march05b.indd ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, January 2005 Highlights of the Board’s Midwinter meetings During the 2005 ALA Midwinter Meetng in Boston, the ACRL Board of Directors met on January 16 and 18 and took a number of actions to further the work of the association. These actions are listed below according to how they support ACRL’s new strategic plan. Of particular interest to readers may be the Board’s support of the Task Force on National Advocacy report, which focuses on the implementation of a coordinated system of response by ACRL to deal with proposed or current legislative and information policy at the federal and state level. Also be sure to read about the Board’s vote to place a dues increase on the spring 2005 ballot to enhance the association’s sustainabilty. De- tails about this decision may be found on pages 179–187. Strategic Area: Higher Education and Research Goal Area: Scholarship—ACRL and its members are recognized as authorities on knowl- edge management; and the creation, collection, preservation, access, and exchange of information. Endorsed the Library­Related Principles for the International Development of the World Intellectual Property Organization. Approved a revision of the “Guidelines for Borrowing and Lending Special Collec- tions Materials for Exhibition.” Approved the creation of the Re­ sources for College Libraries Editorial Board. The editorial board is charged to serve in an advisory capacity to CHOICE staff regarding Resources for College Libraries editorial policy mat- ters. Goal Area: Advocacy—ACRL has greater influence on the higher education and research environment. Accepted the final report of the First­ Year Experience (FYE) Task Force, with the following implementation recommenda- tions: • That ACRL’s Instruction Section be responsible for an ongoing review of FYE resources; • That the Council of Liaisons add the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (NRC) to its list of targeted organizations and to identify an active member to serve as the ACRL liaison; • That the ACRL liaison to the NRC work with ACRL sections that have indicated inter- est in the FYE effort to develop a preconfer- ence for a future NRC annual conference focusing on the benefits of library involve- ment in FYE programs; • That the ACRL liaison to the NRC de- termine how to best provide input on the survey process to include questions concern- March 2005 225 C&RL News ing library services and resources as well as student perceptions in national surveys distributed and compiled by organizations such as the NRC; and • That the editor of the monograph on libraries and the FYE, Larry Hardesty, con- sider the following recommendations for the monograph: — Reflect diversity by ensuring a variety of institutional programs are represented — Ensure that the content is practical and can provide academic administrators with a survey of “best practices” vis-à-vis libraries and the FYE — Provide content that reflects not only the “hands-on” aspect of the librarians role in FYE—but also the larger, “big picture” view which involves the libraries role in academic policy and planning at the administrative level — Examples of assessment and student retention/learning that reflect the value of libraries Additionally, it was acknowledged that a FYE program proposal had been accepted and will be presented at the 2005 ACRL National Conference, as the task force had recommended. Approved the proposed ACRL legislative agenda for 2005 as submitted by the ACRL Government Relations Committee. Accepted the final report of the ACRL National Advocacy Task Force. In order to implement this plan of action to improve legislative advocacy efforts within ACRL, the Board has taken these actions: 1. Committed to the principles and activi- ties of legislative advocacy outlined in this Plan, including those that affect the ACRL Board. 2. Charged the ACRL office and appropri- ate staff to implement the plan, including the establishment of the new volunteer position of Legislative Advocate as defined in the task force’s report and the employment of a Government Relations/Scholarly Communica- tions Specialist with the job responsibilities as summarized in the plan. 3. Appropriate funding will be provided in the FY06 ACRL Budget, as determined by the ACRL office, to implement the plan suc- cessfully. 4. The effectiveness of the plan will be assessed on a regular basis as suggested in the plan. The charge of the Government Relations Committee is modified to add responsibility for seeking input from relevant ACRL units in the formulation of the Legislative Agenda as well as monitoring the Legislative Advocacy Plan. The charges of the Copyright and Scholarly Com- munications Committees are modified to ask them to offer the Government Relations Com- mittee formal input regarding the development of the annual ACRL Legislative Agenda. Approved complimentary registration to the ACRL 12th National Conference in Minneapolis, April 7-10, 2005, for up to two non-librarian senior academic offi cers from institutions in the state of Minnesota. Approved a proposal to provide $5,000 in funding to support the three planned Council of Independent Colleges “Transfor- mation of the Library” Workshops to be held in the ALA/ACRL budget year from Septem- ber 1, 2005 to August 31, 2006. Approved one­year appointments for Tom Kirk to the Council of Independent Colleges, for Kate Corby to the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and for Larry Hardesty to the National Re- source Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition (NRC). Addition- ally, the Board approved these organizations for a one-year liaison relationship to allow the Council to continue its important work with other organizations and give the ACRL Board time to assess the Council of Liaisons program. The Board has asked the Execu- tive Committee to work with the Council to draft policies, procedures, and criteria