C&RL News June 2022 243 This article summarizes trending topics in academic librarianship from the past two years–a time of tremendous upheaval and change, including a global pandemic, difficult reflections concerning racial justice, and war between nation states. Rapid changes and uncertainty from these events have created a significant amount of shifts to academic libraries, higher education, and society in general. Such shifts have yielded new perspectives and innova- tions in how librarians approach delivering services, supporting student success, managing staff and physical spaces, embracing new technology, and managing data. This report at- tempts to provide a snapshot of developments worth noting. COVID-related trends The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic library services has been significant, and these changes, in many cases, are ongoing. The issues identified below transcend the period covered by this review as libraries face a fundamental shift that will extend far into the future and beyond the pandemic. In early 2020, nearly all academic1 and public2 li- braries closed temporarily and shifted towards virtual services. Despite in-person closures, libraries continued online services,3 kept their communities informed,4 and adopted in- novative collaborations5 and technologies to adapt to changing circumstances. These clo- sures and the institutional changes that enabled them had a significant and diverse impact on librarianship, including rethinking long-held paradigms,6 increased professional stress around institutional budgets,7 and the ability to work remotely.8 The pandemic also sur- faced long-standing issues of inequality9 and inaccessibility10 in libraries. Despite the chal- lenges raised by closures, libraries continued to deliver core services and creative solutions, including virtual reference with increasing complexity,11 a renewed focus on digital literacy with the rise in online learning,12 and born-digital collection development.13 2021–22 ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee Top trends in academic libraries A review of the trends and issues 2021-22 ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee: Alex McAllister (chair) is associate professor and coordinator of Collection Management, Appalachian State University Libraries, email: mcallisterad@appstate.edu; Michael Flierl (vice-chair) is visiting assistant professor and information literacy and research engagement librarian at Ohio State University Library, email: flierl.1@osu.edu; Thomas R. Caswell is associate dean at University of North Florida, email: t.caswell@unf.edu; Laura Costello is research and instruction coordinator at Rutgers University Libraries, email: laura.costello@rutgers.edu; Anita Hall is assessment and analytics librarian at the University of Louisville, email: anita.hall@louisville.edu; Cindy Li is head of the emerging technologies/systems at Bridgewater State University Library, email: l1li@bridgew.edu; Monica Maher is the online learning and education librarian at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, email: mnmaher@unomaha.edu; Mary Piorun is director of library services and director of network of the National Library of Medicine Region 7, University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School, email: mary.piorun@umassmed.edu; Patrice-Andre Prud’homme is director of digital curation at Oklahoma State University Library, email: pprudho@okstate.edu; Brian D. Quigley is head of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Division at the University of California-Berkeley Libraries, email: bquigley@berkeley.edu; and Gregory Walker is a partner with Houser Walker Architecture in Atlanta, Georgia, and he is a past instructor at Auburn University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and the University of Arkansas, email: greg@houserwalker.com mailto:mcallisterad@appstate.edu mailto:flierl.1@osu.edu mailto:t.caswell@unf.edu mailto:laura.costello@rutgers.edu mailto:anita.hall@louisville.edu mailto:l1li@bridgew.edu mailto:mnmaher@unomaha.edu mailto:mary.piorun@umassmed.edu mailto:pprudho@okstate.edu mailto:bquigley@berkeley.edu mailto:greg@houserwalker.com C&RL News June 2022 244 Library staffing challenges Since early 2020, the pandemic and racial justice protests have drawn increased attention to several trends in library and higher education staffing. Inequities between librarians and other library staff were heightened. One study found many lower-income and lower-status staff were required to work in-person to a greater degree than librarians and administra- tors.14 The contradiction between the necessity of these “frontline” and “essential” posi- tions and their lower-rates of financial compensation has become difficult to ignore. Such staff, often quite ably, perform duties that had previously been the purview of credentialed librarians.15 Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics note that while workers of color represent 25% of the higher education workforce, more than half of individuals who lost jobs during COVID-19 have been nonwhite.16 Lingering pandemic impacts, such as bud- get cuts and hiring freezes, have led to inadequate staffing,17 even as services have largely returned to pre-pandemic levels. Of note is that, partly in response to university pandemic austerity measures, Northwestern University’s library workers announced their unioniza- tion with SEIU Local 73, which has been recognized by the university.18, 19 Low morale continues to be an area of concern in librarianship,20, 21 particularly for librar- ians of color, nonlibrarian staff,22 and members of underrepresented groups. Stress from caretaking responsibilities for workers who lost childcare or other forms of support during the pandemic has exacerbated issues of esprit de corps and well-being in the workplace. For academic librarians, who are pre-tenure or otherwise expected to contribute publications and presentations to library scholarship (and already at a high-stress time in their careers),23 the pandemic has created additional challenges to those with caretaking responsibilities, particularly women.24, 25 These workers already experience burnout at higher rates.26 Future research concerning recruitment and retention may also investigate the benefits and reper- cussions of library staff working remotely and wanting to continue doing so. Space utilization COVID has thrust the physical spaces of libraries, along with most campus facilities, into the forefront of faculty, staff, and student consciousness over the past two years. Balancing demands for the use of current spaces, increases to construction pricing that may extend projects into 2023, and aligning current capital budgets to this reality continue to impact decisions about how existing spaces will evolve in the near future. Beyond maintaining appropriate distancing or providing adequate sanitization, librarians operating physical facilities are asking questions, including whether and how to operate in- person collaboration spaces safely (for both users and staff), how to provide resources con- sistently during waves of openings and closures, and how to assess and address patron and staff levels of comfort interacting in a physical space. Rapidly changing methods of service delivery, information access, and materials storage are continuing to generate questions that may possibly reshape the reliance on centralized, in-person settings as more options move online or become embedded externally.27 Simultaneously, key trends in library design continue to be reassessed and may help inform librarians in the near future. For instance, one study from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln argues that recent trends in library space have overcommitted to collaborative learning spaces at the cost of providing valued space for intensive academic work.28 Daejin Kim, Sheila C&RL News June 2022 245 Bosch, and Jae Hwa Lee investigated, pre-COVID, how collaboration spaces are used and found that furniture or spaces intended for multiple people are frequently being used by single individuals.29 Similar studies looking at more nuanced patron needs find that, much like evolving workplace trends, users want a wide variety of space types with different acous- tical, privacy, and technology needs according to the work undertaken.30 Recent studies in other academic settings point to taking this moment of change to pilot new layouts or space configurations that align better with current service needs and that are more activity-based rather than based on type of occupant or user.31 A multiplicity of trends dominate discus- sions surrounding space. Accordingly, it is clear that local institutional factors ranging from budget to different use cases will continue to influence how space is allocated, constructed, and used. Collaborative collections and growth of shared print While there is a long history of libraries working together to preserve and provide access to rich collections, collaboration around shared print programs has rapidly accelerated in recent years. By creating a collaborative collection, which “elevates the concept of a library collection to scales above a single institution, extending its boundaries to encompass the resources concentrated among a group of libraries,”32 these programs help research libraries to fulfill their mission to preserve the scholarly record in an era of changing usage, limited funding, and space constraints. With an initial focus on print journals, shared print programs have matured and evolved to include print monographs more recently. According to Susan Stearns and Alison Wohlers,33 “over 300 academic and research libraries in the U.S. and Canada participate in some form of shared print program, committing to archive or retain tens of millions of monographs and hundreds of thousands of serial and journal print titles.” A major factor in the growth of shared print monograph initiatives was the launch of the HathiTrust Shared Print Program, which “has now secured commitments on more than 5.4 million individual titles held in the HathiTrust Digital Library.”34 However, as these programs have grown, so has the need for more coordination, standards, and infrastructure. Several groups have been launched in recent years to tackle these issues. In 2015, the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance was founded to coordinate among regional shared print journal programs in order to archive more titles and ensure sufficient copies are preserved.35 As a complementary organization, the Partnership for Shared Book Collections was founded in 2019 to collaborate around shared print monographs, aiming to “reduce the cost of retaining the scholarly record” and “develop and promote evidence-based best practices.”36 Recently the California Digital Library, the Center for Research Libraries, and HathiTrust announced a collaboration around shared print infrastructure intended to develop