may04c.indd P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Jane Hedberg CCI TB about mold The Canadian Conservation Institute (CCI) has published Technical Bulletin #26, Mould Pre­ vention and Collection Recovery: Guidelines for Heritage Collections by Sherry Guild and Maureen MacDonald. In 34 pages, the au­ thors cover the nature of mold, preventing its growth, dealing with an outbreak, cleaning ar­ tifacts and storage areas, plus special cleaning methods for some types of artifacts, follow­up after cleaning, health risks, and personal pro­ tective equipment. There are instructions for removing mold from books, paper, artifacts in boxes or folders, parchment or vellum, photographs, magnetic media, film (negatives, slides, microfi lm and fiche), art on paper, paintings, textiles, baskets, leather, wood, bone, glass, ceramics, metal, rubber, and plastic. The bulletin also contains a list of suppliers, a bibliography, a list of Web sites, and other sources of information. The bulletin costs $20.00 US, plus ship­ ping and handling. ISBN 0­662­35932­1. To order direct, contact the Publications Sales Office, CCI, 1030 Innes Road, Ottawa ON K1A 0M5, Canada; phone: (613) 998­3721, ext. 250; e­mail: cci­icc_publications@pch.; URL: https://www.cci­ /bookstore/index­e.cfm. Winterthur advice for collectors Winterthur Museum has published the sec­ ond volume in its Decorative Arts series, The Winterthur Guide to Caring for Your Collec­ tion. This 150­page paperback offers Win­ terthur conservators’ advice for caring for personal collections of books, photographs, prints, drawings, paintings, textiles, furniture, and decorative arts. It provides help with de­ ciding what to do on one’s own and when to call a professional conservator. It has lists of resources for conservation services, readings, and Web sites, plus photographs of objects before and after treatment. Jane Hedberg is preservation program officer at Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344 The book costs $17.95. ISBN: 0­912724­ 52­8. To order direct, contact the Winterthur Museum Bookstore, Route 52, Winterthur, DE 19735; phone: (800) 448­3883; fax: (800) 888­ 4890; e­mail:; URL: asp?sub=decorative_arts. NFPA renovation guide The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has published Fire Safe Building Rehabilitation, by John M. Watts Jr., director of the Fire Safety Institute, and Marilyn E. Kaplan, a preservation architect. This 400­page book explains how to meet contemporary fire safety codes while sym­ pathetically renovating a historic building. It cov­ ers applicable rules and regulations, prescriptive and performance­based codes, active and pas­ sive fire protection, fire safety during construc­ tion, and cost effective compliance alternatives. It includes a working plan for architectural, struc­ tural, and fire safety evaluations; case studies; check lists; forms; and illustrations. The book costs $69.95. Item number FSBR03. To order direct, contact NFPA, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02169­7471; phone: (800) 344­ 3555; fax: (617) 770­0700; e­mail: custserv@nfpa. org; URL: Board shear video The Guild of Book Workers (GBW) produced a video, Examination of the Jacques Board Shear with Bill Minter, during its 2000 Standards of Ex­ cellence Meeting in Salt Lake City. The video ex­ plains how to service and maintain a board shear, especially a Jacques board shear. Bill Minter is a bookbinder and conservator in private practice. The video costs $25.00 to GBW members and $40.00 to nonmembers, plus $5.00 per video for shipping and handling. Prepayment required. To order direct, send a copy of the online form found at /publications/videoorder.pdf to Alicia Bailey, GBW Treasurer, P.O. Box 200984, Denver, CO 80220­0984; fax: (720) 859­7357; URL: shtml. The video is also available for loan to GBW members from the GBW library. 278 / C&RL NewsMay 2004 http: