June 2021 C&RL News261 Julie Garrison, dean of university libraries at Western Michigan University, is the 84th president of ACRL. “It certainly is an extraordinary time to serve as ACRL’s President! I am honored to be taking on this role on behalf of the association as we continue living into our new academic and societal realities imposed by the pandemic and the dramatic events of the past year. I look forward to working with our members to highlight the many ways our staff and libraries have adapted, innovated, and learned to thrive during unprecedented conditions. Together, as a network of colleagues, I know that we will continue to inspire and support each other as we transform to meet the changing needs of our institutions and those we serve. “Our association is grappling with ALA’s reorganization, coping with challenging fiscal times, and searching to find our next ACRL Executive Director. As a profession, we are challenging our traditions and practices to build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for all within our academic li- brary community. In spite of our challenges, we are making great strides in achieving the goals as outlined in ACRL’s Plan for Excellence through the tremendous efforts of ACRL com- mittees, sections, and interest groups. We have much to do and I look forward to working with members in the coming year to advance ACRL’s mission and facilitate conversations about what is next for our association and profession. “I will continue to foster a strong member- driven community that welcomes multiple perspectives and works together to harness the profession’s opportunities and overcome our challenges. I am grateful to be working with a thoughtful and forward-looking group of board colleagues and such a talented, dedi- cated group of ACRL staff as I transition into the role of ACRL President. I thank you again for your confidence in my ability to take on this role.” During her 18 years of ACRL membership, Garrison has served as director-at-large on the ACRL Board of Directors (2012-16) and was a member of the ACRL Project Outcome Task Force (2017-18), the ACRL Standards for Libraries in Higher Education Task Force (2017), and the ACRL Research Coordinating Committee (2008-11), where she also served as chair (2010-11). She served as a member of the ACRL/DLS Guidelines Committee (2005-07) and the ACRL/DLS Web Commit- tee (2003-07), where she also served as chair (2004-07). Her experience within LLAMA includes serving as a member of the LLAMA And the winners are . . . The official results of the 2021 ACRL election Julie Garrison Erin L. Ellis C&RL News June 2021 262 Library Organization and Management Sec- tion Financial Committee (2008-10) and the LLAMA Buildings and Equipment Section Di- rectory of Library Building Projects (2008-09). Garrison’s work with state, regional, and other national associations includes being a member of the portal: Libraries and the Acad- emy Editorial Board since 2015 and serving as an accreditation commission member of the Council on Interior Design Accreditation (2011-16). She has held numerous positions within the Michigan Academic Library As- sociation (MLA), including serving as chair of the Advocacy Committee (2017-19) and Administration Section (2016-17). She also served as member-at-large of the Michigan Library Association (MLA) Board of Directors (2011-14) and was chair of the MLA ACRL Task Force (2011). Her other work with MLA includes serving as cochair of Pre-Conference Programs (2005-06) and Annual Meeting Committees (2004-06). During Garrison’s tenure at Grand Valley State University Libraries, they received the Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in the university category (2012). Over the course of her career, she codeveloped one of the first online evidence-based medicine continuing education courses for medical librarians and planned and executed two successful Off- Campus Library Services Conferences, while serving as the director of OCLS at Central Michigan University. She served on the plan- ning team of the inaugural “Re-Think It Con- ference,” while working at Grand Valley State University. She served on the core project team that developed the vision and completed the planning for the new Mary Idema Pew Library at Grand Valley State University and led the Western Michigan University Libraries faculty and staff through a successful reorganization process designed to remove redundancies, streamline and align workflows, and improve overall efficiencies. Erin L. Ellis, associate dean of research and learning services at Indiana University, has been elected vice-president/president-elect of ACRL. “I’m deeply honored and humbled to be elected as ACRL’s next vice-president/presi- dent-elect. My sincere