nov04d.indd P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Galloway Nancy Davenport, director of acquisitions at the Library of Congress, has been ap­ pointed president of the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). Davenport has served for 26 years in the Library of Con­ gress. Before her current position, she was head of the Congressional Research Service (CRS) Inquiry Section, CRS coordinator of member and committee relations, and direc­ tor of special programs. From 1990 to 1997, she directed a training program for librar­ ians in the new democratic states of Central and Eastern Europe that was sponsored by Congress and carried out by the Library of Congress. She is active in professional library associations including ALA, LAMA, IFLA, the Federal Librarians Roundtable, and the Library of Congress Professional Association. J. Stephen Downie, assistant professor at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science (GSLIS) at the University of Illinois­ Urbana­Champaign, has been named 2004–05 GSLIS Centennial Scholar. Louise S. Robbins, director of the University of Wisconsin­Madison’s School of Library and Information Studies, won the fi rst Eliza Atkins Gleason Award for the best book in library history published between 2000 and 2003 for The dismissal of Miss Ruth Brown: Civil rights, censorship, and the American library (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2000). The book tells the story of the 1950 dismissal of Brown, whose 30­year career at the Bartlesville, Oklahoma, Public Library ended amid charges of her circulating subversive materials. In actuality, Brown’s of­ fense was working toward racial equality in Bartlesville, including going with two African American teachers to a local drugstore with a restaurant and asking to be served. Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: agalloway@; fax: (312) 280-2520. Ethelene Whitmire, assistant professor of the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Wisconsin­Madison, has been awarded a Ford Foundation postdoctoral fel­ lowship for the 2004–05 academic year. Whit­ mire will spend a year at UCLA studying the use of the academic library as a “third place” (after home and classroom) by some African American and Latino undergraduates. A p p o i n t m e n t s Christina D. Baum is now dean of library services at Lamar Uni­ versity. Prior to this appointment, she was director of library ser­ vices at the Univer­ sity of Wisconsin­River Falls for 14 years; dean of Learning Resources at State University of New York, Orange County Community College; and director of the library at the University of Kentucky, Maysville Community College. Nicole Covone has been appointed head librarian at Johnson & Wales University’s Florida campus. Her previous position was as reference librarian at Johnson & Wales. David S. Ferriero is now Andrew W. Mellon director and chief executive of the Research Libraries at the New York Public Library. Prior to this appointment, Ferriero was the Rita DiGiallonardo Holloway university librarian and vice provost for library affairs at Duke University. Ferriero had served 31 years in the MIT Libraries before joining Duke, start­ ing as a shelver in the Humanities Library and later being appointed associate director for public services and acting codirector. Ferriero spearheaded the Teaching Technol­ ogy to Teachers program in which staff from Christina D. Baum C&RL NewsNovember 2004 / 621 Doug Kaylor the Duke Libraries mentored 100 teachers in 23 Durham public schools. He is a member of the Council on Library and Information Resources/American Association of Publish­ ers Joint Working Group on Scholarly Com­ munication, and is on the editorial advisory board of Early English Books Online. He is also on the Board of Directors for the Cen­ ter for Research Libraries and the Research Libraries Group. Doug Kaylor has been named director of the Learning Resources Center at Sinclair Community College. Kaylor was head of ref­ erence and instruction at Wright State Univer­ sity (WSU) before this appointment, where he was awarded the Presi­ dent’s Award for Excel­ lence in Innovation in 2001. He previously worked in the Fordham Health Science Library at WSU, Kettering Medi­ cal Center, Wright­Patterson AFB Technical Library, Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore, and at the Hodges Library at the University of Tennessee­Knoxville. From 1999 to 2001, Kaylor was chair of the OhioLINK User Ser­ vices Committee. He is past chair of the Ohio Council for Library and Information Services and is a member of ALA and the Academic Library Association of Ohio. Loretta Parham has been appointed direc­ tor/chief executive officer of the Woodruff Library at the Atlanta University Center. Parham had served as the university librar­ ian and director of the Harvey Library at Hampton University in Virginia since 1998. She has held a number of positions of in­ creasing responsibility in library services, higher education, and nonprofi t organiza­ tions. Her experience includes serving as deputy director of the Carnegie Library in Pittsburgh, district chief of the Chicago Public Library (CPL), and related positions at CPL for more than 14 years, where she managed the services and personnel for 20 branch agencies. Parham