April 2021 C&RL News177 Standing for ACRL section office is an opportu-nity to become involved with important issues affecting academic and research librarians in the 21st century, gain leadership experience, and build ties with colleagues. It is also an opportunity to be of service to your ACRL section community, ensur- ing that it continues to nurture the development of new members and forge deeper connections to the profession. ACRL section officers Candidates for vice-chair/chair-elect, secretary, and members-at-large of ACRL sections are selected by the nominating committee of each section. If you would like to nominate someone or be nominated yourself, contact the chair of the ap- propriate section nominating committee by June 1, 2021. Terms of office will begin July 1, 2022. 2022 section nominating committee chairs/contacts Anthropology and Sociology: Jill Conte, jill. conte@nyu.edu Arts: Tiffany Bailey, tiffany.bailey@dallascityhall.com College Libraries: Kevin Butterfield, kbutterf @richmond.edu Community College and Junior College Libraries: Robin Brown, rbrown@bmcc.cuny.edu Digital Scholarship: Caitlin Bagley, bagley@ gonzaga.edu Distance and Online Learning: Amanda L. W. Ziegler, amanda.ziegler@gmail.com Education and Behavioral Sciences: Rachel Elrod, relrod@ufl.edu Eu r o p e a n St u d i e s : M i c h e l l e Ur b e r g , maurberg@gmail.com Instruction: Veronica Arellano Douglas, varellano@gmail.com Literatures in English: Brian Flota, flotabc@ jmu.edu Politics, Policy and International Relations: Stephanie Crowe, crowes@uncw.edu Rare Books and Manuscripts: VerĂ³nica Reyes-Escudero, reyesv@email.arizona.edu Science and Technology: Timothy W. Klassen, twklasse@ualberta.ca University Libraries: Amanda Peters, arforres@umich.edu Women and Gender Studies: Maura Seale, mauraseale@gmail.com The time to lead ACRL seeks nominees for section offices mailto:jill.conte%40nyu.edu?subject= mailto:jill.conte%40nyu.edu?subject= mailto:tiffany.bailey%40dallascityhall.com%20?subject= mailto:kbutterf%40richmond.edu?subject= mailto:kbutterf%40richmond.edu?subject= mailto:rbrown%40bmcc.cuny.edu%20%20?subject= mailto:bagley%40gonzaga.edu?subject= mailto:bagley%40gonzaga.edu?subject= mailto:amanda.ziegler%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:relrod%40ufl.edu?subject= mailto:maurberg%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:varellano%40gmail.com?subject= mailto:flotabc%40jmu.edu?subject= mailto:flotabc%40jmu.edu?subject= mailto:crowes%40uncw.edu?subject= mailto:reyesv%40email.arizona.edu?subject= mailto:twklasse%40ualberta.ca?subject= mailto:arforres%40umich.edu?subject= mailto:mauraseale%40gmail.com?subject=