thanks to the talented and thoughtful ACRL staff for their incredible support and guidance, and deep appreciation to Emily Daly who shared and navigated the election process with me. I also want to extend immense gratitude to ACRL members who exercised their right to vote this year. This role comes with tremendous opportunity, and responsibility, to advance the critically impor- tant work that we do in academic libraries, to advocate on behalf of academic library workers and our college and research communities, and to collaborate and partner with our colleagues across ALA and with other higher education associations. I’m excited to join the Board and support the continued growth and advance- ment of ACRL, particularly at this pivotal moment in its history. “There are complex matters ahead as we realize more fully the consequences of the pandemic and continue to work toward dis- mantling systems of racism and oppression in our communities and workplaces. We’re facing a deep examination of our professional values and association priorities. I’m looking forward to working with the ACRL commu- nity to determine where we can and need to redefine academic librarianship and library work, in addition to our vision for ACRL. I have no doubt that together we will continue to adapt, create, grow, and address challenges effectively to advance the work of ACRL and our profession. “Over the next few years, I’m eager to amplify ACRL and member successes, con- front and reconcile where our community falls short, and develop productive avenues to receive and respond to constructive feedback. I hope to cultivate conditions where people can meaningfully contribute, thrive, and succeed in ACRL. I welcome the opportunity to listen, work, and develop with this inspiring commu- nity, and strengthen connections throughout the association.” During her 16 years of ACRL member- ship, Ellis has served as chair of the ACRL Appointments Committee (2015-17, 2018- June 2021 C&RL News263 19), as a member of the ACRL Conference Invited Presentations Committee (2017-19), as a member of the Research Planning and Review Committee (2019-20), and as cochair of the President’s Program Planning Commit- tee (2014-16, 2017-19). She was chair of the Publications Coordinating Committee (2017- 18; vice chair, 2016-17), during which time she served as ex-officio on the New Publications Advisory Board along with the C&RL, C&RL News, Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey, CHOICE, Publications in Librarian- ship, RBM, and Resources for College Libraries editorial boards. Ellis served as chair of the ACRL Student Learning and Information Literacy Committee (2012-13), where she served on the working group for, and contributed to, the writing of the white paper “Intersections of Scholarly Communication and Information Literacy: Creating Strategic Collaborations for a Chang- ing Academic Environment.” As chair, she facilitated the committee’s transition from the Information Literacy Coordinating Committee to a committee representing one of ACRL’s four goal areas within the Plan for Excellence. “I am delighted to have Erin L. Ellis join the ACRL Board of Directors as vice-president/ president-elect,” said ACRL Interim Executive Director Kara Malenfant. “She has made valu- able contributions to ACRL, including serving on and chairing many committees, giving her direct insight into ACRL’s strategy and op- erations. Erin’s knowledge of ACRL, academic librarianship, and higher education will be an asset to the Board as it continues to meet member needs and advance strategic priorities.” Ellis has additionally held various posi- tions with the ACRL Instruction Section (IS), including cochair of the IS Awards Committee (2011-13; member 2009-11), and cochair of the IS Membership Committee (2007-09; member, 2006-07; intern, 2005-06.) She currently serves as cochair of the ACRL University Libraries Sec- tion’s Future of University Libraries Discussion Group (2019-present). He r a c t i v i t y w i t h s t a t e , re g i o n a l , a n d national associations includes serving as sec- retary of the ALA Library Instruction Round Table (2006-07), where she was also a member of the Conference Program Planning Committee (2004-06) and the Liaison Committee (2003-04). Currently, she is a member of the ARL Leadership Fellows Task Force (2021), the Libraries Public Services Directors team in the Big Ten Academic Alliance (2018-present), the Indiana University Arts and Humanities Council (2018-present), the Indiana University LGBTQ+ Alumni+Friends Association (2020-present), and the Indiana Uni- versity Queer Philanthropy Circle (2020-present). Ellis was honored as an Association of Research Libraries Leadership Fellow (2016-17) and was part of Beta Phi Mu, Emporia State University, School of Library and Information Management (2002), and Sigma Tau Delta, Pittsburg State University, Department of English and Modern Languages (1999). ACRL Board of Directors Vice-President/President-Elect: Erin L. Ellis (1,109); Emily Daly (957). Director-at-Large (4-year term): Mary Mallery (993); Gillian (Jill) Gremmels (987). Director-at-Large (4-year term): Yasmeen Shorish (1,955). Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Elizabeth Fox (52); Ra- chael Muszkiewicz (49). Secretary (2-year term): Ilka Datig (51); Carolyn McCallum (48). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Jylisa Doney (72); Tom Diamond (26). Arts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Carla-Mae Crookendale (118). Secretary (2-year term): Rebecca K. Friedman (86); Christine Davidian (37). College Libraries Section (CLS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Kimberley Bugg (316); Shaunna Hunter (230). Secretary (1-year term): Heather James (299); Jamie Bounds Wilson (227). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Elaine Gass Hirsch (292); Jayne Blodgett (237). C&RL News June 2021 264 Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Vicky Ames Hart (131); Howard C. Marks (97). Distance and Online Learning Section (DOLS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Chiméne E. Tucker (236); John Stawarz (136). Secretary/Archivist (2-year term): Heather Blicher (216); Melissa Atkinson (146). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Theresa Mastro- donato (184); Sherry Mohr (174). Digital Scholarship Section (DSS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Pamella Lach (178); Amanda Tinkner (132). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Beth Russell (221); Devin Soper (207); Jason Przybylski (102). Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Samantha Godbey (130); Mandy L. Havert (75). Secretary (2-year term): Karen N. Reed (133); Kimberly Miller (62). Member-at-Large (2-year term): James W. Rosen- zweig (131); Trent Brager (65). European Studies Section (ESS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Brian Vetruba (68); Katie Gibson (31). Secretary (1-year term): Kathleen Smith (52); Joanneke Elliott (41). Member-at-Large (1-year term): Liladhar R. Pendse (51); André G. Wenzel (50). Instruction Section (IS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Carrie L. Forbes (426); Carrie Donovan (349). Secretary (1-year term): Ernesto Hernandez Jr. (460); Anne Driscoll Melville (307). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Amanda Nichols Hess (585); Clarence Maybee (493); Ryne Leuzinger (490); Nancy Gibson (445). Literatures in English Section (LES) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Kristina De Voe (61); Mark Dahlquist (37). Secretary (1-year term): Hillary A. H. Richardson (60); M. Leslie Madden (36). Me m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( 1 - y e a r t e r m ) : Pa i z h a Stoothoff (55); Sam Lohmann (41). Po l i t i c s, Po l i c y & I n t e r n a t i o n a l R e l a t i o n s S e c t i o n ( P P I R S ) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Sara Arnold-Gar za (71); Mar y K. Oberlies (52). Secretar y (2-year term): Olivia Ivey (119). Me m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( 2 - y e a r t e r m ) : K e n y a Flash (121). R a r e B o o k s a n d M a n u s c r i p t s S e c t i o n ( R B M S ) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Melissa Hubbard (208); Sara Logue (126). Secretar y (2-year term): Colleen Barrett (219); Jeremy B. Dibbell (104). M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( 3 - y e a r t e r m ) : A n n a C h e n ( 1 6 8 ) ; Ta m a r E v a n g e l e s t i a - Dougher ty (166). S c i e n ce a n d Te c h n o l o g y S e c t i o n ( S T S ) Vi c e - c h a i r / C h a i r - e l e c t : B o n n i e L . Fo n g (234); Greg Nelson (56). Secretar y (2-year term): Emily F. Gorman (152); Chapel Cowden (124). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Tara Rad- niecki (158); Sandy Avila (115). U n i ve r s i t y L i b ra r i e s S e c t i o n ( U L S ) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Maura Seale (475); Rosan Mitola (443). S e c r e t a r y ( 2 - y e a r t e r m ) : S i a n B r a n n o n (503); Laura Birkenhauer (364). M e m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( 3 - y e a r t e r m ) : M o u C h a k r a b o r t y ( 5 9 9 ) ; M i n h a o J i a n g (524); Jason Kr use (422). Wo m e n a n d G e n d e r S t u d i e s S e c t i o n ( W G S S ) V i c e - c h a i r / C h a i r - e l e c t : C a i t l i n S h a n l e y (141); Janine Kuntz (33). Secretar y: Erin Hvizdak (167). Me m b e r - a t - L a r g e ( 2 - ye a r t e r m ) : Mo n i c a D. Por ter (167).