oct05b.indd Get involved with ACRL Volunteer to serve on a division or section committee ACRL division and section committee volunteers are an integral part of the association and drive our success. Commit­ tee members help shape the organization by implementing its strategic plan, reshaping the association, and influencing the direction of academic and research librarianship. If you have been looking for a way to become more involved with ACRL, consider volunteering for a division or section com­ mittee. ACRL Vice­President/President­Elect Pamela Snelson invites all ACRL members to contact the Appointments Committee about serving on one of ACRL’s many committees for next year. Members may also contact section vice­chairs regarding service on one of the many section committees. The rewards of volunteering Volunteers not only give to the association, they also benefi t by: • building ties with academic and research librarians around the country, • enhancing their leadership abilities through consensus building and persuasion, • sharing their expertise with colleagues, and • gaining additional expertise by learn­ ing more about a new area of academic librarianship or picking up new ideas for their current areas. The appointment process Appointments are made at the division and section levels. The ACRL vice­president is re­ sponsible for committee appointments at the division level for the year he or she serves as president. The ACRL Appointments Commit­ tee assists the vice­president in an advisory capacity. Appointments to committees linked to a coordinating committee will be made by the chair of the coordinating committee. Section vice­chairs are responsible for com­ mittee appointments for the year they will serve as chair . Committee rosters are usually com­ pleted following the Midwinter Meeting during the year in which the individual serves as president­elect or vice­chair (for example, appointments for 2006–07 will be completed following the 2006 Midwinter Meeting). Factors infl uencing appointment Although the emphasis in the appointment process may vary from year to year according to the prerogatives of the vice­president/pres­ ident­elect, coordinating committee chairs, and section vice­chairs, the same factors are considered. They include: • Evidence of prospective commit­ tee member’s interest. Have candidates attended the meetings and introduced them­ selves to the chair? Do they have previous experience that relates to the work of the committee? Have they indicated their interest on the volunteer form? • Demographics and composition of committee. A balance is sought with respect to type of library (community college, college, or university), geographic representation, ethnic diversity, and gender. Those who have not had the opportunity to serve on an ACRL committee are encouraged to volunteer. • Recommendation of the current committee chair. Current committee chairs are asked to suggest prospective members. Although all of these factors are con­ sidered, the final appointments are the prerogative of the ACRL president­elect, the coordinating committee chairs, and the sec­ tion vice­chairs. October 2005 659 C&RL News How to apply 1. Select the committees that interest you. ACRL committees and their charges are listed on the ACRL Web site (www. ala.org/acrl, select “Committees” from the Quicklinks dropdown menu). Attend com­ mittee meetings at the Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference to help you decide if their activities interest you. 2. Submit a volunteer form. For division­ level committees, complete the online volun­ teer form at www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl /resourcesforwork/acrlforms/volunteer. htm. Be sure to complete the background information section of the form. Mention any committee meetings or programs you have attended. For section committees, submit the ap­ propriate form for each section. An online list with links to section volunteer forms is available in the sections area of the ACRL Web site (www.ala.org/acrl, select “Sections” from the Quicklinks dropdown menu). 3. Introduce yourself. Talk with com­ mittee members. Express your interest to the committee chair. Explain how you might contribute to the work of the committee. 