feb05c.indd Jane Hedberg P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s ARSC preconference workshop The Association for Recorded Sound Collec­ tions (ARSC) is offering “The Assessment, Preservation, and Access of Audio Collec­ tions in the Digital Age: An Archival Case Study” on March 30, 2005, in Austin, Texas. Presenters include Mike Casey of the Ar­ chives of Traditional Music at Indiana Uni­ versity, and Rob Ray, Wendy Sistrunk, and Chuck Haddix from the University of Mis­ souri­Kansas City. The conference costs $70.00 for ARSC members or $85.00 for nonmembers regis­ tering before March 4. Late registration costs an additional $10.00. For more information, contact Nancy Seeger, 1433 East Capitol St., SE, Washington, DC 20003­1535; phone: (202) 707­5494; e­mail: nsee@loc.gov. For more information about the conference, see www.arsc­audio.org/conference2005. html. Sound Savings The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published a print version of Sound Savings: Preserving Audio Collections: Pro­ ceedings from the Symposium, a conference held at the University of Texas at Austin in July 2003. It was originally published on­ line and is still available free­of­charge at www.arl.org/preserv/sound_savings_pro­ ceedings/. The new version of the proceedings costs $45.00, plus shipping and handling, and is available from ARL Publications Distribution Center, P.O. Box 531, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701­0531; phone: (301) 362­8196; fax: (301) 206­9789; e­mail: pubs@arl.org; Web site: www.arl.org/pubscat/order/. ISBN: 1­ 59407­663­4. The Bonefolder There is a new online publication for book­ Jane Hedberg is preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@harvard.edu; fax: (617) 496-8344 binders and book artists called The Bone­ folder. It is a peer­reviewed, open­access e­journal intended to complement other publications in the field. The fi rst issue, published in the fall of 2004, contains “The Study of Bookbinding” by Pamela Bar­ rios, “Bookbinding Education in North America” by Jeffrey Altepeter, “The Tran­ scendental DRUM LEAF” by Timothy Ely, “Conservation and Tools: An Inquiry into Nature and Meaning” by Jeffrey Peachey, “Spring [binding] Hath Sprung: A Bind­ O­Rama Celebrating a Distinctive Tech­ nique,” and “A Traveling Punching Jig” by Donia Conn. The Bonefolder is available free­of­charge at www.philobiblon.com/bonefolder. Issue number one is 1.6MB and can be read most easily by downloading to a hard disk or printing out using Adobe Acrobat Reader. To subscribe to receive e­mail notifi cation of new issues, go to www.philobiblon.com/ bonefolder/subscribe.htm. School for Scanning The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) will offer another “School for Scanning: Building Good Digital Col­ lections” from June 1 to 3, 2005 in Boston, Massachusetts. This is the 10th anniversary conference, and it will cover content selec­ tion for digitization, copyright and other le­ gal issues, text and image digitization, au­ dio and video digitization, metadata, the IT perspective, essentials of delivery systems, business models, outsourcing and vendor relations, and digital preservation. The fac­ ulty includes more than fi fteen nationally recognized experts. The conference costs $410.00, and the registration deadline is May 3, 2005. For more information, contact NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810­1494; phone: (978) 470­1010; fax: (978) 475­6021; Web site: www.nedcc.org/sfsbos/sfsdesc. htm. February 2005 133 C&RL News www.nedcc.org/sfsbos/sfsdesc http:www.philobiblon.com www.philobiblon.com/bonefolder mailto:jane_hedberg@harvard.edu www.arl.org/pubscat/order mailto:pubs@arl.org www.arl.org/preserv/sound_savings_pro www.arsc-audio.org/conference2005 mailto:nsee@loc.gov