for identifying and selecting organizations with which to establish liaisons and for selecting the individuals to represent ACRL. 226C&RL News March 2005 Strategic Area: The Profession Goal Area: Continuous Learning—ACRL provides continuous learning opportunities en- abling members to strengthen their effectiveness and achieve recognition as valued contribu- tors to their academic and research communities. Approved Baltimore as the site for the 2007 RBMS Preconference. Approved the proposed workshop, “Getting to Yes: The Dynamics of Job Ne- gotiations for the Academic Library Appoint- ment,” to be held on January 20, 2006, at the 2006 ALA Midwinter Meeting in San An- tonio, Texas. Approved the use of up to $4,455 of Friends of ACRL funds in FY 2004-05 to provide 27 scholarships to the first Virtual National Con- ference for ACRL international members. Goal Area: Leadership—ACRL members achieve recognition as leaders and advocates for academic and research libraries. Approved a revision to the Excellence in who work together as a team to develop Academic Libraries Award criteria to better academic libraries that are outstanding in align the award’s criteria with its purpose furthering the educational missions of their of recognizing academic librarians and staff institutions. Strategic Area: The Association Goal Area: Sustainability—ACRL will have the fiscal resources, staff expertise, and organi- zational structure to advance the association’s strategic plan. Supported the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee’s proposed changes to the ALA Intellectual Freedom Manual in principle and suggested to the ALA Offi ce for Intellec- tual Freedom two editorial changes recom- mended by the ACRL Intellectual Freedom Committee, one in the section on labeling and one in the paragraph on school media centers. Approved the ACRL Board of Directors meeting minutes from the 2004 Annual Con- ference. Confirmed the Board of Directors’ e­mail vote amending the 2005 Choice budget to increase the amount transferred into the Choice Long-Term Investment Fund from $25,000 to $49,999, the maximum amount permitted without two years’ prior notice and BARC approval. Approved a change to the Standards and Accreditation Committee charge specifying that SAC is responsible for recommending to the ACRL Board the acceptability of pro- posed translations of standards, guidelines, and related documents into languages other than English. Eliminated the Standards and Accredi­ tation Policies and Procedures Manual with the direction that the Standards and Accreditation Committee and ACRL staff are to merge it with the appropriate chap- ter of the ACRL Guide to Policies and Pro­ cedures. Approved the following resolution to change the dues amount for personal mem- bers of ACRL; this resolution will appear on the spring 2005 ACRL ballot: Whereas in its review of the fi scal health of the Association, the ACRL Budget and Fi- nance Committee recommended to the Board that the Board consider a dues increase. Key factors leading to this recommendation include: March 2005 227 C&RL News • ACRL’s ad revenues, a signifi cant por- tion of the Association’s revenues, have dropped dramatically, • The dues of the organization have not increased since 1990/1 (this dues increase was approved by membership on the 1989 ballot). • ACRL has the lowest dues of any ALA divisions and is the only division that provides two publications as a perquisite of member- ship. • In ACRL, the cost of providing basic member services is $75/member/year. • Overall, expenses are going up and revenues are going down, with the result that the Association is rapidly spending down its operating reserve. • The association needs additional rev- enues to forward the strategic plan. Be it resolved, that the ACRL Board establish the annual membership dues as follows, subject to subsequent approval by the ACRL membership as required under the ACRL bylaws: • Annual dues for personal members shall be set at $45 for one year (2006) and $55 thereafter, except that the annual dues for personal members who are full-time students or retirees shall be set at $35. Approved an increase in the ACRL Organizational Member dues to $110.00 in the next membership renewal cycle, FY06. (“The Must List” continued from page 205) ies, television shows, just about anything in popular culture) that they love each week. 2. Frances Maloy. “Creativity as Leader- ship Strategy in Times of Change,” College & Research Libraries News 65, no. 8 (September 2004): 444. 3. Asian American cinema resources, cations/bi/com495/. 4. UW Libraries Resources by Subject, 5. The Another “HYSTERIC” Librarian for Freedom button that I purchased at the ALA Store serves as a response to Attorney General John Ashcroft’s comments about librarians “hysteria” over the Patriot Act. 6. The September Project, www.thesep- (“Internet Resources” continued from page 176) • EAGLES On Line: Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Stan­ dards. Access: home.html. • European Language Resources As­ sociation (ELRA). Access: http://www.elra. info/. • Linguistic Society of America (LSA). Access: Discussion Lists and Reference Service • Ask a Linguist. LINGUIST list also provides a reference service to users with a panel of 60 professional linguists available for any inquiries about linguistics. This service is very similar to the reference service in many libraries through “Ask a Librarian.” Access: C&RL News March 2005 • Mailing Lists. LINGUIST provides over 100 listservs. Access: get-lists.html. Notes 1. Jung-ran Park, 2004. “Language-re- lated Open Archives: Impact on Scholarly Communities and Academic Librarianship,” E­JASL: The Electronic Journal of Academic and Special Librarianship 5, no. 2–3, (2004). tent/v05n02/park_j01.htm; and Steven Bird and Gary Simons, “Seven Dimensions of Portability for Language Documentation and Description.” Language 79, no. 3 (2003): 557–582. 228 http: http://www.elra www.thesep