4. Volunteer again . . . and again. If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the next year . . . and the next. Remember that many factors—number of appointments made, number of volun­ teers for each committee, number of vol­ unteers from your type of library or your geographic area—determine the actual appointment, and these factors change from year to year. ACRL divisional committee appointments ACRL has 24 standing committees for which you may volunteer to serve for 2006–07. The committees are listed along with their charges on the ACRL Web site (www.ala. org/acrl, select “Committees” from the Quicklinks dropdown menu). In 2005, the Board identifi ed structural changes to the association intended to co­ ordinate the work of units throughout the organization, reduce duplicative efforts, and allow the organization to conduct work more quickly and effectively. One such structural change was to link committees that have similar or related missions under the um­ brella of a coordinating committee. Coordinating committees have divi­ sion­wide responsibilities to coordinate a broadly defined range of efforts in each committee’s respective area throughout ACRL and to organize the efforts into a coherent and effectively implemented set of programs and initiatives that are more closely aligned to the strategic plan. Co­ ordinating committee chairs are respon­ sible for appointing the members of the component committees, beginning with this appointment cycle for the Advocacy Coordinating Committee and in fi scal year 2008 for the Professional Development Coordinating Committee. Appointments to ACRL standing com­ mittees are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments Committee recommends to the president­elect of ACRL the names of members who might fi ll the vacancies and coordinating committees do the same for their chair. The president­elect and coordinating committee chair make the final appointments for the committees for which they are responsible. If you want to be considered for an ap­ pointment to an ACRL committee, complete the online volunteer form at www.ala. org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl/resourcesforwork /acrlforms/volunteer.htm before December 2, 2005. Questions about division­level appoint­ ments may be directed to the chair of the Appointments Committee, Laverna M. Saun­ ders, university librarian, Duquesne Univer­ sity, Gumberg Library, 600 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15284; phone: (412) 396­6138; fax (412) 260­1658; e­mail: saunders@library. duq.edu. C&RL News October 2005 660 www.ala.org/acrl www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl ACRL section appointments ACRL has 17 sections (listed below). You will find a description of their areas of responsi­ bility in the ALA Handbook of Organization, 2005–06. Section vice­chairs appoint the members of all section committees. Most of these ap­ pointments are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. If you would like to be considered for appointment as a chair or member of a section committee, fill out the appropriate section committee volunteer form by De­ cember 2, 2005. All section volunteer forms can be found in the sections area of the ALA Web site (www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl /resourcesforwork/acrlforms/volunteer. htm). Contact information for the vice­chair of each section is given below. African American Studies Librarians Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Akilah S. Nosakhere, e­mail: akilah7@myway. com. Anthropology and Sociology Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: JoAnn Jacoby, Uni­ versity of Illinois Library, 100 Main Library, 1408 W. Gregory Dr., Urbana, IL 61801; e­ mail: jacoby@uiuc.edu. Arts Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Shannon Van Kirk, California Polytechnic State University, Robert E. Kennedy Li­ brary, San Luis Obispo, CA 93407; e­mail: svankirk@calpoly.edu. Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Binh P. Le, Pennsylvania State University Libraries, 1600 Woodland Road, Abington, PA 19001; e­mail: bpl1@psu.edu. Community and Junior College Li­ braries Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Ellen D. Sutton, College of DuPage Library, 425 Fawell Blvd., Glen Ellyn, IL 60137; e­ mail: suttone@cdnet.cod.edu. College Libraries Section. Vice­Chair/ Chair­Elect: Lisabeth Chabot, Ithaca College Library, 1202 Gannett Center, Ithaca, NY 14850; e­mail: lchabot@ithaca.edu. Distance Learning Section. Vice­Chair/ Chair­Elect: Johanna Ruth Tuñón, Nova Southeastern University Library, 3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314; e­mail: tunon@nova.edu. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Lisa Rome­ ro, University of Illinois­Urbana, Communi­ cations Library, 122 Gregory Hall, Urbana, IL 61801; e­mail: l­romero@uiuc.edu. Instruction Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­ Elect: Jennifer L. Dorner, Portland State University, Millar Library, P.O. Box 1151, Portland, OR 97207; e­mail: dorner@pdx. edu. Online committee volunteer form is available at: www.ala.org/ala/acrlbucket/is/ iscommittees/committeevolunteer.htm. Law and Political Science Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Kathleen C. Foun­ tain, California State University, Meriam Library, Chico, CA 95929­0295; e­mail: kfountain@csuchico.edu. Literatures in English Section. Vice­ Chair/Chair­Elect: Kathy A. Johnson, Univer­ sity of Nebraska, 225A Love Library, Lincoln, NE 68588­4100; e­mail: kjohnson6@unl. edu. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Edwin C. Schroeder, Yale University, Beinecke Library, Box 208240, New Haven, CT 06520; e­mail: ed­ win.schroeder@yale.edu. Science and Technology Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Catherine Soehner, University of California­Santa Cruz, Science and Engineering Library, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064; e­mail: soehner @ucsc.edu. October 2005 661 C&RL News http:ucsc.edu mailto:win.schroeder@yale.edu mailto:kfountain@csuchico.edu www.ala.org/ala/acrlbucket/is mailto:l-romero@uiuc.edu mailto:tunon@nova.edu mailto:lchabot@ithaca.edu mailto:suttone@cdnet.cod.edu mailto:bpl1@psu.edu mailto:svankirk@calpoly.edu mailto:jacoby@uiuc.edu www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl Slavic and East European Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Brad Schaffner, Har­ vard University, Widener Memorial Library, Cambridge, MA 02138; e­mail: bschaffn@fas. harvard.edu. University Libraries Section. Vice­ Chair/Chair­Elect: Janice Simmons­Welburn, University of Arizona, Main Library A349, 1510 East University Boulevard, Tucson, AZ 85721; e­mail: simmons­welburnj@u.library. arizona.edu. Western European Studies Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Bryan Skib, Univer­ sity of Michigan, 209 Hatcher Library, Ann Arbor, MI 48109; e­mail: bskib@umich.edu. Women’s Studies Section. Vice­Chair/ Chair­Elect: Kelly Barrick Hovendick, Syra­ cuse University Library, E. S. Bird Library, 222 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, NY 13244; e­mail: kbhovend@syr.edu. Editorial boards ACRL has eight editorial/advisory boards for its publications: Blog Advisory Board; Choice Editorial Board; College & Research Libraries Editorial Board; College & Re­ search Libraries News Editorial Board; New Publications Advisory Board; Publications in Librarianship Editorial Board; RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage Editorial Board; and Resources for College Libraries Editorial Board. Appointments to editorial boards are made at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA An­ nual Conference. The editors recommend the names of individuals to fi ll vacancies. The Publications Committee must approve the recommendation, and the president of ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for appointment to an editorial board, contact the editor of the editorial board early in the fall, or indicate your interest on the ACRL online volunteer form. Blog editor: Steven J. Bell, director of the library, Philadelphia University, 4201 Henry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144; e­mail: bells@philau.edu. Nominations sought for ACRL vice-president/president elect To paraphrase Walter Lippman, American journalist, “The final test of a leader is that one leaves behind in others the conviction and the will to carry on” (in New York Herald Tribune 14 April 1945). An organization needs strong leadership to accomplish its goals.ACRL is no exception. As a companion activity to strategic planning, the ACRL Board reviewed the process and procedures for developing an election slate, and will be enacting some changes for the 2007 elections. The Nominations Committee has been re- named Leadership Recruitment and Nomina- tions to reflect its charge to take a more active role in encouraging and vetting candidates for office. In order to increase and broaden the scope of its pool of candidates, the com- mittee encourages members to nominate themselves or others to run for the position of ACRL vice president/president elect in the 2007 elections. To nominate an individual or to self-nomi- nate, send the nominee’s name and institu- tion to:Tyrone Cannon, Chair, LNRC, Univer- sity of San Francisco, 2130 Fulton St., Gleeson