has served as chair for several professional boards and committees, including the Board of Direc­ tors of SOLINET, chair and founder of the Historically Black College and University Library Alliance, and a member of the Appalachian College Association Central Library Council. Alber ta Comer has been named as­ sociate dean of the library at Indiana State University. Christopher Cox has been appointed assistant director at the University of Wiscon­ sin­Eau Claire’s McIntyre Library. Evelyn Frangakis has been appointed the Aaron and Clara Greenhut Rabinowitz chief librarian for preservation in the research libraries of the New York Public Library. Clayton Gar thwait has been named access services librarian at Wester Chester University. Suzanne Gray has been appointed library Web services manager at the University of Michigan. Ann Hallyburton has been appointed reference librarian/health sciences liaison at Western Carolina University’s Hunter Library. Martha Higgins has been hired as social sciences reference librarian at Old Dominion University. Eloise R. Hitchcock has been named assistant director for personnel and plan­ ning of Hunter Library at Western Carolina University. Bruce Johnston is now access services librarian at Duquesne University’s Gumberg Library. Beth Kerr is now theater/dance librarian for the Fine Arts Library at the University of Texas­Austin. Molly Susan Mathias has been appointed instruction coordinator for the University of Wisconsin­Milwaukee. Alan Michelson is now head of the Architecture­Urban Planning Library at the University of Washington­Seattle. Stephanie Nelson has been named elec­ tronic resources coordinator at the University of Hawaii, Kapi’olani College. Patricia Newland has been appointed technical services librarian at West Chester University Library. June L. Power is now access services/ reference librarian at the University of North Carolina­Pembroke. 622 / C&RL NewsNovember 2004 Marion T. Reid, dean of library services at California State University­San Marcos, has been named interim vice president for external affairs. Kevin Roddy has been named informa­ tion literacy librarian at the University of Hawaii, Kapi’olani College. Michele Shular has been named geol­ ogy/geography librarian in the Arts and Sciences Libraries of the University of Buf­ falo­SUNY. Mari Suzuki has been appointed Japanese language materials librarian at the University of Michigan. Susan Weber is now the reference and interlibrary loan librarian at the University of Hawaii, Kapi’olani College. Rebecca Wojahn is now education refer­ ence librarian at the University of Wisconsin­ Eau Claire’s McIntyre Library. R e t i re m e n t s Willis E. Bridegam, librarian of Amherst College, has retired after nearly three de­ cades of service. Prior to joining Amherst, Bridegam served for three years as director of libraries at the State University of New York­Binghamton. Before that, he was the associate director of libraries at the Universi­ ty of Rochester Libraries and medical librar­ ian of the Edward G. Miner Library at the University of Rochester School of Medicine. Bridegam has served on a variety of boards and committees, including chairing the ACRL committee that established national standards for college libraries in 2000, serv­ ing on the ACRL Outcomes Assessment Task Forces, and chairing the ACRL College Sec­ tion’s Nominating Committee. He has served on the editorial boards of Choice and Col­ lege and Research Libraries and has served in leadership roles for the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) and as a founding member of the Oberlin Group, a consortium of library directors of 75 selective liberal arts colleges. Mary Ruth Townsend, rare book librarian at the University of Michigan (UM), has re­ tired. In 1973, she began her career at UM as a student assistant at the Public Health Library. After receiving her AMLS, she was appointed assistant librarian, continuing to advance as associate librarian, head, and se­ nior associate librarian. In 1990, Townsend accepted the position of head of the Infor­ mation and Library Studies Library, where she worked until 2000. She then accepted the position of rare book librarian in the Taubman Medical Library. She was active in professional associations, including the Public Health/Health Administration Sec­ tion of the Medical Library Association, the Michigan Health Sciences Libraries Associa­ tion, and the South Central Michigan Health Sciences Library Association. D e a t h s Howard Rovelstad, retired director of librar­ ies at the University of Maryland (UM), has died of congestive heart disease. He joined UM in 1940, and except for his service as fi rst lieu­ tenant in the U.S. Army (1943–46), he was with the university until his retirement on June 30, 1975. He was fi rst the acquisitions librarian, then the reference and loan librarian, and re­ turned after his Army years as director of libraries. He also served as a member of the ALA Council.  Advertisers Annual Reviews 585 Assoc. of Research Libraries 612 Bernan Associates 601 Chemical Abstracts Cover 2 Choice 574 College of DuPage 584 EBSCO 571, Cover 4 Elsevier 579 Oxford University Press 593, 615 SWETS Information Services Cover 3 World Bank Publications 624 Howard Rovelstad C&RL NewsNovember 2004 / 623