nov21cover November 2021 C&RL News489 G r a n t s & A c q u i s i t i o n sAnn-Christe Galloway Ed. note: Send your grants and acquisitions to Ann- Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, at email: The University of North Carolina (UNC)- Chapel Hill has received a $320,777 grant to the University Libraries to help prepare the state’s future librarians and archivists to teach with pri- mary source materials. The award comes from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program. It will fund the Primary Sources Teaching Fellow- ship Program, based at the Wilson Special Collec- tions Library. The grant will provide stipends to three cohorts of fellows—eight each in the sum- mers of 2022, 2023, and 2024. They will come from the state’s five master’s degree programs in information and library science at Appalachian State University, North Carolina Central Univer- sity, East Carolina University, UNC-Chapel Hill, and UNC-Greensboro. Students from groups un- derrepresented in the library and archival profes- sion will be especially encouraged to apply. Fel- lows will take part in a structured online learning experience led by UNC-Chapel Hill librarians and archivists and a roster of guest speakers. Fel- lows will then spend three days in UNC-Chapel Hill for an onsite workshop where they can create and receive feedback on lesson plans built around materials from Wilson Library. The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has received a 24-month, $1.2 million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foun- dation to support general operations. The grant provides funds for core administrative and man- agement staff that support the broad range of CLIR’s programmatic activity. Over this period, CLIR will expand its work to build communities of practice; fund practical strategies and systemic thinking for new challenges; and promote the de- velopment of ethical policies that encourage the representation of all people in the accessible hu- man record. The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has announced grants totaling $5,561,835 through three programs designed to support and improve library services of Native American, Na- tive Alaskan, and Native Hawaiian organizations. Native American Library Services Basic Grants support existing library operations and main- tain core library services. These noncompetitive grants are awarded in equal amounts among eli- gible applicants. Grants totaling $1,806,790 were awarded to 172 Indian Tribes, Alaska Native vil- lages, and other regional and village corporations. Native American Library Services Enhancement Grants assist Native American Tribes in improv- ing core library services for their communities. Enhancement Grants are only awarded to ap- plicants that have applied for a Native American Library Services Basic Grant in the same fiscal year. IMLS received 28 applications requesting $3,670,126 and was able to award $3,305,045 to 24 tribes in 13 states. This year’s awarded grants will advance the preservation and revitalization of language and culture, as well as educational pro- gramming and digital services. Native Hawaiian Library Services Grants are available to nonprofit organizations that primarily serve and represent Native Hawaiians so they can enhance existing or implement new library services. IMLS received six applications requesting $867,764 and awarded $450,000 to three organizations serving Native Hawaiians. Advertisers Accessible Archives cover 2 American Mathematical Society 449 Brepols cover 4 Choice 465 Choice Reviews cover 3 Modern Language Association 473 OverDrive 453 Project Muse 450