July/August 2021 C&RL News339 Joni R. Roberts is associate university librarian for public services and collection development at Willamette University, email: jroberts@willamette.edu, and Carol A. Drost is associate university librarian for technical ser vices at Willamette University, email: cdrost@ willamette.edu I n t e r n e t R e v i e w sJoni R. Roberts and Carol A. Drost Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. Access: http://trumanlibrary.gov/. After only 82 days as vice president, Harry S. Truman ascended to the presidency after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt as the 33rd president of the United States. Those m o m e n t o u s t i m e s , d u r i n g a w o r l d w a r, called for a momentous president, and in his almost eight years in office, Truman steered the country through the successful end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War. In U.S. history, he has often been an overlooked president, having succeeded the long-serving, grand, and lofty Roosevelt, but Truman deserves a prominent place in history, and his presidential library and museum in Independence, Missouri, successfully makes that case. The library and museum are cur- rently undergoing renovations, and are closed until further notice due to the COVID-19 p a n d e m i c , b u t t h e y h a ve c re a t e d a u s e r - friendly website that takes the user back to Truman’s eventful presidency. The museum section of the website focuses primarily on Truman’s presidency and not his life before he became president, which would have been a useful addition. There is a 360-degree Google app showing some of the rooms of the library, but not all of them. The material dealing with his presidency—for in- stance, about his 1948 election campaign—is comprehensive and well-written, but includ- ing more graphics would have made these pages easier and more interesting to view. The website’s librar y collections, how- ever, stand out prominently. An interesting and unique part of these collections feature the contents of Truman’s daily appointment calendar, and can be searched specifically by date. Users can search for photographs, audiovisual materials, and maps pertaining to the Truman presidency. Since the library is a federal depository of Truman’s papers, users can also request Truman’s personal papers and federal records from the library. The library has added clear and comprehensive guidelines for users to access this presidential material. Access to many areas of research has been hampered by the COVID-19 pandemic, but the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum, through its online library collections, allows researchers and history buffs alike to view material dealing with a pivotal presidency. R e c o m m e n d e d p r i m a r i l y f o r t h e l i b r a r y collections.—Larry Cooperman, University of Central Florida Libraries, Orlando, lawrence. cooperman@ucf.edu N a t i o n a l C e n t e r f o r C o m p l e m e n t a r y and Integrative Health (NCCIH). Access: https://www.nccih.nih.gov/. NCCIH is the component of the U.S. Na- tional Institutes of Health that conducts, funds, and shares scientific research on complementary and integrative health topics. The NCCIH web- site curates content, provides information about grants and training opportunities, and serves as a portal to make its research outcomes publicly accessible. The website is organized by tabs, in- cluding “Health Info,” “Research,” “Grants & Funding,” “Training,” “News & Events,” and “About NCCIH.” “Health Info” includes a topical A-Z list of fact sheets covering health conditions, supplements, and complementary health approaches. It also includes specific subsections on herbs, pain, and the science of health, as well as complementary health tips, safety, statistics, and resources for health professionals. The “Research” section details NCCIH initiatives. “Research Results by Date” includes a chronological list of summaries from NCCIH-funded studies, with citations. The “NCCIH Research Blog,” authored by NCCIH mailto:jroberts%40willamette.edu?subject= mailto:cdrost%40willamette.edu?subject= mailto:cdrost%40willamette.edu?subject= http://trumanlibrary.gov/ mailto:lawrence.cooperman%40ucf.edu?subject= mailto:lawrence.cooperman%40ucf.edu?subject= https://www.nccih.nih.gov/ C&RL News July/August 2021 340 researchers, includes information about new research directions and developments. Further information includes details about internally and ex- ternally funded research, resources for researchers, and clinical trial information. “Grants & Funding” provides information about a myriad of NCCIH grant, funding, and award opportunities, as well as associated policy details. Specific pages of note include those for clinical trial funding, application resources, and a clinical research toolbox. “Training” includes links to information about NCCIH’s research training and career development opportunities, specific opportunities by education level, and NCCIH-funded institutional research training programs. This section also provides resources for the grant application, review, and award processes, as well as video recordings from free scientific lecture series. Under “News & Events,” readers can access press releases, upcoming event information, relevant alerts from government agencies, video recordings, and the NCCIH Clinical Digest, a monthly newsletter for health professionals. “About NCCIH” provides information about the Center, strategic plans and reports, organizational structure, and ways to get involved in NCCIH research. Overall, the NCCIH website is an excellent resource for undergraduate and graduate students interested in medicine and allied fields. The website can serve as a source for research topic inspiration and research resource discovery. It will also be of interest to students, faculty, and clinical research staff seeking funding and train- ing opportunities or trying to keep current in the growing field of complementary and integra- tive health.—Amy Jankowski, University of New Mexico, ajankowski@unm.edu Th e E a r t h I n s t i t u te, Co l u m b i a U n i ve r - sity. Access: https://www.earth.columbia. edu. Although Columbia University has been exploring the natural world since 1949, it launched The Earth Institute in 1995. Since then, it has been collaborating with other centers and institutes to investigate some of the most problematic issues facing human re- lationships with the planet’s natural systems. While much of the site’s content is dedicated to information about the institute itself, it also provides a great selection of The Earth Institute research projects. Under the “Research” tab, and then “Re- search: The Foundation” is a list of nine foun- dational research areas: “Climate,” “Water,” “Energy,” “Global Health,” “Ecosystems,” “Agriculture,” “Hazards and Risk Reduction,” “ Ur b a n i z a t i o n ,” a n d “ Pe a c e a n d Ju s t i c e .” Each page provides a brief description of the research area and highlights a few featured research projects. Since there are various collaborating centers of research at Colum- bia, the information found on these pages is inconsistent. For example, on the “Peace and Justice” page, one center links directly to an article, while another links to a generic page with projects listed to the side. A few broken links were also encountered here. The “Projects” tab on the main navigation bar sports a snazzy, interactive globe that pin- points areas of study. Clicking upon a pinpoint will display project title, location, brief descrip- tion, and hyperlinked terms. Research projects displayed on the globe can be limited under “Tools” by location, tagged keyword, and six major themes of decarbonizing the planet, mod- eling and adapting to future climate, stewardship of the planet, sustainable living, restless earth, and earth fundamentals. The “Search All Projects” option, located on the “Projects” page, is the most efficient way to browse and search the more than 2,200 research projects. The list can be searched and sorted many different ways, including project name, start and end dates, and location. This list also includes sponsoring institutions. The following select titles give a taste of what can be found: What Controls the CO2/ SO2 Ratio in Arc Volcanic Gas? How Can Climate Ser vices and Technology Improve L i ve s t o c k Ma n a g e m e n t i n Pa s t o r a l C o m - munities? and Tropical Cyclones in the GISS Model at High Resolution. This site will be of interest to those working in the earth and environmental sciences.—John Repplinger, Wil- lamette University, jrepplin@willamette.edu mailto:ajankowski@unm.edu https://www.earth.columbia.edu https://www.earth.columbia.edu mailto:jrepplin%40willamette.edu?subject=