standards, workflows, and tools to support collaborative efforts and embed shared print work into the lifecycle of collection development and management.37 In addition, groups such as the Big Ten Academic Alliance, the University of California Libraries, and the Canadian Collective Print Strategy Working Group have embarked on their own initiatives to take more strategic and intentional approaches to collection development and management in light of their shared print collaborations.38 C&RL News June 2022 246 Finally, it is worth noting that controlled digital lending (CDL) is an emerging trend where libraries “circulate temporary digital copies of print books they own in a one-to-one ratio of ‘loaned to owned,’ removing the print copy from circulation while the digital copy is in use.”39 ACRL has signed a statement in support of CDL.40 CDL advocates argue that reasonable interpretation of copyright law should insulate libraries from legal exposure; however, the legality of CDL remains an open question.41 Open everything The open access (OA) movement to “make scholarly works both freely available and reus- able” continues to be important for librarians, educators, and administrators in higher edu- cation.42 Yet, as Ángel Borrego, Lluís Anglada, and Ernest Abadal, state, the “landscape of scholarly communication is characterized by increasing costs and limited access to research output.”43 Numerous barriers exist ranging from economics to policy that prevent wide- scale adoption in higher education of executing scholarly communication strategies that would be considered open access. Issues with increasing subscription costs for academic journals are well documented.44 While librarians typically report favorable beliefs about OA there is a noted lack of OA policy.45 A report from Hannah Rosen and Jill Grogg, states “while both formal and informal policies exist. . .” regarding OA scholarship, data, and open educational resources, most institutions do not have policies in place “resulting in a scatter-shot approach to open content of all types and less than cohesive institutional strategies.”46 In addition to further opportunities regarding OA training and outreach, librarians also have opportunities to help with the “identification of, and sometimes deposit into the insti- tutional repository of works that are sitting outside the peer reviewed literature,” often called gray literature.47 Barriers continue to exist for accessing and using open access information. Some scholars are concerned that open access materials are not understandable to the general public, defeating the point of making such materials open and accessible in the first place.48 For such reasons there is an increasing call for articles to use a “significance statement,” which describes an article concisely in plain language understandable to a lay audience.49 The COVID-19 pandemic has provided opportunities for various types of OA content to become more widely available and served as “proof of concept” for what is possible.50 For instance, OA resources were viewed as important for providing off-campus access to library materials in some developing countries.51 Some publishers recognized the public health importance of providing timely information related to COVID-19 and committed to open access publication of articles relating to it.52 Worthy of note were the use of preprint servers by scientists, which “in effect [were] crowdsourcing rapid expert peer-review.”53 Eu- rope developed an open access publishing initiative—Plan S—in 2018 with support from national research agencies and 12 European countries. As of 2020, notable journals like Nature announced they would facilitate Plan S committing to publishing with full open access in the future.54 The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) tracks “Big Deal” cancellations, which continue to occur. For instance, Purdue University canceled a $3.3 mil- lion contract for 2020 opting instead for a one-year, title-by-title contract for 2021, while New Mexico State University pointed out both inflationary journal prices and COVID-19 C&RL News June 2022 247 considerations while cutting their collections budget by $800,000 for fiscal year 2021.55 Some universities and consortia are seeking “transformative agreements,” which promote open access publishing by their authors and allow those authors to maintain copyright. Transformative agreements facilitate a more transparent journal licensing process and aim to shift the focus of “scholarly journal licensing from cost containment towards open access publication.”56 Many facets of the OA movement continue to develop. As libraries continue more ag- gressive journal subscription negotiations, which may include transformative agreements, as well as possible Big Deal cancellations,57 more questions will develop about the future of access to scholarly materials. This is multivariable including open data, open educational resources, and OA policies, tools, and advocacy. Combined with the results of unanticipated experiments born from COVID-19, OA continues to be a focal point for academic librar- ians and administrators. Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) is being increasingly embedded in academic libraries tools and services. Pattern recognition,58 AI-powered text recognition, transcription, and searching of historical documents59 are prime examples that facilitate search and discovery. Keenious, cofunded by the Horizon 2020 program of the European Union, is a research tool for document and writing analysis, attempting to make online research easier.60 Cactus Com- munications (CACTUS) recently announced a new AI-powered tool, Paperpal Preflight, “to improve the scholarly publishing experience for researchers, peer reviewers, and journal editors” during the manuscript submission process.61 The adoption of AI in virtual reference services provides a new online model for librar- ies by using “chatbots.”62 Recent attempts to automate standard library operations, such as cataloging, through expert systems have focused on simpler tasks like descriptive catalog- ing.63 A team of researchers from the National Library of Norway describes an experiment that uses AI methods to automatically group articles and assign Dewey Decimal numbers to aid in cataloging.64 The Library of Congress is experimenting with neural networks and the use of computer vision. The intent is to create new online search prototypes that can sort through large amounts of data in new ways, such as examining and contextualizing millions of digitized items that humans could not do alone.65 Other experimental work like the Newspaper Navigator aims to explore the visual and textual content via AI.66 At Yale’s Digital Humani- ties Lab, data-mining techniques are used to illuminate the conventions of portraiture and other visual genres in the 19th century.67 Leaders, such as Eun Seo Jo and Timnit Gebru, have drawn archives as a model for data collection and annotation in order to inform how decisions that surround fairness, accountability, transparency, and ethics are addressed in machine learning systems.68 In the Netherlands, concerns that surround data, information ethics, and data-driven public management have been captured under the Data Ethics Decision Aid (DEDA) to use a deliberative rather than rule-based approach to ethical concerns and advance the de- velopment of responsible data practices.69 It is also important to acknowledge cybersecurity concerns as AI becomes more and more embedded in systems routinely used in libraries.70 C&RL News June 2022 248 While AI technologies could be harnessed to provide more tailored search results, monitor social distancing, and integrate the library into personal assistants,71 it can also help academic libraries demonstrate real value to institutions if it is used judiciously. Asaf Tzachor et al. expressed concerns stemming from urgency in adopting these technologies along with the challenging ethical issues and risks that can arise in a crisis—the COVID-19 pandemic pre- vention and response is one example.72 At the same time, AI’s potential has remained largely untapped among research libraries. A recent Ex Libris survey revealed that while nearly 80 percent of research librarians are exploring the use of AI and machine learning, only about 5 percent are currently leveraging the technology.73 Data Higher education faces increased challenges with the surging interest in big data. The need to invest in training skilled employees, increase repository capacity, and assign and clarify responsibilities74 remains critical as libraries and librarians continue to take on leadership roles75 and provide data services. Those vanguard libraries that were the first to offer services have begun to evaluate programs,76 services,77 and tools78 and make adjustments focusing both on usability for the owner of the data to upload and share data sets and discoverability of those data sets for the end user. The body of literature associated with research data man- agement services in libraries and skill development has reached the point where literature reviews and scoping reviews are looking back in time to draw conclusions and offer sugges- tions to advance the field and the libraries’ role.79 Data mining proves itself as an emerging field as well, especially when linked to the In- ternet of Things (IoT). A recent study using both Clarivate Analytics Web of Science and Sciverse Scopus revealed that knowledge discovery in databases are paving the way to make data increasingly more meaningful.80 Along these same lines, data analytic methods are constantly changing with the ever-increasing volume of data generated. As a result, “cloud- based AI activities are expected to increase five-fold by 2023,”81 which could translate into a greater capacity “to store data in a cost-effective manner and glean more actionable insight from IoT data.”82 Data curation remains an overarching role for the library.83 The term active curation, in- volvement of the curator from collection and development of the data set to its final analysis and storage,84 will continue to expand as librarians become more embedded in the data life cycle. Additionally, institutions of higher education continue to show a growing interest in data science education. Based on the study conducted at Purdue University in 2017 to examine the roles of academic libraries to support data science education curriculum, results showed that “hard-core” scientific courses for third- and fourth-year STEM students were most common as opposed to offerings in data-oriented skills, such as data management, data ethics, and data communications.85 At schools of information, a group of instructors who teach data curation have expressed the importance of integrating both research and teaching in the curriculum. The objective would give students opportunities to develop core compe- tencies, learn about data librarianship and practices to support preservation and access, and