Library-Geschke Center, San Francisco, CA 94117-1080, e-mail: cannt@usfca.edu. Once nominated, individuals will need to submit a two-page curriculum vita or résumé (if self-nominating, you may include these materials with your nomination). The Leadership Recruitment and Nominations Committee will request statements of interest from selected individuals prior to developing a slate of candidates. The deadline for nominations is Novem- ber 10, 2005. C&RL News October 2005 662 mailto:bells@philau.edu mailto:kbhovend@syr.edu mailto:bskib@umich.edu http:arizona.edu mailto:simmons-welburnj@u.library http:harvard.edu CHOICE editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e­mail: irockwood@ala­choice.org. College & Research Libraries editor: William Gray Potter, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602­1641; e­mail: wpotter@arches.uga.edu. College & Research Libraries News editor: Stephanie Orphan, C&RL News, ACRL/ ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611­2795; e­mail: sorphan@ala.org. New publications editor: Hugh Thomp­ son, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611­2795; e­mail: hthompson@ala.org. P u b l i c a t i o n s i n L i b r a r i a n s h i p editor: Charles Schwartz, Florida Interna­ tional University, Green Library, Univer­ sity Park, Miami, FL 33199; e­mail: tony. schwartz@fiu.edu. RBM: A Jour nal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage editor: Richard Clement, head of special collections, University of Kansas, Spencer Research Library, Lawrence, KS 66045­ 2800; rclement@ku.edu . Resources for College Libraries project editor: Marcus Elmore, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e­ mail: melmore@ala­choice.org. (“Building a new future” continued from page 656) Notes 1. “To Publish and Perish,” 1998. Policy Perspectives 7, no. 4 (March 1998), www. arl.org/scomm/pew/pewrept.html (accessed April 14, 2005). 2. ACRL Scholarly Communication Toolkit, 11 March 2005, www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlissues /scholarlycomm/scholarlycommunicationtoolkit /toolkit.htm (accessed March 28, 2005). 3. Preparing Future Faculty Program, PFF Web—Preparing Future Faculty, www. preparing­faculty.org/ (28 March 2005). 4. University of California­Santa Barbara Graduate Division, Certificate in College and University Teaching (CCUT), www.graddiv. ucsb.edu/academic/ccut/ (accessed March 28, 2005); Arizona State University Division of Graduate Studies, Preparing Future Profes­ sionals, 4 January 2005, http://www.asu.edu /graduate/pfp/ (accessed March 28, 2005); University of Kansas Graduate School, KU Preparing Future Faculty (PFF) Home Page, www.ku.edu/~graduate/PFF/ (accessed March 28, 2005). For additional program links, visit the PFF Web at www.preparing­faculty. org/PFFWeb.Like.htm. 5. Creative Commons, www.creativecom­ mons.org (accessed April 14, 2005). 6. SPARC, Author’s Addendum, www.arl. org/sparc/author/addendum.html (accessed April 16, 2005). 7. For an introduction to RCR and RCR­related instruction, see, for example: Nicholas H. Steneck, ORI Introduction to the Responsible Conduct of Research. Washington, D.C.: Department of Heath and Human Services, Office of Research Integrity, 2004; Committee on Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, On Be­ ing a Scientist: Responsible Conduct in Research (2nd ed.), 1995, www.nap.edu /readingroom/books/obas/ (accessed March 28, 2005); and Responsible Con­ duct of Research Education Consortium, RCR Education Resour ces—Online Re­ sources for RCR Instructors, rcrec.org/r/ index.php (accessed March 28, 2005). 8 . C o u n c i l o f G r a d u a t e S c h o o l s , G r a d u a t e E d u c a t i o n f o r R e s p o n s i b l e Conduct of Research, www.cgsnet.org/ ProgramsServices/conductresearch.htm (accessed March 28, 2005); University of Kansas Graduate School, KU Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Home Page, www.graduate.ku.edu/RCR/(accessed March 28, 2005). 9 . T h e K U S c h o l a r Wo r k s c a n b e viewed at hdl.handle.net/1808/230. October 2005 663 C&RL News www.graduate.ku.edu/RCR/(accessed http:www.cgsnet.org http:www.nap.edu http:mons.org www.creativecom www.preparing-faculty www.ku.edu/~graduate/PFF http:http://www.asu.edu www.graddiv http:preparing-faculty.org www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlissues mailto:melmore@ala-choice.org mailto:rclement@ku.edu mailto:schwartz@fiu.edu mailto:hthompson@ala.org mailto:sorphan@ala.org mailto:wpotter@arches.uga.edu mailto:irockwood@ala-choice.org