july06c.indd Jane Hedberg P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s NCLIS report The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (NCLIS) has published Mass Digitization: Implications for Infor­ mation Policy. It is a 24­page report of the symposium “Scholarship and Libraries in Transition: A Dialogue about the Impacts of Mass Digitization Projects” held in March 2006 at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. NCLIS and the University of Michi­ gan organized this symposium to enable scholars, librarians, publishers, government leaders, and other interested parties to discuss the Google project that is planning to digitize over 10 million books. Immedi­ ately following the symposium, the NCLIS Commissioners identified nine major areas that have serious implications for national information policy: copyright, quality of content and scanning, the role of libraries, long­term responsibility for preservation, standardization and interoperability, the roles of publishers and booksellers, busi­ ness models and open access, information literacy, and assessment. This report sum­ marizes the key points in each of those nine areas and concludes that solutions to the problems identified will have to be multifaceted and will require the efforts of all the stake holders. The report is available as a free pdf at www.nclis.gov/digitization/MassDigitiza­ tionSymposium­Report.pdf, or a paper copy may be requested by e­mail from info@nclis. gov. A Webcast of the entire symposium is available at www.lib.umich.edu/mdp/sym­ posium/. Guide to cost analysis The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) of the American Library Association has published Preserva­ Jane Hedberg is preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@harvard.edu; fax: (617) 496-8344 tion Manager’s Guide to Cost Analysis by Elise Calvi, Yvonne Carignan, Liz Dube, and Whitney Pape. This 68­page paperback ex­ plains the value of cost analysis in planning, budgeting, and improving effi ciency and quality. It covers the role of cost analysis in preservation, methodology, identifying and calculating costs, direct versus indi­ rect costs, and supply, equipment, service, and labor costs. It includes a review of the literature and a selected and annotated bib­ liography. It also uses two case studies to demonstrate how the analysis process can aid in making preservation decisions. The first case study analyzes the costs associated with initiating a new program for deacidi­ fication of materials. The second analyzes the costs associated with performing a phase box project in­house or outsourcing it to a vendor. The book costs $47.00, or $42.30 for ALA members, and is available from the ALA Online Store at http://alastore.ala.org/Site­ Solution.taf?_sn=catalog2&_pn=product_de­ tail&_op=1978. ISBN: 0­8389­8365­0. CAMF Web pages The British Library has devoted several Web pages on its site to reporting the activities of the Cellulose Acetate Microfi lm Forum (CAMF). The forum, begun in 2002, brings together representatives of major research libraries and microfilm producers to discuss the difficulties associated with managing acetate microfilm collections. The forum has held three International Round­Tables, in 2002, 2004, and 2006, and an international conference in 2005. The new Web pages contain the minutes, papers, and reports as­ sociated with those meetings, plus a list of the participating members, a selection of useful Web links, and the document “Guidelines for Surveying Cellulose Acetate Collections.” The URL for the CAMF pages is http:// www.bl.uk/about/collectioncare/acetate/ camfi ntro.html. July/August 2006 435 C&RL News www.bl.uk/about/collectioncare/acetate http://alastore.ala.org/Site mailto:jane_hedberg@harvard.edu www.lib.umich.edu/mdp/sym www.nclis.gov/digitization/MassDigitiza