broaden their professional horizons by gaining a greater awareness with multidimensional problems of working with data.86 C&RL News June 2022 249 Finally, in light of the growing prominence of data, data visualization skills continue to be highly valued, and visual results can be interpreted as a research product and form of expression. Libraries are taking a greater interest in data visualization as they seek to tell their own story, including assessment, value of the library, collection analysis, and internal capacity building.87 Critical librarianship Critical librarianship continues to be an important theoretical perspective for information professionals. Rooted in critical theory (originally denoting a group of Marxist philosophers but over time scholars in many fields now employ critical theory or critical approaches), critical librarianship challenges traditional concepts in librarianship.88 For instance, critical librarianship argues that libraries are not neutral and challenges librarians to take active steps toward antiracist and antioppresive practices both for the benefit of users but also for the benefit of the profession itself.89 As libraries continue to aim for accessibility and more welcoming spaces, scholars familiar with critical librarianship, urge library workers to take meaningful action to include its teachings in their daily practice–referred to as praxis.90 With little diversity in the library professions,91 and many critiques of popular approaches to information literacy, for instance the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education’s lack of acknowledgement of the underlying power structures in which academia operates,92 critical librarianship argues that there are numerous opportunities for librarians to fight inequity, racism, sexism, and other problems through concrete action. One facet of critical librarianship and critical pedagogy is critical information literacy (CIL). CIL literature discusses why and how information professionals should ask questions about power dynamics within academia, equal access to information, and the economic incentives around how information and data are created, stored, and used. CIL scholarship also critiques academia itself. As with other teaching and learning theories, CIL is constantly evolving and must be adapted for students in different course levels and in different course subjects.93 Margaret Rose Torrell examined implementing CIL when using a writing across the curriculum approach with undergraduates, and highlighted the benefits of having more than a one-shot session with students.94 Marcia Rapchak employed CIL with graduate stu- dents who were “eager to engage in discussion and material,” such as case studies, essays, and self assessments.95 L Sofia Y. Leung and Jorge R. López-McKnight taught LIS students and found that including and centering intersectionalities such as race and gender in their pedagogical approach allowed them to be better teachers.96 Erin Fields and Adair Harper incorporated CIL and open pedagogy into a university course and found that by using non- academic sources and student work, their students were more empowered to work within and assess the current information landscape.97 Critical approaches to librarianship and information literacy will likely continue to be an area of exploration for LIS scholars. Final note We foresee numerous challenges in the next few years, including potential budget reduc- tions as well as questions about returning to the physical office after an extended period of virtual work. We are also excited that new opportunities for collaboration, additional C&RL News June 2022 250 interest in critical perspectives, and incorporation of different approaches to manage shared collections will allow academic librarians to continue leading the way in student success and learning, organizational impact, and rigorous scholarly inquiry. Notes 1. Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe and Christine Wolff-Eisenberg, “Academic Library Response to COVID19,” Ithaka S+R, March 13, 2020, https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/academic-library -response-to-covid19/. 2. Ting Wang and Brady Lund, “Announcement Information Provided by United States’ Public Libraries during the 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic,” Public Library Quarterly 39, no. 4 (2020): 283–94, https://doi.org/10.1080/01616846.2020.1764325. 3. Marie L. Radford, Laura Costello, and Kaitlin Montague, “Surging Virtual Refer- ence Services: COVID-19 a Game Changer,” College & Research Libraries News 82, no. 3 (2021), https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.82.3.106. 4. Bibi M. Alajmi and Dalal Albudaiwi, “Response to COVID-19 Pandemic: Where Do Public Libraries Stand?” Public Library Quarterly 40, no. 6 (2021): 540–56, https:// doi.org/10.1080/01616846.2020.1827618. 5. Liladhar R. Pendse, “Academic Libraries and Research in Flux: Global Conversations in Times of COVID-19,” College & Research Libraries News 82, no. 1 (2021): 36, https:// doi.org/10.5860/crln.82.1.36. 6. Sara Jones, “Optimizing Public Library Resources in a Post COVID-19 World,” Journal of Library Administration 60, no. 8 (2020): 951–57, https://doi.org/10.1080 /01930826.2020.1820281. 7. Lily Todorinova, “One Year In: A Survey of Public Services Librarians on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Library Administration 61, no. 7 (October 3, 2021): 776–92, https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2021.1972728. 