h a i r - e l e c t : M a r y K . Oberlies, Instruction and Research Librar- ian, William & Mary; Sara Arnold-Garza, Assistant University Librarian for Access Services, Towson University. Secretary: Olivia Ivey, Public Affairs Librarian, American University. Member-at-Large: Kenya Flash, Librar- ian for Political Science, Global Affairs, and Government Information, Yale University. Rare Books and Manuscripts Sec tion Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Melissa Hubbard, Presidential Fellow, University at Buffalo- SUNY; Sara Logue, Assistant University Librarian for Special Collections Public Services, Princeton University. Secretary: Colleen Barrett, Rare Books Librarian, University of Kentucky; Jeremy B. Dibbell, Special Collections Librarian, Binghamton University. Member-at-Large: Anna Chen, Head Librarian, UCLA; Tamar Evangelestia- Dougherty, Associate University Librarian, Cornell University. Science and Technology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Greg Nelson, Chemical and Life Sciences Librarian, De- partment Chair-Science and Engineering, Brigham Young University; Bonnie L. January 2021 31 C&RL News Fong, Physical Sciences Librarian, Rut- gers University-Newark. Secretary: Chapel Cowden, Health and Science Librarian, UC Foundation Associate Professor, University of Tennessee-Chatta- nooga; Emily F. Gorman, Research, Educa- tion and Outreach Librarian, University of Maryland-Baltimore. Member-at-Large: Sandy Avila, Sci- ence Librarian, University of Central Florida; Tara Radniecki, Head, DeLaMare Science and Engineering Library, University of Nevada-Reno. University Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Maura Seale, History Librarian, University of Michigan; Rosan Mitola, Interim Head, Educational Initiatives/Associate Professor, University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Secretary: Sian Brannon, Associate Dean for Collection Management, University of North Texas; Laura Birkenhauer, Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement, Miami University. Member-at-Large: Minhao Jiang, Soft- ware Development Librarian, Wayne State University; Mou Chakraborty, Director of External Library Services, Salisbury Univer- sity; Jason Kruse, Undergraduate Engagement Librarian and Sociology Librarian, Northwest- ern University. Women and Gender Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Janine Kuntz, Social Sciences Librarian, Wheaton College- Massachusetts; Caitlin Shanley, Coordinator of Learning and Student Success, Temple University. Secretary: Erin Hvizdak, Humanities Librarian, Washington State University. Member-at-Large: Monica D. Porter, Public Services Librarian, University of Michigan. The award-winning source for jobs in Library and Information Science and Technology. JOB SEEKERS Filter and sort hundreds of job ads by position type, employer, location, job title, and more. EMPLOYERS Strengthen your candidate pool—ALA reaches the engaged professionals and students you want to hire. HRDR joblist.ala.org