8. Anna R. Craft, “Remote Work in Library Technical Services: Connecting Historical Perspectives to Realities of the Developing COVID-19 Pandemic,” Serials Review 46, no. 3 (2020): 227–31, https://doi.org/10.1080/00987913.2020.1806658. 9. Amelia N. Gibson et al., “Struggling to Breathe: COVID-19, Protest and the LIS Response,” Equality, Diversity and Inclusion an International Journal 40, no. 1 (2020): 74–82, https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-07-2020-0178. 10. J. J. Pionke, “COVID-19, Accessibility, and Libraries: A Call to Action,” College & Research Libraries News 81, no. 8 (2020): 398, https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.81.8.398. 11. Raeda Anderson, Katherine Fisher, and Jeremy Walker, “Library Consultations and a Global Pandemic: An Analysis of Consultation Difficulty during COVID-19 across Mul- tiple Factors,” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 47, no. 1 (2021): 102273, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102273. 12. Konstantina Martzoukou, “Academic Libraries in COVID-19: A Renewed Mission for Digital Literacy,” Library Management, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1108/LM-09-2020-0131. 13. Anna L. Neatrour, Jeremy Myntti, and Rachel J Wittmann, “Documenting Con- temporary Regional History: The Utah COVID-19 Digital Collection,” Digital Library Perspectives ahead-of-print, no. ahead-of-print (2020), https://doi.org/10.1108/DLP-04 -2020-0025. https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/academic-library-response-to-covid19/ https://sr.ithaka.org/blog/academic-library-response-to-covid19/ https://doi.org/10.1080/01616846.2020.1764325 https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.82.3.106 https://doi.org/10.1080/01616846.2020.1827618 https://doi.org/10.1080/01616846.2020.1827618 https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.82.1.36 https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.82.1.36 https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2020.1820281 https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2020.1820281 https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2021.1972728 https://doi.org/10.1080/00987913.2020.1806658 https://doi.org/10.1108/EDI-07-2020-0178 https://doi.org/10.5860/crln.81.8.398 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102273 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102273 https://doi.org/10.1108/LM-09-2020-0131 https://doi.org/10.1108/DLP-04-2020-0025 https://doi.org/10.1108/DLP-04-2020-0025 C&RL News June 2022 251 14. Lily Todorinova, “One Year In: A Survey of Public Services Librarians on the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic,” Journal of Library Administration 61, no. 7 (October 3, 2021): 776–92, https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2021.1972728. 15. Lindsey Wharton and Emily Zoe Mann, “Transitioning Online Reference Staffing Models: Assessing and Balancing Needs of Patrons and Practitioners,” The Reference Librar- ian 61, no. 1 (2020): 15–24, https://doi.org/10.1080/02763877.2019.1678217. 16. Ibid. 17. Kevin R. McClure, “Higher Ed, We’ve Got a Morale Problem—And a Free T-Shirt Won’t Fix It—EdSurge News,” EdSurge, September 27, 2021, https://www.edsurge.com /news/2021-09-27-higher-ed-we-ve-got-a-morale-problem-and-a-free-t-shirt-won-t-fix-it. 18. Isabel Funk, “Northwestern University Library Workers Union Seeks Recognition,” The Daily Northwestern (blog), October 15, 2021, https://dailynorthwestern.com/2021/10/15 /campus/northwestern-university-library-workers-union-seeks-formal-recognition/. 19. Colleen Flaherty, “When Librarians Unionize,” Inside Higher Ed, January 12, 2022, https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2022/01/12/northwestern-librarians-unionize -following-furloughs-cuts. 20. Christina Heady et al., “Contributory Factors to Academic Librarian Turnover: A Mixed-Methods Study,” Journal of Library Administration 60, no. 6 (August 17, 2020): 579–99, https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2020.1748425. 21. Ann Glusker, Celia Emmelhainz, Natalia Estrada, and Bonita Dyess, “Viewed as Equals”: The Impacts of Library Organizational Cultures and Management on Library Staff Morale,” Journal of Library Administration 62, no. 2 (2022): 153-189, https://doi.org/10. 1080/01930826.2022.2026119. 22. Ann Glusker et al., “‘Viewed as Equals’: The Impacts of Library Organizational Cul- tures and Management on Library Staff Morale,” Journal of Library Administration 62, no. 2 (February 17, 2022): 153–89, https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826.2022.2026119. 23. Laura Cameron, Stephanie Pierce, and Julia Conroy, “Occupational Stress Measures of Tenure-Track Librarians,” Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 53, no. 4 (2021): 551–58, https://doi.org/10.1177/0961000620967736. 24. Alessandra Minello, “The Pandemic and the Female Academic,” Nature, April 17, 2020, 1135–39, https://doi.org/10.1038/d41586-020-01135-9. 25. Vicki L. Baker, “Women in Higher Education: Re-Imagining Leadership in the Academy in Times of Crisis,” The Journal of Faculty Development 35, no. 1 (2021): 57–62. 26. Jason Martin, “Job Satisfaction of Professional Librarians and Library Staff,” Journal of Library Administration 60, no. 4 (May 2020): 365–82, https://doi.org/10.1080/01930826. 2020.1721941. 27. Lindsay Blake, Darra Ballance, Kathy Davies, Julie K. 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